Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 22

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 22
Serpent’s Gap, Chūgoku Mountains; next morning

Ren stood at the head of her army looking up the long valley floor. She knew that within hours her half-brother would send his army to crush hers. In the vanguard of that army would be the Military Alchemists. Men trained in the science of alchemy for the sole purpose of warfare. A hundred of the finest minds in all of the Empire. They were the real threat to her army. Them and the armored airships that had as of yet to make an appearance. Ren knew that those massive engines of war were not far away. Soon they would hover over the battlefield raining down death and destruction on her poorly armed army.

Her only hope against these formidable forces were four young girls, one young man and their majestic dragon companions. Even now those dragons, her greatest asset were a long way off. They were in search of the airships. Ren still had her doubts that Miles and six majestic dragons would be enough to stop the airships. Airships that according to her scouts were not the normal armored military airships. These were twelve of the newest and largest airships to have ever been built. Not by Yamato Shipyards but the Liberian shipyards in Portland on their Western coastline. Until now, no one had seen them in the skies over the Empire.

“You’re worried about those twelve airships. Miles and the dragons will be enough to deal with them, Empress.” Chikako said from behind her.

“I wish that I had your faith in the man, Lady Chikako. Because if my brother can bring even one of those monsters into play. We will lose this battle. The Monarch class airships are unlike anything that has been built before.” Ren said with real worry as she turned to face the samurai. “Though they are not my only worry.”

“You believe that I and my sisters are no match for one hundred military alchemists.” Chikako chuckled as she looked toward the far-right flank. “Worry not for my sisters Empress. Your brother may have brought his mightiest of Alchemists to battle. It will do him no good. Their only advantage is in numbers, nothing more.”

“I was led to believe that quantity has a quality all its own. With their numbers alone they can overwhelm you.” Ren thought she should point out the most glaring of fact in war for the young woman.

“Numbers do not equal power, Empress.” Chikako chuckled. “Not when it comes to magic or alchemy. For true alchemic power one must have a true affinity for the five elements. While Chiyoko is the only one of us that can truly wield the power of the Void. Each of us is a true Mistress of our element. While those men have spent years in training to master the science behind alchemy. They have no true affinity for their individual elements. They are at best cheap imitations of true alchemists. Charlatans dreaming of real power.”

“I hope you are correct, Lady Chikako. Because if you’re wrong. This is going to be a very short battle. One that will end with our deaths.” Ren told her bluntly.

“The battle here will happen the way it has always happened. The rightful ruler of this land shall be victorious. In this battle numbers mean nothing. Only that the rightful ruler be present at the start and end of the battle, Empress.” Satomi said as she and Satoko walked up to stand next to her. “The battle for the soul of this nation though lies elsewhere in the hands of our most formidable warrior.”

“Do you really believe that Lady Chiyoko has gone to face the Dragon Kings on her own, Mistress Satomi?” Ren asked of the miko.

“Of all our students. Chiyoko has to be the most brash, reckless, irresponsible, pigheaded, and disrespectful of them all. She has done what only the crazy brave would dare.” Satoko said as she looked towards the West. “I have faith in her. She will be successful in her fight.”

“Why do you feel this way, Mistress? How can you be so sure?” Ren asked in true bewilderment. Ren had seen Chiyoko perform unbelievable feats of magic that belie the imagination. Yet this time she was facing off five magicians of unknow power.

“Chiyoko is unlike the other girls, Empress. The world we come from is far less peaceful than this one. She grew up in a society ruled by violence and fear. I doubt that she was more than six when she saw her first dead body in the streets. She faced a world with roving gangs, drug filled streets, prostitution, corrupt officers of the law, an oppressive and corrupt government.” Satoko explained calmly as she pointed to the growing black dots on the far horizon. “Just like those airships she attack just days ago, our home world’s government used something similar to oppress the people of our nation.”

“Then her attacking the Dragon Kings, on her own, would be something she would have done even in your home world?” Ren asked the maiko.

“If she had the power that she does Here, you better believe she would. Especially as how the Dragon Kings remind her of a few politicians back home.” Satomi said with a chuckle. “Trust us, there are more than a few politicians that she could turn to ash and dust that no one would complain about.”

“Especially those fossils that have been in power for thirty plus years.” Satoko snarked. Then chuckled. “I know that I would turn a blind eye if she sent that nut job, my home state elected, to office.”

“I agree with Satoko on this Empress. I swear I think that all you need to be an elected Representative in our Legislative branch of Government is failing grades in Social Studies, Government, and a full-frontal lobotomy.” Satomi wisecracked.

“I must say you show a remarkable lack of respect for your home nation’s Governing Body.” Setsu said with her chuckle. “Though I can see how you would have little respect for professional politicians.”

“In the words of Field Marshal Alexander Kerensky. ‘Politics may be the second oldest profession, but it bears a striking resemblance to the oldest.” Satomi answered back with a sly smile. Then snickered. “In some cases, it’s so bad that you can’t tell the whores from the politicians.”

“It’s just as bad with our Parliament and the Lords. Then again politics is a nasty business and only the snakes need apply. I have only one use for Politicians. They always let me know where to point my guns first.” Setsu chuckled then snarled “And it’s not always at a foreign enemy but the assholes in charge.”

