Juliannas Tale

Juliannas tale

By Christine

Authors warning. This tale is intense with a lot of violence and heavy religious overtones. They are not my views and I don’t think this is going to happen. Its just a fictional story that I though would be interesting to write. Some of the characters in the story are taken from real people that lived. Some of the names and events are taken from events in world war two atrocities.
Chapter one

It was early in the afternoon in the dark courtroom. Cardinal Tomas Moore was standing in the center of the room adorned elaborately in shining red robes. His shiny hat stood up above everyone else. He was a unassuming man in all other ways. He was rather short, but his charisma and incredibly insight an ability to ‘read’ people bought him up from a meager priest to the leader of the Huston archdiocese. He essentially had political control of the archdiocese of Huston, which covered a huge area of the United States.

He acted as the governor. America had been this way since the “vote catholic or be damned” campaign ten years ago.

He circled the shivering accused like a predator. The man in the center of the room wore heavy chains around his wrists, he was clothed in a simple bound cloth that prisoners wore.

“You were clearly a member of the orthodox clergy, such facts are undeniable and clearly a revolt against the True Mother Church, and his Holiness The Pope. Your duty is to confess your sin and seek absolution, “ The loud accusing voice of Tomas shouted for all to hear.

The accused said desperately, “I have not sinned. My church loves Jesus Christ too. Please Cardinal Tomas, you must understand there is no revolt. I love…“

Tomas roared, his accusing finger pointed directly at the terrified accused, “Liar, no church except the Catholic Church is the true church founded by Lord Jesus Christ. There is no salvation outside of the church. Any other is false, a lie. “

His voice grew solemn, “Since you refuse to follow the representative of Christ on earth and you refuse to confess your mortal sin in view of this Holy Counsel of Inquisition, the Holiness of the church is clearly unable to save you and any further effort will not be wasted. You will be taken away from this place and be handed over to the authorities at Jasenovac Concentration Camp, Hopefully they will be able to make you see the error of your ways, and if not, they will know what to do with you. May Christ have mercy on you. Your children will be taken to the Jasenovac Youth camp for reeducation in the Proper Catholic Doctrine. “

At his final statement, two brown-cloaked Jesuit enforcers stormed in, grabbed him and lead him out. He knew what would happen next, a team from the elite section of the Ustashi would take his children away. The Ustashi had got a name in this area as totally ruthless, unfeeling devout elite section of the Jesuits.

Jasenovac Concentration Camp was a huge complex with several sub camps within. There were camps for adults and Camps for youth. He had visited all of the prisons within his archdiocese. They were not pleasant places to be but he understood the need for the facilities.

The next case for the court was a mother who had tried unsuccessfully to hide her sons homosexual behavior. Her sin was deception, and supporting her son when she should have dissuaded him, reported him to the proper authorities so they could help him. Now, his duty was clear. They probably had already taken the fourteen year old boy to the Jasenovac Youth Camp where the counselors would heal him of his perversion.

He sat down behind the bench where the other bishops and priests sat. “Accused Melissa Walker, the Holy Court of Inquisition knows that your son Daniel Walker is homosexual. We also know that you have encouraged this activity and actively supported his relationship with another boy. The court frowns on this. What do you have to say for yourself in view of your very sinful perverted activity?”

She wasn’t afraid at all, she said proudly, “I love my son. Supporting my son is nothing to be ashamed of. He isn’t sick, there’s nothing wrong. I wont ever not love my son. Regardless of what tortures you inflict.”

Tomas was enraged at this blasphemy. He stood up, his face purple, his body trembling, “You unrepentant heretic!” He roared at the woman. “The Holy Bible is the very word of god, it is clear on the issue of homosexuality. In you supporting this clear revolt against the Word of Christ has made you an unrepentant heretic. You will be taken from this place and delivered to the civil authorities which will deliver you to the executioner!”

She sighed, “If that is what loving my son will cost me, so be it. My blood will be on your hands, Cardinal. “

Two Jesuits walked in and took her out of the courtroom. He had overseen the cases today. The presiding archbishop could do the rest. He had to leave and take care of his family.

His wife Michelle had just sent him a text message that told him they had a big problem with his son Mike. He just wondered what it could be now. The last time she called him was because he was all dressed up in his mothers’ clothes. When Tomas came home, he was surprised and hardly recognized his son. He looked like a normal teenage girl. It was astonishing. He just dreaded what the problem was now.

