Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 23

Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 23
The Void Vales.
Hill overlooking the Ruins of Silvis.

Chiyoko stood staring down at the massive fortification that was once the curtain wall of a great utopian city. Now it was nothing more than ruins. A place in both time and space that is condemned for all eternity. She knew that it was somewhere within the Void. Often called the Dimensional Gap. “Welp, I wanted somewhere that I could cut loose and not worry about collateral damage. I guess I got my wish. I just never expected my spell to deliver me here.”

“That is because I was I that brought you here Kyamo no Sa.” The voice was heavy with a deep chested rumble. It rolled across Chiyoko’s very soul as she spun to face the owner of the voice. There before her was a massive, majestic dragon. Not just any majestic dragon. This one had six heads and was most definitely female. Here before her stood the Dragon Goddess Tiamat in her true form. She was not alone.

Chiyoko swallowed hard as she took in the other two forms next to the Mother of Majestic Dragons. To her right stood a cloaked skeletal figure holding a massive two-hand sickle and hourglass. This could only be the personification of the Spirit of Time, Chronos. To her right was a woman dressed in black robes covered in silver suns, moons, and stars. This could only be the personification of the eternal night, Nox. The true spirits of Time and Space.

“Your Majesty.” Chiyoko said as she curtsied deeply to the trio doing the only thing she could think of at the time. Looking back up at the Dragon Goddess Chiyoko wanted to swallow her tongue as a second majestic dragon flew overhead. This one though was unlike any majestic dragon she had ever dreamed of seeing. She could tell that it was male and at least three to four times the size of Tiamat. “Woah!”

“I see that my husband has had his usual effect on those that see him for the first time.” Tiamat chuckled as she looked upwards at the gigantic red dragon. The sheer size of the dragon was staggering. It was taking all of Chiyoko mental abilities to understand what she was seeing. The dragon was deep red, with four wings, a massive horn jutting from his snout, and claws that were more than eight times Chiyoko’s full height. This was not a dragon; it was a flying mountain.

“Great Red, also known as the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, and the Dragon of Dragons, the most powerful Dragon to resided in the Dimensional Gap. He is the dragon recorded in the Apocalypse.” Tiamat whispered.

“He is as terrifying as he is beautiful.” Chiyoko in hushed and reverent tones. Turning back to Tiamat Chiyoko coughed to clear her voice. “Majesty where are we?”

“Welcome to the heart of the Void. Where we stand now is the Vales. Down there is the ruins of Silvis.” Tiamat informed Chiyoko. The Dragon Goddess chuckled as the young woman’s eyes bulged out of her head. “I see that you have heard of Silvis.”

“Along with the other names for the City of Gold and Science. El Dorado, Atlantis, Avalon, Patagonia, Shangri-La, there isn’t an Archeological student alive that hasn’t heard or dreamt of finding one of those cities.” Chiyoko goggled.

“Here is the city that gave birth to those legends and thousands more like it. Silvis is the original city of gold. Only the gold that was mined here was not a precious metal but the mind. Men, and women of all races came here. All seeking the same thing. Knowledge unequaled in all the realms. The science practiced here would appear as magic and alchemy in any other realm.” Tiamat sighed.

“What happened here?” Chiyoko asked her politely.

“Like all of those who believe solely in science. They challenged the power of the gods. The gods in return showed them the folly of their arrogance. Look to the center of the city. Do you see that great crater?” Chiyoko just nodded her head as she listened to the Dragon Goddess. “Once a great center of learning stood there. Then came the faithful day. The people of this great city decided to opened a portal there. In the hopes of traveling to other realms. They made one mistake. Their portal opened not to the Heavenly Fields but to the Eternally Flaming Abyss. The destruction that followed is as you see it now. To prevent this from happening again. The gods banished the city here and scattered its people throughout the vast realms of the universes. The few citizens that did not escape the banishment ended up here with their dead city deep within the Vales of the Void. Be careful of where you walk within the walls of the city. Their wraiths still wonder between the realms of the afterlife seeking vengeance.”

“Why do I have the feeling that somewhere in those ruins the Five Dragon Kings are waiting for me?” Chiyoko asked of the Dragon Goddess with a cocking of her head.