“Damn mom. I never knew you felt that way.” Ren said with a chuckle.

“Trust me daughter. There has been more than one time that I wanted to cut the head off of the nearest political bootlicking, asshole.” Setsu snarled as she looked toward the far end of the gap. “The biggest of which is behind that formation.”

“Moronari always was an over indulged cowardly little prick. To this day I regret stopping that Black Wolf assassin sent to kill the little bitch.” Kimi Igarashi former member of the Royal Guards and one-time subordinate of Setsu. Kimi had left the day after Setsu disappeared with the Princess and rightful heir to the throne.

“You’re not the only one to make that mistake Kimi. More than a few of our former comrades have left the Guards to join our bid to restore the throne to the rightful heir. Not only from the Guards but also among the Shoguns. That boy should have been put down the first time he ignored his instructors.” Shogun Nishimura said as she walked up behind the Empress and her mother. “The upper ridges are fortified with the heavy cannons, Empress. They’re ready to rain down steel.”

“His death would have been a mercy for our nation.” The Blue Devil’s commander grunted as he joined them. “The Hidden Horde has taken up our positions among the rocks as ordered Empress.”

“The Crimson Wings and Rising Sun Sisters are ready to bomb the far end of valley, Empress.” The Crimson Wings commander said as she walked up to the group. “We’ll be using the upper limit of our flight capabilities, but we’ll get the job done.”

The sounds of heavy cannons rumbled across the valley floor. Ren knew that the first artillery shells would fall among the rocks lining the valley floor. Ren knew that the first casualties would be among the Hidden Horde. Though not as great as her brother’s force would hope. For the last two days the Horde had dug massive trenchworks and heavy fortifications among the rocks. Most of those rocks were boulders the size of houses. The gap was a natural fortification. Anyone holding their position in that area would do so with deadly consequences for the attacker.

The sound of the engines for the Crimson Wings and Rising Sun flying wings reached Ren’s ears as they flew over ahead. Ren’s eyes were drawn to their bright red and blazing yellow paint schemes. The speed of the flying wings was amazing. Ren raised the telescope to her eye and focused on the far end of the valley. As the flying wings passed over the heavy guns of Moronari’s army black metal cylinders fell from their bellies and wings. In short order the artillery position was swallowed up in boiling clouds of smoke, fire, and dust.

“That wouldn’t have worked if we sent them straight down the valley below the ridge lines, Ren.” Setsu told her daughter quietly. “Thankfully, your brother’s generals are still fighting the last. We’ll know for sure if they send their Infantry at us in a bayonet charge. They do that this fight is over.”

“What of the armored wagons mother? Those will still cause problems.” Ren countered.

“Moronari’s generals have yet to grasp the full use of those powerful weapons. They still see them as nothing more than mobile artillery to be used in support of individual Infantry units. While those tactics can work, they’re not the best use of armored wagons.” Satomi corrected Ren discreetly so that the other commanders would also learn a lesson in modern warfare. “If your brother’s generals truly understood the versatility of armored wagons, they would have grouped them together. Concentrated their firepower. Have the Infantry move in support of the wagons. They also wouldn’t be sending their troops into the valley without air support. Not blindly trusting in the artillery to pound our forces into submission. They should have held off until their airships arrived to spot for the artillery.”

“For a miko you have a grasp of warfare unlike anyone I have talked with in some time, Mistress Satomi. How is it that a shrine maiden would learn such knowledge?” Kimi Igarashi asked of her with a wary eye.

“I have found that a true student never truly stops learning. One should not restrict their knowledge just to the texts of their profession. To do so is to bring about stagnation of the mind. There is a whole world’s wealth of commentary to which one may apply the mind.” Satomi explained for Kimi how she came by her rather usual knowledge. “For example, much like our counterparts the geisha, shrine maidens all learn how to dance for certain ceremonies. Sumo is the dance of giants. While war is the dance of nations. To not study all the forms of a dance is to ignore our studies and become stagnant.”

“I must say Mistress, you point of view on studying is rather refreshing. When we have restored our Empress to her throne, would you be interested in giving a lecture to my students?” Shogun Okita asked of the young Shrine Maiden.

“I would be honored, Lord Okita. Though the one you should ask is my sister Satoko. After all she is the better teacher.” Satomi said with a slight bow. Before Satoko could take her sister to task for throwing her under the bus a fresh round of artillery shell fell among the boulders. “It seems that our friends across the valley have decided to try a new tactic.”

Ren use the telescope to find where new the enemy artillery was firing from. “Damn. Mom where would you place a reserve artillery battery?”

“With the far end now nothing more than a kill zone.” Setsu said deep in thought then raised a telescope to her eye. “The woods on the slopes.”

“Shogun Nishimura, have our guns concentrate all of their fire on the woods.” Ren ordered the man without thinking twice. “Four round barrage of all batteries.”

“At once Empress.” Nishimura answered then turned to the wireless operator to give the order. As he did so the old samurai thought ‘Yes, she shall make a truly worthy Empress for our nation.’

“Lord Okita have the eighty-eights prepare for anti-wagon fire. I want those armored wagons target and destroyed before they can reach the boulders.” Ren ordered as she watched the first of Moronari’s armored wagons advance towards the boulder strewn valley floor of the gap. “Whatever happens we cannot let those monsters get in amongst the boulders. We do and my brother will own the gap.”

She had no sooner gave the order than several pillars of flame erupted among the boulders. Chikako snarled as she summoned her staff. “Damn. The Military Alchemists have decided to attack ahead of the wagons.” In a voice clear as the noonday sun she called out. “Sisters! To battle!”

With that all four of the remaining Dragon samurai activated the spell stones at their necks and vanished in a blaze of light. With the exception of Satoko, and Satomi, the leadership of the rebellion stared in shock. The miko had seen them use the magic of their sister Chiyoko, but this was the first time for these leaders. Their attention was drawn towards the valley floor as four brilliant flashes of light appeared in front of the boulder field.

“And now the real battle of alchemy begins. Soon you shall see the full power of your Dragons, Empress.” Satomi said as she turned to Satoko. “Come sister. We need to ready the medical staff. I fear that our students are not going to hold back.”

“Wait, Mistress Satomi. Before you go. What do mean by them not holding back?” Ren asked for all the gathered leaders with real fear in her voice.

“Until now, Empress. The Dragon Samurai had held their power in check. Never letting the world know of their true strength for fear of becoming monsters in the eyes of the people. Here and now, they face a foe that will not let them hold back. They must unleash all of their power. It is something that they all fear, with one exception.” Satomi explained as she look over her shoulder. “I suggest that you pray they complete their fight before their sister returns.”

“Why?” Asked Shogun Okita with real concern.

“Because the most powerful of them all has no problems with doing whatever it takes to win. To include destroying this valley and everything in it.” Satoko answered letting her voice turn cold as ice. “To include us.”

“Just how powerful is the Kyamo no Sa?” Ren demanded of Satoko. “And don’t sidestep the question this time, Satoko.”

“Honestly. We have no idea of just how powerful Chiyoko can become. Her power is fueled by her emotions. The greater the emotion the greater the power. You saw what she did against those airships. That is only a sample of how her power is affected by her emotions. I fear that once she has the Five Dragon Kings before her.” Satoko said as she shivered looking up at the clear sky. “Not even the Lady Tiamat will be strong enough to stand before her rage. Time for us to be about our tasks sister. I fear that more than a few shall have need of our healing arts.”

Valley floor, Serpent’s Gap, Battle of the Elements

Chikako, Akane, Yoshie, and Kasumi stood together in the center of the valley floor. Far ahead of the boulder strewn area known as the Gap. Each teenage woman knew what their duty was in this fight. As the oldest Akane took charge. “Time to dance with the Devil in the pale blue dress sisters.”

“Let me handle Major Suna Haga and her Silver Sluts.” Kasumi snarled as she stepped towards the far left of the small clearing. “I have more than enough reason to hand out a life altering ass beating to my aunt.”

“Then have fun with the Silver Wind Sages but don’t take too long Kasumi.” Akane warned her sister carefully. She knew that Kasumi had suffered more than a few indignities at the hands of her grandfather because of her aunt Suna.

“I’ll take as long as I like to put that bitch down.” Kasumi snarled as she snapped her hand towards the far edge of the woods. The blade of air slashed through the trees there sending splinters of wood flying in all directions. Along with the bodies of dead snippers. “As usual my Aunt fails to grasp the concept of fair play.”

“Damn. I thought that Chiyoko had a burr up her ass over the big dogs in power.” Yoshie chuckled then turned red with a burning rage as she spotted the commander of the Water alchemists. “You know something. I’m a damned fool. The Waterspout Mages and their bastard leader is mine.”

As Yoshie stormed off to the far-right Yoshie used her alchemy to carry her voice across the battlefield. “Tsuneteru Irie! We have unfinished business you bastard son of a devil fish and a whoremonger! You shall pay for what you did to my family.”

“Akane I believe that your opponent is over there on that outcropping.” Chikako said as she pointed towards a group of men dressed in the uniforms for the flame alchemists of the military. Chikako had to fight to keep the snarl from her voice as she pointed out one man in particular. “I’m not sure but one of them looks like the Butcher of Yamarano, Captain Uchimichi Kiyooka.”

“Your eyes do not fail you sister. For the first time I no longer doubt as to why I was chosen to be the Flaming Blade of the Dragon Prince Juro. That piece of shit has brought far too much dishonor to both my hometown and family.” Akane snarled as she marched toward the one man in all of the Empire that she hated more than the Emperor Moronari. The one man who had brought so much disgrace to her hometown. Captain Uchimichi Kiyooka was more than just a wanted war criminal. The man was the physical representation of what was wrong in the Empire for Akane.

The hardest of Elements

With her sisters facing off against their individual nightmares Chikako walked towards the one woman in the Empire that she had to destroy. It did not matter what else happened. Chikako had to destroy Uta Sonoda, the Granite Alchemist. Chikako didn’t care about what the woman had done elsewhere in the Empire. This was the woman who had caused the destruction of Manirath Reef and the purple oyster beds. The crushing blow to the economy of her already impoverished people was almost more than her village could stand. This woman had destroyed the reef and the oyster beds simply because a driver refused to give her one of the rare Blood pearls.

“Uta Sonoda, we have unfinished business, you worthless bitch! Show yourself CUNT!” Chikako yelled out at the top of her lungs. She like her sisters wanted this fight over with and wanted over now. Time to get things started. “If you won’t come to me. Then I’ll come to you, you cunt!”

With that final challenge to the military alchemists the fight between the Earth Elemental alchemists began in earnest. Looking at the 25, military alchemists arrayed against her Chikako snapped her right hand downward across her body. The blaze of mystical energy she released with that one simple motion ripped across the field in a straight line. Like an arrow released from its bow the blast of alchemic power heralded the arrival of millions of tiny diamond shards. Chikako’s opening strike may have caught her opponents off guard but not for long.

Uta Sonoda forced herself to stand while deflecting the diamond onslaught. She watched in horror as eight of her most powerful alchemists were shredded. It took all of Uta’s power to turn the devasting attack. Her second in command did not stand by ideally. Yuma Kamei sent a wall of granite rolling towards the upstart teenager. Chikako saw the massive wall of rolling rock and did the only thing her mind could think of at the time. She transfigured the rock into an earthen battle works to force her enemies to attack her one at a time.

Chikako snarled as she saw the one bitch, she wanted dead more than any other. Chikako drove her staff into the ground turning the surrounding area into pure black diamond glass. Chikako’s Sourusureiyāzu leaped into her hands as if pulled from the very fabric of time and space as she screamed at the top of her lungs. “Vengefully dance Worm blade!”

With the massive black bastard sword in her hands Chikako rushed the now corralled alchemists. Nothing the military alchemists did could stop her. With a rage that was barely contained Chikako attacked. She removed arms. She sliced off legs. She disemboweled men and women with ruthless abandon. She severed heads without thought. She danced among their number in a violent display of bloody carnage. Even as the military alchemists sent waves of rock, and soil in an attempt to slow her down or injure her. Yet with each wave Chikako’s armor reflected the attacks.

When it was just her and one last military alchemist Chikako ended her dance of death. Chikako's breath came in ragged gasps as she faced off against the woman that was the focus of her rage, Uta Sonoda. “We have business Sonoda.”

“What business would that be whore?” Sonoda spat out as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. “Why do you stand behind this false Empress? Come. Join me. Help us restore peace to our nation.”

“Just as you stored the peace with the destruction of Manirath Reef and the purple oyster beds? Whose peace did that serve?” Chikako asked with a snarl as she spat the blood from her mouth. She didn’t know when it happened but one of the rocks had hit her in the mouth during her close in fighting with the Earth Alchemists.

“Those peasants were pillaging the Manirath Reef. Those pearls have always been the rightful property of the Emperor. I should have destroyed Daiamondoobuzashī instead of showing mercy on those worthless pearl divers.” Uta snarled.

“All the more reason to leave you lying on the battlefield missing your head.” Chikako snarled as she drove the point of her sword into the ground. “But I will not sully my blade with your blood. You shall die by my alchemy.”

“Then it is to be a dual of alchemic power. Fine by me.” Uta snapped and sent a pillar of granite straight towards Chikako.

Chikako slapped her hands together and released a blue-white blaze of power towards the pillar. Even as it touched the pillar the granite turned upwards towards the sky before exploding. Chikako grinned and send her own attack rushing towards Uta. Only Uta was ready. She easily deflected the powerful burst of power. Something that Chikako was hoping for as her real attack struck home. Uta staggered and screamed in terror as she realized her mistake. Chikako pulled her sword from the ground and slowly walked towards the now paralyzed woman.

“That crystal will soon envelope you Uta. Once it has, I shall leave you here as a warning to the rest of the world.” Chikako grinned evilly. “Though I do believe that a few changes need to happen first.”

With that Chikako placed her right hand on Uta’s face. The crystal structure rippled across the totality of Uta’s body. Gone was the face of fear. In the place of the once terror-stricken woman now stood a statue of naked beauty truly worthy of the great masters. Chikako returned her Sourusureiyāzu to its pocket dimension. As she walked away from her defeated foes Chikako sighed. “Finally, justice has been achieved for the people of my home.”

The flowing element of change.

Unlike her sisters Yoshie Higashi knew that her opponents, Tsuneteru Irie and the Waterspout Mages were more than just alchemists. It was their power that had kept the local Headwoman and her family in power in her hometown. It was also the constant threat of these alchemists that kept her family poor and hungry. Little more than slaves. Forced to go further and further out into the ocean to chase the Blue-fin tuna. Always risking their lives for the profit of others.

Now was her chance to truly, free her people. Yoshie would put an end to these men and their aspirations of greatness. Even as the first tidal waves rose out of the river Yoshie flipped her hand. The resulting burst of mystical power turned the waves to nothing more than a gentle rain. Tsuneteru stood slack jawed in amazement. This slip of a girl had just turned his troops greatest attack into nothing more than an annoyance. As his people began to work their next feat of alchemy the girl raised her hands above her head. The once gentle rain turned to a tempest of falling ice daggers. Unlike her sister Chikako, Yoshie unleashed her full rage all at once.

