Look, its what we Brits do, talk and complain about the weather!
So yes, we've had wall to wall sunshine the last couple of days and the forecast is for it to continue this coming week. Whilst its nice to have some settled weather for a change we aren't used to 30c and with a high pollen count I won't be the only one suffering with Hay Fever. It is nice to have breakfast al fresco - might even break out the summer frocks!
With decent weather there has been no excuse not to ride, Thursday then was taken with a loop of @ 150km through the Cotswolds, stopping for lunch amongst the wild flowers just outside Tetbury. It was otherwise unremarkable, just a nice ride around.
Friday was the first properly warm day, I had a short walk but that was as much as I managed. Yesterday I did get back on the bike but with 30c+ forecast I kept it quite local, my picnic at Chipping Sodbury but even so I accumulated 80+km before the afternoon heat really hit.
And today? well it was warm when I got up, there's not a cloud to be seen so it will be quite hot later. I'm doing a Sunday lunch, nothing too complex, chicken pie with veg but the taters and beans are from the garden so that's nice - there might even be ice cream for dessert?
Today's Gaby is So Long, Farewell, part 13 of Ontario and its time for the farewell meal with the BC squad, a bit of silliness tinged with sadness for everyone involved.
Well I think that'll do for today, Sunday lunch waits for no woman, particularly the cook!
bye for now,
Madeline Anafrid
Keeping cool is the name of the game today
I did a 250mile ride on the Triumph on Thursday. It was pretty warm with the sun beating down on my black motorcycle jacket. Still, there was a nice breeze at Dungeness Point. I ended up in Burgess Hill to see my Mother.
Enjoy your lunch. I'm cooking later with Broad Beans and Beetroot from the garden.
Off on a tour of interesting properties in Sussex tomorrow including a few windmills. I have got to find some subjects for next years Calendar now that my trip to Sweden at the end of Sept has been cancelled. Sigh.
Don't get sunburnt
that I forgot to include earlier
As many of you will be aware, there have been / still are devastating floods across parts of Europe and one of the worst hit areas with a death toll in excess of 100 persons is the Ahr valley in the Eiffel. Sound familiar? Well it certainly will be to Gaby fans/readers as it is home to the Bond clan and where a lot of the stories action takes place, Ahrweiler/Bad Neuenahr, Altenahr and worst of all, Schuld, a little upstream from the Bond's home in Dernau, where bridges and homes have been swept away.
Its an area I know reasonably well and i'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the people of the the Ahrtal and indeed all of the flood affected regions well.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
From the land of single figures
Northern Ireland records have been smashed today — 31.2 centigrade in Ballywatticock, County Down...who knew Irish thermometers went that high
Only 30°C
Compared to the temperatures where I am, 30°C (86°F) sounds like one that could be endured moderately well. The last week or so it has been between 34°C (93°F) and 37°C (99°F) every afternoon and might have touched 38°. Easiest to to things early morning and late evening.
It is so sad to hear about the flooding and destruction in Germany and other parts of Europe. I hope the death toll doesn't rise too high.
30° C
Would be a nice cooldown for us. Now, if it would just stop raining!! Normally the rain we are getting would fall on the western slopes of the Rockies, which would be a step in aliviating the drought and fires they are having.
At the same time it would help eliminate all the green around us, thereby slowing down the need to mow as well as the pollen.
But, ya know, you can't blame this on climate change, as the radical right says there's no such thing. It's all due to the left's botched political decisions, don't ya know.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb