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Bunberry's Punishment
“I can’t believe it! I saved my first person today. She’s a girl a little younger than me and is cute as a button. Though the strangest thing happened. The Goddess Raftilia showed up and seemed to take an interest in her. I was instructed to leave, so I did, though I wonder why she was there?”
"—were supposed to train—” Bunberry struggled to move her body or even open her eyes. Consciousness felt so close to her, yet it still eluded her. The voice was indiscernible, although she could feel it had authority.
“—t wasn’t my fault. The kid di—” Another voice, an agitated one this time. She wondered what kind of conversation was going on.
“—not afford to lose her! She is a Spa—”
“—id is fine. Just calm dow—” The annoyed one, seemed to try to pacify the magisterial one. Then she heard the ending of a crash, and angry stomping away. Before Bunberry could make sense of these words, the blackness dragged her into unconsciousness.
“Wake up, Princess Bunberry, wake up.” Her eyes shot wide open as the familiar calm soothing voice pulled her out of her sleep. She sat up, then rubbed her eyes, and stared at the owner of the voice. She realized she was wearing nothing but a hospital gown, which made sense as she was in the closest thing they had to a clinic.
“What happened to me?” Bunberry reverted back to her gruff voice, then yawned and stretched her arms. Then she saw Lamp Flower stand over her, her clipboard in hand, and a stern look on her face.
“You sustained a massive amount of damage from your last encounter. When Raftilia gets here, we’ll see if you have any permanent injuries.”
“I see.” Bunberry found herself lost in thought. She wondered if she had finally pushed too far. She wasn’t dead, but was she in worse condition than that? What if she became unable to fight Luminescent? What if she couldn’t get her revenge?
Lamp Flower looked left and right, as if she was looking for someone, or making sure someone wasn’t there. “Look, Bunberry, you have got to stop doing this. You have been in my infirmary more than any other Umbra Girl here. You’re going to get yourself killed. As not just your doctor, but your friend. Please… stop this.”
Bunberry just sighed. “Lamp, what would you have me do? Those people needed to be saved. I stepped in because no one else was available.”
“You are correct, however, you simply could have called for backup earlier, instead of waiting till the last possible moment. Which you do every single time.” Raftilia appeared in the doorway, and Bunberry stood firm.
“They needed help.”
Raftilia rubbed her temples in frustration. “And how much help will you be able to offer if you die? If we lose you? You are one of our most powerful Umbra Girls. If we lose you we might lose everything.” Raftilia’s words dug into Bunberry’s soul. Was she really so important? No, there were others.
“Dragon is more than capable if something happens to me.”
“You don’t seem to understand. We cannot lose you… I… cannot lose you.” Raftilia’s face became crestfallen as tears trickled down her face. “We’ve lost so many, I’ve lost so many. I don’t want to lose any more of you.”
Bunberry sighed, then nodded. “I’ll take less risky missions.”
Raftilia sighed, then signaled Lamp Flower. “Let’s check her for injuries, then I have to attend to the other girl.”
Lamp Flower nodded. “Princess Bunberry, please strip.” Bunberry did as she was told, then held her arms up. She’d done this before, Raftilia would scan them for any potential scratches or bites. For some reason only Raftilia could see where parts of them had been erased. Raftilia’s third eye opened and she slowly moved around Bunberry in a circle. Then she immediately moved backwards towards her back. Bunberry felt Raftilia’s paw rub against her back, then when she got to a specific spot she winced.
“I’m sorry Princess Bunberry, but you have a new permanent injury.” Bunberry’s world froze, what did that mean? Had she finally pushed too far? “Part of the area near your spine has been erased, you’re going to have to slow down a bit from now on.”
She remembered that Luminescent that was behind her, she thought she got him without incident, but she was wrong. Her body was running on adrenaline so she didn’t notice his attack connected. It was a grave error. “I… see. Well, I’ll be going then.” Bunberry had a lot to think about. She got up off the examination table, and started to walk out.
“Now hold on just a minute, young lady. I’m not through with you.”
Bunberry sighed. She had hoped Raftilia had forgotten about her punishment.
“Your punishment, of course. Do you understand what you did?”
“I tried to stop you from recruiting that boy.” She was only trying to save him from a horrible fate, but Raftilia wouldn’t see it that way.
“Exactly. Why would you do such a thing? We are completely understaffed. We need as much help as we can get.” Raftilia was angry but her voice was more concerned than furious. “So many Umbra Girls have died, we need to replace our numbers if we want to have a chance to survive.”