Yoshie knew that her only chance at surviving against the Waterspout Mages was to go all out no holds barred. Yoshie knew the if she gave her adversary even half a chance, they would kill her. Yoshie was not going to wade in into hand-to-hand combat range with her Sourusureiyāzu just yet. No Yoshie wanted to pound these asshats into the ground with the element they has used to subjugate her people first. She let her imagination run wild with possibilities.

Tsuneteru could only stare in utter horror as his people were massacred around him. He was forced to watch as twenty-foot-tall water trolls stamped down with such force it crushed his alchemists. The needle thin streams of high-pressure water slice through armored vests cutting out their hearts. Blasts of superheated steam broiled away their flesh and limbs. Giant balls of ice crash down with enough force to turn humans into a bloody paste. Swirling towers of water throwing his people high into the sky. Everywhere he looked the manner of death being handed out by this slip of a girl drove home just how outclassed his people truly were. Not even the bullets that the few of people were able to fire could touch this young woman. The mist that swirled around her was as impenetrable as the Palace walls.

When he was the last one standing Yoshie walked toward him with a look of grim determination. In her hands she finally called forth her Sourusureiyāzu. The twin katanas Morning Frost and Waterfall shimmered in the morning sunlight. For the first time Tsuneteru knew that his death was finally at hand. Unlike his counterpart Uta he would not beg or bargain for his life. Tsuneteru was the oldest of the Military alchemists. He had always known that this day would come. After thirty-years of service he actually looked forward to this fight.

“Well done, Ice Blade. I must say that you showed my subordinates that there is still more they could learn. Sadly, most of them will never live to use that lesson. I would like to ask a concession should you win our fight.” Tsuneteru asked as Yoshie neared his spot on the battlefield.

“I will let those that are still alive to leave the battlefield, Irie. I see no reason for needless death.” Yoshie snarled as she dropped a few tons of crushing water on the few surviving members of the Waterspouts Mages killing the last of them. “Unlike these slugs who would kill innocent citizens for no reason.”

“YOU BARBARIAN! Those men and women were no threat to you!” Tsuneteru screamed.

“Don’t even try to play the innocent card with me Irie! These people were not simple innocent soldiers following orders. All of them have the blood of citizens they were sworn to protect on their hands. Instead, they used their power to subjugate the people of the nation for no other reason than it was fun for them! Now draw your sword cocksucker. One of us is going to die!” Yoshie screamed as she charged the suddenly enraged man with all of her might.

Like her sister Chikako, Yoshie withheld the power of her twin katanas. Irie barely had time to draw his blades to block her first attack. As their blades clashed Yoshie’s mask disappeared. For the first time in weeks someone other than her sisters saw Yoshie’s face. A face filled with a barely contained rage. Tsuneteru knew the face that filled his eyes. He knew the rage that filled those eyes. They were the same ones turned on him and his people more than once over the years. Each time it was from those that lay defeated before them. The last sight Tsuneteru had of this earthly realm would be those rage filled eyes of this young woman.

As Tsuneteru’s head rolled across the ground Yoshie sighed. “Revenge is ours mother. The bastard Irie Tsuneteru has been sent to his hellish reward. Rest now Waterfall. Vanish with the sunlight Morning Frost.”

The never-ending flames.

“HELL’S FIRE HAS COME FOR YOU BUTCHER OF YAMARANO! SHOW YOURSELF UCHIMICHI KIYOOKA!” Akane yelled out as she drove her staff into the earth at her feet. She wasn’t expecting for the man to actually appear before her alone. “Where are the rest of your dogs, Kiyooka? Are they hiding in the shadows to strike me from behind?”

“I will not insult you Flame Blade. Unlike my counterparts. I know the meaning of honor duels. I face you alone.” Kiyooka answered with a bow. Akane watched as the man slowly drew his katana first. “Inflame their desires Sanguine Blossoms.”

“If it is a battle of blades you want Kiyooka. Then that is what you’ll get.” For the first time Akane drew on the forbidden teachings of her youth. Drawing only one of her twin katana Sourusureiyāzu she advanced on the man with grim determination. “Hell’s Fire Reduce them to Ash.”

The Sourusureiyāzu blades clashed with a ringing tone that cut through the raging sounds of heavy cannon fire. The sheer power that was unleased by that clash ripped through the surrounding area exposing the rest of the flame alchemists. Unfortunately for them that power did more than expose them. It ripped away their power, along with their lives. All that was left of the military flame alchemist was their charred bones and the ashes of their flesh.

Of the twenty-six people within the range of the Sourusureiyāzu only Akane and Kiyooka survived. Akane was actually smiling as the man was able to fight back with a blade of equal power. Akane may have started life as the youngest son in her family and willingly accepted her role as a Redībōizu. That didn’t mean she devoted her life to studying only the womanly arts. Her one great love was the ken no geijutsu. She studied more than a few styles of sword play.

By the time she was six Akane had mastered the 1000 slashes of Bento. By age ten she mastered Hiten Mitsurugi the deadliest of Asian sword styles. By the time she turned fifteen Akane knew every style of European sword play; Akane was a true Mistress of the Sword. Of all her skills this was the one that she had jealously guarded the most. During her bout with Miles, she had held back showing only the most basic of skill with a blade. Akane had always known that her freedom would depend on her mastery of the sword.

