facing consequences

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After decades of abuse and neglect, my body is finally getting back at me by falling apart.

Its somehow ironic that it turns out the abuser who has done the most damage to me -- was me, all along.

sighs . . .


Nearly all

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Nearly all of our physical ailments can be traced back to bad behavior and bad decisions we made. Much of our other troubles in life (financial and relationship) can likewise be traced to the same.

If we are fortunate enough to see the handwriting on the wall early enough, we can, at least partially, recover some, but usually not all of that. Our mistakes made that affect our health are the most difficult to recover from.

Hang in, God isn't through with you yet.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Don't Be Too Harsh On Yourself.

Extreme childhood abuse set me up with low self esteem, and overbearing anger. I was too feminine for him and he beat me for it, threatening to murder me. Millions of children suffered similar abuse at the hands of WWII Veterans who had PTSD before it was known. Years later I would find that I was just trying to be me, an AIS child who was neither fully male nor female. I overworked, trying to prove myself. Arthritis and COPD have set in.

Just do the best that you can and let your critics bugger off.



Daphne Xu's picture

PTSD was known before WWII, but under different names. "Battle Fatigue" "Shell Shock". The only advantage a name like PTSD has is that it can be applied to situations other than battles in war. Or maybe the mental-health profession only recognizes it under that name.

-- Daphne Xu


Nowadays here in America, Mental Health folk deem that PTSD is not curable. That feels really condemning, and I feel that some of the folk who have counselled me were worse off than me. If they could force it, I would still be on Psychotropic drugs. My own assessment was they just made matters worse, so I stopped them more than 10 years ago. The professionals do not know it all.
