Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 19

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 19
The gathering storm or Battleships in the sky.
Mount Kage no senshi, midafternoon.

Chiyoko slowly circled Mount Kage no senshi looking for the rest of the Dragon Knights. She spotted her friends in a clearing 500 feet down from the tomb of Empress Yuki Otani. The five majestic dragons had arranged themselves in a clockwise pattern around the outer edge. They had left one place open for Ivadad at the twelve o’clock position. As Ivadad touched down in the place left for him Chiyoko breathed a sigh of relief.

The flight from the Temple of Eternal Balance had been more than a little tense. They had to evade two patrolling squadrons of Sky Wings and one armored zeppelin. Chiyoko didn’t let the zeppelin go peacefully though. Once it was pass them, she hit it with ball-lightning. The zeppelin never made it to its rendezvous point. As Satomi and Satoko dropped to the ground they both kneeled down and kissed the ground. Both maiko sent up prayers of thanks to the Dragon Gods for landing safely.

“Oh, come on! I’m not that bad a pilot.” Chiyoko grumbled as Miles and the other Dragon Knights chuckled.

“I believe it was your use of combat magic during the flight Chiyoko.” Ivadad chuckled. “Not that I blame them. Just what were you thinking calling down Thor’s lynkule in the middle of flight?”

“I thought I would get a different result from Jerry Lee Lewis’ Great Balls of Fire.” Chiyoko blushed as she removed her mask. “I was expecting well… a giant ball of fire. Not a ball of lightning.”

A benefit of transforming Miles’ armor and summoning of the Empress’s armor for each girl, gave a partial lifting of Choe-long’s curse. The first of which was the ability to show their faces outside of the compound. The second was total control over their armor. No longer restricted to just their armor, they could walk the streets dressed as a normal young lady of the Empire. In their minds these two gifts more than made up for the full body tattoos they were still cursed to bare.

“Ah! I see!” Chuckled the massive black dragon. “You called for one thing and got a surprise.”

“A SURPRISE HE SAYS!” Satomi screamed. “She deep fries an armed zeppelin with ball lightning like it was nothing. Then he flies through the fireball.”

“Calm yourself sister. Remember that our kōhai and her sisters are still learning the extent of their power.” Satoko chided her fellow maiko.

“Oh, stuff it bitch. Your panties are just as wet as mine. Don’t try to deny it. I don’t think, I know that our kōhai is nuts.” Satomi bitched as she struggle to stand up under the weight of her backpack. “I hope that what we found will be of help.”

“Speaking of that. Why did you have me land in front of the library?” Chiyoko asked of her two former Professors. “What was so important that you couldn’t tell me back at the temple?”

“Just the answer to why the Emperor hasn’t been able to quell the unrest in this nation. Not to mention why he has failed to claim the Dragon’s Throne for himself.” Satoko explained as she set her own pack on the ground.

“I for one would love to know why my worthless half-brother has always failed to park his arse on the Dragon’s Throne.” Ren snarled as she approached the trio sheathing the katana in her right hand.

“Greetings Empress Ren, True Dragon Empress of the Heavens.” Satomi said with a deep bow to the young woman. “The Isles of the Sun Dragons shall rise once more under your guidance. The true Throne shall await you at head of your army in the Serpent’s Gap.

“Okay what the fuck does that mean, kōhai?” Chiyoko almost snapped.

“Just what it sounds like. Once we have removed her half-brother from power and dealt with the Dragon Kings the true throne of the Isles of the Sun Dragons shall return. Long ago in the time of the First Dragon Empress Sebun'airando was called the Isles of the Sun Dragons. During that time Empress Yuki Otani forged a Pact with the very islands of this nation. The seal of that pact is the Dragon’s Throne. Not that piece of glorified ebony rosewood the Emperor is using, laughingly called the Celestial Throne.” Satomi slowly explained for those gathering around her in the clearing. As the seven women, one man, and six dragons gave her their undivided attention, Satomi slipped into lecture mode.

“That seal can only be broken or continued by a true Blood Descendant of Empress Yuki Otani. Of the current fifty-seven Samurai or Nobile Families and Royal Household. There is only one blood line with direct ties to Empress Yuki Otani. The Nakagawa Family of the Miyazaki Prefecture, in the Kyushu Region. According to the records we were able to get our hands on.” Satomi was interrupted by her sister maiko.

“DON’T ask how.” Satoko snapped then chuckled. “Let’s just say that I kind of had to use some of my skills from my old life.”

“You broke into the Royal Palace, didn’t you?” Chiyoko snarked.

“You make it sound so vulgar kōhai. I am no mere petty thief.” Satoko sniffed.

“Sempai you are many things but vulgar and petty aren’t among them.” Chiyoko chuckled. “So, you used your old skills at ‘procurement’ to gain access to the Royal Archives. What did you find?”

“More than we bargained for, kōhai.” Satomi said as she turned to Ren. “Empress did you know that your brother has traveled to the Temple of Balance on Mount Yuki no kage every year at the Winter Solstice. All so he could sit on the Dragon’s Throne?”

“Sure, everyone in Sunōmaunten, and all of Nagano Prefecture knows about Mount Shithead’s yearly visits. The Royal Guards flood the area and shutdown the resort. Me and mom always headed for the upper basecamps during that time. We would hide out up there until one of the local guides came up and gave the ‘all clear’. Never could figure out what he wanted at the Temple of Balance.” Ren grunted, then spat on the ground. “I can’t wait to face that little cock bite son of a bitch on the battlefield.”

“You shall have your chance young Empress. I and my bothers shall see to that.” Qersiss rumbled as she nosed Miles in the back. “Will we truly see the Throne carved from the tusk of Chinynti, Protector of The Skies?”

“If you’re referring to the ivory Dragon’s Throne, Lady Qersiss, then you most likely will. The Creed of Balance hold a sworn duty to anoint the true Emperor or Empress of the Isles of the Sun Dragons.” Satomi answered the only female dragon of the six majestic dragons. “I fully expected that to happen in the Serpent’s Gap three days from now.”

“It is truly a remarkable time in history, for both humans and dragons, to have such a wonder once more viewed by the world.” Qersiss rumbled.

“The Empress must first pass three tests, Qersiss.” Satomi told the massive white dragon. “Less than two hours flight from here is the Pagoda of the Eternal Night. There awaits the three tests of Yuki Otani’s Trial.”

“Wait a minute. I thought that was already the Empress. I mean I went through this whole thing of being coordinated by the First Dragon Empress.” Ren argued. “What was all that shit I went through for if I’m not the Empress.”

“You are the Empress your Majesty.” Satomi said calmly. “But you must still seal your bond with the land itself. Why do you think your brother has continually failed to secure the nation?”

“He’s a total waste of human flesh?” Ren wisecracked.

“It is because he failed to renew the pact with the land, child.” Satomi sighed. “Just as the last four Emperors had failed. It is no surprise that the Dragon Kings have been able to return. The sacred bond between the rulers of this nation and the land has been broken. Before you can successfully rule our nation, you must become one with our nation’s land.”

“Wait a minute here sempai you keep talking about this bond or pact with the land thing. Just exactly what is that? Are we talking about an actual physical bond or a metaphysical thing?” Chiyoko questioned her old professor.

“Both, kōhai. You’ve heard the old saying that true leaders are one with the land.” Chiyoko nodded her head yes at Satomi’s question. “In this world that is more than a saying for some leaders. They truly are part of the land. They are the very soul of their nation. Just as the Empress Yuki Otani was the soul of the land. And just as she had done all those years ago. You too must pass the three tests set forth by the Gods Izanagi and Izanami for the Empress Yuki Otani’s trial.”

“Why doesn’t that fill me with a warm fuzzy feeling, mom?” Ren asked of Setsu in a small whine.

“Because you’re not stupid, child.” Setsu grunted then favored her daughter and Empress with a kind smile. “When one deals with the primordial gods nothing is ever straight forward or simple.”

“Sempai exactly what are these three tests. I hope that with all your research that you at least have a clue as to what they are?” Akane asked.

“Just that there are three tests. Each test has two parts. One part for each god. After that things get kind of well…” Satomi grimaced.

“Oh, spit it out already kōhai.” Yoshi bitched. “Things get fishy.”

“Not fishy Yoshi. They get extremely metaphysical in nature. There are four texts that speak of the tests. The first is Voices of the Void. It tells of a test of the mind. A two-part riddle. In Graveyards of Gods and Samurai it speaks of the second test but only in vague terms. Something about Iaido’s four main components. The last two texts tell of the third test Whispers of the Past and Destiny of Tomorrow. Even then we have nothing more than a guess between the two. The last test has something to do with the character of a person’s soul.” Satomi explained for her gathered students. “That or facing your greatest fear. Not really sure on that score.”

“Oh great. Just great. Can you be any more useless?” Ren snarked. Only to get smacked in the back of the head by Setsu. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Show respect for your elders. Next time I promise you that I won’t be so forgiving.” Setsu answered Ren with all the authority of a mother.

“Yes ma’am.” Ren said as she bowed her head. “Sorry sensei.”

“While I do forgive you your aggravation Empress. It is not without merit.” Satomi sighed. “For the last four days we have scoured the archives of the Great Temple’s Library, the Royal Hall of Records, and picked the brains of every last temple elder we could get our hands on. For all of our work, all we have is nothing more than vague clues and a location.”

“Let me see if I got this right? You bust your ass digging through thousands of scrolls, tombs, and mystical records. Knowing the two of you, you cornered and browbeat more than just a few temple elders.” Chiyoko listed off then chuckled. “And you come up with two of the key pieces of information that will do two things. One secure the nation and two possibly end this war without a bloody fight. Not bad in my book.”

“You’re only half right, kōhai. We have only found a way to secure the nation for our young Empress. There is no way to stop the coming battle.” Satoko corrected Chiyoko. “The Emperor will not give up his power willingly.”

“I for one greatly wish to know exactly what this false Emperor will bring to the battlefield. That would be of more use than some mystical tie to the land.” Miles grunted with the certainty of a military man.

“He will arrive with his most loyal troops. This is both good and bad.” Setsu said before anyone could ask her what she meant. Setsu explained the political situation with the Empire’s military. “There are three major factions inside the military. The isolationist faction, the colonialist faction, and rationalist faction. Of the three, the only one we need to worry about is the colonialist faction.”

“Why only the colonialist faction, Captain?” Miles asked her.

“Each faction holds a different belief in how the military should uphold its duties to the Empire. Thankfully, the isolationist faction is made up of the most powerful branch of our military, the Imperial Navy. We won’t have to face the dreadnoughts or carrier launched Sea wings. Despite the Emperor’s best efforts to gain their support the Admirals of the Navy have never trusted him. The Admirals want to return to a time when our nation cut itself off from the world. An attitude not held by the Emperor. But because the Navy is our first line of defense the Navy still gets the majority of the funding. Something that the Army has tried to change. Though for two separate reasons. Thus, the colonialist and rationalist factions that make up the command level of the Army. The colonialists want to expand the Empire at all costs. They are the smallest faction but the most fanatical in their devotion to the Emperor. The rationalists believe that the military’s sole purpose is protection.” Setsu told them all. “Unfortunately, the colonialist faction controls the armored airships and their air assault units.”

“How many are we talking about?” Chiyoko asked dreading the answer.

“If he can bring the full might of the airborne arm for the Army. Plus, the Royal Guards, the Fourth, sixth, and tenth Infantry Divisions, a total of seven light Infantry Divisions, three armored Infantry Divisions, and four Armored Wagon Divisions. If they can get the armored wagons through the Iron Mountain passes.” As Setsu listed off the types and sizes of the military units that could be arrayed by the Emperor. Only Chiyoko, Satomi, Satoko, and Ren truly understood what they would face.

“Oh, fuck me sideways. That’s at least eleven battalions of artillery, another fifteen of mortars, and that doesn’t count the aerial firepower of the zeppelins. Against what nine maybe ten regiments of light infantry at best.” Chiyoko bitched. “And that doesn’t even count the Dragon Kings.”

“Do not forget about the military alchemists, kōhai. There are sure to be at least four for every division we shall face.” Satomi put in sarcastically.

“YOU’RE not helping, sempai.” Chiyoko sang out just above a snarl.

“But you love me, anyway.” Satomi chuckled. “How do you propose we crack this nut? Surely not head on. They would overpower us in minutes.”

“You know something that just might be the best way to attack them, Lady Satomi.” Miles said as he held up his hands to forestall her outburst. “They would not expect such an attack. It screams insanity of the first order.”

“Insanity he says. The best way to attack he says.” Kasumi parroted the knight. Then looking at the others she held up her hand. “All those who believe that our knight has taken one too many blows to the head during training please raise your hand.”

“I know it sounds crazy Lady Kasumi. Just hear me out.” Miles chuckled.

“Okay Miles. You have the military mind here. What are you suggesting?” Chikako asked with a huff.

“We have a few advantages to our situation. First is our dragons, and a knight trained in aerial combat. I take our dragons and engage these airships before they can come into play over the Serpents Gap. You, along with Ladies Yoshie, Akane, and Kasumi stand with the Empress’s army to counter these Military Alchemists of the Emperor’s Army. The Empress can hold off the standard troops with her army of civilians. We let Lady Chiyoko handle the Dragon Kings on her own. After all she is the only one of us truly able to understand and use magic.” As Miles laid out a usable plan of action Satomi and Satoko smiled. “Did I just say something important?”

“Yes, you did.” Satomi answered with a nod of her head then turned to Ren. “Do you now see why you must travel to the Pagoda of the Eternal Night and face Yuki Otani’s Trial. It shall be your tie with the land that will be the tipping point for the battle.”

“HOW?” Ren whined. “How is a mystical tie with land supposed to turn the tide of battle in an actual war?”

“And the land did rise up at the Empress’s command against the hordes of Han-wu. Thus, they were driven back by rock, water, root and branch. Where the Empress Yuki Otani did march the very land bowed to her will.” Satoko answered Ren’s question by reading from a book she pulled from her backpack. “Our kōhai may control the elements of the world and the void, Empress, but if you can pass Yuki Otani Trial, you will have total control over the very land. As it will be tied to you and your soul.”

“Can I get a ride to this Pagoda of Eternal Night?” Ren asked with a heavy sigh. “If I got to do this, I might as well get it done now.”

“Commendable child. Though the sun is still high enough that the Pagoda will not be seen, it gives the time we need to prepare you as best we can for the tests.” Satomi told Ren kindly. “We have three days before we must meet your army in the Serpent’s Gap.”

“Admirable as that thought is Mistress Satomi. I must agree with my daughter. A last-minute study session will be of little to no help. Sadly, my daughter has never been a studious child.” Ren blushed at Setsu gave her a glare that only the mother of a lazy teenager could. “It’s best that we just let her do things the way she normally does. Fake it.”

“Thanks mom. At least I always passed the important stuff.” Ren grumbled. “It’s not like I’ll ever use Advanced Flower Painting, Biology of Nature’s Spirits, or Juvenile Accidents of Law. Still don’t know why teacher Yoshizawa had us study such worthless horseshit in the first place.”

“Um… I can kind of see where she’s coming from. I mean I hated taking those classes myself.” Akane said with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked over at the two maiko. “Hey, like I always say. Don’t blame the student blame the course materials or the teacher. There were some really interesting subjects that I took in school. That had the life sucked out of them by the teachers. Then there were some that not even you could breath life into them senpai.”

“Sadly, I am forced to agree with kōhai. Both Satoko and I have been lifelong citizens of Academia. We both have run into more than one colleague that could put an entire classroom to sleep with just a few words.” Satomi cited then chuckled as Chiyoko decided to adlib a famous movie line.

“Carter! Carter!” Chiyoko said in a dual boring voice. Chiyoko looked over at Satoko who wore an irritated expression. “Sorry sensei but you did have a habit of putting my class to sleep with your guest lectures in history.”

“I was never that bad.” Satoko huffed. Then giggled. “But you’re right. I never did have the knack for classroom instruction. Unlike Satomi.”

Ren stood there with her mouth hanging open in total stunned disbelief. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She had been told by Chikako and Akane that the two maiko had once been university professors for Chiyoko. To see such disrespect for people who should be held in high honor was unbelievable. She had to shake her head two or three times, yet she still could not wrap her mind around the blatant disrespect being shown yet was taken as if it was an everyday occurrence. Satomi saw the bewilderment on the young woman’s face.

“No respect, I tell ya. I get no respect.” Satomi snarked as she did her best Rodney Dangerfield impersonation. When only Satoko and Chiyoko laughed she sighed. Looking over at Chiyoko, Satomi sighed. “I see what you mean about not using references to our home world kōhai.”

“Finally, someone understands my pain.” Chiyoko said as she threw up her hands. As she put her hands down smiling at the gathered Chiyoko looked towards the setting sun. “If we’re going to do this today. Then we need to get a move on. We know that our dragons can see in the dark, but I have no desire to face an unknown force in the dark.”

“Ah that is the rub, kōhai. The Pagoda of Eternal Night is only visible in the light of a setting sun. So, we either go now or go tomorrow evening.” Satoko said with a sad smile of resignation.

“THAT would have been nice to know at the beginning of this little academic debate sempai. Just when were you going to share this tid bit of knowledge?” Chiyoko grunted as she looked to the afternoon sun. “We got maybe four hours before the sun completely drops below the horizon and the Pagoda vanishes for another day. If we’re going to do this, then we need to leave now.”

“Then I suggest you make up your mind Empress. Time grows short. If we wait any longer the Pagoda shall vanish for another day.” Satomi told Ren.

“If taking me taking these three tests will improve our chances. Then it is best done now. While I still have the courage to face the tests.” Ren said with all the dignity of a true Empress.

“She can ride with me.” Chiyoko said.

“NO.” Satomi snapped. “The Empress rides Akane on Dykacrat. Setsu with Kasumi on Ygi. Satoko with Chikako on Brikat. I will ride with Yoshi on Deghia. You and Sir Miles will fly ahead of us as our vanguard.”

“Okay sensei why?” Yoshi asked for them all.

“In a word, kōhai. Firepower.” It took Miles less than a second to understand Satomi’s one-word reasoning.

“You’re expecting there to be more of these armored airships between us and this Pagoda of Eternal Night, Mistress.” Miles stated bluntly.

“It is not unreasonable Sir Miles. After all, the Emperor has access to the same information that we do. It would not put it pass him or his military to place roving aerial patrols in the area of the Pagoda.” Satomi explained.

“Okay I’m still a little confused here.” Chiyoko began only to Miles stop her with a raised hand. “What am I missing Miles?”

“Chiyoko, of the six of us here. Only you and I can truly fight in the air effectively. Granted Kasumi’s power is that of the Wind, but should she enter into combat while mounted. She could very easily injure her own dragon.” Miles explained for Chiyoko.

“He’s right Chiyoko. We all know that I have nowhere near the control over my powers that the rest of you do.” Kasumi said as she shrugged her shoulders. “We all know that Air is the most unpredictable of elements.”

“No more so than Fire, Water, or Earth.” Chiyoko countered. “You just need more practice using your power.”

“Not true Chiyoko. It’s not so much a matter of practice, but grounding. I only have true control over my element while my feet are on the ground. The higher in the air that I am the less control I have over my alchemy. The more air around me the greater the power. The greater the power the harder it is for me to control.” Kasumi explained.

“The same is true for me and fire.” Akane said.

“The only reason I have as much control over earth is because it takes me so long to gather the power.” Said Chikako by way of explanation.

“I hate to say, but if my feet are wet, of underwater I have to fight to control the power.” Yoshi shrugged her shoulders. “Just stating the facts of my life here, Chiyoko. I won’t even try to claim that I can even call on, or use, my power hundreds of feet in the air.”

That’s when Chiyoko finally realized why Miles had suggested placing Yoshi, Akane, Chikako, and Kasumi with the ground forces during the upcoming battle. It wasn’t so much a matter of control but placing them where they would be able to do the most good. Miles had seen what she had not. It was also why Satomi wanted her and Miles unhindered by passengers should they face an aerial patrol. They could bring the full might of their power to bare.

“We are the Void. Unhindered by the constraints of the world. Our power is constrained by our emotions and imagination.” Chiyoko sighed in realization.

“Exactly Chiyoko. You can fight where your sisters cannot.” Satomi told her bluntly. “You can call on your power through sheer will, while Miles must use the tools of his trade. The lance and shield of a knight.”

“Understood sensei. Let’s mount up. Time is growing short.” Chiyoko ordered as she jumped to Ivadad’s back.

Everyone quickly followed her example. Once everyone was mounted the dragons leaped for the skies as one. Qersiss and Ivadad flew ahead of the others climbing for the skies in a way the others could not incumbered with two passengers. As the two massive majestic dragons flew ahead of their brethren Chiyoko worked a small spell.

“All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga
Radio blah blah”

When she finished the spell Chiyoko asked. “Can you hear me now?”

“Nicely done, kōhai. Though I do have to question your use of Queen in this manner.” Satoko snarked. “I highly doubt that Roger Taylor had ever thought of using his words as a magical radio.”

“What can I say? I’m a sucker for the classics.” Chiyoko snarked.

“Who is this Queen Roger Tayler and why would she write such words?” Ren asked of Chiyoko and the two maiko.

“Queen is the name for a band of troubadours from our home world Empress. Roger Taylor is a writer of songs and a member of the band.” Satomi explained with a chuckle. “Though I would have used Wall of Voodoo’s Mexican Radio. The rhythm is more upbeat for my tastes.”

“I swear everyone is a critic these days. What’s next? Critiques on spell imagery?” Chiyoko bitched as Ivadad chuckled. “Don’t you start big guy.”

The massive black dragon turned his head to look at his rider. “I would never go so far as to compare your imagery to that of the great bards. Though I will say that you do have a habit of stealing from some of the best.”

“I do not steal you overgrown gecko.” Chiyoko huffed airily. “I only borrow.”

“YOU STEAL!” Came the chorus from the others. Chiyoko turned in her saddle and gave the others a one finger salute.

“Chiyoko heads up. Off to the north. Did you see a flash of light?” Miles asked. As he directed Qersiss a little more to the north.

“If you saw something, I believe you. Go ahead and check it out. We’ll keep heading for the Pagoda.” Chiyoko told him as Miles peeled off towards the north. “Be careful Miles. We don’t yet know the full capabilities of these military airships. They may have a weapon that can harm or even kill dragons.”

“I would not be surprised if they did, Chiyoko. It has been a few centuries since we last flew these skies. Humans have always found new and exciting ways to kill.” Qersiss grunted as he flew through the skies. “Those exploding iron canasters could very well penetrate a dragon’s hide or wings.”

“Did you hear that Miles? Cannon fire could harm or kill Ivadad.” Chiyoko asked of the young knight.

“Ivadad told me the same thing after our battle with those soldiers at Mount Sunōmaunten. Do you believe these airships carry such heavy weapons?” Miles asked Chiyoko only to have Setsu answer.

“Depends on the type of airship, Sir Miles. If you’re facing a Huntress class definitely. They mount twenty, one-oh-five rifle barreled cannons. Nine on each side, one in the nose and in the tail. Along with the standard eight quad-mounted fifty-caliber machineguns that all of our military airships carry. Two for each side of the airship. The only other military airships that are as heavily armed as the Huntress class are the HKs of the Navy. The only way to tell what you’re facing is by the tailfins. The Navy’s Hunter/Killer airships have a box frame tailfin. The Navy’s HKs are some of the biggest airships in the world. They are almost as big as the Liberian Navy’s Pacific Fleet’s Enterprise class airships. Each one is armed with thirty, one-twenty-five main guns. Only the Enterprise class airship has greater firepower. Either way they only have one weakness. The tailfin.” AS Setsu listed off the attributes of the military airships Miles was closing in with the one of the very nightmares she was describing. “One last thing Sir Miles. The Huntress class airships always operate in pairs.”

“Then we have a problem. I only see one, Captain Suda. Where would be the other?” Miles asked as he climbed for height.

“Lady Chiyoko head south, now!” Setsu ordered. “Sir Miles get above that thing now! Can you tell what type it is?”

“The tail is a set of four fins in a cross. Does that help?” Miles asked.

“You’re facing a standard Army airship. If it were a Huntress, it would have six tailfins in a star formation.” Setsu explained. “That is most likely a Snow Cloud or Iron Star airship. Not front-line airships but prefect for long term or long-range patrols.”

“Oh shit! How many of these ships normally fly together Captain?” Chiyoko asked with real worry in her voice. Because where Miles had only seen the one, she was looking at three of them flying in a line.

“Depends on the operation. If it is an air interdiction mission, there will be at least four flying in a line formation. If it a blockade mission, there will be eight or more in a staggered line formation. Why?” Setsu asked with a feeling of dread in her stomach.

“Because I’m looking at a line of three armor airships like the one Miles just described is why.” Chiyoko answered quickly.

“Lady Chiyoko climb higher and look to the west. If you see a second line of airships, then we have a problem.” Setsu ordered the young woman.

Chiyoko did exactly as she was ordered and climbed. Once she clear of the next mountain ridge line, she scanned the distance. Not seeing anything she asked Ivadad if he saw anything.

“Far to the south there are four more of these slow-moving bags of air. There is a third set of four just beyond the far ridge line. That make for a total of twelve airships Chiyoko.” Ivadad grunted. “I do believe we have a problem my rider. One that will take more than just you, me, my sister, and her rider to handle. Unless you can find a way to attack them all at once.”

“I don’t think I can attack that many at once big guy. To be honest I doubt that I can handle more than one at a time.” Chiyoko answered in bitter anger. An anger that was fast growing to the point of a rage. “The problem is they’re spread out over more than what fifty miles?”

“Closer to seventy-five miles as the dragon flies. Not a bad guess for a near sighted human though.” Ivadad chuckled hoping that his dig would calm his rider. He had already seen how her emotions fueled her mystical power.

“Might I suggest you ruminate on Johnny Horton and the Bismarck.” Satomi suggested then clarified. “They’re flying battleships Chiyoko treat them as such. Sink the Bismarck, child.”

It took Chiyoko a few minutes to think of the needed verses from the sound. Then once she had them in her mind Chiyoko summoned her staff. Holding it over her head she began to sing as the sounds of a banjo, guitar, and snare drum filled the mountain air with country music.

“In May of nineteen forty-one the war had just begun
The Germans had the biggest ship, they had the biggest guns
The Bismarck was the fastest ship that ever sailed the sea
On her deck were guns as big as steers and shells as big as trees

Out of the cold and foggy night came the British ship, the Hood
And every British seaman, he knew and understood
They had to sink the Bismarck, the terror of the sea
Stop those guns as big as steers and those shells as big as trees”

As the first verse was ending massive storm clouds formed. Blocking the airships’ flight paths. With each word the clouds became thicker by the second. Yet it was not enough in Chiyoko’s mind. She poured her anger into the spell fueling an even greater reaction.

“We'll find the German battleship that's makin' such a fuss
We gotta sink the Bismarck cause the world depends on us
Hit the decks a-runnin' boys and spin those guns around
When we find the Bismarck, we gotta cut her down

The Hood found the Bismarck on that fatal day
The Bismarck started firin' fifteen miles away
"We gotta sink the Bismarck" was the battle sound
But when the smoke had cleared away, the mighty Hood went down”

The sounds of hug massive cannons firing join the sound of country music. The very air shook with concussive force with each cannon shot. The first signs of her spell having an effect on the airships came from the lead ship in the line below her. It staggered in the air as if struck by the invisible fist of an angry God. Chiyoko watched as massive holes appeared in the side of the lead airship’s hull.

“For six long days and weary nights they tried to find her trail
Churchill told the people "put every ship a-sail
'Cause somewhere on that ocean I know she's gotta be
We gotta sink the Bismarck to the bottom of the sea"

We'll find that German battleship that's makin' such a fuss
We gotta sink the Bismarck 'cause the world depends on us
Hit the decks a-runnin' boys and spin those guns around
When we find the Bismarck, we gotta cut her down”

Miles was just beginning his own attack on the airship before him. When eight massive black 15-inch objects punched holes into the starboard side of the airship. Qersiss reacted faster than Miles could think and pulled out of her attack. Even as a second round of eight objects slammed into the ship it was already dead in the air. The second round of shells exploded taking the airship and its crew to a fiery death.

“The fog was gone the seventh day and they saw the mornin' sun
Ten hours away from homeland the Bismarck made its run
The admiral of the British fleet said "turn those bows around
We found that German battleship and we're gonna cut her down"

The British guns were aimed and the shells were comin' fast
The first shell hit the Bismarck, they knew she couldn't last
That mighty German battleship is just a memory
"Sink the Bismarck" was the battle cry that shook the seven seas”

Chiyoko poured more of her anger into the spell even as the lead airship died. She wanted to destroy these symbols of an oppressive regime. No, she want to do more than just destroy the airships. She want to obliterate them and their crews from the annals of history. So great was her anger over what these airships represented in her mind. That Chiyoko had no idea of the damage she was reaping upon the 12th Imperial Airship Fleet. Known throughout the Empire as the Airborne Mayhem.

“We found that German battleship been makin' such a fuss
We had to sink the Bismarck 'cause the world depends on us
We hit the deck a-runnin' and we spun those guns around
Yeah, we found the mighty Bismarck and prepared to cut her down

We found that German battleship been makin' such a fuss
We had to sink the Bismarck 'cause the world depends on us
We hit the deck a-runnin' and we spun those guns around
We found the mighty Bismarck and then we cut her down.”

As Chiyoko finished the song the whole region was filled with the sounds of more than fifty cannons roaring all at once. Not one airship remained in the air after the last cannons fired. Not even the four that were seventy-five miles away still floated in the skies. Chiyoko slumped across the back of Ivadad when she released the gathered power. Ivadad knew that something was wrong with his rider as he felt slump against his back. Holding his wings steady the massive dragon went into a slow glide. A glide that would take him towards the nearest ridge line.

Miles was the first to reach her landing Qersiss just scant yards from Ivadad. He took one look at Chiyoko’s limp form. “Mistress Satomi something is wrong with Lady Chiyoko. She looks like she did after they transformed my armor. Her armor is actually hot to the touch.”

“Yoshi land next to your sister now! We must cool Chiyoko off before she burns out. Satoko you will continue on with the others. I’ll see to Chiyoko. Sir Miles mount up and make sure that the way is clear to the Pagoda of Eternal Night. Do not let Akane, Chikako, or Kasumi use their powers unless the is no other options.” Satomi snapped.

“Yes ma’am.” Yoshi called out as she put Deghia into a dive. She knew that her sister had just pushed herself beyond her limit. She knew that it had taken all five of them to control the power to transform Miles’ armor. If Chiyoko had channeled anything near the power they had summoned for transforming Miles’ armor. Then Chiyoko could very well be near death. “I’m coming sissy. I won’t let you die on me without a fight.”

“Do not worry child. Between you and me we’ll save your sister, Yoshi.” Satomi whispered to the distraught young girl. “We have too.”

“Why did she push herself like that sempai? She could have left the airships fly on. She could have waited for us to land and help in the fight.” Yoshi whined as she maneuvered Deghia to land beside Ivadad and his limp rider.

“The military airships of your world resemble the greatest fear of our world. We call them drones. They are small unmanned aircraft that are armed with missiles, and high-powered machineguns. Our government use them to keep track of those who oppose their rule or attack our nation through acts of terror.” Satomi told Yoshi as they landed. “Chiyoko let her feelings fuel her power once more at the sight of what she would see as the symbols of oppression by the current Emperor. Feelings that have most likely been festering in her for the last five years of her young life.”

As Satomi and Yoshi raced to where Miles had laid Chiyoko on the ground next to Ivadad. Yoshi was already calling for her power. If she needed to cool down her sister, then it will be with ice cold water. The moment Satomi touched Chiyoko’s cheek she knew she had been right in her assumption. “Quickly Yoshi. We must lower her temperature but not too quickly. Warm water at first. Can you do this?”

“There is a wellspring not too far down. Give me a few seconds.” Yoshi concentrated on pulling that warm water to the surface. Even as it was rising Yoshi transfigured the ground under Chiyoko into a shallow bath. The grass and dirt flowed outward away from the rock. The rock below the dirt and grass smoothed out as it formed into a shallow oval bath. The water that filled the bath was just over normal body temp.

Satomi reached up and removed Chiyoko’s mask so that her face was exposed to the cool mountain air. While the bath was filling Satomi went to work by starting a small fire. From her pack Satomi removed a small tea pot and several herbs. Handing the tea pot to Yoshi. “Fill this please?”

Yoshi didn’t even think twice about the order from the maiko. Yoshi could have filled the teapot with boiling water put only filled it. She knew that Satomi would have asked for boiling if she wanted it. Satomi placed the filled teapot over the small fire she had started. As the water warmed Satomi mixed healing herbs together in a small pouch. Once she had the herbs mixed, she placed the pouch in the pot to seep.

Satomi checked on Chiyoko condition while the tea brewed. “Very good her temperature is coming down. We got to her just in time. Damn her foolishness. When will she learn to control her emotions?”

“The day after the day when you quite nagging me.” Chiyoko moaned as she opened her eyes. Looking up at Satomi. “Hi ya, Doc. Did you get the number of the train that hit me?”

“Oh, I saw the train.” Satomi chuckled at her erstwhile student. “I also saw the wreck it left in its wake.”

“Bad?” Chiyoko asked blushing.

“One of these days you’re going to whip up a spell that will be outside of your control.” Satomi sighed. “I just hope you’re around afterward.”

“Why’s that Mistress Satomi?” Yoshi asked.

“So, I can tell the stubborn little shit, I told you so. Is why.” Satomi snarked.


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I wouldn't have thought of

Beoca's picture

I wouldn't have thought of the similarities with drones (and surveillance more generally). Drones are small enough to be difficult to see, while the aforementioned airships would have no doubt been rather sizable. Beyond that, though, another solid chapter. Three stories, each as engaging and fun as the last... it's a reader's paradise. The wait is real, but it tends to not be too long.

The first aerial surveillance

wolfjess7's picture

The use of aerial surveillance was by the French at the Battle of Fleurus in 1794. The Union Army made extensive use of balloons during the US Civil War. During the first year of WW1 the German military made extensive use of Zeppelins as bombers and as scouts, killing over 500 people in bombing raids in Britain. These were massive aerial targets, yet they were often not seen until the last second. In much of the same way that the Reaper and Global Hawk drones of today are used. A modern day use of airships and balloons for aerial surveillance can be found in the Gulf of Mexico in the war on drugs. (You just need to know where to look for them.) ;-)

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

What’s next?

D. Eden's picture

“Blood upon the risers”? Perhaps “The Battle Hymn of The Republic”? Maybe “As Those Caissons Go Rolling Along”?

You made my day with this posting Hon. Thank you!

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

I was thinking

wolfjess7's picture

"Snoopy and the Red Baron", "Battle of New Orleans" or my all time favorite, "Ballad of the Green Berets". Who knows I might even go with Judas Priests' "United", AC/DC's "For those about to rock" maybe even the Boss's "Born in the USA". You never know where my twisted mind will go. You'll just have to wait and see.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

When the war ends

Maybe "Snoopy's Christmas". "Battle of New Orleans" would be good during the ground fighting. So many great songs to choose from. How about "Nowhere- Man" ???

Gumby - I'm flexible

"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov

gotta be a place for . . .

tigger's picture

whip it by Devo. The false emperor has to pay, right?


Is a good song, I think

Jamie Lee's picture

The more that Emperor throws up against the people, the more he loses. He lost all the airships sent to erase that village for history. And no he lost all the airships sent to stop the Princess from reaching the pagoda.

When the main battle takes place, that Emperor will again lose a lot all for nothing.

There's a hate Chiyoko carries with her from her world, after seeing how those people were treated by people like the Emperor. It's no wonder she pours so much hate into her spells when she goes up against the Emperor's efforts to stop Ren.

I liked that song about the British going after the Bismark. I was around when it first came out. It has always been a good song because it had good music behind the words.

Others have feelings too.