Chapter 9
Rise of the Five Dragon Samurai or Time to get funky
Watatsumi’s compound, Temple of Eternal Balance, Ten Temples of Truth
The flash of light that was accompanied by the two screams of teenage indignation brought Satomi and Satoko running from the back of the compound. The two miko took in the sight of five naked teenagers and sighed. Satomi turned to Satoko. “Go grab some robes sister.”
Satoko just nodded her head and left to carry out Satomi’s request. Satomi took a long hard look at the five girls. “Okay which one of you is Chiyoko?”
The five girls looked at each other before any one of them said anything. “Ah shit! That backstabbing, no-good, two-faced, dirty rotten, son-of-a-shit eating-silkworm. If I ever get my hands on that worthless dragon.”
“Hello, Mistress Chiyoko. I take it that your new appearance was a gift from Lord Choe-long?” Satomi asked with a chuckle.
“Yeah. You could say that.” Chiyoko snarked as she took in the rest of Choe-long’s gift. “I’ve got to say that I’m not thrilled with the body art.”
“We have each been marked with the irezumi of our patron God or Goddess.” Chikako told them with a sigh. “This is all my fault.”
“Is one the Stone Cutter?” Satomi asked.
“In a way. It seems that we were off on the translation. It’s not Stone Cutter, but Diamond Blade. Either I got the kanji wrong, or someone wrote it down wrong from the get go.” Chiyoko bitched. “I’m betting on the latter.”
“You’re most likely correct. I know that translation is your greatest skill.” Satoko said as she returned with the robes. “Especially with ancient texts.”
“Very true. After all it was that skill that won you your internship.” Satomi said with a smile. “As for the irezumi I believe that Lord Choe-long has branded you all as yakuza in his eyes.”
“That would make sense. After all he kept going on and on about how we broke the law. And we were criminals.” Kasumi grumbled as she pulled on her robe.
“No joke. What is his deal anyway? I thought he was on our side?” Akane wondered as she too pulled on her robe.
“That hasn’t always been the situation, Mistress.” Satoko quickly told Akane.
“Okay, what does that mean?” Chiyoko snarked.
“Exactly what I said. According to the workings of Kawamura Tanjiro a bargain was struck between Choe-long and his siblings. That bargain was struck with the first Dragon Samurai shortly before the founding of Sebun'airando as nation.” Satomi told them as she led the five towards the back of the house. “Put your Sourusureiyāzu in your rooms. Then join us in the central living area. I will explain all.”
A half hour later the seven of them were gathered in the central room. On the low 6x6 table sat a very large book. This one was bigger than any of the Dragon Samurai had ever seen. Not even Chiyoko had seen a book this massive before. Satomi placed her hand on the engraved and gilded leather bond cover. “Ladies, I give you the complete workings of Kawamura Tanjiro first Temple Librarian for the Ten Temples of Truth.”
“Holy shit! I don’t know what I’m looking at but that has to be the biggest collection of writings in the history of man.” Chiyoko blurted.
“Not quite, kōhai. It is close but falls short of General Revyagin Androniki Pavlovich’s manuscript ‘The Ways of Politics and War’.” Satomi corrected Chiyoko absentmindedly. “While Sun Tzu is arguably the first great tactician and strategist. Pavlovich had a greater understanding of politics on war, and war on politics. Pavlovich is most arguably one of the world’s greatest philosophers in the art of war from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.”
“Who are these people the miko is talking about?” Yoshi asked of Katsumi.
“You got me, Yoshi. I’ve never heard of them. What about you Akani? You have a better education than all of us except for Chiyoko.” She asked of her sister in a whisper. “Could they be great warriors from their home world?”
“Sun Tzu and Revyagin Androniki Pavlovich are just two of the greatest warriors from our home, Yoshi. Though they are considered the greatest of their times. Though in their defense their literary works shed a great deal of light on the philosophy of war.” Chiyoko explained.
“Your world must be a truly violent place, Chiyoko to produce a philosophy just for war.” Chikako shuddered.
“I won’t even try to argue that point, Chikako. My home world’s history is filled with stories of bloodshed and conquest.” Looking down at the book in front of her Chiyoko asked the question burning on her mind. “Sempai what does this book have to do with Choe-long and us?”
“This book covers the earliest recorded history of this nation. The work of a lifetime in the making. I have spent the day just working my way through just the first three chapters.” Satomi answered with a crooked smile. “Unlike the bible in our home world. This work is more historical than religious in nature. You can see where Master Tanjiro was able to remove the fantasy and fiction from historical fact.”
“What about the birth of the gods? How does he explain that little bit of fantasy sempai?” Chiyoko challenged.
“He doesn’t. At no time does he question the existence of the Gods, kohai. You have to remember that in this world, magic and alchemy are facts. He had no need to explain the birth of the gods. They just are.” Satoko pointed out for her student with a one friendly smile.
“Yes, ma’am. Is my ignorance showing yet?” Asked a blushing Chiyoko.
“No so much your ignorance kohai, but your preconceived notions of this world. One in which you do not yet know all the rules for, kohai.” Satomi chuckled out before opening the book. The second Chiyoko saw the handwritten script she damned near fell off her seat in shock. “Yes, kohai. This is the original texts. Written in the man’s own hand.”
“But… but… this is impossible! It should have crumbled to dust centuries ago! It has to be a copy!” Chiyoko croaked out.
“In a world surrounded and inundated with magic and alchemy why would it just crumble to dust, kohai? There is no reason for the loss of such works to time as in our own world. Use your Sight kohai. See for yourself.” Satoko ordered Chiyoko bluntly.
Chiyoko wanted to tell Satoko to piss off, but her old reflexes to respect her teachers kicked in. As she scanned the massive book with her magical Sight the book glowed a brilliant orange. When she placed her left hand on the book, she received a rather violent jolt. “Son-of-a-bitch! That hurt.”
“Oh, did I forget to tell you about the nasty habit it has of electrocuting anyone who hasn’t fed it blood?” Satomi chuckled.
“Thanks a lot Doc.” Chiyoko grumbled as she gave the former Professor a dirty look. “Care to tell me why you left that little piece of information out?”
“To teach you a lesson about this world.” Satomi told her with a harsh snarl. “And the rules that govern here. I hope I don’t have to explain it?”
“Yes, sempai. One that I’ll never forget again.” Chiyoko answered in shame. “That when it comes to magic all bets are off.”
“Good. Next do more than just view the magic. Study it. There should be clues in how to deal with the spell’s properties.” Satomi schooled her. “Where was I? Something about the bargain between Choe-long and his siblings.”
“Yes, Sempai. You said that Master Tanjiro might have written about this deal he struck with his siblings.” Akani helped out.
“Ah, yes. It was in the last year of the Independent Island Kingdoms. Around five-hundred BC, the Nation of Han-wu invaded. For the next fifteen years the Han-wu army pushed southward. Destroying everything before it. Then in the year one-eighteen on the island of Shikoku for you Chiyoko, Burossamusutōmu for the rest of you. A young maiden, by the name of Yuki Otani, led a band of rebels against the invading army, driving them back into the sea. The young lady was the equivalent of our Joan of Arc. Just thirteen centuries early with a totally different outcome. Anyway, two years later, that small band had grown to an army of close to four thousand. She started a campaign to free the other six islands. Within two years she had driven the Han-wu army back to the four main islands. It was also the year that the Han-wu Kingdom brought to bear their greatest weapon. Magicians and alchemists. Over the ensuing fourteen months the Han-wu had pushed Yuki back. During one extremely violent battle Yuki was almost captured. It was at this time the first Dragon Samurai are mentioned. According to the text they came riding down out of the skies on the backs of majestic dragons. Within six months of the Battle of the Dragons as it was called all seven islands of Sebun'airando was united under Yuki Otani.” Satomi explained for the five.
“What about the deal, sempai?” Chiyoko pleaded.
“I’m coming to that, kohai. You see there were originally six Dragon Samurai not five. One for each of the Dragons of Neutrality. When the war was over, Yuki Otani was placed upon the Celestial Throne as the first ever ruler of all Sebun'airando. The original Dragon Samurai were never heard from again. But like the Dragon Princess the Samurai have always reappeared just before a great crises threatens Sebun'airando. This was part of the bargain originally but Choe-long felt that his siblings gave far too much power to the Dragon Samurai. In return for his continued support they cut back on the number from six to five, and while Choe-long was forced to surrender where he could hide his samurai. In return Choe-ze had to surrender part of her domain to Choe-long. Since then, every time the Dragon Samurai have been needed, he has tried to extract another bargain for a more powerful position from his siblings.” Satomi had fallen into her old lecture habits and smiled as it felt good for her to teach once more.
