Turbulence - Back to School

Synopsis: Iona Beddau, previously Roger Lyons, is back. She's asked to go undercover in a local high school in order to help track down a drug dealer who may also be a succubus. This will require her to be transformed into a teenager.

Turbulence: Back to School


Julie O



Amelia R.

Background: Returning from a business trip, Roger Lyons was pulled into a world of magic when he became the unwilling partner in a body swap with Iona Beddau, a lovely twenty-one-year-old woman who had magical powers. He became Iona permanently due to a car crash that killed the original Iona, who was still in his body. The new Iona has inherited the magical powers of her host body. For the complete story read the earlier Turbulence stories, which are posted at both Crystal's Storysite and Fictionmania.

Chapter 1

I cuddled closer to my boyfriend, Bill. It was early morning and we were awakening after a lovely night together. Since the body swap, I had learned to curb my magically heightened sexual appetite, although I wasn't always successful. I hadn't seen Bill the entire week and when he'd called me up the previous night I'd immediately driven over to see him.

I pressed closer to Bill and he leaned over and kissed me. "Good morning, honey."

I considered myself very lucky to have Bill in my life. I wasn't exactly a normal girlfriend. Bill knew everything about me and we were still together.

Actually, I'm not giving him enough credit. First off, I used to be a man. To be more precise, I was an old friend of his. We had served together in the navy.

Second, there was fact that I had magical powers. Thankfully, Bill worked for a woman who, like me, was blessed with gifts of magic. I was still discovering my full potential and that was sometimes a problem. I also had been cursed with an exceptionally high sex drive by a man named Keir, who was now serving a long sentence as a goat for violating the laws of magic.

One of the good things about my body swap was that it wasn't just a physical change. Mentally I had changed. Granted that psychologically I wasn't completely female, but I wasn't all male either. I had inherited some of Iona's personality and it had merged with my original being to produce the woman I was today. Oh, don't get me wrong, I was far from feeling totally comfortable with my new life, but I was happy, and I guess that's what that matters most.

"So what was the important topic that you wanted to talk to me about last night?" I asked.

Bill had called me and told me that he had something important to talk to me about. All he would tell me on the phone was that it was magic related. Bill was an assistant DA in San Diego, however he was also assigned special cases involving magical violations, since he was aware of the magical community.

"You mean before you seduced me?" asked Bill.

"Seduced you? I seem to remember that you were the instigator last night," I replied with a giggle.

"That's only because you placed a spell on me," replied Bill with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I've never had to resort to such cheap tricks with you!"

"You've got that right, honey!"

I felt my sense of arousal growing, and fighting my carnal desires, I shifted the conversation away from sex.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, turning to face Bill.

"Okay, business before pleasure. Have you ever heard of magically enhanced drugs?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I avoid all drugs, with the exception of alcohol."

"I want you to do a little studying on them. They've been turning up in a couple of the local high schools," continued Bill.

"What do they do?"

"The one we've detected is like ecstasy, but more intense. The kids call it Euphoria or X-2. It allows the user to see sounds, taste emotions, hear colors, things like that," described Bill.

"From what I've read, isn't that what the non-magical drugs claim to do?" I asked.

"True, but these drugs really do allow the user to enter a new plane of reality."

"What's the down side?" I asked.

"From the actual experience? Nothing."

I stared back at him. He was holding back something and was waiting for me to ask. Bill liked to practice his courtroom tactics on me from time to time.

"Okay, I'll bite. What's the catch?" I asked.

"The person who makes the drug steals some of the essence of the user."

"Their essence?"

Bill nodded. "We're aware of five cases so far. They all used the drug several times, which is how we've detected the drug."

"What did they lose?" I asked.

"Two of them now have lower IQs. Two others lost years off their lives, and one lost his masculinity," stated Bill.

I sat up in bed. "Tell me more."

"I can give you complete files of each case. One of the two who lost intelligence had been an honor student. She's now a B student, and the other is now enrolled in special education classes."

"Go on."

"A seventeen-year-old girl was recently hospitalized with several broken bones. The doctor diagnosed her with premature osteoporosis. He stated that she had the bone structure of a woman in her eighties. The other teen died of a heart attack."

"Teens sometimes do have heart attacks," I remarked.

"Not like this. It was heart failure. The rest of his organs were also worn out. That's how the doctor described them."

"And what about the last one?"

"Average build teenage boy. In less than a month, he had developed B-cup breasts and hip growth. His penis is now less than an inch and his testicles are gone. His hormone levels are consistent with those of a girl in puberty."

"And all of the teens showed residual magic?" I asked.

Bill nodded. "They all matched."

The use of magic leaves a trace that can be detected. Each spell has a very specific trace. The fact that all five teens had the same residual trace showed that their symptoms were related.

"We think the drug dealer is stealing the teens' essences to enhance his own life."

I nodded. "I've read a little about theft spells. They only aid the person casting the actual spell. So it makes sense that it's a man doing this."

"Or a couple," added Bill.

"You've been studying!" I remarked.

"Part of my job," replied Bill with a grin.

"So what do you want from me?"

"The DA was very pleased with the way you detected the Agdistis cult."

"I didn't do that good a job. I got you turned into a girl," I replied.

Bill smiled. "I got better."

I smiled at the reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, one of our favorite movies.

"What does she want?"

Bill grinned. "How do you feel about going back to high school?"

I stared back. "What?"

Chapter 2

"You want me to go back to high school?" I asked.

"We want to put someone in the school that four of the students attended," replied Bill.

"Why not send in a cop? Haven't you done that with conventional drug dealers?" I asked.

"Yes, we've done that a few times. However, we don't have the time or money to place an officer in deep undercover. There's also the complicated magical side to this case. We presently only have three officers who work the magical cases."

"I don't exactly look like a teen."

"Kayla says that she has a spell that will turn you into a teen, at least physically," replied Bill with a smile.

"You already spoke with Aunt Kayla?" I asked.

Bill nodded.

Aunt Kayla, actually the original Iona's aunt, had been vital to my transition. She had helped me adjust to both my femininity and my powers. In many ways she was like a mother to me.

"Just my looks, right?" I replied.

Bill nodded. "She says that it's totally reversible."

"Good. I'd hate to have to grow up again. Starting over at twenty-one was bad enough," I stated.

"Does that mean you're saying yes?"

I smiled. "It means that I'm not ruling it out. I'd like to read those files and talk to Aunt Kayla first."

Bill stared back at me. "I know this is a lot to ask of you. You've been through a lot in the past year or so."

"How long would I have to be a teen?" I asked.

"At least two months, maybe until the end of the school year," replied Bill.

It was presently February, and that meant I might have to endure high school until June. "Will I at least be a senior?"

"Yes, the other teens were all seniors."

"I'm not looking forward to dealing with horny teenage boys," I bemoaned.

"Hey, it will be tough on me too. An assistant DA can't be seen dating a high school senior!"

"Oh, great! Now, I'll be jailbait!"

We both started laughing. Bill leaned over and kissed me and I pushed the idea of being a teen out of my head for a while.

Chapter 3

I sat down at my desk and opened the students' files. None of the teens were aware that the drug had magical side effects. Their problems had been blamed on a variety of causes, ranging from diseases to known drug side effects. Amelia, a doctor who was also magical, had interviewed all the students.

I started with the teens that now had lowered IQs. It was amazing how fast their intelligence had dropped off. According to the file both teens had admitted to taking the drug, called X-2, three times over the previous month. The girl who was now a B student remembered first trying it at a party. She couldn't remember who gave it to her. Neither could the male teen who was now considered mildly retarded.

I switched to the file on the girl suffering physical problems. She had attended a different school, but had a cousin at the school the other four attended. She took the drug four times. After the first dose, she felt slightly fatigued. After the second dose, she felt aches in her joints, which was then diagnosed as arthritis. She said that she took the drug two more times to escape her pain. Presently she was in a private clinic, receiving around-the-clock care.

The last case was the boy who had been feminized. He'd been a gymnast and from his photo looked like a very fit young man. I looked at a photo from his yearbook and he looked very muscular. I then looked at a photo taken just three days ago. I wasn't sure if he was the same person.

He now appeared very feminine. His once muscular body was now soft and had the curves of a young woman. The changes had occurred over a three-week period. The doctors thought that the boy had cancer or some sort of blood disease. The boy was now at home receiving treatment.

None of the teens could remember exactly who gave them the drug, but all had taken X-2 at least three times. Apparently they didn't make the connection between their changes and the taking of the drug. I wondered if the drug blocked their perception of change. The students apparently knew each other, but none were close friends. There had to be a connection, but the files didn't show any. I knew that San Diego, like many urban areas, had underground parties, but all the teens denied attending them. I was positive that they were lying, or worse, had their memories blocked by the drug or the dealer.

I sat at my desk and began to think about the cases. While I had only been exposed to the magical world for a short time, I had seen and experienced how it could be abused. My hand ran around the invisible tattoo that was just above my vagina. It gave me my increased sexual urges and had been the reason why the original Iona had swapped bodies with me.

The file stated that the effects of the drug might possibly be reversed, but it would depend upon finding the exact spell being used and the person casting it. So, if I agreed to become a high school student, I would have to first find students using the drug, and then find who was the supplier. I headed down to the garden to see Aunt Kayla.

Chapter 4

She was sitting out in the garden, relaxing after her afternoon counseling session. The smell of Earl Grey tea filled the air.

I sat down next to her. "Smells good."

"I figured you'd be down. Let me pour you a mug," replied Aunt Kayla with a gentle smile.

A large gray cat jumped up on my lap. I began to rub Tully's head, as the cat settled in my lap.

"Thank you."

"I assume you have some questions," she stated, as she poured the tea.

"If I get into the group that has access to X-2, I may be forced to take it. What sort of effect would the drug have on me?"

"Amelia isn't sure. She's researching it now. Usually magically enhanced drugs don't work on us. Although, depending on the spell, sometimes the effects are more intense than for the non-magical. However, your tattoo should protect you from the secondary spell. They won't be able to steal any of your essence."

I nodded as I sipped my tea. "What sort of a person would do something like that?"

"It might not be a person," replied Aunt Kayla, as she poured milk into my tea.

I stared back, trying to see if she was kidding. "What do you mean?"

"Haven't you heard of a succubus?"

"They're real?" I asked.

Aunt Kayla shook her head in mock disgust as she stirred her tea. "Really, Iona. I thought you were keeping up with your studies. Go get the green-bound book from my study. It's on the third shelf, next to the book on trolls."

I didn't argue and retrieved the book. Tully immediately returned to my lap after I sat down.

"Open the book to chapter six," instructed Aunt Kayla. "Not all are monsters -- well, not physically monsters. They steal from others to enhance their own lives. One problem with this is that the effect isn't permanent and it's addicting."

I started to read. The book confirmed what Aunt Kayla had just said. It mentioned that the spell could be cast in many ways, but was most powerful when delivered in liquid form.

"How is X-2 taken?" I asked.

"Amelia is still researching that. She suspects it's either in a pill or a liquid, maybe both."

"Whoever is dealing this stuff can't give the essence-stealing X-2 to everyone, he'd be overwhelmed. Maybe the drug is taken as a pill and the spell is a liquid, used as a chaser. That way he can be selective on who he's robbing," I stated.

"Very good, Iona. You have been studying after all," complimented Aunt Kayla.

I smiled back. "So tell me about the teenager spell. Bill said it will turn me into a teenager."

Aunt Kayla nodded. "The spell changes you physically. It takes about eight hours to change you completely, so you would take it before going to bed."

I nodded. "And I can be changed back without any side effects?"

"Yes. It's a very safe spell. It affects only your appearance."

'Will I still have my powers?"

"Yes. The spell is also easily reversed."

"Good. I couldn't wait to grow up the first time. I don't want to be stuck as a teen."

"Well, at least you can share some stories with your old friend back in Washington. What was her name again?"

"Beth. Oh, she'd love this!" I started to laugh.

Beth was an old friend from my navy days. Back then, Ben was a fellow officer. Through an equally weird set of circumstances, my old friend Ben was now a teenage girl. We had run into each other and had traded e-mails and phone calls, discussing our changes.

"Does that mean you're going to do it?" asked Aunt Kayla.

I nodded. "Never saw it any other way."

"We'd like to start soon. Can you take a break from your college classes?"

I nodded. Another benefit of my transformation was that my intelligence was enhanced. I probably could finish my undergrad studies in less than a year, but Aunt Kayla had recommended that I take my time. She felt that it would help my adjustment to my new life.

"Yes. I wasn't taking an overly difficult load this semester and I'll just take them over the summer to catch up."

"Good. I'll talk to the DA. She'll be very pleased that you've volunteered to help."

"Will I still live here?" I asked.

"No. The school is up in Rancho Bernardo, but we have a really nice person in mind, who'll be playing your aunt," replied Aunt Kayla.


Aunt Kayla smiled. "Why, your Aunt Amelia!"

"Really? That's cool."

"This will allow her to observe you and study any evidence you acquire."

I nodded.

"The DA's office is working on your biography. I expect we'll see it in a few days."

Chapter 5

I spent the rest of the day reading the book.

Tully was asleep on my desk. Every now and then she would wake up and assume a better sleeping position.

The first thing I learned was that while most succubuses were female, there were rare examples of males having the same abilities. Technically, a male was called an incubus. I also learned that they could transfer the essences they've stolen to others. They sometimes used others to assist them in capturing victims for the essences they desired. Sometimes those helping did so willing in exchange for enhancements, such as strength, intelligence, or beauty. At other times they used unknowing assistants. The succubus controlled them without their knowledge.

Leaning back in my chair, I thought about the person who was doing this. So far the students had lost youth, intelligence, and masculinity. The reasons for the thefts could have been to benefit the actual thief or thieves, or they could have stolen them for someone else, or they could have done it for revenge.

I re-read the files on the teens. There was nothing that stood out about any of them. The male who was becoming female was an average student. He was involved in a few clubs, but wasn't overly active in school life except for gymnastics. One of the girls who had lowered IQ had been a cheerleader. The teen who died had been in the band. The boy who had lowered IQ had been an average student who seemed to only care about skateboarding. There didn't seem to be any connection.

From my previous tour of high school, I remembered how clannish my classmates were. There weren't a lot of crossovers among the groups. I wondered how these teens were connected, that is, if they were. Maybe they were just selected at random?

I thought about how I might detect the students who were taking the drug. I had the ability to sense people in distress, and I had a crystal that allowed me to increase my range and power. I was a little concerned about wearing it at the school. I had used it at college and it was overwhelming, I suspected that high school would be worse. It would be very difficult to screen through all the normal teen angst to try to figure out which students were on X-2.

I picked up a file on the high school. It had only opened three years earlier and was located in one of the bedroom communities north of San Diego. The students mainly came from the new housing developments that had sprung up along I-15. Another new student wouldn't seem that out of place.

There was no real town up there. The hangouts appeared to be the local strip malls and the teen clubs, which were as new as the houses. Maybe that's why the dealer had selected this school. There were no roots. There was no heart there.

My mind drifted and my memories of high school came creeping back. Like most people, I initially thought about the good times. But as I stretched my memories, I began to realize that the good times weren't really that good, and there were many things that weren't that pleasant to recall. I began to realize why I had skipped my previous reunions.

I wondered if this would just be a waste of time. The school population was pretty big. The senior class had over five hundred students. What were the chances that I would fall in with the group that was exposed to the drugs? The idea of spending four or five months in high school without finding the dealer was depressing.

Still, I knew that I couldn't give up. I stared at the photos of the feminized boy and I knew that I would have to do this.

Chapter 6

"Do you have any photos of Iona when she was a teen?" I asked Aunt Kayla.

She was sitting out in the garden reading a patient file.

"Yes. I should have shown them to you sooner," she replied. She closed the file and excused herself. A few minutes later she returned with a photo album.

I sat down next to her on the arm of the chair.

"I know there are a few of Iona in here from her high school years," stated Aunt Kayla.

I always felt a little strange looking at photos of Iona. It was my face, but it wasn't me. I had some of her residual memories; nothing solid, just that sometimes something seemed really familiar, a taste or a smell. I knew that they weren't from my past.

Aunt Kayla's voice snapped me out of my daydreaming. "Okay, here's one of her. I think this was the homecoming dance."

I stared at the photo of Iona in a short black party dress. She looked so happy.

"I imagine that you'll look like this," continued Aunt Kayla.

The photo she was referring to showed Iona in a short denim skirt and red top. Her long red hair was also very curly.

"When was this taken?" I asked.

"I think it was during the fall of her senior year of high school."

"She looks shorter," I commented.

Aunt Kayla looked at the photo. "You may be right. She had a late growth spurt right after high school."

I nodded. I wasn't all that happy about being 5-8; I was less than enthused about being even shorter.

"Her breasts look the same size," I continued. My mind shifted to how I was obsessed with several girls in my high school class who were big breasted. I shook my head and cracked a smile. "This isn't good."

"You'll do fine. Remember, my dear, that you'll still be an adult in mind."

"Yes, but I'll still have my elevated sex drive." I let out a long sigh. I thought about the multitudes of horny high school boys and I cringed slightly.

"You'll be okay."

I sighed again. "When do I start?"

"In two weeks. There're a few things we need to arrange first, like your new identity and past."

I nodded. "Cool. That will give me time to talk to my academic advisor."

"How is this one?" asked Aunt Kayla.

"Well, she hasn't tried to make me one of her minions, so I guess that's an improvement," I laughed.

I had recently helped to break up a strange cult that my previous academic advisor had created using an ancient Greek statue. (Read Turbulence: The Next Chapter for the complete story)

Aunt Kayla smiled back. "Fiona has been working on your history."

"So, she knew that I'd do this too," I remarked.

"Of course!"

I nodded. "I hope the girls can get along without me."

"Tully will be upset and will be a terrible pest, Bran will act like she doesn't care, but she will sulk even more than she normally does."

I laughed. I had become attached to both cats.

"Well, I'm going to give Beth a call. I need an intell report on what is acceptable teen behavior these days," I stated.

"Intell report? That's the first time you've slipped into your old navy talk in a while."

I nodded. "Probably because I was thinking of my old Navy buddy."

"I just want to say how much everyone appreciates what you're about to do," stated Aunt Kayla.

Chapter 7

I was able to catch Beth at home that evening. Calling back east is always a bit tricky, and it required the right timing to catch her at home, but not call too late.

We talked about her recent birthday party and how she was now car hunting.

"Well, if you're going to be in a suburban neighborhood, you definitely need to have your own car. You will be a real outcast otherwise," explained Beth.

"Cool. At least I won't be totally without freedom," I replied.

"Trust me, I know what you mean."

We both laughed.

"Beth, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you still dream that you're Ben?"

There was a momentary silence. "Sometimes. I was genetically altered to accept my transformation, but there are times when I dream that I'm male. What about you?"

"Sometimes. It's weird. I accept, more or less, that I'm a woman, but sometimes I yearn for my old life."

"So your transformation wasn't complete?"

"No. My personality sort of merged with the original Iona's."

"But you see yourself as a woman sexually, don't you?"

"Yes. Being with Bill feels so normal and right. It's just those passing moments that I wish I was back to being Roger."

"Do you think that this will fade over time?"

"It has already. Part of me doesn't want it to. I liked being Roger and I don't want to lose him entirely."

"Sounds like you've adapted more than you're willing to admit," commented Beth. "I notice that you refer to Roger as separate person."

I laughed. "For an eighteen-year-old, you're pretty smart."

"I'm wise beyond my years."

For the next hour we talked about high school. Beth told me all about fashion, fads, language, basically the works. After talking to her, I felt more confident that I could fit in.

Beth also told me that she might be able to help us narrow down any suspects. She had been working part-time for an agent who headed a department that hunted Internet predators of teens. Beth felt confident that the agent would help us if we requested it.

After talking to Beth I checked the clock and was tempted to call my sister, Jenny. I decided it was too late and that I would call her the following evening.

Chapter 8

The next day I spent the morning with my advisor. I explained that I had to go out of town to take care of some family business. My advisor was very understanding. She accessed the summer schedule. I was pleased to see that I could easily make up the lost time.

When I returned home, I was pleased to sense that Amelia was with Aunt Kayla. My ability to detect other people had grown stronger. When I concentrated at it, my range of detection was now almost a half-mile. I rarely used it like this, unless I wanted to bug Bill!

I had also learned to make it more selective. I could screen out casual acquaintances and people like that. Until I'd learned to do that, life on campus was awful. I was constantly being alerted to people. The best way I can compare it is to imagine getting dozens of instant messages simultaneously when you aren't even online.

As expected, I found them in the garden.

"How did everything go at school?" asked Aunt Kayla.

"Good. I'll be able to catch up over the summer," I replied. "So, what's my cover?"

Amelia laughed. "Fiona is still working out the fine details, but basically I'm your mother's sister. You're living with me as your mother has been assigned to duty overseas."

"Doing what?" I asked.

"She's a doctor and a reservist in the army."

I nodded. That made sense and would explain my sudden transfer to San Diego.

"What about good old dad?" I asked.

"He divorced your mother when you were two," replied Amelia. "Your mother reverted back to her maiden name."

"Bastard!" I quipped.

Amelia laughed. "I should have the full file this week. By the way, do you want to know your new name?"

I hesitated for a second. "Oh. I hadn't thought about that."

"Your new name will be Carly Taylor."

I ran the name over through my head. Carly wasn't too bad. "So what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm still Amelia Taylor."

"Hey, that's not fair!" I replied with a smirk. "Do you mean your real last name is Taylor?"

Amelia nodded.

"I thought it would be something more exotic," I stated.

Amelia laughed. "Sorry to disappoint you."

"Amelia will still have her practice to look after," stated Aunt Kayla.

"So do we have a home yet?" I asked.

"Yes. I have a townhouse in the school district. My stuff should be moved in this week. Thanks to some help from Kayla and Fiona, my neighbors will think that I've lived there for the past two years," replied Amelia. "The complex is new and no one will raise an eyebrow when you move in."

"Can someone explain why we can't use magic to detect who has been dealing the drugs?" I asked.

"We tried. Whoever is doing this is either using a blocking spell, or else they're non-magical," explained Aunt Kayla.

Not all spells required the person casting them to have powers. When this happened it was harder to detect them.

"Of course. So we still have no idea what we're looking for?" I continued.

"The jury is split on this one, Iona. The authorities believe it must be a true succubus or an incubus; Amelia and I disagree. The essences being taken are too selective. Also, in most cases involving a true succubus, the creature steals the same kind of essence. They'll usually attack dozens of victims, stealing the same essence, as if they were feeding on it. We've seen three very different types of essence stolen so far," explained Amelia. "A true succubus will only attack men, likewise a true incubus will only attack women. We've seen attacks on both males and females. That either means we're dealing with a hybrid or multiple creatures. I believe we're dealing with one. They're mainly solitary hunters."

"A hybrid?" I asked. "Sounds like a mutant."

"That description is just as accurate. Just like all animals, they can intermix with others. Over time they can mutate. A hybrid could feed on both male and female essences," explained Aunt Kayla. "They're rare but not unheard of."

"They're also more dangerous," added Amelia. "Looks can be very deceiving."

"How?" I asked.

"One might look like a small girl, yet have the strength of a weightlifter," answered Amelia.

"What will it look like?" I asked.

"They will look human, but overly perfect. They will not have any flaws," replied Amelia.

"They're also very arrogant. That's a trait that a non-succubus human would likely also have. By now they've violated numerous people, and the sense of invulnerably will be high," added Aunt Kayla.

"That's good to know. So they wouldn't suspect that someone was hunting them?" I asked.

"That's right. But keep this in mind, Iona. If they suspect that you're a threat, they won't hesitate to try to kill you," stated Amelia.

"I've been studying my defensive spells. Will they act the same on a succubus, or an incubus for that matter?"

"Most spells are effective against them. A true succubus is a primitive creature compared to humans, and is more susceptible to magic than physical harm," answered Aunt Kayla.


"Now a mutant may not react the same. Your spells might have no effect on them whatsoever," added Amelia.

"Any more good news?" I joked.

Aunt Kayla gave me a stern look. "Now remember, your mission is to detect whoever or whatever is behind this. You're not judge, jury, and executioner," reminded Aunt Kayla.

"On the other hand your spells might have a stronger reaction," added Amelia.

"I know, but it's good to know that I'll be able to defend myself, should the need arise."

We spent the rest of the day talking about what spells would be most successful. I was pleased to hear that one of my favorite spells would be very effective. It was one I had used against the cult, and it froze the person in place. I had been practicing it and had improved my strength. I could now cast it on more than one person at a time.

Chapter 9

That evening I drove over to Bill's place for dinner and an evening of passionate lovemaking. I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before I became jailbait.

"The DA is very pleased that you've volunteered for this case," stated Bill.

We were cuddling on his couch, sipping champagne.

"Something has been bothering me; how come Aunt Kayla is so involved in the case?" I asked.

Bill cocked his head to the side. "I'd rather you ask Kayla directly, but let me just say that she's a consultant for our office in cases like this."

I nodded. "Thanks, that makes sense."

Bill excused himself and retrieved a shopping bag from his office. "I bought you something nice. I know that we won't be able to see each other as often once you go undercover."

I smiled and took the bag from him. Inside was an extremely sexy outfit -- a stunning hot pink v-neck baby-doll with a matching thong. There was also a matching silk kimono wrap.

"Oh my!"

"I thought you'd look fabulous in these," remarked Bill.

"Really... I don't suppose there would be any harm in trying them on," I replied in a sly manner.

"Here, let me help," stated Bill as he reached over to begin unbuttoning my top.

Bill really got hot when he undressed me. It had become a major turn on for him. Normally I didn't mind, but tonight I was feeling mischievous and in a flash I cast the freeze spell on him.

"I'm a big girl, Bill. I think I can undress and dress myself."

Bill's eyes were fixed on me. I had once been under this spell myself and it was very frustrating not being able to move.

I giggled and began to slowly undress in front of him. Button by button I opened up my blouse, exposing my breasts. I moved closer until I was only a few inches from Bill's face. I then reached behind my back and undid my bra. I removed it and pressed my breasts closer to his face, until I was almost touching him.

I pulled back, but stayed in his field of vision. I unsnapped my jeans and slipped them slowly off. Next I pulled my panties down.

I posed naked in front of Bill. I stretched out right in front of him.

"Now, what should I wear? Oh, these look nice!" I picked up the baby-doll and held it on front of my naked body.

Without another word I slipped it on. It fit perfectly. I then picked up the thong and slowly pulled it up my legs. I topped it all off by putting on the kimono. I paraded up and down in front of him, bouncing my boobs and wiggling my butt.

"This looks great! What do you think?" I asked as I turned to Bill. I ran my hand across his cheek, as I sat down and cuddled up close to him.

By then I figured he had suffered enough and released him from the spell.

"Now, are you hot and bothered enough?" I asked in an innocent tone, as I batted my eyelids.

Bill shook his head and a big smile grew on his face. "I guess I asked for that. But please promise that you'll never do that to me again!"

I leaned over and kissed him softly. He pulled me closer and we began to kiss passionately. In one sweeping motion, he stood up and pulled me up into his arms. Without a word, he carried me to the bedroom. I let him undress me this time.

Chapter 10

The next morning I made Bill breakfast. I did feel a bit guilty for casting the spell and wanted to make it up to him, not that he was angry with me!

Over scrambled eggs and bacon we talked out the case and how it would affect our lives.

"I hope I can catch the dealer quickly," I stated as I reached for a piece of whole-wheat toast.

"I doubt we will be that lucky. I imagine you'll have to be at the school for a while. It will take a while for the other students to trust you," stated Bill.

I nodded. "You're right. I was just trying to be optimistic."

"Take your time and do this right. I know this is just high school, but we've had officers hurt during undercover operations. The sense of betrayal can lead to very violent reactions by the suspects. That applies in cases with and without magic."

I smiled back softly. "Thank you."

Bill smiled back. "Okay, you're right. I'm worried about you. You're the woman of my dreams and I love you deeply."

I bit my lower lip and my eyes suddenly got all watery. "That's the sweetest thing you've said to me!"

"I mean it." Bill leaned over and kissed me again. He gave me a sly grin and I nodded back. He stood up and took me by the hand and led me back to the bedroom.

Chapter 11

I arrived back home a little after noon. Aunt Kayla was in with a patient and after greeting the cats I went up to my room. I immediately noticed that my answering machine was flashing. I checked the count and saw that I had six messages. I pressed play and heard my sister's voice.

"Iona, please call me as soon as you get in," stated Jenny's recorded message.

The time on the message was nine the previous night. All the messages were from her and the last one was an hour ago. I quickly picked up the phone and dialed her number.

"Iona, thank God you finally called," remarked Jenny.

"What's wrong?" I asked, a growing feeling of dread in my belly.

"There's no easy way of telling you this, little sister, so brace yourself. Dad died last night."

I froze.

"You okay?" asked Jenny.

"What... what happened?" I stammered. I found it hard to breathe. I felt a feeling of loss throughout my entire body. I felt so weak and helpless.

"Heart attack. He was at work. Apparently he had a massive heart attack. They tried CPR, but he never responded," explained Jenny.

I felt tears running down my cheeks.

"You still there?" asked Jenny.

"Yes. How's Mom?"

"She's a wreck, but she'll survive. Pete is flying in. Also Aunt Rachel arrived this morning, she's been a godsend," stated Jenny.

Rachel was my dad's younger sister. She lived in Cleveland and worked in the front office for the Indians.

"That's good," I replied. I looked around for a box of tissues. I fumbled for a tissue and wiped my eyes. "How're you doing?"

"I've cried a lot and will cry a lot more."

"I wish I could be there," I stated and the tears started again. Of course I couldn't; I was just the woman who had been with Roger when he was killed. I had no place at his father's funeral. All the feelings of loss came rolling back. I sat down on my bed and pulled my knees close to my chest.

"I know, Iona. I wish you could be here too," stated Jenny.

I sensed that she was hiding something. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," replied Jenny.

I blew my nose. "No, you're not telling me something. Please, Jenny, tell me!"

Jenny let out a sigh. "I know this isn't the right time. Actually I was going to never tell you this, but Mom blames you for Roger's death."

I gasped. I had never thought that my present self would be blamed for my own death. "What about Dad?"

"No, he just considered your death to be bad luck," answered Jenny.


"Of course. Come on, we've shared enough in the past year," she replied.

"You're right. Thanks. I miss him. I miss all of you," I blurted out, as the crying got more intense.

"I know, little sis," comforted Jenny.

We talked for another hour. She had to leave to help with the funeral arrangements. She promised to keep me informed as much as possible.

I hung up the phone. I sat there numb for a moment. I glanced at the old family photograph that I had on my nightstand. I picked it up and stared at it. It had been taken only three years ago. It was taken at Mom's birthday party. I stared at the photo and began to sob. I collapsed on my bed, pulled a pillow close to my chest and cried.

I had known that this day would come, but that didn't make it any easier.

Chapter 12

A few minutes later, I heard a soft tapping at my door. I looked up and saw Aunt Kayla walk in.

"I sensed something was wrong," she stated softly. She sat down on my bed and put her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong, little one?"

I told her and she pulled me close. The floodgates opened up and I began bawling again. She comforted me and held me close. I heard her soothing voice. "Let it out, dear."

After a while I regained composure. She handed me the box of tissues.


"I wish I had some words to say that would make you feel better," she stated.

"I just appreciate your shoulder to cry on," I replied. "I can't believe he's gone. He was so strong."

"It's all part of nature. It was his time. I know that may sound cold, but it's the truth."

"No, it makes more sense than anything else. I just hurt inside. I miss him and my family. I love you and Fiona, but...."

Aunt Kayla smiled and put a finger to my lips. "I know, my dear, you don't have to explain. You loved him and you're going to be in great pain over his loss. It'll take time to get over this. I'm pleased to see that you're not trying to hold in your emotions."

I cracked a slight smile. "I don't think that holding in my emotions will be a problem."

She nodded. "You want to be alone, or would you like to come down and have some tea?"

"Tea? That sounds good."

We walked downstairs. She had her arm around my shoulders.

"I'd like to tell you some stories about my dad."

"I love to hear them, little one," replied Aunt Kayla.

Chapter 13

The next few days were rough. I found myself crying at the slightest thing. I went online and found my dad's obituary. It was quite long and impressive. There weren't any surprises in it. Still there's a sense of cold reality when you read an obituary of a family member or friend. I printed out a copy.

Dad had led a pretty good life. I re-read the summary of his life over and over again. Each line brought back stories that I had heard many times.

I had loved it when Dad told his sea-stories of his time in the navy. He had been a naval aviator, until he hurt his back in a hard landing on his aircraft carrier. He'd recovered, but the navy refused to let him fly again. So, he became a maintenance officer for aircraft. This led him back to Columbus where he became the head of the maintenance department for a major airline.

While Dad never pushed me, or my younger brother, Pete, to join the navy, I knew he was proud. I could still picture the look on his face when he first saw me in my uniform. The memory started the tears again.

Jenny called and told me that instead of a standard funeral service, they were having a memorial service. . It would give Dad's friends and family a chance to stand up and talk about him. It made sense, Dad hated the standard funeral rituals, and he always got his way.

She went on to tell me that, in accordance with his wishes, Dad would be cremated and his ashes would be spread out over the lake where he loved to fish. She said that they would spread them over the lake after Labor Day. Dad loved to fish then, as the crowds were gone. I thought that was pretty cool.

After the service, everyone would be going to his favorite restaurant. Dad had stated that he didn't want some depressing ritual and wanted people to remember his life and not his death. The restaurant was a neighborhood steak house. We'd eaten there often and the staff was almost like family. I pictured the place jammed with family and friends, toasting Dad, and trading stories. I was glad that my dad's final wishes were being observed.

My not being able to attend really hurt. Oh, I understood the reasons why I couldn't attend, but that didn't help. Jenny promised to send me a copy of the memorial service. They were taping it for some of our family members who couldn't make it back to Columbus.

Aunt Kayla, Amelia, and of course, Bill were fantastic. I couldn't have survived without them. They did their best to help me through it all.

Amelia asked me if I still wanted to go through with the undercover operation. I vigorously stated that I wanted to do it more than ever. I told her I needed something to throw myself into.

Amelia stated that she would change my cover story. Instead of my mother being stationed overseas, my fictional parent will have died suddenly.

"You can't hide your grief, Iona, nor should you. Since you insist on doing this mission, we might as well incorporate your mourning into your character," stated Amelia.

I nodded. "Thanks. Now at least I won't have to pretend to hold in my feelings."

"If it makes it any easier, we can change the story to make your parent your father. We can state that your mother died many years ago. I can be your aunt on your father's side."

"That makes sense. Thank you for being so understanding." I gave her a long hug. The new story would allow me to be more honest with my new classmates.

Chapter 14

"The service really was wonderful, Iona. The owners of the place closed it to the public and we had it all to ourselves. Dad would have loved it," stated Jenny.

It was now a week after Dad had died. Jenny and I had talked every day. I think we both needed to talk about it.

"I know he would have," I replied.

"I'll send you a tape as soon as we get the copies back," continued Jenny. "Oh, I also have some more family photos for you."


I then told her about my upcoming undercover mission.

"You mean that this weekend you'll become a teenager?" asked Jenny.

"Yes. I'll be seventeen again," I replied.

"Promise me that you'll send me some photos!" she replied. "I can't wait to see you as my real little sister!" She started laughing.

I joined her and it felt good to laugh again.

"I will. Oh, I'll also send you my new e-mail address and phone number."

"Cool. I feel good knowing that Amelia will be looking after you," replied Jenny.

We talked for another hour. I felt very lucky that I had some contact with my family.

"Jenny, do you think Mom would accept me and what happened to me?" I asked hopefully.

There was a long pause. "No. She's still rather conservative in her beliefs. She wasn't all that pleased about Dad's service either. She wanted it to be held in the church, with a full service. I don't think she would take well to knowing her children have magical powers," replied Jenny.

"But she should also have powers," I argued.

"She does, but they are too repressed. Amelia did a very covert exam of her the last time she was out here. Mom may have noticed her powers when she was a child and repressed them. I guess it would be pretty scary if you didn't know what was happening."

"True, it would also explain a lot," I replied.

Mom had always seemed overprotective of us, especially Jenny, while we were growing up.

"I think telling her now would be too big of a shock," continued Jenny.

"I agree."

"Oh, I may be out your way this spring. I have a show in La Jolla," stated Jenny.

Jenny was an artist, and since the awakening of her powers her art had blossomed. She made the most incredible pottery and had started to move into glass blowing.

"That's cool. I definitely want to attend!"

"You may not be old enough!" quipped Jenny.

We started laughing again.

The topic shifted to Bill.

"How's he taking your age reduction?" asked Jenny.

"He supports it, although he isn't too happy about our separation," I replied.

"What about you?"

"I'll have my vibrator!"

"Ohhh, little sister, you're so bad!"

This time the tears were from laughing so hard.

After she regained her composure, Jenny changed the topic. "I hope you're going to invite me to the wedding."

"We're not ready for that," I replied.

"Bull. You and Bill are deeply in love, you'd be foolish not to become a couple!"

"You're right. I'm not pushing him, but I would love to be his wife. He's been wonderful about everything."

"It'll happen," reiterated Jenny.

"When it does, I want you in my wedding party," I replied.

Jenny laughed. "Sorry, little sis, but that has to be the last thing I ever thought that I'd hear from your lips!"

I joined her again in laughing.

Chapter 15

"Your sister is something else," stated Aunt Kayla.

"I know," I replied proudly.

"Amelia is ready for you to move in. When do you want to start?"

"I want to be with Bill one more time," I replied with a grin.

"Okay. But I want you to abstain from sex twenty-four hours prior to the spell being cast. You'll need all your strength to recover from the transformation," instructed Aunt Kayla.

"Will it hurt?" I asked.

"No, but you will be weak and a little sore afterwards. Don't worry, the discomfort will quickly pass."

I nodded.

"Afterwards, we'll need to take you shopping. You'll need a whole new wardrobe," stated Aunt Kayla.

"Cool. Bill told me that we can submit the bills as a business expense," I replied.

Chapter 16

Bill and I spent our last night together for a while. We went out to dinner in the Gaslamp District in downtown San Diego.

"Croce's! I'm impressed!" I stated, as we walked towards the popular restaurant.

"Nothing but the best. Besides you look too good to take anywhere else," replied Bill. He then kissed me.

I was wearing the standard little black dress and a matching shawl. The dress looked like it was poured over my shapely body. Okay, I have to admit that I loved the way I looked.

My high heels clicked on the sidewalk as we walked inside.

The sounds of jazz were drifting out of the bar and it only added to the atmosphere of the evening.

We kept the dinner conversation light and fun. We both knew that there was some danger in what I was about to do, but neither of us felt it was necessary to bring it up.

After we ordered, a very expensive bottle of wine was delivered to our table. It came with a note. It was from the DA, who wanted to send a token of her appreciation for what I was about to do.

"When do I get to meet her?" I asked, as I savored the wine.

"She wants to meet you, but she has to be careful. I'm thinking Kayla can invite her over some evening after this is all over," replied Bill.

That was the closest we got to the topic of the mission.

After dinner we had a drink in the lounge. We sat at the bar, drinking brandy, listening to jazz, and drifting deeper into each other's eyes. It was one of the most romantic moments in my life. I half expected to see Humphrey Bogart walk in.

"You ready to go?" whispered Bill, after we finished our drinks.

I just smiled and nodded.

Instead of heading to our car, Bill led me toward the US Grant Hotel.

"I took the liberty of reserving us a suite for tonight," stated Bill, as he slipped his arm around me.

A short time later, Bill was slowly undressing me out of my little black dress and no, I didn't freeze him. In fact, our lovemaking was quite torrid!

Chapter 17

Two days later I was sitting naked on the edge of my bed. Amelia and Aunt Kayla were standing in front of me.

Amelia was holding a goblet filled with a lavender colored liquid.

"What does it taste like?" I asked.

"Judging from the ingredients, it should have a mild spicy flavor," replied Aunt Kayla.

"Now, after you drink this, you'll feel very sleepy. I expect you'll be asleep in less than five minutes."

"Sounds simple enough," I replied. I let out a long sigh. "Okay, let's do it."

I took the goblet from Amelia and sniffed it. There was a slight aroma of spice. I raised it to my lips and began to drink. It wasn't that bad and was able to get it all down in one try. I handed the goblet back to Amelia.

"I guess the next time I talk to you I'll be your niece, Carly," I stated to Amelia.

"That's Aunt Amelia," she replied with a smile.

I held back a yawn. "Do I have to?"

My eyelids were suddenly very heavy and I yawned again.

"Good night, Iona," stated Aunt Kayla, as she and Amelia helped me under the covers.

"Night," I replied. I was soon in a deep sleep.

Chapter 18

I slowly woke up. As I stirred, I became aware of the changes, and I instantly knew that the spell had worked. I stepped out of bed and stood in front of my mirror. My body was slightly sore, but it wasn't that bad.

I stared at myself in the mirror. The spell had definitely worked; I was now a teen. First off I was shorter, at least two inches shorter. I was a bit heavier, especially in the hips. No, I wasn't fat, but my whole body was softer. My muscle tone was decreased. Now, don't get me wrong, I still had a hot body.

My breasts were still large; in fact they looked larger on my shorter body. I cupped them in my hands and let out a long sigh.

My face wasn't that different, it just looked younger, softer. I had been carded many times since I became Iona, and kind of laughed it off. But there was a big difference between being perceived as being young and actually being young.

It all hit me. I could drive a car, with restrictions. I couldn't vote or drink. I was also considered a minor by the law.

"Shit," I exclaimed.

My new voice caught me off guard. It was much higher. That would take some getting used to!

"Hello. Testing, testing, one, two, three... testing," I stated as I tried to get used to my new voice.

I twisted around and studied my new body. I would definitely be driving some teenage boys wild. For some reason that made me happy; I shook my head in an attempt to get that out of my head.

Getting dressed was a challenge. Thankfully my bra still fit, even though I had to adjust it. My panties were tighter, confirming my larger hips and butt. I knew that none of my jeans would fit. After a few attempts, I found a dress that fit. I then realized it was one of the old Iona's leftovers. The short blue dress was a good fit. I found that none of my shoes fit, as my feet were a little smaller. I found one pair of sandals that I was able to adjust enough so they wouldn't fall off. They didn't quite match the dress, but I had no choice.

I was about to leave my room, when I suddenly felt the urge to put on makeup. Now, normally I just used a touch of makeup, unless I was going out with Bill.

I sat down at my makeup table and began to study my face. I felt strangely naked, and began to apply my makeup. Even though I was doing my face heavier than normal, it looked really good. I even used eyeliner, which I almost never used.

I wondered if the spell had other effects besides the physical ones.

I gave myself another look and was pleased with my appearance. I headed down to see Aunt Kayla and Amelia.

Chapter 19

"Well, you look cute," exclaimed Aunt Kayla.

"Please tell me that this is reversible!" I replied.

"What a sweet voice too," added Amelia.

I stared back and felt my face turning red. I couldn't believe it, I was actually pouting.

"Yes, Iona, I mean Carly. The spell is totally reversible," answered Aunt Kayla.

"I thought you said that the spell would only change me physically," I stated. I then described how I felt different.

"That's true, but I've read where this spell does sometimes have side effects."

"Nothing permanent, right?" I asked.

Amelia shook her head no. "What can happen is that the longer you're in the teenage state, the more your personality will match your age."

I groaned. I hadn't counted on that.

"We can change you back," stated Aunt Kayla.

I shook my head. "No, that's okay. On the bright side, it may make me blend in easier."

"You sure?" asked Amelia.

I smiled. "No. But let's give it a shot. Just remember if I get an attitude, it's the spell's fault!"

Chapter 20

We spent the day shopping. It reminded me of back when I had first become Iona. Her original wardrobe had been too extreme for me. Now we were doing it all again.

By mid-afternoon, we had filled the trunk of the car and were heading up to Rancho Bernardo to Amelia's townhouse. Both Amelia and Aunt Kayla thought it would be best if I moved in as soon as possible.

"I have some things back at the house that I want to bring along," I stated.

"We can go back later," stated Aunt Kayla.

"What about the girls?" I asked, referring to the cats.

"They'll miss you, as will I," replied Aunt Kayla with a smile.

The townhouse was located in a new development a couple miles from the high school. It looked like any one of a hundred townhouses in Southern California. It was a two-story white stucco building with a red tile roof. The landscaping featured many beautiful and exotic plants, all non-native to San Diego.

"Please tell me that you're moving as soon this is over," I stated to Amelia.

"In a flash, my dear," she replied.

Actually, it wasn't that bad. My room was nice and I had my own bathroom. Amelia had thought of everything and I had a computer, stereo, and TV. I also had my own cell phone.

It was nice, but it really wasn't my room, yet.

I unpacked my new wardrobe and began to put things into their places. In addition to clothing and shoes, I had bought new cosmetics and toiletries. I'd also bought some new jewelry, although there were some pieces that I wanted to bring from my home back at Sunset Cliffs.

"We'll go back out shopping tomorrow," announced Amelia, as she helped me fill a trash bag with the empty boxes and clothing bags.

"Cool," I replied.

"We'll go by the school on Monday. I've already contacted them and let them know you're coming. Your records from your old school will be arriving this weekend," stated Amelia.

"I know there's magic involved, but what happens if someone gets suspicious?" I asked.

"The principal's secretary is one of us. Any requests for info on you will go through her," stated Aunt Kayla.

"How did you get her into the job?" I asked.

"We didn't. She just happened to have the job," replied Amelia.

Aunt Kayla left Amelia and I alone. Neither of us felt like cooking, so we went out to the local strip mall. There was a Borders there, along with several causal-eating places. The bookstore was great; we went there after dinner. They had a great CD selection. Thankfully, my taste in music hadn't changed and I worked my way through the rock section. I also picked out a few jazz CDs.

When I went to check out, the clerk seemed surprised that the CDs were for me. He was around eighteen, with short black hair and a goatee, well at least an attempt at a goatee. He was a few inches taller than I am and athletic looking, but not overly muscular. While he looked young, there was a worldliness about him. It was in his eyes, they looked... well, they looked mature, showing experience beyond his years. His eyes were dark brown; in fact they were almost black. They were truly piercing, but not in a threatening way. There was also an impish spark in them. I knew right away that I wanted to be friends with him.

"Don't get me wrong, but I don't usually see girls who have... well, have good taste in music," he stated. "Typically they're into boy bands and crap like that."

"I'm not typical," I replied. Shit, that sounded pretentious I thought.

The boy laughed. "No, looking at you, I wouldn't call you typical. You new around here?"

I might have been wrong, but I think he was hitting on me. "Yes. My name's Carly. I just moved out here from DC."

"I knew it. East coast girls are always more intelligent. I'm originally from Boston. I'm Mick. So, have you been sentenced to Bernardo Valley?"

"Yes, my imprisonment starts Monday," I replied with a smile. "I should be paroled in June."

Mick laughed. "Me too."

"What's the school like?" I asked.

"It's big and new," replied Mick.

"And?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.


"Hey, I'm going on break, you want a cup of coffee?" he asked. "I get an employee discount!"

I nodded. This was a good chance to get to know someone in my school.

We sat down in the coffee area. I had a cappuccino and Mick had regular black coffee.

"What brings you out here, Carly?"

"I just moved in with my aunt. My mom died when I was little and my dad just died."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. Bad enough that had to happen, but now you get to go through your senior year in a new high school."

"It's not so bad. I already made a friend," I replied, as I sipped my cappuccino.

"Damn right. Look, I gotta get back to work. Here's my e-mail and phone number. Call me, okay?"

I nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem. Besides not many girls out here even know who Warren Zevon is!"

I laughed.

I found Amelia and we headed out to the car.

"So, tell me about him," she stated with a sly grin.

"I was just getting into my role," I replied. I then went on to tell her about Mick and his opinion of Bernardo Valley High School.

"You like him, don't you?" she asked, as we drove back to the townhouse.

"He's cute," I replied without thinking.

"I'm going to keep an eye on you. You're acting more and more like a teen," stated Amelia.

"Come on, we were just talking," I replied.

She cast a glance at me.

"Okay, I could feel it too. He was hitting on me, and I admit it, I liked it."

"Your emotions are pretty fluid at this time. You're dealing with a lot of stress in your life right now. Just be careful."

I nodded. "I will."

Chapter 21

Monday morning came in a flash and I have to admit that I was more than a little nervous as Amelia and I walked into the main office of Bernardo Valley High School.

I was wearing a short green skirt with a green sweater. It was a rare cool day and I wore a pair of black leather boots. While I thought I had put on too much makeup, I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was mild compared to many of the girls.

The check-in process seemed to take forever. I was shuffled from one person to another. My schedule wasn't too bad. I had civics, oceanography, English literature, computer programming, and calculus. I was pleased that my fake history had enough credits of PE, so I could skip that form of torture. Besides, I wasn't that interested in showing off the tattoo that was across the small of my back to the rest of the girls.

I finally arrived in my first class just before lunch. Being the "new kid," I was stared at. I scanned the room and smiled back.

Amelia and Aunt Kayla had told me not to scan until I became comfortable with my new surroundings.

I was forced to stand up and introduce myself to the class, many of whom looked on with complete disinterest. I did get more than a few leering stares from some of the boys. I also had some nasty looks from some girls. I'd forgotten how jealous some girls could get.

The first day passed without incident. I wouldn't have my parking pass until the end of the week, so I had to wait for Amelia to come pick me up. I stood by the front curb waiting for her to arrive when I heard a familiar voice.

"Carly! How're you doing?" asked Mick.

He was dressed in jeans and a Ramones t-shirt.

"Hi Mick. I'm doing okay; survived the first day, more or less."

"Must be tough," he replied.

I showed him my schedule and made some comments about my teachers. He noticed we had the same lunch break.

"My friends and I usually hang out by the overhang of the library. It faces the quad area and there are benches there. Why not stop by tomorrow? I'll introduce you to my friends."

"Cool, I'd like that. Other than you, I don't think another student has said a word to me."

"Takes time. You're new and no one knows what to make of you. For all they know, you're a narc," joked Mick.

I laughed. "Trust me, I'm no narc."

"I know. They don't have such good taste in music."

Just then Amelia pulled up and I said goodbye.

On the way home, we talked about my first day at school.

"I hope we find the dealer soon. I forgot how depressing high school was."

"Come now, it's not that bad," replied Amelia.

"Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. But it's not the fun place that so many parents think it is either."

We also talked about my scanning for students in distress.

"I have a new crystal for you. It's more concentrated and you can focus for more specific feelings," explained Amelia.

"Like what?" I asked.

"For example. You can focus on someone experiencing unexplained changes in their life, a sense of confusion or loss."

"How do I do that?"

Amelia explained how the crystal worked. Instead of just alerting me of someone's distresses, it required me to be actually looking at them. That would narrow down the search greatly.

"I'm also searching for a way to detect the residual trace of the magic used in the spell. The principal's secretary has been trying to create a charm that would detect it, but so far she's been unsuccessful," continued Amelia.

"I hope she succeeds. It would make our job easier."

"Bill called and wanted to know how you were doing. I told him you already had a boyfriend."

My head spun towards Amelia. "You didn't!"

Amelia laughed. "Of course I didn't, my dear."

I shook my head in disgust. "Please don't do that again."

"Seriously, you need to talk to Bill about the possibility of you dating."

"I have no intention of becoming involved with a teen."

"You may not have a choice. Your reactions to the transformation spell show that it has affected more than just your physical appearance. You may soon find yourself attracted to boys or, for that matter, girls of your physical age."

I didn't reply.

"You may also become less interested in Bill, while you're in this form," stated Amelia.

"Another side effect?" I asked.

She nodded.

"I suppose you're right. I guess we'll need to talk."

"Good. He's coming over for dinner tonight."

Chapter 22

To say that I was nervous while I waited for Bill to arrive would be a major understatement. I changed outfits several times, until I settled on a denim skirt and a red sweater.

I sensed Bill's arrival and tried to act nonchalant when he arrived at the door.

"Hi, Bill," I greeted.

He stood there with a shocked look on his face. His eyes ran up and down my body. "Iona?"

"No, silly. I'm Carly, remember?" I teased.

He started to lean down to kiss me, but pulled back. Instead he started to hug me.

"Bill, you can kiss me. After all we were in bed together just a few nights ago!"

He smiled back. "Sorry. You're right, but you look like a kid now. I feel funny kissing you."

"It's okay," I coaxed.

Bill kissed me, but I could feel his uneasiness. I decided not to press the point and let it slide.

Amelia had cooked a casserole for dinner.

"Dinner smells wonderful, Amelia," stated Bill.

"Thanks, it's an old family recipe, non-magical of course!" she replied.

Bill opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses, one for Amelia and one for himself.

"Ahem!" I stated.

"Sorry, Carly, you're underage," replied Bill with a grin.

"Amelia!" I bemoaned.

"Sorry, I agree with Bill. After all you're supposed to only seventeen. You need to be in character all the time now," she replied.

"Crap," I replied.

"Watch your mouth, please," chided Amelia.

"Argh!" I exclaimed. Deep down I knew they were right, but wasn't about to admit it. I settled for a Diet Coke.

Over dinner we talked about the case. So far no new victims had been detected.

"From what we've been able to get out of the teens, the parties where they took X-2 all occurred about four weeks apart," stated Bill.

"What were the dates?" I asked.

Bill turned to me. "Here they are." He handed me a piece of paper.

I studied the dates and then excused myself and retrieved my almanac. "I knew it! All the dates coincide with a full moon!"

"That would make sense," replied Amelia. "That also gives us fifteen days until the next potential victim."

"I doubt that I will be trusted enough by then to be invited to a rave," I stated.

"As much as it pains me to say this, it would be better for you to wait and not try to push yourself to be accepted. If it happens sooner, that's wonderful. But if we move too quickly, we may give ourselves away," stated Amelia.

"I agree. I don't like the idea of another teen being hurt, but we can't afford to let the dealer get away," agreed Bill.

"What will happen to them? I mean, who gets them?" I asked.

"So far they've mainly violated magical laws. X-2 is barely known yet by the narcotics department. It's mainly a rumor to them," answered Bill.

After dinner we sat in the living room drinking coffee. I was glad that caffeine wasn't off limits to me.

"There's something that we need to discuss before this goes much further," stated Amelia.

Bill looked over at me and I returned his stare.

"Carly, you're an attractive young woman, and in order to blend in with the school you may need to date," continued Amelia.

Bill and I each nodded, glancing over at each other.

Amelia turned to me. "Now, I'm not implying that gives you a license to fool around, but you are on a mission, and you shouldn't feel restrained from doing something that would be natural for your character."

I nodded.

She then turned to Bill. "Bill, I know this is equally difficult for you. I think one way to solve any issues is for you to be as honest and open with each other as possible."

"You're right," he replied.

"Good. So let's start with this evening. Carly do you have anything you want to say to Bill?"

I smiled back. "I've attracted the attention of a boy at school. He's hit on me twice. I doubt he'll be the last."

Bill nodded. "I can relate to his problem."

Amelia smiled. "Nice transition. Bill, you've been acting rather standoffish from Carly tonight. You want to tell her why?"

Bill turned to me. "I haven't been attracted to a teen since I was one myself. But you're different. I know that you're really my girlfriend and lover, and that makes you attainable. Still my feelings for you seem out of place. Part of me sees Carly, a seventeen-year-old teenager, and the other half of me sees a younger version of the woman that I'm deeply in love with."

"I'm glad you didn't say much younger version," I quipped.

Bill smiled. "This is hard to put into words. I love you, but my sense of morality prevents me from showing it. It's almost like you're Iona's younger sister."

I nodded. "All kidding aside, this must be equally difficult for you too."

"It is, but I think that it's worse for you."

"I've had a little bit of practice before this transformation," I replied with a grin. "I just hope that I don't have to be even younger next time!"

Bill laughed. "Just so you know, when I'm hugging you good bye, it's because I really love and respect you."

"I know."

Later that night I thought about Bill as I drifted off to sleep in my new bed. I had to admit that, as much as I loved him, the idea of having sex with him now did seem slightly wrong. I knew we were the same people, but I now had the body of a teenage girl. I sighed, it was too late and I was too tired to contemplate it anymore.

Chapter 23

I found it was difficult to wake up the next morning. I hit my snooze-bar several times before struggling out of bed. I showered, dried and styled my hair, and got dressed. I glanced at my clock and saw that I was running late, so I hurried with my makeup. I arrived downstairs just in time to grab a muffin and head off to school.

As we drove towards the school, Amelia asked me what had taken me so long.

"I don't know. I'm usually an earlier riser," I replied, as I stifled a yawn.

She nodded. "Interesting. I wonder if your sleep pattern is matching your new body and age."

"Is that normal?" I asked.

"No, but you seem to be developing a lot of traits associated with being a teen. I want to monitor it."

"That sounds ominous," I replied.

"What I'm concerned about is that the longer you're a teen the more changes that could take place. You didn't have to go through your teen years with the complexity of having magical powers. I don't think your powers will change, but your emotional control of them may loosen, if you know what I mean," stated Amelia.

"Oh. I think I know what you're saying. What about my tattoo?" I asked referring to the invisible tattoo above my vagina.

"That might also be a concern. I know that Kayla and I have taught you ways to control your sexual drive. If you become less mature, your sexual desires may gain the upper hand."

"So I could become Iona all over again," I stated. The original Iona had been totally under the control of her sexual urges.

"The changes, should they occur, will be gradual at first. Just be honest and open with me, and we can keep an eye on it. There're ways to help you maintain control."

"Chastity belt?" I quipped.

"In a magical sense, maybe," replied Amelia.

We were in front of the school and I had to get out before pressing her further.

Chapter 24

I tracked down Mick at lunch. He was very pleased to see me and waved me over to his lunchtime hangout.

"This is Carly, she just moved out here from the East Coast," he announced.

There were eight others sitting around eating and talking. I recognized one girl from my civics class. There were also a boy and a girl from lit. Mick introduced me to all of them and they seemed okay with my presence.

Kristy, the girl from civics, asked me how I liked the school so far. I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's the way I feel about it," interjected a guy named Zach.

I found out that many of them were in the band and theater club. Zach worked as a TA for the audio-visual department and wanted go into television. They all seemed like average teens, nothing unusual stood out about any of them, just like the teens who took X-2.

Lunch ended and we headed off to our classes. I had lit next, so I walked together with the two other students. Jim had long blond hair and looked like a stereotypical surfer. I could sense that he was bored and restrained by the confines of the campus. He had mentioned something about being in a band.

The girl's name was Maria and she was Mexican-American. Her grandparents had come to the states fifty years ago. She laughed, telling me that she was taking Spanish. She said that her grandparents had refused to let her mother learn it, as they wanted her to become a real American.

"The funny thing is, everyone assumes that I speak Spanish."

I was pleased that she was opening up to me. I was making friends and my assimilation into Bernardo Valley was well underway.

Chapter 25

After my first week at Bernardo Valley, I was ready to return to the world of adults. Just let me say that all you out there that wish you were young again, you really don't!

As expected, I was not yet accepted enough socially to be invited to any parties or other social events, and to be honest I was pleased that I wasn't. I really needed the weekend away from my classmates.

Thankfully, I still had my adult intellect and intelligence, so my homework was a breeze. I cringed thinking what would happen if I regressed there too, as I was doing in terms of my personality.

What bothered me most, and it really wasn't my classmates, was that I was so quickly becoming one of them. By Friday I'd found that I didn't have to act to blend in. It was all becoming so natural. I sometimes had to remind myself that I was really an adult.

I also liked the fact that boys were paying me more and more attention. Mick was becoming more open in his pursuit of me, and to be honest, I liked that he was interested in me. Part of that was due to my tattoo. I was getting good use out of my silver wand, my nickname for my vibrator. I kept a spare pack of batteries in my nightstand, as I didn't want to be without relief.

I guess what I liked about Mick was that he had mature interests. We shared many of the same musical tastes. Thankfully, that part of me hadn't changed! He was as much of a geek about old movies as I was! I had to keep reminding myself why I was in the school and that I had a boyfriend.

Another thing I liked about Mick was how he seemed to savor life. Whenever we when out to eat, I noticed how Mick took his time eating, enjoying every bite. He also seemed to favor foods that were very flavorful. It was nice to see someone who enjoyed the little things in life.

I missed seeing Bill. I hoped that our relationship would survive this test. We were already dealing with some major issues to begin with; now we could add that I was a teen and Bill was fighting very mixed emotions concerning me. Even though he knew it was me, he couldn't admit that he was sexually aroused by a teenager girl. I tried to put myself in his shoes and wondered how I would react if the roles were reversed.

Chapter 26

Another good thing about the weekend was that I would finally get my driver's license. Okay, it was only a week, but it seemed much, much longer! I would also get my car.

"You look beat," commented Amelia.

"I am. The good news is that I'm making more friends," I replied.

"Good. I should have the crystal ready for your use by Monday," replied Amelia.


"Yes, and I might have something else even more useful for you in a week or so," she continued.

My eyes opened wide with anticipation. "What?"

"A friend of mine has been working on a charm that would allow you to detect anyone who has used X-2 in the past forty-eight hours. It won't detect if they've had their essence stolen, but it should allow you to narrow down the search," she explained.

"That's great!"

"How're your emotions?" asked Amelia. "And before you answer, I'm asking as your doctor."

I told her how easily I was fitting into school and also about Mick.

"I've done some research on how the spell has affected you. The good news is that the changes aren't permanent."

"And the bad news?" I asked.

"It's going to get worse, especially combined with your tattoo," replied Amelia.

"How much worse?"

"You may find it difficult, if not impossible, to resist someone sexually should you become aroused," replied Amelia. "You'll need to watch doing anything that will cause you to lose control. Even a little bit of alcohol or drugs could cause you to give in."

"Great. I get to go from the new girl to the school's slut!"

Amelia didn't argue.

"I was making a joke," I replied.

"I know. There's more."


"Yes. You could project your arousal onto someone else, should you lose control."

"What? How is that possible?" I asked.

"It's a reaction between your tattoos and the youth spell. Just like drugs, spells sometimes don't mix well. The good thing is that you now know this can happen."

I nodded. "I hope we catch this person soon."

"Just remember to stay focused."

"Easier said than done," I replied with a smile.

Chapter 27

"Tomorrow I will be meeting one of the teens who was violated," stated Amelia, as we continued on our way home.

"How're you managing that?" I asked.

"I am a doctor," replied Amelia with a grin. "I'll be conducting a physical exam of him."

"Which teen?" I asked.

"Jamie King," replied Amelia.

Jamie was the boy who was feminized.

"Can you help him?" I asked.

"Only if we can find the exact spell that was used. I can narrow it down by examining him."

"Have they tried hormones?" I asked, knowing it was an obvious action.

"Yes, they seemed to accelerate his feminization."

"That's awful."

"I want you to meet him."


"You can be at my office tomorrow. After I examine him, I will meet with his parents. That will give you a chance to talk to him. See if you can sense anything that might help you in tracking down the dealer," stated Amelia.


"Just be yourself. I think you'll like Jamie."

Chapter 28

The next day I was sitting in Amelia's waiting room, just outside her office and examining room. Jamie was already in with her. His parents were waiting inside Amelia's office.

After waiting there nearly an hour, Jamie came out of the examining room. He was around 5-9, with a very slight build. He was dressed in baggy clothes that failed to hide his feminine body.

He had light blond hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. A Padres ball cap was pulled down, almost covering his eyes. His face looked soft and smooth. He had high cheeks and full lips. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought he was a girl.

He slumped down in a chair next to me.

"Hi," I greeted.

He just nodded at first.

"I'm Carly. Did you just see my aunt?"

He turned to me and nodded. "Yeah, not that it helped any."

His voice was light and soft, like a young girls'.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Jamie sighed. "Believe it or not, but I'm really a guy. My name is Jamie."

"Oh. Do they know what happened?"

He turned to me. "They say I have a hormone disorder. I don't believe it, I think it's magic."

I was caught off guard by his answer. "Magic?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Why not? I've gone online and checked many medical sites. Boys don't just turn into girls. Especially in just a few weeks."

"Any idea of what might have happened?" I asked, as I scanned him. I could sense that he was serious about his belief.

"I might as well tell you, no one else believes me. First off, I have a near photographic memory. I don't even have to try to remember things."

I stared back, wondering where this was all leading.

"I was at a rave and I took some ecstasy. Shortly afterwards I was given a drink. It looked like water but tasted like honey. The changes started the next day."

"Why do you think there's a relation between the two?"

Jamie stared intently at me. "I remember everything about that night. What I can't remember is who gave me the drugs and who gave me the drink. I can remember everything else. It's like someone erased my memory. No matter how hard I try, I just draw a blank."

It made sense. Besides, memory spells weren't that hard to cast. "What happened next?"

"The next day, I felt weak, not like I was sick, rather as if I had no strength. My muscles seemed to melt away. Look at my arms, I used to be a gymnast!" He held out his slender arms. They looked like he could have been a model.

"Go on."

"My breasts began to grow next. I mean I went to bed and the next day I had, these!" he exclaimed pointing to his breasts.

"Have you changed completely?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I still have a dick, but it's tiny now."

He then went on to tell me how over the next few days he continued to change. His parents took him to several doctors. When he was injected with testosterone he got sick and his breasts actually got bigger.

"I believe you," I replied.

He stared at me. "Really? Or are you just humoring me?"

"No, I believe in magic. Maybe we can find a way to reverse the spell."

Jamie sighed. "It better be soon. Every day I feel myself slipping more and more towards being a girl."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm starting to like some of the changes," he stated. He then leaned over to me and whispered. "I like playing with my nipples. The sensations are so good."

I smiled back. "I know."

Jamie laughed. I could tell that he hadn't laughed for a while.

"So.... do you play with.... with your...."

I leaned over and smiled. "All the time!"

Jamie laughed again.

"I just wish I knew if this was permanent. I really hate being in between. Do you see me as a boy or a girl?"

"Physically, I see you as a girl. I see both male and female traits in your personality," I replied. "You wanted my honest opinion." I was fast becoming fond of Jamie.

"Thanks. I don't disagree with you. I look at myself in the mirror and I don't see a boy looking back at me."

"So, could you be happy if you fully became a girl?"

"I guess so. At least I could get on with my life. Now, I'm stuck at home. My parents have told everyone that I have leukemia. Isn't that wonderful?"

"I imagine that they're pretty freaked out by what has happened to you."

"I know. They do love me. Mom and I have talked a little about what... what we should do, if this can't be reversed. Dad, well Dad can't even talk about it...."

Jamie turned to me and began to cry. I pulled him close and we hugged. I remembered my grief when it hit me that I was going to have to be a woman the rest of my life. I also felt a sudden surge of emotion as my mind drifted to my own father's death. It was all I could do to stop from crying.

Jamie gradually regained his composure. He wiped his eyes and blew his nose. "Thanks. I feel so silly, but my emotions control me these days. I guess it's due to my messed up hormones."

"No need to apologize, Jamie."

"You're so cool about this. You don't know how much I appreciate that. I have a feeling many of my friends would consider me a freak."

We talked a few more minutes before his parents came out from Amelia's office. They initially looked horrified that Jamie was talking to someone. I sensed that they were fearful for Jamie. They wanted to keep him hidden from anyone who might expose him. I could sense that they really loved him. To ease their minds, I immediately introduced myself as Amelia's niece.

"It's okay, Mom, she's cool," replied Jamie. "Carly, can we please stay in touch?"

I smiled at the way Jamie got around his parents.

They nodded reluctantly. Jamie and I traded e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

"Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. King, Carly can be trusted," added Amelia.

We watched them drive off. Jamie waved to me as they pulled away. He had a smile on his face.

"Jamie's pretty cool. By the way, he suspects that he was magically transformed," I stated.

"Really? Tell me more."

I told Amelia all about our conversation.

"He's extremely observant and intelligent," stated Amelia.

"Just be honest with him," I suggested.

"I will," replied Amelia. "Thank you for your diagnosis, Doctor."

I laughed. "I found what he said about just wanting to get on with his life very interesting. It's sort of how I first felt when I became Iona."

"I think having you for a friend will help him greatly," replied Amelia.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," replied Amelia.

"Do you think that you'll be able to reverse what happened to him?"

Amelia stared back. "I don't know. Right now it doesn't look good. It would be far easier for him to become female."

I nodded. "Maybe we should start making plans to help Jamie transition?"

"Not quite yet, but when you talk with him next time, try to discuss it with him."

"I will."

Chapter 29

"When I was with Jamie, I thought about my dad. I didn't cry, but it was close. I guess I was too concerned with helping Jamie," I stated.

We were back at the house and I was helping Amelia prepare lunch.

"Don't be afraid to show your emotions, dear. I think Jaime would understand. You two can help each other."

I nodded. "Changing the subject, it looks like we may be after two people."

"Maybe more," replied Amelia. "I'm beginning to suspect that the person doing this is using distributors to give out the X-2, but is selecting the victims for the essence theft. That means that they know each victim, at least casually."

"Go on," I stated, as I finished up my sandwich.

"We know that many teens have taken X-2, yet so far we only have a few victims. I suspect that the dealer is targeting specific teens."

"That means that whoever this person is has access to the teens, and knows about them."

"Exactly. They could be searching for very specific traits to steal, or it could be revenge motivated."

I nodded. "Judging from what I've read about the victims, they didn't seem to be the kind that made a lot of enemies."

"True, but then again, someone could have felt slighted by them. You're seeing firsthand how the social system of the school works."

I nodded again. "Another question is why?"

"Exactly, my dear Watson."

I laughed. "I just hope we find them soon. How're the other teens coming along?"

Over lunch, Amelia updated me on the other victims. The girl who had been aged was getting treatments to ease her pain. She was now in a private clinic in Switzerland.

"Several of her doctors are magical. They're slowly giving her treatments that will restore much of the damage. They have to do it slowly so it looks like a standard medical procedure. She'll never be the way she was, but she'll be able to live a normal life."

"And the teens with reduced intelligence?"

"Again, we're using a mixture of magic and medical treatment. We should be able to restore some of what was stolen. It would be easier if we had the spell."

"Why can't Jamie be helped?"

"Gender is very complicated, as you know. Unless the specifics of the spell are exactly known, it's almost impossible to reverse it. We could make matters worse. Did Jamie tell you what happened when he got male hormones?"

"Yes. His breasts grew another cup size."

"I'm afraid, he might become too feminine to change back. Right now his body has the hormone levels of a girl in puberty. His personality is also changing."

"I know." I told Amelia about Jamie crying.

"He may reach a point where he doesn't want to be returned to masculinity."

"I know all about that," I replied.

"I worry about what will be stolen next," stated Amelia.

Chapter 30

The more I thought about Jamie, the more determined I became to catch whoever was doing this. I now knew one of the victims, and he was a pretty nice kid. Hell, even if he was a jerk, he didn't deserve something like this to happen. I knew that I would have to work my way into the crowd with access to the drug as soon as possible. It was then that I came up with a risky plan.

I spent the rest of the day planning how I would try to convince Amelia and Aunt Kayla that this was the best way to get the dealer. I decided to call him Mr. X, for the lack of anything better.

After dinner I laid out my plan to Amelia.

"I need to find out which group to get into in order to find out who Mr. X is, correct?" I asked.

Amelia nodded. A sly smile grew on her bemused face. "Please go on, you've obviously been planning something all afternoon."

"Okay. I want to tell Jamie what we're doing and ask for his help."

Amelia didn't say a word.

"Look, he could be a great help. He already suspects the truth, and he has a major stake in our finding Mr. X," I argued.

Amelia nodded. "I'm not against your plan. However we need safeguards. Jamie could still be under the control of your Mr. X."

"Oh. I hadn't thought about that," I replied sheepishly.

"Try to get the information out of him without confessing your status. He likes and trusts you. The next time I examine him, I will check for any signs of a controlling spell. Until then, don't tell him who you are."

"I won't." I was a bit pissed at myself for not thinking of the controlling spell.

"I also want to examine you again," replied Amelia.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to see just how much this spell is changing you," she replied.

"You mean my not thinking about the controlling spell could be related to the youth spell?"

Amelia nodded. "How's your school work coming?"

"No problems. I breezed through my homework already."

"Okay, but I want to know if you have any problems, no matter how slight."

Chapter 31

One thing that remained constant was my sexual drive. If anything, it was becoming stronger. I found that I sometimes had to pleasure myself twice a day. Okay, it was enjoyable, but in the back of my mind was the thought of being the sexual partner of some horny teenage boy. Mick was cute, but I didn't want to have sex with him.

I headed off to school Monday in my car. It felt good to not depend on Amelia for a ride. It wasn't a full moon yet, but I decided to scan my classmates, just in case the whole full moon thing was wrong.

I parked my "new car" in the student parking lot. I missed my Mercedes, but Amelia and Bill had insisted that I get a different car, something more fitting for a teen. I argued that I saw many Mercedes in the high school parking lots to no avail. Still, my used VW Cabriolet was pretty nice. It was even a convertible, although it was too cool to use it.

One thing that was different from my first run through high school was the variety of drugs the kids were using. I detected kids using everything from pot to coke. It was a bit depressing, why couldn't they learn from our mistakes?

Granted I smoked some weed when I was in high school, I never tried anything stronger. I gave up weed entirely when I went in the Navy. I prepared myself for the fact that I might have to do it again to gain the trust of the teens using X-2.

I did detect a few of my classmates who were dealers through my scanning. I would keep an eye on them, but I didn't think that they were the ones we were looking for.

I joined my regular lunch group and hadn't bothered to take off my crystal. I got a strong vibe when I sat down near Jim. I attempted to probe to discover what was bothering him. The weird thing was I couldn't break through. Now, I could usually get a strong sense of what was on someone's mind. Sometimes I could only get the emotional state, but I got nothing from Jim. All I could tell was that he dealing and was hiding his real feelings. I wondered if he was involved. I decided not to press him at this time, but I would keep my eye on him.

I was pleased to see that I didn't get any negative hits off the rest of my friends. Mick was clean, which made me happy.

I decided to cast out a line and see if anyone was biting. "What passes for a good time around here?" Okay, maybe that was too strong, but I couldn't withdraw my words.

Maria and some of the other girls laughed. "Sorry, Carly, but we're laughing with you, not at you. Nothing much happens around here, period," replied Kristy.

"Oh. Not even parties?" I asked.

"Well, there are the occasional get-togethers, but there's no schedule to them," interjected Zach.

I sensed he was lying.

"What was it like back in Philadelphia?" asked Kim.

Kim was in theater. She had her dark brown hair streaked with purple highlights.

"You mean DC?" I replied.

"Oh, yes, that's what I meant," she replied.

"We had parties almost every weekend. Then there were some really big events," I replied. I scanned her, but didn't get anything out of the ordinary.

"Like what?" asked Zach.

"Raves," I replied.

"Really?" asked Mick. "I wouldn't have thought of you as a party girl." There was a big smile on his face.

"I wasn't, but I went to a few." I winked at him.

"We have them out here sometimes," replied Zach. "I worked a few this year."

Of course, Zach was into electronics and music.

"Cool," I replied. I decided not to press the point any harder.

I was saved by the bell warning that lunch was ending in five minutes. At least I'd laid down the groundwork.

Chapter 32

The rest of the week passed without incident. I was relieved that I didn't seem to be regressing any more. I also set up another meeting with Jamie for the weekend.

I drove over to his house Saturday afternoon. He lived in one of the newest housing developments. The neighborhood was filled with large homes on small plots. Judging by the type of cars in the driveways, the neighborhood was very affluent; either that or they were up to their necks in debt.

I arrived at Jamie's house and walked to the front door. I wondered how long Jamie had lived here.

Mrs. King met me at the door and seemed pleased to see me.

She was a pleasant looking woman in her late forties. Her light brown hair was styled short. She also had very pretty emerald green eyes, like Jamie.

"Hi, Carly. Jamie will be home in a few minutes," she greeted. "He went out for a drive with his father."

We walked into the kitchen. All along the wall leading to the kitchen were photos of Jamie and his gymnastic awards.

"Would you like something to drink?" she asked.

"Diet Coke, please," I replied.

We sat down at the kitchen table.

"I really appreciate you coming over here today. Since Jamie... got sick, he's been pretty isolated," she stated.

"It's no bother at all. I like Jamie," I replied.

She nodded. "I wish we knew what was wrong with him. Your aunt has been very helpful. The good thing is that other than his... gender, Jamie is very healthy."

I just nodded. I had a feeling she needed to talk about this as much as Jamie did.

"May I ask you a question?" she asked.


"How do you think Jamie would be received at school?"

I thought about my answer and how to phrase it. "You mean if he went back as a boy or as a girl?"

"Either," she replied.

"If he went back as a boy, I think he would have some problems. No, make that a lot of problems. Teens aren't the most understanding people. It would probably be worse if he went to another school. At least at Bernardo Valley, he has some friends," I replied.

She nodded. I could tell that my answer only confirmed her own beliefs.

"Now, if he attended as a girl, he would fit in easier. It would be a huge cultural shift for him.... or rather her," I replied. "In that case, it might be best to start fresh at another school."

"Thank you. I appreciate your honesty. As long as Jamie is happy and healthy, I don't care if he's my son or my daughter."

I thought about my own mother and let out a sight sigh.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about my parents."

She reached over and took my hands into hers. "You poor dear. Your aunt told me that you just lost your father. How're you doing?"

"Good days and bad days," I replied. I suddenly felt my emotions getting looser. "I miss them."

She leaned over and gave me a hug. In spite of my best efforts, my tears started again.

"It's okay, dear. It's good to let it out," Mrs. King comforted me.

A minute or so later I was wiping my eyes with a tissue. I think that my show of emotion bonded me with Mrs. King and she now fully trusted me to help her child.

We talked for a few more minutes before Jamie was dropped off by his father.

Jamie led me into the family room, where he turned on the TV, more for background noise.

"Dad had to go back to work," replied Jamie. "He's a manager for the nuke power plant north of Camp Pendleton."

"Why did you guys move here?" I asked.

"Mom used to teach in this district. Also we liked that the district had a good gymnastics program."

Jamie was dressed in the same sort of baggy clothes that I had seen him in earlier. It hit me that this wasn't a fashion statement; rather he was just wearing his old clothing.

His long blond hair fell around his face. Even in its unstyled condition, it made him look feminine.

Initially we just made small talk about school, music, and TV.

After a while, Jamie glanced around, and then turned to me. "So, what did Mom ask you?"

I laughed. I saw no need to lie to him and told him about our conversation. He didn't seem surprised by anything I said.

"I've pretty much given up on going back to school. Mom's been homeschooling me, so at least I haven't fallen behind. My grades were good enough to get me into the UC system. I was hoping for an athletic scholarship, but I doubt that will happen now."

"What school do you want to attend?" I asked.

"I wanted UCLA, but I think I'll look at some of the others now. My health situation will dictate when I get to go to school."

I bit my lower lip. I wasn't sure if I should say what was on my mind or not.

"You don't agree, do you?" asked Jamie.

"No, not exactly. I think you need to get on with your life. Other than this, you're healthy, right?" I asked, as I pointed to his body.

"Yes," he replied.

"Okay, if this is a new medical ailment, it's unlikely that your body will revert back. If it's magical, then, unless we find who cast the spell, you're stuck again."

Jamie nodded. He didn't look shocked at what I was saying.

"I know you've thought about this, you've already told me that there are things you like about your new body," I continued.

"What are you getting to?" he asked.

"Maybe you need to start learning how to be a girl," I said.

"Go on."

"Look, you don't have to jump into dresses and makeup, but maybe you could get a new wardrobe, unisex stuff like new jeans and tops. Also you should be wearing a bra, you'll find it makes things a little easier," I stated.

"I am sick of wearing my old clothes. Nothing fits. Look at my belt, I had to add several new holes." He then brushed his hair back.

Judging by the annoyed way he did it, I suspected that he wasn't happy with his present hairstyle either.

"Did your hair grow out too?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I have an extra scrunchie in my bag. Here, let me help you."

In a minute I had pulled his hair back into a ponytail.

"What did you use before?" I asked.

"A rubber band," he replied.

"Ouch! You can keep the scrunchie, it's dark blue, so I don't think your dad will be upset."

Jamie laughed. "Dad is really trying to understand all this. We drove around and talked. I think he's starting to accept that I'm not going to be a macho man or anything like that."

"What did he think about you being a gymnast?" I asked.

"At first he wasn't happy. Then he came to some of my meets and became a huge supporter."

"Sounds like he really loves you," I replied.

"I know."

"So, what do you want to study in college?" I asked.

"I was thinking of medicine, maybe therapy. What about you?"

"I want to be a lawyer."

"Why? You're too nice!"

I laughed. Jamie then told me several lawyer jokes, most of which I had already heard.

"Back to the clothing thing. What do you suggest?" asked Jamie.

"I don't think you'll find boy jeans that will fit you now. You have too much hip now. Maybe some sweaters and tops to go with them."

"I don't think I have the nerve to go to the mall right now," stated Jamie.

"We can take your measurements and I can either get the stuff for you, or we can use the Internet, that is if your parents approve," I stated.

"I don't think my mom will mind."

"You want to ask now?" I asked.

Jamie nodded.

Mrs. King thought it was a good idea and she retrieved a tape measure from her sewing cabinet. In a few minutes we had Jamie's measurements. Mrs. King pulled out a catalog that had a measurement chart in it, and we soon calculated Jamie's sizes.

The three of us sat around the kitchen table going through catalogs to get an idea of what Jamie would be comfortable wearing. We soon had a list of acceptable items. As promised, nothing was too feminine, other than the lingerie.

Jamie turned to his mom. "Mom, can Carly buy the clothes?"

"Why?" she asked. Then it hit her. "I get it, you're worried what someone might think if they saw me buying clothes for a teenage girl."

Jamie nodded. "I know it's silly, but I'm still a bit worried about being found out."

Mrs. King looked over at me. I could tell that she didn't want to spook Jamie away from his decision to update his wardrobe. "Would you mind doing it, Carly?"

"No, not at all," I replied.

In addition to buying him some bras, I would also pick out some panties. His male underwear fit as well as the rest of his old wardrobe.

"I can go out now, if you like, and be back in few hours," I offered.

"That's very sweet of you, Carly. I'll write you a check for everything," Mrs. King replied.

"Cool. I'll be back shortly," I stated.

Jamie and Mrs. King walked me to the door. I headed off to do some shopping.

Chapter 33

Thankfully Jamie's sizes were easy to find. I picked him out a few pairs of jeans. I went with different brands, and sizes. I could return any that didn't fit.

The tops were easier to select. I picked out several single colored pullover cotton tops, a mixture of long sleeve and half sleeve. I didn't think he was ready for sleeveless. I picked out a hoodie sweatshirt for him, along with a few sweaters. As for colors, I went with blues, greens, and grays.

I also picked out some simple bras and cotton panties for him. The sales girl asked me if I had made a mistake, as the bras were all 34-B. I laughed and told her they were for my little sister. In a sense I wasn't lying; Jamie was becoming very important to me.

Jamie and Mrs. King met me at the door as I carried my stash inside. We went upstairs to Jamie's room and I set everything out on his bed.

I glanced around his room and saw that it was very neat and orderly -- far more than mine ever was. I noticed that he had a bookshelf filled with a variety of topics ranging from history to philosophy. There were also many books on the occult and magic. I recognized a few of the titles. Some were total crap, but there were a few that had some real info in them.

"So, where do we start?" asked Jamie.

"Try on the jeans, but put on a pair of the panties first," suggested Mrs. King.

Jamie took the clothes and disappeared into his bathroom.

While he changed, Mrs. King turned to me. "Thank you, so much, Carly."

I smiled and nodded back. "Glad to help."

Jamie came out wearing his new jeans. His changes were much more noticeable now. He actually had a really nice figure.

"They look great, dear. How do they fit?" she asked.

He just nodded as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

"Okay, you ready to try on a bra?"

He nodded again.

"Here, let me help you," stated Mrs. King softly.

"I'll step outside," I offered.

"No, please stay, Carly. It's not like you haven't seen breasts before," stated Jamie.

"Okay." I sat down on the edge of his bed.

Jamie pulled off his sweatshirt and the t-shirt that was underneath. He had nicely formed breasts. His nipples were large, compared to the size of his breasts. I suspected that they weren't done growing.

Mrs. King helped him put on his first bra. She adjusted the bra straps until it fit just right.

She then handed Jamie a gray long sleeve turtleneck. He pulled it over his head and she helped him fit the collar. Jamie turned around and stood facing me.

"Well?" he asked, holding his hands out.

I looked back. If I hadn't known his true gender, I wouldn't have guessed he was really a boy. He had a real natural beauty to his face, the kind that really doesn't need makeup. "You look great."

"I have to admit, that even though this outfit shows off my... changes more. I like the fact that my clothing fits again. Oh, the bra does feel good, Carly," stated Jamie.

"I was glad I could help," I replied. I stood up and hugged him. I debated asking him if he still thought of himself as male, but didn't push it.

Jamie tried on the rest of the outfits. Everything fit, so I didn't have to return anything.

We went downstairs and sat around the kitchen table drinking hot chocolate. A short time later Mr. King arrived.

He was a big man, over six feet tall, stocky, with a slight paunch. His dark brown hair was turning gray, as was his moustache. He walked into the kitchen and greeted us. He then noticed Jamie's new outfit.

He stared at his feminized son without saying a thing.

"I felt it was time that Jamie got some things that fit him better," stated Mrs. King. Obviously she was willing to take any heat that might arise.

Mr. King nodded. "Well, I admit that it's an improvement. You okay with this, Jamie?"

Jamie nodded. "Besides, they're just clothes." He turned to me and winked.

A slight smirk formed on Mr. King's face. "I think we all know that they're more than just clothes."

"Then you're okay with this too?" asked Jamie.

"Jamie, I'm not happy about what has happened to you, but I'm not unhappy with you. This isn't your fault. This is a medical problem," stated Mr. King.

"And even if it wasn't, we'd still love you," added Mrs. King. She turned to her husband. "Right, honey?"

Mr. King turned to his wife and then back to Jamie. "Of course. We just want you to be happy and healthy. I also know that you can't spend the rest of your life hiding in this house."

I suddenly felt out of place and took immediate evasive action to leave. I wanted Jamie to be alone with his family.

"I'd better get going," I announced as I looked at my watch.

Jamie came over and hugged me.

"You're always welcome, Carly. Maybe next time you can stay for dinner," suggested Mrs. King.

"I'd like that," I replied.

A short time later, I was talking to Amelia about my afternoon with Jamie and his family.

"Jamie's acceptance of what's happening doesn't surprise me. He's pretty levelheaded. I don't think many boys would be as accommodating," remarked Amelia.

"How much of his acceptance is due to the spell?" I asked.

"Surprisingly, not much at all. I've done some more research on the nature of spell. The spell may cause them emotional changes, but it doesn't change their true self. Jamie is a very adaptable person. This is just his way of coping."

"So, he might not want to change back?" I asked.

Amelia nodded. "Especially now that he knows that his parents are supportive of whatever decision he makes. You did good!"

"Don't you mean well?" I replied with a grin. She was always correcting me on that!

"No, good is a better description. You know, you have what it takes to be a therapist like Kayla," remarked Amelia.

I shook my head. "I want to be a lawyer. I like the idea of going after the bad guys!"

"Well, I may have something that will help you soon. The charm that will allow you to detect anyone who has used X-2 is being sent here."


"FEDEX, why? Did you think I'd use a magical method?" asked Amelia.

I nodded.

Amelia smiled. "Besides FEDEX is cheaper."

Chapter 34

The charm wouldn't arrive until Monday afternoon, so I was off to school without it. I didn't mind, as the full moon wasn't due until the coming weekend.

I continued to try to assimilate into Bernardo Valley. I was asked to go hang out at the mall by some of the girls in my civics class. I immediately accepted.

Now, I had gone shopping with other women a few times, including with my friend Karen, but this was different. I soon realized that this wasn't just a shopping trip; rather I was being sized up. They were trying to see if I was what I claimed to be.

As we shopped, one of the girls -- her name was Sharon -- told us how drunk she had gotten over the weekend. She was dating a boy from the football team and they had gone to a party over by San Diego State. Her boyfriend's brother played football there.

"Do you drink, Carly?" asked Zoá«, an attractive raven-haired girl.

"Yes," I replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

"Have you ever been drunk?" asked Sharon. There was a wicked grin on her face.

I stared back and nodded. "Yes, a few times."

"What do you like to drink? I love beer," asked Kelly, a big-breasted gorgeous blonde. She seemed like a nice girl, although I noticed that she and Zoá« seemed to be more than just friends.

It didn't matter to me; it's just that there weren't a lot of LBGT students out at Bernardo Valley. I had sensed a lot of students with sexual conflicts, but most were too closeted. The school had rejected the idea of a Gay-Straight Student Alliance club, which many other schools in the area had. I had learned that parents didn't feel it was necessary there. It was too bad they couldn't detect feelings like I could.

"Beer's okay; however, have you ever had vodka?" I replied. "You don't have to pee as often with vodka."

Kelly laughed. I saw a few knowing nods between them.

"What about drugs?" asked Zoá«.

"I've smoked dope a few times, usually with friends at parties," I replied.

"What about anything harder?" asked Kelly.


"Not even ecstasy?" asked Zoá«.

"No, but I've heard about it. Have you?"

Zoá« nodded. "It's so cool. You feel... so free. "

The rest of the girls began to tell me about their experiences with the drug.

"And it's safe?" I asked.

"Sure. Safer than booze," replied Zoá«. "You don't get hangovers."

"Yeah, what about Ronnie?" asked Kelly.

"Who knows what happened to her. I don't think it was the ecstasy," replied Zoá«.

"Who's Ronnie?" I asked.

"She was a girl that used to go to our school. She used to party with us," answered Sharon.

"Yeah, then she suddenly got sick. They had to take her to the hospital. I heard her parents sent her to Europe for medical treatment," piped in Kelly.

"She probably got pregnant and her parents shipped her out of here to have the kid," quipped Zoá«. "Anyway, we were all with her and we took the same amount, and nothing happened to us."

Later that evening I re-read the files on the other teens. The girl with the premature aging was named Veronica Costello.

Chapter 35

"Looks like you've made some progress," remarked Amelia. "I'll let Mrs. Dylan know."

Mrs. Dylan was the principal's secretary.

"Hopefully they trust me enough to invite me to go out partying with them. Doesn't sound like any of them have sworn off X-2," I replied.

"Well, even if they don't, you know someone you can test the charm on. It arrived this afternoon."

Amelia handed me a silver bracelet with reddish colored stones imbedded in it. It was very pretty -- something I might have picked out for myself.

"How does it work?" I asked.

"Put it on. If you get close to anyone who has recently used X-2, you'll feel a slight tingling in your wrist, more like an itch than a shock," explained Amelia.

"What's the range?" I asked.

"Thirty, maybe forty feet," replied Amelia.

"Cool. Thanks Q," I quipped, comparing her to the character in the James Bond movies.

"I'll take that as compliment."

Chapter 36

I called up Beth the next evening.

"Oh, Carly, I love the photos you sent me. You make a pretty cute teenager."

"Thanks, Beth. The good thing is that I'll be an adult again soon."

"Bite me!" replied my old friend.

"I would if I was there," I replied with a laugh.

"Hey! There's an idea!"

"What?" I replied.

"Why don't we get together? When's your spring break?"

"Let me check," I stated. I grabbed my student handbook and checked the calendar. "Second week of April."

"Same here."

"Okay, Sherlock, how do we pull this off? I'm in San Diego, you're in DC."

"I'm not exactly eager to go to San Diego. Too many bad memories," replied Beth.

Beth had been transformed in San Diego. Additionally, the scientist who'd changed her had tried to abduct her here, and she had almost been killed here. I could understand her aversion to America's Finest City.

"Oh, I forgot. If I went to DC, how would you explain me?"

"Hmmm. Let me think about it."

"If it helps, I trust you, should you need to tell someone about me. After all, if they know you were once a guy, accepting me shouldn't be that big of a stretch."

"I'll let you know before I tell anyone," continued Beth.

"If it makes me more at ease, I can also erase their memory," I added.

"Okay, Sabrina," quipped Beth.

"Very funny," I replied.

"I thought so, besides it does fit you now," continued Beth. "By the way, how's the case going?"

I told her about what had happened. I also told her about Jamie.

"So he's in between right now, but looks really feminine?" asked Beth.

"Yes. A really nice kid," I replied.

"And you think he might want to stay a girl?"

"Yes. He might not have a choice, but I think he might stay even if we find the counter-spell. Why? What's on your mind?"

"I need to check out something first. I'll get back to you," replied Beth.

Chapter 37

I wore the bracelet to school the next day. Other than a few compliments, I didn't get anything with it. I wasn't that surprised; I doubted if anyone would take X-2 during the week.

I was fitting in more, but I didn't feel that I was trusted enough to be invited to any big parties yet.

Mick was still coming on to me, and I didn't fight it. He was cute and I liked him a lot. He didn't act like the typical immature teenage boy.

On Thursday, during lunch, he asked me out.

"Carly, you want to go to the movies this Friday?" he asked, as he shared his French fries with me.

Without debating it in my mind. "Sure, I'd like that."

"Cool. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:30," he replied.

"I'll e-mail you directions to my house."

As I walked to class, it suddenly hit me that I was going out on a date!

When Amelia got home, I told her about my impending date with Mick.

"Not to complicate your life anymore than it already is, but Bill is coming over for dinner this evening," replied Amelia.

Chapter 38

I nervously got dressed in anticipation of Bill's arrival. I fumbled with my earrings and it took me three attempts to get the right one in. I was wearing a red sweater, jeans, and some cute black half boots.

I sensed Bill's arrival a good ten minutes before he got there. He was obviously coming straight from work, as he was still in his gray three-piece suit. It was his favorite trial suit! He felt it was lucky and he always wore it when he was making his closing arguments.

We hugged when he arrived. I wanted to kiss him, but didn't.

He shook his head as he looked at me. "Why didn't I meet girls like you when I was in high school?"

"Your loss!" I replied.

He nodded and smiled. I caught a momentary glint in his eye. It was the look he got when we were about to go to bed. Just as quickly, it disappeared.

Obviously he saw that I'd noticed his interrupted arousal. "Sorry, Carly."

There was no need to explain. "I know."

Amelia cooked lasagna and Bill had brought a loaf of bread. They had wine and I had a soda. At least I got to eat with the adults!

Over dinner we updated Bill on the case.

"We've had some info that there may be a big rave this weekend. You don't think you'll be invited?" asked Bill.

I shook my head. "I think I may be trusted enough by the next one. I'll be scanning Monday morning for anyone who took X-2. I'll also check to see if they've been violated. I may not be able to tell exactly what's wrong, but I can alert Amelia."

"I'll let Mrs. Dylan know, and she'll get them in for an exam," stated Amelia.

"How will you do that?" asked Bill.

"She'll have the kid brought up to the front office. She has a special skill for detecting disruptions in someone's soul. From what we've learned, the effects of essence stealing start within twenty-four hours. The victim may not be totally aware of what has happened, but they won't feel right."

"What then?"

"She'll also scan them for any blocking spells. The residue of the spell should still be there, and that will help us greatly. We can learn much about the person who cast it from the type of spell they used."

"Sounds like CSI," I interjected.

"Good analogy. I don't think it would surprise you that there are many of us in forensic science," replied Amelia.

"Nothing would surprise me these days," quipped Bill.

Amelia cut me a glance. I nodded.

"Bill, I'm going on a date tomorrow. Don't worry, he's just taking me to the movies," I blurted out.

Bill shrugged his shoulders. "I was expecting this. You're too cute for them to ignore." He then winked at me.

I immediately giggled. I felt silly and started to explain that I still loved Bill.

"Carly, stop, there is no need. We're still a couple and I love you. Remember, I'm the one who got you into this," comforted Bill.

"Thanks." I got up and hugged him. I felt so little in his arms.

Chapter 39

I wore a short denim skirt and green long sleeve blouse. I also wore one of my pairs of boots. I selected a knee-high pair with two-inch heels. I wanted to look good, but I also wanted to be comfortable. I topped it off with my black leather jacket. I looked damned cute!

Mick arrived on time in his VW sedan. He was wearing black jeans and a shirt with an actual collar! He was also wearing a black leather jacket.

We headed to the multiplex and picked out a movie. I offered to split the costs, but Mick insisted on buying my ticket, popcorn, and Diet Coke.

The movie was uneventful and afterwards we went to a local chain Chinese fast food restaurant. We split an order of their spicy chicken. I got a kick out of just watching Mick eat; he obviously relished every bite he took.

"If I haven't said it before, you look great, Carly."

"You have, but I don't mind hearing it again. I think you look good too," I replied. Oh, that just sounded so stupid, I thought.

"Thanks," he replied.

I could feel his eyes taking me in, and I sensed his desires for me. I found it very hard to restrain my own sense of arousal.

We talked about the movie, but it was becoming obvious that our minds were on something else. I was starting to lose control of my arousal, and I found that I was actively flirting with Mick.

"Well, I guess I should take you home... unless you'd rather go back to my house?" asked Mick. He then raised and lowered his eyebrows.

I smiled back. Say go home, say go home, my good sense was screaming. "Okay."

He reached over and, took my hands in his. "You mean take you home?"

I shook my head.

He smiled and stood up. As we walked out, he put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him.

We got out to his car and, once inside, he leaned over and kissed me. It started off as a simple kiss on the lips, but soon we were kissing deeper. He was a really good kisser!

"I've wanted to do that since you first showed up in the bookstore," confessed Mick, as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Was it worth the wait?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" he replied.

My state of arousal was very high now. I was fighting a losing battle to keep what little control I had. I definitely didn't want to have sex with him. I hoped that we wouldn't get that far.

We arrived at Mick's house. The house was dark.

"My parents are out of town," whispered Mick, as we walked towards the house. His arm was around me and he pulled me close.

We went into the family room. Mick turned on the stereo with some quiet classic jazz and sat down next to me.

"I've got some good weed, if you want some?" he asked.

I just nodded.

He got up and returned a few minutes later with a joint.

By now my good sense was going hoarse screaming at me. It was too hard. I was surrendering to my lust. I now knew how Iona must have felt.

We finished off the joint and started kissing again. Mick was very smooth. It was obvious that I wasn't the first girl he had been with. I was expecting clumsy groping of my body; instead he was gentle and knew exactly where to stroke to get me hot. His fingers began to rub against my nipples, causing me to moan.

We made out for a while. Without a word, he began to unbutton my blouse. I offered no resistance. Mick's eyes opened wide as he saw my breasts. He smiled at me and helped me out of my blouse. Expertly, he removed my bra and began to rub his fingers around my hardened nipples.

I was enjoying every moment of it, in spite of my initial resistance.

Mick leaned over and whispered. "You're not the good girl you portray in school, are you?"

I nodded, unable to talk due to my state of sexual pleasure.

"I thought so. I love that about you." He then began to kiss me, as his fingers worked my nipples.

Then he gently guided one of my hands down to his crotch. I could feel his erection pressing against his jeans, eager to be released. Suddenly, the only thing on my mind was to have that cock.

As if sensing my lust and desire, Mick unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. I began to stroke it.

"Hmm... yes, you know what to do; right, my love?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yes," I moaned.

I stroked his cock as we kissed. I could feel it grow harder as I stimulated it. I then felt Mick's left hand slip down and lift up my skirt. He began to rub against the outside of my panties.

I wanted to reach down and brush his hand away, but couldn't. I could only hope that he would stop first.

He then began to guide my head down to his cock. "I know you want it, my love."

My lips were soon wrapped around his cock. I eagerly began to orally please him, while I began to finger myself. The old Iona had returned.

I soon had him moaning in total ecstasy and was able to pull off just as he came; I guess I still had some control. I stroked him until he was lying there weak and happy.

"Wow, baby. That was great."

After we cleaned up and got dressed, he pulled me close. "You're my girl now, right?"

I nodded.

"Say it, my love. Tell me that you're my girl."

"I'm your girl," I replied, as I leaned over and kissed him.

"Cool. I knew you were wilder than you showed at school," he stated.

I nodded.

"If I didn't have to work tomorrow, I'd take you to a party," he continued.

My eyes opened up wider.

"There's a big one tomorrow night. I couldn't get the time off, but there'll be others."

"Okay, I'd like that." I sensed that I had just passed another test.

Mick took me home and we kissed for several minutes. I knew that the wand would get a good workout shortly.

Chapter 40

The next morning I told Amelia everything, I mean everything that had happened.

"I'm not exactly happy about what happened last night, but at least it looks like I'm closer to getting invited to a rave."

"Tell me again about your sense of arousal," asked Amelia.

After I did, she gave me a worried look.

"The tattoo was put on Iona when she was eighteen and she couldn't fight it. You're seventeen, and while your ability to fight back is stronger, it's apparent that you can't always control yourself. Drinking or taking drugs will only amplify its power. Mick's lust for you may have also been amplified by the tattoo."

"Great. What can I do?"

"Well, the tattoo will still protect you from becoming pregnant or getting an STD. As for your sexual urges, there's not a lot we can do, until you become an adult again. Mick knows that you're sexually active. From what you told me, you didn't offer much resistance; so he knows that this wasn't a one-time deal."

I sighed. "What scares me is how badly I wanted him last night. I would have had sex with him, if he'd offered."

Amelia put her arm around me. "Iona, I know. I'm not judging you; I know that you're being controlled by other forces. I also appreciate the huge sacrifice you're making."

"I still feel dirty," I replied.


I felt a tear run down my left cheek. "Oh great, now I'm starting to cry!"

Amelia pulled me close and let me sob and let out my emotions.

Chapter 41

Jamie was out of town for the week. His parents had driven up to the San Francisco area to see his grandparents. Jamie was happy that they were doing something together.

I was in a bit of a funk the rest of the weekend. Amelia was busy with her clients and even Aunt Kayla was busy. I felt weak for giving into my emotions and allowing the tattoo to control me. I also knew that I would be powerless to stop it from happening again. I tried to imagine how Iona had felt and how months and years of feeling that way must have worn her down. It must have been awful, and I now understood why she had been so willing to let her own life slip away.

I tried to shift my mind to something else. I began to think about Dad and how I'd never got to say goodbye. I was slipping into a real full-fledged, deep gray depression.

I needed to do something, so I went outside for a walk. It was sunny and nice; it never really gets bad in San Diego. I walked down the street to the entrance of the hiking trails. I headed out on the three-mile loop that covered the rim of the canyon the complex bordered.

I thought about my life and what was going on with the case. I liked that I was hunting the person who had violated Jamie and the others, and knew that I couldn't walk away. I would tell Bill everything and hopefully he would remain as understanding.

Heading back to the house, I passed a townhouse that had a sign advertising "Free Kittens."

I missed Aunt Kayla's cats and I walked up to the open garage door. A woman was sitting in a lawn chair next to a box that had three tiny balls of fur inside. Sitting next to the box were two little girls, maybe five or six.

"Hi," I greeted, as I peered into the box.

"Hi, you interested in a new friend?" asked the woman. "Some idiot abandoned them at my husband's work site."

I crouched down and looked at the kittens. Two were sound asleep, but the third woke up and stared intently at me. It raised one paw, as if it was begging me to pick it up.

"They've been checked out by a vet, and are litterbox trained," stated the woman.

I reached down and scooped up the kitten. Like Bran, it was all black.

"She's the only female of the bunch," added the woman.

I felt her snuggle against my hands as I held her. I lifted her up to my face and could hear her purring.

"Looks like she likes you," said one of the little girls.

"Yes, it does," I replied. Amelia would kill me, and what would Aunt Kayla say, and then there were Bran and Tully. "I don't know. I need to check with my aunt first."

As if on cue, the kitten licked my hand.

"Can you hold her for an hour?" I asked.

The woman nodded and I set the kitten back in the box. She gave me a look, as if she knew I'd be back.

"I'm Mrs. Valentine and these are my daughters, Paula and Molly."

"I'm Carly Taylor."

I walked home and called up Amelia. To my surprise she had no objections. I then called Aunt Kayla.

"I've been expecting this," she stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Girls your age usually meet their familiar," stated Aunt Kayla.

"You mean this is destined?" I asked.

"Of course. Didn't you feel something special when you first saw the kitten?" she asked.

"I did. But what about the girls?"

"They'll be a bit miffed at first, but they'll adapt. A kitten might be just the thing to liven up their lives."

"Thank you, Aunt Kayla." I then told her about what had happened. She didn't seem overly surprised.

"The good thing is that when this is all over, you will return to your real life," she stated.

"True. I just wonder what to do about Jamie. I would like to stay in touch with him," I confessed.

"Maybe we can work something out. Now, I think you're keeping someone waiting."

I laughed. "Yes, I better go and get my familiar."

I stopped by Mrs. Valentine's house and told her that I wanted to kitten, but I was going to the pet store to get some supplies first.

"I knew you'd take her," she smiled.

An hour later, I was sitting on my bed playing with my unnamed kitten. I thought about names but none seemed to fit. I then called Beth and told her about my newest addition.

"Well, how 'bout Salem, Sabrina?" kidded Beth.

"The kitten's a female," I replied.

"So? You used to be a guy?" replied Beth with a giggle. "Salem's a pretty gender neutral name anyway."

I turned to the kitten; she was currently fascinated with my toes. "Salem?" I asked.

The kitten stopped and looked at me.

"You like that? Do you want me to call you Salem?" I asked.

The kitten rubbed against my extended hand and purred.

"Okay, Salem it is."

"Glad to have been of help," replied Beth.

"I'll send you a picture of Salem," I stated.

"Cool. I'm waiting until I go to college to get a pet. The woman I'll be living with has a really cool dog named Spirit."

"What's her name?"

"Celeste. Oh, that reminds me! She runs an institute that helps teens who have gender issues," stated Beth. "They help them adjust to their new lives."

"Really?" I asked.

Beth then told me all about her friend Celeste and the institute she had set up. Celeste presently had three teens living in her home. Two separate facilities were due to be opened in the next year, one in Connecticut and the other in upstate Pennsylvania.

"Sounds like a great place for Jamie to go."

"I'll e-mail you the information," replied Beth.

Between Beth's news and Salem, I was totally out of my funk. It had been a good day after all.

Chapter 42

Amelia also fell in love with Salem. "She's adorable."

"Do you have a familiar?

"Not presently. I had one when I was younger. She was a gray cat, in fact she was the grandmother of your good friend Tully."

"Why don't you have one now?" I asked.

"I've been moving so much lately. Although, I've decided to stay here in San Diego, so maybe I should think about taking in a new one."

"You're staying here?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, although I will be moving to a more homey neighborhood. I've got my eye on a nice house near Balboa Park."

"That's great!"

I was truly excited about her living so close. Salem seemed to be pleased too, as she stalked Amelia's fingers.

"So what exactly does a familiar do?" I asked. "I mean, I know that they're some sort of assistant or something like that."

"They were in the ancient times, but now they've assumed more of a companion role. Sometimes they'll help you see the way, during troubled times, and sometimes they can alert you to impending danger."

I looked down at Salem. "That makes sense."

"You'll find that you'll become very emotionally linked with Salem. At times it borders on ESP."

It was decided that Salem would be a strictly indoor cat, at least until I moved back to Aunt Kayla's, as the nearby canyons had coyotes. I don't think Salem minded. She was too busy exploring her new world.

Chapter 43

"A cat, huh?" remarked my sister.

"Yes, she's adorable! I can't wait to send you photos of her," I replied gleefully. Salem was asleep in front of me.

"I've been thinking about getting one myself. The studio could use an animal."

I told her what Amelia had told me about familiars.

"Well, I'd welcome any living thing that would give me inspiration," replied Jenny. Jenny had been slowly developing her own powers.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, little sister," replied Jenny.

"How old were you when you lost your virginity?"

"Well, that is a personal question. I was a senior in high school, why?"

I told her about my increased sexual feelings and my little romp with Mick.

"And this is all because of the tattoo?" she asked.

"That and my new, younger self."

"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, but I wouldn't worry about Bill. He loves you."

"Thanks. Sorry that your little sister is so shameless," I replied with a laugh.

"Don't apologize and definitely don't degrade yourself. The only person I'm angry at is that bastard who gave Iona the tattoo in the first place!"

"He's serving a very long sentence, as a goat," I remarked.

"As a goat? That's rich," replied Jenny.

"Yes, he can reduce his sentence if he'll disclose how to remove the tattoo. So far he's refused."

"Maybe they should take him to Greece. They roast goats there!"

I laughed.

Jenny told me about the rest of the family. Mom was thinking of selling the house and moving into a nearby condo for fifty-five and older. It's difficult thinking of your parents growing older.

Jenny's art show had been moved to August, which was good as I would be adult again by then.

I lifted the sleeping Salem and deposited her in her little bed. I spent the next couple of hours working on my homework. Thankfully, I didn't have any problems, so maybe my regression had stopped.

Chapter 44

Monday, I wore the bracelet and by lunch I had seventeen hits. I didn't know all the students yet, but I had a good description of each. None showed any more additional distress than the normal teen at Bernardo Valley. I wrote down their names and descriptions for Mrs. Dylan. I was expecting a prearranged call to the front office, just before lunch. Zoá« was one of the people on my list.

As I approached Mick and the others, I got a really strong hit. As I walked closer, I realized that it was coming from Jim, who was sitting off by himself.

"Hey, there you are!" stated Mick.

I sat down next to him and we kissed.

As we ate, I scanned Jim. Something was bothering him. He was wearing a large San Diego Chargers parka. It was chilly, but not even natives would consider it cold enough for a parka. Additionally, he had a ball cap pulled down, nearly covering his face. He was normally so social, yet today he was trying desperately to avoid being noticed. Something was very wrong.

"Mick, I have to run up to the front office. My aunt was supposed to drop off my homework for Civics. I'll see you later," I leaned over and we kissed. It felt very good.

I headed up to the front office and detected two other X-2 users.

Thankfully, Mrs. Dylan played the game perfectly. I had my Civics work with me, so my actions could match my lie. I wrote down my observations about Jim and passed them on to her.

I could only hope that I was wrong.

Chapter 45

Shortly after dinner, we got a call concerning Jim. He was in the early stages of losing his masculinity. Amelia was being called in to examine him.

"What will you do?" I asked.

"I'll use a spell to question him, he'll remember nothing, other than the exam itself."

"What can you do for him?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing."

I knew that I had to get invited to one of the parties. If it meant being a bad girl, then so be it.

Chapter 46

Jim wasn't at school the next day or the day after that. Sharon seemed particularly worried about him, but Zoá« confided in me that her worries were primarily selfish. Apparently, she'd discovered that Jim was hung like a stallion, but hadn't been able to take advantage of the fact yet.

There were rumors flying that he'd gotten cancer like Jamie. Some kids were worried that the building or the grounds might be making them sick, but that soon died out when one of the vice-principals addressed the school.

His name was Mr. Hedgecock, and he stated that Jim had developed hepatitis from surfing in contaminated water. He went on to say that Jim would be out of school, as he waited for a liver transplant. I was surprised by the details of the lie that he was telling. It was as if he was trying to cover something up. I began to wonder if he was involved. He was the senior class vice-principal and therefore had access to all student records; who better than him to pick out his victims?

I had no proof, but I decided to tell my theory to Amelia. At least we could attempt to remove him from the list of potential suspects.

Chapter 47

"Hepatitis you say?" remarked Amelia.

"Yes, he said he got it from surfing after some recent storms. It's a good story, as many beaches were closed due to run-off pollution after those last storms," I replied.

"I'll see what I can find out. In the meantime, keep looking around campus; there may be more than one victim out there."

"How's Jim?" I asked.

"Very similar symptoms to your friend Jamie. Shift in body fat from waist to hips, breast development, loss of facial hair, and things like that."

"Did you get a chance to talk with him, in private?" I asked.

Amelia smiled. "Yes, but like the others, his memory of who gave him the drugs has been blocked. Very effective spell, very complicated too. I've contacted a few friends about it."

"Do you think you can track it down?" I asked.

"Possibly. Most memory blocking spells are very simple. The person experiences a blank concerning the entire incident. However, this spell only blocks one thing, the identities of the people giving out the drug and the essence stealing spell."

"So we're dealing with someone who's very knowledgeable concerning spells?" I asked.

"And that makes them very dangerous too. Be careful, my dear."

I nodded. "Oh, I'm going out with Mick again." I let out a sigh. "At least being a bad girl is getting deeper into his circle of friends."

"I wish I had something to say to make you feel better."

"At least I'm gaining insight into what it must have been like to have been the original Iona."

Chapter 48

As the weekend approached, I began to feel the anticipation of being with Mick. I guess I should be thankful that I could control myself for the most part the rest of the week. I was often with him at school now. We walked to class together, grabbing little kisses when we could. I only wore skirts to school, as Mick liked my legs. It was weird, how easily I complied with his desires. I also found that I was fantasizing more and more about having sex with him during my sessions with the wand.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven?" he asked as we walked out to the parking lot.

I nodded.

"Do me a favor? Can you wear that short leather skirt? You look so hot in it," he asked.

"Sure," I replied and we kissed.

"See you at eight," he stated as he walked away. "We're going to a party, and I want you to look special!"

Chapter 49

I dressed differently for this date. I wore my short leather skirt and three-inch heels. I also had a low cut red blouse under my leather jacket. My makeup went on a bit thicker than normal, and I used a lip-gloss over my bright red lips. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw the original Iona standing there. Still, I knew I had to go through with it. Mick had access to the raves and I had to get invited.

I told myself that I was doing this to catch the bad guys. I wasn't totally convinced. I felt guilt over giving into my lust, even if it was to get better accepted. Salem must have sensed my internal conflict and came running into my room.

I played with her for a while and I did feel better, maybe she was my familiar!

Mick picked me up and was obviously pleased with my appearance.

"Wow! Carly, you look fantastic!" he exclaimed just before kissing me.

As we headed out I asked where the party was.

"It's over at Zach's house. He's got a great sound system in his house; he's also got the best dope in town."

We arrived a few minutes later. There were already several other cars in the driveway. Mick slipped his arm around me and led me into the house.

I guess I shouldn't have been shocked, but everyone at the party was drinking beer. I also saw a few joints being passed around. The music was blaring so loud that you could feel it in your chest.

Mick got us each a beer as we worked our way through the crowd. I recognized several of our lunch group there. I also saw Zoá«, Sharon, and Kelly. To my slight surprise, Zoá« and Kelly seemed to be a couple. They were sitting next to each other on the couch, smoking a joint. Zoá« had her arm around Kelly's shoulders. They saw me and waved.

Mick and I sat down on another couch in the family room. He slipped his arm around my shoulders and gave me a kiss. Zach walked up and handed Mick a joint. Soon we were sharing it.

It soon became evident that Mick was trying to get me stoned. I had a pretty good tolerance for alcohol, but the combination of the grass and beer was soon taking its toll. I could feel my control of lust slipping. I was fast losing track of time and how long we had been at the party.

Mick's hand slipped down closer to my right breast and he began to rub my nipple with his finger. I felt my nipple harden, as my breathing got heavier.

"I knew you'd like that," he whispered.

I nodded back, vainly attempting to maintain my composure. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I found that I had a little trouble walking. I guess it was a combination of the beer, drugs, and high heels.

I waited in line to use the bathroom. Thankfully, it moved quickly. As I was leaving, Zoá« was the only one waiting to get in. She walked in as I tried to step out and pulled me back in.

"Carly, I was hoping to talk to you alone," she stated, as she locked the door behind her.

"What's up, Zoá«?" I asked. I was having difficultly focusing.

"I noticed you didn't seem all that shocked to see me with Kelly."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I like girls and I like you," whispered Zoá«.

In my heightened sexual state, I could only smile back and look at her with lust.

Zoá« smiled back. "Cool. I know we don't have time tonight, but I just wanted to make sure." She then leaned over and kissed me. I returned her passion and we shared a long slow kiss.

"That was nice," she remarked.

"It was," I replied honestly.

"You'll like it even more when you've taken some ecstasy," she added.

"Tonight?" I asked.

"No, silly. In a few weeks there'll be another party, and I know you'll be there. You're pretty wild, and to think some of us thought you were a plant," continued Zoá«.

I giggled.

Zoá« laughed too and then kissed me again. "Now you'd better get back to Mick, but soon, you'll be with me."

We walked out of the bathroom. Fortunately, two girls coming out of a bathroom wasn't that unusual.

I walked back to Mick. He looked up and smiled. "What took you so long?"

"I ran into Zoá«," I replied.

"Okay. I don't mind sharing you with a girl," he replied with a laugh. "Maybe I could watch!"

Apparently Zoá«'s taste for other girls was well known.

We began to make out on the couch. I could feel my panties getting moist as my lust increased. Mick seemed to feed off this, and it was obvious that we needed to find some privacy.

We headed out of the party to his car. It was also apparent that I was much more wasted than Mick. I tried to replay the evening and seemed to remember that he only had two beers, while I had double that, plus the grass.

Mick drove us over to his house.

"Parents out of town again?" I asked.

Mick smiled. "Yes, how convenient!"

He led me in. We sat down on a couch in the family room. Mick pulled out another joint and lit it and handed it to me. I took a long drag, as Mick nodded his approval.

We began to kiss again. Mick began to undress me and I offered no resistance at all. My blouse and bra were soon off as he began to lick, kiss, and suck my nipples. Even in my clouded mind, something seemed wrong. Mick was too good at this. He was obviously an experienced and accomplished lover. His touch was always just right.

Mick then stood up and led me upstairs. I was only wearing my panties and heels by now; everything else was already lying on the carpet of the family room.

He led me into his bedroom and onto his bed. Mick undressed in front of me and then lay down beside me, his erect cock pressing against my legs.

"You want to do this?" he asked breathlessly.

I nodded eagerly.

"You want me to use protection?" he asked.

I wasn't that out of it and nodded again. I was protected by my tattoo, but I had to play the part of a teenage girl.

So, Mick and I made love in his bed. I have to admit that it was thoroughly enjoyable from a purely carnal viewpoint. Later on, I remembered how it was when I'd had sex when I was a teen. It was sloppy and brief the first few times, as I felt lucky just to be having sex. But Mick was different; he made love as if he was an adult. He took his time and built up our pleasure before bringing us to climax.

After he dropped me at home, I immediately sought out Amelia and told her what had happened.

Thankfully, my mind was much clearer now and I was pretty coherent. We sat together on the couch, drinking tea. Salem found a way to cuddle in between the two of us.

Amelia sat there listening to my tale of teenage debauchery. When I finished, she set down her mug.

"Your observations about Mick are very interesting."

"He's not the typical teen," I replied.

"I think I'll have Mrs. Dylan do a background check on him."

"You don't think he's the pusher do you?" I asked.

"Maybe, but unlikely. But from what you've described I have my doubts he's what he appears."

I sipped my tea. "What about Zoá«?"

"We'll check her out too. That makes two times that she's brought up ecstasy to you. I think she may be your ticket to the rave," replied Amelia.

"Okay, that makes sense. Oh, what about Mr. Hedgecock?" I thought about mentioning Sharon and Kelly, but neither seemed suspicious.

"The story about the hepatitis was created by Jim's parents."

"Oh. Well, that makes sense."

"Are there any other students that you want us to check up on?" asked Amelia.

I searched my memory. "Maybe Zach, the boy who had the party. He mentioned that he has worked a few raves, and he's Mick's source for pot."

"You've done well, my dear."

I nodded and began to pet Salem. She rolled over on her back and purred in delight.

"Honey, don't beat yourself up over what happened with Mick tonight. I know that it bothers you, but remember why you're doing this," comforted Amelia.

I tried to smile but couldn't. My lips began to quiver and the tears started. I felt dirty and cheap. I also felt that I was betraying Bill. Amelia pulled me close and held me. She stroked my head and comforted me.

Deep down I knew that she was right, but I didn't like the person I was becoming at school, even if that was exactly the type of person that I needed to become.

Chapter 50

I e-mailed Jamie and found out that he was staying with his grandparents for another week. He told me that he needed the time away to plan out his life. He also sent me several websites on the occult and asked me what I thought of them. I sent him back the website concerning Beth's friend Celeste and her foundation.

I actually checked out the websites Jamie sent me. For the most part they were total garbage, filled with misinformation and fantasy. There was one site that I found interesting. It actually had an article on magical drugs, which included a section on X-2. I forwarded the website to Amelia.

I disliked the fact that I had to limit my time with Bill and Aunt Kayla, but as Amelia said, you can never tell who's watching you. I did e-mail Bill and let him know how much I missed him.

Beth called and told me she had a great idea for spring break.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"I want you to come here," she stated.

"And how do we explain how I know you?"

"Well, my parents and closest friends know my secret. I know we can trust them," replied Beth.

"How many people are we talking about?" I asked.

"My parents and two agent friends of ours. Don't worry about them, one is a very cool trans-woman."

"And she's an agent?" I asked in a stunned tone.

"Yep. She's the one that I've worked with in the past. Her name is Ally and she's way cool. Her partner is Carol, and is equally trustworthy."

I thought about it. Aunt Kayla had told me that it was up to me as to who I disclosed my true identity to. She said that I should learn to trust my feelings. She'd also taught me a very effective memory spell that I could use to protect myself, should they freak out. Beth obviously had great trust in these people as she'd shared her equally incredible secret with them.

"What do we tell the rest of the people in your life?"

"Oh, that part's easy. My cover story is that I used to live in San Diego. When my parents were killed, I moved to DC to live with my godparents, who adopted me."

"And I thought I had an interesting life!"

"I'll just tell everyone that you're an old friend from back in San Diego. Actually, that part is true!"

We both laughed.

"I'll think about it, and get back to you."

"Cool. I really want to see you again."

I called Aunt Kayla and told her about my conversation with Beth. She asked me the names of Beth's parents and friends. I told her what I knew.

"Why do you want to know that?" I asked.

"Fiona knows someone who works for the Agency. With your permission, I'll have her do a check on them to see if they can be trusted."

"Where don't we have people?" I asked with a laugh.

"The White House," replied Aunt Kayla.

"Too bad."

Chapter 51

I knew that I had a few weeks until the next rave. So far every event had occurred during a full moon. Thanks to my growing reputation as a party girl, I felt confident that I would be invited. All I had to do now was wait and maybe nose around a little.

Mick was very affectionate with me. I was a bit worried, as I remembered how boys often dumped girls once they'd "conquered" them. Mick was different, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. While I wasn't happy with giving in so easily, I did like him a lot. He never made me feel cheap and he seemed to enjoy our long conversations too. He called me an oasis in a desert of conventionality. We once spent two hours discussing the movie Citizen Kane. Most of my classmates didn't even know who Orson Welles was.

Salem had worked her way deeply into my heart. She often slept on the foot of my bed. She was also very good at sensing my emotional state. Additionally she ran to greet me every day when I came home from school. It was hard to imagine what life was like before she came into my life.

Beth called me in early March and told me the wonderful news that she was now a big sister. Her mom had given birth to a healthy baby boy. They'd named him Steven, after her father. Beth said that this would have no impact on my visit, should I be allowed to visit her. In fact, Beth said that it would be a good diversion.

A few days later Kayla called me concerning Beth's family and associates.

"I tend to agree with your friend. From what I've been told, they sound like the type that can be trusted. To be honest, I wouldn't mind meeting her friend Ally myself," stated Aunt Kayla.

"Cool. So, you have no objections of me going out to see her?" I asked.

"No. I think it would be good. It would also fit into your character of Carly. It would make sense for her to go back to visit old friends on break, and it will also give you a break from Mick," added Aunt Kayla.


Aunt Kayla told me more about Beth's family and friends. I soon felt confident that I could trust them.

"Anything new on the memory spell that is being used on the teens?" I asked.

"No, but we're studying it. It's very unique," replied Aunt Kayla.

She also told me that background checks of Zach, Zoá«, and Mick didn't show anything unusual.

"That's not really all that surprising. The person doing this is very devious," added Aunt Kayla.

I thought about that. Mick didn't seem devious, but then again I was biased.

Chapter 52

Friday evening, Mick and I went to another party. I was dressed in a short red leather skirt, high heels, and a silk blouse. On the way to the party, Mick asked me about the tattoo on my back.

"When did you get it?" he asked.

"I spent the summer with my cousin in Boston. She was going to college up there, and she wanted to get one. I lied about my age, and they never bothered to check," I stated.

"It's pretty cool. The symbols look Celtic," he noted.

"That's what the person at the shop said. I just though it looked cool," I replied. "My mother's side of the family are Scots."

Mick nodded. "I thought so with that stunning red hair. Believe it or not, that's what first caught my eye about you."

I looked over at him and laughed. "Really now?"

Mick laughed back.

"So what attracted you to me?" he asked.

"Your sense of humor," I replied.

"That's a first!"

"So, where's the party this week?" I asked.

"At Kelly's house," he replied.

The party was pretty much a repeat of the previous one, lots of drinking and dope. I noticed that I wasn't looked at with as much suspicion this week. Kelly met us as we walked in. She was already slightly buzzed.

Zach waved at us as he adjusted the volume on the sound system. Mick walked over and talked to him. I saw Zach slip Mick a small bag of grass. So, we would be getting high again, I thought.

As the evening progressed, I achieved a pretty good buzz myself. The combination of alcohol and dope had me feeling pretty loose. Mick excused himself to talk to Zach some more, so I worked my way around the party. I was surprised at some of the students who I saw at the party. Some of them seemed so straight at school, they probably thought the same about me. I saw Kelly dancing very suggestively with Zoá« and Sharon. High school was never like this the first time, I thought.

I was standing on the deck getting some fresh air, when I felt someone come up behind me. It was Zoá« and she came up and slipped her arms around me.

I turned around and she kissed me.

"Hmmm, I was hoping you'd show up," she cooed.

"Good to see you too," I replied. I could feel my sense of arousal rising.

"You look good enough to eat, Carly," she complimented.

I smiled back.

"Come with me," she stated, taking my hand.

"What about Kelly?" I asked.

Zoá« giggled and winked back. She led me back in the house and upstairs. Two of the bedrooms were already occupied, but the third was empty. Zoá« pulled me inside and locked the door.

We began to kiss. Zoá« was more aggressive than Mick, and as we kissed her hands began to rub against my breasts and labia.

She pressed me down on the bed and lay down on top of me. Her hands gently held me down as she kissed me.

"I see you like to be controlled," she whispered. "I thought you would."

I didn't reply, and just kissed her back.

Zoá« unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it off. Next she removed my bra.

"Carly, your breasts are a work of art."

She then leaned down and began to expertly lick and kiss my nipples. I was soon wriggling in ecstasy as she worked my nipples. I began to moan in pleasure, which only encouraged her to ravish me faster.

She worked me up to a wonderful sexual high before stopping. "We'll have to finish this another time," she whispered, planting a seed in my mind.

I reached for my bra, but she took it from me. "A souvenir," she smiled.

I smiled back and put on my blouse, without my bra.

I checked myself in the mirror and reached for my purse.

"Carly, here, use my lipstick," she offered.

I nodded and took her lipstick. It was a brighter red than mine. I topped it off with some lip-gloss.

"Stunning!" she exclaimed. "Send Mick my love."

We headed back to the party. While several guys noticed my braless look, a few girls noticed that Zoá« and I were wearing the same lipstick.

Mick was waiting patiently for my return. "Have a good time?"

I just nodded and then kissed him.

"You ready to leave?" he whispered.

"Yes," I replied.

"By the way, I like the braless look," he quipped.

Chapter 53

The lovemaking was superb. Mick wasn't quite as good as Bill, but he was close. We were lying together in his bed. My head was resting on Mick's chest, his right arm around me.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied.

"When did you know you were bi?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment. "Not sure. Actually Zoá« is the first girl I've been with." Not exactly a lie. For Carly, Zoá« was the first girl she was with.

"You've obviously thought about it," he remarked, as his finger made a slow gentle circle around one of my nipples.

"Yes. I guess I've always been curious about it."

"You're very open-minded, Carly." He leaned over and kissed me.

"So, do you like guys?" I asked.

Mick laughed. "To be honest, I've never given it much thought. Presently, I like females too much. I haven't grown tired enough of them to even consider it. Does that make sense?"

"You did a good job of not answering my question."

He laughed again. "Would it matter to you one way or the other?"

"No, not really."

"Okay then, you have my answer."

It was my turn to laugh now.

"Well, you better get dressed so I can take you home," commented Mick. "By the way, I like your lip color better than Zoá«'s."

Chapter 54

Amelia was waiting for me, along with Salem. I told her all about my evening, including my little fling with Zoá«.

"She certainly is attracted to you," noted Amelia.

"Do you think that she's reacting to projected sexual urges?" I asked.

"Maybe there is an increased chemistry between the two of you. Can you tell me more about your sexual history?" asked Amelia.

I laughed. "Sorry, it's just that Mick asked a similar question earlier this evening. I considered myself heterosexual as a male. As Iona, I found that I was now attracted to men too. I've only been with one woman, and that was Karen. Bill is the only man that I've been with, until Mick. As for the original Iona, I have no idea."

"Okay. This girl, Zoá«, I take it she's pretty well out of the closet," asked Amelia.

"Yes. Although I'm not sure if she's a lesbian or bi. Do you think that it's important?" I asked.

"Probably nothing. Oh, Jamie called and he'll be back in town late this weekend. He'd like to see you sometime this week."

"Cool. How does he sound?" I asked.

"Actually, quite well. There is a sense of self peace in his voice."

"Cool. Maybe he can come over here. I'd love for him to meet Salem!"

Hearing her name, Salem looked up and made a mewing sound. I picked her up and began to pet her.

"I see the training is going well," replied Amelia.

"You can't train a cat," I replied.

"I wasn't talking about the cat," retorted Amelia with a smile.

"Touché," I replied.

"Have you decided if you're going to DC?" asked Amelia.

"Yes. I think I can trust Beth and her judgment. Aunt Kayla also said that her friend in the Agency agrees that Beth's parents and friends can be trusted. It's also outside of the full moon period, so I won't be missing much," I replied.

"I think it's a great idea. Other than the sex and drugs, this has been a great opportunity for you to broaden your life experience as a woman. You missed out on so much."

"I know. I'm looking forward to seeing Beth, but I'll be glad when this is over. I really hope we catch whoever or whatever has been hurting these kids soon."

"That makes two of us," added Amelia.

Salem mewed.

"I guess that makes it unanimous!"

Chapter 55

The following morning I called Beth and told her the good news. She was ecstatic.

"This is so cool, I can't wait to see you," she replied.

"What did you tell you parents?" I asked.

"I told them that an old friend is coming for a visit," she replied.

"And do they know that I'm a teenage girl?" I asked.

"Yes. That raised a few eyebrows, but they trust me."

"Okay." I didn't mention that there was someone with magical powers in The Agency.

"When are you flying in?" she asked.

"I haven't made my flight arrangements yet. I'll be doing that today, I'll send you my itinerary by e-mail," I replied. "How's your baby brother?"

"Very sweet. He's been a doll so far. I'm surprised that he hasn't cried more," replied Beth.

"I'm happy for you," I replied.

"I'm so happy that I have a family. It's made my transition so much easier," she replied.

"I know. I'm lucky to have a family here too."

"How's Salem?" she asked.

"Sleeping in my lap," I replied. "I wish you could see her!"

Beth laughed. "I just can't imagine you so gaga over a kitten!"

"I know, but she has defiantly worked her way into my heart."

"Oh, have you talked to Jamie about the institute?"

"No, not yet. He just got back in town and I'm going to see him today. I'll bring it up then. Any chance that I could meet Celeste during my visit?"

"That's a great idea. She's been in Philly the past few weeks checking on our condo. She's been meaning to come down here for awhile."

We talked for another hour. It was amazing how our lives had changed so drastically since sailing together.

Chapter 56

I drove over to Jamie's house. It was raining softly, but I didn't mind. I loved San Diego, but our weather was too nice. I really appreciated days when we had weather; I guess I was in the minority.

Jamie's mom met me at the door. "Hi, Carly. Jamie will be right down."

We hugged and walked into the kitchen.

I was carrying a folder with printed out pages from Celeste's institute. Mrs. King saw it.

"Is that for Jamie?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes," I replied. I then gave her a sanitized version of Beth's and my friendship and how I'd learned about Celeste's institute.

I showed her the printouts. To my delight, she seemed very interested.

"So they help teens who have had gender changes forced on them? I can't believe that there are monsters out there doing that to innocent children," she exclaimed.

"They also help teens with naturally occurring gender issues," I added, pointing to the printout.

"And you thought that they might be able to help Jamie? That's very sweet of you, Carly."

"I just wanted to give him an option," I replied.

Mrs. King nodded.

Just then Jamie came into the kitchen. He had changed slightly since I last saw him. His breasts were slightly larger, as were his hips. His face was rounder and softer too. There was little masculinity left in his appearance.

"Hi Jamie," I greeted. I stood up and hugged him.

"Good to see you too, Carly."

His voice was also higher than before.

Jamie was dressed in a pair of jeans and long sleeve t-shirt. I could see that he was wearing a bra. I noticed that he was now wearing a women's watch.

Jamie sat down at the table and looked at the printouts on the table. I told him about it and he seemed interested.

"We went to see a specialist when we were up in the bay area. Just like the others, he had no explanation why I've become like this," said Jamie.

I nodded.

"Maybe it's time to accept the inevitable," he sighed.

His mom reached over and took him by the hand.

I wished I knew the right thing to say.

Jamie shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry. I just have to vent every now and then. I can't believe that this is happening to me."

"You'll survive," I remarked with a smile.

"I just wish I knew why this happened. The doctors have no explanation; they're baffled. What did I do to deserve this?" he bemoaned.

"Sometimes there's no reason. Things just happen."

Jaime smiled. "That's it? Things just happen?"

I smiled back. "I'm no philosopher."

We looked at the printout for a while. Jamie saw it as an option, which was all I could hope for.

We grabbed a couple of sodas and headed into the family room. Jamie told me about his trip and I told him about Salem.

"Did you read those websites that I sent you?" asked Jamie.

"I did."

"What did you think about the one that mentioned ecstasy? What did they call it again? Oh yes, X-2," asked Jamie.

"Is that what you think you took?" I asked.

He nodded. "The descriptions of the drug's effects were identical to what I experienced."

"But there was nothing in the article about changing a person's gender," I added.

"I know. I think that's what the drink was for," replied Jamie.

He was very perceptive. I wondered if he had some repressed powers.

"Have you found anything like that in your research?" I asked.

Jamie smiled. "You really believe me, don't you?"

"Why not? I replied. "I believe that there's a lot of things out in the world that we can't explain with science."

"Me too! That's why the doctors are so confused."

"Can I ask you something?"

Jamie nodded.

"Are you still slipping towards acceptance of your feminine status?"

He nodded. "I not ready to call myself a girl, but there's not much left of maleness."

I nodded.

"Can I tell you something... rather private?" He glanced over to see if anyone was listening.

"Sure," I replied.

"My... my dick is so small," he whispered. "I can still get off, but it feels so different, not like it felt before. It feels really, really good, in some ways even better, especially when I play with my nipples too." He then described what it felt like.

I nodded, but didn't say a word.

"What?" he asked.

I let out a breath. "You may not want to hear this, but what you just described sounds similar to how I feel when I have an orgasm. I can't compare it to anything else, but you mentioned how it's a whole body experience, that's what mine feels like." Okay, I lied, but I didn't think that Jamie was ready to hear that I had once been a twenty-seven-year-old man.

"Oh," replied Jamie. He thought about what I'd said for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "Regardless, it still feels pretty good."

We both laughed.

"If you decide that you want to dress more feminine, I'll be glad to help you," I offered.

"Thanks. Don't be disappointed if I don't take you up on your offer anytime soon."

"I understand," I replied with a smile.

I wanted to ask him about his classmates, but decided that it wasn't the right time.

We agreed to meet the following week.

Jamie and I hugged. I was determined more than ever to find out who had done this to him.

Chapter 57

I learned to my horror that I was now considered a child by the airlines! I would have to be accompanied by an adult during check-in, and had to be met by an adult upon arrival. I begged Amelia to change my age to eighteen, but she said it was too complicated. I think she enjoyed seeing me pissed off. At least I could fly by myself.

Bill also got a laugh out of it. He sent me a long e-mail ragging me for being a "child." I sent him one back reminding him that I still had my powers. He sent me a photo of him sticking his tongue out at me. I was laughing too hard to be angry.

I really missed him. While I still had some male traits, when it came to romance I was totally female. It was hard to imagine that I had ever been male when it came to love. I adored the way Bill treated me and couldn't wait until we were back together.

Mick was a great lover, but there was no love there. It was pleasurable and satisfying, but I never sensed that Mick really loved me. I could tell that he cared about me and was becoming protective of me, but I didn't sense real love. Mick was very hard to figure out in so many ways.

Zoá« still worried me. I guess it was because I wasn't quite used to the idea of another girl actively lusting after me. When I'd had sex with Karen, it had been very spontaneous and mutual. The times we had been together, I had been wasted and my sexual urges were at their highest. I wondered if she knew this or was affected by me projecting my urges.

I was pretty sure that Zach was the one the distributing the X-2, as he seemed to be the biggest dealer on campus. There were several questions that I wanted to know the answers to. Why was Zach dealing X-2? And did he know what he was dealing?

I just had to get invited to the next rave.

Chapter 58

I arrived home from school on Monday and was surprised to find Amelia home before me. She had a very worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Jim tried to kill himself," she stated.

I stared back in shock. "How?"

"He tried to OD on sleeping pills. Thankfully, his mother found him in time."

"Shit!" I exclaimed.

"He's going to be okay," she replied.

"Is he?"

"I'll cast a protection spell on him. It will prevent him from attempting to kill himself again."

"That doesn't solve the problem."

She nodded. "It's all we can do for now. By the way, this isn't common knowledge. I only told you because of your involvement in the case."

I nodded. "Zoá« and her friends asked me to go out shopping again tomorrow. I'm thinking that's when I'll get my invitation to the next rave."

Chapter 59

After school we all met at Zoá«'s house and then piled into Kelly's SUV to head up I-15 to the mall. Sharon sat in the front next to Kelly and I sat in the back next to Zoá«.

Along the way we talked about school, music, and boys. Zoá«'s fingers began to rub against my bare legs.

As we headed into the mall, Zoá« turned to me. "We need to get something very special for you. After all this is going to be your first rave!"

So, I was in! "Really? That's so cool!"

Kelly smiled. "I remember my first one... sort of... I know I had a good time, I just don't remember what I did!"

"So, it's true. Blondes have more fun; brunettes remember what they did!" piped in Sharon.

Kelly stuck her tongue out at Sharon as we laughed.

Zoá« led us to a shop that sold rather risqué outfits. The other girls pointed out a red and black PVC mini dress that they said would be perfect for me. I countered that I would wear it if they each wore a similar one. That killed that thought dead in its tracks.

I settled on a black spandex mini-dress. It was essentially a tube, but it was better than many of the outfits that the others bought. I had a black lace shawl that I knew would give me a bit more coverage.

Next we went for shoes. Kelly said that I needed something sexy and comfortable enough to dance in. I eventually found a nice pair of 4" pumps that I could actually move in. I would have preferred to get a pair of boots, but they were too expensive.

We also bought some new makeup. While I had bought a few pieces of clothing and jewelry as Carly that I wanted to use in Iona's world, I knew for a fact that there wasn't one bit of my makeup that I wanted once I re-entered the adult world! The same could be said for the colors of nail polish. Still, I must admit it was fun to try some different looks. Teens can do that!

By the time the shopping trip was over, I had everything I needed to dress up for the rave. I couldn't wait to get home and tell Amelia that I was in!

Thankfully, it was a weeknight and everyone had to go their separate ways. I could tell that Zoá« wanted me, but she too had to leave.

Amelia was very pleased that I was officially invited to the next rave. She called up Bill and told him the good news. Now came the reality of what I was about to do.

Amelia sat me down and told me again what sort of reactions I might have to the X-2. The goal was for me to see who was giving out the X-2 without me actually taking it, but we both knew that was unlikely.

"I want you to wear the tracking earrings. If something happens to you, we'll at least be able to find you," stated Amelia. She was referring to a pair of black stone earrings that would allow her to locate me. They had previously saved me during my showdown with Keir, the man who'd initially tattooed Iona.

"Okay. I think they'll look great with my dress," I replied. "Then again, what doesn't go with black spandex?"

Amelia shook her head in mock disgust.

Chapter 60

The following day I was called out of class to see my guidance counselor. Now let me say that I had been at Bernardo Valley for almost two months and this was the first time that I had talked to her. I didn't even know her name until I was called up to see her.

Her name was Ms. Watkins. She was in her late thirties and dressed very nicely. It was obvious that she cared greatly about her appearance. I recognized her jacket and skirt as top-of-line stuff.

She also had the condescending attitude that so many so-called educators have when they are forced to deal with students face to face. I could just tell that she hated her job and thought of herself as being so superior. Needless to say, I took an instant dislike to her.

I was sitting across from her. I was wearing a short blue dress. For whatever reason, I seemed to only wear very short dresses and skirts. Maybe it was because Mick like seeing my legs, or maybe it was just because I was having fun with being a teen. I could sense that she didn't approve of my outfit.

"I've heard that you've been hanging out with some rather undesirable people. You're judged by the company you keep," she stated.

I wondered which group she was referring to, Mick and his friends or Zoá« and her friends.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Have I been accused of doing anything wrong?"

Instead of answering my question, Ms Watkins sighed in an annoying manner and opened up a file, which had my name on it. "You're not making a good impression here, young lady."

I was about to speak when she held up her hand. "I see that you recently transferred here from a private school in the Washington DC area," she read. Her reading glasses were perched on the end of her nose.

I nodded. There was something in the tone of her voice I didn't care for. It was as if she was being critical of my background.

"I also see that your grades are above average," she continued.

My grades indicated that I had a solid 3.93 average. A bit more than "above average." Still, I kept my mouth shut.

"From what I've seen you haven't done much here. Your teachers report that your class work is good, but you often seem bored and distracted, as if you were concentrating on something else besides your studies. You haven't graduated yet."

She must have been referring to the times I was trying to get a read on my classmates. I shrugged my shoulders.

She closed the folder and took off her glasses. Very carefully, she closed her glasses and placed them in their case. She then stared in my direction.

"You know, Carly, I've seen others like you here and I just want to say that it won't work," she stated firmly.

I cocked my head to one side. "What're you talking about?" I didn't think she was on to the fact that I wasn't really a teen, but I had no idea of what she was accusing me of.

She sighed. "I realize that you're about to graduate, but you have to live in California for a year before becoming a resident. If you're trying to get a break on your tuition to a UC school, then you were misinformed."

I stared back in disbelief. "You think I transferred out here to just get into a UC school?"

"Yes. I've seen it many times before. Parents send their children to live with a relative and hope to get a break on their tuition. Not that I can blame them, the costs are very high."

"You have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't transfer out here to get into some stupid UC school!" I replied. I had seen her diploma behind her from UC Irvine. "I've already been accepted by Georgetown." Another lie, but how would she check?

She got very rigid and defensive. "Then why did you transfer out here?" she asked with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

Okay bitch, I thought, since you fired the first round without doing your research, then I'm going to return it full salvo and make you feel awful. I had had a guidance counselor like her when I was originally in high school and I had been powerless to tell her what I really thought of her. I was sick of people like this lording over kids without knowing what they were saying.

"I was raised by my father. My mother died when I was young. Two months ago my father died suddenly," I stated, a quiver growing in my voice. "I was sent out here to live with his sister. Now, I love my aunt, but I didn't want to come out here! I miss my old school, my old friends, my old house, but mainly I miss my dad!" I wiped away a tear. While it was mostly an act, the tears were real, as I really did miss my dad.

Ms. Watkins sat there unable to respond one way or another. She was too stunned to even think to hand me a tissue. Luckily one of the other counselors was walking by and heard my outburst. She began to comfort me, while asking me what happened.

Her name was Mrs. Carpenter, and she was totally different from Ms Watkins, in that she still cared about the students. She help me get composed and asked me if I was okay. She then told me not to worry about it and to go back to class. I figured she was about to have a heart to heart with Ms. Watkins.

As I walked out of the office, the door was slammed behind me. I smiled to myself on the way back to English Lit, knowing that Ms. Watkins was getting a lesson herself.

