So it's OK to be trans in the US military again

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So apparently transgender people are no longer considered pariahs when it comes to serving in the American military. Most of us knew this was coming, it was pretty much a campaign promise of the current administration, but the Pentagon formally announced its change in policy today. This from the Associated Press:

And though many people will consider this concession to transgender folk's rights an insane move and disaster for America's military readiness, the argument that trans service members would cause more problems than they're worth was neatly debunked back in 2019 in this YouTube video by Beau, a good ol' boy from Florida who really knows his shit on a wide range of historical + political topics:
It's the actual reason for this blog and really worth having a look at....
~hugs, Veronica


Beau of the fifth column

Is hardly a good old boy. I follow his channel from the UK. He is one of the few US commentators who talk sense.
He admitted a few days ago that he does not now own any guns. IMHO, a good old boy is very much of the GOP type. He's anything but as the posting on Trans in the Military shows.


Teresa L.'s picture

He is fair, and if he is biased he says so upfront. he tries to give information for us "internet people" as he calls us at the opening of every video, so we can learn what we want. critical thinking, NOT indoctrination

Teresa L.

Let them serve...

tmf's picture

I applaud all that want to serve in the forces, police, paramedic, firefighter...
The thing is if they really want to do it, they will. But they will have a BIG secret to hide.
Any secret will be discover after some time. Those that uncover the secret can and will use that information to coerce you to do the opposite of what is right.
By banning LGBT+ or others minorities, those institutions put their and our security at risk.

At least that My vision on it.!

Peace and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Hope & Health

As a permille

crash's picture

We're talking about maybe six or seven people per thousand Americans who identify as somewhere in the multi-dimensional trans identity space. I'm sure more blood and treasure has been spent making mountains out of this mole hill than ever would be spent providing confirmation services to service members who seek it.

Your friend

Trans minority

A pretty tiny minority to say the least.

Problem is certain special snowflake people, especially on the right side of politics, have become princesses such that they feel the pea (us) even through all of the piles of normal people that insulate them from our presence.

Even in AA whose some participants have done some horrible things are transphobics, refusing to socialize with my partner who was a regular goer at the time once they clocked her.

To a lot of people we are not even people.

So many Cis-gendered people are shit.

To be conservative and trans makes no more sense than log cabin republicans, literally supporting those who would repress, change, degrade us if it were in their power.

I remember reading a article.

MadTech01's picture

The article i read, was a counter to the report from some ultra-conservative group. the group had claimed that medical costs for trans service members would be extremely expensive and burdensome to the DoD and the VA in cost, so that is why they should not be able to serve. But the article mentioned that the cost for Trans soldiers would be many times cheaper than what is spent by the DoD and VA on Erectile Disfunction Medication for service members and former service members each year.

So no real downside.

"Cortana is watching you!"

Imaginary Numbers

BarbieLee's picture

Read the same article or one similar and the problem is they are pulling up imaginary numbers because they have no base number to start with. Make a number, any number, and run with it fudging the outcome to what they wish it to be. What are the numbers who die in all accidents in the military? What are the numbers who die in action in the military? What are the numbers of those who get hurt, minor or major,?

How many open trans in all the branches of the U.S. military? Ten? Hundred? Thousand? Ten Thousand? Pick a number because so far that is what everyone else is doing. They do not know. We are great at stealth because it is survival mode. One of the many things we do really well.
Hugs MadTech01
Life is full of potholes. Try to not fall into all of them on that journey.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Info is allowed only if one is of the collective

BarbieLee's picture

I have zero problem with most trans but not all of them. The idea we are "owed special privileges or rights" doesn't set with me. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. They don't like me, fine. They don't want to hire me, lease to me, or share time with me, that's okay. The military knew I was trans the moment I was discharged not before.

Am I discriminated against? YES! I'm blocked on Twitter, my facebook page has several links removed, and more than a few people are pissed because I don't agree with them. I have written and conversed with so many tran worldwide over the years asking for advice, sharing moments, and knowledge. My biggest regrets and heartache are the ones I couldn't save when I realized they were on the edge.

When I am standing in judgement, and I will. My greatest defense and my greatest condemnation will be, I tried. Probably won't help I wished thunder, lightening, and eternal Hell down on a lot of people as I've grown tired of the give me and greed of the majority of people thinking they are entitled to everything just because they exist. Sadly it must get a hell of a lot worse than it is before God straightens this mess out. Revelation 9:6 Hope I'm watching from the cheap seats.
Hugs people
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl