Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 20

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 20
Pagoda of Eternal Night

Ren stood before the doors to the massive yet towering 7-story, 80-meter-tall ancient wooden pagoda. Like the dragons she could feel the magic surrounding this place. What was surprising to her was the fact that the Dragon Knights felt nothing. It was as if there was something inside of the ancient pagoda calling out to her. Pulling her towards her destiny.

“Mother, I think that I’m the only one allowed to enter.” Ren said as she looked over at Setsu. “At least that is how it feels to me.”

“Then go child. We shall wait for your return.” Setsu handed Ren her katana. “Come back with it or on it.”

“I’ll not dishonor you or our family name mother.” Ren said as she took the sword from her mother with pride.

“Before you enter Empress. Remember once you enter you will face the three tests of Yuki Otani’s Trial. The Voices of the Void, Iaido’s four main components, and the character of your soul.” Satoko warned Ren.

“A riddle, test of skill, and a moral challenge. This is going to be fun.” Ren snarked then took a deep breath. “Did those ancient texts say what would happen if I failed?”

“You die.” Satoko answered her bluntly. “Piece of advice. Don’t fail.”

“For some reason Mistress Satoko. I believe that goes without saying.” Ren said as she headed for the doors to the pagoda. As she neared the doors it swung open on its own. “I think someone is waiting for me.”

“Then don’t keep them waiting.” Setsu ordered her daughter. Ren just nodded her head and walked through the doors. As it closed behind her Setsu yelled out. “Remember your lessons Ren.”

Satoko leaned in close to Setsu. “What do you make her chances at succeeding?”

“Better than her brother’s chances. Unlike that pampered little shit. I’ve spent the last seven years preparing Ren to rule our nation.” Setsu explained for Satoko. “While played at his lessons Moronari ignoring his teachers. Ren studied what I taught her. She applied herself to learning all that I could teach. Moronari always believed that he was above such mundane teachings. That he was predestined to rule. That the moral teachings on how to be a just Emperor were beneath him. That only the Gods had the right to tell him how he should rule our nation.”

“In others, he is like all spoiled little royal cocksuckers.” Satoko grunted then turned to walk off. “I hope that your daughter paid better attention. If she didn’t then all we’ve done will be for nothing.”

Inside the pagoda.

Ren stopped dead in her tracks as the doors slammed shut behind her with a deafening boom. As she stood there waiting a torch lite off to one side. As Ren let her eyes adjust to the light another torch ten feet further down on the other side of the entranceway lit up. Carefully, watching where she placed her feet, Ren walked further into the pagoda.

After about thirty feet the teenager came to a room that was thirty by thirty feet. In the center of the room stood a statue of a woman so beautiful that it was beyond description. Held over her right shoulder by her right hand was a parasol with alternating rays of red or yellow coming from the center. Ren knew that this was the Goddess Amaterasu. As she set foot into the room the statue began to glow and came to life.

“I would have my answers three. Riddle me this would be Empress. When one does not know what it is, then it is something. When one knows what it is, then it is nothing.” Ren was taken by surprise by the statue’s voice. It was rich and melodic as it spoke the first of its riddles.

As Ren thought about the answer the sounds of grinding came from behind her. To her surprise a stone slab sealed off the entrance. The grinning continued as the side walls started to move inward. “A riddle. The answer is a riddle.”

The walls stopped moving but did not move back either. The statue voice came once more. “Very good would be Empress. You have but two more answers to give. Will you luck hold out? Will you fail? All these answer are for you to find out. No legs have I to dance, no lungs have I to breathe, no life have I to live or die and yet I do all three. What am I?”

Ren knew the answer before the statue finished its riddle. “Fire. Your flames dance to no tune. The air breathes giving you life. The answer is fire.”

The sounds of portals snapping open drew Ren’s attention to the surrounding walls. Everywhere she looked she saw murder holes. At the sight of those deadly openings Ren knew that if she missed the next question she would be dead. Magical armor or not. “My last answer I will have now would be Empress. There are five siblings in this world, all born together. The first runs and never wearies. The second eats and is never full. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song forever. The fifth is all and nothing. Who are they?”

“The answer is water, fire, earth, wind, and the void. Water runs in the rivers. Always seeking the end. Fire has an all-consuming hunger never being truly satiated. Earth drinks of water’s gifts but always needs more to bring forth life. Wind sings its eternal song as it crosses the land and sea. Everything comes from and returns to the void. That is your answer.” Ren called out as the statue turned to face her.

On the other side of the room a door slid open as the statue moved to the ride side of the room. It swung its right arm and hand to point towards the door. “You have passed my test. Through that door lies your next trial would be Empress. Know this and harken well. My brother is holds honor as the highest of qualities among mortals.”

With that final warning the statue ceased to glow and became still once more. As Ren walked across the room she mumbled to herself. “One down, two to go.”

The second room was much the same as the first. It was thirty by thirty with a statue in the center. Only the statue was different. It took Ren a few seconds to realize that she was looking at an extremely beautiful man and not another statue of the Goddess Amaterasu. It was the katana at the left hip that gave the answer to who the statue was of. The Moon God Izanagi .

“I see that my sister has blessed you with true intellect would be Empress. Now you face me. Show me that you have the heart of a warrior.” The statue said as it came to life and leaped from its pedestal drawing its katana. All of Ren’s training with the katana under her mother’s tutelage came flooding back as she drew her sword to block the statue’s first strike.

She could hear Setsu’s words in her mind. “Remember Ren Iaido consists of four main components. The smooth, controlled movements of drawing the sword from its scabbard. This begins the dance of life and death. A dance that continues with the striking or cutting down of your opponent. This must be done with honor. Just as the removing blood from your blade must be done with the same honor. Only then when the blade is cleaned replacing the sword within its scabbard. All must been with honor and respect.”

Ren’s draw was prefect. Smooth as the finest of silks. The two blades clashed with a ringing that rivalled the greatest of temple bells. The two sword wielding individuals pushed away from each other. Only to circle each other looking for an opening. Finally, the statue lunged forward side slashing at Ren’s belly. With deceptive ease Ren blocked the strike and countered. Her cut was so clean that it caught the statue off guard. While no blood was drawn the statue moved back and bowed.

“The point is yours.” It said and raised its blade to the guard position. “Two more and the match is yours.”

Ren just gritted her teeth and waited for the statue to move. Once again the two went at each other with deadly intent. It took all of Ren’s skill to hold of the statue. When her opening came Ren didn’t hesitate. Her overhand cut struck the statue in the left shoulder. The statue stepped back and bowed. “The point is yours, as well as the match young Empress.”

Ren smiled then bowed to the statue. The statue then watched as Ren pulled a silken cloth from the belt at her waist and whipped down the blade before returning the sword to the scabbard. “You have proven that you have both the honor and heart of a warrior. You know the way of bushido and the samurai.”

The statue waved towards the back wall of the room as it returned to its place on the pedestal. “Through that door is your final trial, young Empress. Go with my blessing. For what good it will do you. For now, you face my Father. He is not as forgiving as my sister or me.”

As the glow left the statue and it returned to solid stone Ren sighed. “Two down and one to go. So far so good. I wonder what the hell the last challenge will be. I mean how do you test a person’s character?”

As Ren entered the last room she got her answer. There was a blinding flash of white. When her vision returned Ren found herself standing at the foot of a beautiful celestial bridge reaching into the heavens. At the top of the bridge stood Izanagi with his fabled jeweled spear. Ren quickly realized that this was no statue but the real God Izanagi. “Ah Hell.”

“Amazing you have bested my daughter Amaterasu in a battle of Intellect. Defeated my son Izanagi the Master swordsman with a sword yourself. Truly amazing mortal. I should grant you my blessing just for accomplishing this much. Yet that is not the way of the pact.” Izanagi raised his spear. “Are you ready would be Empress?”

“Yes, sir.” Ren answered in a voice barely above a whisper. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Not that it matters in the long run. I either pass or die.”

“True.” Izanagi slammed down the butt end of his spear. “Begin.”

Ren shielded her eyes against another blinding flash of pure white light. When she could see again Ren found herself on a wide open grassy plain. “Okay I’m definitely not in Kyoto.”

“Ah! A tender virgin morsal. Old man Izanagi must be feeling generous today.” The voice was deep and filled the surrounding air with a rumble. Ren turned slowly to see the biggest damned celestial dragon in her life. She could by the way that it just stood there that this one was more than just one of the Dragon Gods. He was a very powerful Dragon God. If this was a test of her character then she was about to fail. It was taking all of her self-control to keep from crapping her pants. The dragon sniffed the air then flecked his tongue. “Your taste is familiar mortal.”

“That might be because I’m supposed to be here for my final trial to be accepted as the new Empress. Personally, I doubt that I’m here to be your next meal, Great One.” Ren said with as deep of a bow as she could manage in her armor. Standing straight she looked the dragon in the snout. “I would propose a compromise sir. Shall we enter into parlay?”

The dragon sat back on his hind legs and tail. While crossing his fore legs across his massive chest. “Intriguing. You would willingly enter into a pact with a dragon? Most humans would just attack me.”

“Most humans don’t have majestic dragons for half of their personal advisors. Not to mention their riders as friends. So, you see Great One. I have no reason for attacking any dragon without provocation.” Ren said as she sat down on the ground cross legged. “I would offer you tea sir. But I am neither a mage nor alchemist. I have no way of conjuring the needed materials.”

“No need young samurai. The fact that you would rather discuss our situation is more than enough.” The dragon said nodding his head. “Yes, let us enter into a parlay. The way I see things I have not feasted upon the blood of a tender young virgin in several centuries. A treat that I am woefully willing to surrender. You are that very treat.”

“A fact that I am all to aware of Great One. While I can understand your reasoning. I on the other hand am not willing to surrender my life to satisfy your hunger. I am rather attached to the idea of living to a ripe old age.” Ren countered with her opening argument. Only to receive a chuckle from the dragon. “I believe that you see my point sir.”

“Indeed, I do young maiden. Before we continue. Would you mind answer a question?” Ren just nodded her head. “You said that you are here for some trial. What trial would that be?”

“The last test of the Empress Yuki Otani’s Trial good sir. The test of moral character. Something that I have yet to figure out. I mean how can one’s moral character be tested unless challenged by a true moral dilemma. While I can understand the teachings of the ancient prophets to a point. There are times when they fall short of the needed advice.” Ren explained for the dragon. “Yet how would such teachings apply to a Nation’s leader.”

The dragon sat back and scratched his chin with a foreclaw. “You pose an interesting question maiden. It is both personal, and philosophical. Not to mention being a political question.”

“You see my dilemma Great One. How can I stand by my personal beliefs and moral code when faced with the needs of a nation and the laws that govern that very same nation? Laws that I personally do not believe in yet are still the laws of the land. AS an Empress I could make unilateral changes to the laws that I find distasteful yet cause irreputable harm to the people of the land in doing so. I will not even begin to discuss how my personal beliefs may affect the nation on an international scale.” Ren explained to the dragon as he just sat there nodding his head.

“A true quandary, young maiden. The question that you face is not so much about should you compromise but how far are you willing to compromise.” The dragon chuckled and licked his chops. “For example. I desire your tantalizing blood, yet you are not inclined to surrender that which you need to live.”

“And thus, we have reached an impasse.” Ren said with a smile and chuckle of her own. “Is there any compromise that could come from such a situation?”

“Such as what an Empress would face when dealing with a morally repugnant law. Yet it being the law the land it must be enforced by the Empress until such time that it can be repealed. One that matches our own. As a leader you can only give so much of yourself before you have nothing left of yourself. What compromise would you suggest?” The dragon asked as he licked his chops once again. “After all I could just take what I want. Though from the looks of that sword at your hip. It would cost me greatly.”

“If you should try to take by force what I am unwilling to give, Great One. This sword will take more than just a few scales. It can take your life.” Ren answered bluntly as she slowly drew her mother’s sword. “It belongs to my mother and is a magical blade. A true dragon slayer yet one without a name and unchristen by blood. I’m loathed to christen it with your blood.”

“I can smell the magic embedded upon that blade. It’s truly a deadly weapon even for one such as me.” The dragon chuckled and scratched his chin once more. “And so, our impasse continues. Yet I sense that you have a possible compromise young maiden. What do you suggest?”