Chapter 61

I hung out with Mick after school. We drove to a local coffee house. I had a cappuccino and he had a double espresso. We shared a slice of cheesecake.

"You excited about going to the rave?" He asked, as he fed me a forkful of cheesecake.

"Yes, it should be exciting," I replied.

He nodded. "You're a lot like me, you seek out earthly pleasures."

I thought that was an odd way of putting it, but I kept my mouth shut.

He smiled and then leaned over and kissed me. I instantly began to feel my sexual sensations awakening. Mick pulled back for a second, as if he had sensed the change. A wicked smile grew on his face. His eyes ran down my body, taking me in.

I could feel my nipples hardening as he stared at them. I looked down and could see them through my sweater. I also began to feel the juices forming in my vagina. I moistened my lips with the tip of my tongue.

Mick stood up and helped me up. "You want to come over to my place?"

I giggled at the corniness of his line.

"Is that a yes?" he asked.

I broke out in a big grin. "Of course."

"Cool. I have something special for you."

Ten minutes later we arrived at his house.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Out of town," he stated. "They travel all the time."

Mick led me into his bedroom. I sat down on the edge of his bed. He pulled a bag out of his closet and carried it over to me.

"Here. These are for you. I'm pretty sure that they'll fit. You can change in the bathroom," he stated.

I smiled, stood up, and walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and opened the bag. Inside was a striking emerald green lace bustier. It had matching lace panties, also emerald green. Additionally there was a green garter belt with silk stockings. Mick even had bought a pair of four-inch pumps, also green. There was also a small bottle of perfume.

I quickly changed and was impressed that everything fit. My hair was presently pulled to the back in a ponytail. I brushed out my hair, so that it now hung over my shoulders. The curls seemed to flow around my face. I touched up my makeup and gently applied some perfume to my body. The scent was a bit musky and exotic; I liked it. The label on the bottle said "Gypsy."

I studied my appearance in the mirror. This outfit wasn't the normal type of gift that a teen boy would give his girlfriend. I had to admit that while I loved the way I looked, there was something bothering me about Mick. I was convinced that he wasn't involved in the X-2 and essence thefts, but I had serious doubts if he was who he claimed to be. He was so mature in certain ways; maybe that's why I was so attracted to him?

I stepped out of the bathroom and found Mick sitting on the edge of his bed. The shades had been drawn closed and the only light was from several candles. I walked slowly out into the room and posed in front of him.

"Very nice -- no, make that magnificent!" he remarked, as his eyes ran up and down my body. "Green is definitely your color. It fits with your Celtic heritage."

I smiled and walked closer. I could see that he was very turned on by my appearance, judging by his erection pressing against his jeans. "I'm a Scot, not Irish."

"True, but it's so difficult to find tartan lingerie," he replied with a wink.

I giggled. "Seriously, this is a lovely gift, but it's too much."

He shook his head and reached up and took my hands in his. "No, not for you. You're not a little girl, like your classmates. I see a beautiful woman, not just in your beauty, but also in your soul. Trust me on this one."

He pulled me into his arms and we began to kiss. There was a definite chemistry between us. I had thought it had been due to my decreased resistance thanks to the drugs and beer, but it wasn't. His touch just set me off. It's hard to explain, but there was magic between us.

A few hours later he dropped me off at my home. I felt so relaxed after our afternoon of lovemaking. We kissed and I walked inside.

Salem was waiting for me to return. She had a look on her face that seemed to say, "I know what you've been doing."

I scooped her up and carried her into the kitchen. Amelia wasn't home yet, so I started dinner. I set Salem down and she scurried off to chase one of her fuzzy balls that I kicked towards the dining room.

As I prepared dinner, I though about Mick and got a warm feeling throughout my body. What struck me about Mick was that he always ensured that our lovemaking was mutual. Now Bill did too, but he's an adult. Mick was seventeen and teenage boys aren't exactly interested in sharing.

I thought more about how good Mick was in bed. He was very expert and smooth, again similar to Bill. I was so lost in my thoughts that I never heard Amelia come in the house. When she asked me what was for dinner, I almost jumped through the ceiling.

As we ate the chicken breasts that I had cooked, I told her about my afternoon with Mick. She found my observations very interesting.

She then gave me a silver ring with a green stone mounted in it.

"It's not emerald, but it may be more valuable. The stone should block any memory spell, so you will be able to remember who is giving out the X-2," she said.

I slipped the ring on. It was a perfect fit. "Cool."

"As long as you wear it, you'll be protected. I want you to wear it all the time from now on."

"The rave won't be until next weekend," I replied.

But it will look less suspicious. You don't want to act or look different when you go to the rave. Earrings are changed all the time, but rings are different."

"Of course," I replied. "I know that I've been a bit distracted lately, but I want to get whoever is behind this."

"I know you do, dear."

Chapter 62

I stopped over to see Jamie on Saturday. He was looking more and more like a girl. His mom had bought him some more scrunchies to keep his long blonde hair out of his eyes. His breasts also looked larger. I wondered if the spell to steal his essence was still working.

He was wearing jeans and a red sweater. I was wearing a denim skirt and a green top. I wondered how soon it would be until Jamie was also in a skirt.

"When you were at Bernardo Valley, did you know Mick Allister?" I asked.

"Black hair, goatee, hangs out with the theater crowd?" asked Jamie.

I nodded.

"Only from some of my classes. Strange guy. I mean strange in a good way. He seemed different from everyone else. I once saw him reading Machiavelli's The Prince for fun! He said that I could learn a lot from it. I tried to read it, but couldn't make sense of it."

I smiled.

"Why do you want to know about Mick?" asked Jamie. Then it hit him. "Oh!"

"He's cute," I replied.

"I suppose," replied Jamie. "I may look like a girl, but I'm still not attracted to guys."

"Why should you be?" I replied. "Your sex has nothing to do with your sexual attraction to someone."

Jamie nodded. "I wonder if my parents will like me if I'm a lesbian?" He then began to laugh.

I joined in. It was good that he was starting to accept what had happened to him.

"Do you know Zach Randle?"

"Stay away from him. He's the biggest dealer on campus. I know he hangs with Mick sometimes, but Mick is okay. Zach has a dark side and while he appears nice and friendly, he can be really crazy. I once saw him beat up a kid at lunch. Turns out the kid owed Zach money for dope," stated Jamie.

"Do you think Zach was the one who gave you the X-2?" I asked.

"Could be. It wouldn't surprise me if it was him."

I nodded.

"Anyone else you want to ask me about?" he asked with a grin.

"How about Zoá«?"

Jamie glanced at his wrist. "I don't know if we have enough time to talk about her. Zoá« is hard to get a read on."

I stared back, waiting for Jamie to start.

"I knew her back in tenth grade. She was very different then. I mean, you might not even notice her, even if she sat next to you. She was ... well, she was average. Not all that smart or pretty, kinda shy, she was also the type of girl that people liked to pick on. She took a lot of shit from other people."

"How do you remember her?" I asked.

"I was her lab partner in science. She wasn't that bad once you got to know her. She just wanted friends."

"So what happened?"

"Beats me. She left the summer before eleventh grade and returned for this year. She was totally different. I mean she was suddenly one of the hottest girls on campus. I was in a few of her classes and she was easily the smartest one. She also seemed more self-confident. I guess she was a late bloomer," continued Jamie. "Why?"

"I have her in a few classes. We're becoming friends. So, where did she go?"

"I think she went to some private school up in Washington. Yes, that's right, she went to a charter school designed to improve a person's self esteem. I guess it worked."

"Do you know the name of the school?" I asked.

"She never told me, otherwise I would have remembered," he replied.

"That's right!" I laughed.

"Has she hit on you yet?" asked Jamie with a smile.

"Yes, but it's harmless. I had gay and lesbian friends back in DC," I replied. Okay I lied, but what was the harm?

"Don't be so sure. Zoá« has become aggressive when she sees someone she wants. It's weird, but for someone so feminine, she sure can act like a guy at times."

I laughed. I hadn't really thought of that. Sure, Zoá« was rather insistent about us getting together, but it was probably due to my projection of my lust due to my tattoo.

"I'm not worried about Zoá«, she seems to be dating Kelly," I replied.

"Kelly's nice. Anyone else you want a report on?" Jamie started laughing.

"Okay, it's just that I'm new and I feel I can trust you," I replied.

"Most students are new at Bernardo Valley. I will say that you definitely have a wide range of friends. Still, stay away from Zach, he's bad news," suggested Jamie firmly.

I nodded again.

"Oh, my parents called that institute. They're going to send us some more information," said Jamie.

"And?" I asked.

"My parents think that it might be a good idea."

"Even your dad?" I asked.

"Yep. He's really accepting the fact that this might not be reversed." Jamie was pointing to his body.

"And what do you think?"

"I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I want to be a boy or a girl."

"Eventually you'll have to pick. Think in terms of your future, and whether you want to be a man or a woman."

"I know. I'm just not ready to make the big decision."

"It's a good thing that Jamie can be either a masculine or feminine name."

Jamie laughed. "I know."

I detected some nervousness in his laugh. "You've been thinking more and more about it, haven't you?"

He nodded. "I have to face reality. With the exception of a small dick, I'm a girl. I look like a girl, I sound like a girl, my emotions are more loose, and I'm becoming comfortable about it."

I thought about Jim and wished he had been as accepting of his fate.

"When you want to expand your wardrobe, I'll give you a hand," I offered.

"Wardrobe? Does that mean makeup and stuff like that too?" he asked tentatively.

I nodded. "Sure. I'm shifting my own style of makeup to a 'less is more' look. I'd be glad to help you."

Jamie nodded. "You do look better now."

I laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment!"

"You know what I mean! Is it hard to learn how to do it?" he asked softly.

"No. It just takes practice, and most of the time you'll only want a touch of lipstick."

"Okay. That makes sense."

I didn't press the point, but I figured that he was very interested.

"I notice you wear a lot of skirts. Are they comfortable?" he asked.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't wear them!" I laughed. "Seriously, they're just a piece of clothing. I know it's not that simple for you, but I think you'll get used to them. The same is true for dresses."

Jamie nodded.

"Look, you got used to panties and bras. That was a huge step."

"I know. It's weird, but now putting on a bra is just part of getting dressed," replied Jamie.

"How big are you now?" I asked.

"You've noticed?"

"You're not the only observant one, Jamie," I replied.

"I'm up to 34-C. Mom said that I might get bigger, as most of the other women in our family are big breasted. She's D and my Aunt Terri is E! Yikes!"

We both laughed. I noticed that he said "other women" and I doubted that it was by misspeaking.

"It's still strange looking down and seeing them. I can't believe they're mine."

"If you decide to stay female, do you want to get the operation?" I asked.

Jamie shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. In theory, it seems more practical to have the operation. It would be easier to get by as a complete woman. On the other hand, just thinking about the surgery is scary."

"Screw practical. What do you want?" I asked.

Jamie laughed. "But I can't stay in between."

"And why not?" I asked.

Jamie was at a loss for words.

"You should do what feels right for you. I just want you to be happy, but I want you to know that I'll be there to help you."

Jamie smiled back and leaned over and hugged me. I knew then that he was going to be a successful young woman.

As I headed home, I thought about Jamie's observations about my classmates. I hoped he was right, as it meant that I was on the right path. I would keep an eye on Zach. Who was he getting the drugs from? And did he know the consequences of his actions?

Chapter 63

The days flew by and soon it was the day of the rave. Zoá« said that she would help me get ready. She picked me up and we drove over to her house.

I was disappointed that Mick had called and said that he wouldn't be able to go to the rave. He had to go out of town on a family emergency, but he said that Zoá« and the others would look after me.

"Have a great time. We'll talk about it when I get back," he stated.

Zoá« did her best to cheer me up. Kelly and Sharon joined us and we dressed together. Sharon insisted on doing all our makeup. She did each of us in a very dramatic and exotic manner. My eyeshadow colors where bright and heavy. They streaked up to my hairline, giving me a very wild look.

Kelly brushed my hair out to match my face. I had to admit that it worked.

It didn't take very long to get dressed. My tube dress had built in under-wiring to support my breasts. The only other thing that I was wearing was a thong.

As we dressed, the other girls noticed my tattoo on my back.

"That is so cool! When did you get it?" asked Kelly, as she ran her fingers across it.

I told her the same lie that I had told Mick.

"We also have tattoos," confessed Sharon. She turned around and showed a small, smiling full moon on her ankle. It was located on the inside of her right ankle.

I saw that the others also had the same tattoo. I was surprised that I hadn't noticed them before.

"Those are nice. When did you get them?" I asked.

Kelly laughed. "We have no idea. I got it at a rave a few months ago."

"Same here," added Sharon. "I like it."

"Me too," added Zoá«.

"I wonder who gave them to you?" I asked.

"I don't care. It looks nice," replied Kelly.

As we finished dressing, Zoá« told me what to expect.

"Just relax and enjoy yourself. Your mind is about to be opened up and expanded."

I nodded. I was wearing both my ring and my earrings. Amelia was standing by, should I not return. I wondered if I would be able to cast my spells if I was high.

Chapter 64

We drove down south on I-15. Zoá« wouldn't say where we were going. We turned off just before reaching the airbase and headed east. Twenty minutes later we turned off on an old fire road.

"There used to be a defense plant out here. The rave is at one of the old warehouses," confessed Zoá«.

I was surprised to see how organized everything was. They even had private security. We were stopped by a uniformed security guard who checked his clipboard and waved us through. We drove for another mile and pulled into a parking lot. I looked at my watch, it was nearly nine.

From the old warehouse the sound of techno music was blaring. I couldn't imagine how loud it would be once we went inside.

"We're here, girls. Let's go knock them dead!" explained Zoá«.

When we entered the building, the guard gave us each a bracelet made from the same material as glowsticks. Inside there were lights flashing and the music was so loud that you could feel it in your body. It was providing a sensory overload, and I couldn't imagine what it would be like "enhanced" by a drug.

I sensed Zach and saw him over by the DJ. So, he wasn't working this rave, well at least he wasn't working by playing the music. I saw him slip something to a girl who came up to him.

"Come on, Carly, we need to get in the mood," stated Zoá«. She took me by the hand and pulled me in the direction of Zach. Kelly and Sharon followed us.

Zach saw us approaching and a sly smile came over his face. He reached into his pocket and handed a small bag to Zoá«. I suddenly felt strange, as if my mind was becoming foggy. The ring was vibrating slightly as it tried to fight off the spell. It must have been a very strong spell, as I had to concentrate on Zach to remember that he was the dealer.

Zoá« led us over to the juice bar and handed us each a pill.

"Where did you get it?" asked Kelly.

"I don't remember. It was just handed to me," replied Zoá«.

So the spell was affecting them too.

"Here you go, girls, bottoms up!" stated Zoá« as she handed us each a small yellow pill with X-2 pressed into it.

I noticed they were all watching me as I held the pill. Without hesitation I popped it in my mouth and sipped my juice.

"Good girl," whispered Zoá« in my ear.

"How long does it take until I feel something?" I asked.

"Your trip down the rabbit hole will start soon, Alice," piped in Sharon with a giggle.

"You should start to feel something in the next thirty minutes," added Kelly. "At least, that's when it hit me the last time."

"Don't worry, you'll feel wonderful once it kicks in," stated Zoá«. "Now let's go mingle."

As we headed through the crowded room, I could sense that most people were very relaxed. I didn't sense anyone in distress. I did excuse myself to use the restroom. While I really had to go, the main reason was that I wanted to write down Zach's name before I forgot it. As it was, I was struggling to remember that he was the one who gave Zoá« the X-2.

Luckily, Amelia had thought of this potential problem and had given me a small piece of paper that I could write on. I could then slip it in the heel of my shoe. I returned to the main room and searched for Zoá« and the others.

I found Zoá« dancing with Kelly. Sharon was nowhere to be seen, although I sensed that she was nearby. I began to worry that the X-2 would have no effect on me, when suddenly I began to feel much more aware of my surroundings. The lights seemed brighter and I could see colors in them that I hadn't noticed before.

The music began to flow through me. I closed my eyes and could see the notes of the music as if they were different beams of light.

"Carly, you okay?" asked Zoá«.

I turned and smiled at her and nodded.

"My, seems you set a new record. It's only been fifteen minutes since you took it," continued Zoá«.

"Tell me, Carly, is this really your first time having ecstasy?" asked Kelly.

I nodded.

"And you're not a narc, right?" asked Sharon.

It was obvious that I was still being checked out. Amelia had told me that under X-2 a person was more likely to tell the truth. Thankfully, I wasn't too far gone.

"Me a narc? Please!"

"So what are you?" asked Sharon.

"I'm a sorceress!" I blurted out with a giggle.

Sharon and Kelly started to laugh along with me.

"Okay, enough of this, we know we can trust Carly," stated Zoá«. She then slipped her arm around my waist and led me out to the dance floor.

We began to dance very close to each other. Thankfully the dance floor was crowded and everyone else was too wrapped up in his or her own world to notice Zoá« and me.

Zoá« had her hands all over my body and, to be honest, I wanted to be touched. My nipples were very hard and pressing through the thin spandex material. Zoá« noticed them and ran her hands across them, causing me to wriggle in growing delight.

By now Zoá« was also under the effects of the drug and she was also feeling total bliss. We just wanted to touch and feel each other's bodies.

"Is there somewhere we can go in private?" I whispered to her.

She smiled and led me off the dance floor. We headed towards the back of the room. I noticed a guard standing in front of a door. He grinned and opened it up for us. Zoá« led me down the hall. There were several closed doors; I guess they were the offices. We stopped in front an open one and walked in, with Zoá« closing the door behind us.

The room was empty except for a clean bed and a lamp. There were also hooks on the walls, obviously to hang clothing on. A sign next to the door reminded the occupants to clean up after themselves. I then noticed a box with antiseptic and paper towels in it in the corner.

Now that we had our privacy, we began to kiss and touch each other. Zoá« soon had my dress off and was licking and kissing my naked body. I returned her affection and began to play with her equally excited nipples.

The music was loud enough that we could still hear and feel it in the room. It only added to our passion.

Zoá« pulled off my thong and began to orally pleasure me. I was lying on my back writhing in sexual paradise. Her tongue knew exactly where to go to give me the most pleasure. She soon had me to the brink of orgasm. Her every touch seemed to flow through my body. Every part of my body felt more sensitive. I was totally under her control as she worked her magic. I soon experienced an explosive orgasm. I could see a glow of energy shoot outward from my body and through Zoá«'s as I came. It was like a flash of green light. I held her tight against my vagina as her tongue pressed deep into me.

As I lay there trying to recover, she slipped up next to me and began to kiss me. We were soon locked together in a deep loving embrace.

We took a short break and I indicated that I wanted to return the pleasure she had given me.

"No, not this time, Carly. It's that time of the month," she stated and then she kissed me. I soon was distracted as she began to play some more.

Okay, from here on out it gets fuzzy. I remember eventually heading back to the dance floor. My mind was awash with new sensations and feelings. It was very difficult to concentrate. I thought that I sensed Mick, but I couldn't focus enough and I was soon distracted by a strobe light.

I remember eventually being woken up by Kelly. I had apparently crashed on one of the many couches that lined the walls of the dance floor. The euphoria seemed to be passing and I felt very fatigued. I glanced at my watch and was stunned to see that it was after three in the morning.

Kelly was helping me up. Zoá« and Sharon were standing there grinning at me.

"How're you feeling?" asked Sharon.

"Exhausted, but I'm glad I came," I replied.

Zoá« giggled at my reply and I smiled back.

"Well, we better get home," stated Zoá«.

"Are you okay to drive?" I asked.

She nodded. "No worries."

Thirty minutes later I was asleep in my bed.

Chapter 65

I slept in until well after two in the afternoon. Even after I got up, I felt exhausted. I slipped on some comfortable clothes, a bra, panties, sweatpants and a t-shirt, and headed downstairs to see Amelia. Salem followed. She had slept on my bed the whole time.

"I'm alive," I groaned.

"How do you feel?" asked Amelia, as she hugged me.


"Here, drink this tea, it will revitalize you," she stated, as she handed me a mug of spicy smelling tea.

I took a sip and raised my eyebrow. "This is good. What's in it?"

"You'd rather not know right now," she smiled. "Trust me, it's an old family recipe."

"I can tell it's not eye of newt and toe of frog," I joked.

We began to talk about the night and the rave. I was surprised at how many blanks there were in my memory.

"So who gave you the drugs?" she asked.

I sat there drawing a blank. "I have no idea. I kept the ring on, but apparently it didn't work."

Amelia nodded. "It may not have been powerful enough. Where are your shoes?"

I pointed upstairs. Amelia smiled and went up to get my heels.

"Do you remember writing this note?" she asked upon her return.

I shook my head.

"You wrote down 'Zach is the dealer.' Apparently you were able to fight off the loss of memory spell long enough to write this down," noted Amelia. "Well done."

"I don't remember doing it, but this is my handwriting. I even put the slash in the Z," I replied. The slash was my way of knowing that I had actually written the note.

"Okay, but I didn't see or sense anything strange during the rest of the rave. Well, I did momentarily sense Mick, but that must have been a mistake."

Amelia questioned me on this and many other facts about the night.

"What about the tattoo?" she asked.

"It obviously projected my sexual desires on Zoá«. She was definitely aroused more than normal," I replied as I sipped my tea.

"No, I was talking about the one on the inside of your right ankle," noted Amelia, pointing down.

I held out my leg. Sure enough, there was a small smiling full moon on my ankle. "I have no idea."

"Well, I think we'd better go down to my office. I want to do a full examination of you."

Chapter 66

The good news was that I was perfectly healthy. The tattoo was non-magical as far as Amelia could tell.

"Look at it as a very interesting souvenir," she remarked.

"Okay. I went to the rave, I found out that Zack is dealing the X-2, I had wild sex with Zoá«, and I have another tattoo. Where do we go next?"

"Scan your classmates on Monday. You know what you're looking for now, so it should be easier," replied Amelia.

"What about Zach?" I asked.

"We can't do a thing until we find who has been stealing the essences. Mrs. Dylan has scanned him twice and hasn't detected any magic. That may or may not mean anything. A long distance scan is only so effective."

"Could you learn something if you got him in here?" I asked.

"Yes, but I can't abduct him," she replied.

"Can't Bill do something? I mean, in human law you could get a warrant and question Zach. Can't the magic police do something?" I asked.

"The magic police? Yes, we could, but it might give away our investigation to the real villain in all this," replied Amelia.

"What if Zach was caught dealing real drugs?" I asked.

"I know where you're going, but we can't take the chance," explained Amelia.

I would have to wait until Monday to see if any more students had been violated.

Chapter 67

To my total surprise, I didn't detect anyone who might have been robbed at the rave. I thought I had a hit, but it turned out that the girl was upset because her period was late.

Mick was back in school. I asked him if everything was okay and he nodded.

"Sorry I missed the rave, I heard it was pretty good," he stated.

"I only remember bits and pieces of it," I answered.

Mick pulled me close. "I heard you and Zoá« had a rather erotic dance together."

I began to blush.

"Hey, Carly, it's okay. Trust me, you weren't the only one exploring their sexuality there."

I nodded back.

"So, are you still flying back to DC for spring break?" he asked.

"Yes. I have to see our family lawyer, something about paying college tuition from my father's estate, so I combined the trip with a visit to see some old friends. I'm staying with my best friend back there. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he replied. He leaned over and kissed me.

We had two weeks until break. I won't bore you with the mundane, let's just say that Mick and I got together enough times to make up for the week we would be missing.

Chapter 68

I sat staring out the window of the jet as we started our decent into Dulles Airport outside Washington DC. I was nervous wondering how Beth's family and friends would react to me.

I stepped off the plane and was met by Beth as soon as I entered the terminal. She was standing with a pleasant looking young woman.

Beth and I hugged. "Good to see you, old friend," she kidded.

"I've really missed you! So, how'd you get by security to get here?" I asked.

"The benefits of being with a federal agent," she replied. "Let me introduce you to my great friend, Ally Burns."

I had heard the name several times from Beth, but I hadn't thought she would be so young.

"So, you're Beth's old friend from San Diego. It's a real pleasure meeting you," stated Ally.

"I've heard her mention your name a few times," I replied. I sensed that she knew that I wasn't who I was claiming to be; yet she was playing along for Beth's sake. "Thank you so much for meeting me here."

"It's a pleasure. Well, we better go check on your luggage. Just so you're aware, my badge has no power when it comes to dealing with luggage handlers!" quipped Ally.

Beth and I laughed.

After picking up my bags, we headed toward Beth's house. To Ally's credit, she didn't ask any questions although I knew she was dying to. She knew Beth's real identity, so obviously I couldn't be a friend from Beth's old school. I imagined that they had run a background check on Carly Taylor and discovered that she really didn't exist. My fake identification was designed to fool high school officials, not federal agents.

The traffic was light and we arrived at Beth's house in relatively good time, according to Beth.

I was introduced to Beth's family and Ally's partner, Carol. They all seemed like nice people. Beth's mom, Maggie, was sitting in a rocking chair holding Stevie, their new baby. We sat down in the living room. I was sitting on the couch next to Beth.

"You ready?" whispered Beth to me.

I nodded nervously. "I suppose you all wonder how I know Beth?"

Maggie, Beth's mom responded first. "Obviously, you're not Carly Taylor."

Thankfully, there was a smile on her face.

"No. That's a story in itself. My original name was Roger Lyons and I served with Ben." I scanned the room. They looked back and forth at each other, but they seemed to believe me.

I continued with my story and told them how I'd become Iona and why I was presently Carly. Again, to my surprise and relief, they just sat there and absorbed my story.

"So that was you we met back in San Diego for the law enforcement seminar at San Diego State?" asked Maggie.

I nodded.

"And you really have magical powers?" asked Carol.

"Yes. I'm still learning about them. Mainly I can use them for sensing other people's feelings. I also know a few self-defense spells," I replied. I then described how some of my spells worked.

"That's amazing. I always suspected that people like you existed," remarked Ally. "So what do you sense now?"

I scanned the room. "I sense that some of you are a little uneasy, and that you're not sure if I've been telling you the truth." I looked over at Steve, Beth's father. "On the other hand, I sense that you believe me completely."

Steve hadn't said a word so far. He looked back at me, smiled and then winked. "You have the look of your mother."

It was my turn to be surprised. "You know Fiona?"

"We've worked together a few times," he replied and then he winked again at me.

I suddenly knew everything was going to be okay.

Ally, and Carol turned and stared at Steve. "Another Spec-Ops secret?" asked Carol with a smile.

Steve nodded. "Fiona worked with us on a few cases. She said she had psychic powers, but I always suspected it was something else. I felt she was after something else. Knowing that there is a system to punish those who abuse special powers, I feel much better."

"Promise me that you'll keep my secret," I asked.

"Of course, Carly, or would you prefer to be called Iona?" asked Maggie.

"I guess you'd better call me Carly. Best to stay in character," I replied.

Steve smiled. "Good discipline. You ever consider federal service?"

"No. I'm studying to be a lawyer. I want to work for the DA's office," I replied. I wondered if I would find out who the magical person in the Agency was.

"Prosecutor, huh? Good. We need good people there too," replied Steve. "Although being an agent is far more fun!"

"Oh, yes. The joy of sitting in a car for eighteen hours eating stale doughnuts and drinking cold coffee," remarked Carol.

"Don't forget crouching behind bushes in rainy, cold weather during a stakeout," added Ally .

Maggie laughed. "Oh, and don't forget the great hours!"

"But on the bright side, you do get to shoot people occasionally," noted Steve.

They started laughing and I joined in. I could tell that these were good people and I had nothing to worry about. I had just added some new friends.

After dinner we were all sitting around the kitchen table.

"So, Carly, tell us some good stories about Beth," requested Steve, he then winked at her.

"Don't you dare!" replied Beth with a grin.

"Unfortunately, most good stories about Beth would incriminate me too. We were usually partners in crime. I think we reported to the ship within three weeks of each other and we instantly became friends."

"Yes, you got there first," piped in Beth.

"Come on, you must have some good stories. I know Beth isn't as innocent as she looks!" requested Steve.

"I doubt the Navy would still prosecute you," quipped Ally.

"How true! Oh, Beth, I have a good one. Remember when we put marbles in the XO's overhead?" I asked.

"You did what?" asked Maggie, she glanced over at Beth, who shrugged her shoulders.

"The Executive Officer was a bit of a jerk, granted it was part of his job, but he liked it too much. So one night while the ship was in port, we snuck into his stateroom. There was a false ceiling and we unscrewed one of the panels and poured a couple hundred marbles in," I explained.

"It was five hundred," stated Beth proudly. "I remember buying ten bags of fifty each."

"You actually put five hundred marbles in his overhead? That's hilarious!" laughed Steve.

"We got the idea from watching Mr. Roberts," explained Beth. "It was harder putting them up there than it sounds!"

"So, even then you liked classic movies!" noted Ally.

Beth nodded, as she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes.

"What made it really funny was that we didn't get underway for two more months. By the time he discovered them, I had transferred off the ship," I replied, barely holding back the laughter.

"Oh yes, really funny! I had to catch the brunt of his anger. Apparently he heard them rolling around and when he popped open the panel they poured out all over him!" described Beth. "Luckily, I was on the bridge at the time standing watch. By the time I got off, he had calmed down slightly. Still, I was glad I transferred a few weeks later."

Ally turned to me. "Did he know that you were involved?"

"Yes, you could say that. I received a box COD a few weeks later. It contained the marbles," I replied. "It cost me $50.00!"

We all laughed.

"So what happened to the marbles?" asked Beth.

"My sister took them back to Ohio and has used them in her art," I answered. "She's started working with glass and she was able to incorporate them into her art."

"I'd love to have something with some of them in it," stated Beth.

"I'll see what I can do," I answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, how many people in your past know your secret?" asked Ally.

"Other than you all? Just my sister." I then explained how she came to know.

"Don't forget about Bill!" piped in Beth.

I then told them all about my boyfriend.

The rest of the night we talked and traded stories. I felt that I had known them my whole life.

Later on, as Beth and I prepared to go to bed, I turned to her. "You have a great family."

"Thanks," she replied. "It's amazing how things turn out."

Beth and I talked until nearly one. It was good to have more good people in my life.

Before we drifted off to sleep, Beth asked me about my sexual drive. I had told her that I had inherited a mystical tattoo from Iona.

"So what exactly does the tattoo do?" she asked.

"It was designed to enslave Iona by giving her a overwhelming urge to have sex. It also was designed to make her passive and easily controllable," I replied.

"And how does it affect you?"

"My sex drive is high, but controllable. The passivity part didn't seem to work on me. Although I run through a lot of batteries," I replied with a wink.

Beth smiled back. "Did you bring it with you?"

I nodded.

"You also mentioned that it protects you, how?"

"It prevents me from getting pregnant, unless I want to. It also protects me from STDs," I replied. "It was originally designed to turn women into perfect whores."

"May I see it?" she asked.

"Do you have a black light?" I asked.

Beth nodded and jumped out of bed. She retrieved a black light. It was the type used to illuminate posters.

"I guess this isn't that big a deal, after all you also have a vagina," I stated, as I sat up and began to take off my pj bottoms.

We turned out the lights and Beth turned on the black light. The Celtic script lettering became visible.

"Wow. To be honest, I wasn't sure if you were goofing on me," replied Beth.

"No, this is all too real. It's the reason I'm Iona today," I stated. "It drove the first Iona to desperation and she allowed herself to die in my shattered body."

"And there's no way to reverse it?"

'The only one who knows that is grazing in a field somewhere," I replied with a wink. "It's not so bad. I've learned to live with it."

Beth let out a big breath. "Fate really dealt us some strange hands."

I nodded as I slipped my pj bottoms back on. "Yes, but at least we've both got families."

Chapter 69

The next day Beth and I went into the city, as I wanted to see some of the sights. Ally took the day off and joined us. I could see why Beth was so fond of her. She's a really nice person. If I hadn't known that she was TS, I would have never guessed that she had been a male.

Celeste was supposed to be coming down for a few days later in the week. I was anxious to meet her. Beth said that she hadn't confessed her secret yet to Celeste, but planned to soon. Beth had earlier told me that Ally had been instrumental in getting Celeste to help with abused transgendered teens. I felt I could discuss Jamie's case with both of them.

I told them what was happening to him, as we drove into the city.

"You haven't told him that his condition is due to magic?" asked Ally.

"No, but he suspects the truth. He's a very open-minded person and is very insightful," I replied.

"While he doesn't fit the standard profile of the teens that Celeste's institute has handled in the past, I don't deny that he would benefit greatly from it. From what you've told us, he's barely male," continued Ally.

"That's right. His mannerisms are becoming more feminine every time I see him." I explained.

Ally nodded. "In some ways he sounds like some of the abused teens we've recovered. Granted, his circumstances are different, but he's been violated just like the others."

"I notice you don't refer to Jamie as she," noted Beth.

I nodded. "He still wants to be treated as a boy, even though he realizes how feminine he's become. I like him too much not to respect his wishes. He knows that it's a losing battle, but he's holding out hope. It's hard to let go. Even though I adapted pretty quickly, I still have some nagging regrets."

"I did too, but they're pretty much gone now," replied Beth.

"My regrets are different," added Ally.

"You know, I could ask my aunt if there's a spell that could help you," I stated. "I'm sure that she would help."

Ally shook her head adamantly. "No, thank you. Not that I don't appreciate your offer, Carly, but I'm happy with who I am. I'm on a short list to see a surgeon for my SRS and that will make me whole."

"But what if you could become a complete woman?" I asked.

"Forget it, Carly. I already played out this argument with her," interjected Beth. "I asked if she would be interested in undergoing the process that changed me."

"I'd just be afraid that I would lose everything that I've accomplished. I'm very proud that my peers have accepted me, more or less," explained Ally. "I like who I am. You both have admitted that the transformation wasn't just physical; I would be afraid that the transmogrified Ally would also be different. I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with Carol. She means the world to me. I love her deeply, I can't imagine life without her."

"I admire you for your convictions," I stated. I sensed her deep and profound love for Carol.

"Thank you, Carly. A few years ago I might have jumped at your offer, but now, I'm at peace with myself."

"You're very lucky," I replied.

We spent some time at the Smithsonian before going out for lunch. It was a nice early spring day and we decided to grab some takeout and eat outside on the Mall.

As we ate, Ally asked me a question.

"From strictly a technical point of view, how do you use your powers?" she asked. "I mean how do you do it?"

"I just think of what I want to do. For example, I can detect people that I know from a long distance. I've learned how to be more selective, so that I'm not overwhelmed," I replied. "However, when I have a strong emotional tie to someone, they immediately alert me. I think that's how I detected Beth."

"Okay, but what do you do if you're just trying to detect someone?" asked Ally.

"I concentrate on them to see if I can locate them," I replied. "I've found that the more they mean to me, the greater distance I can detect them at."

"What about Bill?" asked Beth with a grin.

"Oh, he's very easy. I can pick him up at over a mile now!"

"Excuse me for saying this, but it must be very complicated for you two," stated Ally. "I mean he knew you as a male."

I nodded vigorously. "It was at first, but because I'd changed so much emotionally, it just felt right. I felt an instant attraction to him, even though I never was attracted to men when I was a guy. Bill took a little more time to come around, but he now sees me as a woman," I replied.

"And I thought my life was complex," laughed Ally.

"Hey, my life hasn't been all smooth sailing!" piped in Beth.

We all laughed. Suddenly, I was hit by the feeling that Mick was nearby. I didn't want to give away my powers, but I could feel he was close. I fought the urge to stand up and start looking around.

"Beth, Ally, do either of you see a cute teenage boy with black hair and a matching goatee nearby. Be casual, I don't want him to know that I've detected him."

Beth glanced around in a very casual manner, and then shook her head. Ally did the same.

"Who is he?" asked Beth.

"A boy from school. He shouldn't be out here, but I know I perceive him," I answered. Suddenly the feeling was gone. "That's weird. He must have gone out of range."

"You want me to run a background check on him?" asked Ally.

"No... well, not right now anyway," I replied. "I don't feel he's involved in either the drugs or the essence thefts. I just don't know what's different about him. When I'm with him, I don't sense any danger. In fact, I sense that he wants to protect me."

Chapter 70

We spent the rest of the day hanging out. I found that I could be very open with Ally. I sensed a strong bond growing between us.

"You know, Ally, I'd like to meet you after I re-exit adolescence," I stated, as we walked back to the car after exploring the boutiques of Arlington.

"I'd like that myself."

"It's nice having friends that I can be totally open with," I continued.

"I know the feeling. I don't hide the fact that I'm transgendered from my co-workers, and for the most part they've accepted me. It can be an issue when I'm dealing with other agencies. I've had to overcome some real ignorance sometimes. Sometimes I think they expect to see a big hulking man with a five o'clock shadow and wearing a dress come stomping into their office."

I laughed.

"Can I ask you something else?" asked Ally.

I nodded.

"What would you have done if we had freaked out?" whispered Ally.

"I have a spell, it would have erased your memory of me. I've never had to use it, but it's always available, just in case."

Ally smiled. "You almost had to use it on Bill, right?"

I sighed. "It crossed my mind a few times when I first told him, thankfully he came around."

"You really do love him, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes. That's what's been so hard about our forced separation."

"True love is rare," replied Ally knowingly.

"But worth hanging onto," I answered softly. "I just hope that Bill forgives me for what I've done."

"From what I've heard, he will. He knew that you might have urges that you couldn't control, due to your age and the drugs."

"Still, it will be good to be an adult again."

'What will you do about Jamie and Mick?" asked Ally. "I can tell that you think highly of both of them."

"I have no idea. I didn't want to make any lasting relationships with any of my classmates. But, it happened. I think that after we catch the dealer, I could tell Jaime the truth. I think he suspects that I'm different."

"What about Mick?" asked Ally.

I just rolled my eyes.

Ally laughed. "Well, you have my number now, feel free to call me."


"Beth and I have sort of become sisters. We brought Celeste into our group and I'd love to include you, as long as Beth doesn't mind," confessed Ally, glancing at Beth.

"Please! I don't mind at all. Although, I really like the fact that she's presently younger than me!" quipped Beth.

"Enjoy it while you can, Beth!" I retorted. "Soon, I'll be an adult again!"

Beth replied in a mature manner and stuck her tongue out at me.

Chapter 71

The week with Beth was exactly what I needed. I felt very relaxed and it was so nice to finally meet her family and friends.

Celeste came down from Philadelphia a few days into my visit. She had been up there checking on some work being done on her condominium.

Celeste wasn't what I expected. Beth had told me that she had been married to a very wealthy older man. He had originally bought her as a companion, but later he had married her. The whole episode sounded bizarre, but not as weird as my own story.

She was a very pleasant looking young woman. Even though she was just wearing jeans and a Penn sweatshirt, she looked absolutely elegant. Her auburn hair was styled in an updo and, along with her pearl post earrings, added to her classy appearance.

I was passed off as one of Beth's old friends from her days in San Diego. I immediately sensed that Celeste suspected that there was more to my story than what she was being told, but that she would go along with the tale. I also scanned that she knew there was something different about Beth, but that she didn't care.

Like Ally, Celeste was very open about her past. She didn't advertise the fact that she had once been male, but she wasn't ashamed of it either.

"So, Carly, you've heard about my institute?" she asked over dinner.

It was just Beth, Celeste, and I that night. We were babysitting for little Steven, and while he slept we had pizza. Maggie and Steve were having dinner out on the town. So far, we could tell that Maggie was enjoying her first night out since giving birth. She was so relaxed that she had only called Beth three times to check to see that everything was okay. Steven was asleep in his room, but we kept the baby monitor nearby, just in case.

"Yes. I have a friend that my aunt is treating. For some reason his hormones have gone wild and he is becoming very feminine," I replied.

"Jamie King?" she asked.

My eyebrows rose at hearing Jamie's name. "Yes, that's him."

"I was given her application this past week by the board," stated Celeste. She went on to explain that a board of doctors reviewed all applications before passing them on to her for final approval. "She seems like a nice kid."

"Her? So she's made up her mind," I mused. "I'm happy for her."

Celeste nodded. "She's going to come this summer. I'm going to assign her to the main house, as her case is so different from the others."

"How many are presently at your home?" asked Beth.

"Four right now, but we'll be losing two this summer. Brenda and Tina are both leaving to go to college. That will leave us with Dot and Cicely," replied Celeste.

"Cicely? Oh yes, she was one of the teens recently recovered in raids last month," stated Beth.

"Yes, she's not doing very well. As for Dot, she's still a handful," replied Celeste.

Celeste went on to tell me about them, but that's another story for another day.

"I hope that you can help Jamie, she's really nice and didn't deserve this to happen to her," I stated.

Celeste gave me a look and nodded. "I'm just glad I can help."

We spent the rest of the evening talking about mundane ordinary things. Celeste asked Beth about her boyfriend.

"Kevin is off with his parents this week. They're out in Seattle to see his grandparents," stated Beth.

I immediately sensed how much Beth missed him. I couldn't resist asking her some questions.

"Just how serious are you two?" I asked.

"I like him -- actually I like him a lot," replied Beth. She smiled as she spoke.

It was so cool seeing my friend in love.

"Sooo, why haven't you told me more about him? Do you have a photo?" I asked.

"I have too told you about him!" Beth replied in mock anger. She got up and retrieved her purse. She pulled out an abundance of photos of Kevin and handed them to me.

I had to admit that they made a cute couple.

"That one was taken at my eighteenth birthday party, my younger friend," explained Beth with a wink.

"He looks nice," I replied.

"So, tell me again how long you too have known each other?" asked Celeste.

"I'm not sure?" I replied. "I think it was eight years ago, is that right, Beth?"

She nodded.

Celeste gave us each a stare. "You know, I've been totally honest with both of you, especially you, Beth. I sense strongly that you're both hiding something. If you don't want to tell me, that's cool, but I do want you to know that I consider you each a friend, and I doubt there's anything in your past that would shock me."

The silence in the room was deafening.

I scanned Celeste and sensed that she was being totally honest. I looked over at Beth and nodded slightly.

Beth returned my nod. "Celeste, let me go check on baby brother first."

A short time later Beth came back downstairs and flopped on the couch next to us.

"You want to go first?" I asked Beth. "Or do you want to flip a coin?"

Beth shook her head. "I've been meaning to tell you this for a while, Celeste; there just hasn't been the right moment. One of the reasons that I so understand what you've gone through is that I was also once a guy."

Celeste stared back at Beth. "You're a little young for SRS."

"I didn't have SRS. I used to be a male naval officer named Ben Carlson. I was transformed into a sixteen-year-old girl via a genetic process by a slightly mad scientist."

"You're pulling my leg, right?" asked Celeste.

"No. Maggie was the agent who was initially on my case. We hit it off and she adopted me. Steve came into my life when the aforementioned scientist tried to abduct me."

Celeste stared at Beth and then turned to me. "Obviously, you're not an old school friend of Beth's."

"No, I was a fellow officer. The part about us knowing each other for eight years is true."

"And you were also transformed by the mad scientist?" asked Celeste.

"No, my transformation is a bit stranger." I replied.

"I doubt that," replied Celeste.

"I was involved with a body swap with a young woman named Iona. She was killed in my body, thanks to a drunk driver," I explained. I scanned Celeste while I talked and discovered that, while was confused, she was also intrigued with our stories.

"Body swap? How is that possible? The next thing you're going to tell me is that it was due to magic."

"It was," I replied. "In addition to inheriting her body, I also got her powers."

Celeste just sat there for a moment. "So you two were both adult men, and you were transformed into teenage girls?"

"Actually, I'm twenty-two. I'm portraying a teenager back in San Diego as part of a criminal investigation," I explained. "My real name is Iona, but please call me Carly for now."

"Beth, may I have a drink?" asked Celeste with a grin.

"Sure what would you like?"

"I'm kidding. Seriously, I want to hear your complete stories, starting with you Beth," stated Celeste.

"So, you believe us?" Beth asked.

"Uh huh. First off, who would invent stories so outlandish? Second, I've always suspected that you were hiding something. You seemed mature beyond your years. I didn't think that it was due to the story that your parents were killed. Then Iona shows up -- oh, I mean Carly, sorry -- I could sense right away that you're great friends. I began to get the same feeling about you, Carly. Hanging out with my friend Nancy, I've learned to be more observant about human behavior. Combined with my work with abused teens, well, it has given me greater insight into people."

Celeste then told me that Nancy was the lead therapist for her institute.

"And how do you feel about Carly and I?" asked Beth.

"I love you two more than ever now. You both have shared incredible secrets with me, and that shows you trust me. I'm honored!"

We had a big group hug, which turned into a joyful group cry.

Over the next few hours, Beth and I took turns telling our life stories to Celeste. I then requested that she in turn tell me her complete story. I was amazed at how someone could find the strength to bring so much good out of such horror and pain.

"There are times when I wish I could use my powers for revenge. That woman Margo sounds like she should be taught a lesson or two. How would you like to see her turned into a rat?" I stated with a smile.

"Rats aren't that bad. They might not appreciate Margo becoming one of them," replied Beth. "Besides, I would hate to see a hairless rat!"

We heard Steven cry and Beth went upstairs to check on him.

"I find it so fascinating that you have a code of conduct, with laws and everything," remarked Celeste.

"It's rather comforting to know there are rules," I replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what can you do?"

"My powers are rather limited right now. I have much to learn. I do know a few self-defense spells."

"Like what?" she asked excitedly.

"Well, I can freeze someone in place," I replied.

"Cool. Can you do me?"

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I've always found magic fascinating," replied Celeste. She was beaming from ear to ear.

"Okay, get in a comfortable position."

Celeste shifted so that she was seated cross-legged on the couch. She then nodded.

I cast the spell. "Well?" I asked.

Celeste stared back blankly. I let her try to struggle a little, before I released her.

"That was so cool!" she exclaimed. "What else can you do?"

"Well, my other self-defense spell isn't for fun," I stated. I then explained how I could burn someone.

"That's impressive," replied Celeste.

"I discovered it strictly by accident. But it has come in handy," I replied.

Beth came downstairs. "Steven's back to sleep. I changed his smelly poopy diaper."

"There are other kinds?" I asked.

Beth laughed.

"Carly has been showing me some of her skills," interjected Celeste.

We talked for another hour before Steve and Maggie came home. They seemed to have had a wonderful time.

"We let Celeste in on our secrets," confessed Beth to her parents.

Steve sat down and smiled. "It's so nice to be the most normal one in this house."

"You normal? Compared to who?" piped in Maggie, as she sat down on the arm of the chair next to Steve. He pulled her down into his lap and kissed her.

"Normal is overrated anyway. I tried it and it didn't work," remarked Celeste.

We all started laughing.

As I drifted off to sleep that night, I felt better about the world and my life. I now had a whole new circle of wonderful people to call my friends. I could almost forget about returning to Bernardo Valley and searching for the essence thief.

Chapter 72

The following night found Celeste, Beth, and I babysitting again. Steve and Maggie had gone out to dinner with Carol and Ally.

Beth knew a great Mexican restaurant that did take out. We sat around the living room eating Mexican food, watching the latest Harry Potter DVD. The movie was Beth's idea of a joke. I didn't mind, as I found the stories wonderfully entertaining. They were also a lot more accurate than most people knew! I wondered if the author was one of us?

Steven was a perfect little prince and barely made a sound the whole evening.

After the movie, Beth suggested that we do each other's nails. She had just bought several new bottles of nail polish. I was surprised that Celeste readily volunteered to be first.

"Sorry, but I dreamed about doing this sort of thing when I was growing up!" she explained.

"Really? That's so cool. Oh, are we going to have fun up in Philly!" gushed Beth.

"Just so you know, Beth snores!" I piped in.

"I do not!" she retorted.

Celeste laughed. "You two must have really been a handful."

"We ruled the wardroom," I stated proudly.

"That's right! Now, what color do you want, Carly, the red or the pink?"

I started giggling and pointed to the pink. "Can you imagine the XO if he saw us now?"

Beth started laughing uncontrollably, and was joined by Celeste.

Thankfully, Steven didn't need a change while we waited for the polish on our toenails and fingernails to dry.

Celeste told us how her father had become more and more accepting of her.

"It's amazing how much he's come around. In so many ways, we're closer now than ever before," she stated. "He's even interested in becoming a member of the board of supervisors for the institute. He has a lot of experience in dealing with budgets."

"Who's idea was that?" I asked.

"Mine. He looked over the books and saw some areas where we can really save money, without cutting back. Right now, he's just a consultant, but I want him fulltime."

"Do you think that he'll have any issues working for you?" asked Beth.

"He wouldn't be. My husband Sherman taught me to leave the technical issues to the experts. I know enough to be knowledgeable, but I want specialists to run the institute."

"So what will you do?" I asked.

"I'll be a college student. Oh, I'll keep an eye on the institute, but I need to get my education first."

"What're you going to study?" I asked.

"I want to know the business side and the therapy side too. I have the time and the money, so why not?" she explained. "I've also been thinking of setting up a separate institute to help those teens who've been abused by online predators."

"I wonder who gave you the idea for that!" I replied with a grin.

Celeste smiled back. "I've heard many horror stories from Ally. My lawyers have been quietly talking to Internet providers and computer companies. I'm hoping they'll contribute some funds."


"The hard part is the legal issues that will come with the money. The companies agree that the proposed institute is a great idea, but the wording has to be perfect so that it doesn't assign blame. I really hate lawyers sometimes!"

I cleared my throat in a loud manner.

"Okay, okay, not ALL lawyers!" replied Celeste with a laugh.

Beth started telling lawyer jokes. After the fifth one, I froze her.

"Celeste, what do you say to giving Beth a makeover?" I asked with a grin.

"Oh, yes. Let's go for a Goth look!"

"I agree! I'll start by doing her eyeliner. I doubt she has enough black eyeliner, so I'll go look for a Sharpie."

I then released Beth from the spell. I figured she'd suffered enough.

"Very funny!" replied Beth.

"Sorry, but you asked for it!"

"You're lucky this isn't three hundred years ago. They would have burned you at the stake!" kidded Beth.

"You too!" I replied grinning.

"Me three!" added Celeste.

We began to laugh so hard that we were soon crying.

The rest of the evening was spent talking about less important topics like music, movies, and boys. It was a completely enjoyable time.

Chapter 73

The week was over way too fast. As I flew back to San Diego, I contemplated my visit with Beth. While I felt comfortable as a teen in school, this was the first time that I'd really enjoyed myself. I suddenly wished that we lived closer to each other.

I was also deeply impressed with Beth's family and extended family. She was truly fortunate to have such wonderful and caring people around her.

Ally was really impressive; she was everything that Beth had said and more. I could understand why Beth wanted to work for her.

Celeste was equally cool. She said that, should Jamie want to attend her institute, she would immediately approve her application.

Beth, Ally, and Celeste all considered me their sister now and I was thrilled.

I noticed that I began to refer to Jamie as female in my mind. I knew that even if we found the way to reverse the spell, he would stay female. I smiled, thinking of all the excellent role models I could show him.

My mind shifted back to my return to school. I knew that I would soon be attending another rave. I wondered why there hadn't been any additional essence thefts. Could it have been that I hadn't scanned the person? Maybe they attended a different school? Maybe the raves and the thefts weren't related? No, I had a strong feeling that I was on the right track. It was too much to think about and I reached for a magazine.

I had bought some back at Dulles. I scanned the cover of the National Geographic and noticed several interesting articles. There was one on some new archeological discoveries regarding the Minoans. A team had discovered a new temple on Crete the previous year.

Aunt Kayla had gotten me interested in ancient cultures like the Minoans. She said that some of the old stories of our magical ancestors made references to having once been part of a great Mediterranean culture. A natural disaster had destroyed the culture and scattered its people. The priestesses passed their knowledge of magic onto other races, including the Celts. She believed that the Minoans might have been our mother culture.

I fell asleep and dreamed of bare breasted Minoan priestesses and Crete.

Chapter 74

Amelia picked me up at the airport. I excitedly told her all about my trip. Of course, I told her about my admission of once being Roger and how I was received.

"Do you think that Ally will come out here? She sounds very interesting," noted Amelia.

"I hope so. She has ties to Orange County, so it wouldn't be a big stretch for her to visit out here."

"Well, it sounds like you had a wonderful time."

"I did. I actually enjoyed being seventeen."

Amelia nodded. "You know, it might not be a bad thing for you to stay young for a while after this case ends. Like you, I sense that this case will be broken soon. How would you feel about finishing up your senior year?"

Her request sort of caught me off guard. I contemplated her suggestion. It wasn't that wild of an idea.

"What about Bill?" I asked.

"There might be a way to include him," stated Amelia. "Anyway, I just want you to think about my idea. The main thing is that we need to get the essence thief.

"Tell me more about the detection of Mick," Amelia continued.

"It must have been a mistake. How would he get to Washington?" I replied.

Amelia shook her head. "No, it's not a mistake. Your power detects the inner person, their soul. Those are all different, so if you felt Mick, then he was there."

"So Mick followed me out to DC. Why?" I pondered.

"I doubt if it's jealousy," replied Amelia.

Just then we arrived home. I was pleased to see Salem staring out the window at me. I'd forgotten how much I loved the little furball.

I held Salem as Amelia and I continued our conversation. Salem purred contently as I petted her until she drifted off to sleep.

"When you go back to school Monday, don't act different around Mick," advised Amelia, as she prepared us some tea.

"Okay. I'll also scan for additional victims. It still bothers me that the thief didn't strike again at the rave."

"Just as long as you are ready the next time. If you can think about it, try to chip off a small piece of the pill at the next rave. If we can analyze it, I might be able to come up with a counter spell for you."

"I'll try. It would be nice not to be so out of it," I replied. "I'm pretty sure I can fake being under the drug's influence. All I have to do is act loopy and horny."

Amelia laughed. "Still, the thief might also be faking it."

"That might be possible."

"I've also found a more powerful stone for you to wear in the ring. It should be able to counter the forgetfulness spell." She then poured me a cup of tea.

"Cool," I replied as I squeezed some honey into my tea. I passed the plastic honey bear to Amelia. "How's Aunt Kayla?"

"She's well, and yes, she misses you too!"

I smiled. "And what about Bill? Does he miss me even a little?"

Amelia sipped her tea and shook her head. "No, not a little, a whole lot!"

"I miss him too. I'll be so glad when this is over!"

Chapter 75

I returned to school the following day. Mick met me in the parking lot. He seemed very pleased to see me and we kissed for a long time. I tried to scan him, but for some reason I couldn't really get a grasp on his emotions, as if he was blocking me.

He slipped his arm around me as we walked to class. It was a nice warm spring morning. The sun felt good on my face as we walked from the parking lot to school. We made small talk about what we did on our break.

"Did you have a good time in DC?" he asked.

"Yes. It was so nice. I wish you could have been there," I replied. I tried to get a read, but again I was blocked.

"Me too. I just hung around here," he replied.

I nodded. He walked me to my first class and kissed me goodbye.

"See ya at lunch," he stated.

As I sat in class I scanned the room. I didn't detect anything beyond the normal teenage angst.

I ran into Zoá« in between classes. She looked really happy to see me.

"I'm glad to see that you made it back here. We were afraid that you'd want to stay back east," she stated.

She wasn't hard to scan. I could tell that she was fantasizing about having sex with me.

"I thought about it, but my life is out here now," I replied.

"Cool. Oh, by the way. The next little party will be next weekend. Can you make it?"

I nodded. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Zoá« winked. "Cool."

Chapter 76

At lunch I sat next to Mick. While we talked I scanned Zach. Now on the outside, Zach was acting normal, however, I discovered that he was hiding some real guilt. It was at times like this that I wished I could read more than just emotional states. Oh, I could sometimes get bits and pieces of what was on their minds, but not always. I could tell that Zach was worried about something and felt guilty over some pain that he had caused a friend. I wondered if he felt guilty over what happened to Jim.

Mick asked me if I wanted to go downtown that weekend to see a movie.

"Why go all the way down there?" asked Maria. "Why not go to the multi-plex?"

"Because, they're not showing the movie I want to see there," replied Mick with a grin.

"What movie?" I asked.

"The Maltese Falcon. They're showing it Friday night at the Ken," replied Mick.

"The Ken? Isn't that down in some weird part of town?" asked Maria.

"It's in the Kensington area, and yes, it's safe. There's a great coffee house across the street," explained Mick.

I nodded like I was clueless. Actually, I was a regular at the Ken, both as Roger and as Iona. It was one of the last single screen cinemas. They showed a wide range of films there from classics to foreign language films. I had introduced Bill to it and we often went there on dates.

"Cool. What time?" I asked.

Mick said that we could catch the nine o'clock showing.

I was glad that we weren't going to another party. I wasn't looking forward to another night of drinking and smoking dope.

Chapter 77

After school I headed over to see Jamie. I stopped first at the townhouse to change into something more comfortable. It was warm enough for shorts and sandals. I topped it off with a floral blouse. I debated taking Salem with me, but decided to check first with Jamie.

Jamie was overjoyed to see me. He was also wearing shorts, along with a t-shirt, and sandals.

He looked like a typical teenage girl. His breasts were larger and very noticeable through his t-shirt. His hair was pulled back into a long ponytail. I was amazed that his hair had grown so long. It was now halfway down his back.

"How was your trip back east?" asked Jamie as he hugged me.

"It was great. How're you doing?" I asked.

"Okay. As you can see, I'm still changing," he replied.

I nodded. "And how do you feel about it?"

We headed out to his backyard and sat down on some chairs on the deck.

"What was the question again?" asked Jamie.

I noticed that he crossed his legs like a girl. "I wanted to know how you feel about the continuing changes."

Jaime sighed. "I had to get new bras. I'm up to a full C-cup, and still growing. That won't help me in gymnastics!"

I laughed. "They can get in the way. So you're thinking about going back into gymnastics?"

"Not for competition, I mean, technically I'm still a guy. But I'd like to go start training again. My old favorites were the rings and uneven parallel bars; unfortunately, girls don't compete in those events. I'm thinking of trying the horse."

"No rhythmic gymnastics?" I asked with a grin.

"Ugh no! Can you see me prancing around with a ribbon on a stick?" he asked with a giggle.

I shook my head. "No... no, I can't."

"Anyway, I'm just sick and tired of staying here at home. My parents and I talked to a woman at the institute that you showed us. I think I want to go there," confessed Jaime softly.

"Does that mean that you want to be referred to as a girl now?" I asked, reaching out to take Jaime's hands in mine.

He hesitated. "Yes...and no."

"That's an honest answer," I replied.

Jamie smiled. "I'm sorry. Part of me just wants to move on and part of me wants to hold out, just in case they can find a cure."

I didn't say a word.

"Don't worry, Carly. I'll let you know when you can call me a girl."

"Okay, whenever you're ready."


We talked about my trip. I didn't mention that I had met Celeste, as I didn't want to put more pressure on him. I did ask him if I could bring Salem over.

"Sorry, but Mom is allergic to cats. Hey, why don't I come over next time?" he asked.

This was a big moment. "Would your parents be cool with that?" I asked.

"I think so. They like you," replied Jamie.

I nodded. I suddenly felt really guilty in that the one person that their child seemed to trust wasn't what she appeared. I quickly shoved those feelings aside. "Cool. Why not this Saturday?"

"Okay. I think I'm supposed to see your aunt in the morning," replied Jamie.

"That would work out great, you could ride back with her."

Jamie nodded.

I sensed that there was something he wanted to ask, but was afraid.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"I was wondering... could you maybe... show me what I'd look like made up?" he asked softly.

"Of course. I would be honored to help you."

"I guess I'm curious about what I'd look like with makeup on."

"Well, I'm no expert, but I'll do my best."

Jamie looked around. "I'd ask my mom, but I'd rather it be you that helps me," he whispered.

I nodded. This was a huge decision for Jamie. I leaned over and hugged him.

On the way home, I stopped at the store where I bought my makeup. I bought the whole kit and caboodle for Jamie, in his colors -- makeup, eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, blush, mascara, and all the associated tools of death and destruction. I also bought some items to do his nails. I also bought a nice makeup bag. I figured that I might as well go all the way.

Chapter 78

Mick took me to a local restaurant that night. Their specialty was Mongolian barbecue. You select the type of meat you want, along with the spices and veggies and put them all in a bowl. The chefs then cook them on an incredibly hot grill. Then you add rice or noodles to suit your taste.

I had been to a few of these sorts of places as Roger, and had always liked them. As we filled our bowls, I was amazed by how many spices Mick was adding to his concoction -- not a lot of any of them, just a small amount of each.

"Are you really going to eat that?" I asked, as he added some hot peppers and garlic.

"Sure," he replied. "I love places like this that let you experiment with flavor combinations. If my imagination is correct, this will wind up being quite spicy and flavorful, but you'll still be able to taste the meat behind it all."

"Well, it's your taste buds, but it looks kinda overpowering to me," I retorted.

"Spice makes the world go round. If it wasn't for the spice trade, Columbus would have never set sail."

"Yes, but they didn't try to overdose on hot chile pepper!"

"The chiles I chose are not too hot, and full of good chile flavor," he responded. "Those, over there, are the ones that can blow out your sinuses, and I didn't use any of those at all."

While we ate, I watched Mick slowly eat his meal. He seemed to be enjoying every bite, chewing slowly and smiling every time he swallowed.

"You want to try this?" he asked.

I nodded reluctantly. He fed me a small forkful of his meal.

It was spicy, but not overpowering. My first impression was of something that was not quite a curry seasoning. Then the flavor began to expand back along my tongue and up to the roof of my mouth. My next impression was sort of a cross between Chinese and Thai. Just as I swallowed there was a little burst of Mexican heat. All through it, there was no doubt at all that I was eating beef. I'd never had so many flavor experiences from a single bite of food.

"That's awesome, Mick! Where'd you learn to do that?"

"Just little ideas I picked up here and there. Then it's a sort of trial and error process until you gain confidence in your flavor imagination."

"I'm really impressed," I told him, but meanwhile I was wondering where a 17-year-old guy had gotten all that experience.

He slipped his arm around me. "In my not-too-humble opinion, good food can be almost as good as good sex."

"Until that taste, I would have said that you had a long way to go to prove that to me."

"Later, babe!" he replied, laughing.

After dinner Mick made it up to me by taking me to the ice cream place next door. I got a small bowl of raspberry ice cream. Mick got a large sundae with hot fudge, nuts, and whipped cream. Then he sprinkled salt on it.

"And you don't get sick?" I kidded.

Mick laughed. "No, I like a little sweetness after dinner. And the salt intensifies the chocolate flavor."

"A little? Mick, that's not a little sweetness!"

He leaned over and kissed me. "I was talking about you!"

We went back to his house and had some very passionate sex. Mick was surprisingly gentle and took his time getting me very excited. I had to practically beg him to give me release, and then he took me through several explosive orgasms in rapid succession.

"Did that measure up to your taste of my dinner?" he asked, grinning widely.

"Mmmmm. I'm not talking while the flavor lasts."

Chapter 79

Friday evening Mick picked me up and we headed downtown to see the movie. I was wearing a short black skirt, knee high black boots, and red top. Mick obviously approved of my outfit. When we hugged, I could feel his erection press against me. My own sense of arousal began to awaken.

"You'll like this movie house," stated Mick. "It's the way movies should be seen."

I nodded. I agreed with him, but had to play dumb, as Carly hadn't been here yet.

We parked on a side street near a coffee house and walked to the theater.

Once inside we stopped at the concession stand to buy some popcorn. The girl behind the counter stared at me and cocked her head to the side. Her name was Tammie and I had talked to her many times about film noir movies of the '40s.

"Iona?" she asked. She sounded confused.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" I asked, trying to act natural.

"I'm sorry. You look very much like one of our regulars. Are you related to a woman named Iona Beddau?" asked Tammie.

I shook my head and smiled. "Sorry. My name is Carly and I just moved out here a few months ago."

Tammie shook her head in disbelief. "Amazing. You could pass for her twin, granted you're younger than her. Anyway, what would you like?"

In a very smooth manner, I asked for a lemonade, instead of my usual Diet Coke. Tammie kept staring at me, as she got my bottle from the fridge.

Mick slipped his arm around me and we walked into the theater. "That was strange."

I nodded.

"I guess the old saying is true, everyone has a double."

"And she liked old movies too!"

Mick kissed me. "It's nice to know that she also has good taste."

The movie was great. I had seen it several times on TV, but this was the first time I'd ever seen it on the big screen.

As we left the theater, we talked about the movie.

"Those were the days," mused Mick. "I love the clothes. Classy, but practical."

"That's easy for you to say. Wearing a suit is no big deal."

"But women look so elegant in stockings and heels," he remarked.

"Have you ever worn them?" I asked with a smile.

Mick laughed. "Not in this lifetime!"

"Ahhh, so you believe in reincarnation?" I asked.

"Something like that," replied Mick with a wink.

We sat down in the coffee house and talked about the movie. I drank a cappuccino and Mick had espresso.

As we talked, Mick's hand slipped down on my knee, his fingers began to stroke the inside of my thigh.

"You're making it very difficult to hold an intelligent conversation," I whispered.

"That's the general idea," replied Mick. He leaned over and kissed me.

"You know that we have a long drive back home. You don't want to get too excited, too soon."

Mick smiled. "I suppose we should go home."

Thirty minutes later we were making out in Mick's bedroom. He was slowly undressing me and I wasn't resisting. My nipples were very hard, as by now I was fully consumed in my sexual arousal. Mick seemed to know the ways to get me very passionate and I had surrendered to my cravings.

Soon we were naked and sprawled out on his bed. Mick was on his back and I climbed up and straddled him. I slipped down onto his very erect cock and moaned as it entered me. Mick reached up and played with my nipples as I rode him.

What amazed me about Mick was that every time we had sex, it was different. Mick didn't just know multiple sexual positions, but he was proficient in all of them. He knew just the right way to pleasure me.

I rode his cock, building up the stimulation and enjoyment for both of us. We reached sexual gratification simultaneously and I collapsed on top of him.

I cuddled up next to him and he pulled me close.

"Hmm, that was fantastic," he whispered in my ear.

I just nodded back, too exhausted to waste energy on words.

"I know that you came out here for less than desirable reasons, but I wish that I had known you sooner. We're kindred spirits, you enjoy the good things in life, just like me," he continued.

I nodded and cuddled closer to him.

Mick stroked my hair as we lay there. It was a very tender moment. I did try to scan his feelings, but again couldn't get in. It was strange, as I'd never had this sort of problem before. I decided that I would talk to Amelia about it later.

Chapter 80

Saturday afternoon, I nervously waited for Jamie to arrive. I had the makeup in my room and wondered if Jamie still wanted me to make him up. Of course I wouldn't push the point, but I knew that he really was interested.

I sat on the couch and petted Salem, who enjoyed the attention. She was growing so quickly, but was still adorable.

As I waited, I thought about Mick and then Bill. I knew that part of my sexual pleasure came from the tattoo, but I truly loved having sex as a woman. It was superior to sex as a man. Now, I was one of the few people who could make this comparison. I mean, I had been a heterosexual male who was sexually active. I enjoyed sex as Roger, and was pretty good at it. At least I never heard any complaints.

But it was something completely different as a woman. The sensations were more whole body, instead of localized below the waist. I truly loved the feelings that I got in my nipples. It allowed for more variety.

I was snapped out of my daydreams by the sound of Amelia's car pulling into the driveway. She walked in with Jamie.

He was dressed in dark green shorts, a sports bra, and a sleeveless avocado green top. Jamie's long blond hair was in its usual ponytail. I noticed that he had shaved his legs and underarms. Now, he never had much hair there to begin with, but this was another sign that Jamie was accepting his femininity.

We hugged and I introduced him to Salem.

"Wow, she's adorable," he cooed, as he held her.

Salem loved the fact that there was someone else in the house to adore her. Her loud purring was out of proportion to her diminutive size.

"I'll be in my office," announced Amelia, as she departed.

We sat down on the couch. Salem snuggled into Jamie's lap.

"I wish I could have a pet," lamented Jamie.

"Is your mom allergic to dogs?" I asked.

Jamie shook his head.

"Why not get a dog? You have a fenced in backyard, so that wouldn't be an issue."

"That would be nice. I know Dad loves dogs."

We talked about Jamie's latest exam.

"The latest tests came back. I'm officially sterile now," stated Jamie.

"How do you feel about it?" I asked.

"I was expecting it. When I... well, you know, when I've been pleasuring myself, I noticed how different it looked. The liquid is so clear now, not like before."

I nodded.

"Amelia thinks it might be reversed, if we can find the cause," continued Jamie.

"You don't sound very optimistic," I replied.

"I'm being realistic. I think the main reason why I like Amelia is that she is honest with me. There's no bullshit. She also treats me like an adult."

"She does? I wish she did the same to me!" I quipped.

Jaime smiled back. "So, did you get the stuff?"

"What stuff?" I asked.

He laughed. "The makeup!"

"Yes, of course I did. You up for this?"

Jamie nodded.

We headed upstairs and I sat Jamie down at my makeup table. I began to empty out the makeup bag and set everything out in front of him. I told him what each thing was and how I would use it. Jamie seemed very interested.

"Now, first I'll make you up with a look similar to what I have right now," I explained.

Jamie turned around. "You're wearing makeup?" he asked.

"Yes. That's the trick, to make it look natural. Now, in the evening you can put it on a bit heavier. But I think you should learn the daytime look first."

I took it slowly, describing to Jamie what I was doing.

"When we're done, I'll clean you up and let you try, if you want," I stated. "First thing, you need to relax and stop trembling."

Jamie nodded. His eyes were locked on his reflection in the mirror.

There wasn't a lot I could do with his hair. I had an idea. "Can I braid your hair?"

Jamie nodded again.

"Okay, I'll get to it as soon as I finish your makeup."

A few minutes later I was finished with his face and went to work on his hair. Thankfully, I had become proficient at braiding hair. I often put my own hair in a braid. I sometimes got frustrated with my long hair, but I wouldn't dream of cutting it!

I finished and Jamie looked at it in the mirror. "Wow!"

"Well? What do think of your appearance?" I asked.

Jamie turned around to me. "Do you have something... more feminine for me to try on? Maybe some jewelry too?"

I had expected this and quickly retrieved some tops from my closet. Jamie picked out a white cotton sleeveless blouse. I then slipped a gold chain around his neck. I topped it off with a pair of gold hoop clip-on earrings, which I had bought for just this occasion. Jamie was a very pretty young woman.

Jamie stared at the mirror. A single tear began to run down his right cheek. I handed him a tissue.

"You okay?" I asked.

Jamie nodded slowly, as if he was somewhere else. "I'm just realizing that this is me. This is my future."

"You look lovely. Now, before the tears start up, let me take your photo."

I retouched his makeup and took several photos. Jamie got into the mood and tried on several outfits.

"What about this?" I asked, holding out a denim skirt. "We're about the same size below the waist; it should fit."

I directed Jamie to the full-length mirror on my bathroom door. He stared at the pretty girl looking back at him. I didn't comment, and allowed him to absorb what he was seeing. I knew what was going through his mind.

"I guess you noticed that I started shaving my legs," he remarked without turning around.

"Yes, along with your underarms. Do you have a women's razor?" I asked.

He nodded. "I took one of my mom's disposable ones."

"Okay, do you want me to get you some more?" I asked.

"No need. Mom noticed and said that she would get them for me."

"Does she know what's happening here today?" I asked.

"Yes. I felt I had to tell her. She approves."

"What about your dad?"

"He's coming along."

I bit my lower lip and thought about what I was about to say.

"Carly, what's on your mind?" asked Jamie. "I can see it on your face." He pointed at the mirror.

I smiled. "I was going to ask if you wanted to go home like this."

Jamie didn't respond one way or the other at first. He just stood there contemplating his answer.

"You wouldn't mind?" he asked, as he turned around and looked at me.

I smiled. "Please! Besides, girls loan out stuff to their friends all the time."

Jamie began to turn around and pose in front of the mirror. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Wearing a skirt isn't so bad."

"Just remember to be careful when you stand up or sit down."

Jamie nodded. "Can I try the makeup now?"

"Sure. Why don't you change first?" I suggested.

An hour later Jamie was sitting downstairs on the couch. It had taken a few attempts, but his makeup was passable. He was wearing a floral short sleeve blouse and a denim skirt. He was wearing the same sandals, as my feet were too small for me to loan him any shoes. Additionally, I'd loaned him a necklace, some bracelets, a couple silver rings, and as a gift, an additional pair of clip-on earrings. He looked fantastic, if I do say so myself!

