Midnight Prowl

Midnight Prowl

Dedicated to my editor msblackandblue, she is the light in my life, and has helped me accomplished things I never thought were possible.

What’s that? You want to hear that story again? But I told you it last week. Fine fine, I’ll tell it again, calm down.

It was a dark, damp night, the shadows stretched as if to beckon me towards them. The streets were wet from the drizzle, fresh moss growing in between the cracks. The buildings of mortar, brick, glass, and concrete towered above me like the Goddess herself. Along the street, lamps served as beacons offering respite from the inevitable, evercroaching darkness. Homeless folk stood with cardboard signs on every second block. I couldn’t help but feel bad for them, but sometimes you just didn’t have enough money for them all. It felt cruel to choose who got to eat tonight, but with the endless wave of the homeless, there was no way to help them all. Unless you were Bill Gates or some other rich bastard.

“Hey David, I’ll be home soon okay? I’m just going to go get us some dinner,” I said into my cell phone, then hung up. The night air tickled across my cheeks, and blew across my thigh under my tight ebony black skirt. I pulled my black purse over my shoulder, then wrapped my crimson jacket over my equally red blouse. I needed the extra heat to protect my thin wispy medium tan arms. My choice of wearing black stockings with red heels, wasn’t exactly the smartest, but, as every girl learns, beauty before practicality. Besides it made me feel sexy as hell. What’s that mean? Don’t worry about it.

Deciding I was sick of walking along the sidewalks to my destination, I curved into the nearest alley as a shortcut. It is quite dangerous for a woman to be out at night, doubly so to be in the unsafe clutches of the alley ways, but my brother was hungry so I decided the quickest way would be the best.

Although it would get me to the store quicker, the thing I did NOT enjoy was the constant scent of feces and piss. It seemed that more than one of the drunkards had passed out in this alley had relieved themselves. It was disgusting, and I had to hold my nose to stop the rancid smell’s assault. I just had to be quick, just grab a quick bite, bring it home, then I could forget all about this. I could take ten showers and wash my clothes and it’d be like I never even entered this disgusting maze of filth. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a loud scream.

“PLEASE! Don’t hurt me, please, oh God, please HELP ME!!” a woman’s voice cried out. Without thinking I ran towards it. Luckily I had a lot of experience running in heels. I emerged onto a street and saw, in another alley across from me, I saw a glimpse of a woman huddling and scared. I crossed the street, making my way to the alley entrance. In cities, sometimes alleyways would lead to a little alcove in between four buildings. It was sometimes shaped like a half circle, sometimes a full circle. This particular one was a half circle. The woman was cowering against the wall and three armed men were slowly circling her like sharks in the water.

“Well look at what we have here fellas?” the apparent leader said. He had vanilla white skin, and his head was covered by a do-rag, with baggy jeans and a white wife beater. He held a machete, while his other drones—who were dressed similarly and also of the white complexion—had guns. “We were expecting a snack, now we’re gonna get a full meal.”

They chortled slimily and encroached upon us.  I looked to the girl. Her long blonde hair was covering half her face, her beautiful blue eyes, and her creamy white skin. She wore a full black goth lolita outfit, complete with the frilly skirt, platform shoes, and belts in places belts don’t normally go. Only thing out of place was a pink knapsack that laid at her feet. However looking at her I felt something familiar. Then it came to me.

“Jessica, what the heaven are you doing here?” I asked her, my eyes exhausted. Of course it was Jessica, she’d been getting herself in danger a lot lately. I had no idea what was going through that girl’s head.

“Wh-what are you talking about? I’m just a helpless bystander woman. I in no way did this on purpose,” she said. Jessica always was a terrible liar. This had to have been the fifth, no sixth time she’d done this. I was very annoyed with her. The men however looked at both of us confused.

“Uhhh, have you forgotten we are here or something?” the leader asked. “We’re still go—”

I put my hand up to his face to shush him. “We’ll play later, right now I need to talk to my ‘friend,’” I said with gritted teeth.

“Okay okay, fine, yeah it’s me. But how else am I supposed to get your attention?” she pouted. I rubbed my temples.

“You could just ask for my number or something? Like Goddess, girl, do you really nee—” before I could finish, one of the douchebags grabbed my arm.

“Don’t ignore us!” the minion exclaimed, pulling me towards him. I sighed, then grabbed his arm, and crashed him onto the floor.

“Now, as I was saying, Jessica you really need to stop doing this,” I scolded. I really shouldn’t have as that seemed to make her all the more happy. By the Goddess this chick was weird. 

“Okay I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but you better quit ignoring us lady,” the leader commanded. No one commands me, no one except my Goddess, and this man was clearly not her. I guess it was time to play after all.

“Stay back, you know the drill.” I said turning to Jessica. She nodded, then I gave off a deep sigh as I dropped my jacket and took off my blouse, and then my bra.

“I mean, I thought we were going to have to do this the hard way. But if you’re offering I’m up for a little one on one action,” the sleazebag said with a chuckle. I ignored him then took off my skirt, leaving only my underwear. If I wanted to preserve my outfit, I had to strip. The stockings I could always replace, same with the underwear, but I really REALLY liked that top, jacket and skirt. So I didn’t want to wreck them. Looking over to Jessica her face had turned a shade of red that had not yet been invented. She was cute, if a bit stupid.

He excitedly started unbuttoning his jeans. “Hell yes, I can’t wait to see how you are in the sack,” he chortled. Then I looked at him and laughed.

“Dude, you have totally misunderstood this situation. I’m not going to have sex with you,” I said. My human ears sucked into my head with a slurp, and my real ears grew out of the top as two violet purple cat ears. My eyes fizzled as my red cat eyes emerged. My human skin bubbled away, and my true thin light plum purple fur emerged. The skin from my hands dissolved and revealed three foot long claws that were razor sharp. My legs ripped the stockings apart as with a crack, they bent backwards and changed into purple forelimbs. My feet melted away from five human toes, to three claws with sharp nails. A long fluffy purple tail ripped through my panties. It felt so good to take on my true form. Hiding who you really are takes such a toll on your soul. “I’m going to kill you and eat you.”

“What the fu—” the man exclaimed as I sliced off his dick, then shoved it in his mouth. Blood poured from his genital region, I shoved my claws into where his penis and balls should have been, then ripped him open from his center, spilling his entrails on the floor. His eyelids rapidly closed, as he bit onto his tongue, and fell to the floor in pieces.

His crony became afraid and opened fire, his bullets did hurt a little, and normally this would probably put a large cat down, but I was far from normal. I pounced onto him and bit his head clean off, his arms twitching and convulsing. “Mmm, tasty,” I said, crunching on his skull, and savoring his brain. What? Did it taste like chicken? What, no, I—fine, yes it tasted like chicken now stop interrupting me.

I finished chewing the bones, as the last one finally got up from the ground. He shook his head to get his consciousness back, then surveyed the destruction I had caused. He looked to me, and with shaky hands help up his gun, his fingers twitching on the trigger.