For Captain Uchimichi Kiyooka this was the day he had dreamt of for more than twenty years. Here before him was a true swordsman. He did not care that it was a woman. Only that his adversary knew how to use a sword. Uchimichi Kiyooka may have been an alchemist but he was also the oldest son of Shogun Hibicky Kiyooka. Trained in the ways of bushido and the samurai of old. His dream of facing down a samurai on the field of battle was fast disappearing. This was his last chance at finally dying like his ancestors as a true samurai. A dream that Akane was happy to accommodate with all of her skill.

Of the four alchemic battles, only this one would be decided not with mystical powers or alchemic science but the finest of forged steal blades imbued with the element of fire. On the side of the Empress a young woman with the fury of righteous indignation over the way she, and others like her, were treated like property. On the other side stands zealot with the blind fanatic’s need to hold to the status quo. Nothing and no one will stop their fight save for the Gods of Death. The very gods that were sitting back with beer and peanuts placing bets on the outcome.

For the better part of their personal battle the two samurai fought as near equals. Akane’s youth and strength offset Uchimichi’s skill and experience. For the first time in her young life Akane felt that she finally faced a true challenge. She loved every second of the fight against this man. With a shove she made just enough space between them to catch her breath. “You may be a butching pig Uchimichi, but you are an excellent swordsman.”

“Thank you, Flame Blade. I must say for woman your skills are rather formidable. You should be standing with the true Emperor of our nation. Not with that false Empress.” Uchimichi huffed as he to fought to catch his breath. “With your power we could restore the natural order of things to our nation.”

“You mean where women are little more than property? Where the last son is nothing more than a slave to be sold off to buy a better house? Where those with power rule through the use of fear and tyranny?” Akane snarled as her anger replaced her joy at finding a worthy foe. With the resurgence of her rage and anger Akane leapt at the man with a powerful downward stroke of her sword.

This Uchimichi’s blade was unable to stop Akane’s steal. The force of the strike was so great that it sliced through Uchimichi’s Sourusureiyāzu as if it was made from butter. Uchimichi fell face first to the ground, sliced wide open from his forehead to his waist. His Sourusureiyāzu in two pieces. The fight ended the way it began. Fast, load, violent, and bloody.

Akane slowly sheathed her Sourusureiyāzu. As the tsuba or guard clicked home Akane spat upon the deceased Uchimichi’s cooling body. “Burn in hell you worthless pig.”

The unseen element.

Major Suna Haga stood out in the open. While her Silver Wings Sages hide among the trees. Of all the foes she had faced over the years, she never expected to face her niece, Kasumi. Suna was unlike most alchemists. She could feel the power of those around her. She had always known that Kasumi was gifted with true alchemic power the likes of which she had never seen before. She was the one who had her father-in-law subjugate the girl before Kasumi could understand the full extent of her power. Then out of nowhere the Kyamo no Sa appears and frees her niece. Just days before Suna was going to retrieve the girl for herself.

The six wind blades that ripped through the trees behind her let Suna know her niece had not been fooled. The sudden cries of pain and horror from her people just confirmed this suspicion. “Welcome, Kasumi. I see that you still haven’t learned to control that temper of yours, niece.”

“Oh, I have control of my temper, auntie.” Kasumi quipped as she neared her aunt and their chosen battleground. “If I had not, then your sluts would be dead not wounded. My quarrel is with you, and only you. Your sluts can leave, and I will not chase after them. You on the other hand is another story.”

“Yes, Kasumi, we have much to discuss. For starters. Your disregard for the rightful ruler of our nation.” Suna answered coldly as she drew on the wind spirits around her. With each elemental spirit Suna drew in the stronger her alchemy. “Time for you to take your medicine, little girl!”

The blast of wind that came at Kasumi was a massive wall of pure force. A force equal to a 1000lb bomb blast. Kasumi reacted the only way she could. She met force with force. As the two walls slammed together the concussion threw huge hunks of grass, dust, and debris into the sky. A massive mushroom cloud rouse over the whole of the battlefield. Debris rained down as far north as the Emperor’s camp. Among the boulders the members of the Hidden Horde dropped to the bottom of their trenchworks. The shockwave from the concussion rolled across the valley floor flipping armored wagons and throwing Infantrymen to the ground. Yoshie, Chikako, and Akane grabbed their staffs and used them to steady themselves against the force of their sister’s attack. Even the earthen works that Chikako had forged in the moment of rage were knocked over by the force.

As the dust settled the two alchemists of air faced each other across a sandblasted clearing. The hatred of one blazing in her eyes. The other could only gaze in wonder at the sheer power displayed by the other. Suta could not believe the amount of power and hate that her small niece held within her body. For the first time Suta realized her mistake at having her father-in-law subjugate her niece. A mistake that Suta was now going to pay the price for making.

“Is that all you have auntie? Do you really believe that your simple tricks will stand up against someone who holds a Contract with the Elemental Spirit King of the Four Great Winds? Do you still believe that I was that scared little girl in my grandfather’s court? That you could just stand there and bully me into obeying your orders? Just how foolish can you get, auntie?” Kasumi almost snarled.