He got in his limousine and told the chuffer to drive him home. Since his car had the proper tags and markings of a high cleric in the United States no one even bothered to harass him. He had two Ustashi escorting him where ever he went. The escort was two fold, one was to protect him from any attack. There was still pockets of Orthodox and Methodist resistance to the regime, the other reason was to keep tabs on him. No one in the regime was entirely free from spying that reported directly to the pope, and the high cardinal Victor Stepinac. The pope created an entire new rank of Cardinal that acted as the leader of the United States. High Cardinal Victor Stepinac was the highest ranking member of the clergy in the United States so naturally he was in charge of all of the archdioceses, All cardinals reported to him. In fact, the High Cardinal was the dictator of the United States; only the Pope could give him orders. It worked for Cardinal Tomas More, He hasn’t disagreed with a sermon or Epistles from the high cardinal yet.

As the Limousine pulled into his four story luxury manor, he looked out and waited for someone to open the door for him. He didn’t know what was up with his son and he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to know but he had to face it sooner or later.

He was right. His ‘son’ was wearing his mothers pink satin grown when he opened the door. He was very upset and that was understating it. He couldn’t stop crying and his mother was holding him tightly.

He knelt beside his wife and asked, “What is going on?”

His son looked up, still sobbing and his wife said, “I guess you know he has been dressing like this more now. He came out to me today with something that I think you should know. Its going to be very hard and frankly, it scares me. “

“What Jennifer, come out with it,” He said impatiently.

“Well, Jake told me today that he knows, knows that he is a girl inside. “

“What!,” He said.

“Don’t interrupt Tomas, there is more. I didn’t even know this. Jake, well I guess we should call him Julianna. He has been having a relationship with a boy. Jake was the girl in the relationship. The boy loved him but she is very upset now because the boy was taken away. She knows he was taken by the Ustashi. Tomas, the boys name is Daniel. I think that you know where this is headed. “

Thomas’s has lost its color and turned into a ghostly white. This was more dangerous than he had thought.

“Thomas, I have spoken with Julianna and she clearly cant be convinced she is anything but a girl. The urge is very strong and I think its genuine. What do we do?”

“Julianna, I love you and I have a couple of choices to make. Can you give us some privacy?”

“Yes, dad,” she stood up and walked out. She stopped around the corner. This concerned her as much as anyone.

“Jennifer, this really scares me. IF what you say is true, I think we both know what the state will say, and what they will do. This is terribly dangerous and if I’m found to have hid it, we would all face the same fate.”

She protested loudly, “Tomas you cant even consider turning her over to the Jesuits for their ‘treatment’ of what they will say is a perversion. “

She really hit it hard. He wasn’t thinking about it but that was clearly his duty now. But, his son, or daughter. What they did wasn’t treatment at all. It was just starvation, abuse, and torture. Jake wouldn’t survive the camp for a week. He had to do anything he could to avoid this becoming known to the authorities. By any means he had.

He whispered, “I know, Jennifer. “

He didn’t know it, but the authorities at Jasenovac had found out who denials lover was. The commandment Father Filipovic had found out who Daniels lover was and had informed the Ustashi. They started making plans for the poor kid.

The matter between Tomas and his wife was settled. Tomas then went into Julianna’s room

The girl was very scared when Tomas came in her bedroom. She was totally covered up. He sat on the side of her bed and pulled her up into a tight hug. “Jake, I mean Julianna, don’t be scared.”

She looked up with her tear-stained face and said, “You don’t hate me?”

“No nooo way,” He answered firmly leaving no room to doubt it. “I am your father. There is no way I could hate you. Ever. This is going to take some time but I assure you that I will learn to deal with having a daughter like you. “

The girl looked a little more relaxed. She said, ”Thank you Father. But what are we going to do? The way things are, there’s no way I will be accepted as Julianna. I heard what you said might happen. What are we going to do?”

“I will tell you my daughter Julianna,” He said. “We will have to disappear. We will leave this place forever. “

She looked up hopeful. “Where will we go? “

“I cant say tonight. I just don’t know. I will make some arrangements and figure it out tomorrow. You, Julianna, you will go to school as Jake as you have done and when you come home, I will be ready to go. Now go get some sleep. I have things to think about and preparations to make. Please don’t worry about them because I will take care of everything.”

It surprised him that the decision to betray the nation that had treated him so good up to now was so easy. But having a son that his nation would want to kill changed things a lot. He started to feel a crushing guilt now at having treated other parents so horribly for the same thing he was doing now. He was man enough to admit that he was now a hypocrite. He promised himself that somehow, he would make up for what he had done. He would make some things right.

At the same time, his daughter Julianna was worrying herself. It wasn’t easy not to worry when she knew what the dangers were and what the state would do to her if it found out. It was her ass on the line. Pretending to be a strong masculine boy at school wasn’t easy and it was getting harder and harder to keep up such a façade. She was sick of it. Only another day and then, hopefully she would be free. She wished she could believe it.

“The United States was not always such a righteous nation, “ An older Jesuit stated in front of a classroom with twenty students. The Jesuit teacher was wearing their traditional brown robe with a rope belt. The classroom was a typically catholic style church. There were stained glass windows with images of Mary and Jesus. Each student sat at desk. The teacher in front was lecturing about American history. Julianna was there and listened. She hated this school. But what could she do?

“Before we saved America, it was a terribly sinful place. Sex, perversion and lewdness ruled the day. It has 50 states that did what ever they wanted. “

A boy in front raised his hand, “How was it saved, Father?”

“The Holy Father saved it. I will explain. It started about fifteen years ago. Americans had begun to realize how sinful their nation was becoming. Each state started passing though its legislator against it. Arizona passed a proposition making marriage between a man and a woman. California did the same, Arkansas. Eventually all states had strict laws. From there, Our holy father gave enormous resources to the church to push though further legislation. Homosexuals soon had to register with the state and they were forbidden to live in some neighbors or adopt and be employed in some fields.”

The same boy raised his hand up, “Can you explain how they were passed?”

“Sure, you see, the Holy Father had wanted to save America for a long time. They financed a big effort sending in Jesuits by the millions. By the 1990s, they were secretly in place in the federal legislator and most state legislators. Move forward and we have the congresses passing their own series of laws against homosexuals and such. It was all in place ten years ago. A catholic priest ran for the president. When other parties tried to give their speeches, Our holy father had all of the churches ring their bells so no one could hear them. Large billboards ordered everyone to vote catholic or they would be damned in hell for a million years, no purgatory. He was elected. And now the united
states follows the right catholic doctoring, the catechism is our constitution. We are all lead by The Holy Father. Class, lets all pray the Rosary. Lets say joyful mysteries. ”

Everyone in class made the sign of the cross on their body and knelt, started the rosary.

Once they were finished, the father dismissed class. He looked at Julianna and smiled at her. Julianna smiled badly back. She hated what this man did to her. It always made her feel dirty. She didn’t dare speak out about it.

“Jake, follow me please,” He said. He always did this to her after their class. She followed him, full of dread about what he was going to do to her.

They made it finely and he shut the door behind them. Jake, I know about you feeling like a girl.

She nodded, “Yes you said that and you said you wont report me if I do these dirty things with you. I hope you didn’t change your mind Father. “

He started taking his cloak off and smiled, “No my confused kid. I wont turn you in. I enjoy our time together so much.

The things he did to her made her want to throw up. She looked over at him and his hairy body was naked. He was holding his sex and it was standing straight up. “You remember the blowing technique I taught you so come on.”

‘Oh not this again. It tasted terrible. ‘ she thought to herself but she knew there was no escape. Slowly she made her way across the room and knelt between his hairy thighs. The crotch smell overwhelmed her and she gagged. Closing her eyes, she lowered her head on him.

She was working her head trying to get this over with when there was a hard knock on the door.

A loud harsh voice said, “Father Walters. Open the door. The Ustashi is here. Do you know where Mike Moore is?”

Stupidly, he said, “Yes he’s right here let me open the door.”

There was no time and they burst the door open. The two men wearing black armor with there logo on their shoulder burst in and saw the Father sitting naked and the younger girl sucking him. The two soldiers looked very angry. “I see who we can blame for this. Father Walters you are under arrest too. “ They roughly separated the two and handcuffed them both.

“Lets go you pervert. “

They were lead to a team of six Ustashi soldiers. They promptly put Julianna in a armored van and waited for another vehicle to come to pick up the Father to take to an adult camp.