“You don’t want to do that,” I warned. Ignoring my warning, he fired, and I rolled my eyes. “Dude, if you hadn't done that, I might have let you live.”

He fell backwards, holding his hands out as if to block me. I walked over and sliced off his fingers with one swipe. He attempted to scream as I sliced his head in half. His tongue flapped around as the upper part of his jaw fell to the floor, and he crumbled on the ground like jenga blocks. I turned to Jessica and like all the other times she was giddy with joy. She squealed like a teenage girl meeting her idol. “YOU ARE SO COOOOOL!”

“Jessica, why are you even here? You could have taken those guys by yourself. You’re a Ranger for heaven’s sake,” I remarked looking her in the eye. All her joy seeped out of her as she sheepishly looked to the floor. Refusing to look me in the eye, she muttered to herself quiet enough I couldn’t hear it fully. “What are you saying, spit it out.”

“I said, I LIKE IT BETTER WHEN YOU RESCUE ME!” she yelled and I was taken aback. She realized what she had just declared and quickly huddled in her corner.

“Aren’t you supposed to kill people like me or something? So why do you want me to rescue you? You’re an odd one, Jessica,” I remarked.

“Who cares about that? You’re worth it. Besides, the Ranger organization isn’t exactly the kindest to people like me,” she said forlornly. I raised an eyebrow, why would they have a problem with her?

“I’m trans, and they think I should just stay a man..” she said with tears. I was about to kill a bitch. Why would they care about that? “They want me to detransition, they said I couldn’t serve humanity as a freak when I’m supposed to kill freaks.”

“Well, I think you’re a beautiful woman,” I said, then blushed, myself. I don’t know what made me confess to her right there, but I just couldn’t help it. She seemed so down and I wanted to cheer her up. She looked to her phone, then all the color drained from her face. “What happened, are you okay?”

“The-they’re going to force me to go to cure my ‘sickness.’ I just got told to report to their laboratory,” she said with fear. I had no idea what went on in that twisted organization. What the heaven did that laboratory mean? Seeing my confusion she decided to explain. “They’re going to perform a cleansing on me, just like they did Jasmine. Or… Michael I guess she’s now.”

“What the FUCK?! Oh heaven no, that ain’t happening,” I said with fury. “Absolute screw that, I’m taking you home. Gather your things, but let me get the rest of my food first.”

I unhinged my jaw, and it landed to the floor with a crash. Like an automatic rover I sucked up all three of the corpses into my mouth. Flesh, bones, and all, I crunched them down, and swallowed. Our race was magickal so it wasn’t a problem to just eat three people like kthat and only have a small bump that made me look pregnant. Our digestive system worked far better than a human’s and allowed us to eat large meals with little trouble. Only time I actually got a stomach ache was when I devoured that entire gang that had kidnapped Jessica. I wondered if she had somehow done that on purpose too.

I transformed back into my human disguise, put back on my clothes, then took Jessica’s hand and she held little protest. I dragged her towards the exit of that alley, as suddenly three men in full standard Ranger gear blocked our path. They were dressed in black suits that looked like something out of a Will Smith movie complete with the shades and black ties. They looked ridiculous, the devices they held however were not a joke. Neutralizers, they called them, a gun with two prongs on the end. It generated a special energy that had the ability to not only pierce my skin, but blow right through it. I was going to have to be careful. They bullied us back into the alley, they didn’t want witnesses either.

“Benjamin Chrysler, you are to come with us,” they said, speaking towards Jessica. So that was her previous name? What a terrible name for a girl. “And that THING, is to be neutralized.”

“For the record, my name is Camelia not ‘thing’,” I said. They looked at me with confusion. I tried to call their bluff. “Secondly, never underestimate a Nyaemon.”

What does that mean? It’s like a cat plus demon. Our Goddess got a little too into Japanese anime and renamed us that. HEY! It’s not funny, okay maybe it’s a little funny, calm down though it’s time for me to keep going. 

I wasn’t sure if I could survive being shot by all three of them, but I didn’t have a choice in the matter. They fired, but before the beams could hit me Jessica threw me aside and jumped in front of them.

“NO!” I screamed out, but noticed despite her clothes being a little singed, she was unharmed. She was saved by a bizarre design choice that apparently allowed humans to be immune to the effect of the neutralizer.

“Benjamin, what the hell are you doing?” the leader asked.

“I’m doing what I feel is right,” she exclaimed, then clinged to my side. “And FYI my name is JESSICA, asshole!”

“Benjamin, you are betraying humanity. You need to accept your role as a Ranger and come with us. We will make you better,” Cameron pleaded. I growled, as suddenly my phone beeped. I picked it up and saw a text from David, what perfect timing.

“I believe I told you not to underestimate us,” I said with a smirk.

“What are you talking about, wait did you just say us?” As soon as Cameron finished his sentence, a claw swiped upwards from his trunk through his skull, peeling him like string cheese. My baby brother had decided to catch up to me because he wanted a slurpee and he always likes them fresh. He was a pain in the ass but I was grateful for him this time. Sure I could have taken them down but again I LIKED this outfit. Where my fur was purple, his was black. His claws were a bit longer as was common of males of my species. His tail was not fluffy like mine, but instead was long and sleek, like a short haired house cat. He always told me he was jealous of my tail, but that was just how things were, unfortunately for guys. His eyes were also green compared to my red. In the dark of night it is near impossible to see a Nyaemon, especially a male. Didn’t I just tell you to stop laughing?

“What the fuck is th—” Before he could finish, David slit his throat three fourths of the way through. The man’s neck bobbled as he grasped at it trying to gasp for air. The other man had no time to react as he pounced from the dying man’s body, and with a quick downward slice, he shaved off the man’s arms. He’d have screamed if David hadn’t stuck his claws into his mouth then ripped open his head. The three of them now dead, he took his turn to suck up the evidence. Whereas I looked pregnant, the world would just see him as a fat man. He transformed back to a human, then walked back to apparently where his clothes were.  His dark brown eyes, just like mine, matched his equally brown skin. He got dressed in his dungarees and a shirt depicting an anime he called Toe key oh mew mew, or something. Just like our Goddess, David was an otaku. He specialized in the catgirl variety, which was bizarre because no Nyaemon on the planet looked like that. If you don’t stop laughing right now, I’m going to turn this story right around.

Now as I was saying, I was glad the Goddess never got too into that. I’d hate to be turned into the anime version of a catgirl, I like my fur.

“Hey sis, did you get me my slurpee yet?” he asked. Of course he was more focused on that. “Who's the lady? She gonna be a snack for later? She looks tasty.”

“No, no she’s not,” I said. Pulling her close to me she turned a shade of red even more intense than the first time. “We’re gonna take her in. I’ll tell you later.”

“Wait, what? A human? Are you insane? Nyania would never allow it!” he exclaimed. The Goddess used to have another name, but she changed it to this more animeish name or at least that’s how she put it. I knew he was right, but I was going to try to persuade her anyway. Nyania was not a cruel Goddess, she was and is quite kind. I was more than willing to be converted, as was my brother. Sometimes though he seemed unhappy with his form. Maybe he wished he could have been one of those anime cat boys instead. I’m sure the Goddess could grant it, if he wanted it enough.

“I’m the eldest, you know how it works,” I reminded him. He relented, but only reluctantly. Jessica, however, came up next to him while holding something out.

“I-I have Twinkies if you want some,” she said and he immediately perked up. She kneeled down to take her backpack off, then rummaged through it. She took out an assortment of Twinkies, strawberry flavored, normal, and my favorite, chocolate.

“OMIGAWD! I love Twinkies! Okay I approve,” he said and ripped open the package for his prize. He ate them with the energy of a small child, but then I felt kinda jealous. Twinkies were like the Goddess’ gift to humanity. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a different species or if I loved them this much as a human, but they tasted as if they were ambrosia in dessert form.

“Hey! Give me a chocolate Twinkie too, I saved your ass!” I commanded. She looked me in the eyes, then with one hand reached into her backpack and took it out. Despite loving to be in control, the thought of the savory, sugary, and sweet taste of the Twinkie made me melt in her arms. I would have done literally anything for that Twinkie. She looked confused, then smiled, and opened the package. She fed it to me in my mouth, despite how humiliating it was, it was sooooo good. I started purring then suddenly shot myself upward feeling incredibly embarrassed. I had lost all power in that situation and I couldn’t let her get the wrong idea. I turned down to her, and patted her head, and her face nearly exploded in red. “Good girl.”

“Y-you’re welcome mistress.” She said then held her mouth closed. I realized then that she thought of me in a sort of dominant position. I couldn’t deny it though, I did like ordering her around. Saving her wasn’t all bad, it felt good to treat her this way.

“Anyway, we need to get home,” I said and David pouted.

“B-but what about the slurpee?” he begged. I groaned and massaged my temples.

“Fine, we’ll get the slurpee first,” I said.

“Yay!” he said like a little girl and skipped ahead. I shook my head and walked the rest of the way towards the gas station, which originally was my destination. A little Shell Station out there on the edge of the block, just waiting to milk the money out of any drivers that needed their services. I walked inside, as David bounded towards the slurpee aisle, if I didn’t know better I’d have thought he was a child. Jessica stayed close to my side however, looking at me with big sad puppy-like eyes. I rolled my eyes then took her hand in mine. She seemed to almost walk on air with how happy she was.

We took the food, then walked to a place more hidden. We didn’t want to alert any more Rangers. They’d be looking for us soon as their squadron won’t be able to report back. Seeing an opening, I took out my cat statue from my purse, and put it on the ground. The statue began to glow as it filled with a pink energy. The pink energy shot out a foot wide beam out of the cat statue that opened up a large glowing portal.

“So that’s how you always disappear,” Jessica said, dumbfounded. I just smirked. A Ranger would never know about our statues, they could never get them to work. They’d just think they were some kind of ceremonial device, and probably throw them away or have them destroyed. Rangers weren’t as smart as they thought they were.

“Get in,” I commanded her. She yelped, then nodded, and leaped inside. David went in after her, and I entered in last, picking up the cat statue on my way in. Right outside the portal was a large brown house. The walls looked worn but taken care of. You could see some visible shingles about ready to fall from the roof. In front of the door was a welcome mat. The door was hardwood, with a golden cat face knocker. It was the only thing that looked remotely expensive on the entire house.

“Welcome Carmelita, David—” the knocker said, suddenly coming to life. David looked visibly uncomfortable. I started to wonder if Jessica really bothered him that much. Then my attention was turned back to the cat face as it looked over Jessica. “—and… guest.”

“Look, we know the rules, Ichigo. Let Nyania know we have a human with us,” I said. For now, anyway, its name was Ichigo. It’s had many other names before, one of which was Sprinkles. The knocker nodded then disappeared. The door slowly swung open and I pulled Jessica in with David half skipping in behind us. Inside our noses were assaulted by various scented candles placed on small decorative tables on each corner of the front room. Taking off my heels, the carpet felt so soft on my feet, I longed to transform back to feel my paws on the fluffy flooring but it wasn’t yet time. To make matters worse It also made for good scratching, as it fully regenerated no matter what we did to it. Billy once attempted to test this by lighting it on fire. It burnt it away for a few minutes, but then reformed completely back. The Goddess transformed him into a mouse boy for a year as punishment for that ‘experiment’. We weren’t allowed to eat him, but we were permitted to nibble. What? Yes I took a bite. He tasted good, don’t judge me.

There was a large incline, with hand railings for the disabled, that led to the upper floor. Two large double doors were in the middle with two more inclines headed upwards at the left and right. At least two seemingly endless hallways were on the west, north, and east areas of both the top and bottom areas. Doors littered each hallway, as each of us was given separate or joint rooms like mine and David’s. I could tell what Jessica was thinking after surveying everything.

“How does a tiny house look this big?” she asked and I smiled.

“It’s bigger on the inside. She also is a Doctor Who fangirl and wanted it to be like the Tardis. Our Goddess is a bit of a whimsical deity. Jeez I remember when we all had to dress up as the Doctor’s companions,” I said with disdain. “Ugh then there was the time we all got turned into girl scouts. That was ‘fun’. David had a blast, though. It was fun seeing him so happy despite being a little girl in a silly uniform. I also did his nails, and he really enjoyed it.”

David blushed heavily from that. I knew he’d be embarrassed by that. I loved teasing my little brother. He was pretty feminine but that was allowed around here. Gender roles weren’t really a thing, so boys could like girly stuff like my brother, and girls could like boyly stuff. What? Boyly isn’t a word? Well, it is now.

“Wait till you see his room. It’s covered in anime catgirls. He really likes them,” I said, giggling a little at him. “I bet if you found a girlfriend who was willing, you could ask the Goddess to turn you into a catboy and her into a catgirl. I know how much you like them.”

David immediately looked downtrodden at those words. I couldn’t figure out what I’d done to make him so upset. Perhaps he just didn’t like catgirls as much as I thought. “I’m sorry David, I still love you ,okay? You'll always be my brother,” I said, and he looked even more upset. I just couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but I knew what would cheer him up however. I motioned to Jessica, and then to her pack. She nodded, then took out a strawberry Twinkie, and handed it to him. He immediately perked up and ate it happily. Jessica looked at him concernedly, but it was time to go approach the Goddess. We’d have to deal with my brother’s bad mood later.

We walked up the incline, and to the large double doors. The doors opened on their own. She was expecting us. We walked in and were immediately assaulted by the scent of fresh cherries, strawberries, and oranges. One short golden pathway led up to her golden throne. On the sides of the pathways were cherry, strawberry, and orange trees almost like out of an Animal Crossing game. Sitting on the throne was our Goddess, and she looked fast asleep in her full bubble gum pink fur, over which she wore an anime school uniform with a white anime-style blouse, red ribbon, and blue pleated skirt. Upon her head was a beautiful golden princess crown. Her crown had a sapphire, and emerald embedded on the right side, a pink topaz and onyx on the left side, and in the center was resting a large ruby. It was a crown fit for a princess. She said she preferred being a princess to being a queen, so we just went with it. She was curled up on her throne and it looked quite adorable. We walked down the pathway while Jessica was star struck as we approached our sleeping Goddess. Hearing our footsteps she awoke, then with a loud yawn she turned her head towards us. Immediately she leaped from her throne and hugged me.

“Carmelita! It’s so good to see you!” she said excitedly. I forced a smile.

“Hello Goddess, how are you? Watch any good anime recently?” I asked, unfortunately that had been a huge mistake. Her eyes went wide and she squealed loudly and nodded. Then she grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me behind her throne, which led to a downward staircase.

“OH YES! SO MANY! Oh, Carmelita, I can’t wait to show you!” she exclaimed, as she continued to pull me behind her towards a familiar door. Like her throne it was made of pure gold. It had the same jewels as her crown encrusted on it’s edges. The only thing different was a plaque in the middle of her door that said “Subs>Dubs.” I wondered what we had done to deserve this. She yanked me inside.

Her personal room was far less tidy than her throne room. The room had gold flooring and gold walls, it had a gorgeous bubblegum pink canopy bed in between the middle and the doorway. It had fluffy gold colored pillows, not actual gold, that were more comfortable than you could ever dream. I know, she had let me sleep in her bed once. I had never slept so well in my life. There was a large gold rimmed wide screen 85 inch 8k ultra HD smart led TV set up in the back. It had a Sonos Playbase that had gorgeous sound quality. In front of her bed was a large bubblegum pink bean bag chair which she used to watch her anime. Hooked up to it was a PS4 which she had a large golden shelve case that held her myriad of games on the top shelf, her anime on the bottom shelves. Then there was her blu-ray player with which she watched her anime. The place looked incredible, what didn’t look so incredible was the massive mess. Her bed was in disarray, with Twinkie wrappers laid haphazardly on it. On the floor there were empty chip bags all over the place. And on her desk were countless bottles of Gatorade. She really really liked Gatorade, specifically the Glacial Freeze flavor.

“Sorry about the mess,” she said. “You know how it gets, sometimes. You just get so into it that you forget what time it is, or how much you’ve eaten, hehe.”

“Of course, Goddess,” I responded. It wasn’t like there was any way I could complain.

“Jeez Carmelita do you always have to be so formal? Just call me Nyania, I consider you a close friend,” she said.

“Okay, Nyania, we need to talk,” I said. “ I brou—”

“Oh is this about that human? Don’t worry about it, I’ve already taken care of it. She’s being escorted out as we speak,” she said and I was livid.

“WHAT THE FUCK?! Why the heaven would you do that? I was trying to save her, her fellow humans are going to do unspeakable things to her,” I yelled at her.

“You know the rules, Carmelita, humans are not allowed. Remember the last time we let one in?” she asked. I looked sheepishly to the floor. She wasn’t wrong, we had let a human stay with us. We took them in, in good will, and they tried to steal our gold and get away back to their world. They didn’t succeed, obviously. They did taste delicious, though. You already asked what they taste like. Yes, chicken, now be quiet.

“She’s NOT like them Nyania!” I tried to say, but she shook her head. I turned away in rage, and stormed out of her room.

“Wait, Carmelilta, don’t leave!” she begged, but I ignored her. I angrily stomped towards David. He wasn’t there at the gates

“Carmy I did everything I could, please… don’t hate me, I’m sorry,” he begged. “I couldn’t stop them from taking her.”

“I know, it’s okay David,” I said and patted his head. He purred lightly and nuzzled up to me. “It’s not your fault.”

“Carm—” Nyania started to say but I cut her off.

“That stupid BITCH of a Goddess kicked her out. So now, I have to go find her,” I yelled towards Nyania’s direction as she appeared around her throne. She looked hurt, but I didn’t care. I had to save Jessica from a fate worse than death. I shoved the double doors open, and ran down the stairs to the main door.

“Carmelita STOP!” Nyania called out, and suddenly I couldn’t move. She had frozen me in place. “Stop this instant! What the heaven are you doing? She’s just a human!”

“That’s where you’re wrong Nyania,” I said to her, tears flowing from my eyes. “Jessica’s not just any human, she’s MY human.”

She looked forlorn, then released her hold on me. “Do whatever you want, I won’t stop you. Just please, try not to get yourself killed… I-I don’t want to lose you,” she said with watery eyes.

“I don’t intend to die, I’m going to find her, and I'm going to kill any one who gets in my way,” I said, then rammed the door open. I reached into my pack for my cat statue as David came to my side. He huffed and took deep breaths. Luckily both of us had digested our food by now, and our bellies had returned to normal or he’d be in worse shape; it’s not easy carrying around three humans while running.

“Carmy please don’t leave me,” he begged. His eyes went wide and they reminded me of a child. “I-I don’t want to be alone, I-I want to go with you.”

I sighed, then an idea started to churn as I thought of a way to get rid of him. “Okay, you can come,” I said and he perked up. “And on the way you can tell me exactly what’s been bothering you. You’ve been distant the entire time little brother. I can tell I’ve said something to upset you, so I’m sure we’ll have MUCH to talk about.”

“I-I-I can’t, Carmy I can’t. I’m so sorry I can’t!” he yelled then ran away crying. I hated myself for doing that, but this wasn’t his fight. This was my responsibility.

I took out the cat statue and activated the portal. Stepping back into the human world, luckily no one had seen me. I didn’t want to have to kill anyone that wasn’t trying to harm Jessica. The portal took me back behind that Shell station.

“LET ME GO!” I heard Jessica’s voice scream.

“This is for your own good, Benjamin,” an unknown male said. I turned my head around the corner and saw countless Rangers the color of ghosts surrounding her. I couldn’t go in charging, I’d have to follow and wait for an opportunity. Sure, I could take ten, maybe fifteen of them, but then what? Even then I knew I was just overinflating my numbers to make me seem badass.

“PLEASE! Don’t! You can’t do this, it’s inhumane!” Jessica yelled, as they ignored her. There was a loud thump as one of them knocked her out with a sharp downward chop. Then they dragged her away, as I followed closely. Finally stopping at the side of a large hill, I hid nearby in the brush. I hoped my catlike grace and hearing had let me remain undetected. The leader of the group pressed a button on a remote he brought out of his suit pocket, when suddenly, without sound, the side of the hill slid open. Fortune seemed to be on my side, as a young woman had straggled far behind the group. Apparently she had gone to pee. Before she could rejoin, I yoinked her backwards and covered her mouth.

“If you want to live you’ll be quiet,” I whispered into her ear. She nodded, then I hit her hard on the back of her head, knocking her out cold. I dragged her into a bush, then disrobed her. Luckily her clothes didn’t fit too badly on me. I put on the black glasses, put the neutralizer on my hip, and quickly caught up to them. They didn’t seem to notice my presence and we all went inside and the wall closed behind us.

It was extraordinary, the entire base from top to bottom was covered in metal. It was a long incline downward that served as a corridor. Glowing wires snaked along the ceilings leading to  numerous computer rooms on the left and right sides. Past the tech rooms there were gyms and training areas also on the left and right sides. I saw ice cream skinned adolescent Rangers practicing with a Bo as an instructor was showing them how to hit it properly. Next were medical rooms, with several medical beds set up, and machines of unknown purpose. A pale doctor dressed in a blue lab coat was putting a strange mechanical device that had wires and metal sticking out of it on a Ranger’s head. It looked like a headpiece you’d expect out of a body swap movie. Finally, at the end of the corridor was a single door with the nameplate “Master Red.” Most of the squadron had left. Only myself, Jessica, and three Rangers continued forward.

Jessica was dragged towards that door, as the leader input a keycode into it. The door opened and we were ushered inside. The room was massive and was decorated with countless monster corpses that had been stuffed and put on display. In the back was a large cross, with white Jesus hanging from it looking at us judgingly. To the left of it was a Confederate battle flag, and to it’s right was an American flag. A singular desk, that had a red swivel chair facing away from us, was in front of it. On the desk was a large Bible on the left side, with a MAGA hat that was resting on top of it. An ink pen and quill was on the right, next to a neutralizer, and a large machete.

“So our prodigal son has returned,” a man with a deep heavily southern voice said. Then he swiveled to face us. His hair was greying, wrinkles adorned his brow and face. A singular deep scar was over his right eye, and an eye patch over his left. He had a mashed potatoes complexion, with large hands, and an equally large physique. He wore a red suit whereas the rest of the Rangers all wore black. He surveyed us, including Jessica, her lolita dress torn in shreds, and her eyes full of tears. He smiled and then waved his hand. “Strip him, I will not let an abomination sully our great name.”

I had to steady my hand as they removed her clothes. I couldn’t stand her crying, but I had to be patient. I had to wait for my chance to strike. Then without warning he picked up the neutralizer and shot me. I fell to the floor as piercing pain wracked my body. He got up out of his desk, and then walked over to me, overseeing me with a wicked smile.

“Girl, you got to be the dumbest creature on the planet. You think we let someone of YOUR color in here?” he said. Suddenly I was reminded of all the Rangers I’d ever seen. Every single one of them had been fifty shades of white. Of course I stood out like a sore thumb, this wasn’t just a monster hunting group, it was a goddessblessing white supremacist organization.

“Sorry, I was looking for a Rangers’ guild. I didn’t realize I walked into a motherfucking KKK convention,” I spat out. In retaliation he swung his foot swiftly at my side, causing blood to spurt out of my mouth.

“You think you’re funny, girl? What are you anyway? Skinwalker? Doppelganger?” he asked, surveying my soon to be corpse. Then suddenly it looked like a lightbulb had popped over his head. “You’re a Nyaemon! I know that look anywhere. Get up, I know you ain't dead yet.”

I crawled to my feet with deep breaths, as the hole he shot in me slowly closed up. “Nice guess, what now? You kill me, hang me as one of your trophies and take poor Jessica here and brainwash her like you did Jasmine?” I asked. He let out a hearty cruel chuckle.

“My girl, there is no such thing as transgender, it’s a liberal hoax. He only thinks he is because he watches that blasted CNN,” he gritted his teeth. “If I had only seen the signs sooner, I could have beaten him straight. I blame myself, I should have raised him better. His mother would be ashamed of me, God bless her soul.”

I realized then that Jessica was his daughter, his child. This bastard was going to do unspeakable things to his own kin? Rangers really were as horrible as Nyania said they were. “So you’re going to torture your own child? Just so you can brainwash her into being an incorrigible asshole like you? Nyania almighty, humans really are scum,” I said. I was answered with a stomp on my face. Fucking heaven, it hurt so bad.

“Dadd-Dad please. Don’t hurt her, let her go. She never harms good people, only bad people like rapists and serial killers,” Jessica pleaded. He gave a thin smile, then yanked her by her hair, and slammed her face into the ground.

“Don’t you DARE try to justify that damned freak. She must have gotten into your head. Don’t worry my boy, we’ll have the devil’s curse broken on you soon,” he said confidently. Then he grabbed the machete, yanked her head upwards, and sliced off her hair. “I should have done this sooner, long hair on a man is unbecoming. I was too soft with you because of your mother. That ends today. You will begin training this time on omega setting. I’m going to beat into you your duty as a man in the eyes of God.”

Jessica wailed and rage filled my very being. Fuck patience, fuck waiting for the right opportunity, to heaven with everything. I liked this outfit, but I liked Jessica more. I transformed, ripping my clothes into pieces. “DUCK!” I yelled to Jessica and she nodded. As soon as I saw her head duck under, I sliced horizontally with deadly precision. Their headless bodies grasped futilely at the air, as if to stop them from falling as they crumpled at my feet. Two down, one to go.

“Satan’s WHORE! I’ll make you pay for that!” The old man fired another shot into my side, which sent me crashing to the wall. My rage wasn’t enough. I was going to die. He was going to hit the only weakness of a Nyaemon. He pointed his gun at my head, specifically my nose. “Time to die hellspawn.” What? Shooting in the head is the weak point of everything? Are you going to listen to me finish this story or not? That’s what I thought.

I closed my eyes and waited for the inevitable. “Get the fuck away from my girlfriend, DAD!” Jessica’s yelled, emphasizing dad in a mocking way. I heard a thump, and then a loud crash. As I felt a soft hand grasp my paw, my eyes shuttered open, and I saw Jessica. She was holding the thick bible, and to the right of her was her father face first on the ground. “Sorry Carmelita, it’s my turn to save you this time,” she said and smirked. At that moment I realized just how much I loved her. I loved her little games, I loved saving her, and I loved holding her in my arms.

“That’s mistress to you Jessica,” I playfully asserted as I pulled her head towards mine. She reciprocated and kissed me. Human or Nyaemon, it seemed like Jessica was still into me. I blushed myself but hid it, because I couldn’t let her see my weakness. I broke the kiss, then held her in front of me. “Let’s get out of this heaven hole.”

She nodded, then took my purse and slung it over her arm. I grabbed her hand tightly and ran as fast as I could while also making sure I didn’t hurt her from going too fast. An alarm sounded after we got halfway down the hallway. We kept running as Rangers were on our tail. Neutralizer shots blasted outward like lights in a rave party. One hit me in the arm, but I ignored the pain, I had to keep going. I was NEVER going to allow them to do anything to harm her ever again.

After we escaped the base, I motioned for my purse, and she tossed it into my paws. I slammed it down and a portal appeared. I tried to yank her in, as a young man grabbed onto her. His pull was strong, and being caught off guard I lost my grip and her hand slipped from mine. “NO! Please let me take her! They’re going to do horrible things to her!”

She fought and struggled as the young man held her down. “Michael?! Please let me go, I can’t be here anymore,” she cried as she attempted to break his hold. I didn’t want to kill that poor boy, he didn’t deserve what happened to him, but I was going to save Jessica, no matter the cost. I moved forward to strike.

“NO! Please don’t hurt him! It’s not his fault, he can’t help it!” she begged. I relented, but the boy seemed to also let his strength go a bit. I looked in his eyes and tears fell from them as he struggled to let go of her, yet also holding her tight. A fierce battle was going on in that young man’s mind.

“P-p-ple-ea-se, ki-ll me,” he stuttered out. In his eyes I saw a glint of the woman he once was. Jasmine was still alive, she still existed even if only a fraction left. She was fighting so hard, but was starting to give up. I sighed as I realized what I’d have to do. I raised my claw in the air.

“NO! Please don’t do it Carmelita! Don’t kill him!” Jessica begged, but I didn’t relent. I slammed my paw downward breaking his grip, causing him to stumble backwards and fall to the floor. I picked the Ranger up, while she was still in shock from my attack, then threw her into the portal. Next I picked Jessica up bridal style, then kicked the cat statue inside. Immediately after I leapt into the portal before it closed.

After we were safe I put Jessica down then gave her a glare. “Why would you think I’d harm her? Do you think so little of me? I thought I was your mistress, I thought you trusted me. Was I wrong in that assertion?” I asked. She yelped, then looked to the floor sheepishly. I gave her an affirming nod and she slumped away. I enjoyed dominating her, I could tell she enjoyed it too, despite her protests.

“But why did you bring him in here?” she asked and I glared again.

“Did you not listen to me the first time about trusting my judgment? Goddess girl, you are going to be a piece of work I can tell, I’m gonna have to fix that aren’t I?” I said and she gulped.

“N-no. Sorry, mistress,” She gasped at the unexpected flirtation and looked away, blushing. The corner of her mouth twitched in a restrained smile despite the seriousness of the situation. I caught her chin in my paw, and gently forced her head back to stare into my eyes.

“As I was about to say, it is clear something horrible happened to this poor girl. She’s not gone entirely, I saw her in there. I KNOW she’s still in there. I’m hoping Nyania can reverse it,” I said. Then I heard a familiar cough behind me.

“What exactly are you hoping I can reverse, young lady?” a familiar voice said. I gulped and turned around. Nyania stood there, tapping her foot, and crossing her arms. I feared that I wasn’t in her good graces anymore.

“Goddess, I can explain,” I said, but she shushed me with her paw.

“You’ve broken the rules twice, no THRICE today. You were so well-behaved, better than anyone, are you really going to throw it all away for a human?” she asked. She looked me up and down as if to scan for any abnormalities. “Did you get hit on the head? Tell me what has caused you to do this!”

“I-I did it f-for lo-lo—,” I tried to say it but I couldn’t. Besides we were so early into the relationship, it was a bit too soon for the L-word. We hadn’t even established a proper relationship yet according to human standards, and I didn’t want to rush too fast and overwhelm the poor girl.

“So that’s it, you’re possessed by your heart,” Nyania sighed and rubbed her temples. “Girl, you’re going to be the death of me.”

“Fine, we’ll take her in, but you had BETTER explain THAT one,” Nyania said, pointing at Jasmine.

“Look into his eyes, the Rangers have done something unforgivable to him,” I said. Nyania picked up the poor girl, then looked at her intensely.

“What the unholy FUCK, what the HEAVEN did they do to her? No, no, no, this will NOT do,” Nyania said, then placed her paw on the woman’s head, and closed her eyes. Standing there for what felt like centuries, suddenly her eyes shot open. She stared into Jasmine’s eyes for a minute, then nodded. “I can save you, child. I have found you worthy of my gifts. However, you will become one of us. You will no longer be able to associate with humanity ever again. You will be of the kind you used to kill. You will also be under my complete authority, do you accept these terms?”

Jasmine seemed to be in deep thought. I imagined it was a difficult choice. For David and I, it was easy. We were attacked by some racist truckers telling us to ‘go back home to your country’ despite the fact we were born here. After having my arm sawed off with a rusty blade, and David having his toes smashed, why would we ever want to stay with humanity again?

“Y-y-yes,” she stammered. Nyania smiled, then looked at Jessica. She walked over, then grabbed her head with her paws. Jessica looked frightened and tried to back away. I nodded towards Nyania and mouthed ‘don’t be scared’. She relented, then looked my Goddess in the eyes.

“As for you, why do you even want to stay with us? I’ve heard about you, constantly following my little Carmelita. Why is that?” Nyania asked. She grabbed Jessica’s face with her paws, then looked even deeper, as if into her soul. Then she let her face go with a smile. “So that’s it, then. You heard my terms and conditions, is that what you wa—”

“YES!” Jessica exclaimed loudly before Nyania could even finish. Then after her outburst she shrunk back downward, embarrassed.

“So eager. Well then, Carmelita,” she said towards me.

“Yes Goddess?” I asked.

“Just Nyania, Carmelita. Anyway, escort these two to the conversion room, I’ll be with you shortly,” Nyania said. I smiled. She had forgiven me. I took Jessica, and Jasmine’s arms in mine, and escorted them down one of the hallways. It didn’t actually matter which hallway you used, you always ended up in the same corridor. I escorted them to a leftwards door about thirty five doors down. Inside we were assaulted by the smells of sterilization, and cleaning supplies. The entire room was white, with around ten hospital beds. The beds each had a pillow, a warm blanket, and straps for when the transformation turned painful. The floor was hard and cold on my paws, it wasn’t particularly comfortable, but it was practical. Carpet in a hospital would be absolutely disastrous. It was a pretty typical hospital room, however what I wasn’t expecting was David on one of the beds in his full Nyaemon glory.

“David? What are you doing here?” I asked. Suddenly he turned to me with fear, then hid under the covers. “David, will you PLEASE tell me what’s going on?”

“Y-you won’t like it,” he said through the blankets.

“David, there is literally nothing you can’t tell me. We’ve lived through far worse than most people can imagine. Tell me, I can handle it,” I said, patting his head under the blankets.

“I-I’m going to change, I asked Nyania, and she said she’d do it for me,” he said sadly. “I’m just afraid if you know what I’m going to do. You’ll hate me.”

“David, please, just tell me,” I asked.

“I-I’m converting to a… I’m changing. I’m going to be like, uhh, those anime I really like,” David said. I smiled at his revelation. I knew it, he wanted to be an anime boy. Although a lot of ones he liked were aimed at younger children, or something a younger child could enjoy. Pawn yo Pawn yo Digital Carrot, I think. I couldn’t quite remember them, I never was that good at the Japanese language. Was that his big secret, was he going to become younger? I was okay with that, I don’t know why he’d be afraid of that.

“I don’t mind if you become an anime boy, even if it’s a younger one. I don’t under—” I said, then he interrupted me.

“I’M NOT BECOMING A LITTLE ANIME BOY, CARMY!” he yelled. I was deeply confused, what else would have become?

“Oh, that makes sense, you’re a girl, aren’t you, David? Though is David what you call yourself?” Jessica asked but I was aghast. Jasmine still was unable to answer because of her programming, poor thing, but I had bigger things on my mind. I had to set some things straight with Jessica.

“Excuse me, Jessica, I know my own brother. We’ve been through thick and thin. We would never hide anything from each other. I’d know if my brother was trans,” I said angrily. “So kindly, butt out of this. This is between me, and him.”

Jessica yelped then nodded. I turned back to him, waiting for his answer.

“M-maybe you don’t know me as well as you think,” David muttered.

“Excuse me, David what did you just say?” I asked. I thought I hadn’t heard that right, there was no way he’d say something like that.

“I SAID MAYBE YOU DON’T KNOW ME AS WELL AS YOU THINK!” David yelled, and I felt the color drain from my face.

“I-I don’t understand, why wouldn’t you tell me?” I asked, hurt by the revelation.

“Because I was afraid, Carmy. I was afraid you’d hate me, I hate my body, I hate my tail, I hate how I look as a Nyaemon. I’d rather be like Puchiko, or Mint, or ANYONE ELSE!” he… no she exclaimed. I had to get used to calling her she, and my sister. I couldn’t just be a transphobic jerk to my sibling just because I was uncomfortable. “My name isn’t David, it’s Molly!”

“D—no Molly. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I made you feel this way,” I said, gently removing the blanket, then taking her in my arms. “I will support you, no matter what. I just… why do you want to be younger then?”

“Because it’s not fair. You got to grow up a girl, you were sixteen and I was fourteen when we were converted. I never got to get that experience, I instead suffered for fourteen years, and then another ten as a Nyaemon,” she explained. My heart broke listening to her. She was right, she’d never had that experience, she’d be behind the curve of how to act and present as a woman. Even if it was okay for a woman or girl to break those rules, you had to know and learn the rules first before you could break them. I leaned my head on her own to comfort her.

“I understand. Well, no, actually I don’t, but I want to. I will accept you as my little sister. I’ll help give you the life you should have had,” I said, stroking her fur. “I’m guessing you’d rather be more human looking huh? Have you chosen an age? How young is my little sister going to be?”

“F-four, I think that’ll give me the best chance to learn what it’s like to be a girl,” she said.

“Okay, it’ll be hard because you’ve already been an adult, but you’re pretty much like a kid anyway.” I kissed her forehead. “Well, Molly, I need to get these two ready. Nyania is going to prepare for their conversion too. I love you, little sister. Sweet dreams.”

She smiled, then laid down to rest. I could already see her fur slowly starting to fade. It seemed Nyania had already started her conversion. A four year old catgirl, that’s gonna be a handful. I was certain I was up to the task however, and besides I’d have Jessica’s help too. I helped Jasmine and Jessica to their beds.

“Lay here, Nyania will come by shortly. I can’t wait to see how cute you two turn out,” I said, and Jessica nodded. Jasmine still was having trouble breaking the programming, so I had to strap her in. I wondered what color their fur would be. Fur color was always random. Or at least I thought it was, every Nyaemon seemed to have their own color. Some had the same color, but it was seemingly impossible to tell what color you’d get. It was as if the transformation read your soul.

Nyania suddenly bounded through the door, half skipping over to the two girls. She always did love to convert people. She was the only one capable of doing so, so I wondered if maybe she just liked that exclusivity of her power. “Okay Carmelita, go to your room and wait. I prefer to be alone when I’m with my new subjects,” I nodded, then walked out.

I headed about twenty more doors onward, until I got to a room marked Carmelita and David on the nameplate. I opened the door, then went inside. Our room was split right down the middle, my side on the left, Molly’s side on the right. On my side I had a vanity, a warm fluffy bed, with fluffy pillows. I had my closet that had my assortment of outfits, mini skirts, short dresses, tops, and heels. I had a dresser with all my underthings and my wall was painted the same color as my fur. I was going to miss that outfit, though. I’d have to earn enough nya tokens to get Nyania to make me a new one. Nya tokens were a currency you could earn through doing chores or helping Nyania with things in the human world. Also for killing rapists and murderers. Nya tokens could be used to have Nyania grant you a request, create a piece of furniture you want, or a video game, or, as I wanted, clothes. It was a neat system. You also could get quite a few by getting Twinkies. Twinkies were a huge thing in Nyaemon culture, they were incredibly delicious, so delicious that we would throw ourselves into fire to get them. When one of our members died on a Twinkie run, we understood. They were worth dying for.

Molly’s side of the room had a simple bed, it wasn’t as fluffy as mine so she often asked to share my bed or to use it for herself. I didn’t mind, comfy beds were the best, and I could understand anyone of any gender wanting it. Her room had posters of her favorite anime on the walls. Her closet was very plain and basic, just a couple of anime shirts, and pants. I wondered how she’d redecorate it all once she finished the conversion. In the center there was a computer desk, with our computer set up on it. I spent about two hours setting up child lock on the computer, I didn’t want her to go onto any questionable sites by accident. She wanted to be treated like a child, so I had to give her the FULL experience. I knew she wouldn’t like being so limited, but what little girl did like being told she can't do something? After finishing the torture I was about to inflict on my little sister, I felt my eyes grow heavy. I flopped into my bed, curled up, and submitted myself to the welcoming embrace of sleep.

“Carmelita, Carmelita,” a soft sweet Nyaemon voice said. It sounded similar to Jessica’s but had that Nyaemon quality. She must have been done! My eyes shot open to see her in all her furred glory. Instead what I saw was a busty woman with red cat ears and a red fluffy cat tail. Behind her was a very young little brown girl with black cat ears and a fluffy black cat tail in a cute little pink dress with pigtails. She clutched her cat tail in her hands, and hid behind Jessica. I knew then that it was Molly, and she was so adorable I jumped out of bed, and picked her up, then spun her around.

“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!” Molly said happily in her childish little girl Nyaemon voice.

“You’re so cute, Molly,” I said and then ruffled her hair. She giggled as Nyania poked her shoulder.

“Molly, you’re young so you get one do over of your room okay? I’ll do a few more things for you as you grow up, but once you hit your pret—” Nyania said but I tuned her out and let her help Molly. I instead tuned to my Jessica, I had something I wanted to ask.

“So, a anime catgirl like Molly, huh? You didn’t want fur like mine?” I asked, a little hurt she chose the anime version, over our actual normal form.

“I thought about it, but it just wasn’t me. You wouldn’t want me to be unhappy right, mistress?” she asked with a pout, and I blushed.

“Of course not, I wouldn’t want you to be unhappy ever again,” with those words said, we began our life together. We went through many trials and tribulations but we made it out okay. When I grew pregnant with you three, we were a bit worried how you might feel about your aunt Molly since she was so close to your age, but you took it well. You also grew warm to your aunt Jasmine, and your uncle Gremory. I was so proud of you all, and I knew then, after all we had been through, that everything would turn out alright. The. end.

“Wow momma, I love that story soooooooo much!” our daughter Kelsey says, her powder blue cat ears perking up.

“Me too! It’s so cuuuuuute!” our other daughter Cecilia gushes, as her sun yellow fluffy tail swings.

“It’s okaaaaaay, but I don’t know if I like all that mushy stuff. Blech,” Julio, our son, says while crossing his burnt orange paws and sticking his tongue out.

“Alright, you little scamps, it’s time for bed.” Jessica, my wife, says as she walks in. “Your momma has given you your bedtime story, so no excuses.”

“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, okay, mommy,” the kids all whine, but they relent and climb under their blankets. I tuck them in, then Jessica gives them a kiss on their foreheads. 

We leave their room, closing the door behind us, and enter the front room. I pick my wife up bridal style as she yelps, then carry her to our room. She has her arms firmly around my neck as I open the door with my footpaw. I lay her on the bed, close the door behind us, then climb up on her and kiss her passionately. As her silky lips lay on mine, I fondle her penis under her nightgown. She moans as it starts to grow, and I move to kiss her on her neck. I suck on it earnestly, leaving a hickey when I’m finished. “This marks you as mine, and no one else’s, understand?” I say, stopping right as her penis bulges to full length in my paw.

“P-please, mistress, please finish. I’m about to burst,” she begs.

“That’s not a yes,” I say, slowly pulling my paw away from her penis.

“Y-yes, I’m yours and no one else’s mistress,” she whimpers. Then I firmly finish rubbing her penis up and down along her shaft, giving her the release she needs as her love nectar spills on her nightgown.

“Good girl,” I say and she blushes. I lay against her, as I hear a knock on our door.

“Big sissie, I’m hungry. Can I have a cookie and some milk?” I hear Molly say.

“Just a minute,” I call out. Immediately we stop and cover each other up so the ten year old doesn’t see anything a little girl isn’t supposed to see. I motion Jessica to go help her but she pouts at me and points to her nightgown. I drag my face with my paw in annoyance then get up out of bed, as Jessica wiggles under the covers.

I open the door, and see my little sister in her My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic pajamas. She rubs her eyes, and looks at me.

“Are you sure you need a cookie? You look a little tired,” I remark.

“Please Carmy? I can’t sleep without it,” Molly pouts. I relent and walk over to the kitchen, then to the cupboard that she cannot reach. I take out the box of cookies, and then a bottle of milk out of the refrigerator. I get out a small plate, and a glass, then pour some milk in the glass, and put some cookies on the plate. I lay them out in front of her, and she giggles with glee.

“Shush, don’t wake the kittens, Molly,” I scold her.

“Sorry big sissie,” she replies quietly. She silently eats and drinks, while I put the cookies and milk away. She finishes her snack, then I put the dishes in the sink, and take her hand in my paw. I help her to her own room with her princess style bed, then tuck her in.

“Nighty nighties Molly, sleep well little sis,” I say, and kiss her forehead. Her eyes close and then I walk out of her room. I step with my tippy toes stealthily passed the kittens’ room, as I head to mine and Jessica’s room. I open the door and see her laying there, a book in her hands, and her reading glasses on.

“I’m back, all the kids are taken care of, now where were we,” I say, then crawl into the covers next to her.

Then she turns her head to me with a mischievous smile. “One thing about the story you forgot to mention to them, is that later that year Nyania changed her name to Catatonia, and then our name to Catarans.”

“Yeah, thanks to that every time I tell the story, they can’t stop laughing. It’s just how the Goddess is, they’ll figure it out as they grow older. Luckily we’ve been in a dry period for the past few years, but I’ve seen the way she looks at Steven Universe, we’ll be Crystal Gems soon I’m sure,“ I say and facepaw.

“Yeah, could be fun though,” Jessica says. She puts her book away, and her reading glasses. “You know, I’m really glad Jasmine is doing okay, I hear she’s pregnant with her own litter now.” 

“Well ain't she lucky,” I say. “I believe we are much luckier though.”

“Oh you. You’re so sweet, mistress,” she says playfully. I smirk at her comment.

“Though, do you ever wish you would have a uterus and a womb like me? To get pregnant with your own kittens?” I ask and she looks at me wistfully.

“Sometimes I’m curious, but I really like my penis.” she says. “Besides, you don’t need a womb to be a girl. I’m perfectly happy with the way things are now, I wouldn’t trade our kittens or our relationship for the world.”

“You’re absolutely right, from where I’m sitting, you’re all woman. Anyone who says otherwise, I’ll gut them like a fish,” I say protectively, pulling her to my side.

“My heroine,” she said with a playful clasp of her palms.

“Besides, I’d never trade them either. I was happy to be pregnant with them, just never forget who's in charge,” I say. Then I lick her face, and fondle her crotch. “I love your penis, but if a certain catgirl forgets her place, maybe I’ll have to leave it alone for awhile.”

“Eeeep! No, no, no, mistress, please! Not that! I’ll be good, I promise!” she begs, her face with fear. I giggle at her.

“Good girl,” I say. Then I hold her face in my paw and kiss her, letting my radula explore the inner regions of her mouth. She responds with a moan, I laugh and nuzzle her chest and lay next to her. Her cherry perfume smells so nicely on her. She slides against me, with me the big spoon and her the little spoon. I hold her like this for what seems like hours, but then something just won’t leave my head. She notices and turns to look me in the eyes.

“Everything okay?” she asks.

“Yeah, just got a question that’s been bothering me,” I reply.

“What is it?” she questions.

“It’s just something I’ve always wondered,” I begin to say, then pause. “How did you make sure it was always me that saved you?”

“Oh that’s simple, I installed a tracking device inside you, mistress,” she says nonchalantly.

“Ah I see,” I say with a smile. Then I do a double take. “Wait you did WHAT?!”

The End

Don't worry, I'm still working heavily on on The Huntress Chronicles: Book 2 To purify your sins chapter 2. I just needed to do this story, because I wanted to show my love to my editor. It's a bit outside of my comfort zone, but it was a fun experiment and I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Also I took out the bold because it distracted away from my story and it didn't emphasize what I was trying to emphasize.

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