The Final Countdown!

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Seasonal Greetings to you all, whatever you celebrate this week!

So here we are, 'celebrating' what must be the strangest Christmastide since WW2, curfews, travel restrictions, food shortages (apparently), health services pushed to the limits - amidst all that, somehow society continues to function. Of course it has ever been thus, plagues, extreme weather cycles, invasions and occupations have been regular visitors for at least the last two millennia. On the positive side, its never been easier to keep in touch, near or far we can stay in contact with friends and loved ones, entertainment is at your fingertips, loneliness is a terrible thing, I know first hand, but you don't need to be isolated this season.

To 'celebrate' Weihnachts, you not only get todays chapter but i'll have something for you on each of the next four days.


So what's been happening so far this week? Well a chunk of writing for a start, Sunday afternoon and most of Monday was taken writing more Gaby - i'll be pushing on with that shortly so that the next Kindle release is ready before Friday.

Yesterday was of course a bike day, the forecast said grey but dry and as I set off that was indeed the case. Then, about thirty kilometres in, there was a puddle - well Dr Foster would've been right at home, the flood was at least half a metre deep at one point, my feet and legs submerged almost knee high in freezing water. Once was bad enough but over the next half mile there were three more, albeit slightly shallower floods and this was the 'high' road!

The ensuing miles, away from the lowlands and into the sub Cotswold lumps warmed me back up some but my sodden shoes ensured my feet would remain iced until I got back. I found a nice bench at Selsley, a fine view out to the Forest of Dean and whilst in single digits, not so cold that I didn't dally awhile. Back on two wheels, I completed the climb into the Cotswolds and started the journey back south - this end of the Cotswolds might lack the dramatic ups and downs further north but the rolling lanes never let you rest for too long.

I'm not sure where it started, but as I wound my way towards Bath I found myself in an increasingly foggy world, fine drizzle making things more unpleasant. The good news was that 200m lower, down in Aqua Sulis, it was clear and basically dry, I quickly navigated the A4 through the city and joined the bike path for the last 45 minute leg of the journey. As the light faded, the path rose and the rain started, but by now even the flooding at the paths high point didn't bother me and I was soon indoors, stripping for a shower.

135 kilometres, 1000m of up, the biggest ride of December (so far at least), my total for the year now over 17800km!

I've signed up for an online challenge across the festive period, ride 500km between Christmas Eve and the change of the year - a fair challenge across 8 days, one that will see me top 11,000 miles for the year - well weather permitting.


Todays Gaby is Clan of the Cave Bear, chapter 5 of The Visitors.

Keep well, more from me tomorrow
Maddy Anafrid

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Mercury and Mars

erin's picture

You've already ridden enough to circumnavigate Mercury this year and are well on your way to circling the Red Planet, too! You go, girl!


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.