“Damn all that was in just the first few chapters?” Chiyoko asked in shock.
“Not hardly. I had to cut a deal with Librarian Ryo to find the needed information. Thankfully he isn’t as nearly hide bound as that old fool Elder Hue.” Satomi placed her hand on the massive book. “It’ll take me four to five months to translate this historical work.”
“If not longer. We’re talking about more than fourteen-hundred years of written history here. When I said this was the complete workings of Elder Kawamura Tanjiro greatest of the Temple Librarians for the Ten Temples of Truth. I wasn’t joking.” Satomi chuckled. “According to Librarian Ryo. Elder Kawamura Tanjiro was no ordinary monk. Tanjiro was a Librarian much like Ryo. He like Tanjiro was tasked with storing the gathered knowledge of the Temples. Only Tanjiro did more.”
“I can see that, sempai. How long did it take him to compile all of this?” Chiyoko asked in awe.
“Fifty-three years. He started in the tenth year of the fifth dynasty. He had already held the position of Temple Librarian for ten years before he started. He worked on first compiling the individual historical writings. Then he began to write them down in order while double checking with other historical texts. When he finally finished Tanjiro was on his death bed. They say he wrote the last pages with his dying breath.” Satomi as she wiped a tear from her cheek. “This world lost one of its greatest teachers.”
Satoko smiled sadly at her sister miko. “Satomi sempai, you’re such a romantic. A fantastic teacher with the heart of a true poet. It is no wonder your students fought just to sit in your class.”
“Don’t try to butter me up, Satoko. I know the truth. My students believed me to be the incarnation of the Devil himself. Especially during finals.” Satomi chuckled as she sat back on her heels.
“No, they only believed that you were out to collect their souls while pushing them beyond their comfortable little boxes of academia.” Satoko countered as she smiled at her sister and oldest friend. “I do have one question. During your search of Tanjiro’s work. Did you chance upon a way to find the Dragon Princess?”
“That is the sixty-four dollar question. I’ve found more than eighteen references to how the Dragon Princess was revealed.” Satomi answered with a sigh. “Sadly, none of them are even remotely the same. It’s as if every time the Dragon Princess appears, they come from another part of the country. Never in the same Prefecture and always in hiding.”
“Can you give us any details that are the same?” Kasumi asked respectfully.
“There are a few details that are similar. For starters there’s the mark. All Dragon Princess bare the mark of the Celestial Dragon upon their left shoulder. It is a birthmark in the shape of a dragon’s claw. All of them bare a resemblance to the original Yuki Otani.” Satomi explained. “But the one thing they all have in common that you need to worry about is their ability to gather supports. Not just ordinary supports, but warriors willing to fight for her to the death. Only once has the Princess’s supporters not actively hidden her. Even then no one knew how to find her.”
“Sounds like the Princess is protected by some kind of illusionary or misdirection spell to me.” Yoshi snarked as she looked over at Chiyoko. “Well how about it, sister?”
“I hate to say this, but this is one time that I have no clue as where to start. With you and Chikako I had a place to start. I knew who I was looking for and had a basic idea of your alchemic signature. Here I got nothing.” Chiyoko answered as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Couldn’t you do like you did before? You know just makeup a spell?” Akane asked with a crooked smile.
“If I had somewhere to start. I mean there are plenty of songs and poems that I was able to work with for each of you. I don’t know of any poems or songs that talk about princesses.” Chiyoko looked to Satomi and Satoko.
“There is always, The Who, Saxon, or Azealia Banks, Mistress Chiyoko.” Satoko said with her original winning smile. “I would start with Saxon’s Princess of the Night. There more than a few magical over tones in the song.”
Chiyoko sat back and thought about what Satoko was suggesting and the lyrics just came to her. Alone with what she would need to find the Dragon Princess. “I need my map, a bowl of water, a blazer with sticks tender, an empty crystal jar, a feather, and lump of raw blue glass.”
Satomi and Satoko didn’t even question Chiyoko’s orders. They both took off in different directions to find the listed items. Akane, Kasumi, Chikako, and Yoshi all just looked at her with blank expressions. Chiyoko sighed.
“Each item represents one of the five Classical Elements and one of us. The bowl of water for Yoshi. The blazer of fire for Akane. The feather for air, that is you Kasumi. The blue glass come from the earth, is Chikako. And the empty crystal jar is for me, the Void.” Chiyoko explained for her sisters. “I’ll be right back with the map and the crystal pendent.”
Chiyoko was the first one back. She unrolled the map on the table. “This was how we started the hunt for you, and Chikako, Yoshi. Only this time, I’m going to be doing things slightly different.”
“How?” Akane asked of her.
“Well for starters. This time I’ll be using all of the elements instead of just one to track the Princess. We all have some kind of connection to her through our individual elements. I can’t just brute force my way through this one.” Chiyoko explained and then blushed. “I got a feeling that I’ll need more than just one spell.”
“You’ve never been so uncertain Chiyoko. Why?” Kasumi asked her.
“I’m dealing with prophecy magics here. Shit that is all kinds of stupid crazy. I got to unravel each layer to find our missing Princess first.” Chiyoko explained then got a nasty grin. “I’ve also got to summon our ride.”
“Summon our ride?” Chikako asked as she cocked her head to the side. “What does that mean?”
“That one line about descending on the backs of dragons. It kind of reminded me of a poem my mother used to tell me when I was a little child.” Chiyoko told them all with a fond smile of memory. “It used to make me laugh.”
“What do you think the poem will do, Chiyoko?” Akane asked.
“With a little bit of luck. Draw the original dragons or most likely their descendants to us.” Chiyoko chuckled then gave them all a nasty smile. “I don’t know about you, but that kind of firepower is something I’ll always welcome in my book. Especially with what we’ll be facing.”
“Thinking ahead instead of reacting, kohai?” Satomi asked as she returned. In her hands was clear crystal jar, a feather, and lump of raw blue glass.
“It would be a nice change.” Satoko said as she entered the room with the bowl of water, and a blazer with tender. “Hopefully these will work for you kohai. These were the only ones that were available at the time.”
“They’ll do, sempai. I just need the basic elements for the spells.” Chiyoko laid out the map then placed the bowl, blazer, crystal jar, feather, and blue glass at five different points around the map in the shape of a star. After filling the blazer with tinder and starting a fire Chiyoko thought about the spells she was going to use. Holding the crystal pendent over the map she cleared her throat then began to sing.
Twenty years ago
Used to bring the mail to me
Through the ice and snow
I've sat alone and watched her
Steaming through the night
Ninety tons of thunder
Lighting up the sky.”
With each verse Chiyoko sang the brighter the crystal glowed. Once it was at it’s brightest it began to pulse. With each pulse Chiyoko would move the pendant to hang over a different Prefecture.
I saw the writing on the wall
She was a princess of the night
I take a ride across the sky
Speeding, sparks like lightning
Engine working hard
Furnace on the foot plate
Shining in the night
Iron striking metal
The sound of racing steel
It's all I ever want to hear
It's music to my ears.”
The pendant’s pulsing grew to a steady flash over six separate Prefectures. Yamaguchi, Kōchi, Osaka, Nagano, Aomori, Iwate, and Gunma. This unsettled Chiyoko so she continued to sing hoping to narrow down her search.
I saw the writing on the wall
She was a princess of the night
I take a ride across the sky
She was a princess of the night
I saw the writing on the wall
She was a princess of the night
I take a ride across the sky
Ninety tons of thunder
Lighting up the sky
Steaming red hot pistons
See the wheels flash by
Hear the whistle blowing
Streaking down the track
If I ever had my way
I'd bring the princess back one day
She was a princess of the night
I saw the writing on the wall
She was a princess of the night
I take a ride across the sky.”
As the last chorus faded away so did Chiyoko’s hopes of being able to get away with using only the one spell. “Well, crap. That sucks rocks. Six deferent possible locations. All of which showed to be just as viable as the others. Okay sempai. Ideas?”
“Azealia Banks, Ice Princess.” Satoko suggested.
“No, Satoko. We need a more direct spell. Chiyoko try Billy Joel’s Uptown Girl. There are plenty of references to a hidden social princess.” Satomi answered with more authority than she felt.
“Okay. I’m up for anything.” Chiyoko said with a chuckle.
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she's never had a backstreet guy
I bet her momma never told her why
I'm gonna try for an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am
And when she knows what
She wants from her time
And when she wakes up
And makes up her mind
She'll see I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love with an uptown girl
You know I've seen her in her uptown world
She's getting tired of her high class toys
And all her presents from her uptown boys
She's got a choice
Uptown girl
You know I can't afford to buy her pearls
But maybe someday when my ship comes in
She'll understand what kind of guy I've been
And then I'll win
And when she's walking
She's looking so fine
And when she's talking
She'll say that she's mine
She'll say I'm not so tough
Just because
I'm in love
With an uptown girl
She's been living in her white bread world
As long as anyone with hot blood can
And now she's looking for a downtown man
That's what I am
Uptown girl
She's my uptown girl
You know I'm in love
With an uptown girl”
As she sang the pendant began to swing then glow brighter. Moving the crystal pendant to hang over the Prefecture of Nagano, Chiyoko smiled. Slowly lowering the pendant towards the map, the pendant flared with a blinding light as it touched the Prefecture. “Looks like we know in what prefecture the Dragon Princess is in. Now we just need to narrow it down to which village. We wouldn’t happen to have a map of Nagano?”
“No, need for that Chiyoko. There is only one place in the whole Prefecture that could hide the Dragon Princess.” Kasumi said with a wishful smile. “The mountain resort town of Sunōmaunten.”
“Okay, I bit, why?” Chiyoko asked her.
“The town is isolated for starters. It spends more than 9 months of the year covered in snow. The reason is its position at the midway point on the side of Mount Hotakadake in the heart of the Nagano Prefecture. There is only two ways in or out.” Kasumi explained. “It is without a doubt the perfect natural mountain fortress.”
“Let me guess. The people that live there have also adapted to living in such a harsh climate that they are the perfect warriors for the area.” Chiyoko asked with a smirk.
“That would be the understatement of the century, Chiyoko.” Chikako told her bluntly. “No one, I mean, no one. Can pass through that mountainous area without tipping off the people of Sunōmaunten. Or getting a nasty response from them. They do not like outsiders.”
“More like they don’t trust outsiders. More than one military unit has been runout of those mountains at spear, sword, knife, and gun point. Tourists though are another matter.” Yoshi told her while chuckling. “They’ll gladly fleece them for every last Drake in their pockets.”
“Damn, sounds like an other mountain resort town I know of back home.” Satomi chuckled. “Nice and rural, with a population ready to skin the tourists.”
“True, but we always did have the best vacations at Deep Creek lake.” Satoko agreed as she too smiled. “And the skiing in the winter was some of the best in the state.”
“Are you saying that we’ll have no clue as to where they’ll hide her. Great, just fucking great. Can this day get any more screwed up?” Chiyoko grumbled.
“Well, at least you have a place to start.” Akani chuckled.
“Oh yeah. A place to start, she says. Just how do you figure that?” Chiyoko grumbled. “Do you know how many place they hide someone in the mountains? Let’s not forget how easy it would be for the Princess to just blend in with the surrounding population.”
“Well, you did say something about something call the What.” Kasumi said just before she cocked her head to the side. “Who are they?”
“Not the What, Kasumi, the Who. They’re a group of musicians from my home.” all four of her sisters gave Chiyoko a blank look. “We have some really crazy names for our musician groups back home. Especially the rock bands.”
“Now there is the understatement of the millennium.” Satomi chuckled. “Let’s see the is the Who, the Clash, Blue-Oyster Cult, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Guns N’ Roses, Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, just to name a few.”
“Hey, let’s not forget my favorite bands. You know Journey, Motley Crew, Rush, Judas Priest, The Scorpions, Foreigner, Def Leppard, Talking Heads, Styx, Metallica, and The Police.” Satoko put in with a smile at the stunned look on Chiyoko’s face. “What? I have an eclectic taste in music.”
“I’ll say.” Chiyoko mumbled.
“Your home world must be a truly colorful world, Chiyoko.” Chikako said with eyes wide and filled with amazement. “I still find it hard to believe that there could be so much violence in your world’s history.”
“Kohai, our world is both a vivid and dark at the same time. I’ve a theory as to why.” Satomi said as she ran her hand over the map. “In this world the country you call Sebun'airando or the Seven Islands is what we call Japan. Japan in our world only has four. If we count in Okinawa there are five main islands. That is the biggest difference between the two. Physically anyway.”
“When Satomi came to me with her idea. I did some digging on my own. This world has even more differences than just the number of islands in Japan. For starters, unlike in our world the North American and South American continents in this world are not connected. There is no English Channel, the England of this world is connected to Europe by a land bridge that is more than two hundred miles wide. The polar ice caps are two to three times the size of those in our world. Not to mention this world is filled with magic and alchemy.” Satoko explained as she cocked her head to the side. “I still haven’t figured out if the ice age stayed longer or came late.”
“I believe that this world suffered a second ice age, sempai.” Chiyoko said as she scratched her chin. “At least a mini-ice age.”
“I don’t understand what you mean by a second or mini-ice age, but the great ice fields of the North have always been there, sempai.” Akani told them.
“This is true, sempai. I do not know of these North American and South American continents, but I think you mean the Liberion Union and Amerigo States. They are the newest nations in our world.” Yoshi said quickly.
“And the most powerful. The Liberion Union may not be allowed to produce heavy weapons according to the 1865 Peace Accords. That doesn’t mean they can’t design or own them. Not that it matters for them. Liberion has entire legions of alchemists and magicians.” Chikako grunted as she looked at the others. “For every alchemist in all of Sebun'airando. Liberion has at least a hundred if not more. All of whom have been trained in one of the greatest state run and sanctioned alchemist academies in the world.”
“Not even Orussian, Karlsland, or Britannian has a school that matches the Liberion school.” Kasumi shivered. “Or their sheer numbers. My grandfather once said that there was no nation, he feared more than Liberion. When I asked him why. He asked me how powerful I was in my alchemy. When I couldn’t answer him, he asked. ‘Can you hold off one hundred enemy alchemists on your own?’ I told him no naturally. Then he said. ‘And that is why I fear Liberion.’ I didn’t understand what he meant until a few months ago.”
“What happened?” Chiyoko asked afraid to hear the answer.
“We were visited by the Liberion envoy. Three of his four bodyguards were alchemists. All trained in the classical elements.” Kasumi shuttered. “I knew that I had power, but not enough to fight three trained alchemists. Especially all at once.”
“Damn. Talk about getting a kick in the teeth. How do you feel now?” Yoshi asked her with some worry.
“I don’t know. I know that I’m far more powerful than a hundred normal alchemists that’s for sure.” Kasumi giggled.
“That would explain the hands-off attitude of the Elders.” Satomi sighed. At Chiyoko’s look of confusion she explained. “Of all the nations in this world Sebun'airando is the weakest when it comes to alchemy and magic. It also explains the passage about the dragons that the first samurai rode.”
“How was the passage worded, sempai?” Chiyoko asked quickly.
“Here, look for yourself.” Satomi said as she turned the pages to the passage.
“In the mountain passage of Chūgoku Mountains, did the two great armies clash. For four days and nights they warred over a thin batch of land known only as the Serpent’s gape. As the Great leader Yuki Otani was beset by numerous enemies, six foreign samurai did descend from the heavens upon the backs of majestic dragons. With Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, with feats of unimaginable Magic and the dragon fire, they drove back Han-wu’s army. These samurai and their dragons did bring with them the teachings of western alchemy and magic onto the Seven Kingdoms.” Chiyoko read aloud. “Why do I have the feeling that the original Dragon Samurai and their dragons were European?”
“That would explain the illustration on the next page.” Satomi said as she flipped to the next page. “Here look. What do you see?”
“Holy shit! Those are European Dragons. But the armor doesn’t match up. That isn’t iron or bronze age armor. It’s more along the lines of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century Europe as well.” Chiyoko said as she studied the illustration on the page before her. “Nothing makes any sense.”
“I have a possible theory to explain that as well. Like us, those first samurai were pulled from another time and world. The subsequent samurai that followed were from this world though.” Satoko said out loud. “With the exception of one samurai every time. The Samurai of the Void.”
“Ah shit.” Chiyoko grumbled. “Why do I have the feeling that the prophecies of this world have a way of reaching into the other worlds?”
“Let’s just say that I wouldn’t put it past the magic of this world.” Satoko smirked as she waved her hand down her front. “Or the gods.”
“Okay, any suggestions on how to proceed?” Chiyoko asked.
“Might as well try to call your dragons, kohai.” Satomi suggested. “That or see if you can get a better location on the Dragon Princess.”
“Let’s try for the Dragon Princess first.” Akani voted.
“Couldn’t hurt with my help. I say you go for the Dragon Princess.” Yoshi told Chiyoko with a grin.
“That make three votes for the Dragon Princess. Once you add in mine.” Kasumi said as she held up her hand.
“I would say it is unanimous, but you have the last vote.” Chikako told her.
“Well looks like we go for the Princess first.” Chiyoko sighed. “I guess the best way to go about it would be to use something from the Who. Let me think.” Chiyoko scratched her chin then smiled. “Got it.”
Once again she took a breath and began to sing.
The policeman knew my name
He said, ‘You can go sleep at home tonight
If you can get up and walk away.’
I staggered back to the underground
The breeze blew back my hair
I remembered throwing punches around
And preachin' from my chair.”
As she sang the water began to swirl while the blazer began to smoke heavily. The feather slowly began stand on end and the blue glass began to melt. With each verse the four elements were slowly drawn to the empty crystal jar.
Who who who who
Who are you
Who who who who.”
The more she sang the faster the four elements pulled together into the jar. From the blazer a stream of smoke. The water just flowed into the jar. The blue glass split in half and one half stayed in place while the other oozed into the jar. The feather stirred the mix.
Home to the rolling pin
I felt a little like a dying clown
But with a streak of Rin Tin Tin
I stretched back and I hiccupped
Looked back on my busy day
Eleven hours in the tin pan
God there's got to be another way
As the four elements swirled within the jar a face began to form. One that in no way matched the local population. It had all the markings the oval-face of the aristocracy. One that screamed Royalty of the first order.
The love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees
I spill out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone new
After such a love as this.”
“Holy shit! I know that face.” Yoshi exclaimed. “Not the person but the face. We all do. That is the child of the old Emperor’s First Concubine and the Captain of the Guard.”
“Woah. Talk about pissing off the powers that be. No wonder she went into hiding. If the current Emperor knew that he had a sister with a stronger claim than his he would shake the pillars of heaven to find her.” Akani shivered. “I know what the Emperor would do if he felt that his power was threatened. Especially by a woman.”
“At least we know what she looks like now. That is an accurate picture of her?” Chikako asked as she pointed at the crystal jar.
“As accurate as I can get. Though I doubt that she be that hard to find. I just wish we had a better fix on her locations.” Chiyoko grumbled. The words had no sooner left her mouth than the face of the Dragon Princess shifted. Soon there was a mountainside watchtower in the crystal jar.
“I would say that is where we need to look. There are only so many of those watchtowers in the mountains. Most of them are empty this time of the year. During the winter months anyway.” Kasumi commented as she scratched her head. “This one looks like it doubles as basecamp for climbers and fire watchtower in the summer months.”
“That just means we got to get from here to there in the shortest time possible.” Chiyoko sighed. “Looks like it’s time to summon our ride.”
“Do you think we got enough room to hold five European majestic dragons in the courtyard?” Yoshi asked as she looked out into the courtyard. “I mean do you even know how big one of those things are?”
“Uumm… Not really why?” Chiyoko asked honestly.
“Okay Chiyoko, you need to understand that Celestial Dragons and Majestic Dragons are two separate species of dragons. While a Celestial Dragon can take the form of a human. Majestic Dragons only have one form, their dragon form. Another major difference is the way they fight. Celestial Dragons use magic and alchemy more than physical attacks. Majestic Dragons are more of your up front in your face lets punch it out types.” Satomi explained. “Even according to our own legends, the dragons of Europe were more beasts of war than peace. Then there is the size and body difference of the two species.”
“What size deference?” Chiyoko quickly asked.
“Look at the illustration of the Majestic Dragons and compare it to what you know of the Celestial Dragon. The Celestial Dragons are sleeker and leaner of body. Compared to the more muscular and broader form of the Majestic Dragon. One is built for Enlightenment the other for War.” Satomi explained.
“There is a reason for this miko. We of the Celestial Dragons are closer to the Gods than our more earthly brethren of the Majestic Dragons.” The voice was cultured and refined. All seven young women turned to face the person the voice belonged to. “My Sisters mortal children are all BRED for war.”
“My Lady Otohime, you grace us with your presence. You said your sister’s mortal children are bred for war. Are you talking about the Lady Zennyo Ryūō?” Satoko asked the Dragon Goddess of Death.
“I have more than one sister, miko.” Otohime chuckled. “No, the sister that I speak of is Tiamat, Goddess of the Western Dragons and wife of Bahamut, the Grand. I can tell by the looks in your eyes you’re confused young samurai. Tiamat is not the all-consuming deity of evil that she is portrayed as being by the Western scholars.”
“Was she the one that brought the original Dragon Samurai, my Lady?” Chiyoko asked with more respect than she had shown any of the other Dragon Gods.