“Because you are no fool. The Five Dragon Kings are currently scattered through out the ruins. This was done to give you a fighting chance as it were. My husband Great Red wishes to be entertained.” Tiamat told her with a chuckled as Chiyoko turned red with anger. “You were warned that certain spells come with a cost Lady Chiyoko. The one that brought you here had such a cost.”

“And now is the time to pay the piper. The price for this dance is the entertainment of Great Red. My only question is why?” Chiyoko asked impolitely.

“Sadly, my husband becomes bord just flying between the realms. He longs to bring about the Great Apocalypse. To finally fulfill his destiny. Until that time he has nothing to do but watch the worlds pass him by. So, when he finds a vassal that can carry his power, he naturally becomes interested.” Tiamat chuckled then raised a claw to point at the city ruins. “And what better place to truly test your full powers than a place condemned to spend eternity frozen in time.”

“Wait. I thought that I was the servant of the Dragon Princess Toyotama and the Dragon Prince Wolong. You know the embodiment of the Void and all that bullshit.” Chiyoko asked in bewilderment as she looked up once more at Great Red.

“My niece and nephew are powerful deities in their own right, Kyamo no Sa. However, they are not the true deity of Neutrality. That honor belongs to my husband Great Red. It is his power that flows through your veins. Unlike the previous Kyamo no Sas. You are a true Knight of the Void.” Tiamat explained to a stunned Chiyoko. “My niece may have brought to this world through her curse, but it was Great Red who has empowered you. This is why of all the Dragon Samori you hold the power to break our nephew Choe-long’s curse. The truth of the matter is if you can defeat all five of the Dragon Kings. All of your curses will be lifted.”

“Let me get this straight, Lady Tiamat. If I defeat the Five Dragon Kings I will free not only myself, but all of my sisters from our curse. What of the bonds of servitude to the Empress? Will those be broken as well?”

“I will grant you a boon Knight of the Void. You defeat all five of your enemies. Then I will personally grant your freedom and freedom to all of the Dragon Knights.” The voice of Great Red boomed across the vast plain like rolling thunder. “Though you will pay a heavy price if just one of them escapes.”

“It’s all or nothing.” Chiyoko grunted as she looked up at the massive dragon overhead. “Fine by me. You want a show. You want to be entertained. I’ll give you a show. One that will entertain you for a long time.”

With that Chiyoko flipped her hair over shoulders and walked down the slope towards the open city gate. As she dropped over the lower edge of the slop, she held up her right hand with all her fingers curled into a fist with the exception of the middle finger. That one finger was fully extended in salute to the two dragon gods. “Enjoy the show you oversized fucking flying lizard.”

Great Red chuckled as he floated down next to Tiamat. “You’re right my beloved. This one has no fear or respect for the old ways.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet, husband. This one will change the world in her passing. In ways that none of her predecessors ever could.” Tiamat chuckled as her middle head smiled. “Chiyoko Hakuryū will crush those that stand in her way or die trying. The world this Knight comes from is far more violent than any other.”

“As I have seen my dearest wife. I have visited this one’s home world. Violent doesn’t begin to describe the world. I would be more apt to call it barely controlled anarchy. The whole system of government is a laugh. The Legislative branch is supposed to be the elected Representatives of the people. Instead, they only look to pad their pockets with the gold of the wealthy few. Their Executive Office tries to circumvent the Nation’s laws by use of Executive orders, again for personal gain. The Judicial system use illegal means to oppress the very people they are supposed to protect. It actually violates more than half of their laws in the pursuit of so-called justice.” Great Red rumbled. “She is the only one who can keep this world from following the path of oppression.”

A flair of light drew the attention of the two Dragon Gods as their nieces and nephews appeared before them. The three Dragon Gods of Law stepped forward with Choe-long issuing a challenge. “How dare you interfere with the lawful order of the world Uncle. This is a matter between humans. You had no right to bring our duly appointed vassals to this place. Their battle was to take place in the human realm.”

“Foolish child. Do you think you can challenge me?” Tiamat asked with a heavy chuckle. “Let alone my husband. Great Red, the Apocalypse Dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, and the Dragon of Dragons, the most powerful of Dragons to resided within the Dimensional Gap. The dragon of the Apocalypse. Not even your father and mother would dare such foolishness.”

“Your actions violate the Pact between us. We are the Dragon Gods of Alinement.” Atsushi countered in a vain hope to change his aunt’s mind. He knew that of all the Dragon Gods he, Choe-long, and Chieko understood the Law of man the best. If they were to have a chance to regaining control of the situation, they had to use human and dragon laws to achieve their goal.

“Your Pact means nothing to me boy. As for the law of humans. It holds no meaning here. In this place only the laws of Dragons matter. Here we settle disagreements the way dragons always have. Trail by Combat.” Great Red thundered as he landed behind Tiamat. For the first in their long lives the ten younger Dragon Gods realized the truth behind the legends of their uncle. As the three Dragons of Law staggered back away from him and Tiamat. The two Majestic Dragon Gods chuckled.

While Celestial Dragons are powerful creatures their power is mystical. They relied on magic to do what Majestic Dragons do by sheer physical force. Of the all the Celestial Dragon Gods only four stood a chance against Tiamat. Only one stood a chance against Great Red. Celestial Dragons knew they were woefully prepared for actual physical combat with a Majestic Dragon. Even Choe-long, Atsushi and Chieko in all of their arrogance understood they were facing the Gods for that powerful race of Dragons. The three problem children of the Celestial Dragons did the smart thing for once. They backed down.

“Such a shame. I was looking forward to feasting on their hearts.” Tiamat rumbled.

“Now sister we cannot let you just feed on our children without having a word.” Ryōjin said as he and Zennyo Ryūō appeared behind their children. “Though with those three we’ll be willing to look the other way.”

“Welcome to our home, Ryōjin and Zennyo Ryūō. It has been too long sense you last graced us with your presence.” Tiamat said as she took to the air to float next to Great Red. “Have you come to intercede on behalf of your whelps?”

“No, dear sister. If they are foolish enough to challenge you. Then you are free to feast on their hearts.” Zennyo Ryūō said calmly. “It would be your right by our laws. The only laws that matter here.”

“Mother what is this place? It feels familiar for some reason.” Choe-ze asked of her mother Zennyo Ryūō as she looked down on the ruins of Silvis.

“This was once our home daughter. Here before you all stands the birthplace for all dragons. Celestial and Majestic both.” Ryōjin explained for his daughter. “In our foolishness we invited the other races to join us. We believed that through shared beliefs and education we could build a greater society. It worked. Until in our arrogance we dare to challenge the Old Gods. This was the result.”

“Do not place the blame on all of us Ryōjin. We the Majestic Dragon tried to guide you from the path that led to the destruction of our home.” Great Red rumbled. “We have always been the voice of reason to your unbridled idealism. Yet you have always ignored us. Now, the actions and ideals of your children have brought about an unbalanced situation within the human realm. A situation that has led to an endless war for the restoration of the Eternal Balance. That war has finally come to a head. I would end this cycle of useless conflict. The Gods of Alinement will learn to live in harmony. They must understand that no one side can hold sway over the others. This only leds to stagnation. Stagnation leds only to death.”

“I warned you all to end your squabbling long ago. I told you that the other Gods were trying of your games. You were warned that they would take action. Now, one of the most powerful Dragon Gods has decided to take action. You will accept his judgement my foolish children.” Ryōjin sighed as he turned to face Great Red. “Do as you see fit bother. If my children challenge you. Destroy them utterly.”

“I will do nothing, bother. My champion shall end this sibling squabble once and for all.” Great Red rumbled as he looked towards the ruins of Silvis. “Even now she faces the first of the Dragon Kings. Despite his power Choe-long your pet Gōkō will not last long against her wrath. I can already feel her drawing on the Void.”

“WHAT?! How is that possible? No moral has ever been able to draw directly upon the Void. It should burn her to a cinder.” Choe-long demanded.

“No mortal of this realm, brother. You were warned that Chiyoko Hakuryū was special. It may have been my curse that acted as the catalyst that brought her here.” Toyotama said as she pointed up at Great Red. “It was his power that flows through her blood from the first day she stepped foot in this world.”

“She has your touch! How can it not be your power within her?!” Choe-long demanded.

“Because I was the one to drag her here from her old world, boy.” Great Red chuckled. “If I had not, she would still be in that benighted world of ignorance and hate.”

The flash of lightning and crash of thunder rolled over the gathered gods. As they all turned to looked down towards the ruins a cloud of fire and smoke rose from them slowly forming a mushroom. This was quickly followed a rush of superheated air that blasted over the gathered gods. As they stagged back, they were hit by the returning cold air that rushed in to fill the vacuum created by the blast. Wolong was the first to gather his wits.

“It seems that our Kyamo no Sa has decided to bring the weapons of her world to this one. By way of magic.” Wolong chuckled as the three Gods of Law staggered back in total disbelief at what they were seeing down below. “Brothers, sister, you had no idea of who you were challenging in the current Kyamo no Sa. You really should have stopped and studied her before continuing with your plans.”

“The other four Kings still have a chance at defeating her, Wolong. The battle is no yet over.” Snarled Atsushi. “Both of my followers have the power of Righteousness, Justice, and Truth behind them.”

“Cruelty, Malice, and Greed power my followers. Between Atsushi’s followers and my own this false savior of yours doesn’t stand a chance, brother.” Chieko cackled.

“You poor deluded fools.” Toyotama sighed as she pointed down at the ruins. “Haven’t you figure it out yet. That is not our Samurai down there.” She said before pointing up at the massive form of Great Red. “But his. And she doesn’t play by our rules.”

As if to underscore the Dragon Princess’s words forty olive green oblong cylinders fell from the sky. They blanketed an area along the western wall of the ruins. Everywhere they struck massive eruptions of earth and flames rose up while dilapidated buildings collapsed in ward upon themselves. A second then third round of cylinders fell on the area. When the last of the explosions rolled over the area below Great Red chuckled. “Another has already fallen to my warrior. How long do you believe the other three will last?”

“Not long uncle. Not long at all. There is a rage that burns deep inside of your warrior that is unmatched in the history of the Dragon Samori and Knights. A rage that will only be quenched when she has righted the wrongs of this world.” Wolong answered as he too looked down on the ruins with a look of pity. “From the time she first stepped foot into this world she has withheld her anger. She now has the instigators of all those wrongs before her. She no longer has reasons to hold back.”

The sudden crash of lightning striking the very center of the ruins brought all conversation to a halt. The area where the city square once stood was struck over and over by massive bolts of white-hot plasma. Hundreds of bolts slammed down out the clear skies. All with the same target, the city square. For more than ten minutes those bolts of plasma rained down. Quickly the square was turned into a boiling mass of melted glass. The once massive and beautiful central fountain was rendered into a pool of bluish-green slag. The bricks that paved the streets became a river of reddish orange flowing silicon. The heat generated from the destruction of the square melted the fronts of the surrounding buildings.

“It seems that my warrior is finally unleashing her true power.” Great Red rumbled before he looked down at his nieces and nephews. “Do you still wish to challenge her? A human that controls the power of a Goddess.”

When none of them answered Tiamat chuckled. “It seems that they are not as foolish as we once thought, husband. There maybe hope for them yet.”

“Let us hope that they will learn to let the humans follow their own paths to enlightenment. We made that mistake, and this was the reward for our efforts.” Great Red rumbled as he motioned towards the ruins with his head. Looking down at his gather nieces and nephews. “This ends the lesson. Learned it well.”

With that the most powerful of Dragons opened a portal to the Dimensional Gap and flew through it to that great nothingness. To underscore his departure Ryōjin waved his hand opening a second portal. Turning to his children and wife. “The fate of this world in now in the hands of that one young Knight. We will not interfere further. This is a Trail by Combat in the ways of our Laws. The Laws of Dragons.”

“But father we have an agreement.” Chieko whined.

“And that agreement is now being challenged. If even one of your Dragon Kings can survive the battle it will stand. If whoever they should fail the agreement is dissolved. This is the way of Dragon Law.” Ryōjin commanded. “If you should find fault with our laws then feel free to challenge me. At least with me you stand a chance at winning. A small one to be sure, but it is a chance.”

“Please brother. Let them challenge me instead.” Tiamat chuckled.

“No sister. They are my children. If they are to be punished for breaking Dragon Law. Then I or my beloved wife will be the ones to hand down that punishment.” Ryōjin told her as he looked at the gathered Princesses and Princes. “I am the King of the Celestial Dragons. My WORD is law. Who wishes to challenge me?”

When none of his children stepped forward. He just smiled. “I thought as much. Time to leave children.”

With that all of the Celestial Dragons moved through the portal and vanished. Only Tiamat remained to witness the final battles between the most powerful Kyamo no Sa in recorded history and the last of the Dragon Kings. Using her most powerful of senses her eyesight she focused on the crater. “So they found each other. Two against one. The odds do not favor you Chiyoko. How shall you handle this fight.”

The gates of Silvis.

Chiyoko walked through the crumbling gate with a determination that was without equal in her young life. She had come here to wage war. “Great Red wants to be entertained then I’ll give him a show that he won’t be soon to forget.”

She hadn’t gone fifty feet inside the city walls before she was confronted by the first of the city’s defenders. She had heard of Shades during her time as a child playing the game Dungeons and Dragons. She never expected to see one in real life. Yet here before her was one of those deadly creatures. With a speed born of necessity she drew her Sourusureiyāzu katana calling out. “Shine bright Severing Moon.”

The crest shaped blaze of light that leaped from her blade slashed the Shade in two. As it faded from existence Chiyoko gripped the sword with both hands. “Okay, they did warn me that the city had its own defenders. I wonder what else is running around this fucking place.”

“A great number of creatures lassie.” Came the voice from off to one side. Chiyoko spun to face the voice with her katana raised to strike. “There’ll be no need for that young lady. I offer no threat to you. I am only here to observe. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Grieving Angel Ambriel. I was once the Guardian for this great city. Now all I do is stand watch over its rotting corpse.”

It took Chiyoko a few seconds to realize that the winged shadow that stood before her was actually real. Gripping her katana tighter she took a deep breath. “If that is the truth Ambriel. Where are the five Dragon Kings?”

“So, you are the one they have gathered here to battle. Very well then. In the far eastern in the old shopping district stands the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea, Gōkō. He waits your pleasure with bated breath. To the west in the where the students of science once gathered to sleep and relax is the Dragon King of the Western Sea, Gōjin. Within the city square the Dragon King of the Skies, Gōkinjun stands waiting your presence. The Dragon Kings of the Northern and Southern Seas; Gōkin and Gōjun, wait for you in the last place of power to stand within these walls before the fall. The great crater where the university one stood.” Ambriel answered her honestly with a small smile then asked. “If you would grant me a small boon warrior, for giving you their exact locations.”

“What do you wish, for Ambriel? If it is within my power, I will grant it.” Chiyoko answered with true honesty.

“Once you have defeated the Dragon Kings. Destroy this place once and for all. Free me from my eons of servitude to a dead city.” Ambriel asked bluntly.

“Sorry Ambriel. Only a god can lift your curse.” Chiyoko answered quickly. She knew better than to make a deal with a Shadow. Especially one that had been a Guardian Angel at one point in history. It was one thing to be a Fallen Angel it was an entirely deferent thing to be a cursed Fallen Angel to spend the rest of eternity as a Shadow. This creature before her was not even trust among its own kind.

At her refusal, the Shadow became enraged. In its blind rage it made one mistake. It failed to take in the fact that she never sheathed her katana. A weapon so powerful it could slay a Dragon God. Chiyoko’s strike was prefect. With one stroke she cut the creature in half. Just as with the Shade the Shadow that was once Ambriel the Guardian Angel for Silvis finally died.

“If I keep fucking around with these damned ghosts, I’ll end up dead. Time to clear the field. The question is how.” Chiyoko stood there thinking long and hard about her next move when she remembered something her uncle once said about war. “Time to drop back and call in an air strike.”

Reaching out with her mind she let the power of the Void fill her. Then slowly forming her intent in her mind she searched for the words. When her classical upbringing failed her. Chiyoko remembered the advice given to her by Satomi and Satoko. Chiyoko thought back to a movie she once saw sitting next to her father. There was a particular scene where a flight of B-17 bombers were on a bombing run. The music still resounded in her heart.

Drive it on up and let's cruise a while
Leave 'em very far behind
You can hedge your bet on a clean corvette
To get you there right on time
Now if you're ready to dive into overdrive
Baby the green lights are on
It's like you're runnin away on some high octane
Every time she reached the boulevard

Won't you take a ride, ride, ride
On heavy metal
It's the only way that you can travel
Down that road
Satisfied, fied, fied
On heavy metal
Baby won't you ride
Ride it until it explodes
Heavy Metal

My oh my how this lady can fly
Once she starts rollin' to leave you
You know you just can't lose the way she moves
You wait for her to finally release you
It's not a big surprise to feel your temperature rise
You've gotta get your redline fever
'Cause there is just on cure that they know for sure
You just become a heavy metal believer

Won't you take a ride, ride, ride
On heavy metal
It's the only way that you can travel
Down that road
Satisfied, fied, fied
On heavy metal
Baby won't you ride
Ride it until it explodes
Heavy Metal

Even before she had finished the first verse the visualization for the first of those falling bombs slammed into the old shopping district. Chiyoko had called for the power of those power bombers from her home world. She wasn’t expecting the first of those bombs to equal the blast of Hiroshima. The second verse brought down the full payload of three B-52’s on the abandoned housing complex. The ground was still shacking when the last attack came down. While it was not your normal bombing run it still smashed down into the city square turning it into glass. As she sang the last verse, she let the power fade away. Even as she let the power go Chiyoko realized something wonderful. She was no longer fighting to reach the power of the Void. She only had to let herself open up to that powerful source of magic to work her most powerful of spells.

“I guess pushing myself to the brink of dying was worth it in the long run.” She mumbled to herself. Chiyoko reached out with magical senses searching for the Dragon Kings. With a grim smile Chiyoko chuckled. “Three down, two to go. Looks like I might actually survive this stupidity.”

As she started walking towards the crater a small portal opened next to her. through the portal walked a rather plain looking man dressed in what appeared to be a very stylish three-piece suit from her home world. If it were not for the goatee that reached his chest and reddish ting to his skin, he could have been your average bank executive. The other striking feature about the man was the air of raw power that rolled off him. It didn’t take her long to figure out who was walking next to her. “Greetings Great Red. I take it you have decided to get a front row seat to the final battle between me and the Dragon Kings.”

“Oh, I have no need for a front row seat as you put it, Lady Chiyoko. My reason for being here is to let you know the stakes have been raised. This is no longer a fight just for your freedom. It is now a war for the very soul of your new world. The last two Dragon Kings must be defeated here and now. If you should fail, then status quo will remain. There is nothing that I or Ryōjin can do to change that. My nieces and nephews have seen to this.” Great Red informed her sadly.

“If that truly is the case. Then it is time to roll the dice of Fate one more time.” Chiyoko opened herself to the Void once more and called upon the power she needed to open a transportation portal. With a wave of her hand, it opened to the crater and she stepped through without a second thought. Leaving behind Great Red.

“It seems she has found her power at least.” Great Red said into the thin air as he opened his own portal back to the Dimensional Gap. “Have fun Lady Chiyoko.”

Chiyoko looked around the massive crater as she stepped into the very bottom of the bowl-shaped hole in the ground. “Holy shit! Talk about overkill.”

“Welcome Kyamo no Sa. So glade you could join us. Though I do wish you had the curtesy of facing our brothers in honorable combat. I know that they would have given you a worthy fight.” The older of the two men called out to her.

“You know there is an old saying in the world I come from Gōkin. All’s far in love and war. If you wanted a fair fight, then you should have stayed in the schoolyard playing the bully. Because I sure as fuck won’t give you one, cocksucker.” Chiyoko spat out as she drew on the power of the Void. She was already drawing on the knowledge she learned from playing Dungeons and Dragons. To be precise it was the list of combat spells found in the War Wizards Compendium. An often-overlooked player’s manual than had been written for the Second Edition Advanced D-and-D game system. Most players of the game rarely found the book because of its poor sales.

“You jack-holes ready for a fight?” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“DIE YOU BITCH!” Gōjun yelled as he threw a massive fireball in her direction.

Even before the fireball crossed half the distance Chiyoko waved her hand calling out. “Flash and freeze!” with those words the fireball crashed to the ground exploding in a shower of ice. Chiyoko countered this with her own spell. “I call on thy Spirits of Fire. Rain down brimstone!”

Before she had finished the first line the two Dragon Kings were running from where they stood. Both men barely escaped the rain of fire that crashed down where they once stood. Chiyoko stood her ground and case a second spell not wanting to give her enemies a chance to recover. Holding out her right hand like a pistol she intoned. “Thunder Spirts pay heed. Thunder Shock.”

The blast of pure electricity slammed into the Dragon King Gōkin before he gone fifty yards. The man was knocked back onto his ass. Where he lay unmoving. She could tell with just a glance that the man now resided in the land of the dead. While Chiyoko was dealing with Gōkin. Gōjun tired to attack her with a freezing spell. Chiyoko fill him drawing on his power. With a flip of her wrist, she sent the spell careening off into the side of the crater. She hide her smile of pleasure at the man’s failure. Then slowly turned to face him. “Time to end this dance Gōjun. It is just you and me now. Like the others Gōkin is dead. Do me a favor and kill yourself already. It’ll save us all time and give yourself a clean death.”

“I could say the same thing Kyamo no Sa. Though I doubt that we see things in the same light. I have a counteroffer. Join me. Between the two of us we would rule not only this world but your home world as well.” Gōkin knew that his only chance was to tempt this young woman into lowering her guard. “Unlike my fallen brothers I know the truth behind the legends surrounding the first of the Dragon Samurai. You are of the Void. Unlike your sisters. You are the embodiment of your element.”

“What are you? Some kind of Seth Lord? Please. Get a fucking clue you worthless piece of shit. All this talk of come to the dark side is getting on my last nerve.” Chiyoko snarked as she faced Gōkin head on. “Let us settle this with our steal, Gōjun. Blade against blade. Just like the Samurai of old.”

The Dragon King saw that there was no other way if he wanted to live. Lifting his cane to grab it by the handle and shaft he twisted. With a steed pull he drew out his sword. “Agreed Kyamo no Sa. Before we begin may at least have the privilege of knowing your name? This way I can have it engraved on your tombstone.”

“Only if your tell me yours, sir.” Chiyoko answered as she pulled her katana.

“I have lived for the last two hundred years with one name Kyamo no Sa. I am Gōjun King of the Northern Seas. When I was still human, I was called Yoshitoki Yoshida.” Gōjun answered with a bow to Chiyoko. “And your name my Lady?”

“In this life I am known as Chiyoko Hakuryū, sir. Hopefully, I will be the last Kyamo no Sa. Because if I fail the cycle of rebirth for the Dragon Samurai will never end. I fight to end our cursed existence.” Chiyoko answered with her own bow.

“Very commendable. Though in the long run it will not matter. Your curse may be lifted, with my death but the cycle will repeat. For you see. The Dragon Kings always return. Our return heralds the return of the Dragon Samurai. May be not this century or the next. It does not matter. Sooner or later the Gods of Law will send us once more into this world to end the corruption of their siblings.” Gōjun said with more than a little arrogance. Just before he charged Chiyoko.

The two combatants slammed into each other with a ring of steel on steel. Chiyoko pushed off Gōjun then slash at his belly. Gōjun barely managed to block the cross slash. He drew back and went for an overhead hack only to find Chiyoko sword there to block. To his surprise the petite woman spun away from him only to attack with an upward slash towards his crotch. He barely had time to jump back. Chiyoko’s sword passed within inches of his body. Seeing chance Gōjun set his feet and again tried for an overhead hack at her head. Only to find that Chiyoko’s move was nothing more than a faint to draw him in close. With his sword still held over his head he looked down at the three feet of steel embedded in his chest and a smiling Chiyoko. Only the smile that she worn never reached her eyes.

“It seems that our dance is at an end, Yoshitoki Yoshida.” With a savage yank Chiyoko pulled the katana from the man’s chest. As Gōjun feel to his knees Chiyoko raised her sword above her head in a two-handed grip. “May you find your way to hell swiftly you worthless piece of shit.”

With that Chiyoko brought her sword down across the back of Gōjun’s neck. The strike was as clean as it was swift serving the man’s head from his body. Pulling a small silken cloth from the belt that held her scabbards Chiyoko wiped the blade clean of blood. Once done she slowly slide the katana home in its scabbard. “Rest in peace Yoshitoki Yoshida, last of the Dragon Kings.”

“Well done, Lady Chiyoko.” The woman’s voice was one that Chiyoko knew well. Slowly turning to face the Mother of the Majestic Dragons Chiyoko and bowed deeply. “No need for such formality between us, Lady Chiyoko.”

“Lady Tiamat I owe you and your husband for arranging this fight. It allowed me to fight without holding back. There was no way for me to win in the human realms. You and Great Red gave me an even playing field. For that I thank you both on behalf of myself and my sisters.” Chiyoko countered with far more respect than she had ever shown to any of the Dragon Gods.

Tiamat chuckled as she reached up slowly and removed the mask that had hidden Chiyoko’s face from the time she had first set foot in this world of magic. As Chiyoko’s face came into view Tiamat smiled. “As promised the curse that has plagued you and your sisters is now lifted. Return to your sisters and rejoice. Spend the rest of your days in the peace you all so richly deserve.”

“Thank you, Lady Tiamat. I hope that your husband was entertained.” Chiyoko said with a chuckle as she took the mask from Tiamat’s hand. “Because I have no desire to give a repeat performance.”

“I was greatly amused young, Lady. I do have one question. Why did you offer to face the last Dragon King in honorable combat with your sword. You could have easily defeated him with your magic.” Great Red said as he step through a portal once more. “It wasn’t like you owed him a fair fight.”

“He was the last of his kind, sir. To show him less than the respect he deserved as an honored enemy would bring disgrace upon me and my sisters.” Chiyoko answered him with as much dignity as she could muster under the current circumstances. “I may not have been born to this world. I do understand the ways of this world. The honor of a family is a shared responsibility. There was no way I was going to dishonor my sisters after Gōjun’s challenge.”

“And you said that she would never understand this world, Tiamat. I told you that she would bring change while honoring the old ways.” Great Red said with chuckle. Turning to look Chiyoko with a smile. “Ready to head home, Lady Chiyoko?”

“With all due respect sir. Hell yes.” Chiyoko looked at the surrounding ruins and shivered. “No offence but this place gives me the creeps.”

Both Dragon Gods chuckled as Tiamat placed her arm over Chiyoko’s shoulder. “Worry not, Lady Chiyoko. This place is a place for Dragons. It has always given the other races the creeps as you put it. You are feeling the ancient magic that first formed this great city. It was wild magic.”

“Of all our great cities. Only this one formed directly from the Void. When the Ancient Gods punished the citizens for their crimes. They let the Void reclaim its own. With nothing to hold it in the human realm it naturally returned here.” Great Red explained for Chiyoko. “That is why once you leave all will return to how it was when you first walked through the gate.”

“You mean that with all the damage I did it will be as if I never stepped foot within these walls?” Chiyoko asked in wonder.

“That is the curse that befell this place long ago. To remain frozen in time. A warning to all who would defy the Gods.” Tiamat told her honestly. “It is nothing more than a home for the Shades, Shadows, Wraiths, and Ghosts of people long dead.”

“I kind of got that impression after the first fifty feet inside the curtain wall. Even now all I feel is lingering memories of those people.” Chiyoko sighed and looked around the crater one more time. With a shiver she shutdown her magical senses. “Memories that give power to the current inhabitants of this place. There are more than just Shades, Shadows, Wraiths, and Ghosts here now, Lady Tiamat. Can’t you feel them. Far too many undead to name.”

“The time for you being here has passed, Lady Chiyoko. Much longer and you will be overcome by the wild magic. You will lose yourself to it and the Void if you stay much longer.” With that Tiamat waved her right hand opening a portal back to the human realm. With a kiss on the young woman’s cheek Tiamat pushed her trough the portal. When the portal closed behind the disappearing Chiyoko, Tiamat turned to Great Red. “Well husband. Shall we be going?”

“I believe that our time here has come to and end, dearest.” The powerful Majestic Dragon took one last look at the ruins of their ancient home. “It truly was a City of Gold. Such a waste. Do you think we’ll ever see the likes of it again?”

“With this Kyamo no Sa changing the world. We just might. Only time will tell.” Tiamat answered her husband just before he opened a portal to the Dimensional Gap. “I truly hope so.”

With the last living creatures gone as heavy fog settled over the ancient city ruins. Within minutes the destruction wrought by Chiyoko in her fight with the Dragon Kings vanished. The bodies of the five dead men were soon attacked by the undead citizens of the ancient city. Within minutes nothing physical remained to mark their passing. Not even the tatters of their clothing remained. Only their souls remained behind to become the newest members of the city’s population. They would forever haunt the places of their deaths. Never knowing peace. They would spent the rest of time in the hell known as the Void.


This installment of Forever the Dragon Princess has been brought you by The Garret County Maryland 4H Wintertime Rescue Services. For all your horse powered wintertime services.

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