“I did what had to be done, niece. You had to be taught discipline and self-control. Your power was wild, unpredictable, and dangerous. What was done was for your own good.” Suta argued trying to work up enough power for one more strike against her enraged niece. Yet for some reason she could not reach the elemental spirits.

“You will find that the Wind Elements will no longer heed your call auntie. They have forsaken you the way you forsook me. Because of you my family grew to fear me. You made me fear my own power. You made my gift out to be a curse.” Kasumi snarled. Holding out her right-hand Kasumi slowly closed her fingers into a fist. This small gesture slammed Suta with the force of over 12,000 atmospheres. Suta was crushed by 87,000 tons of force all at once. All that remained of the woman that represented everything that Kasumi hated was a few tattered pieces of cloth, scraps of armor, and a bloody mist that settled across the ground.

“I killed you and your Wind Sluts far too damned quickly Aunt Suta.” Kasumi sighed as she looked up the valley towards the Emperor’s camp. “Time for the real criminals to pay the price for their dance.”

Yoshie, Chikako, and Akane walked up behind Kasumi as she leaned on her staff. Yoshie placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Past time sister. We can no longer wait for Chiyoko to return. We must finish this now. Before Empress Ren has to send her forces through that killing field.”

“I agree though I wish I knew where Miles and the dragons where.” Kasumi sighed. As if to answer her question the sounds of rolling explosions drew their attention towards the east. “I think we just got our answer.”

75miles northeast of Serpent’s Gap

Miles sat steady in the saddle of Qersiss, the Bunny Slayer as she led her brothers over the mountain ranges. He knew where their foe now flew. He had already summoned his shield Hadrian’s Wall and battle lance Thunder Struck. For the first time he was going to face these armored beasts of the skies called airships alone. He knew the might and power of the majestic dragon better than his sister knights. He looked over his shoulders at the five male majestic dragons and thought about their individual weapons they brought to this coming battle.

First there was the red dragon Dykacrat, the Tyrant, ridden by the lovely Akane. Dykacrat, The Tyrant was no ordinary Red dragon. While most Red dragons only have the one breath weapon of fire. Thanks to his age, Dykacrat could breathe a cloud of flammable gas. He could cover an area three times his normal cone of fire could reach. Once it has spread out a simple spark and all is reduced to ash.

Off to the right of Dykacrat flew the brown dragon Brikat, The Powerful. In old his years only his rider Chikako had ever tamed his legendary temper. The brown dragon’s crystalline breath was so heavy and hard that not even another dragon could fly under the weight. Miles wondered if even the massive airbags of the airships could lift a 1-inch-thick coating of brown dragon crystal.

The yellow dragon Ygi, The Voiceless was his next concern. Without his rider Kasumi, Miles feared that Ygi would not hold back with secondary weapon. If the yellow dragon’s poisonous gas should fall among the valley below it would take decades before it became passable again. Only Dykacrat’s flame could cleans the poison once it had spread across the ground.

Of all the majestic dragons only Deghia, the Champion of Men did not fill him with dread when he unleased his full power. While he told Yoshie that his boiling water would sear away the flesh of humans, he did not tell her what it did to metals. He had seen blue dragons of Deghia’s age turn hardened armor to pools of slag with mixed in boiling flesh. These armored airships could very well be turned into caldrons of cooking flesh and exploding gases.

Then came the wild card of the majestic dragons. Ivadad, Lord of The Black, and the biggest black majestic dragon he had ever seen. The sheer power of his weapons terrified Miles. The black majestic dragon is the most powerful. They are also the rarest of them all. When they become angered, they tend to unleash bolts of pure energy. Ones so powerful that they’ll melt the metal of armor suits. This is their second preferred form of attack. The madder they become the stronger the bolts of electricity. Then there was the black dragon’s acid breath. An acid that is so corrosive that not even glass can withstand its power.

Yet even with all those power breath weapons none were there most powerful weapon at his disposal. That weapon belonged only to Ivadad. Their greatest weapon is one of truly terrible power. And can only be used by the black dragons. It is not a breath weapon. It is the roar of the black dragon. A roar that can magically bring other majestic dragons to their aid. Not just any majestic dragon. The Majestic Black Dragon Warriors of Thundering Flatlands.

“Miles, our quarry has appeared. Just over the next rise. There appear to be twelve of the monsters.” Qersiss rumbled as she turned towards the airships. “Miles these are mot the sleek vessels we have faced before. They are great lumbering hulks in the skies. Each is covered in heavy scales of plate. Each with many levels of those iron tubes that spit fire and lead.”

“Cannons. Lady Chiyoko called them cannons, Qersiss. The problem is how do we attack them. Can we attack them from above?” Miles asked her.

“We do not attack them from above, Sir Miles.” Ivadad rumbled as he flew next to his sister. “We attack them in waves.”

“I don’t understand Lord Ivadad.” Miles answered bluntly in confusion.

“We use the one weapon they do not have, speed. We let Dykacrat spray them down with his heavy breath first. Then Ygi hits them with his poison. Once this has happen Brikat, Deghia, and me spray them with our fire. Superheating their armored outer skin. This will weaken those behemoths to the point that Qersiss’s frozen breath will cause them to fail. Their sheer size will drag them from the skies.” Ivadad rumbled as Dykacrat took the lead flying for a higher altitude.

As Ivadad gave the order of attack each dragon quickly took their assigned position for the attack. As much as Miles wanted to counter what the dragons were doing it was too late. All he could do now was firm up his grip on Qersiss’s saddle with his legs and tight his hold on his lance and shield. There was one thing that he could bring to the fight that Ivadad failed to mention. Tucking Thunder Struck under his arm Miles squared his shoulders. The second Qersiss released her ice breath he would hit each airship with a full blast from his battle lance.

“I hope like hell this works.” Miles mumbled.

“Why do you say that Miles? Of course, it shall work. There is a reason the blacks are our leaders in war. Unlike humans, black majestic dragons are natural born warriors. They leave their shells with all the knowledge of their ancestors combined combat experience. My brother Ivadad is more than just majestic dragon. He is a General among our people. He saw the airships’ weakness now he moves to exploit that weakness. You once told our riders that the black majestic dragon’s greatest weapon was their roar because it can summon the warrior class of the Black majestic dragons. This is only half true. Their roar can summon the warrior within all majestic dragons. You shall understand in a moment. Just hold tight.” Qersiss ordered as she took up the final position in the line of dragons.

As they reached an altitude more than a thousand feet above the airships reared his head back. Then with a deep breath he let out a roar that rolled across the mountain range. From every hidden den, cave, and nest for a hundred miles rose hundreds of majestic dragons. Young, old, male, female, reds, blues, yellows, browns, whites, even a few blacks, all rose to answer his call to war. All had one thing in common. They were glowing with a fearful rage. Never before had so many majestic dragons filled the skies of Sebun'airando at one time. Not even during the reign of Empress Yuki Otani. Miles now understood what Qersiss meant when she said he had told the Dragon Samurai only half the truth.

The gun crews never had a chance to arm or even aim their weapons. With more than a hundred majestic dragons swarming their airships it was no surprise. Armor plates were ripped from their mounting points. Heavy cannons were pulled from their mounts. Machineguns were melted on their pedestals as their gunners were turned to ash. The flight crews were boiled to death at their posts. Engine crews gasped their last breath as their copulas were filled with poison gas. Hydrogen lift bags exploded as they were hit with thousands of bioelectrical volts. Airborne Infantry were frozen were they stood by ice winds of death. As the twelve great airships crashed into the valleys below, they were covered by ever-growing layers of dragon crystals. No one would ever again see these airships in the light of day.

The original line of six majestic dragons rose up above the carnage brought by Ivadad’s war cry. As they pulled next to each other Miles had to fight to retain his grip. When he was younger his Dragon Master would often entertain the youngsters with the legends of the great Dragon Armies. His least favorite legend was of the War Of The Shores. According to legend just three Dragon Armies rose up to destroy the sky island of Angel Enclave. By the time those Dragon Armies were done even the magic that held the island in the skies failed. It crashed into the Great Western Ocean of his home world. Lost for all time. The proof of those legends was now before Miles’ very eyes as the last airship was forcibly flown into the valley floor by just two majestic black dragons.

As the yellow dragons covered the last airship in layers of crystal Miles breathed a sigh of relief and shivered with real fear. “And the Emperor Moronari wants to challenge this kind of power? He must truly be a fool’s fool.”

“No, Sir Miles. The human Emperor Moronari is no fool. He has been diluted with visions of grandeur fostered by sycophants, small, minded fools, and those with far too much greed for their own good.” Qersiss grunted. “The Empress Ren suffers no such illusions. I see this Empress rising above her ancestors.”

“She will still be my sister. Empress Ren Setsu shall become the greatest of this nation’s leaders in all their long and storied history.” Ygi chuckled with as much dignity as he could manage as he once more claimed his long-ago title of the Teacher. “Just as Ivadad has reclaimed his place as our war leader. I shall once again chronicle the history as it unfolds. Such a grand time to once again to be awake and alive.”

“Indeed, it is brother. Indeed, it is.” Dykacrat rumbled as he swung wide into a victory roll. “Soon, the Knight of the Void shall return. Once she has, we shall finally stamp ‘paid’ on the fool Emperor’s account.”

“I look forward to that time with great pleasure, Lord Dykacrat.” Miles snarled. “Because that man has brought far too much pain and suffering to the people of this world. We have a chance to change history. I for one have always dreamt for that chance my friends.”


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Patrick Malloy's picture

The overwhelming power of the dragons and their riders made short work of the various criminals that they faced.

I can't wait to read the next posting of this story, as well as the various other stories you have going. As I've come to expect Jess, excellent job!

Patrick Malloy


> Then again politics is a nasty business and only the snakes need apply.

I think you just insulted every poor innocent snake in every universe. Hmm, maybe I should as Mudge to sic Holly at you. >:-> Jk.

Again another great chapter.


tmf's picture

Wonderful little battle description.
Now... Waiting for the sixth part of the fight.!

Pace and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness