an over-active sleep

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well, it turns out its possible that my sleep apnea isn't the only reason I thrash around in my sleep
Last night, I awoke to find I had tossed my pillows everywhere and pulled my CPAP machine off the nightstand.

But It had kept running and I never lost the connection between the mask and the machine, so I was getting air while this was happening.

Don't ask me what's going on, I really have no clue.



Daphne Xu's picture

Do you have a humidifier attached to your CPAP machine? Is the machine's pressure high enough?

There's also sometimes panic at having the machine affecting your breathing. It should happen only in early stages.

-- Daphne Xu

I started using one about 7

Rose's picture

I started using one about 7 or 8 years ago, and I had a terrible time at first. Now, I'm hardly bothered, except I wake up if the air escaping the vent holes in the mask starts to hiss against something.