“So then, was he worthy?”
“The boy was completely incompatible.” Inwardly Bunberry breathed a sigh of relief. “However, because of your recklessness and inability to follow instructions. I’m removing your ability to move freely between our worlds.”
“What?! You can’t do that!” Bunberry was dumbstruck. If she could, she’d have flipped a table.
”I can, and I have. I already informed Blue Bubbles that you won’t be able to use the Shadow Gate without my express permission.” She had never enacted such harsh punishment on her before. Bunberry realized she had screwed up big time. “One other thing. Our new recruit is incredibly inexperienced but is also a top priority VIP. You will be in charge of her training.”
“Wait, I have to babysit some kid?” Bunberry didn’t seem to care about how important this girl was. “Besides, isn’t Dragon better at that kind of thing?”
“Princess Dragonberry already failed that spectacularly.”
“Excuse me, it’s not my fault the kid has a fucking giant laser.” Bunberry turned behind her and there was Dragon laying on another bed holding his side. Bunberry smirked and shook her head.
“A giant laser huh? Dragon, have you been slacking off with your training? You shouldn’t be losing to a rookie.”
At her teasing, Dragon's face turned several shades of red. “L-Look, the little brat just got a lucky shot in, I didn’t expect it, that’s all.”
“A newbie really took down the Dragon? Now I’m intrigued.” Bunberry’s mind was awash with questions. How had this happened? Was this new girl really that powerful?
“Just don’t make the kid mad, that’s all I have to say.”
“No spoilers, Dragon. I’ll handle her myself.”
“Yeah about that. The kid is a—” Dragon paused and then closed his mouth. “—nevermind.”
Before she could contemplate why Dragon had stopped mid sentence, a loud ahem was heard.
“Princess Dragonberry, Princess Bunberry, there is a much more pressing matter than your pointless bickering.”
“For the love of God can you at least just call me Dragonberry? I’m not a fucking Princess.”
“That is your name, though. I do not understand your aversion to it. You humans are so strange.”
Before Dragon could respond Bunberry heard a groan coming from behind her. She raised an eyebrow, then walked towards it. She saw a small girl with pink hair laying in a hospital gown. She’d never seen this girl before. Was she the one she was supposed to look after now?
She heard rustling and saw the pink haired girl sit up and rub her eyes. She yawned then stretched her arms upwards. “W-What happened? Where am I?” The girl’s voice was adorable. She had to have been around the ten to twelve range in age. Maybe even younger. Bunberry wasn’t sure, but the girl inside her gushed at how cute she looked.
“So you’re the Umbra Girl who kicked Dragon’s ass huh?” Bunberry tried to reassert herself. She didn’t want to dissolve into that girl again. No good would come of it.
“Hey! It wasn’t that bad.” Dragon’s pitiful attempt at saving face backfired as he winced a little in pain.
“That sounds pretty bad.”
“I’m fine. I’ll walk it off like I always do.” Bunberry shook her head, he was as stubborn as a mule. However, she knew better than to try to stop him. He’d learn the hard way himself after he landed back inside the hospital. She was interrupted from her thoughts as she heard rustling behind her and saw the pink haired girl rub her eyes. The girl yawned a second time, then looked at Bunberry with her eyes half closed.
“Wh-Who are…” The girl stopped mid sentence then immediately straightened out. “Oh. My. God. It’s you! It’s the cool girl with the sword!”
“How do you know about that? I don’t believe we’ve met.” Bunberry raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“You know, you went slash slash slash, ahhhhhhhhh blech!” she held her hand to her throat and Bunberry instantly remembered that gesture. She shot her head towards Raftilia.
“Raftilia!” Her anger was boiling inside of her.
“You do not get to use my name. Call me Boss, like the rest of them.” Bunberry shrugged her off.
“That doesn’t matter right now. You said the boy is incompatible! Did you lie to me?”
Raftilia looked quite annoyed at her. “I said the boy was completely incompatible. The girl, however, is perfect.”
“If only I had called for help sooner...”
“I’m actually glad you didn’t. This situation worked out perfectly. That girl, my dear Princess Bunberry, is a Sparkle.”
Immediately at those words Bunberry’s heart froze. “D-Did you say Sparkle?”
“Yes, isn’t it wonderful? We haven’t had one since we lost Dia—”
“Don’t say that name!” Bunberry was furious with anger and grief.
“Apologies. Either way, you are in charge of this girl’s training. Remember, protect her with your life. She might be the key to winning this war.”
“No, you can’t do this, Raftilia. A Sparkle and an Adaption? You c-can’t possibly be this cruel!” Tears fell from Bunberry’s eyes like rain. Her voice cracking between her gruff voice and her normal voice. As if she was being torn between her two personalities.
“I’m sorry, but you need to get over what happened. You are the best suited for this task, your ‘Stubborn’ Trait will guarantee her safety. I am sorry but there is no one else I can depend on to keep her safe.”
Bunberry walked over and slammed her fist into the nearest wall. “Damn it!”
Raftilia left before she could protest further, and Bunberry turned her head towards the confused and frightened child. She couldn’t imagine what was going on in that poor kid’s head. She didn’t hate ... Cherry was it? There were just some things he didn’t understand and she didn’t feel comfortable sharing. She sighed, then motioned towards Dragon. “Clean the kid up, take him to the canteen. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
She walked towards the exit, then turned to Cherry. “I’m sorry I failed you.” Before the transformed boy or Dragon could respond, Bunberry left the room.
With that, Bunberry left down the hall towards her room. She stopped at the door, there was still her old nameplate. It read “Princess Bunberry” in flowery letters with a heart for the dot on the i. She was hoping it had changed, but that part of her still existed. She pulled open the door and peered inside. The entire room was split in half, like night and day. There was a pink canopy bed, with stuffed animals, pink wallpaper, a soft pink carpet, and a vanity on the right side. On the left was a suit of armor, hardstone floors and walls, a calendar, walk-in closet, and several assorted weapons that hung on the wall, Finally, in the back was a bathroom with a large mirror above the sink, a bathtub/shower combo, and a toilet.
Bunberry walked into the bathroom, stripped off what she was wearing, and stepped into the shower. She watched as her hospital gown dissolved into the ground, then turned towards the showerhead and turned it on. The blast of warm water massaged her achy bones as she fell deep in thought.
She thought about her task, she was supposed to teach Cherry Sparkle how to survive. Cherry Sparkle… the kid just had to have been a Sparkle. She couldn’t help but think of the other Sparkle she knew and tears started to fall from her eyes. She shook her head. She didn’t want to remember that event. She didn’t want to remember what happened. She’d talk about it later with Fluffy Ruby.
She stepped out of the shower and dried herself off then walked to her closet. She wondered what outfit she’d get today as she walked inside. The clothes inside the closet were based on what she really, truly wanted. Not what she thought she wanted, but what she desired in her subconscious. Today it clothed her in an outfit more befitting a student than a teacher. A pink blazer with a white blouse, pink pleated skirt, white socks, and black mary janes. Her hair was straightened out and a single pink headband slid onto it. She sighed, that girl had won again.
Bunberry walked over to the calendar and flipped it open to the current date: June 7th, 2038. In three more weeks it will be the anniversary of… she didn’t want to think about it. She closed the calendar quickly and left the room. The hall seemed to stretch forever. It had a habit of getting longer any time a new recruit arrived, but it did eventually end. At the end of the hallway was a large hub. It had several chairs, and a few couches with a pull out sofa for weary heads. Purple flames surrounded it’s ceiling, along with that black wall and flooring that existed everywhere. There were three other hallways besides the one she just arrived from. Each one lead to a different place, on the left was Fluffy Ruby’s Therapy Room, in the center was the Command Center where the Shadow Gate was, and the terminal. Finally on the right was the Canteen, and right now she was glad to go get a bite to eat.
“Oh, it’s Princess Bunberry, what a pleasure to see you today. How are you?” Bunberry recognized that haughty and high pitched voice. She turned to face the speaker. Coarse Amethyst. Her skin was a light tinted brown, with purple hair and purple eyes to match. She wore a knee length red dress with a slit on the side for her stockings and heels. For some bizarre reason she believed that Adaptions were to blame for all the losses they’d suffered. The sad part was some of the girls had bought into her bullshit and they formed a little anti-Adaption group. They’d been trying to recruit Bunberry for months now, she refused every single time. She was glad she was alone this time as she didn’t want to deal with more than one of these imbeciles.
“I’m fine Coarse Amethyst, just got a new injury is all.” Coarse Amethyst scoffed as Bunberry spoke.
“Why must you use that horrid voice? Your real one is so much better.” Bunberry looked to the ceiling in frustration. The girl had such a stereotypical view of women and it pissed Bunberry off. “Also you know I prefer you to call me Amethyst, or Ame. My full name is rather droll.”
“Fine, Ame, now i need to go do my job so if you’ll excuse me.” Bunberry went to move past but she blocked her.
“Have you given any thought to my offer?”
“I have, and I still think it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Bye Ame, I’m going to catch some food.” Bunberry rushed past Ame before she could respond. She had enough of this nitwit.
There was a large chandelier in the center with various lamps of different colors surrounding it. Beautiful golden tables and booths littered about the area, along with a red carpet in between each walkway. On the sides were large water tanks filled with various fish and aquatic creatures. In the back was a golden bar counter with a shiny exterior. Several barstools sat in front of it. In the back of the bar counter was various liquids and mixing ingredients, along with dishes and silverware. Above was a blank screen that served as a menu. Sitting at the counter was the bartender/chef/waiter, he insisted on doing everything himself no matter how much other girls had offered to work for him. He looked to be in his thirties and was the only adult in the entire base. His skin was the color of ebony, his black hair was in long beautiful dreadlocks, and he had dark brown eyes. He wore what looked to be an expensive white double breasted suit with fancy white men’s dress shoes.
Remembering her mission, Bunberry looked around and didn’t see Cherry or Dragon, she let out a grunt then shook her head. She didn’t know what was taking so long but she figured she might as well get something to eat. She couldn’t go training a rookie on an empty stomach. She walked and sat down in front of the bar counter and the Bartender turned to her.
“If it isn’t Princess Bunberry. I heard you got hurt, but I’m glad you’re okay. I’d miss you terribly if anything happened to you.” His voice was kind and soft. You could tell he had only the most purest of intentions despite being the owner of a bar that served teenagers drinks and food. Though there was no alcohol allowed for Umbra Girls, which annoyed Dragon to no end. “So, what’s going on? Anything you want to tell old J.J.?”
Bunberry leaned against the counter and looked him straight in the eye, then took a deep breath.
“It started with a wheat field…”
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"You c-can’t possibly be this cruel!”
apparently, she can. I really worry about the kid . . .
Poor Cherry, and poor Bunberry ;_;
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Nice work so far
I like where you're going with this and you have some good relatable characters. Amethyst seems like a hateful and stuck-up bitch and a bit of a TERF and I'm a bit conflicted about that, given that that's my name and people usually call me Ame or Ames for short too. I sure hope she's not a cat-girl too, because that would just be a little too close to home. I'm not like her at all, I swear. ;)
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Oh no
I'm so sorry she shares your name. I absolutely did NOT mean that, please forgib ;_;
Back to story:
I'm so glad you're enjoying it, I know it's been a bit of world building which I hope wasn't too boring for you but next chapter will feature some cooler stuff, I hope you like it ♥
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Don't worry, I didn't think it was intentional, just amusing. ;)
It's just not often that I see anyone using my name for a character, it's not like I'm a Jennifer or a Sarah or something common. Girls with more normal names probably get that all the time. I know that Erin has an Amethyst in one of her stories that I really can relate to, but this the only other time I've seen someone use that for a character name.
I won't get on anyone's case about world building, it's actually much appreciated and it's something that I take pride in doing for my own writing as well. To relate to the characters a reader has to be able to have a solid feel for the world they live in and I love seeing other writers putting out that effort for their readers.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Oh okay
Well thank you again. You comments really make my day. All comments make my day. It makes me feel appreciated ♥
Oh and you'll get plenty of world building for me, I really enjoy world building. I just try not to do it tooooo much
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Late and Great
I'm quite late but I'm still here, enjoying your story. I really like the characters. They're all great, even Ame. She's great at being naughty.
I look forward to reading more. I'll be here.
Thanks and kudos (number 49).
- Terry
I'm glad you like them, I hope you enjoy the later ones too. I can't wait to show off more of the Umbra Girls and Umbra people :D I also can't wait to show off more luminescent heheheheheh :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I'm glad you like them, I hope you enjoy the later ones too. I can't wait to show off more of the Umbra Girls and Umbra people :D I also can't wait to show off more luminescent heheheheheh :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I'm glad you like them, I hope you enjoy the later ones too. I can't wait to show off more of the Umbra Girls and Umbra people :D I also can't wait to show off more luminescent heheheheheh :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
New chapter?
I've caught up the plot a bit before reading on. Doesn't "Ames" realise that internal dissent and bigotry weakens the Umbra Girls' efforts more than the Adaptions could?
Huh, the unintended name borrowing can be funny.
- JJ.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."