So I saw my doctor the other day in regards to some blood tests he had ordered for me.
Some good news, my liver is doing better, my bad cholesterol has dropped, but there was one troubling result.
My white blood count is very high, and has been high for months.
Now there are lots of things that could cause that, but the one I immediately thought of was the Big C - cancer.
My doctor is going to try and get me an appointment with a specialist, but with COVID, it may not happen quickly, so I'm going to have this hanging over my head for a while.
nothing I can do except just hang on, and fight off worry, I guess.
As always, hugs appreciated.
Big Big Hugs...
Big Big Hugs...
Love tmf
All sorts of things
can raise lymphocyte levels, most common is infection. Cancers don't always affect it much until later stages, so try not to worry it could one of numerous things.
At least there's some good
At least there's some good news there. I know that it's easier said than done, but try not to focus on it too much, you'll just be worrying over possibilities until you can know for sure and that stress will only impact your health more. If it does turn out to be something bad then, you'll have out support then too, just like you do now and we'll help you through it. Your friends here will be behind you no matter what, Dot.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3