“Your desire is for blood. The blood of virgin to be exact. I desire to leave here alive so I can lead my people to freedom. How much blood, freely given of course would satisfy your thirst?” Ren asked as she laid the blade of her mother’s sword across her forearm. “Remember Great One. Blood is the currency of life. Yet blood freely given is thrice as powerful as blood taken by force. There is no blood more powerful than that of a virgin.”

“If you would give freely of that which I desire. I would need but a small amount. No more than a pint at the most. What would you desire in return? I am no fool young maiden. Nothing is for free.” The dragon asked. “Not when one deals with a would-be Empress.”

“I am EMPRESS dragon. By right of blood, birth, and rearing. Crowned by the first Dragon Empress herself. Unlike the fool who now sits on the throne.” Ren said as she sat up straight with pride. “As for what I seek the answer is simple. I would know the secret to resealing the pact between the land and the Empyreal Throne, Great One.”

“If that is what you wish then give your blood young Empress.” The dragon said as he placed a claw against his left foreleg paw. In a slow yet deliberate motion he cut open his own paw. “Let us mix our blood and seal the pact between you and I.”

Ren didn’t understand what the dragon was getting at, but as he asked. Only instead of cutting her arm she cut her left-hand palm. She held out her hand to the dragon who took in his left claw. As the blood of the two mixed Ren felt a burning sensation within her veins. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from screaming in pain. After a few minutes, the burning subsided and finally disappeared. Ren opened her eyes to find that she no longer held the claw of a dragon but that of a young man about her own age.

“Excuse me. Who are you? Where is the dragon?” Ren asked of the teenager.

“I am the dragon, my Empress.” The dragon said with a bow. “I am the First Celestial Dragon. All others must bow before me. It was from my blood not the waters of chaos that Izanami and Izanagi formed the land with Izanami’s jeweled spear. AS your blood now flows through my veins. My blood flows through yours. You wished to make a pact with the land, and you have while giving me your blood in return. A true compromise. The same compromise that your illustrious ancestress made all those centuries ago.”

“Then I shall be able to call on the land the way my ancestress could?” Ren asked in bewilderment. “Are you really the land of my nation?”

“I am, and I am not. The land of your nation came from my life’s blood. Izanami’s spear pierced my side. When he withdrew the blade seven perfect drops of blood landed upon the waters of chaos. Those drops of blood brought harmony from the chaos. And so, your nation was formed. There is a reason Sebun'airando is often called the Dragon Isles.” The teen chuckled. “After all they did come from the blood of a dragon. Just not the one everyone thinks. Ryōjin may be the King of Dragons, but it was I who did give him and all of his siblings life.”

“My Lord Io.” Ren said bowing deeply from the waist. The idea that she had just shared her blood with the Dragon of Dragons was still bouncing around in her head. “You honor me.”

“It has been many generations since the last of Empress Yuki’s blood graced these plains.” Io said as he looked around at the grassy plain. “Welcome to the Whispering Steppes, young Empress.”

“Lord Io, what exactly is this place?” Ren knew that there was something important about the name for this place. Something that her teacher at the local temple back home had talked about during one lecture.

“A place that only the truly morally superior can enter. For an individual of low moral esteem to attempt to enter this realm they would turn to dust. The second Old man Izanagi sent you here because you passed your test of morality.” Io chuckled as Ren realized that she could have died the second Izanagi sent her here to this place. “As for me eating you that was another matter.”

“It was the unknown test. The one talked about in either the Whispers of the Past and the Destiny of Tomorrow. I’m guessing it was the first one, Whispers of the Past. I had to face my greatest fear. Even though five of my personal advisors are dragons. The fear of being eaten by one is my greatest.” Ren said as she chuckled. “Whispers of the Past, an allusion to the Whispering Steppes. Maybe you can tell me something Lord Io. Why can’t prophets just say what they mean? Why do they always have to use riddles and poems?”

“If I tell you, young Empress you must promise to never share this secret with the rest of the mortals.” Io said with a wicked grin on his face. Ren could tell this was going to be good she crossed her heart and made a zipping motion across her mouth. “There are two reasons prophets use riddles and poems. The first is because they are usually stoned out of their minds or drunk off their asses when they make their predictions. The second reason is done to make them sound all-knowing and mysterious. Basically, your usual bullshit to confuse those who are too gullible to realize they’re being conned.”

It took Ren a full minute to digest what Io had just told her. When it finally clicked Ren started laughing. More than once she had wanted to call bullshit about some of the predictions mentioned in the sacred texts. Mostly because of the flowery wording or vagueness of those predictions. Now she had the truth behind those words and how they came to be. From someone who was most likely the one behind those predictions.

“I swear upon my honor to never tell the monks the truth Lord Io. Though I can honestly say that no one would believe me even if I told them the truth.” Ren said with a sweeping bow. “Besides if I told them that I learned this from you. I would be the one getting fitted for the straitjacket.”

Io chuckled at Ren’s offhanded comment about the fate that befell many prophets and soothsayers. Especially in these modern times. “Speaking of such individuals. There is a young man in the northern prefecture. He is currently being held by the Royal Guards. It seems that the young man in question has made serval predictions concerning the downfall of your brother. One of which is with his death on the false throne.”

“I can see where that would get his ass thrown in a hole under a jail cell. My brother is not one for freedom of speech or religion. A prophet predicting his death on the throne would be considered a threat.” Ren summed up the situation. “Especially one who is vocal about his predictions.”

“Tell me young Empress. How would you deal with such a threat to your reign?” Io asked Ren with a straight face.

“Like I always have, Great One. Let them run their mouths.” At Io’s raised brow Ren chuckled. “Where I was raised I was the outsider in more ways than one. I’ve had people predicting my death or downfall from the time I was old enough to walk upright. The first time it happened I ran home crying to my mother Setsu. She gave a piece of advice that I have lived by ever since that time. ‘Screw the assholes. Be true to yourself and honor your past. The rest of the world will judge you by your actions.”

“A wise way of looking at the world for one so young. The world and history often looks upon a nation’s leader in one of two ways. They will also always make that judgement by their actions. The truly great ones lead with honor and compassion. The ones that are demonized rule through cruelty and fear.” Io explained for Ren as a ripple of light crossed the sky. “Our time together is coming to an end young Empress. We have time for one more question.”

“You said that when we mixed our blood I formed a pact with the land. How do I call upon the land?” Ren asked the dragon. “Is there some ritual?”

“You ask and the land will grant you its protection. Remember that you cannot order the land to do your bidding. You must ask.” Io answered as a second wave of light flashed across the sky. “But prepare to pay a price if the spirits of the land demand one for their help. Some are rather skittish or playful when dealing with humans. Especially yōkai of this land. Be warned kitsune are the most playful of the yōkai.”

“Got it. Don’t turn my back on the yōkai.” I said as a third ripple of light flashed across the sky. With a bow to Io, Ren smiled. “I take it that was our last warning Great One. I look forward to the day that we meet again. Only next time let’s make it in a more welcoming atmosphere.”

“Until then young Empress.” Io said as he waved his hand. “Safe journeys.”

There was a flash of light and Ren found herself once more at the foot of the celestial bridge. Only this time Izanagi was standing just a few feet away with his fabled jeweled spear leaning against the railing. There was a look of surprise upon his face. “I must say I am surprised. That overgrown lizard must be getting soft in his old age. This is the second time he has let a mortal escape his grasp.”

“Not so much escape his grasp. As I was able to talk him out of making me his next snack.” Ren answered with a chuckle.

“The young Empress is quite persuasive in her argument.” The voice echoed down from above causing both Ren and Izanagi to look upward. Ren grinned as Io floated down towards the bridge once more in his dragon form. “By the way who are you calling soft you old letch?”

“You. You overgrown salamander. Though if you’re here with the young Empress then she has entered into a pact with you and the land.” Izanagi stood up straight and grabbed his spear. Ren stood stock-still as the God lowered the point of the spear to chest. There was a slight burning sensation where the point of the spear touch her armor. It was followed by a brilliant flash of light then Ren found herself once more inside the Pagoda of Eternal Night. Only this time she was not alone. Io, and Izanagi were with her.

“You will find that your way out will be unhindered young Empress. I will give you one piece of advice before you leave. Do not seek to find the Pagoda of Eternal Night.” Izanagi told her with a harsh note to his warning. “Before you ask understand that the Pagoda shifts from one realm to another. The Pagoda is only on your plain of existence for a short time. It only appears when the next Dragon Empress must renew the pact with the land.”

“In others. Once I walk out of here the Pagoda will vanish until my child is ready to take my place on the throne.” Ren summed up for Izanagi. Ren smiled and tossed the two deities an offhanded salute. “Hopefully, that won’t happen any time soon. Have a good life sirs.”

“Before you leave young Empress a friendly warning for your young friend the Kyamo no Sa. Beware the Dragon Kings. They draw their powers from the same place. You may win the battle but lose the war should she surrender to her rage. Are you prepared to end her life should the need arise?” Io challenged.

“If the need arise. I shall put the needs of the nation before my friendship. Should that event come to pass.” Ren snarled as she placed hand on the hilt of her mother’s sword. “I’ll end her life myself.”

Both Io, and Izanagi chuckled at the brashness of the young Empress. Izanagi elbowed the left foreleg of the dragon floating next to him. “She’ll do old friend. I have a feeling that the young Empress shall become one of the greats in a long line of formidable rulers to come.”

“Then send her on her way. It is her time.” Io chuckled and looked over at Ren. “Send your child to us when the time is right young Empress. We shall be waiting for her to claim her birth right.”

“You speak as if I have already won the throne Great One.” Ren snarked. “Or are you just trying to be all mysterious and shit on me?”

“Prophecy is for mortals.” Io answered with a chuckle. “As for me being all mysterious and shit. I leave that to the bearded wonder mut.”

“I’m no mut you great scaly oaf.” Izanagi snort then puffed out his chest. “I am the most noble of beings. A samurai.”

“Samurai, shamurai, you’re just another biped with an over inflated ego that needs to be popped from time to time.” Io snorted. Now quit trying to flirt with the young Empress and send her home.”

“Fine.” Izanagi huffed and turned to Ren. As he raised his spear one more time the Primordial God smiled. “Safe travels young Empress.”

The last thing Ren saw of the two Primordial Gods the two were grinning like a pair of fools. For some reason, the grins didn’t fill Ren with confidence for the coming days. As Ren blinked her eyes to clear away the spots she found that she was once more standing outside the pagoda. Only the pagoda was no longer there. Only the clearing, four dragons, their riders, and her mother remained to let the world know that anything had happened.

Outside the pagoda.

Setsu turned to Satoko and grinned. “I doubt that my daughter remembering her lessons will be the problem, Mistress Satoko. The problem will be her keeping her smartass bone in check.”

“I take it that our young Empress has a problem with authority?” Satoko asked as she looked over at three of the six dragon knights. “That is a problem I believe all of our charges suffer from.”

“You misunderstood me Mistress. Ren does not lack in respect for authority. On the contrary. The problem arises when she finds herself in situations where her nerves get the better of her. She tends to let her smartass tendences to get the betterment of commonsense.” Setsu chuckled. “Usually with spectacular results.”

“I see. Much the way our dear Chiyoko gets when confronted with unusual circumstances.” Satoko sighed in understanding. Looking up at the massive pagoda Satoko smirked. “And we cannot find a more unusual circumstance.”

As they were standing there looking up at the pagoda the valley was filled by the sound of a massive gong. It rang out three times. As the last bong echoed through the valley the outer third of the pagoda vanished. Both women staggered back from the now wide-open veranda. They both looked at each other as the same thought ran through their minds.

“Looks like our Empress has passed the first test.” Satoko sighed out.

“She has always been quick to define and understand a problem. She has always seen the truth between riddles and puzzles. I doubt that there has ever been one teacher to ever stump her.” Setsu chuckled as she thought about the first test of Yuki Otani’s Trial. “I doubt that the next test will end much differently. My daughter’s skill is second only to mine.”

“What of the third test Captain? Do you believe that she has strong enough moral character to face any challenge?” Setsu wondered aloud.

“Ren is many things, Mistress Satoko. Weak-willed is not one of them. That girl has lived her life by a simple belief. She won’t be wronged, she won’t be insulted, and she won’t be laid a hand on. She doesn’t do these things to other people, and she requires the same from them. Should someone be foolish if enough to cross those lines with her. Then may the Gods have mercy on their souls.” Setsu answered Satoko bluntly. “Because she won’t.”

Satoko chuckled at this off handed reminder of a famous movie from her home world. Then smiled. “I am reminded of a rather famous and infamous man from my home world. A true Wizard with a sword. He spent a lifetime searching for just one man out of revenge. He would often say that when he found the man that he was hunting. He would introduce himself in this manner. Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. Then Inigo would run the man through with the sword that he had crafted. He was also fond of pointing out that there was no money in revenge.”

The sound of the gong rang out again as another third of the pagoda vanished. Both women looked to where the inner most section of the ancient temple now stood. Satoko reached up and scratched her head. “Looks like your daughter has reached the third and final test. This one could take a while. Why don’t we go have some tea while we wait?”

“For some reason I believe that you’re right. Knowing my daughter, she will take her time with the last challenge.” Setsu sighed. “If my daughter has one flaw it is this. She will always make her decision and standby it. Only to second guess her decision later.”

“Much like our dear Chiyoko.” Satoko said as she led Setsu over to where the others had gathered around a campfire. The two older women smiled at the way the three teenage girls had setup a pot of water over the fire. As they sat and drank their tea the sounds of dragon wings beating the air reached their ears. Satoko turned to look in the direction the sound came from. Even in the fading sunlight the sight of two majestic dragons, one black, the other blue stood out against the sky. There was no denying who those two dragons were or who was on their backs. “Speak his name and he shall appear.”

“What was that?” Setsu asked for the others.

“Just an ancient warning from my home world, Captain. It concerns evil and the invocation of its name.” Satoko told her. “In the case of some people. The saying is often used to describe trouble magnets.”

“Our sister is no trouble magnet, sempai.” Chikako huffed then giggled. “She doesn’t need to find trouble. She is the Goddess of Trouble personified.”

“More like the next Goddess of Chaos.” Kasumi wisecracked.

“Wait a minute, Kasumi. We already have a Goddess of Chaos. She would have to be the next Goddess of Insanity.” Akane chuckled after she took a sip of her tea. “Or Frustration. Whichever comes first.”

“Please don’t say things that, girls.” Satoko ordered the teenagers. Then giggled. “With her luck it will become true.”

As the two dragons landed Chiyoko, Satomi, and Yoshi were greeted by the sounds of laughter. Once the three had cups of tea themselves Satoko filled them in on the situation. Only Chiyoko reacted. She turned to look up at the pagoda before raising her right hand in the traditional middle finger salute.

“You better give her back to us you worthless pieces of shit.” Chiyoko snarled. “If not I’ll come in after her. I can guarantee you. You won’t like the outcome of that confrontation.”

Satoko, Satomi, and Ren’s sisters all face palmed at the same time. While Miles, and Setsu staired on in abject terror. Finally, Satomi gave her one-time student a long-suffering look. “Must you anger every God Chiyoko?”

“Nope. Just the ones that rub me the wrong way.” Chiyoko answered smiling.
Satoko looked over at Chikako, Akane, and Kasumi. “You’re right girls. She is the next Goddess of Insanity.”


Sorry for the delay. Been spending time with family over Thanksgiving. For all my readers I wish you all a Happy Holidays. May the Spirit of Giving be with you all.

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I’m looking for the man with six fingers.......

D. Eden's picture

I can’t believe you invoked Inigo Montoya, lol!

Somehow, I think that our young empress would have more trouble than she thinks trying to kill Chiyoko.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

J. B. Bookes and Inigo

J. B. Bookes and Inigo Montoya quite the pair.

So it begins

Jamie Lee's picture

Airships gone, now they will deal with the armies. And with Ren now one with the land there may be some surprised commanders. Now if Chiyoko can rein in her anger she may live a long life.

That's an interesting video about HMS Hood.

Others have feelings too.