RL Cyber Stalking

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This is a real life story of malicious cyber stalking where a young woman's life was almost destroyed. She spent time in court, jail, etc for doing things she didn't do. For all you writers who are interested in expanding your knowledge of the monster I think of the internet. This is how easy it is to disseminate lies and misinformation whether it is from an individual, main stream media, or individual groups.


Imagine what you will about these stories.
The stories which are buried by the search engines if anyone is interested
What you aren't getting from the MSM are the reports of the disastrous reactions of those who received the vaccinations and it destroyed their life or killed them. Lots of luck digging that up out of the search engines. It hits the off MSM news one day and gone the next.
I can't change the future, no one can. We may alter small pieces of our own lives but the world as a whole? Nope. Live your life the best way you know how with the circumstances handed to you.
Hugs People
When we learn everything we realize we know nothing.


Anti vaccine FUD

Rightfully buried imho.

People toss out all these anectodical reports and outright lies and the right wing engines pick up on it and try to run with it.

They generally do not pass the sniff test so they get buried by the search engine, rightfully so.

NY Post is not a reputable source, the worst of the worst a Murdoch sockpuppet.

I work in a facility that is now mostly vaccinated, we are talking over 4500 people, there has been no rumbles of vaccination 'disasters'

I hear these baseless rumors all of the time but compared to the Covid disaster in the mostly unvaccinated states any smallest of minorities who have problems with vaccinations is a drop in a literal ocean.

BTW, please do not try to get people to 'do your own research', a typical Russian troll tactic to get people to find their own imagined associations that seem to confirm the assertions of the poster, to find serious problems where none exist. We are under social media attack all of the time people by corporations with their own agendas and our traditional enemies.

If there are true issues I want to see the poster provide authoritative links, studies, reports and definitive proof, not FUD that the reader has to dig out from weird places.

do your own research

I follow various debunkers on YouTube (flat earth, anti-vaxx, 5G, etc) and "do your own research" is taken to mean 'go watch YouTube videos' because the people telling you to do your own research have no evidence themselves.

Do the math. Count the bodies.

laika's picture

For every person that supposed dies of the vaccine
(if it's not complete and total bullshit, like that anti-vax video
someone tried to link here of a young man having a "reaction" to the
vaccine that was actually him having an epileptic seizure back in 2016...)
1200 die of Covid; and rates of people getting it and dying plunge
dramatically with vaccination. Everywhere, across the board.
For real. But hey, some guy got vaccinated and EXPLODED
(I saw a thing about it on yotube) + it's a big evil one-world
conspiracy to plant microchips in our brains!!!
Personally I prefer corn chips...

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)


People will believe what they want despite the facts.

Angharad's picture

The anti-vaxers are making a fortune out of gullible people who have little science education. Some of their material is very slick but it is wrong, often deliberately so. The truth is in most of the developed world where vaccination uptake is high, the people spreading covid are those who either have no symptoms so are doing so unwittingly, and those who refuse for whatever reason to have a vaccination.

The risk of an adverse reaction to any of the western made vaccines is very small, the risk if you don't have the antibodies, is comparatively much larger. Covid is a nasty disease which can cause lasting damage to your lungs, heart or brain. It can damage kidneys. It is not a trivial complaint, especially the older you get. I would urge anyone who hasn't had the vaccination to go and get one as soon as they can, do not believe the rubbish of the anti-vaxer propaganda, they are liars. Two shots of the vaccine reduces the risk of serious complication and hospitalisation by a major amount, believing the antivax stuff could cost you your life, it is that simple and I am a registered health professional, so have some idea of what I am saying.


One Vax story you won't find in your MSG

Iolanthe Portmanteaux's picture

There was this guy, he was a friend of my cousin's or something, and he got the vaccination and had a reaction so strong that he drove his car too fast on a mountain highway and his brakes gave out. He went through this flimsy wooden guardrail and flew off a cliff and landed in this deep river. The current was so strong it pushed his car so the speedometer went up to 120 three times before it flew out of the window. So he was going at least 400 miles an hour, easy. Then he went over a waterfall. After that, he was driving on the bottom of the river trying to find a way out, until his car rammed into a submarine SO HARD that it exploded and he was thrown forty feet in the air and got tangled up in some ropes that were hanging from a hot-air balloon.

The people in the balloon were really mean so they were yelling, "Hey, get off! Get off, you freeloader!" and they threw sandwiches and trash at him. But he couldn't get off because his leg was all wrapped up in the rope.

One lady yelled, "Nice way to ruin my honeymoon, you good-for-nothing!" She took off her shoes and thew them. One hit him in the forehead, right here. The other one hit the balloon and made a big slicing cut, so it was losing air really really fast and it was going to go down in a pine forest. The people were yelling, "We're all going to die and it's all your fault!" But then the forest caught on fire because no one was sweeping the dirt and right then a space laser accidentally cut through the rope that was wrapped around the guy's leg and he fell. He would have died right thn except that a tornado picked him up and it carried him 7000 miles and guess what -- you won't believe this part -- but the tornado set him down on HIS OWN FRONT LAWN without a scratch.

The weirdest part is that somehow along the way he got completely and hopelessly drunk, but the only reason he was dizzy was because of the tornado spinning him around so much.

But do you know what he said after all that? He said, "OMMAGOD, what will happen when I get the second shot?"


(You can't make this stuff up.)

- io

To Use Your Own Words

joannebarbarella's picture

When we learn everything we realise we know nothing.

As you are apparently rubbishing anti-Covid vaccination I suggest that you are proving beyond doubt that you know nothing, and here I was, thinking that you espoused rational thought in all things. Oh! The disappointment! I thought you were smarter than that...that is, unless you are playing a double game, like the proponent in your office romance saga and actually exposing the idiocy of the articles highlighted, but I think not.

I have had my first shot and will get my second later this week and am more than happy to do so. I have a right NOT to be infected by some moron who believes all the lies and disinformation being spouted by anti-vaxxers.

My reaction after the first jab was a sore arm for all of two hours. I took the risk of being the one in half a million who might have got a blood-clot, just as I risk my life crossing the street every day. Virtually all of my family and friends have been vaccinated and the most severe reaction (in one case only) was a day in bed with flu-like symptoms.

This bit of common sense wisdom from HOUSE never gets old

laika's picture

...unlike unvaccinate children, who often don't get old.

But hey, put your faith in some random YouTube whackamole....
They more than any old boring "establishment" doctor or medical
researcher truly know their shit and totally have your best interest at heart;
Because you know they'll be there for you when life turns utterly tragic
and won't be off peddling their bullshit to a new batch of suckers.

Wanna buy a nice little bridge over the East River?

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)
