Being a total recluse only partly because of Covid 19, I just find things to do that are pleasing to me. I write a fair amount of the time but most of that will never be seen by others. Lately I've been thinking about Art. Not the style of famous people, but most likely Native American Navajo and Shawnee Art. I have some plasticized art paper and I don't even know which side gets the art. I started to use colored markers but the fumes from them almost put me in a Coffin. So, now I have some Acrylics and have no idea what to do with them, or what side of the paper they go on either. YouTube is educating me. I do my writing in half of my bedroom that I have partitioned off by huge curtains. That pleases me.
I was going to do my Art on my fold up dining table, but that is too full of mail and stuff. My Bike is in the room too. Now it seems likely that I'll find an old drafting table and put it somewhere out there with a bar stool to sit on. Perhaps I should put something on the floor under it because I am messy. Fortunately I have a big Art Supplies store near by and they have been nice to me.
I read just lots. Stories from this site are often very engaging. I started reading back in the late 1950s, so now I find it entertaining to read things from those original authors. It is disturbing to find that most of them are now deceased. In reading some of these books for the second time, there are occasional flashes of memory but most are still entertaining. I think that Andre Norton, and Anne McCaffery were my favorites.
Lately I find that wearing Nursing pants, a long dress, a head covering and my mask provide excellent privacy.
I consider writing to be an art.
If it's well done.
The only artistic pursuits I enjoy are writing and the occasional return to playing music every 10 years or so. I can't draw worth a damn, to be honest. Trace or copy something sitting right in front of me? Yeah, okay, with fanatical focus I could pull that off. Sorta. For years (when we were doing it) the arrangement with my business partner was simple: he did the pictures and diagrams, I wrote the text. That worked. So I stick to painting pictures with words. :)
I Used To Play.
I started out with Tuba and later on my Tutor said I needed to learn to play at least 4 more brass instruments. The Tuba I was playing was plagued with sticking keys. I understand that nowadays they all have Teflon or something to stop that. I wonder what would have happened if I continued?
I need to get back to art. I have a double-art degree (majored in art and commercial art)
Painting? Not a chance
I do like taking photos. Mostly Wildlife and Landscape.
I used to
When I was in high school and the first few years of college I was a pretty good portrait artist and made good money from it. I haven't been able to afford it in years though. Oil paints, canvasses, brushes, sketchbooks, and all of my other supplies were getting so expensive. I'm thinking about trying to get back to art in my spare time once my thumb heals up properly now that I have a tablet with an artist quality pen though.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I've been writing and painting for years and years...
I've been writing and painting for years and years!
I have had to stop writing, due to the onset of Lewy Body dementia, and I've had to trade in my paintbrushes and canvas for a computer mouse and a fifteen year old graphics software program, but I can still type sort of well, and my computer paintings have gotten unbelievably better (all due, I think, to the progression of the dementia!). The docs at Mayo Clinic think the impairment of the left side of my brain, while messing with my language and writing skills, is letting more input from my right brain (artistic abilities) to come through.
If anyone wants to see some of my work (my web comic, a serial called The Year Everything Changed, and my "start with a blank screen" portraits) check out the galleries on my page on DeviantArt. (That's at, and search for charlie98210).
The web comic ran for three years and stopped at 762 pages (not including the 25 chapter covers) and is contain in two galleries. The portraits are in the Portrait Gallery. The other galleries contain my cartoons, dioramas, and some photos and poster work. Comments there are appreciated.
edit (added): Oops! Forgot to add, the galleries at DeviantArt display the files from Newest to Oldest. If you are looking at the comic, The Year Everything Changed and The Story Continues..., you have to scroll down to the end of the gallery to get to the first page.
I've been getting into art
I've been getting into art a lot more recently. Wanted to try digital art for a long time, but never could afford Photoshop, or other programs. A few years back I found Krita; basically a free alternative. Took me about a week to learn it, and have been enjoying making cover art for some of my stories on here. As well as some other things. I find it more relaxing than writing honestly, and it's definitely helped with stress over the last year.
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.