by Erin Halfelven
I had a weird dream about working on a series of kid's books. They were illustrated and I wish I could draw like that. Some of it looked a lot like Brad Guigar's art on Evil, Inc.
One of the books was about a young owl discovering things. It was called, "Nobody Really Likes Liver."
The back cover had an illustration of the owl holding one wing over his stomach and making a face. Along the end of the branch are two other owls doing the same thing. It was like a poster and the title of the book was the caption.
Another part of the book was about the negative emotions adults never tell you about. The little owl says, "They always want you to understand and believe about things like Love and Hope and Faith. But, they don't talk about the negative emotions like 'poH which is that feeling you get when you realize that not only is Mom serving liver again tonight, she's going to go on doing that every Thursday and nothing you can say or do will stop her.
"You're going to have to eat liver for dinner on Thursdays for the rest of your life. That's 'poH. It's Hope spelled backwards but with an apostrophe because you don't pronounce the e."
Part of the book was about superheroes. One of them wore a costume that was sort a cross between Fighting American and Nova. It had FG on the chest plate in sort of squishy letters. He was called "Fightin' Guy" by the other heroes but he should have been called "Whingeing Guy".
All he did was complain. He complained that he had to keep fighting the same villains over and over. "What's the matter with the court system? Can't they keep these guys locked up for more than two issues? Are there no prisons, no concentration camps built inside of hollow mountains? Why can't we send these guys to the Negative Phantom Zone? Nobody ever escapes from there."
He complained about his costume. "I used to have a costume, it had little shorts over the leggings. It was really comfortable, man. This new costume is tights all the way up and I'm a T-14 hero so when they say tights, they mean really tight, man." He makes a face and tries to pull his pants out of the crack of his ass. "Some of those guys in the Max and Piranha titles, they're rated M and they get to wear some cool stuff. And some of the girls don't hardly wear no costumes at all!"
He complained about the superhero games and how he could never seem to get ahead. "I thought I had enough points to upgrade my punch so I could knock Cockroach Man over a building instead of just through a wall, that would be cool. But it's just like Green Stamps, you always need another 1000 points.
"I've got 40,021 points and an upgrade from Atomic Punch to Thermo-Nookyular Punch costs 50,000!"
And this girl dressed like Miss Match from Evil Inc says, "That's almost 10,000 points, not 1000 points."
"It's the principle of the thing I'm talking about," says FG. "Not the math."
"Well, let's look in the catalog and see what you can get for 40,000 points. Hey," she says, "You could get flight, you can't fly now, you could get a level of flight and then you could fly twice as fast as you can run. Wouldn't that be cool?"
And FG holds his stomach with the same expression as the owls who don't like liver and says, "No thanks, I get airsick."
He looks over her shoulder. "How much does it cost to upgrade to Cosmic Punch?"
"150,000 points."
"That would be cool, I could knock Cockroach Man into orbit if I had Cosmic Punch. And you know what I'd say to him before I hit him?"
"I'd say, 'To the moon, Alex! To the moon!'" He thumps one fist into the other glove. "To the moon, Alex!"
"Is his real name Alex?"
FG shakes his head. "No, it's Manfred. He always ruins my best lines."
She turns a page. "But that's not Cosmic Punch, that's Satellite Punch. Cosmic Punch is the one where you knock the guy into next Thursday."
"I wouldn't want to do that to him!" says Fightin' Guy. "The have liver for dinner on Thursday in prison." He makes the same expression as the owls. "Nobody Likes Liver."
Then the scene shifted to a sewer and this guy in a black and brown set of tights with padded shoulders and epaulettes is pushing two kids in front of him. The boy looks about 12 and the girl looks about 8, little blonde thing with pigtails. Both kids have their wrists tied together in front of them with red and blue bandannas and the girl is wearing another one like a gag.
The evil guy has a cockroach in a white circle for an emblem on his chest and he's carrying his helmet with the big antennas on it under his arm. "Where is that Guy? He's always late," he says.
"W-what guy?" asks the boy.
"Fightin' Guy. Who were we talking about? He's supposed to come rescue you but he's always late to these things. We used to be in the same bowling league and sometimes we had to forfeit the first game 'cause he'd be late. It's hard to win the league trophy if can't win two out of three games 'cause you always have to forfeit the first one."
"D-do you think he's coming? To rescue us?"
Cockroach Man laughs his evil laugh which sounds sort of like a fat dog choking on a biscuit bone it tried to eat all at once. "No, he's not going to come. Why should he rescue you guys? He doesn't even know you exist!"
"But you said..." starts the boy.
"I expect you're feeling a lot of 'poH right now," sneers CM. "I'm going to feed you to the alligators in the sewer, you know." He looks at his watch. "Where the heck is he?"
The little girl pulls down her gag and says, "He'll come. Fightin' Guy is a hero, he's not late. He always arrives just in time!"
"Tell that to the other two guys on the bowling team," snorts Cockroach Man. "You kids are going to be Alligator Brunch in less than two minutes!"
FG is suddenly there. "Those alligators are just going to have to eat liver, like everyone else on Thursday," he says.
The kids scream for the hero and CM recoils and says, "Fightin' Guy!"
FG poses and says, "Cockroach Man!"
"Wait, wait," says Cockroach man as he tries to put on his helmet. "Last time you punched me through a wall I got a neck injury. The prison chiropractor said it was the worst case of neck torsion he'd ever seen in someone who could still wiggle his toes!"
FG waits while sewer workers take the kids up through a manhole cover.
"You still bowl?" FG asks CM.
"Nah, those cocksuckers in the prison league are all cheaters," says CM.
"This is a T-14 comic book!" says FG. "You can't say cocksuckers!"
CM has the helmet on but it's sitting crooked. "Can you--?" he says. "I can never reach that last dog on the right side."
FG snaps the last fastening which straightens CM's helmet. "You need to upgrade your costume to an autofit helmet."
"That costs like, 20,000 points. You know how many liquor stores and ice cream parlors I'd have to knockover to get 20,000 points just for a helmet that I don't need anyone else to help me put it on?"
"How come you never rob banks? Aren't they worth a lot more points?"
"They're never going to let me into a bank wearing this costume!" He waves at himself. "I look like a cockroach! Did you get that upgrade to Thermonuclear Punch?"
FG shakes his head as they get into position. "Nah, didn't have enough points. And you're only worth 500 points this week. I'd have to catch you like 100 times for that upgrade, Cocksucker Man."
CM points at his chest. "Cockroach Man."
"What did I say?"
CM shakes his head. "I think this issue is going to be rated M for Mature."
They pose. "Let's get it on, Cockroach Manfred," says FG. He punches one fist into the other hand. "You've got a date with the prison cafeteria. They're serving creamed liver tonight just in your honor."
CM makes the same face as the owl. Which is hard to see since his helmet covers most of his face. "Even supervillains don't like liver."
"You should have thought of that before you took up a life of crime," says FG. "I'm going to make the world safe for ice cream parlors and convenience stores run by guys named Pavel by knocking you through that wall!"
"This wall?"
"That wall."
"Oh, man. That's going to hurt. This wall is three feet of steel-reinforced concrete and we're under the East River here. I could drown, you know."
"Don't kid me, CM," says FG. "I know your helmet has an oxygen supply built-in."
"Okay, okay. Look, I already let the kids go, can't I just give up and let you take me in?" He holds out his wrists like they're tied together.
"Are you trying to get us canceled? You're my arch-nemesis, the leader of my Rogues' Gallery. You can't just surrender without a fight!"
"I guess I just don't feel like fighting. I'm feeling a lot of 'poH here and now, Alex."
"Aw, Manfred. Don't be like that. Look, I'll just punch you down the hallway like fifty feet instead of through the wall. And you can threaten me with a death ray."
CM looks around. "I don't have a death ray. I'm just a guy wearing a suit of cockroach-theme armor."
"I can lend you a death ray. I took it off of Liver-Eatin' Lady." He rummages in his utility backpack while reaching behind himself and making a funny face.
"Horrible," says CM. "Does she really eat liver? Like right in front of you?"
FG hands the death ray gun over. "Nah," he says. "She uses this here death ray. Nobody Really Likes Liver."
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But I can't agree on the liver thing. I hate it, true, but my dad loves his "Lizards and Givers," as he calls the gizzards and livers he gets from the gas station down the street from where he used to work. Urggh, just the sound of 'em makes me sick.
Melanie E.
I like chicken livers fried in corn meal. That's pretty good. And I used to live with a guy who knew how to cook calves' liver so it was really tasty and not that putrid stuff they serve in cafeterias. Or for that matter, that my Mom made now and then. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I can stand deer liver
but only a little of it, and even then it's more like I can deal with it, not enjoy it. Liver always tastes muddy to me.
Melanie E.
Liver and Onions
I grew up eating that stuff and always loved it... My neighbor is a wonderful old german lady that is dying of cancer and is blunt as *explitive deleted* Truthfully I don't believe she ever had any filter between her brain and her vocal chords. Anyway, her husband is this sweet old Polish guy that is an engineer by trade and a gormet chef becuase he loves to cook. I was over at thier house for dinner which I knew was going to be fabulous because Leonid was cooking, and as we sat down to dinner, It was beef liver or maybe kidney. She said, ( in her rather loud heavily german accented screechy voice ) " I don't know if you will like it, it tastes for urine" I ate the first serving but with each mouthful I realized that she was right. She could have not said anything, and I would have been happier without that piece of information.
Sometimes, too much information is much worse than not enough, I will never eat it again.
That was kidney
Liver just tastes like bitter chalk.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I can just see Lilith adding F.G. to her heroes story line for a laugh.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
That might be funny
Maybe I can think of a TG twist for Fightin' Guy. :) Maybe he has to battle X-Dressed Man?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
'poH Huh?
Hi Erin,
I feel like...... liver and onions with mashed potatoes and gravy - broccoli with cheese sauce on the side? I haven't had liver in MANY years now - I miss it.
After having gone to ALL the trouble of writing out that whole story, you publish it without pictures??????
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Um, no?
It's not published as a blog here. Though I did put it up as a blog on Quillian. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Yeah, no, no pictures. (You edited your post!) I really can't draw that quick. I'll try to do one of the owl maybe, later today and put it up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Yup Sorry
Hey Erin,
I made a mistake about that and changed it as quickly as I could - BUT aparently I still wasn't fast enough. Oh well, POOOP happens.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I hope ...
I hope you're not feeling a lot of 'poH over it, Hope. :) That would be just too cinorI. :))
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I've often wondered why it's called 'irony'
We have much heavier metals - It coud be 'leady' or even 'uraniumy' but maybe it isn't about weight but more about availability how about 'silicony' or 'carbony' maybe 'calciumy' - perhaps it has to be a metal - 'coppery' 'aluminumy' - does it need to have an ominous sound - 'strontiumy' 'rutheniumy' - or should it be a short name - 'zincy' 'goldy' - or even shorter - 'tiny' maybe 'tinny' - ahhhhh but tin is soft and iron is hard - 'titaniumy'
My online peiodic table lists 118 elements (there may be more) but even if I were to restrict myself to the 92 naturally occurring elements this comment might get a little tedious, so I will cut it off at this point.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
I've always wondered
I've always wondered about dysprosium. It sounds like a metal made out of bad prose. How about dyspoesium? Doggerelium? Postmodernium? Deconstructionum? :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
May wonder never end.
Thanks Erin,
Wonder is a wonderful thing.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Makes me Nobody I guess.
Before it was declared bad for us, Thursday really was Liver and Onions night. Even chucked some in the blender for the baby ~~ must've worked he's 6'4" and smart enough that he actually enjoys his job (but not start enough to stay away from Gen Con). Now, only get it about twice a year at Golden Corral or Bob Evans, and they can't seem to make it taste like anything but re-heated tire treads.
Fun tale.
Liver Hatin' Johnson
Made right, liver is delicious. Old Cliff used to buy fresh calves' liver at the butcher, soak it in milk for several hours then bread it and fry it with bacon and onions. Served with a salad, some cream corn and biscuits and this was just wonderful stuff. I've never tried making it myself, it seems more art than science.
There's a deli-restaurant in Orange called Benjy's that makes chopped liver so good people get the same expression eating it that some women get from Godiva chocolate. It's livergasmic. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
How to prepare liver
Many years ago when I was working my way through school I was a potwasher in a restaurant where the lunch special was occasionally liver and onions. I got the chef to talk about how he fixed it since I really liked it. First, calves liver, not from a mature steer. Second, chill until not quite frozen to facilitate slicing and Slice as thin as practical. Third dip in seasoned crumbs or course cornmeal. Fourth, don't over or under cook. fry in hot grease only until crumbs are brown on both sides. Slices should not be rigid and flat when lifted with spatula nor limp enough to droop over edges. It should be pink in the center and just flex a little over the spatula. Cover in grilled onions and serve immediately. I've served this to many people who "don't like liver" and watched them eat it all.
I can only mention two things about this.
My first thought was, she must have written this Friday mornin', after goin' to bed feelin' 'poh.
My other thought was that even cockroaches get tired of bein' the bad guy all the time!
Well I did have another thought, I feel sorry for the owl. Having liver does take away all hope!
Thanks for making my head stretch in unusual ways. :-)
Carla Ann
Wake up laughing
No, I got up this morning, laughing about the images. Very vivid they were. The dialog I had to write while awake except for the line about "Nobody Really Likes Liver" which was in the dream just like I describe the back of the book.
Cockroach Man's costume looked sort of like Manta Ray from Aquaman, or maybe one of The Tick's wacky villains. I met Brad Guigar at the con two weeks ago and I'm thinking of sending this to him, I think he'd get a kick out of it. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
i love that term. i have had days of 'poh myself.
Haven't we all
More than discouragement, less than despair, the 'poH we shall have with us always. I think that's from the Bible. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Nobody Really Likes Thursday Anymore
Kinda makes me feel sad on Wednesday night...
Darned liver. I'm still trying to work out where they get it all from - I know it's quite a big organ, but if you have fish on one day that makes liver 15% of the rest of your diet and I suppose by proportion 15% of the beast it came from and I'm sure it really isn't that big - IS IT?
My mum used to disguise it under a piece of bacon but even with a mountain of fried onion it was hard to contemplate chewing what related quite well to an old boot. I suppose it came from an old cow - like "we can't really use the meat from this cow, it's too old and stringy, but the liver is still the same size it was when the cow was producing 5 gallons of milk and looked like a promotion for Bovine Monthly - so we'll use that instead."
I'll bet if I fed it to my dog, it would use the thing to dig a hole - like an old spade - then throw it in the hole and bury it (hopefully - wishing it to be returned with interest by a grateful family of ants that were just getting over a lean patch). It's called offal - which I think is just a bad spelling of awful, like vernacular. Reallie offal.
Other than skin and bones, the liver is the heaviest organ in the body. But if you eat it for one meal of the week, that's less than 5% of your total, so maybe yeah, it might actually amount to 5% of the meat off of some animals. The liver from old animals is usually used for dog or cat food, dogs and cats love liver. Calves' liver, chicken liver and goose liver are favored for human consumption. The livers of some animals, carnivores mostly, are poisonous partly because of the high levels of Vitamin A and D in them. Cod liver oil used to be given as a Vitamin A supplement--and I firmly believe--as punishment to kids who did not toe the line. Pig liver is used in various sausages.
It's possible for humans to survive for a long time on a purely meat diet, but you have to eat the liver, too, in order to get all your vitamins. Good thing no one has required that of me. If liver is poorly prepared it literally smells and tastes like shit since the bile that is part of what gives shit its odor can get left in the liver if things are not done correctly. Bear livers are considered medicine in some parts of the world, but since bears are omnivores, eating bear liver is risky--it can be poisonous if the bear has been eating too much meat and not enough fruit, veggies and fish. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Good reason not to eat too much liver.
I read an account once of some South Pole explorers that became stranded near the pole. The weather got too bad to attempt an air rescue, so they had to travel several hundred (over a thousand?) miles to an outpost. Along the way at one point they had to kill their sled dogs for food. Since they were limited to what they could carry, they only took the livers, thinking it was the most nutritious organ. By the time they arrived at the outpost everyone in the party was deathly ill from exposure and some kind of poisoning. It was later found they were all suffering from vitamin A overdose, which can be fatal. Guess you could say they were all feelin' pretty poH!
It actually happened more than once!
And those guys were flirting with scurvy because you have to eat muscle and/or stomach lining to get Vitamin C from meat. That's probably the origin of haggis. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I LOVE the way you dream
And how the liver/thursday theme held this disjointed collage of dream fragments together as a story. Crazy good fun. You've inspired me to dust off my old story based on a dream I had about a kid's book + post it at OTHERWORLDS:
~~~much hugs, Laika
('poH sounds like a more benign version of David Lynch's garmonbozia. A state of infinite sadness manifested as creamed corn...)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Well, 'poH is finite
It lasts until next Thursday when it is replaced by nausea. Are you sure garmonbozia is David Lynch? It sounds like something Woody Allen would think up, or Allen Brady. :)
And I love the way you dream, too. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Reading too much retcon before bed?
I have very crazy dreams, crazier by far than what you've written. But my dreams aren't nearly as coherent as yours. Maybe you've found your superpower. Everyone has one. Your superpower could be coherent crazy creativity or some such.
Nice. Thanks for sharing.
I wish I could share my dreams but I think people would freak out over things like blood sucking M&Ms candy. *sigh*
- Terry
I haven't read any of the Retcon stories. :) And yes, I've done lucid dreaming for years, a result of my training as a hypnotist.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I'm glad to see you writing again
and a suitably different story.
I like lamb's liver, preferably casseroled and slow cooked. Ox liver is tough but what usually turns up in mixed grills. Pigs liver is so full of antibiotics...
When you consider what the liver actually does. In Glasgow, I believe they like pickled livers (as in cirrhosis).
I'm trying to write more
Not all my writing turns up here, but I'm trying to work on something every week. Glad you liked this. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Oh wow, this was hillarious!
Oh wow, this was hillarious! Fantastic work Erin!
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I had another weird dream this morning
But it wasn't that funny, so I didn't write it up. Did get one nice image from it, though, of a seaside town where the original houses were so tiny that many modern families live in two of them at once with a connecting breezeway. I think I've seen that somewhere, maybe Avalon?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
This is so nice
Thank you Erin, it really brightened up my day.
Sometimes silly is good. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
'poH? Silly...yes....
...but I don't feel so good. I think I'm sick...I had some liver for lunch...
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
XI Thou Shalt Not Eat Liver
"That's why I had to invent regurgitation." - God
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I'm a sinner then
because I occasionally do braised lamb's liver and onions, which my 94 year old neighbour thinks is pretty good. Mind you sometimes I wonder if she says it because she didn't have to cook it. I gave her some chicken stew yesterday which she accepted with relish.
As for owls eating liver, they tend to swallow their prey whole, even shrews which are supposed to be rather bitter - not that I've tried to eat one myself, but I do occasionally find jaws and other bits of skull when I'm dissecting barn owl pellets.
I've heard biologists + ecologists tend to like liver
...but nuclear scientists like Livermore.
~sorry (don't throw plutonium at me!), Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
This should get you 40,000 points
Ha! ROTHF LMAO! Loved the whole thing but especially the bit between FG and CM and the points. Everything that we really want always costs more points than we have - guess that's where adulthood comes in; we make the compromises between what we want and what we can afford. Which is the beauty of fiction and why I enjoy BCTS.
>>> Kay
One Of My Favourites
Braised calf's liver with bacon and onions. And you get food stamps!
Only slightly amused by the main story
but carried on reading 'cause it was by Erin.
Then I got to the comments which made up for any earlier doubts. They made a reason for reading the story once again and then to repeat reading the comments.
I personally like liver in general, but there are bad, good, and even better ways of cooking it. Unfortunately the bistro I discovered 2 years ago (and never disappointed when I selected calf's liver from their menu) is currently closed due to Covid regulations!
That's life!
missed this
first time around, nice bit of fun!
However, I'm with Ang here, nothing wrong with a nice bit of liver, not those bits of rubber we were served at school but cooked properly maybe fried with onions and served with chips and gravy or sautéed and plated with mash and veg or maybe a liver and bacon suet pudding. It not only tastes good but its good for you, a source of iron that's not spinach!
Now Broccoli, well that really is the Devils food!
Madeline Anafrid Bell
What's wrong with liver?
I do like liver. But I don't understand people who like steaks and other meat from cows or pigs. I think that chicken and geese have better meat.
I had some interesting dreams too. In one dream, I have been reading a comic. In the comic, there was a man a woman and a pig and the woman wanted to be a man and the pig wanted to be human. I don't remember any details (because it's difficult to remember details from a dream) and they don't exist any more because objects in my dreams have no object permanence.
My dad (who was a chef) made it about once a month to once every other month at home. I came to the conclusion as a teen that the best way to cook beef liver was with lots of onions, then throwaway the liver and serve the onions. Beef liver does impart a good flavor to the onions :)
Pork liver? In the area my family is from there is a scrapple-like breakfast sausage made with pork liver called 'Liver Mush'. It's a combination of pork liver, fatty pork, cornmeal, salt pepper and cayenne pepper. I honestly love the stuff and make my own from scratch since it is not available outside of western NC.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
"I hate liver ...
... Liver makes me quiver ..."
And I like liver. Even not on Thursdays.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."