Amelia was very supportive and told him how lovely he looked.

"Mom should be here soon," he stated nervously, as he petted Salem.

"Actually she's pulling in now," I stated. I had sensed her approach nearly five minutes earlier.

Amelia answered the door and let Mrs. King in. Jamie stood up and let her see him.

Any worries that Jamie or I had melted away due to his mom's response. She walked over to him, with a huge smile on her face. "You're so beautiful!" She then hugged him.

I did my best not to cry myself.

We all sat on the couch and talked awhile. Mrs. King sat down next to Jamie, and put her arm around him. I noticed that she didn't seem to be affected by Salem.

"Thank you very much, Carly. I appreciate that you're so open-minded," remarked Mrs. King.

"I was glad to help," I replied.

Jamie let out a sigh. "Well, no sense in fighting the inevitable. Mom, would you and Dad refer to me as your daughter?"

She just nodded and pulled her close. They held each other for what seemed like an eternity. I felt very much out of place standing there. This was Jamie's and his mom's moment.

"You can still call me Jamie," she stated, as she wiped tears out of her eyes.

"Just so you know, your father and I have been expecting this to happen, but we wanted it to be your decision. We love you just as much," comforted Mrs. King.

I fully supported Jamie's decision. She was right, it was an inevitable move, and she was so feminine in so many ways, which went beyond mere physical appearance. I was proud to call her my friend.

"Carly, can you go shopping with me sometime? I'm going to need a new wardrobe," asked Jamie.

I glanced over at Mrs. King, who was nodding.

"Sure, Jamie, that would be fun."

"What about tomorrow?" she asked anxiously.

"That would be fun," I replied. "The question is, are you ready?"

Jamie nodded.

As Mrs. King and Jamie left, I suddenly got the sensation that Mick was nearby. I casually looked around, but didn't see him. The mystery deepened.

Chapter 81

"Why is it that I can't read Mick?" I asked Amelia.

"There are several possibilities," she replied.

We were fixing dinner. It was so nice outside that we were barbecuing some chicken. Amelia had a Jamaican jerk recipe that she had been wanting to try.

"I know he's not the succubus," I stated firmly.

Amelia looked up from the grill. "Why? I know you like him, but he's as good a suspect as anyone. Tell me, can you read me?"

I concentrated. "Yes. I can sense that you're deeply concerned that my passion is overriding my common sense. However, I didn't need to read you for that!"

Amelia smiled. "Okay, now try again."

I attempted to read her, but got nothing.

"Those of us with powers can block a power like yours if we want to. It just involves mental concentration."

"Are you saying that Mick has powers?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "You've said many times how atypical he is."

"But to block my spell, he would have to know that I have powers," I countered.

She shook her head. "I didn't say he was exactly like us. If he's feeding off his fellow students, then he might be always be on guard. A hunter often senses the other hunters."

"He's had plenty of opportunities to take essence from me," I argued. "Why has he left me alone?"

"Have you been with him during a full moon?"

I shook my head.

"Then again, he might just be something else completely. He may not even be involved," continued Amelia. "I just know that he's not what he appears to be, so be careful."

"Well, we have the rave this Friday, so if something is going to happen it will be happening soon."

"Changing the subject, I just want to say that I'm very pleased with the way you've helped Jamie," stated Amelia.

"I like him, I mean her, a lot. In some ways she's going through the same sort of thing I went through when I became Iona. Do you think the spell that stole her masculinity is responsible for her acceptance?"

"Maybe. I just think that Jamie is a very adaptable young woman. I wish Jim was half as resilient as Jamie. He's on anti-depressants and has become very withdrawn. I fear the worst for him. He's angry and confused."

"Can I help?" I asked.

Amelia shook her head. "No. He's totally unwilling to listen to anyone. His parents came down on him initially and blamed his drug use. I don't think they were a very close family to begin with."

"Does he look as feminine as Jamie?"

"More. The spell has changed him much faster than Jamie. In most cases that means the succubus had 'issues' with the victim. They weren't just interested in taking his masculinity, they wanted to hurt him."

"Jim always appeared to get along with Mick. The fact that he ate lunch with him everyday is proof of that. I can't believe how tribal everyone is at school."

"That's a good choice of words. We questioned Jim, but nothing stood out. Maybe you can ask around and see if he had any enemies."

I nodded. "If we do find a way to reverse the spell, what do we do about Jamie?"

"We'll leave that up to her."

"I don't think she'll want it."

"Speaking from personal experience?" she asked, as she checked the chicken.

"Sort of. My case was different. If I became a guy again, I would have had to start another new life. I didn't want to do that again. Roger was dead as far as the world was concerned. I just feel that she's happy as a girl. Plus her family loves her."

"Yes, Jamie is very lucky."

"I'm going to miss her," I lamented.

"Don't give up so quickly. We might be able to work something out," comforted Amelia. "Well, these look ready. You hungry?


Chapter 82

To avoid the local malls, and possibly running into someone we knew, I decided to take Jamie to the big downtown mall called Horton Plaza. That was also where Aunt Kayla had first taken me shopping after I became Iona. It was strange, but that seemed like a lifetime ago, no pun intended.

Jamie was dressed in jeans and a green sleeveless top. She had a thin silver chain around her neck.

"Mom gave me some cash. She wanted to give me her credit card, but they usually ask for photo ID now," lamented Jamie.

"That's okay. Downtown stores take cash too," I quipped.

Jamie giggled.

"Okay. What do you want to get?"

"Just a few outfits to start out with. Maybe some skirts and tops," replied Jamie.

"You need shoes too," I remarked.

"Okay. Anything else?"

I smiled and glanced over at her. "How do you feel about getting your ears pierced?"


"Jamie, earrings are so much a part of your wardrobe. Besides it doesn't hurt that much," I replied.

"Okay." Her hand went up instinctively to her earlobe.

We parked the car on the upper level. I always parked in the exact same area. The parking lot was huge and it was easy to get lost. I suddenly realized that this was one of the places Beth had been when she was tracking down the man who transformed her. I let out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" asked Jamie.

"Oh, just thinking about an old friend."

Horton Plaza was five stories of shopping. Granted there were cheaper places to shop, but I could take Jamie to those another day. I wanted her first day out as a girl to be fun and memorable.

We spent three hours working our way through the stores. Luckily, Jamie was a near ideal size, and we found plenty of things to fit her. We made two trips back to my car to put things in the trunk.

"What do you say to lunch first and then we get your ears pierced?" I asked.

Jamie nodded. "You feel like Chinese?" She pointed to a Chinese fast food restaurant.

"Sure, that sounds great," I replied.

As we ate I asked her how everything was at home.

"Dad's really supportive. He even made a joke about my situation," commented Jamie.

"What was it?"

"He said that while he wanted me to be happy, he wanted to remind me that when I get married, he would be the one to pay for it now!"

I laughed. "Did you tell them that you still prefer girls?"

"No, I want to give them time to adjust to me being their daughter, but they'll have to deal with the fact that I'm a lesbian," replied Jamie. She then began to laugh.

We were soon laughing uncontrollably. To the rest of the mall, it looked like two teenage girls acting silly; that just goes to show you how deceptive looks are.

After lunch we headed to the shop that pierced ears. The salesgirl was a little surprised that Jamie was just getting her ears pierced.

"You're a senior and you're just getting them pierced now?" she asked, as she checked the approval form.

"She was in a religious school," I lied.

Jamie winked back at me.

"Yuck! I survived twelve years of Catholic school myself. Well, sweetie, welcome to the twenty-first century!" she joked.

Twenty minutes later we walked out. Jamie had a single gold stud in each ear.

"That wasn't so bad," stated Jamie, as she reached up and touched her ears.

"Keep them clean, or you'll know real pain," I cautioned.

Jamie smiled. "By the way, just in case I forget, thanks."

"You're welcome," I replied.

I was pleased to report to Amelia that I never sensed Mick once.

Chapter 83

"Hi, Carly!" greeted Zoá«.

I smiled and turned to greet her.

"Where're you off to?" she asked.

"Just headed home, why?" I responded.

"You want to go get some coffee?" she asked.

"Sure, you want me to drive?" I asked, as we walked towards the student parking lot.

"That would be cool. My car is home today," she replied as she walked next to me.

"Oh, I see. I'm just transportation!" I joked.

Zoá« leaned over towards me and whispered. "I know that you're far more than just a ride."

I felt a growing feeling of submission. It wasn't overpowering, but I began to feel the desire to obey Zoá«. In fact, it was so subtle that I barely noticed it at first.

We bought our coffee and began to walk around the strip mall. As we window-shopped, we made small talk. Then Zoá« brought up the upcoming rave.

"You're coming, right?" she asked, in a way that was almost an order.

"Of course. I've been looking forward to going," I replied.

"I want you to come with me," she stated.

"Okay," I replied.

"You know that I love you," she stated.

I turned and smiled back at her.

"You love me too, don't you?" she asked.

I nodded.

"No, Carly, say it," she ordered.

We were standing just outside a small boutique. I turned and looked at her. "I love you."

"Cool. I just wanted you to say it," she replied. "Can you give me a ride home?"

A short time later I dropped her off at her house. She gave me a quick kiss. I was about to pull out of her driveway, when I suddenly detected Mick. He was nearby, but I wasn't sure where. This was getting annoying and I was getting tired of it. I headed home, as it was my night to cook dinner. I stopped my car when I heard someone call out my name. I turned my head and....

Chapter 84

I arrived home and was surprised to find Amelia already there and she was preparing dinner. This was surprising.

"You're home early," I stated, as I walked into the kitchen.

"Early?" She looked over at the clock. "Honey, it's almost seven. I was beginning to get worried. Where were you?"

I stopped and suddenly it hit me. "I have no idea."

"You sure?" she asked in a worried tone.

I nodded. I then noticed that I wasn't wearing my protective ring. "Shit! I forgot to wear it today."

Amelia sat me down at the kitchen table. "Tell me the last thing you remember."

I concentrated. "I remember school ending. I was heading to the parking lot and then... that's it. The next thing I remember is walking through the door."

"I think I'd better examine you."

We went to her home office and I started to get undressed.

"What the...? I know I was wearing panties and a bra today!" I exclaimed as I undressed.

I then noticed that I had recently had sex. I still had the aroma of being with a man. My vagina still had sperm in it.

"Okay, this is going too far!" I exclaimed angrily. "I can't believe that Mick took advantage of me!"

"Are you sure it was Mick?" asked Amelia.

I shook my head. "I don't know who it was. Dammit! Why didn't I wear that ring?" I was more angry than upset.

"Most likely you know the person who did this to you."

"That doesn't make it any easier. Besides it wasn't a person that did this to me, it was a succubus."

"Technically, you should refer to it as an incubus, as it's obviously male," corrected Amelia.

"Succubus, incubus, mutant, it doesn't matter what it is, if I have my way it will be dead meat!" Okay, I was being a bit dramatic, but I was furious over being used.

For the next hour, Amelia examined me. Thankfully, my essences were untouched. Still, I was angry that someone had had sex with me. Amelia took a sample of the semen.

"I should be able to match this to whoever did this to you," she stated. "Tell me, Carly, do you feel different in any other way? Now think, is anything different?"

I thought about it for a few moments. "I don't know if this is important, but I feel an urge to dress more revealing, more sexy."

Amelia nodded. "I think you may have made contact with the succubus. When someone has a strong essence, they're drawn to it. You have a strong sexual nature due to the tattoo. The succubus may have been drawn to it."

"Okay, that makes sense, but why do I suddenly want to dress more risqué?"

"The succubus wasn't ready to take your essence, by turning up your feelings, they're, pardon the expression, fattening up the calf."

"So, I'm going to become oversexed?" I asked. "Or rather, more oversexed?"

Amelia nodded. "The feelings will become more intense."

"That will make the next couple of days at school more interesting!"

"It'll be difficult for you, but at least we know we're on the right path," she stated.

I nodded. "So, should I give in?"

Amelia nodded. "The succubus will be watching you, looking for the changes."

"Are there any ways that you can restore my memory? Maybe we'll be able to tell who did this." I asked.

"I'll try, but I'm not hopeful," she replied.

Amelia tried several techniques, but none were successful. All we could determine was that I knew the person.

Chapter 85

As I dressed for school the following morning, I found that I'd selected one of my skimpiest outfits. I was wearing a short blue skirt and a tight white low cut top. I also made myself up a bit heavier than I had been. I used eyeliner and made my eyes look a bit more dramatic. I also used a brighter red lipstick, topped with lip-gloss.

I didn't look any worse than many of my classmates, but it was a shift from my normal appearance. What bothered me was that I actually liked the way I looked.

Mick was a bit surprised by my new look, but he seemed to like it. I scanned him, but didn't detect any duplicity. I just sensed lust.

"Carly, you look hot today!" he stated as he slipped his arm around me.

"Thanks, I was hoping you'd approve," I cooed back, as I cuddled closer to him.

Mick responded by kissing me. I felt tingles throughout my body and craved being with him.

"I have to work today, but the way you look, I'm tempted to call in sick," whispered Mick.

"I wish you would," I replied. I could tell that he was aroused by my new look, but I couldn't tell if he was the reason why I had changed. I was almost tempted to ask him if we had had sex the previous day, but didn't. I didn't want to sound too much like a bimbo, although with the way I was acting I wasn't that far off.

School was pretty much a blur. I had trouble concentrating on anything other than sexual gratification. I noticed that my loosened desires seemed to be having a subtle effect on my classmates. I seemed to be projecting my lust on anyone that I concentrated on.

I didn't realize this until lunch. While I was waiting for Mick to arrive, I noticed a girl from my lit class walking across the quad talking to a boy. Her name was Chelsea and she was very pretty, although she was a bit of a stuck up snob. What surprised me was that she was talking to Dave.

Now Dave was a nice guy, but a bit of a nerd. He was a gangly looking redhead who wore thick glasses. He was also the smartest kid in the class and I suspected that Chelsea was being friendly with him in order to have him help her. Maria had told me that Chelsea often conned some unknowing guy into doing her work.

I tried to scan her mind to see if she was going to use Dave. I'm not sure what happened, but she suddenly became very attracted to Dave. Actually, attracted wasn't the best choice of words, she was lusting after him.

As they walked by, I heard her ask Dave if he had a girlfriend. Dave suddenly seemed more confident and to my surprise wrapped his arm around Chelsea. They walked away acting as if they were a real couple.

By the way, I didn't realize that it might have been me who did that to them until later in the day, not that I have any regrets over doing it.

Zoá« liked my new style. "You look great. Say, why don't you join us, we're going shopping for the event this Friday."

I knew that she was referring to the rave. "Sure, that sounds great."

"Cool. We're going to a shop over in Pacific Beach. They have much hotter stuff there."

"Yes, this is going to be the last 'event' of the school year, so we want to look extra hot!" added Kelly.

I nodded. I hadn't known that this was the last one.

Chapter 86

We parked on Garnet Boulevard and headed to the shop that Zoá« had talked about. I glanced over to my right and noticed the club across the street. It was a new place and it was called Club PB. It had been called The Reef, which was the club that I'd once worked in.

Zoá« led us into the shop. She was right, they did cater in much more sexy items. Normally, I wouldn't have been all that excited about these sorts of clothes, but in my increased sexual state, I was fascinated by their selection.

I was immediately drawn to a really hot looking fire engine red PVC strapless tube dress. The back was laced up, in order to tighten the top. The mannequin showing it had a matching pair of knee-high stiletto boots. I stood there staring at it.

"Oh, Carly, that is so you!" exclaimed Sharon.

"It is pretty hot," I remarked.

"You have to try it on," Kelly concurred.

I nodded my agreement.

A short time later, the salesgirl was tightening the laces. "You have the perfect body for this sort of dress, you're so lucky."

I stared at my reflection in the mirror and was overwhelmed. The dress seemed to flow over my body, as if it had been painted on me. "It does look great," I replied.

"Great? Carly, it was made for you, and the boots are perfect!" insisted Kelly.

"Oh, Carly, you have to get it," agreed Zoá«.

I sensed that she would love to have me out of the dress and in her bed.

I agreed and pulled out my credit card. I couldn't wait to wear it at the rave that Friday. I also bought some red stockings, a garter belt, and a thong.

The girls picked out equally risqué outfits. I wondered if I was projecting my increasing sexuality on them. We would look like a bunch of hookers instead of high school girls.

As we walked back towards the car, we passed a tattoo and body piercing shop. Zoá« suggested that we all get our tongues pierced. Kelly rejected this idea.

"It's too close to the rave, they won't have time to heal. We can do it next week." She then cast a glance in my direction and licked her lips.

My sexual cravings turned towards Zoá«. I lusted to be with her. I was losing the ability to control my sexual cravings, and what was scaring me was that I no longer cared. I needed to have sex and the yearning was too strong for me to resist.

Zoá« just smiled back at me and whispered "Not yet, we'll get together Friday evening."

As soon as I got home, I ran up to my room and fumbled for my silver wand. Thankfully the batteries were new as I turned it on and heard the familiar whirring sound. It took me three sessions before I satisfied my cravings. I lay there, slowing regaining control of my emotional state. My breathing was heavy, but slowly returning to normal. I wondered if it had been this bad for Iona. I needed to find out who the succubus was this Friday, as there was no way I could go on like this.

Chapter 87

After dinner, I went up to my room to study, not anything from school, but rather one of the books that Aunt Kayla had given me. I studied my protection spells. I wanted to be ready for anything.

I then thought of something else and began to search the book. The problem was that ancient magical texts didn't come with an index. After an hour of frustration, I called up Aunt Kayla. I explained what I was looking for and she directed me to the correct page. I thanked her, as it was just the sort of spell I was looking for.

I spent the next couple of hours practicing the spell. Thankfully, it was a simple incantation. I practiced it a few times, until I was proficient. I looked at my clock and saw that it was after midnight. That night I would be at the rave and hopefully facing the demon that had caused so much pain to others.

Chapter 88

I tried to follow my daily routine. I didn't want to act differently and give myself away. I was still very horny and even another extra long session with my wand didn't help all that much.

School was pretty much a blur. The only thing I remembered was agreeing to meet Zoá« and the others at eight at her house.

Amelia saw me off. She ensured that I had my tracking earrings on and that I was also wearing the new and improved memory protection ring.

"This stone is far more powerful that the other one. Now, I'll be close by, should you need help," comforted Amelia.

"Just you?" I asked.

Amelia smiled. "Bill has arranged for several officers to be standing by."

"Damn, I miss him!" I blurted out.

"It won't be long," she replied as she pulled me close for a hug.

I nodded. "This ends tonight."

Amelia nodded. "Oh, Bill passed on a note for me to give you." She handed me an envelope.

I opened it and read the letter. A smile broke out on my face. I showed it to Amelia.

Dear Iona,
Good luck and please try to keep your clothes on this time!

Chapter 89

I arrived at Zoá«'s house and found that Kelly and Sharon were already there. Kelly was applying her makeup and Sharon was putting on her mini-dress. Zoá« was already dressed.

"Carly, let me do your makeup tonight," asked Kelly, looking up from the makeup mirror.

"Sure, that would be fun," I replied. "Let me get changed first."

I needed Zoá«'s help to pull the laces tight in the back of my dress. While the dress was a bit trashy, I had to admit that I looked really good in it.

Kelly sat me down and began to work on me. She was actually pretty good at applying makeup. The main thing that she did that I didn't like was that she used too much eyeshadow.

She also brushed out my hair and applied a whole lot of mousse.

"This will give you a wilder look," she explained as she worked on my hair.

She succeeded. I looked like I was a model from a fetish photo shoot. At least I would be noticed at the rave. I just hoped that it would be by the thing I was hunting.

"So, is it at the same place as last time?" I asked.

"No. It's going to be held in one of the old industrial centers east of here," answered Zoá«.

It only took us twenty minutes to arrive at the site. Just as Zoá« had stated, the rave was being held in an old industrial center. The front gate had security guards like before. I wondered who was paying for all this, as they were only charging twenty each to get in.

We drove through the complex until we reached the last building, located in the back.

There were a lot of cars already parked there. I scanned the area and was surprised that I couldn't detect Mick. I did detect Zach; at least the dealer was here.

Zoá« led us inside where the numbing sound of the music ran through our bodies.

"I'll be right back," mouthed Zoá«.

Sharon, Kelly, and I headed over to the juice bar. While the guards seemed to turn a blind eye to the drugs, they didn't allow any alcohol. We each got something to drink, while we waited for Zoá«.

A few minutes later Zoá« returned and handed us each the familiar yellow pill, with a full moon impressed into it. She watched me very carefully, and I was unable to chip off any of the pill before swallowing it. It didn't matter anyway, as I knew deep down that this would be my last opportunity to catch the succubus.

Zoá« nuzzled close to me and whispered. "Good girl."

I felt that wave of submission that I had felt before near her. This time it was stronger.

She took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor.

As she led me, I found that I could still remember that it was Zoá« who gave me the X-2. So far the new stone was protecting my memory.

While we danced the drug began to take effect. The effects seemed stronger this time. My whole body felt tingly and craving contact. I responded by snuggling up next to Zoá« as we danced.

She leaned over. "It's a new batch, supposed to be much stronger. What do you think?"

I just nodded.

I tried to concentrate, but found it very difficult. I found I was being distracted by almost anything, from Zoá«'s touch to the flashing lights. She was right, the drug was much stronger and I was in big trouble.

I have no idea how long we stayed out on the dance floor, as I lost all track of time. I tried to look at my watch, but was distracted by the glow of the light. Zoá« must have sensed my disorientation and slipped her arm around me.

"Come on, I think we need to take a break," she suggested, as she led me towards the back of the building.

Unlike the previous rave location, there were no rooms right off the dance floor. This time Zoá« led me outside. The cool night air hit my sweaty body and almost overwhelmed my senses. It was like I could feel every skin cell.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The party rooms are that way. I have something very special planned for you," confessed Zoá«, as she led me away from the rave.

The drug numbed my mind and it was hard to concentrate. I was able to detect Mick, but only for a second. I couldn't focus enough to keep a lock on his presence.

"Come on, Carly. We're almost there."

Chapter 90

Zoá« led me to a closed-up office. The sound of the rave was barely noticeable. I was shocked to see her pull a key out of her bag and unlock the door.

We walked inside and Zoá« led me to a room in the back. The office had been unused for a while, as the air had the stink of stale air and dust. Zoá« opened up a door and led me into a room. She leaned down and turned on a large camping lantern. In the light I could see an old leather couch, obviously left here by the previous occupant. It was one of those overstuffed sofas and had plenty room for two people to engage in a variety of sexual activities.

We sat down on the couch and began to make out. I craved being touched and offered no resistance as Zoá« undid the back of my dress. I wanted to feel her hands on my body. I tried to focus and scan her mind. All I got was lust. I knew that I should be looking for the succubus, but Zoá«'s hands felt so good on my breasts.

After a few minutes Zoá« had effectively stripped me and I was lying on my back. She was kissing me while at the same time she was beginning to stroke the outside of my vagina.

Our clothing lay all around the office as we kissed and fondled each other.

Suddenly there was another person in the room.

"Okay, Zoá«, I'll take it from here," ordered Kelly.

Obediently, Zoá« stepped back and allowed Kelly to straddle me.

"I've heard so much about how lustful you are, Carly, now it's my turn," stated Kelly.

She lifted up her skirt and pulled back her panties. Even in my drugged state, I was shocked as I was facing an extremely large and fully erect cock. Before I could respond, Kelly leaned forward and forced it into my mouth.

It was thick and long and I was powerless to resist as it filled my mouth. After several strokes, my mouth was filled with what I initially thought was semen, but the taste was different. It was bitter and harsh. In a moment I was paralyzed.

I could still see and hear, but I couldn't move a muscle, even though I could still feel.

Kelly slipped her penis back into her panties and stood over me.

"I know this is confusing, but don't worry, you won't remember a thing," explained Kelly. "However, you won't quite be the girl you are now. You have something I want."

I tried to focus my mind, but it was too difficult.

"As you probably can guess, I'm not exactly what I appear. You have an incredible sexual spirit and I want it. What you swallowed wasn't sperm; rather it's the first phase of what I call soul feeding. Right now it's preparing your body for my feast. My body can produce sperm, as well as another fluid that allows me to take what I want from your soul."

I stared back.

"I know that you're a good fuck, as I did you earlier this week, although you probably don't remember!" Kelly began to laugh.

So it was Kelly who'd violated me!

"Now, in a few minutes I will again enter you, but this time I will be taking something with me. I'm sorry to say that you won't enjoy sex again. You'll be one of those frigid women, unable to enjoy sex, but your loss will be my gain."

"You said that you wouldn't hurt her!" shouted Zoá« angrily.

Kelly turned around and glared at Zoá«. "How dare you tell me what to do! After all, if it wasn't for me, you'd still be an ugly little nothing. I've shared many of my meals with you and now you repay me by telling me what to do? Just go away and maybe I'll forgive you!"

"No! You can't do this, you've hurt too many. I can see that now," screamed Zoá«, as she came at Kelly.

Kelly just slapped Zoá« with the back of her hand. The blow effortlessly knocked Zoá« back through the air and against the wall. Zoá« collapsed into an unconscious pile.

"Now, where were we?" continued Kelly.

"Stand back from her, you vile hag!" exclaimed a male voice with a touch of an Irish brogue.

It was Mick, but he was different, very different. He was now an adult male. He was taller and more muscular. His black hair had a scattering of gray, as did his beard. His eyes still had the same intensity.

"Who are you?" snapped back Kelly, as she turned to face this latest threat.

"I'm here to vanquish you, you foul demon," replied Mick as he approached her.

It was as if I was watching a bad fantasy movie, but I couldn't afford to just be a spectator. I concentrated on a spell, the spell that I had spent the previous night memorizing. It was hard as my mind was so foggy. I had to focus on each word, praying that it would work.

Meanwhile Mick was getting his ass kicked by Kelly. Granted, he was doing better than Zoá«, but he was no match for the much stronger succubus. She threw him against the wall; actually, she threw him through the wall. Granted it was just drywall, but it was still impressive. Thankfully, Mick got up and re-intensified his attack. He tried to tackle Kelly, who flung him aside.

I thought the spell over and over again. The fog began to lift and my mind cleared. It was working! The spell was sobering me up. If only Mick could hang on for a few more moments, I would be able to free myself.

Mick picked up a chair and swung it at Kelly, who just snatched it from him and tossed it aside.

"Run away, or I might take your soul too!" she sneered.

"I will defend the fair maiden to the death," roared back Mick.

It would have been comical if it weren't for real. I focused my mind and began to think the spell. Slowly I could feel my lips starting to move. I concentrated and was able to whisper out the spell that would free my body.

Thankfully, Kelly was too busy beating up Mick to notice that I was breaking free of her trap. I sat up and watched as she hovered over Mick. She had picked up a chair and was about to throw it down on his prone body when I cast my freeze spell. I didn't have time to focus the spell, so I cast it on both of them. I could always unfreeze Mick later.

I found out to my horror that Kelly must have been a hybrid succubus as the spell froze Mick, but seemed to have little effect on her. She turned around slowly and smiled a wickedly evil smile. She stretched, as if to slough off the effects of the spell.

"So, you're not what you appear either. I will take great pleasure in sucking out all your powers too!" she threatened as she walked slowly towards me. She exposed her hardening cock. "Don't fight it. You're not strong enough for me. As I fed on the others, so will I feed on you."

My rage grew. This creature had caused too much pain and this had to stop, now!

Kelly approached me slowly, in an arrogant manner. Her cock was full aroused and she was stroking it. "Yes, Carly, or whoever you are, soon I will have you." She was now only a foot or so away from me.

I reached out with both arms and extended my palms towards her. "Nooooo!" I screamed defiantly.

It's hard for me to describe what happened next. The spell was just supposed to shield me, basically act as a barrier and allow me some time to plan my next move. It also was designed to throw any force directed at me back at the attacker. It should have prevented Kelly from physically touching me. Instead Kelly was violently thrown backwards around ten feet through the air and crashed through the wall. She came to rest on the floor in the next room. My hands tingled as if they were asleep, and I shook them to get the feeling back, as I carefully approached her. She didn't move as I knelt down next to her. She was unconscious and as I rolled her over, I was shocked by what I saw. She was now old. Her once beautiful, youthful face was wrinkled. Her blonde hair was streaked with gray. In fact, her whole body had aged. Even her once large penis was shriveled up. I wasn't sure, but it looked like she no longer had any testicles either.

I didn't have anything to tie her up with, but she didn't look like she was going anywhere.

I turned my concern towards Mick. To my shock he wasn't just alive, but sitting up. He grinned and winked at me. Apparently he was also capable of breaking out of spells. He was once again the teenaged boy that I had grown so fond of.

"So much for me being the hero. Looks like you saved me," he stated.

"The fair maiden saving the knight in shining armor?" I replied.

"My armor was never all that shiny," he retorted, as he rubbed his head.

"I think we both have some explaining to do," I stated.

Mick nodded. "But not now. We need to get that thing in a cage and we should check on Zoá«."

I nodded.

Zoá« was still unconscious on the floor. I was relieved to see that she was still breathing.

"I think you'd better get dressed," suggested Mick as he stood up. "I'll look for some cord or wire to tie up Kelly."

I was suddenly aware that I was naked and, as I thought of Bill's note, I began to laugh uncontrollably.

Chapter 91

After hastily dressing, I called up Amelia on my cell phone and told her what had happened. She said that there would be a police raid in the next ten minutes. She would direct the officers with powers to the back part of the industrial park.

"The magic police are coming to get Kelly and Zoá«," I announced to Mick. He had a trickle of blood running down from his hairline. I hadn't noticed this before and I reached over towards him. "You okay?"

He reached up and touched his wound. "I've had worse. The question is are you okay?" He continued to tie up Kelly securely.

I nodded.

Kelly was now hogtied and still unconscious. Zoá« was sitting across from her on the couch. She had gotten dressed and was hugging her knees. I noticed that she wasn't tied up.

"I'll stick around. I can testify about what happened," he stated.

"When did you know about Kelly?" I asked.

Mick looked at me sheepishly. "I've known for a while."

"And you didn't tell anyone?" I asked with a shocked look on my face.

"And who would I tell? I didn't even know there were any magic police."

I stood there staring back at him, at a loss for an answer.

He lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry, it's not in our nature to interfere with others."

"What is your nature?" I replied angrily.

"I'll tell you that later. Right now we need to ensure Kelly is safely locked up."

"Why do you care now?" I replied.

He flashed a sly smile. "Don't you know?"

Of course, he was protecting me.

"I sensed something different about you, I wasn't sure if you were mystical. I sensed that you have experienced other lives, and that excited me. I thought you were like me. I soon realized that you were different, but that you shared many of the same loves that I do. That's all I can say right now," he explained.

I was about to reply when I heard the sounds of sirens entering the industrial compound.

"We'll wait here," I stated.

Zoá« looked up forlornly. "What will happen to me?" she asked meekly.

"I don't know. You helped Kelly, but you did try to save me. I'll tell them that."

Zoá« nodded slowly and hung her head down and started to cry softly.

I sat down next to her. "How did you get involved in all this?"

"I just wanted to be pretty and liked," she replied as she wiped the tears away.

"And Kelly offered to help?"

Zoá« nodded. "I came back from the other school, but I was still an outcast. They all remembered the old me. I was pretty, but not beautiful. I lacked confidence and was too shy. It would have been another year of hell, if Kelly hadn't helped me," she explained.

"How did she help you?" I asked.

"Kelly gave me something to drink and it made me feel strong and self-assured. I had no idea what it was. She then asked me to help her."

I nodded.

"Kelly would pick out a student that she wanted to be with. My job was to seduce them. To my shock, I found that they were attracted to me; I became indebted to Kelly," she continued.

"Did you know what she was doing?" I asked. I scanned her while we talked.

Zoá« shook her head. "Not until recently. I watched as she fed on Jim. It was awful. I then realized that she wanted you. I couldn't resist her at first, but when I saw her advancing on you, I couldn't sit still any longer." She then began to cry again.

As far as I could tell, she was telling the truth. I imagined that Kelly had fed on Zoá« too and this was how she'd enslaved her.

"What will happen to me?" she sobbed.

"First thing is we'll have a doctor examine you," I replied.

Zoá« nodded. "I'm just glad it's over."

The police arrived along with Bill and Amelia.

I quickly explained what had happened.

"What happened to her?" asked Bill as he crouched down next to her.

"I just used a defense spell." I explained. I then told them which spell I used. "It was just supposed to protect me. I don't understand what happened to her."

"It sounds like the spell may have combined with Kelly's essence stealing ability and stripped her of what she had stolen," explained Amelia. "However, I want to talk to you about this more later."

"So that's what she really looks like?" I asked.

"No, the spell just stripped her of her most recent thefts. I imagine after we examine her, we'll find that is she actually much older than she appears," continued Amelia.

"Where will you keep her? She's very strong," I explained.

"We have a special cell for her," interjected one of the detectives. "We'll hold her there until her trial."

"Trial?" I responded incredulously.

Bill nodded. "Even a creature like that deserves a trial."

I nodded. "What about Zoá«?"

"I suspect that she was acting under the influence of Kelly the whole time. We'll determine more after an examination," replied Amelia.

"What then?" I asked.

"If we can prove that she was under Kelly's power, then we'll clean her mind of all memories of what happened," continued Amelia.

"And Zach?" I asked.

"He's facing a stack of charges related to drug dealing. We'll conduct an exam on him too, just to see how much he was influenced by Kelly," replied Bill.

I nodded. "And finally, what about him?" I asked, pointing to Mick, who was getting his battle wounds patched up.

"He's an interesting one. I haven't met one of his kind before. You must have made a strong impression on him, from what I've read, his kind don't usually stick their necks out for humans," remarked Amelia.

"And what is his kind?" I asked.

"I think it would be better if you ask him. He won't go anywhere. You saved his life and for that he's indebted to you. His kind does have its code of honor," continued Amelia.

I excused myself and walked over to Mick. The EMT was one of us, and was applying an herbal compound on a cut above his eye.

"Is that your beau?" he asked, nodding towards Bill.

I nodded.

"He seems worthy," Mick replied with a grin.

"Thanks. Are you okay?" I asked.

Mick nodded. "I can tell you have a lot of questions. Can they wait until tomorrow? I give you my solemn vow that I will return."

"Okay, tomorrow at four," I replied.

"I'll be there," he replied.

I nodded and started to walk back to Bill and Amelia.

"Oh, Carly. Thank you for saving me," Mick called after me.

I turned and smiled back. "You started it."

Mick nodded. "Couldn't let a fine Celtic lassie like you be violated by that hag."

I was eagerly looking forward to hearing Mick's story.

Bill drove Amelia and I home. It was late, I was sore and feeling exhausted. The combination of the drugs, Kelly's poison, and the spell casting had sapped my strength. I barely had the strength to kiss Bill good night. I knew there would be a lot of loose ends to clean up, but that wasn't my problem right now.

Chapter 92

I slept until noon and was awakened by a familiar aroma. I got dressed and hurried downstairs to find Aunt Kayla serving blueberry pancakes to Bill and Amelia. I gave her a long hug.

"It's good to see you too, little one," she replied.

Salem was at my feet and I picked her up. "This is Salem."

Aunt Kayla reached over and as she petted my kitten she uttered some words in an old Celtic dialect.

Salem's ears perked up and she joined in, mewing along with Aunt Kayla's words.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It's an old blessing for animal companions. Most animals will listen contently, but a true familiar will join the chorus, for a lack of better words," replied Aunt Kayla. "You choose well, little one."

"I know," I replied.

Aunt Kayla looked at me and grinned. "I was talking to Salem, my dear! She picked you."

I rubbed Salem's chin and listened to her purring as I sat down at the table.

Amelia told me that initial examinations of Zoá« confirmed that she had been under the influence of Kelly.

"How was Zoá« able to defy her?" I asked, as I watched Aunt Kayla stack some pancakes on my plate.

"Zoá«'s inner strength allowed her to fight off the spell. Oh, they found something else interesting in the exam, Zoá«'s beauty and intelligence are all her own. She was really a late bloomer. Unfortunately, she lacked the self-esteem to notice it. Kelly used this to gain initial control," stated Amelia.

"What about Zach?" I asked as I lifted a forkful of pancakes towards my mouth.

"There are some traces that Kelly had control over him. However, it appears that he was blinded by his own greed. He was so happy to be making lots of money that he was easily controlled by Kelly," continued Amelia.

I nodded. "Can the effects of Kelly's feedings be reversed now?" I asked.

"We should have an antidote in a few days," replied Amelia.

"The affected teens will be treated and their changes reversed," added Aunt Kayla.

"What about Jamie?" I asked.

Amelia looked at Aunt Kayla. "That will be her decision. I think we can trust Jamie enough for you to tell her the truth and let her decide."

I nodded. "Good." I started on the last of my pancakes.

"Kelly isn't very pleased about her confinement. She's also very angry at you," stated Bill with a grin.

"Tough. She had it coming," I replied.

"The charges are really mounting up. We have over two hundred confirmed cases tied to her, going back thirty years," stated Bill. "She'll be locked up for a very long time."

"Only thirty years?" I asked, as I handed my empty plate to Aunt Kayla.

Bill smiled. "I'm glad to see that you still have a good appetite!"

I just blew him a kiss, as I reached for the bacon.

"We're checking other countries. I suspect that more victims will turn up," added Aunt Kayla, as she filled my plate.

"So when do I join the ranks of adults again?" I asked as I lifted up my fork to my mouth.

There was a very loud silence at the table.

I got worried for a second. "This is reversible, right?"

"Of course it is. What we were thinking is that it might be best for you to finish out your senior year. It might do you good," explained Aunt Kayla.

They went on to cite their arguments for my staying Carly Taylor for a while longer.

"What about us?" I asked turning to Bill.

"Good question. An assistant DA can't be seen dating a high school girl," he replied.

"I might have a solution," interjected Aunt Kayla. "I'll get back to you on it."

I looked at Bill and nodded. I could sense that he was fighting very conflicting feelings. Part of him wanted me badly and the other part saw it as wrong. I wasn't conflicted, as I wanted him without any reservations.

"So what time is Mick arriving again?" asked Amelia.

"Four," I replied.

Bill raised an eyebrow as he looked at me.

"It's okay. He knows that we're a couple," I stated before he could speak.

"Mick can be trusted. He gave her his word of honor," added Amelia.

Bill nodded reluctantly. I sensed that he wasn't totally sure about Mick's intentions. I had told him everything that had happened between Mick and I, and I was relieved to know that Bill understood... well, maybe not completely!

Chapter 93

Mick arrived exactly at four. It was the teenage Mick that I had grown to like. We sat down on the living room couch.

To my surprise, Salem immediately ran up to him and leaped into his lap.

"Nice kitten, is she your familiar?" he asked, as if it was a normal way to start a conversation. His fingers began to massage her neck, and she purred contently.

"Yes," I replied.

"It's okay, animals like me," he replied with a grin.

"What are you?" I asked.

"Right to the point. I like that trait in you, Carly. Is that your real name?" he asked.

"For now it is. I'm also known as Iona," I replied.

"A lovely name for a lovely woman. It's the name of a Scottish island, you know?"

"Yes, I know. Now, you were about to tell me about yourself," I countered.

Mick smiled. "I'm not sure there is a name for my race. We're travelers. We blend in with humans and observe and participate in their earthly pleasures."

I nodded. That explained Mick's savoring of food and drink.

"The Mick that tried to rescue me, is that what you really look like?" I asked.

He nodded. "More or less. I have the ability to morph into different forms. I usually just change my looks slightly."

"How old are you?" I asked.

"In human years, I'm pretty old. In my race's years, I'm barely an adult."

"Can you be more vague?" I asked with a smile.

He laughed. "Let's just say that those stories about Ben Franklin being a ladies man, well they're all true and then some. And drink? Oh, old Ben could teach these kids a thing or two about partying!"

As much as I wanted to hear his stories, I kept to my guns. "Why were you here at Bernardo Valley?"

"I wanted to see what the youth was up to. It was pretty boring until you showed up. I prefer my lovers to have a brain. That's why I worked in the bookstore. It gave me an opportunity to scout out the more interesting people."

"How did you blend in so well? The police went through all the records looking for anything unusual."

"My people are true chameleons. We have to be to survive. I used a combination of magic and knowledge of computers to create the high school student you knew."

"Magic and computers?"

Mick laughed. "Oh, they're a wonderful tool. I can't imagine life without them."

I thought about Amelia and Aunt Kayla and could only nod in agreement.

"I hung out with the more artistic students as they were the most interesting," continued Mick.

"When were you aware of Kelly?" I asked.

"I sensed she was different, but it wasn't until I took her to bed that I detected her secret," he replied.

"You slept with her?" I asked.

"Among others," he replied as he shrugged his shoulders. "Actually, I just received oral pleasure from her. I sensed that she was different and I didn't press the point."

"And why didn't you stop her?" I asked.

Mick contemplated his answer as he stroked Salem. "My race once lived alongside humans, it was eons ago. For ages we co-existed, then came religion and morality. We were seen as evil and full of sin, simply because we valued pleasure above all else. Zealots hunted us and drove us into hiding. We've grown to be very wary of humans. We've developed skills to hide our presence."

Maybe that's why I couldn't scan Mick's mind. "But, that's doesn't explain your behavior completely. Some of those people were your friends!"

Mick nodded. "No, it goes deeper. We're raised to let humans be and, while we may move among them, we don't interfere. Besides, what could I have done, short of killing her?"

I nodded. "Okay, but why did you violate your own rules?"

"Like I said last night, I thought you were like me. I sensed that you've led several lives, but as I came to be with you I suspected something else. Your tattoo gave you away. It came to me that you were hunting Kelly. I decided to watch over you. That way I wasn't truly violating our clan laws."

"Is that why you followed me to DC?"

Mick smiled. "And how did you know that I did that?"

I explained my detection powers.

"I should have known. Tell me more about yourself," he asked.

I smiled. "Only when I get all my answers."

Mick laughed. "Fair enough."

"Are you responsible for this?" I asked, showing off my full moon tattoo.

Mick smiled. "It's the sign of my clan. I leave it as a souvenir. I can remove it if you'd like."

I shook my head. No, I wanted it now, it was a worthy souvenir. "What will happen when you leave?"

"Most people will forget I ever existed. It's how we cover our tracks. Even when we interfere, there's no fingerprints left behind. For example, it was my idea for the closing lines in Casablanca, but you won't see my name on the credits. Even though I worked on the movie, I drifted from their minds within hours after I left. It's how we survive."

I couldn't resist asking him a question. "Did you ever go out drinking with Bogart?"

He rolled his eyes. "Too many times! I can still remember the hangovers!"

"And will I forget you?"

Mick shook his head. "No, that won't happen. I don't want you to forget me."

"Will I see you again?" I asked.

Mick nodded. "You'll know me, no matter my appearance."


"When I realized that Kelly was interested in you, beyond pure carnal desires, I stayed as close as I could, as often as I could. By the way, who is that lovely little lassie that you've been seeing?"

I laughed. "That 'lassie' is Jamie King, one of Kelly's victims. She stole his masculinity."

"You don't say! Still, she's a striking young lass."

"Stay away from her, she's been through enough," I replied with a wink. "If I see a full moon tattoo on her, I'll cast a spell on you that not even Viagra could help!"

Mick laughed. "For you, my sweet, anything!"

I laughed. I now regarded Mick's flirting as just a sign that he cared for me. I then told him my story. Mick listened intently.

"So I was right, you've lived through several lives," he stated.

"Three is enough for me. I'm looking forward to being Iona again."

"And when do you become Iona again?"

"After graduation. I'm going to stay as Carly until then."

"And your fiancé?"

"He's willing to wait."

Mick shook his head. "Too bad, I like him. I'm a good judge of men, and he's a good one."

"I know."

"Oh, Carly, we did have some grand times together, didn't we?" He flashed a mischievous grin.

I nodded, feeling my face turning warm as I blushed.

"Tell me, what's better, being male or female?" he asked. "I've always been curious."

"Both have their advantages, but I find my female self is much more sensual. Why don't you try switching sexes sometime? You said you can shape shift."

"True, but I've never had the desire to try it. I like being a man too much," he replied.

"And I thought you liked variety and spice in your life!"

Mick laughed. "Okay, I'll try it sometime, just for you."

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"I'll be gone tonight. It was time to move on anyway. If it hadn't been for you, I'd have left months ago."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm heading back to Europe. Maybe Greece, who knows?"

"Do you want a home?" I asked.

Mick shook his head. "I'm too young. My kind doesn't settle down until they're in their thirties. Besides, women of my race still consider me too immature."

"When will you be thirty?" I asked.

"In human years? Four hundred years from now, just a blink of the eye!"

I smiled.

"By the way, Taylor isn't your last name is it?" asked Mick.

"No, it's Beddau," I replied. I saw no reason not to tell him the truth.

"Good Druid name," he remarked. "The Druids -- there were some people who knew how to throw a party. My Grandmother told me some wild stories about their solstice celebrations."

Mick promised to drop in on me every now and then. I looked forward to seeing him again.

Chapter 94

Monday was an exciting day at school. Everyone was abuzz over the raid of the rave. The official story was that the San Diego Police had sent a teen undercover into the school to break up the X-2 drug ring.

Maria turned to me at lunch. "Can you believe that Kelly was really a policewoman?"

I shook my head in disbelief. "I'm shocked that Zach was the X-2 dealer. I knew he sold dope, but who would have guessed?"

Maria laughed. "Oh, Carly, you're so naíve! Zach's a real stoner and I'm surprised that he wasn't caught sooner!"

Zoá«'s absence was explained by her entering a drug rehab program.

"I'm glad that Zoá« is getting help. It's a shame that a nice girl like her got mixed up with the wrong crowd. You were friends with her, Carly. I'm surprised that she didn't get you stoned too."

I shrugged my shoulders and ate my salad. Zoá« actually was in a drug rehab facility of sorts. Once she cleaned up, she would have no memory of Kelly. She had also been cleared of all charges, as it was determined that she had been under the power of a succubus.

Just as Mick promised, no one else remembered him. I checked and found a different kid using his locker. I would miss him, and the school seemed darker without his presence.

"So, Carly, are you going to the prom?" asked Maria.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."

"Did you have a boyfriend back in DC?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's okay, Maria. I'm happy that you care."

While school would be ending in around five weeks, I threw myself into it. I decided to absorb as much as I could in the remaining time.

"You going to the baseball game this afternoon?" I asked Maria.

"You bet! Travis is pitching this afternoon!" she replied proudly.

Travis was the star pitcher of our team and Maria's boyfriend.

"Can I join you?" I asked.

"That would be great, Carly. The game starts at three."

So, I would be Carly Taylor, high school senior, for the next few weeks. I had to admit that after the last few months I needed the rest.

Chapter 95

Saturday, I had my meeting with Jamie. Amelia arranged for us to meet at her office.

"If she doesn't accept your story, I'll be standing by to help," stated Amelia.

"I think she'll be fine."

At least Amelia kept up-to-date magazines in her waiting room. I had once told her that it was a dead giveaway that she was different. I'd begun to read the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly when Jamie arrived.

"Hey, Carly! I didn't expect to see you here," greeted Jamie.

"It's good to see you too!" I replied.

Jamie was wearing a short denim skirt, and a yellow sleeveless top. Her hair was different. It had been cut shorter and was now shoulder length. She sat down next to me. I noticed how naturally she adjusted her skirt and how she crossed her legs.

"I like your new hair style."

"Thanks, I was tired of the long ponytail. Mom took me to her stylist. I also had my nails done." She held out her hands and extended her fingers.

"Very pretty," I replied.

"I've also been accepted at The Farnsworth Institute!" she exclaimed excitedly. "I'll be spending the summer at their Long Island facility."

So, she would be staying with Celeste. I would have to call her up and thank her.

"That's wonderful!" I replied.

"So what're you doing here?" she asked.

On cue, Amelia stepped out of her office. "Jamie, Carly, why don't you step back here?"

Jamie looked at me with a confused look on her face, but she didn't argue.

We sat down in Amelia's office. Amelia excused herself and stepped outside.

"Okay, what's up?" asked Jamie.

I took a deep breath. "You heard what happened at school?"

Jamie nodded. "Wasn't surprised about Zach. I can't believe that Kelly's a cop."

"She's not." I replied.

"What?" asked Jamie.

"Remember when you told me that you suspected that your change was due to magic? Well, you were right."

Jamie sat there speechless.

"I'm not what I appear to be. I'm actually magical and I'm really twenty-two. My form is due to a transformation spell that allowed me to come into the school and hunt down the creature that had transformed you and injured other students."

Jamie just stared back.

"Kelly is really a succubus and she was feeding on the essences of you and your classmates. She's now in custody and will be charged with a long list of crimes."

"A succubus? They really exist?"

I nodded.

A strange look began to form on Jamie's face. "And what about your friendship with me, was that all part of your undercover work too?" asked Jamie.

I detected a tone of bitterness in Jamie's voice, as if she felt betrayed.

"So our friendship was a sham?" she accused angrily.

I shook my head vehemently. "At first, I met you to see if I could gain some insight into whoever or whatever was doing this," I replied.

Jamie started to cry softly. "I trusted you and you used me."

"Please, give me a chance to explain. Yes, initially I was just seeking out information, Jamie. I was doing my job. I was sent here to catch the person who violated you and the others. But that soon changed. I became friends with you. I really like you and I wanted to help you."

Jamie wiped her eyes with her hands.

I reached over and put my hand on her shoulder. "Jamie, I'm your friend. I will always be your friend."


I nodded. "Yes, of course. Why do you think that I'm telling you all this?"

We hugged for a long time.

I then told Jamie everything. I also told her about my previous life.

"I wondered how you seemed to be so tuned in to my emotions. You went through something very similar. Oh, Carly, please forgive me for what I said earlier," replied Jamie remorsefully.

It was my turn to start crying and we had another round of hugging.

I wiped my eyes with a tissue. "Okay, now you have a huge decision to make. We can now reverse the spell. You can become a male again, if you want to."

Jamie stared back.

"But, I must warn you, we can't totally reverse the spell, you'd retain some of the visible effects of being feminized," I explained.

Jamie nodded. "I hadn't thought about the possibility of becoming a guy again. I sort of accepted that I would be a girl for the rest of my life. My parents and I have even been talking to doctors about getting SRS. In some ways, we've never been closer."

"You don't have to make a decision today."

Jamie nodded again.

"There's another option," I added.

Jamie smiled. "Great, that's just what I need, more choices!"

"There are spells that can complete your transformation."

"You mean completely?" she asked.

I nodded. "Your initial transformation was due to magic, it's not that difficult to complete the spell."

"Would you do it?" she asked.

"No. I couldn't return to being Roger, he was killed. If I'd accepted a sexual transformation back to being male, I would have had to start another new life. I decided to stay as Iona. I had lost most of my original family, I wasn't about to lose my new one too."

Jamie smiled. "That makes sense."

"So, you have some decisions to make."

Jamie shook her head. "No, not really. I'm going to stay on the path that I'm on."

"If you're going to be a girl, would you like to be complete?"

"I will, but through surgery. However, I really appreciate your offer, Carly."

I smiled back. "You're the second person I've met who has turned down this offer. I admire your decision."

"Just in case I change my mind, will the offer still be there?" she asked with a grin.

"Of course. I'll still be your friend."

"How will we explain that to my parents?"

"Amelia has an idea that will help with that problem."

Chapter 96

That afternoon Mr. and Mrs. King joined Amelia, Jamie, and me. We were sitting together in our living room. Bill was also there.

I tried to act relaxed, but on the inside I was a bowl of jelly. I glanced at Jamie and could tell that she was equally nervous.

Bill pulled out some official forms and presented them to Mr. and Mrs. King. "I will need you to sign these first. They're asking for your confidentiality."

They read the forms. "Why is the San Diego DA's office interested in our daughter?" asked Mr. King.

"Is Jamie is trouble?" asked Mrs. King in a very concerned voice.

"We're not interested in Jamie and she isn't in trouble. Jamie isn't part of any investigation. However, I'll need you to sign these before I tell you anything more," explained Bill.

"Mom, Dad, please sign them. Trust me on this one," pleaded Jamie.

They both signed the forms and handed them back to Bill. Bill took the forms, reviewed them, and placed them in his case. He then went on to tell them a revised story about my undercover work.

"So what you're telling us is that Carly is really a young woman named Iona?" asked Mr. King. He cocked his head and glanced at me.

"Yes, she's my fiancé and I asked her to go in undercover at Bernardo Valley to assist us in a drug investigation. She was there to observe and pass on information to us," replied Bill.

"And is Amelia really your aunt?" asked Mrs. King.

"Yes, that allowed me to fit in easier and faster," I replied. "I met Jamie while waiting in her office and we just hit it off." I was telling the truth, I was also leaving out huge parts of the whole story.

Mrs. King smiled. "I always thought you seemed a bit mature for your age."

"So why tell us all this?" asked Mr. King. "I saw the news on how the drug ring was broken. By the way, thank you. It's good to see that someone is doing something about drugs in schools."

"You're welcome. The reason you're being told is that I want to stay in contact with Jamie, simply as a friend," I stated honestly. "Carly is going away, but I will still be here in San Diego."

"Mom, Dad, Iona is my friend. I don't have many right now," piped in Jamie. "I really want to stay friends with her. She knows all about me and likes me for who I am."

"Well, I appreciate the fact that you trust us to tell us the truth," stated Mrs. King.

Jamie winked at me and I did my best not to start giggling.

Bill explained that I would be staying in high school until graduation, so that my secret identity would be protected.

"What about the other girl, the police woman? Is she going to be safe?" asked Mrs. King.

Bill nodded. "Oh yes, she is well protected."

I'm proud that I didn't laugh at that one.

Chapter 97

After the Kings left, we had dinner. Bill volunteered to barbecue some chicken, while Amelia, Aunt Kayla, and I worked on the rest of the meal.

"Jamie's a bright kid. Any idea what she wants to do?" asked Bill.

"No idea. I just know that whatever she does, she'll be a success," I replied.

"I've very proud of you," replied Bill.

"Thank you," I replied.

"I think you deserve a reward," stated Bill as he checked on the chicken.

"Have you changed your mind on having sex with a seventeen-year-old?" I whispered.

"Maybe," replied Bill. He then flashed a grin.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked anxiously.

"Amelia and Aunt Kayla came up with the idea."

"So, tell me what it is?" I asked.

"How would you like me to take you to the senior prom?" asked Bill.

"What? I think that would cause a few heads to turn!" I retorted.

Bill laughed. "No, silly. Amelia is going to bring me down to your level."

I stared back. "You'd do that for me?"

He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "Of course. Damn, I've missed you."

I felt all tingly inside and felt my face turning red.

"You're even cuter when you blush," added Bill.

Amelia and Aunt Kayla came out on the deck.

"Thank you!" I squealed as I hugged them.

"So you like our idea?" asked Amelia.

I nodded. "Oh, my god! I have to get a dress now, and the prom is just three weeks away!"

Bill laughed so hard that he began to cry.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Can you imagine the XO's reaction to what you just said?" replied Bill, in between laughs.

I suddenly couldn't wait to tell Beth. She would also appreciate the joke.

Chapter 98

Later that night Amelia and I sat at the kitchen table drinking tea.

"I've very interested in your new power," she stated as she squeezed some honey into her mug.

"I just used a protection spell from the book Aunt Kayla gave me," I replied.

"What was your emotional state when you cast the spell?" she asked.

"Angry, scared. I know that emotions can increase the potency of a spell, but I doubt that my emotions increased it that much. What's the matter? I thought that what happened to Kelly was due to her being a hybrid succubus?"

"It might just be that, or it might be that your developing powers are much stronger than we expected," she replied. She opened up a tin of shortbread cookies and offered me some. "The spell did what it was supposed to, in that Kelly's attack was directed back at her. However it amplified the energy she used in her attack and threw it back at her. That by itself is pretty impressive. But what has really caught my attention was that it also stripped her of the stolen essences and neutered her."

"I didn't mean to," I replied.

She shook her head. "You didn't do anything wrong. In fact, by neutering her you rendered her harmless. Her inability to become aroused has destroyed her ability to steal essences. You cast an exceptionally strong spell, beyond what your previously known powers should be capable of doing."

"Should I be worried?" I nibbled on the cookie.

"No, this could be a good thing. I just want to keep an eye on you. Your powers could eventually surpass even those of Kayla."

I nodded as I thought about the ramifications of having even stronger powers.

Sensing my discomfort, Amelia tried to comfort me. "Iona, remember when you first discovered your protective powers?"

I nodded.

"Did you have full control of them?"

I shook my head. "They just happened."

"And now?"

I thought of my freeze ability and my heat defense. They were like any other reflex. "Okay, I see where you're going with this. I know I have this power now. It's just a question of becoming comfortable with it."

Amelia nodded knowingly. "Growing up is difficult enough. You have magic to deal with too. But you'll survive, we all do. Look how well you've adapted to being a woman."

"True. I just don't want to accidentally hurt someone," I stated.

"Your nature is an outgrowth of your inner being. Deep down you're good, and your powers will reflect this," answered Amelia.

"Since you're in a listening mood, there's something else I want to talk about. I feel a little sheepish, as I never even suspected Kelly. I was so sure that it was Zoá« or Mick. Looking back, it made sense that it was Kelly," I confessed.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. No one suspected Kelly. She's been fooling people for decades, if not longer. That's what they do, they're very good at it."

"I was so arrogant and I almost got hurt. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't studied those new spells."

"Iona, don't beat yourself up too badly. You have much to learn, and you've already learned so much."

Chapter 99

I called Beth the next day. She thought it was so cool that I would also get the chance to experience my prom.

"Kevin is taking me to ours. I can't wait!" she stated excitedly.

"I'm going dress shopping this afternoon."

"I bought the most gorgeous red gown. It's stunning!" bragged Beth.

We talked for the next hour. Beth was going to Denmark over the summer with a woman who was Ben's grandmother. Beth went on to tell me some interesting stories about her.

"Do you think you can come out here before you start classes?" I asked hopefully.

"I'd like that. Even though I had some rough times there, I still love San Diego. I would love to meet your family."

"They want to meet you too."

"So, when is Bill going to propose to you?" asked Beth bluntly.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked.

"If Bill loves you half as much as you love him, then he's an idiot to not ask you. You're everything he wants in a girl and more," stated Beth.

"How do you know what he wants in wife?" I asked.

"We stood many long watches together on the bridge. You remember how mid-watches went, especially during those long transits between ports?" stated Beth.

The mid-watch was the duty time running from midnight to four, sometimes to six, depending on the number of officers available. There wasn't a lot going on most of the time, and it allowed for long conversations.

"And Bill told you what his model wife should be like?" I asked.

"Not exactly. He did tell me the traits that he wanted her to have, and, Iona, you have most, if not all of them!"



"I think he wants to wait until I graduate college," I stated.

"That's stupid. Why wait?"

I laughed. "That's what I've always admired about you, Beth -- your tact."

"I call them as I see them," she replied.

"Well, I do promise you one thing, when it happens you'll be one of the first to know."

"I hope so," she replied.

"Well, it only makes sense. My maid of honor will have a lot of work to do."

"Me? Well, that changes everything then. Give me Bill's number. I'll call him and get him to propose tonight!"

"You mean you'll do it?" I asked.

"I was already in one wedding party, but as just one of the bridesmaids. I want the real power!" she then began to laugh like some sort of evil mad scientist.

I joined in and soon we were laughing so hard we were crying.

Chapter 100

I stood nervously waiting for Bill to arrive. I had spent the day getting my hair and nails done. Amelia had helped me with my makeup. She also assisted me in getting dressed. My dress was an elegant black strapless evening gown. I wanted to look classy and sexy, in an Audrey Hepburn sort of way. Amelia had loaned me an exquisite string of pearls. Aunt Kayla gave me a matching pair of earrings.

"Stop fidgeting, you look lovely. If Bill doesn't say so, I'll turn him into a mouse so that Salem can chase him," stated Amelia.

"You'll do no such thing," stated Aunt Kayla. "Besides, you were never very good at those sorts of spells."

"He's coming!" I exclaimed. "He's just making the turn off the 15, he'll be here in ten minutes!"

Bill was staying with Aunt Kayla, since his transformation into an eighteen-year-old. I hadn't seen him yet and was very anxious to do so. The DA heartily approved of what he was doing and had given him a week off.

"I wonder what sort of tux he's going to wear?" I stated.

"Blue velvet with a ruffled shirt," answered Aunt Kayla.

"He wouldn't dare!" I answered.

"Of course he wouldn't. I think you'll approve of his outfit," stated Amelia.

The next few minutes dragged by. I couldn't believe how nervous and excited I was. My original senior prom had been fun, but I don't remember being so frazzled. Then again, a prom for a guy is pretty easy. All you have to do is rent the tux, pay for dinner, pay for flowers, pay for a limo, and hope you get lucky later in the evening!

Our prom was being held in the grand ballroom at the Hotel Del Coronado, the ritzy resort across the bay from San Diego. I guess there were benefits to going to a high school in an upscale neighborhood. Bill had made reservations at the main dining room of the Del.

Aunt Kayla and Amelia had taken care of transportation. They had rented a limo for us. It was a very thoughtful gift.

Bill's car pulled into the driveway. I peeked out the window and gasped when I saw him.

It was still Bill, but he looked so young! He was also very cute! The biggest change, besides his being thinner, was that he had a softer look. His hair was thicker too, not that Bill had been going bald or anything like that.

He was wearing a stylish black tux, the kind that James Bond would have worn. I watched as he straightened out his tie in the driver side mirror. He ran his hand back and smoothed down his hair. He was carrying a box, which I assumed contained flowers for me. I stepped away from the window and waited for him to reach the door.

Amelia met him at the door and welcomed him in. He stood before me and we sized each other up.

"You look fantastic!" he exclaimed.

I was taken aback by his more youthful voice. "I was about to say the same thing. Bill, you look so dashing!"

Bill laughed.

"Thank you for doing this for me," I stated, as I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

"I have to admit that I was nervous about all this. Still, it's better than when I was turned into a girl!"

"You were a very pretty girl, but this is a big improvement!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you, I'm happy you approve," he replied with a laugh. "Well, I'm also pleased that this gives me an opportunity to redo my first attempt at going to a senior prom."

"Oh?" I asked.

"It was an unmitigated disaster," confessed Bill. "My girlfriend and I had been fighting for weeks, and it all came to a head during the prom. It wasn't pretty."

"What were you fighting about?" I asked.

"She didn't like that I had accepted an NROTC scholarship."

"Well, I don't mind!" I replied with a giggle.

"No, I wouldn't think you would."

"Okay, okay, enough reminiscing, we have photos to take!" interrupted Amelia.

We spent the next few minutes having our pictures taken. Bill had bought a beautiful orchid and attached it to my wrist.

"It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed as I admired it.

"The limo is here," announced Aunt Kayla.

I was a little surprised to see that the driver was a woman. She a very attractive Japanese girl in her early twenties, and she was wearing a tailored black suit with a skirt, which showed off her eye-catching legs. There was something familiar about her. She opened the door and winked at me. Suddenly it hit me, and I scanned her just to make sure. I immediately started to giggle.

Bill turned to me and asked what was so funny.

"I should have you in Coronado in thirty minutes. My name is Mika. Let me know if you need anything," she stated in slightly accented English.

I looked over at Bill, smiled, and kissed him on the lips. "I've been wanting to do that for months!"

"I've missed you too," replied Bill. "So, who is she?"


"You're kidding!" exclaimed Bill.

"I just wanted to thank Carly. Relax, you have nothing to worry about, Bill," interrupted Mika. "Oh, and Carly, you were right about being a girl. I had no idea of what I was missing!"

Bill turned to me and cocked his head to the side. "What does... she mean?"

"I just explained to Mick that he should try to explore his feminine side. What good is it to be a shape-shifter if you don't explore all the possibilities?" I explained.

"Oh. Well, I suppose that it's okay."

The rest of the ride was uneventful. I had to admit that Mick, make that Mika, was really cute. I could imagine the trouble she could get into looking like that! I wasn't all that worried, as I knew that Mick could protect him or herself.

I had driven by the Del many times, but had never been inside. The dinner was exquisite, and I felt like we were royalty. The only downside was that we couldn't have wine. Oh well, I would be an adult again in a few weeks; it was just a shame to eat such a grand meal without a glass of wine.

Another surprise awaited us when Bill went to pay for the dinner. The waiter informed us that it had been paid for by his aunt.

"My aunt?" asked Bill. There was a look of confusion on his face.

"Yes, she insisted on paying. It's an honor to meet the nephew of San Diego's distinguished district attorney," he stated.

"Oh," replied Bill softly.

"It's okay, he doesn't like to advertise that she's his aunt," I piped in to the waiter.

"It's quite alright," replied the waiter with a grin. "Enjoy the rest of your evening."

After the waiter left, Bill turned to me. "I'll never live this down!" He then chuckled.

"I wouldn't worry about it," I replied. "Come on, let's go join the party."

I won't bore you with the details of the prom; just let me say that Bill and I had a wonderful time. We danced almost every dance, even when we were the only two on the dance floor. We were determined to show the 'kids' how to have a good time. It was nice to have a night of mindless fun. At least I would have some pleasant memories of my time at Bernardo Valley.

Bill and I were one of the last couples to leave the prom. Mika was waiting for us to take us home. Amelia was staying with Aunt Kayla, so we had the townhouse all to ourselves -- well, other than Salem!

"Did you have a good time?" asked Mika, as she opened the door for us.

"No, we had a wonderful time!" I corrected.

Mika laughed. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride. I'll have you home soon. Oh, I provided some refreshments for you."

We stepped into the limo. There was a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket across from our seat. Next to it was a container of fresh strawberries.

"Being you're really adults, I don't see the harm. Please don't let it go to waste, it's excellent champagne. Sit back and relax, I'll be so careful that you won't spill one precious drop!" remarked Mika from the front seat before closing the dividing window.

Bill examined the bottle. "She's not kidding about that."

"It would be a shame to let it go to waste," I countered.

"True. She's already opened it and it will only go to waste. Besides, part of the prom experience should include a little underage drinking," added Bill, as he began to pour us each a glass.

We touched glasses and sipped the bubbly. It really was first-rate. The strawberries weren't bad either.

"I could acquire a taste for this," I commented, as I sipped the champagne.

"Not on my salary, you won't!" countered Bill.

We both laughed. However, I wondered if Bill had just dropped a hint.

Mika was true to her word and we never even spilled a drop. She pulled into the driveway and opened the door for us.

As Bill reached for his wallet, Mika shook her head. "Your thanks is sufficient. Besides I really have little use for money. Well, I'd better get this back to the garage. Take the rest of that champagne with you. Take care, you two."

We watched her pull away.

"You have some very interesting friends," commented Bill, as he walked me up to the house.

I nodded.

Bill and I headed upstairs. I was pleased that Salem, after greeting us, headed off -- as if she sensed that we needed to be alone.

I think both Bill and I had planned on slowly undressing each other and engaging in long and erotic foreplay. That wasn't what happened. The combination of our youth and our long separation trashed that idea, and we were soon naked and in bed, engaged in wild teenage lust.

Our lovemaking was wonderful. It may have been overly energetic, but it seemed fitting for our teenage bodies. It happened too fast, but neither of us cared. We were lying together in bed, as our bodies recovered.

As we recharged our batteries, we cuddled and talked.

"How old were you when you, you know, lost it?" I asked Bill.

"I was in high school, it was the night of my senior prom."

"Wait a minute, you told me that your prom date and you fought all night!"

"We did. I didn't say it was with my date!" replied Bill with a wink.

"And why haven't I heard this story before?" I asked.

Bill laughed. "I wasn't the only one at my prom not enjoying themselves. Cathy, my 'girlfriend,' went home after the dance. I went to an after prom party to have a few beers. I ended up talking with a girl named Sally. She had just broken up with her boyfriend. We sat there talking about our dates and what a miserable night it had been. It suddenly came to us that we were having fun. One thing led to another and we ended up together."

"What happened to Sally?" I asked.

"She's up in Alaska running a B&B. She went up there during college to work at the canneries to earn some quick money. She met a guy and decided to stay up there. The last card I got from her told me that she was pregnant with her third kid. So what about you?"

"It was also in high school. It was my girlfriend and we did it after a graduation party. It wasn't anything special. In fact, I'd just as soon forget it."

"How old were you then?" asked Bill.

"Eighteen, why?" I replied.

"So, you're seventeen now, right?" asked Bill.

"Yes, so?"

"Why don't we just start fresh tonight?" asked Bill. "You can count this as your first time. And since the Mick you knew is now a female limo driver, we should consider this your official first time!"

I laughed at Bill's roundabout logic. I was also pleased that he obviously wasn't upset for my being with Mick. "Okay, it makes sense."

"Being with you is never going to be dull. The DA is very pleased with you. I think she'll want to use you again in future cases."

I nodded. "Do you mind?"

Bill shook his head.

I leaned over and kissed him. He pulled me close and round two started.

Chapter 101

A few weeks later, I graduated high school again. I was glad that I'd stayed at Bernardo Valley until the end of the school year. It did allow me to fill in some of the blanks in my feminine adolescence.

The day after graduation I made arrangements to become an adult again. I would miss living with Amelia, but I was equally looking forward to living with Aunt Kayla again.

Most of my clothing was dropped off at the Goodwill. It wasn't just a matter of it soon being too small, but that I would look foolish wearing most of it as an adult. I did decide to keep some of the shoes.

Jamie had left the previous weekend to go to Celeste's institute. Her parents planned on spending a few weeks out there later in the summer.

Salem was curious about what was going on. She obviously knew that something was about to happen. I was a bit nervous about how Bran and Tully would react to the new kid on the block.

My fears were quickly dismissed. Tully seemed overjoyed to have a new friend and Bran just ignored Salem, like she did almost everyone else. Still, I think she liked Salem.

I moved back into my old room. It felt good, but I was still a teen. Just like before, the reversal spell would take all night to take full effect.

We had a good-bye dinner for Carly. I have to admit that there were some things that I enjoyed about being Carly. However, it would be great to be an adult again.

The next morning I awoke and was pleased to see and feel that I had returned to adulthood. Salem didn't seem to notice the difference and nuzzled up to me as I headed downstairs for breakfast.

I was pleasantly surprised to sense that Bill was downstairs. I must have been asleep when he arrived.

"Good morning," I greeted Bill and Aunt Kayla.

Bill stood up and gave me a tender kiss. Oh, it was good to be an adult again!

"I took the day off. I figured we should go for a drive. How do you feel about going up to the mountains?" stated Bill.

"Lunch in Julian?" I asked hopefully.

Bill nodded.


The day was clear and sunny, a rare event for early June, when most mornings were shrouded in fog. Bill even lowered the top on his convertible as we headed up to the mountains.

We spent the day walking around the little shops of Julian before getting lunch. It was a nice way to celebrate being twenty-two again.

Lunch was at a small café. While lunch was good, the Dutch apple pie and coffee were exquisite. The apple pie was worth the trip alone.

"I've come to the startlingly conclusion that our lives will never be normal," stated Bill.

"Normal is highly overrated," I replied as I savored a forkful of Dutch apple pie. Eating more slowly was something that I'd picked up from Mick.

"True," stated Bill, with a chuckle. "But I've also come to the conclusion that I don't want to go through life without you."

I was about to sip my coffee when Bill's words froze me.

"I wanted to do this in a more romantic setting, but I couldn't wait. Iona will you marry me?" he asked, as he pulled an engagement ring out of his pocket.

For once in my life, I was speechless and could only nod while I tried to stammer out a positive reply. I nervously held out my hand. Bill took it and smiled.

"You're trembling. I hope that's a good thing," he stated as he slipped the ring on my finger.

I nodded, stared down at the sparkling diamond, and then looked up into Bill's eyes. I tried to speak, but couldn't. I felt tears of joy run down my face. Bill reached over and gently wiped one away.

"I can't believe it. For the first time since I've known you, I finally got the last word in, and all it took was a proposal!" quipped Bill.

I let him have his victory and leaned over and kissed him. Life was good. Love is grand!

The End

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