Speedway Demons -chapter 11

Speed Demons

Total number of drivers 40. Number of company teams 10. Number of tracks 20. Number of countries 12. Time frame 6 months. Number of Fallen Angels hooked on speed 2. The McGuire sisters are and they’re out for blood in the newly founded International Stockcar Racing Association. After two years driving the Formula One circuit Professional Drivers Roberta Bobbie McGuire and her sister Elisabeth ‘Beth’ McGuire have made real names for themselves. The two young ladies took the world by storm in their first year by placing 3rd and 4th in the Championship points race. Now their plans and dreams of starting in the International Stockcar Association have come to fruition. The Fury twins plan to prove to the world they belong in Stockcar Racing. And they don’t care who they have to put into the wall to bring home the inaugural championship.

Chapter 11
Motegi twin ring Speedway, Japan, Sunday late afternoon

When the race restarted at lap 195 Bobbie and McNair returned to watching the race. They could tell that with the changing track conditions that Beth, Sam, James, and Temperance were going to have their hands full. At lap 200 McNair spotted the next change before Bobbie. Simply because his was watching the entrance to turn 3.

“Bobbie, the track is going to tighten back up in about ten to fifteen more laps. The rubber is building up fast on that cooling asphalt.” McNair grunted as he watched Temperance cross the turn 3 tunnel.

“It may Mac. I got a feeling that it’s going to get looser with each lap.” Bobbie told him as she watched Beth exiting turn 4. “But you’re there is going to be a major change in track conditions again.”

“Agreed. How sure are you of the track becoming looser?” McNair asked her.

“It’ll be a head or tails call Mac. It’s all going to depend on whether we can go green for another twenty laps.” Bobbie told him.

“How do you figure that?” McNair asked her.

“If we can stay green or at least keep the wrecks down to just one single car wreck the rubber will build up like you said and the track will tighten up. IF, however I as except things to happen the next wreck will bring out a red flag. With this new rule of bringing the field to pit road for red flags to clear the track then it will become extremely loose.” Bobbie said as she lowered her field glasses. “I’m not the only one who thinks it’s stupid, but the IRS Commissioners think that the tracks should be cleaned after any major wreck. I can see bring out the driers after a rain delay. I can’t see bringing out the streetcleaners to scrub the track after a major wreck.”

“It’s something NASCAR is having us try out for them. It’s supposed to cut down on repetitive yellows.” Coach Hall said while never lowering her field glasses. “You would know this if you had paid attention to Association rules change briefing on Thursday.”

“I had a slightly more important pressing engagement Coach.” Bobbie snarked as she pointed to her leg. “I can’t be in two places at once.”

“True. How is the leg feeling?” Coach Hall asked before keying her mike. “Beth stay low going into turn one and stay there. The tunnel is get slick.”

“How’s the rest of the team hold on, guys?” Bobbie asked.

“Sam doing right Bobbie. His times aren’t dropping but they’re not getting any better. He keeps saying something about slick spots.” Joey told her.

“Joe’s in the same boat time wise with same the problem. What about Corky, Kathy?” David called out as the field roared past.

“Same, same, Bobbie. At the same points around the track. Over both tunnels, on the exit to turn four, and the front straightaway.” Kathy answered as she turned towards Bobbie. “Any idea on what’s happening?”

“Just one. The rubber build up is starting to peel in those areas.” Bobbie key her mike. “Chief Hailee are you near the last set of tires you pulled off the car? What do they look like?”

“We got a massive amount of rubber build up on the tires, Bobbie. They look like Corky has been running through the marbles at top the of the track.”

“How thick is the rubber buildup on the tires?” Bobbie asked quickly.

“At least three millimeters. What you thinking Speedy?”

“Oh shit! Get the crash carts ready Chief. We’re about have a big one.” Bobbie’s words couldn’t have been more prophetic. The only problem was they came too late to prevent the wreck at the apex of turn 1 and 2.

Elle Harbert of Northern Alliance blew her left front tire. The sudden drop of her left front pulled her down into the car next to her on the inside. The only upside was the wreck started at the rear of the pack. The change reaction wreck only affected the last seven cars. As Elle hit the car beside her they spun sideways. With both cars now sideways to the last five cars they had nowhere to go. The yellow flag came out to be quickly followed by the red. All the spotters were calling for their drivers to pull onto pit road, and into their pit boxes then shut down their engines.

Bobbie held her breath as the fast moving stockcars started braking hard on the back straightaway. She just knew that there would be even more accidents with the way the drivers were shutting down their cars. Her fears were eased as the field gathered up without the pace car and slowly pulled down onto pit road. Each car headed for their assigned pit box. The professionalism and skill shown by the drivers was amazing in Bobbie and McNair’s eyes.

“And the rookies become veterans. There you have your proof Bobbie.” McNair said as he place his hand on Bobbie’s shoulder. “They’ve been learning with every lap of ever race. They’re getting there, but they still have a ways to go yet. Like I said earlier the wrecks just suddenly drop off.”

“You might be right Mac. This wreck could have been a whole lot worse. I have to be honest, Mac. I wasn’t too hip on the new wreck protocols, but they just might keep the number of repeat yellows down.” Bobbie said as she watched track sweepers moving out onto the track behind the wreckers.

“That they might. On the other hand, they could increase the number of wrecks. With the street clears cleaning the track the way they are it will change the track racing conditions.” McNair said and sighed.

“And that is what I was worried about, Mac. When we go back to racing that whole end of the track is going to be virgin.” Bobbie pointed to where the cleaners were working at entrance to turn 1. “They’re starting their run, way too early. If they continue all the way to the exit of turn two. The track is going to be loose on one end and tight at the other.”

“True. I hadn’t thought of that. Though I do wounder at the reasoning behind this practice.” McNair looked over at Kathy’s mom. “Coach Hall, did the ISA Commissioners give their reasoning for the change?”

“They pointed to the twenty-twelve Daytona five-hundred crash that lead to a jet-drying truck catching fire during the caution for their reason behind the new policy.” Coach Hall answered with a sad smile. “You know the one I’m talking about Mac. The one that could have been avoided if they had cleared the track and let the track crews do their jobs safely.”

“You knew one of the rescue workers Coach?” Mac asked her.

“Duane Barnes, the driver for the jet-dryer. He was a family friend and very sweet man.” Coach Hall chuckled. “Thanks to him I was able to get pit passes for the twenty-fifteen, and sixteen Daytona five-hundreds.”

“Those were two of the best birthday presents ever.” Kathy crowed. Then turn serious at the look on Bobbie’s face. “Sorry Bobbie. I forgot.”

“Forget about it, Kathy. Water under the bridge and out to sea by now.” Bobbie told her with a smile.

“Forgive me for not understanding, Bobbie.” McNair began only to be stopped by Joey holding up his hand.

“Mr. McNair, my sister was dealing with her cancer at the time.” Joey said as he looked over at Bobbie. “I thought I was going to lose my sister that year. It was the first time I really understood what she was going through.”

“Roberta, I apologize for my stupidity.” McNair started to say only to have Bobbie chuckle. “What did I say that was so funny?”

“Mac, you’re new to the MRI family and don’t know the whole story. So, forget about the apology. There is a lot left out of my public bio. Most of it concerns my time dealing with Childhood Leukemia. It wasn’t a good time in my life. Not something I would want the rest of the world to know. I wasn’t a very nice person. If you catch my drift.” Bobbie told McNair with a crocked half smile of regret.

“No child should have to face that and be happy about it, Roberta.’ McNair told her kindly as he raised his field glasses to his eyes. “Bobbie, what are those two wreckers doing?”

Bobbie looked to McNair was and chuckled. “They’re having to pull those two cars a part. Seen it before. Back in twenty-nineteen it took three wreckers to pull a part a two-car wreck on the back stretch at Daytona. I figure it will take them about”

The fireball that erupted from nowhere stopped all conversation in the spotters nest. Joey yelled over the roar of the explosion. “HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?”

“The gas tank blew on one of the cars.” Kathy said in a calm voice. “It had to have been punctured during the wreck. None of the crewmen were near the cars when it caught fire. Doesn’t make any sense.”

“Yes, it does, Kathy. That was Seth Fisher’s car. He was the first one out of his car after the wreck. He kept waving that something was wrong with his car. That is must have been what he was warning the wrecker crews about.” Dave said as he lowered his field glasses. “Look to where cleaners are working. That wet spot has to be spilled oil and fuel.”

Even as Dave was talking about the spilled oil and fuel the flames from the wrecked cars reached the spill. The flames raced up the track. Stopping the cleanup efforts of the track cleaners. One barely escaped being caught by the now out of control fire. Bobbie could only shake her head at the sight. “Damned near had a repeat of the twenty-twelve Daytona.”

“Bloody hell. I remember watching that race. Didn’t something break on Juan Pablo Montoya’s car and sent it careening into Barnes’ truck?” McNair asked.

“It was a rear trailing arm on his car that broke in turn three where two jet dryers were clearing debris. He lost control, skidded up the banking and collided with a trailer-mounted jet engine.” Joey answered. “Shut down the race for over two hours.”

“The track crews were the real heroes of that race. Over the course of two hours and five minutes, they not only extinguished the fire, but cleaned and repatched the track. A lot of the changes for track cleanup following a wreck came about because of that one wreck.” Coach Hall said as she watched the firetruck putting out the fire. “Even the type of extinguisher used by the firefighting crews was changed.”

“Damn. It looks like the Commissioners are going to call the race. We’re past the halfway mark for the race.” Kathy said as she pointed towards the Commissioners position in the spotters nest.

Bobbie looked down at her wristwatch. “Under the new rules they very well may, Kathy. I doubt they will though. We still got four hours until sunset. The only way I see them calling the race is if it takes the track crews more than ninety minutes to clean and repair the track.”

“Bobbie, look at the way the track is burning. That’s not oil or fuel anymore. That is asphalt burning out there now.” Joey said as he lower his field glasses shaking his head. “They resurfaced the track just for the ISA. That shit hasn’t had time to cure all the way through. Even if they use quick-patch or speed-seal, it’ll still take an hour to harden before the cars can run over the top of it.”

“Twenty-minutes to get the fire out. Another, thirty-minutes to clean up the debris. Thirty to forty minutes to put down the quick-patch or speed-seal. Followed by an hour curing time. That’s two to two and half hours.” McNair said adding up the time for the repair and cleanup. “They’ll have to call the race in the next ten minutes Bobbie.”

“Shit, and Temperance was lined up to take the lead.” Bobbie bitched. As true to McNair’s prediction the Commissioners called the race. “Who held the led when the red flag came out?”

“Hitarashi Sukejuro, Bobbie.” Kathy said as she turned to face her driver. “And you’re right. Temperance would have won. As it is, she’s being scored in second place. Nazarova Grigorievna, has third locked down solid. Sam’s in fourth with Beth coming in fifth.”

“Well at least we won’t drop back too far in the points race.” Bobby grumbled.

“About that Bobbie. I’ve been going over the points standings for the drivers’ championship.” Kathy began as she put down her field glasses and took off her headset. “I’ve been wait for the right time to bring this up.”

“No need to tell me Kathy. I already knew. Without Motegi, Melbourne, and Darwin I’m out of the Chase.” I said with a giggle. “Unless I can pull out three more wins. I’ll never recover ground to win the championship. I doubt that the rest of the drivers are going to just rollover and let me win three races just to get back into the championship race.”

“That is what I want to talk about. You don’t need to win three more races. Just place fifth or higher at Brooklands and the next six races. After that you’ll be back in the top ten. As it is, you’ll only drop to fifteenth in the standings between now and Brooklands.” Kathy explained as she looked at the clipboard in her hands. “Before you ask Beth is currently in first place. Sam and James are tied in third place. MRI is first in the Manufacturer’s race. Red Star and Thunder Valley are tied in second place.”

“Not bad considering the season so far. Any idea on how today’s race is going to play out for us in the races?” I asked her.

“Well, with Temperance scoring second, Sam in fourth, with Beth taking fifth. Let’s see.” Kathy hummed as she worked her calculator. “MRI will hold on to its lead but not by much. These last two races have really hit our lead hard. That’s the downside. The upside is we won’t need you in Australia. You can head home tomorrow and spend the next three weeks with Kelly and your kids.”

“What does that mean?” Bobbie snarled.

“Exactly that Roberta. You’re flying home on the first thing smoking.” Coach Hall answered for everyone. “Until that leg is healed, you’re benched.”

“Not happening Coach. I go where the team goes.” Bobbie snorted in defiance.

“Wrong Roberta Lee McGuire.” Bobbie dropped her shoulders and looked over to see her mother standing behind her. “The ONLY reason you were allowed at this race was because you were already in country.”

“Oh, come on mom. I’m twenty-one and married with two kids. I’m old enough to know what I can and cannot do.” Bobbie whined. “You can’t tell me where I’m allowed to travel.”

“The last time I checked you’re still a driver on my payroll. So, yes I can tell you where you can and cannot travel with the team.” Her mother smirked.

“You know life can really suck when your mother is your boss.” Bobbie grumbled to McNair. Only to get a chuckle from the Englishman.

“I can see your point. You don’t stand a chance at winning an argument.” McNair said with a sideways smile. “At least she didn’t use those four words that every mother has in their arsenal to win the argument.”

“What four words are you talking about Mac?” Bobbie asked.

“Because I said so.” Jewels McGuire snarked.

“Ouch!” All four spotters said at the same time.

“There is that.” Bobbie chuckled. “Okay mom. I’ll catch the first thing smoking for home. I’ll take Mac with me.”

“About time you started using your head. Besides, the last time I looked you have two Formula One teams to put together.” Jewels said harshly. “You are going to finish what you started?”

“I thought I already handed that off to Mac?” Bobbie asked in confusion.

“Oh no, Roberta. That whole program is now your baby. You gave it life. Now it is time for your to make sure it grows.” Jewels told her middle child.

“Gotcha, Mom. My idea. My load mouth started the ball rolling. Now, I have to see it through.” Bobbie sighed. “If I wasn’t injured would I still be heading home to take care of the new F-one teams?”

“No, I would have been heading home to handle the setup of the new teams. You would have been on your way to Australia.” Jewels answered with a smile. “Thanks to your injury you get to see to the formation of your new race company. I’m thinking Bobbie McGuire Racing has a nice ring to it?”

“Um… No. I am not going to have a racing team with those initials. I just hear the jokes now. Bowel Movement Racing, Bullshit Motors, no way I’m going to let that happen. Got another name mom?” Bobbie asked her grinning as not only her mother, but all the others from MRI were laughing at the joke she made about using the initials BMR.

“Rocking Roberta’s Racing.” Joey said without a second thought. At Bobbie’s cocked and smiling face Joey blushed. “I kind of… well… I kind of always thought that when it was your turn to start your own racing team that would be the kind of name you’d use.”

“You wouldn’t have come up with a graphic design for my team logo, Joey?” Bobbie asked him smiling. “And when did you think up this name?”

“The last time you were in the hospital.” Joey said quietly. He knew that Bobbie hated any reminder of the last she was sick. He reached around to pull out his wallet. After taking out a folded piece paper Joey showed her the stylized graphic design. It was of three R’s in Lucinda Script surrounded by an oval, done in purple and black. “I’ve kind of been carrying this around for a while. Like a good luck charm for you.”

“Rocket Roberta’s Racing it is.” Bobbie said as she took the graphic from her brother’s hands. Then hugged him while whispering in his ear. “Thanks Joey. I’ll make you proud. Promise.”

“I know you will sis. Just do me one favor. Try and keep a lid on Stephany’s excitement.” Joey said as he pulled back out of the hug.

“Don’t worry Joey. I’ll keep her grounded. Besides do you really think that her dad will just let her walk away from running the family business? I’ll answer that one for you, Hell no.” Bobbie chuckled. “Your fiancée has motor oil for blood and that shop is her home. I could offer her the lead Mechanic’s slot on a team, and she would still turn me down.”

“She does have a point Joey. Stephany has been running her family’s business for just short of three years now. I went there just before we left for Chiba. I was looking for a replacement clutchplate for my sixty-nine Camaro.” David chuckled as he stepped beside Joey. “She knew exactly where it was in their warehouse without even looking at the computer.”

“David, when I say that Stephany can do that shit every day of the week. She has the database for her warehouse in her head. Hell, back before I got my Viper I challenged her knowledge of the warehouse.” Bobbie chuckled. “The little shit put me in my place, fast. There’s been more than once where I would have sworn she has the shop’s computer hooked up to her head.”

“I must say. This young lady sounds remarkable.” McNair said with a smile.

“Trust me Mac. When it comes to Stephany Stone. They broke the mold when they made her. We’re still trying to figure out what she sees in this lug head.” Kathy chuckled as she pointed her thumb at a blushing Joey.

“Enough already you boneheads.” Jewels chuckled at the antics of the spotter crew. Turning to Bobbie, Jewels became serious. “Roberta you need to head back to the hotel. You’ll need to packed and down to the train station.”

“Understood mom.” Bobbie sighed and went up the members of the spotter team. After giving each on a hug she sadly smiled. “I’ll see you guys in a few weeks. Take care of each other.”

“Don’t worry Bobbie. We got this. You just get yourself healed up.” Kathy said as she pushed Bobbie towards the elevator. “Now get going you got a train then a plane to catch.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Bobbie said as she hobbled towards the elevator. McNair was right behind her.

Once they were gone Jewels turned to Kathy, and the others. “Okay, what can you tell me about the wreck and fire that ended the race?”

“It was a total fucking mess waiting to happen, Jewels.” Coach Hall answered.

“Okay what am I missing here Coach?” Jewels asked.

“That asphalt is green as a bamboo, Jewels. Even with all the rain and the track dries running every morning. That shit is still oil soaked.” Coach Hall complained as she pointed down at the track. “That fucked up sealant they used sure as hell didn’t help matters. Between the road oil, the sealant, and the fuel dumped by one of the cars. All it took was a single spark to set the track on fire.”

“Damn! You don’t think we’re going to have this same problem at the other tracks?” Jewels asked of Coach Hall.

“Mom this was a one in a thousand combination of events. Like what happened in twenty-twelve at Daytona. By the time we hit Melbourne their track will have been down for just over eight months. They resurfaced the tracks here just three weeks ago. Sure, it that’s more than enough time for a normal roadway surface, but not for what we’re doing.” Joey said with a grin. “With the type of oils, fluids, and fuel we run in our cars. It’s no wonder that green assed track caught fire.”

“Okay exactly what does that mean Joey?” Jewels asked her son only to have David supply the answer.

“It’s like this Boss. All of out POL products have higher flammability points. Basically its because of their formulations.” David began with a grin as this was his main point of study, chemistry. “Yet when they do catch flame they burn four to five times hotter than normal motor oil, brake fluid, fuel, you name it. Even our tires burn two to three times hotter than normal steel belted car tires. Hell, even the stuff you used in Formula One has the same flashpoints, yet they don’t have that many fires. Yet when you do see one it is a monster blaze.”

“Why, you asking Jewels? It’s not like you could have done anything to change the outcome of the wreck.” Coach Hall asked her.

“Just wondering if it was a design failure in the cars, the track itself, or just a random act of Murphy.” Jewels McGuire said with a chuckle. “You know how get after a wreck. Always looking for the cause and a way to fix it.”

“That’s just the engineer in you Jewels.” Coach Hall chuckled. “Always looking to fix the broken and improve on what works. At least you’re not as bad as Bob about things. I swear your husband does more tinkering than any of the other Chief Mechanics.”

“Not surprising. Chief McGuire has his master’s degree in design.” Kathy pointed out with a wicked smile.

“True. Kathy take a walk with me.” Jewels asked of the young woman. Kathy didn’t know what was going on but followed behind her Boss. Once they were alone Jewels got to the point. “Kathy, tell me something. During the race did Bobbie seem alright. By that I mean was she on edge? Anything like that?”

“Yes ma’am. I know that the others didn’t see it, but I did. The only reason is because I’ve been her spotter for so long. She was as nervus as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.” Kathy got quiet. “Ma’am I think this last wreck really spooked her.”

“Damn I was afraid of that happening. That Chiba wreck was the closest she’s come to dying in a long time. She just doesn’t realize it yet.” Jewels mulled. “When she comes back you’ll have to keep an eye on her while she’s on the track Kathy. I got a bad feeling that she may go one of two ways.”

“How’s that Mrs. McGuire?” Kathy asked.

“She’ll either push her cars to the point of breaking or she won’t get out of her own way and wreck. The question is going to be which way will Bobbie go.” Jewels said as she turned to walk back with the others. “And for once I hope like hell she takes the first option.”

“Why ma’am?”

“Because there is nothing deadlier on a racetrack than a driver who’s lost their nerve. They get overly cautious and that just leds to more wrecks. Sooner or later that cautiousness will get someone killed.” Jewels sighed and came to a stop. “Usually it’s someone else. That’s why, Kathy.”

The younger woman just looked at her Boss and said one word. “Shit.”


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