“It was She who brought them here from the far flung worlds. As powerful as my nephews and nieces are, they lacked the needed perspective to find such powerful warriors in time to save the original Dragon Princess. It was I who went before my Sister. She reached through the Vale of Time and Space. Deep into a world where a humans and dragons lived side by side.” Otohime explained with a sly smile. “Such a wonderous world. How I have envied Tiamat’s ability to travel between the realms with such ease.”
“My Lady Otohime, how many of those original dragons are still in this world?” Akani asked as she looked down at the map and the six circled Prefectures. “Could they even still be alive? I know that Celestial Dragons are almost immortal but what about the Majestic Dragons?”
“They’re still here, child. Slumbering under magical cloaks of illusion. Hidden away from the sight of mankind.” Otohime answered with a chuckle. “Waiting for the greatest of the Kyamo no Sa, to call them back.”
“That let's me out then.” Chiyoko chuckled.
“Why do you say that Kyamo no Sa? You have done what none of the others have in all of their long and storied history.” Otohime told Chiyoko as she cocked her head to the side as a second immortal appeared. This immortal was another woman. “Allow me to introduce my sister Tiamat.”
“Ah so this is the Void that dared to cross the Vale on her own power. Such arrogance in one so young. Then again the young have always been reckless.” The Dragon Goddess chuckled. “Call my children child. They await you.”
“Okay, if you say so. I’ll give it a go.” Chiyoko sighed. Clearing her voice once more Chiyoko thought about what song or poem would work. Only one poem came to mind. Rise of the Dragons by Roberta Keller. “On the Wings of Right that crossed the great Void did arise the ancient Dragons. Warriors one and all. Guardians of Right. Protectors, defenders, against the endless night. Bringers of the Light. On wings of fearsome might. Scaled armored hides with but one weakness not in sight. Destroyers of the false Gods of War. In all colors of the rainbow at once did they attack. Only to slumber in Peace under the mountains of the wild. On the Wings of Right did come the Dragons.”
Chiyoko had no sooner finished the last verse than there was a series of crashes as thunder rolled over the temple. As the last crash sounded there was a huge outcry of panic. Chiyoko looked at the others then over at the two Dragon Goddess. Both of whom were smiling. Tiamat held her arms wide and yelled at the top of her voice. “After three millennium my children have awakened from their forced slumber!”
“Oh shit. Why do I have a feeling that I just did more than wake the dragons from their slumber?” Chiyoko asked Satomi and Satoko face palmed.
P.S. Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter. With the virus craziness going on I've had my hands full with taking care of the 4H clubs' horses, my own horses, and being a new foster parent.
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Ah -- at long last! Glad to see you are alive and kicking (and posting as well)! Those darn samurai kids have too much spunk!
We understand delays
and RL sometimes roars like a dragon distracting us, Jessie. We'll take what we can get.
Princess of the Night is a personal favourite, was actually singing it at work a few weeks ago as I checked door locks for the evening. Nobody else there to hear it, probably a good thing.
Take heart, Princess, the riders are about to take flight.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Thanks for the new chapter...
Some things are more important that really nice chapter of wonderful tales.
Ours health and the health of those entrust to us is paramount.
Big Loving (virtual) Hug tmf
Sounds like there's some havoc to be wereaked
so Chyoko must be right in her element! *laughs*
What a wonderful story!
Monique S
Well, now you have whet my appetite.......
I can only hope that I won’t have wait so long for the next chapter!
I can’t wait to see where the dragons were slumbering. You can bet it tore up some real estate when they awakened!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I love this story!
I love this story!
Welcome back
Love the new chapter. And don’t worry about delays. Craziness is craziness. Been labelled essential myself, so I understand.
Another good chapter,
Enjoyable as always.
Where are the street sweepers?
Chiyoko seems to be rather an excitable person, or one who in her other life had the misfortune to be the one receiving most of the road apples.
She also seems to regard respect as something not an important commodoty to possess. But she also is blunt and to the point, which can be hard to take but let's others know where she stands.
When a person has known their entire life that what they now experience doesn't exist, it can be hard to have the faith to do what's expected. But continues building confidence each time what's expected does occur.
And now Chiyoko has called the slumbering dragons, and by all the commotion heard they have arrived. From the sounds heard it may be necessary to sweep up after several people in that temple.
Others have feelings too.