Julianna was very frightened now. She knew where she was going and she just knew she was not going to survive. The ride to the camp was terrible and frightening. It was dark, there was some yucky smell that kept making her gag. It was worse than the Fathers crotch smell. It smelled like something rotting. The ride was around forty minutes and it pulled into a gate and passed though. She caught glimpse of the guards at the gate and the despairing prison she was going to. It made her even more afraid.

Two soldiers opened the back of the van and roughly yanked her out to the dirt. They roughly picked her up and lead her to a wooden building.

She looked around and all she saw was suffering. There were thousands of children her age, some older and some younger. They all looked terribly frightened and very hungry. All of them were so skinny, the bones of their ribs looked like they wanted to burst though the skin. There faces pale, their arms looked like bones. Many of the children looked like they had bloody welts across their backs and even some of them looked like their skin was cut very badly. The worst of all in this camp was the large ditch at the edge where a horrible smell from coming from. She had a sickening feeling what that was for.

She was lead into the building where there were rolls and rolls of beds. The place didn’t look like it kept the cold or head out very good. The place looked pretty much like hell.

She was left alone then. She found a empty bed and curled up hoping to be safe.

It didn’t last to long as she started hearing loud screams from outside. She curled up until a young boy ran in and said in panic, “hey you there. Father Filipovic needs all of us to come out. We better go or it will be worse for the rest of the kids. “

She stood and started walking out. She saw the large man holding a young girl in his hands. He said, “Hello there new boy. I assume you are the pervert Jake Moor. The son of the Cardinal of this archdiocese. I don’t know how a righteous man like that can have a pathetic son like you. My name is Father Miroslav Filipovic. I am the commandant of this camp. “

She looked at him, full of fear. He looked like a very cruel man. He was holding on to a shivering girl, his other hand held a knife. Other armed men looked on.

He brought the knife to her neck and slit it slowly. She started screaming along with the other children.

He said, “Ustashe, by this, in the name of God I baptize these degenerates heathens. This Baptist scum child and all of the others. I will confess you and absolve you of all sin."

She saw a group of guards pick out twelve such children and brought them into a corner. They started torturing the children, gouging out their eyes, dismembering them with large machetes.

Cardinal Thomas knew there was a big problem when his daughter didn’t come home. He called the local office only to learn the Ustashi went to her school and arrested her. She was in the Vicious Jasenovac Concentration Camp.

He called for a elit Ustashi team to meet him and he proceeded to the Camp. They had no right to do this to his child. He was a Cardinal, Ordained by the Pope and given full authority. They couldn’t do this without his authorization. If they thought they could go over his head, they were very wrong as they were about to find out.

He stoped at the gate and they let him though along with his team. He went into the Commandants office and just waited there.

The sadistic Father Filipovic came in. “Hello Cadinal Tomas. What can I do for you today.”

He got right to the point fast. “You are holding my son here, Father Filipovic. You are to return him now. “

He became upset, “Your son is a conicted homosexual. We must heal him of his sin. I can not return him.”

Tomas’s voice grew very serious and deadly, “I am a cardinal, ordained and given the authority by the pope. I say I am more qualified than you. I will deal with my son. Return him now. You have no authority to hold him. “

He approached the commandant dangerous. “Unless you want to test your authority against mine. Do you want to become a inmate at this camp?”

“Alright Cardinal Tomas. “ He shouted, “Guard get me Mike Moore now. Bring him to my office fast.”

He looked at the mans desk and saw a jar of what looked like oisters except, they then he become totally horrified.

Father Filipovic was calm, “Those or orthodox eyes. “

He screamed, “Get my son now or you will be executed. Right now.”

A guard promptly came in holding the scared girl. She smiled when she saw her father. She ran up and held him tightly. “I am sorry this had to happen. Lets go. ‘ as he was leaving, he pulled a guard aside, “Father Filipovic is excommunicated. Execute him as a heretic .”

They were on the road and Julianna asked, “Where are we going dad.”

He looked over at his daughter, “We are going to a great land. The best nation in the world. We are going to Israel. I heard it is being lead by a great messenger of God now. The Jews call him Prophet Elijah. I don’t know if any of that is true but what we do know is, everyone is free there. It is a great land of happiness, the oppression we experience here doesn’t exist there. That is where we are headed.”

It sounded good to her but there were many questions “How will we get there.”

“I have just found out about an underground thingy. Many orthodox and jews that our regime conceders heretics get free using it. Now its our turn. We are going to see a Rabi now.

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