my worst fears have been confirmed

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I confirmed my worst fears.

I phoned the Calgary law library about what happened to my rapist, and there is no record of a conviction.

Now, it could be there was a publication ban to protect his victims, or a jury trial, in which case no written statement about the conviction would be on record

but he was able to testify in a civil suit in 1999, so unlikely he'd been charged before then.

and considering he was raping me from about 1973 to 1975, its unlikely my name would have been brought up in any case against him.

it was a comfort to me that even if he wasn't punished for what he did to me specifically, he did go to jail, and now I know that didn't happen.

and it hurts more than I can say


If I understand what you said,

Angharad's picture

He's got away with it. If it was this country, convictions for rapes are tiny compared to the actual numbers of rapes. Also it's been in the news about the way that rape is dealt with is inadequate and changes are supposed to happen, but they rarely do. It seems that victims satisfaction with the legal system is very low.

I'm sorry that this has happened to you, Dottie, but all I can do is share your pain from afar and send you love and hugs. I hope one day that your perpetrator gets his comeuppance but I wouldn't hold my breath as the devil seems to look after his own.

Love and hugs,



I suggest

Contacting whatever agency had lead in your case and seeing what records they have. They may know what the status of the case is. There are many things that could have happened, and you need to know what happened. Not being familiar with how the system works in your area I couldn't guess what happened.

Each state has their own way of doing things. Throw in a totally different country with different laws and procedures and it's anybody's guess what is happening. In my case the statute of limitations played silly buggers with prosecution. This resulted in oddball s*** regarding what was permitted in court. Without gowing into details the SOB received a slap on the wrist.

I'm so very sorry. I hope you can work through this.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin