Kate Draffen (Chapter 31)

Kate Draffen (Chapter 31)

By Swishy

Michael Taylor was a 17-year-old boy living in a town in Australia. Something happened and he found himself on a path to becoming a 17-year-old girl. This is a story about an ordinary teenager that had something extraordinary happen to him and how he tried to cope.

The morning after.


I was Michael again.

I sat up in bed and there was no bouncing from my torso. My hands leapt up to survey the flatlands that were my chest. It was flat and my nipples were back to their original size. My hands rubbed my upper body, nothing was sticking out at all! Quickly, my hand searched below, it was confirmed I was back to being Michael.

Was I ever a girl called Gemma?

It seemed so far-fetched to be real, but it felt too real to be a dream.

I looked around my room. I was back home.

I wasn't in some luxury hotel suite in Sydney with an older guy sleeping next to me. It must have been a dream. All of it. I opened my wardrobe and saw all my old clothes, Mum hadn't given most of them away after all. Posters of sexy women still adorned the walls and I was attracted to them. Gemma Taylor was all a dream, a nightmare. Sure, I wasn't rich but at least Holly wasn't horrible to me, Dot and I were fine and I wasn't good friends with those bimbos Alana and Lilly. Best of all I didn't have to wear a Debutante Dress, I could dance with Holly again! I collapsed back on the bed and laughed.

Yes, it wasn't a giggle I had my laugh back.

There was a knock at the door. It must be Mum, I thought. I wondered if I should tell her about my crazy dream, I'm sure she would find it hilarious. Nicole would surely tease me within an inch of my life though. "Come in!" I sang.

A guy casually came in. It didn't freak me out, I knew him. "Hi Tyler," I said. I stood to shake his hand. I liked Tyler he was a nice guy. He didn't shake my hand, instead he hugged me, tightly. Very tightly. Like a bear who wanted to kill me. I could almost feel being literally crushed as he hugged me. When he finally released me I felt smaller, and skinnier. Even my arms looked like twigs. Had he actually squished me? I didn't realize Tyler was so tall, I thought he was only a few inches taller than me, but now he loomed over me.

"How's things?" I asked, sitting back on my bed. He didn't respond he just sat beside me, a little too close.

"Good, good. Orange juice?" he offered me a glass of juice, I had no idea where he had produced it from but I took it, my mouth was dry. It tasted weird and tingled as it passed my lips, there was something else with the orange juice. I went to ask him what was wrong with the juice but something happened to my voice.

"What's wrong with my voice?" I asked as I clutched my throat, "I sound… wrong. Like a girl."

If Tyler heard me he didn't say anything. The world was weird; the glass that had magically appeared in Tyler's hand had just vanished from mine. I looked around wildly, I wanted to run away from there but my legs weren't working. I looked at Tyler, pleading for help with my eyes. He didn't meet my gaze; he was staring at my chest. I looked down at it to see what was grabbing his attention. Thankfully he seemed to be staring at it for no reason; there seemed nothing wrong with it. And then he started to talk.

"These are the most perfect tits I have ever seen," Tyler told me, "They are perfection! So big, so round, so juicy." I looked down at where we was praising. He seemed to be delusional, there was nothing big, round or juicy about my flat male chest. Tyler must have been seeing things. I was about to tell him that he was insane when I felt my chest slightly vibrate. It felt so strange and drew my attention back down there. For all the weird feeling emanating from there, there didn't seem to be much going on. I went to touch my chest to try and feel where this vibrating was coming from. Before I could touch my chest, the vibrations became a rumble and then an explosion! Suddenly, through Tyler's will power I had a big, round breast hanging from my chest. It was perky, it was firm, it was everything a good breast should be, except it was alone. The right side of my chest was still completely flat.

I gingerly cupped the solitary breast, gasping in shock as I realized it is real. It felt so big in my new smaller hands. I looked like a freak with one huge tit coming off my chest. There was another rumble in my chest and I knew it wouldn't be lonely for much longer. BOOM! Congratulations, Michael! You've got twins! There wasn't a moment's notice, one second I had one breast a second later I had two. My white T-shirt began to contort and slide around my body, melting into a grey tank top.

Every fibre of my being was screaming in undiluted fear, but I just couldn't convert it into words. Tyler reached over and gently fondled new newborn breasts. I tired to slap his hands away but I couldn't move my arms at all. Tyler expertly massaged my hefty, new breasts and I watched in horror as my nipples grew hard. He lifted up my top and I finally felt my arms move up, straight up to help him take it off. "Let's get you out of those pretty pink panties too!" he said as my boxer shorts transformed into what he just described. I was happy to know that I was still male where it counted, I could see my large member sticking out of the panties Tyler had created with his mind. He hooked his thumbs inside my panties and slid them down my smooth legs.

Where the hell had all my leg hair gone?

"Oh my god, you're beautiful," he sighed as he gently began to stroke my penis. I wanted to scream, or kick or both but I couldn't. All I could do was watch as another man got me hard. Tyler began getting a little rougher, tugging my cock with vigour. I threw my head back and moaned, despite not wanting to do anything of the sort. Tyler crossed the line between providing pleasure and causing pain, he was tugging much too hard. My mind screamed out in pain while my mouth translated that into pleasure.

He gripped my cock hard and pulled. Tyler seemed hell-bent on hurting me and I didn't like it one bit. I tried to tell him to stop but the word "Harder!" came out instead. He complied and with one hearty heave it came clean off. I felt it rip and I saw it in his hand. Tyler held my mighty shaft in his hand. It was no longer connected to my body, I could plainly see the blood dripping off it. He held high in the air, like a prized trophy, my ball hanging down over his hand. I looked down between my legs to see if this was just a 'Got your nose' trick gone wrong. It wasn't, from the blood in my thighs I could clearly tell that Tyler had ripped my cock off!

He looked at by broken off appendage and shrugged, tossing it onto the floor as if it was just a piece of rubbish. "No! You sick bastard!" I wanted to shout but all the came out was, "Fuck me!"

"With pleasure, Gemma," he smiled as he returned a cock between my legs, but not mine.

I bolted upright in bed as if I was spring-loaded. My breaths were short and staggered and I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. I looked around my room - I was alone, I was in a Sydney hotel room and I was a girl. I had no idea whether any of those were good. But I was happy that at least some of the night's event was a dream. I felt the fleshy protrusions on my chest rise and all with each breath. I clutched them with my hands to make sure they were really there. They were and they as full and round as I remembered them.

My mind felt like it needed a boot-up disk. I had no idea what was a dream and what wasn't? Did Tyler actually fuck me? It felt so real, but then again so did me being Michael again and there was no way that was real. I recalled in terror Tyler pulling my cock off, blood dripping everywhere. It almost felt like the blood was still there. I reached down to my thighs to prove to myself Tyler hadn't just walked in here and ripped my cock off.

And then I felt the blood.

And screamed.

I pulled my fingers back as if my thighs were hotplates. There was blood on my fingers! It wasn't sweat or urine or even cum, it was blood!

I screamed again.

"What's wrong?" said a naked Tyler, rushing into the room, his cock swinging between his legs. It wasn't a dream! I had let a man fuck me! He crammed his massive cock where it didn't belong and now I was bleeding. And, he turned me into a girl! He squashed my body and gave me weird voice changing juice and made my boobs grow with his mind and then ripped off my cock! And now I was a girl because of him!

And he fucked me!

"Fuck off!" I hollered with all my girly mite. I pulled the sheets up to cover up the huge tits I was convinced he gave me! He wasn't getting a free look, the pervert.

He feigned a look of surprise, as if he hadn't committed the most heinous crime upon me. "Gemma? What's wrong?" he approached me with the intention of fucking me again, I could see it in his eyes.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed, crawling to the corner of the bed. I clutched the mattress and prepared to kick him if he got any closer. Visions of him thrusting his engorged cock into my crotch flooded my mind, pushing all other thoughts asunder. He had did that to me last night for what seemed like ages and I had moaned, and moan a lot. I remember moaning and clutching the sheets beneath me. Why would have I moaned? What had he done to me to make me enjoy it?

I wanted answers and I deserved them and I was going to get him. "What did you do to me, fucker?" I shrieked, still keeping my distance.

"Gemma, tell me what's wrong," he pleaded. He looked concerned, probably concerned that I would rat on him to the police. I'm sure tearing off a guy's cock and then making loving to him carries a massive jail term and a gorgeous guy like him wouldn't last long in jail.

"You fucked me!" I screamed.

Tyler spoke slowly and calmly, "Gemma, settle down. You and I made love, that's all. It was a beautiful thing and nothing to freak out over." Ewww! A guy fucked me! A dude put his penis inside me. A few short weeks ago I had a penis and I liked it a lot. Then somehow I was force-fed some robots and against my will I grew a cunt, a prissy, dripping, sweet smelling cunt. I had only had this disgusting thing sitting in between my thighs for a few weeks and already guys were cramming stuff inside it. I felt sick in my stomach.

"Don't freak-out?!? I'm bleeding for fuck's sake!"

"Bleeding? Baby, are you OK?" I didn't like how sweet Tyler was pretending to be and I especially didn't like being called 'baby'.

"No, you ripped my cock off! And now my crotch is bleeding!" I thought if Tyler was faced with the truth he would crumple and cry. I knew that I was going to be a girl for a long time and I wanted him to be punished for as long as I lived my so-called life.

"Let me get this right, when I exited you last night you think I caused you to bleed? I'm sure it's nothing serious — broken hymen or maybe you are just on your period. May I see?"

Tyler's calmness was working on me, maybe he didn't yank my penis out of my body, maybe it shrank and became my new genitals. I did seem to remember that happening. Even still, I screamed "No!" taking short, shallow breaths. If he had maliciously destroyed my cock, seeing the bloody remnants of my it would be some kind of sick reward to him and if he actually was the nice guy he seemed to be, I would die of embarrassment if he saw my period blood. "Get out!" I instructed. He looked at me the same look on concerned plastered across his face and I repeated my commandment. He left the room, still naked.

The sheets slid of the bed as I dragged them with me. Since this was a luxury suite in a luxury hotel, Tyler's room also had an en suite bathroom. I hadn't even been in there before. The mirror greeted me and I saw the little girl I had been for the past month, scared and red in the face. Her name was Gemma and as far as I can untangle my memories she had sex last night. She let a man pump his large cock in and out of her special area and now as punishment for her unchaste ways she was bleeding. My reflection and I dropped our sheets in unison. My crotch wasn't a bloody mess as I had feared. There was however a small amount of blood on my inner thighs and vagina. Annette had talked to me at length about my first period and there it was in plain sight. I sat down on the edge of the toilet and cried.

It's seemed cruel to throw my period at me on the same day I lose my virginity. It was a double slap to my once masculine face. It was telling me that
1) I had a craving for cock and the lack of will power to ignore it.
2) That lack of will power could land me in trouble one day. Trouble of the maternal kind.

I was a girl and it was messy and there was nothing I could do about it. Your first period is supposed to be a special time in a young girl's life where she has begun her long journey to womanhood. It was just the first step of many but I had it backwards. It was the last big thing for me, I already had the fully grown body and the lust. I suddenly felt an immense longing to be male again; I didn't want these tits or my tiny little voice or genitals that spew blood anymore. Kate Draffen was right I was just pretending that I liked being a girl. I didn't like it at all. I wanted to go home.

"Tyler?" I called out for help, "Tyler?" There was a fumbling sound as he rushed into the bedroom.

"What is it, Gemma?"

I begged, "Can you bring me my toiletries bag? It's in the other bathroom, my bathroom." I hated how pathetic my voice sounded, without a word of a lie I sounded like I was 8. Tyler said that he would and then I heard him scamper away. Yes, this was my first period, the first time my body was expelling an unused egg and the accompanying womb lining. But I would be doing so for the next serval decades, monthly. If I don't hit menopause until I'm 50, I figured out, there would be about 396 of these horrible events to go. And if they last 4 days each, that would be a total of 1,584 days I would spend 'on the rag', that's 4 years and a bit! I was going to spend 4 years of my life feeling like this. That wasn't something I was looking forward to, one teeny-tiny bit!

The door opened and a hand holding a bag peeked through. "Here you go, Gemma. Do you need any help? I can call your Mum or Annette for you, if you like?" I told him to leave me alone and felt a shade guilty for being so terse but not too much. I couldn't look at him in his face, not after what we had done. I held my bag in my hands. I opened it up and saw the range of feminine products inside. It was the same toiletries bag I used to bring camping with me. Back then it was filled with shaving cream and razors. The sense of loss was fairly profound. I wrestled the little pink packaging open and a plethora of tampons in their own individual capsules came tumbling out. I took the applicator and opened one of the tampons. Despite being quite a bit smaller than Tyler's member there was much more trepidation about putting it in.

I swallowed my pride, my sense of shame, what was left of my fading masculinity and the bile sliding up my throat as I slid the tampon and applicator inside of me. It was all done in the silence of dread. I had never felt further away from whom I once was as I did in the bathroom of that luxury Sydney hotel, one leg on the ground, one leg on the toilet lid, slowly inserting my very first tampon. I wanted to be home. I wanted Mum to be waiting outside the door, ready with a great big hug. The only hug I could get now was from a naked guy. I removed the applicator and checked the little string was hanging out. 1 tampon down, around 7,602 to go.

The warms water made the tissue paper wad together as I washed the blood and tiny bit of cum off of my legs and pussy. This was not how I wanted my life to be. I wanted to be a carefree male that never has anything inserted in him and the only cum he has to clean off him is his own. When I had met Kate Draffen yesterday, I thought that she was being unrealistic, rejecting the body she had been given, refusing to conform to what people wanted from her. That finally made some sense to me. Being Gemma had lost a lot of its sheen.

My clothes were all in my bedroom, the only item of my clothes in Tyler's room was my bra and I didn't feel like wearing a bra much at the moment. Tyler's clothes were strewn around the room, casualties of last night's debauchery. In my desire to be clothed I picked up his shirt. Hot girls wearing men's shirts is obviously a major turn on for a lot of guys but probably a lot less than hot girls wearing nothing at all so I didn't worry too much. Tyler being the good-looking stylish guy he appeared to be of course wore tight, form-hugging shirts, which meant despite him being quite a bit taller than me and it being biliously loose on the rest of me, his shirt was still rather snug around my boobs. I hated being so curvy! It was like my body didn't know what size it wanted to be so it made me huge in some areas while absolutely tiny in others. I can't believe guys find this kind of body inconsistency sexy. I wish I could remember why it seems so alluring, but my masculinity was robbed from me.

While the buttons of Tyler's shirt fought bravely against my massive bust, I paced nervously. On the other side of that door was a naked man, a naked man who I had let fuck me last night. It was a mistake, and like so many mistakes it was impossible to undo. I had let a cock in me, greedily welcoming it inside me, squealing and squirming like a giddy teen girl. But I wasn't a teen girl, I was a teenage guy trapped inside a teenage girl's body, a guy who had willingly let a 26-year-old man stick his penis inside me. And what was worse was that I'd liked it! All the confusion was making me nauseous.

"You alright in there, Gemma?" asked the naked man outside my door. I didn't answer because I didn't know if I was alright or not. On the one hand I had just enjoyed passionate sex with a generous lover, and on the other hand I let a dude fuck me! There seemed to be no way of figuring out whether I was happy or totally distraught. The door handle felt warm in my hands, so I concentrated on that feeling as I opened the door. "Gemma," Tyler sighed in relief.

There were literally a million different things I wanted to express to the naked man in front of me. Thoughts of disgust and pleasure, fear and pride. "It's my time of the month," was what leaked out of my mind and into my mouth. Tyler hugged me close and I let him. When we were embracing last night there was not a single part of me that was repulsed by it, it felt right. But this morning there was a steadily growing part of me that wanted to wriggle free and run away from him. The hug went on a little long for my comfort and I broke free.

"It's going to be fine, everything's OK," he told me. It was easy for him to be optimistic he didn't have a string dangling out of his vagina.

"I feel weird," I said glumly.

"I bet," he consoled me, "But you're a total woman now, huh? That's exciting."

"I guess so," I pouted. He brushed a stray hair out of my eye.

"It is!" he smiled, "I'm sure having a period isn't any fun but it's a sign that you've become a beautiful woman now, not just a little girl anymore." I didn't like that way Tyler danced around the subject of me being a guy, I mean I'm sure it disgusts him to think of his gorgeous new conquest being a former guy but it was slightly patronizing to pretend that it never happened.

"I need to change my clothes," I flatly told him.

"But you look so hot in my shirt!" he told me playfully. Knowing that he found me attractive made me want to change it even more. Especially because that would mean that he could finally put some clothes on. Admittedly a large part of me was enjoying looking at Tyler's tight body but that only added to confusing ambivalence I was going through.

If my outfit had a name it would have been called 'Gender Neutrality'. Despite having a massive wardrobe filled with the latest girly fashions, compliments of my new employer, I wore the most gender-neutral things I could find. White boy-leg panties (still 'panties', but at least they were boy-leg), light brown T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. No jewellery, no bra, no make-up, nothing that gives away what gender I am, my body removed all doubt about that anyway.

Getting out of Sydney was my first priority. The big city had made me go strange — I was wearing heels and dresses, loving the spotlight and enjoying being fucked. I had to get out of the city and get back to familiar scenery. Back to a place where people (like Dot and Mum) would tell me I was being stupid and hold me back from making huge mistakes. I looked at the clock on my mobile phone, luckily it was much later than I thought it would be. I guess we both slept in a fair bit after our marathon sex session. Soon I would be on a plane, leaving Tyler and my troubles behind. Nothing like a few jet engines to put some distance between you and your problems.

Tyler still hadn't put any pants on when I came back into the room, his majestic/gross penis swung around as he did. I strode towards him, trying to tone down the suggestive wiggle in my walk. "Looking cute, Gemma!" he leered as my unrestrained chest bounced around. Perhaps not wearing a bra was sillier act of defiance than I thought.

"When are we leaving?" I asked as I handed him his shirt.

"Well, I guess there's time for a quick late lunch and then I guess we have to go. Sorry we aren't able to do more sight seeing but we both slept in a fair bit."

"That's fine," I told him. I just wanted to go home.

We ate at a little greasy spoon down the road from the hotel. It was weird, I had spent all of my time in Sydney seeing the best and most luxurious it had to offer but yet I spent my last moments of it inside a dirty café. I sipped my lumpy milkshake and watched Tyler mentally undress me. I could feel his eyes tugging my T-shirt over my head, since he had seen me naked only hours before I'm sure it was easy. If it wasn't so warm I would have put on some more layers.

"Well, you've had a big trip, haven't you?" Tyler asked because the silence was making him uncomfortable. I wasn't in the business of making him feel comfortable anymore, so I just wearily nodded. "Look, you've been quiet all day," he finally said, exacerbated, "Aside from all the screaming you did when you woke up. You're not ashamed of what we did last night, are you?"

The clatter and chatter of the other being in the café kept the silence from being unbearable. I couldn't meet his eyes, if I did he would know how repulsive I felt. I had knowingly and willingly let a man inside me and I wasn't as comfortable with that fact as I was a night ago. "No, not at all," I lied, "Last night was amazing, Tyler."

"I think so too. I know what you've gone through has made you very self-conscious but you were excellent last night. The blow job was the best I've ever had." I'm sure he told me that to stir up some pride in me, but I he did was almost stir up my bacon and eggs. Fried food wasn't the great hangover cure Tyler had promised. Knowing I sucked his cock better than any girl he had encountered did not make me feel proud, it made me feel dirty.

"Where's my medal then?" I asked dryly, so dry that the comment was totally arid. He laughed as if I was the same vivacious girl I was yesterday and not the confused guy trapped inside her that I awoke as today.

"So, what was all the shrieking this morning? Annette told me you used to freak out but I thought she said you were over that."

"I guess my period surprised me."

"Oh, don't worry too much about that," he said dismissively as he cut up some bacon, "Half the world's population go through it every month!" He said it as if it was no big deal, a tricky thing to do if you are not one of those 50% that do have to go through it. He should have known that it was a big deal for me, especially since I used to be one of the 50% that didn't have to go through it.

"Gemma, as I said yesterday, last night was a one time only thing. You're an amazing girl and I'm very fond of you but we would both be in a lot of trouble if anyone found out." No, he'd be in a lot of trouble, Mum would probably congratulate me for such a nice catch. "I would lose my job. So, as much fun as it was, it can never happen again."

"Don't worry," I told him, "I'm not planning on it."

He looked annoyed, perhaps he wanted me to beg for him to do right now on the dirty counter top. I think he got off on imagining that I was a naíve but horny schoolgirl and he was the mature and respectable man who taught her how to make love and I wasn't playing by the rules. He sighed, "It was an amazing night though, thank you Gem." He wanted to relive the night and I just wanted to forget about it.

Airports are filled with a lot of people, so almost everyone feels crowded. I guess I was special because I felt extremely crowded. I had to deal with Tyler who was always less than 2 steps away from me, the photographers who all surrounded me to get the best shot, the journalists who all wanted me to answer their stupid questions and the normal crowd of people who wanted to see what the fuss was all about. On top of that I was shorter than most if not all of these people.

"Did you have a good time in Sydney?"
"What did you like?"
"Are you looking forward to going home?"
"Yes." Couldn't they tell I didn't want to talk? I was too polite to ignore the press but I wasn't answering their questions very well.

"How is working for Dolly Magazine?"
"Great. It's really great. Thanks guys," I said trying to quicken my pace to leave them behind.

The good thing about being a celebrity though is being whisked through places where 'normal' people have to wait. I knew in heart that I should have waited in lines like everyone else, but my troubles seemed so much bigger. The airport staff treated me very well and Tyler and I were escorted to the gate. Not only that but I was allowed to board before everyone else. I stood by the door, Tyler standing in front of me.

"So…" I began. It was the only thing I could say with any certainty.

"So…" he echoed. I looked up at him with my big green eyes. My backpack sat on one shoulder; inside it were my valuables; my iPod, my diary, my sunglasses, my hat, a hairbrush and my tampons. I would have to change my tampon on the plane, like some sort of twisted 'Mile High 'Club'.

"Look, I hope you've had fun here. It's been great showing you around and ummm… you know. You are a real special girl," Tyler put his hands on shoulders and addressed me like a kid. I knew he wasn't allowed to show too much affection in public but it came off as just plain patronizing.

"I'm going to email as soon as I get home, there's a lot of things I can't say to you in public, Gemma." Great! I would be able to read his patronizing and potentially dirty comments online too!

"It's been fun," was all I could say. It had also been weird, crazy, scary, beautiful, traumatizing, sexy, scarring, maturing, satisfying and confusing.

"Bye kiddo," he hugged me. It was supposed to be a 'friends' hug but it was a little too tight and his hands were a little low on my back. My boobs were well and truly mushed up against him. Maybe he'd say it was because of my backpack but he could have hugged around the bag, he's got long manly arms.

"Bye." Airports are a place of heightened emotions; like a Hospital. I always wonder how the staff live seeing so much emotion. They must see people saying goodbye and crying or saying 'Welcome back' and crying or any other fiercely strong emotions every minute of everyday. They must get desensitised to high emotions. That would be weird.

To the staff looking from a distance our goodbye must have looked fairly bland and standard; a glum-looking cute teenage girl being hugged by a professional looking guy isn't the interesting. I'm sure if they knew the full story they would have been more interested.

That I used to be a guy.

That he was my publicist and 9 years older than me.

That we kissed and then fornicated in my hotel room.

And that I now knew that I didn't want to be Gemma anymore.

I want to go home!


As always, feel free to email me any comments, questions or criticisms to [email protected] The response I get to this story is amazing. Thank you so much to everyone who has ever e-mailed or commented, it means a huge amount.

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