I want to acknowledge the sweet people from BigCloset who create such a dynamic mechanism for posting a story. My latest effort, Vacation, is a work in progress. I eagerly read and responded to all the comments.
But, what was especially helpful were the folks who offered constructive criticism. And because the design here lets me edit my work, I was able to redo entire passages to reflect what I learned from readers. Chapter Three is the best example of rewriting to clarify what I should have said initially.
The ability to improve a story on the fly inspires me to write more. And who knows, maybe Vacation will grow to join the ranks of my other novels.
I’m slow and particular. It takes me a year to complete a book and my desire ebbs. BC really helps give the incentive to continue working on a project. Just this interaction with my experience with Vacation has given me a push to start rewriting Portrait into a novel and of course my mind is already adding more chapters to see Claire, Lovey, and Robert continue their story.
Thank You
creative critisim
Personally I appreciate the neccesity of it, I appreciate what it can sometimes lead to. However it is one of those things that make me cringe, my therapist says that is normal, due to all the abuse, feeling like nothing i do is right etc. Which might be why my muse is mostly shot atm. I cannot be sure to which ones of yours i have read, for sure. I do believe 'taylor is yours (skimming by memory, with swiss cheese brain lol) I did enjoy it. Have no critisms, i can think of
With Love and Light, and Smiles so Bright!
Erin Amelia Fletcher
Thank you for writing
I hear what you are saying and I agree. But, when I'm in the mood to hear suggestions to improve my stories, I am all about it.
Just like you, I have an image problem and struggle with self-doubt. But, here, I am among friends who only have my best interests at heart. And if I am going to be a better writer, I have learned to keep an open mind and listen to what people say.
I've uploaded several books onto Amazon and it can be very inspiring to read what people write. Sure, some of it I take with a grain of salt, but a lot of times, the reader is right.
To sum it up, I appreciate constructive criticism.
Lions do not care about the opinions of sheep
I can see how comments are useful if you write in an attempt to please the faceless critics on the internet.
If you write because you have to then only your opinion of your writing matters. Ignoring or better still being able to block pointless comments is the best option.
You have an interesting point of view
Well, I'm going to be very polite here and thank you for expressing your opinion. I will disagree and leave it at that.
PS: What I really wanted to say, but won't is:
Boy, do I disagree with eveything you've just said.
It must be nice to see yourself as the lion among the sheep.
Hope you lions enjoy partying with each other, cause I guess us sheep ain't good enough to hang out with you.
Me, I, too, love to write. But, I don't see myself elevated above the common folk.
When I put something out there, I am very interested in what impact my words have on people. I care.
Please don't bother reading any of my books, because obviously, they wouldn't measure up to your 'lionee' standards.
In my still-incomplete part of my latest story, I have a dialog exchange something like this:
Lucy: "If this helps, I'm the only one who can't say `Lucy'." Sigh of frustration.
Daisy: "If she said she couldn't say `Luke', she'd be lying." Giggle.
-- Daphne Xu
Oh dear Leslie Moore
Had you kept with your original plan then your comment would have been a simple disagreement with my assertion, by adding post script comments you clearly demonstrated a complete lack of understanding and made incorrect assumptions.
At no point did I make a ridiculous statement claiming that one animal was 'better' when compared to another. Nor did I claim to be a lion or any other animal.
A lion lives a life without considering the feelings of those animals it eats whereas herd animals like sheep live their lives trying to fit in to the group by seeking approval of their actions by the herd.
Art, in whatever medium, when created by a person who "needs to" as opposed to "wants to" is that persons creation alone. The resulting art is correct in the creators eyes and that is all that matters.
I can assure you my original post was not about you as you seem to have assumed. If you enjoy writing by committee then that is your right just as it your right to seek approval of others by way of likes or comments.
It is my right to create art, in this case writing, then cast it adrift on the internet without a care for its final destination, if there were an option to disable likes and comments then I would tick that box.
I do purchase fiction unworthy of publication in printed book form by a recognised publishing house.
we certainly disagree
I should simply say 'nuf said, but I just can't help myself.
My writing method is different from yours. I do not cast my 'art' out into the void but post it here on BC to hear feedback on how I can make it better. Better for me is writing something that appeals to readers. I am not creating art. I am telling a story.
But, it does not stop there. I have several friends that will read my material and give me suggestions and ideas. I also have a proofreader and an editor who both critique my efforts before anything is uploaded to Amazon. And after the story is published, I read the reviews.
We are two different people with two different ways to look at a story. I salute you for your perspective and only hope you are happy.
did your editor tell you to
did your editor tell you to write that?