Those sworn to defend the world, no matter their country or loyalties, watched, completely confused, as a tube shaped object accelerated, completely out of the atmosphere. A scrambled fighter, one of several fired a missile at the object, but it was far too slow.
Humans had assumed the visitors to be hostile, but the truth was something they could not understand.
We must wait for understanding.
... we'll always have fear and aggression as long as we have life.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Devil's Advocate
Somebody you don't know, somebody that doesn't live near you, is repeatedly entering your home. When confronted, they always escape. You don't know what they want or what they might be after. Are they benign, are they hostile? You don't know, but their actions seem unfriendly.
That's what is going on with these objects. If they are friendly, perhaps they should try knocking on the door and introducing themselves.
In the meantime, remember the fear and distrust are survival traits for many species on earth, including H. Sapiens. If these beings are so smart, they should be able to figure this out. Given that, we have every reason to consider them as unfriendly.
If we assume they may be "unfriendly" and they aren't then it is possible to proceed in a friendlier manner.
If we assume they are friendly and they aren't, then we are in a v-e-r-y bad place.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
No Alien has ever visted this planet, unlikely they ever will.
Nothing of the sort is happening, a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, there is no evidence, they are of non terrestrial origin.
Yet many people jump to this extremely unlikely outcome, as their very first resort, without first eliminating the mundane options.
Most UFO's are actually tricks of light, cloud formations or simply birds.
Next we have the secret military projects, things that we now know about, but were once top secret, like stealth fighters, unmanned drones, and even still secret stuff.
Further even if there are billions of intelligent species in the universe, the universe is immensely vast, and there may be none within our local cluster of galaxies, except us.
We have precisely one example of a technological tool making intelligent species, and it arose from it's planet, only 50 years ago, after 4 billion years of life on earth, and we have been capable of destroying the planet for longer than we've been in space.
It would take enormous effort, and immense resources to send a spaceship to another star, even the very closest ones, imagine the effort needed to travel from another galaxy, yet you think aliens would do that routinely, with no benefit?
If aliens wanted to study us, they're going to do it from a great distance, and if they decide to expend the effort to visit in person, it will not be in secret, and will only be done if they see a damn good reason to do so, but more likely first contact will also be done at a great distance.
I doubt stealing our depleted planets resources will be of any attraction, plenty of resources on uninhabited planets, and terraforming one of those close by, will be far easier than fighting over an occupied world many light years away.
I'm a great lover of science fiction, and fantasy novels though, and reading stories about things that can never happen is still great fun.
Science fact is another matter though, and the laws of physics apply everywhere in this universe.
The immense energies required to travel to the nearest star, would take most of our planet's population working to that one goal.
Even if we discover the means to control Antimatter, it will take immense energy to achieve, and make nuclear fusion look like child's play,
In 70 years of trying, we still can't create a functioning fusion reactor, that provides more energy output than we put into it.
We can't do fusion for longer than a fraction of a second, and it takes far greater effort than it releases, this nuclear science shit is hard to do.
Yet somehow, despite all the difficulty of interstellar travel I'm supposed to think aliens are buzzing the yokels for shits, and giggles?
Rather than think somebody just misidentified a mundane event, or saw a secret Government project, as most UFO sightings turn out to be.
No, much like my atheism, from the age of 6, I don't believe in anything. Neither God, nor aliens have got off the starting blocks 50 years later.
Show me actual verifiable evidence, that withstands scrutiny, and rigorous testing using the scientific method, then we can start the debate.
Until that is done, there is nothing to debate.
Dark Elven Sissy Slut – Uhuru N’Uru
"Nothing of the sort is happening, a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object . . .". I started following the subject back in the mid-60's, took great note of what the initials stand/stood for; and made that argument repeatedly.
However, I took in the other information, the stuff about "flying saucers" and aliens (George Adamski, for instance), with an open but not uncritical mind. But you seem to have predetermined the answers. Given the current state of ignorance in the world of physics, I certainly won't call things impossible using our level of knowledge at the present time.
Even the former head of Project Blue Book, Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, Retired, in the afterward to the first edition of his book "The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects", admitted that some incidents could not be explained away by the usual causes. In the second edition that observation was removed, replaced by the official government line. It would appear to me that the good captain was got at by somebody. Who and why we may never know. Ruppelt passed away in 1960.
I doubt I'll live long enough to see any major changes in our state of the art, but I do believe there will be significant changes sometime. Keep your powder dry and your mind open.
PS: regarding the possible existence of aliens, that is implicit in Gwen's post, which has now been identified as a possible story teaser. Fiction is not required to adhere to the current laws of the universe as we know them. Nor is my response. I never said what my beliefs are, and you can't use my comments as an indicator of those beliefs. What I have said is that I'm keeping an open mind. It appears you have already reached an answer and closed your mind. That leaves you in the position of trying to prove a negative, and that's a tough go.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Link please?
Can we have a link please, for those who don't get your reference?
There is no link, yet.
This is a teaser for a tale that I am penning. It is not finished yet. I usually write these things as a single entry, but this time I may publish it as a series of chapters. Perhaps I could have Chapter 1 in a week? As soon as I mention "Alien" people make certain assumptions. What if we are wrong?
This Case
Humans conclude danger from the behavior of the aliens. Perhaps the behavior of the aliens is inconsistent with friendly intentions, which means that humans can't be wrong.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
The Beyond
I recently watched "The Beyond" and those lines remind me of the ending of that movie.
Quite Surprised.
I have not watched "The Beyond", so I may need to have a look before I continue working. My own feeling is that humanity is completely unprepared for "my" Aliens.
PS. I did have a look and the story proceeds in a completely different direction than mine. I am violating many or most of the rules they teach in University.
I know you hate to hear this,
I know you hate to hear this, but humans are a violent species of animals that have learned empathy and cooperation. To believe in pacifism is insanity. To not attack and wait for information to fear requires training. (anyone who has had close contact with very small children will know this. Put two 2 years olds together with one toy, and wait for a fight.)
All animals fear the unknown, the stranger. That's purely a survival strategy built through countless generations. All animals are capable of aggression, even prey species like the rabbit. It's also a survival strategy built through countless generations. Even _plants_ can be aggressive.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
My Story Will Be a Complete Surprise.
I can't say more or it will spoil my surprise. :)
No Similarity At All.
I did watch the entirety of "The Beyond" and found nothing in it that is similar to what I am writing. I will call mine, "Taken", and will try to have a chapter out by the end of the week. Brace yourselves.