Mia - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Mia rolled over and slapped the snooze button on the alarm. She laid on her back for a minute and stared at the ceiling. Monday. June. No longer a (technical) virgin. She smiled and rolled onto her side. She laid there for a few minutes more, eyes closed, mind blank. Then the dreaded alarm went off again. This time she turned it off and sat up. It was cool in the house, the air conditioner was pumping, and gooseflesh instantly rose on her arms and body. She looked around for her slippers, then gave up and headed to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later she was sitting at her vanity drying her hair. She hated washing it before work, but it smelled awful and had decided to stick up at odd angles so it had to be done. Finally, her hair was dry. That, she thought, is the one thing I do miss about being a boy. She smiled and started putting on her make-up. Done, she attended to her new piercings, and rubbed some ointment on her tattoo. Mia hopped up and got dressed for work. Luckily she had to wear all black to work, which made picking her clothes much easier. She settled on a pair of black capri pants and a long sleeve black stretchy top, it got cold in the salon.

Mia searched around the living room for her shoes, making note of the awful state of the place as she looked. It looked very much like the aftermath party scenes in all the old John Hughes movies from the 80s. She smiled and shook her head. Tot's door opened and she walked into the room, moving very slowly and looking not unlike the living dead. Mia laughed.

Tot flipped her the bird and walked into the kitchen, clutching her head.
“Good night?” Mia asked, checking her watch. There was still plenty of time before she had to motor. “I could use some coffee if you're making it.”

Tot nodded and started making coffee. Mia lit a cigarette for herself, then one for Tot and walked over to the kitchen. Tot took the cigarette and smiled at her, her face looking like it was going to crack. Mia laughed again.

“What the hell happened to you?” Mia asked, sitting on a barstool.
“Já¤germeister.” Tot said, her voice sounded thick and slow.
“Good God, Tot....On a school night?” She said, beaming at her.
“I know....I know....I fucking forgot I had to work this morning.” Tot said, then shrugged. “But, it was worth it.” She smiled at Mia.
“Dirt.” Mia said, then looked at her watch. “And quick...I've got to get going.”

Tot nodded, clenching her cigarette in her lips, she turned on the coffee maker and returned the coffee can to the pantry. “Ok....readers digest version now, then.” she took a drag then climbed onto a stool. The coffee started brewing. “I went up to Sally's last night with Molly. We were hanging out, chillin, drinking some beers. Well, Martin and Sean showed up at around eleven. They had the bright idea to start doing Jager shots....I, being the lush that I am...Especially when I don't have to pay for drinks.” Tot shrugged. Mia nodded. “Took them up on the offer.”

Tot smiled wickedly, then took a drag. “Well....I talked to you at around eleven thirty, when I could see where this was all going. Long story short, I ended up in bed with Sean...”
Mia grinned at her. “Nice...I like him. Cute Irish accent.”
“...And Molly.” Tot said, laughing.
“No way!!” Mia said, giggling. “You slut.”
Tot nodded, smiling. “I know...I know. Miss Pristine over her has so much room to talk.”

Mia got up and poured herself a cup of coffee to go. “You will have to fill me in later...I got to go...But it sounds like it might be worth a hang over for a night like that.”
“You got that right sister.” Tot said, smiling. “I just wish it would have been Sean, Molly, and Martin.” She laughed.

Mia gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed for the door. It was going to be cutting it close to get to work on time now, but she figured she could do it.

Mia pulled into the parking lot with one minute to spare, The Detroit Cobras blaring on her stereo. She rushed inside, straight through the salon to the back where she kept her apron. Just in time to open, she sat down at her station and took a deep breath. Whew, she thought, almost late again. She'd worked for her Mom at the salon since she'd been “let go” at Etcetera. Things started going down hill at that place when she started to come out as Mia. Mr. Wallace said it was because of Jeremiah's poor performance, but Mia thought it had far more to do with the sculpted eyebrows and nail polish he started sporting at work. Mia was far happier working at Tangles anyway. She'd learned how to do nail very quickly and was actually fairly good. Almost everyone knew she was transgendered and it was rare that anyone made any sort of fuss.

The first part of the morning was fairly slow. She had two customers, older ladies who tipped well and talked her ear off. Finally, it was time for a break. She grabbed her purse and headed out back for a cigarette. She leaned against the wall and smoked one, then lit another...maximizing her break time. The door opened and Andrea came out side. She didn't see Mia at first, standing in the shadows. She lit a cigarette of her own, then turned and was startled by Mia's presence.

“Damn. I didn't see you.” Andrea said, putting her hand to her chest. “Say something when I come out...don't just stand in the shadows like a ninja.” Andrea smiled at her broadly.

Mia laughed, then pulled her earbuds out and turned off her ipod. “Morning, mom. Sorry...I wasn't even paying attention. “How's your morning been...Hey....' Mia said, stopping suddenly. “ I like the hair.”

Andrea had gotten her hair cut short, in a very asymetrical, wild do. She'd also dyed it black, with blonde streaks in the front. It suited her.

Andrea smiled at her and touched her hair. 'Thanks...I'd been thinking about it for a while, just decided to do it on Saturday.” Andrea looked at her all serious. “Something you want to show me?”

Mia froze. She actually wasn't sure what her mom wanted to see...Nipple piercings, or tattoo. Play dumb, she thought. “What?”
Andrea put her hand on her hip. “I heard you got a tattoo.”
Mia laughed. “How the hell did you find out already? Here.” she said, pulling her collar down to show Andrea. “It's just a starting point.”
“I like the new tattoo, Mia.” Andrea said “It looks cute. You did get it done in a clean place right?”
Mia laughed. “Nah...I found some guy in a back alley who was doing tattoos with used heroin needles...Its all good.” Mia grinned.
“Smart ass.” Andrea said, allowing a smile. “Does this have something to do with your new boyfriend?” Andrea raised an eyebrow at her.
“What new boyfriend?” Mia said, feining innocence.
Andrea laughed. “Ha, my spies are everywhere, little one.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Mia said unconvincingly, then took a drag off her cigarette.
“Reggie was at Sally's the other night, little lady. He told me that you were there with a strapping young man with lots of tattoos. He also told me that you were drinking.” Andrea said, giving her a bit of the stink eye. “You're under age, missy.”
Mia blushed. “Ok...Ok..You caught me.” Mia said, holding up her hands.
I'm gonna have to get Reggie for this, Mia thought.

“His name is Robin. I've had a crush on him for years..the other night we went on a date.” Mia said. She smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear. Andrea smiled at her.
“Does he know?” Andrea asked, concern in her voice.
“Yeah, He's known for...well, he's known since that halloween party my Junior year.” Mia said.
Andrea looked relieved. “Good. Its a dangerous game if you lead on a guy and dont let him know. You do understand that right, Mia?”
Mia nodded. “I'm generally up front with everyone. If its an issue, I'd rather have it out in the open. Then, I can't be accused of lying later. Now...I dont go screaming it down the street or anything...But.” Mia took a drag from her cigarette “I'm proud of who I am. I dont care if people know.”
She grinned. “I put a rainbow sticker on my car.”
Andrea laughed. “Really? So you're out and proud, huh?”
“Yeah...Its a transgendered sticker, I ordered it online. Most people will have no idea what the hell it is. But, people can't accuse me of trying to “trick” anyone.” she said, grinning.
Andrea lookedat her and smiled. “Did it hurt?”
Mia looked at her confused. “Huh? Putting the sticker on my car?”
Andrea laughed. “I think you might be a blonde, Mia. NO....The tattoo.”
Mia shrugged. “ A little...Not bad.”
“I might have to get one myself..Something cute...and small.” Andrea said, smiling.
“You go girl.” Mia said, laughing. “I know where you can get it done.” Mia grinned up at her. “My boyfriend works in a tattoo shop.”
Andrea did a double take. “Boyfriend? Would that be the Robin you've been pining over for the last two years?”
Mia nodded, took a last drag from her cigarette then ground it out under her heel. “One in the same.”
Andrea gave her a great big hug. “Good for you, honey. That's awesome.”
Mia picked up the butt, threw it in the can then looked at her watch. “Well...Gotta get back. I have an appointment in two minutes.” She kissed Andrea on the cheek and headed in to work.

Andrea watched her go back inside. She took a drag off her cigarette, noticed it was almost gone and lit another. She felt really good for Mia, but also felt something else she really was having a hard time quantifying. Sadness? No, she thought, I'm happy for her. Shame? Not in this life. Fear? that's it. Fear, she thought. I'm scared for her. Scared she'll get hurt.
Andrea leaned against the wall and sighed. It's possible she will get hurt, life will be so hard for her, Andrea thought. As long as it was just her and her friend Tot, and her family, she was safer...now, there's an unknown. Andrea shook off the thought. Mia would do fine, she thought, smiling. She'll be ok. She took a last drag then put out her cigarette and headed back to the old grindstone.

Work couldn't end early enough for Mia. Lunch was uneventful, though she did get to show off her tattoo to several coworkers, and the afternoon appointments were nothing but dull. She decided that she wanted ice cream, and there happened to be an ice cream place only few blocks from the salon. So, not even really thinking about it, her car flew on autopilot to the 31 Flavors.
Mia walked in, taking off her sunglasses, studying the board. The place was empty, save two employees. Mia was too busy deciding what kind of ice cream she wanted to pay any attention to the guy and girl behind the counter.
“May I help you....Sir?” The girl said snidely.
Mia looked around, then realized she was being addressed. She looked at the girl. It was Chelsea Jones. Cheerleader. Popular kid. Bitch.
Mia gave her a funny look. “Do I look like a sir to you?” Mia said, putting her hand on her hip.
“No...But that doesn't change the fact that you are. Jeremiah.” Chelsea said, sneering at her. Mia could hear the disgust in her voice. “What can I get for you?”
Mia looked at the guy. She didn't recognize him from school. He looked puzzled. Mia could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks. Just like high school, she thought, feeling her eyes starting to well up.
“What the hell are you doing, Chelsea?” The guy said, stepping over. “Quit being rude to the girl.”
Chelsea put up her hand, in a talk to the hand kinda way. “she...” Chelsea said, the word sounding like it was somehow distasteful. “is a guy...It's disgusting. Actually...We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone...I'm refusing you. Actually....” She started to speak, but the guy cut her off.
“Hey...That's no way to talk to her...what the hell are you talking about anyway? Miss, I'm...” He started.
Mia just cut him off. “Yeah...I was born a guy. No need to lie about it. This silly cow has given me nothing but trouble for years. I don't need your fucking ice cream anyway....” Mia turned. Stopped, then turned back. “Oh, Chelsea...Great job you've got here. I know your manager will be happy to hear what a great job you're doing.” Mia stormed out. She was almost to her car when she heard footsteps coming quickly behind her. She turned, holding her hands up to ward off an attack. Instead the guy was standing there.
“Hey...Look. I didn't have anything to do with that. I don't know what's gotten into her. Here.' He held out a couple of coupons. “These are for free ice cream...they are good at any Baskin Robins, so you can use them anywhere. I'm really sorry about the way she acted.”
Mia looked at the coupons. She realized that tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was embarrassed for the whole thing. “Ok..I'll take them. But I'm still calling the manager about this.”
The guy nodded. “I would too. Chelsea can be such a bitch sometimes. I'll tell the manager that everything you say is true. I hope she gets canned for this.”
Mia smiled. “Then you wouldn't have to put up with her either.”
The guy shrugged. “Sorry again....” He started to turn away, then stopped. “Hey...is it true what she said though?”
Mia stood stock still for a second, then nodded. “Guilty. I transitioned last year, now I live full time as a woman.”
He still didn't look like he believed it. “Well...She still shouldn't treat you like that...That's horrible.”
Mia shrugged, then got into her car. As she was pulling out she could see the two of them arguing in the shop's windows. Mia burst into tears and threw the coupons on the floor.

Mia didn't go straight home. She stopped at the park a couple of blocks from the duplex. She sat in the parking lot and wiped her tears, then suddenly, started crying again. It took several minutes to get it under control. Finally, her face a wreck, she wiped off her make up as best she could, put on her shades and got out of the car. She lit a cigarette and walked down by the pond. There were swans gliding across the surface. Children played on the playground. Life was happening all around her. She sat down under a willow tree and tucked her knees up to her chin. She just sat there quietly, taking it all in, trying not to replay the horrible scene in her mind. She couldn't stop it though, the insults kept coming over and over again. Why, she thought, does it matter what a dumb whore like Chelsea thinks of me. Why? Because, a little voice said, if she thinks it a lot of other people think it too. Then the tears started again. Jeremiah had been prone to cry when things upset him, Mia under the influence of hormones, cried at the drop of a hat sometimes. This was one of those times.
“Hey...Mia.” Someone said. Mia looked up at the voice. It was all blurry through her tears, but she made out the form of Pete. He was straddling his mountain bike a couple of feet away, his longish brown hair sweat pasted to his forehead, he strong tattooed arms shining with perspiration. “You ok?”
Mia looked down, slipped off her sunglasses, wiped her eyes then put htem back on. “Yeah.” she said, her voice thick from crying. “I'm fine.”
He laid his bike down and took a step towards her. “That's not any kind of fine I've ever heard of...” He stopped. “Robin didn't do anyth.....”
“No...”She said, shaking her head. “It wasn't him. He's great.” She started to cry again, unable to contain it.
“What's the matter then.” He said, stapping over to her. He knelt down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. “What is it?”
She looked at him, then fell onto his shoulder and sobbed. He put his arm around her and patted her on the back. “Come on, Mia...What's wrong?”
It felt good to be comforted. It had been a long time since she'd felt this way, this humiliated, this scared. Pete, though she didn't know him that well, was being a dear and she didn't even know if she had the words to thank him.
She stopped crying, dried her eyes and laughed. “I must look a mess.” she said, laughing, wiping at her eyes.
“Even a mess, you're stunning.” he said...” But you do look a mess.” He grinned at her, ever the smartass.
Mia told him the whole story, including a little backstory about the horrible time Chelsea and some of the cheerleaders gave her in high school. When she finished, Pete just looked at her.
“That's fucked up, Mia.” He said, leaning against the tree. He took a drag from his cigarette then shook his head. “Why the hell does she have to act like that? I know some people get off on fuckign around with other people. Like, there life is so fucking bad that all they can do is tear down other people. It's fucking disgusting!”
Mia only nodded in agreement, feeling very much the same way.
“Mia...I have to admit. I don't get your situation. I mean...I understand it, but it's impossible for me to truly understand what motivates you. Its like a fish trying to understand space travel, for me. I'm happy being a guy. Never even for a moment wished any different...well, except the short time in grade school when the idea of being a dragon was way cooler...but, I digress.”
Mia laughed, then lit a cigarette. “I know...It's fucked up. I admit it. But, unlike you, I was never quite happy as a guy. That's not to say I was always unhappy...It's just that I always felt a little off, you know?” She said, flicking her cigarette nervously. “I didn't know what I wanted for a long time...then, when I was like fourteen I guess...I figured it out. I wanted to be a girl. I knew it couldn't happen, so I surpressed it. Which worked for about fifteen minutes.” She laughed, so did Pete. “So, I started dressing up whenever I could. That suited me for a while. then when I was seventeen...I came out to Tot. Then my Mom found out, which was scary but turned out for the best...could've been horrible, but I lucked out that my mom is fucking awesome. Anyway,” she said, putting out her cigarette. “Things have been going so well lately I was kinda forgetting that I had a kinda unique situation, and along come that bitch to remind me that whenever things are going well, there's always someone to come and drag you back down.” She shrugged. “Whatever.”
Pete was picking at a scab on his knee while she talked. He looked up at her and shook his head. “Mia...I cannot imagine you as a guy. Not even close. I've met some tranny...Transexuals in the past. They all looked like guys. I can't see the guy in you at all. I know...I know you've had some work done. But even before that, I still think it would have been really dificult to tell.” He wiped his hand on his shirt. “Which tells me, that you probably made a horrible guy.”
Mia laughed loudly. “And, it tells me, that if sitting there picking at a scab then wiping it on your shirt is guy behavior...I'm glad I opted out.”
Pete laughed, then pretended like he was going to wipe his finger on her. Which made Mia cringe and shriek. He quit then laughed louder. “Look. I'm really glad you and Robin hit it off. I think you're a cool chick...Fuck whaterver that girl said...She don't mean shit in the real world...Outside of high school I mean. Hell, she works at Baskin Robbins for Christ's sake. Come on.”
Mia laughed. “I was thinking the same thing. I dunno, Pete....I'm just out of high school, that shit still seems a little bit important to me.”
He shook his head. “No. It's not. High school bullshit is never important. I hate to tell you though, but you are heading to college...which is high school bullshit with alcohol and no curfews.”
Mia looked crestfallen. “really?”
“Oh, yes. It is the same shit. The same people who make high school suck for everyone, have the same reasons to make them popular in college. I play a sport, I'm a cheerleader. Christ, gives them something to talk about for the rest of their lives. But, at least a college...you don't have to be caught up in it at all. You go to class, then leave that place behind. I enjoyed college, actually...so don't let it scare you.”
Mia lit another cigarette while he was talking, listening attentively to every word. “You went to college, Pete?”
Pete nodded. “ I did. I have a BS in Engineering...That's a Bachelor of Science, not Bullshit...despite what people say about me. I worked as an engineer for a year, after college. Then, I realized that I'm not an engineer. I had always like to draw. Loved it, but thought it wouldn't lead to a career. I started tattooing that year and have been doing it ever since.”
“How old are you Pete?” Mia asked, smiling.
“I'm thirty six.” He said, grimacing. “But, I own my own shop. I set my own hours, and I get to hang out with cool folks at work...so it's far better than being an engineer drone in some firm downtown.”
“Cool.” Mia said smiling at him. “I Didn't peg you for that old...Thirty maybe.” She said.
Pete smiled. “I like you.” He said, laughing. “Thanks.”
“No...Thank you for talking to me. I feel a lot better now.” She said, giving him a hug.
“Oh....By the way. My mom wants to get a tattoo...I'm going to send her to you.” She said, standing up.
“Cool...” He smirked. “Is she hot like you?” He asked, half joking.
“Hotter. Way hotter.” Mia said grinning. “See you later Pete.”
Pete jumped back on his bike and took off, speeding across the park. Mia got in her car and headed towards home. She flipped through the tracks and picked “I don't like Mondays” by the Boomtown Rats, thinking it was very appropriate for a day like today. Her nipples were throbbing and her tattoo was itching like crazy, and she wanted nothing more than to take a shower and relax. She ran through a drive through on the way home and picked up a couple of salads for her and Tot, who she had spoken to right before leaving work
The girls ate their dinner and vegged on the couch for a couple of hours, enjoying some prime time television. Mia's phone rang. It was Robin.
“Hello.” Mia said, picking up.
“Hey baby.” Robin said.
“Hey..what's up?” Mia said, searching the table for the remote control.
“I was wondering if you wanted to hook up tonite?” Robin said. Mia could tell he was on the porch at work.
“Sure.” Mia said.
Mia waited until an hour or so before the tattoo shop closed to even bother getting dressed. She threw on a pair of lowrise jeans, sandles, and a little chemise top. It was a hot night, and she didn't feel like dressing up. She did the bare minimum make-up she thought she could get out of the house in and headed to Sally's.
Robin showed up a couple of minutes after Mia, who was sitting at the corner of the bar chatting with one of the waitresses. Robin walked up behind her, wrapped his huge tattooed arms around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He greeted the waitress with a big smile.
“Hey Lauren...Can I get a couple of PBRs, please?” he said, taking the seat next to Mia.
Mia turned and kissed him on the lips. “Wow...Pabst Blue Ribbon..you're certainly being a big spender for your girl tonite.” Mia said.
“Nothing but the best for my lady.” Robin said, handing her the beer.
Mia held up her bottle and he gently tapped his against it. She took a drink, and had to admit that it was very refreshing.
Mia leaned on her elbow and looked at Robin. He noticed her gaze and raised an eyebrow at her. “What?” he asked.
“I was thinking. I dont know a whole lot about you, Robin Winters.” she said, scrutinizing him. “You know a whole lot about me. So spill.”
Robin smiled. “I think this will take another round.” Robin said, holding up his finger for the waitress.
“Get one for me as well, then.” Mia said.
“Alright. I was born in Detroit. I moved here when I was 13. Aftter I graduated, I fucked around for a year or so, then Joined the Marines...” He said.
“You were a Marine?” Mia asked. Her eyes widened with surprise and she grinned at him. “ I never would have thought it.” She frowned. “Wait, how old are you?”
Robin laughed. “Aghhh, my secret is out. I'm 23”
“Oh, you cradle robber you!” Mia said, poking him in the ribs. He laughed, then the drinks showed up and he handed one to Mia.”
“Yeah...I am. Can't help it. You snared me with your undeniable charms.” He said, then took a drink of his beer.
“Wow..So, you were a Marine..When did you get out?” Mia asked, genuinely interested. She had always liked military stuff. Guns, war movies, GI Joes. It was one of the only “boy” things that she really did appreciate. She never saw herself doing any of it, it seemed way too hard, but it was very interesting to her.
“I got out in 2001. .” he shrugged. “ I was injured and had to call it quits.”
“Were you injured in combat?” Mia asked, her eyes wide.
Robin nodded. “Yeah...I took some shrapnel in my head.” He pointed to the side of his head, which was now covered with a mass of pomaded black hair. “It was pretty nasty, went right in under the edge of my helmet. Knocked my ass out cold...Next thing I know, I'm waking up at a hospital in Germany and can't remember a whole lot of what happened.”
“Wow.” Mia said. “So, you got a purple heart?”
Robin smiled. “Yeah, I got my enemy marksmanship medal.”
Mia laughed. Robin looked surprised that she actually got the joke.
“My little brother's a marine now...He's been in a little more than a year, and is over in Iraq now.” Robin sounded worried. Mia put her hand on his and he clenched it. “He's a cool little bastard, and tough as nails.”
They talked for a couple of hours, then adjoured to the IHOP to have an after midnight breakfast. Robin had done a lot of cool stuff, Mia thought, how long before he gets bored with me?
Mia told him about her scholarship, and how she had been playing the violin since she was a little boy. She actually said it that way, and it really made Robin laugh. It took her a minute to figure out what he was laughing at, then she started laughing too. Eventually, wiping tears from her eyes, she rephrased it.
“I started playing when I was a little girl.” she said, trying to surpress laughter.
“Cool.” Robin said, shovelling in another mouthful of pancakes. “So, you can play the bass.”
“No. I play the violin, weren't you listening?” Mia said, mock scolding him.
“Mia...the bass and stand-up bass both finger the same as a violin. They're just bigger and dont have all the difficult bow work.” Robin said.
Mia had never really thought of that. She smiled. “I guess you're right.”
Robin started laughing.
“What?” Mia said, looking hurt.
“You really are a girl, Mia. Most guys who get forced into the violin figure out that it's a bass guitar primer by the time they are 13 and want girls to notice them.” he said, grinning. “Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.”
“You played the violin when you were a kid?” Mia asked, laughing. She was trying to picture Robin with a violin and it didn't work.
“Yep. Three years. I traded it for an electric bass when I turned 13 and never looked back.” He said.
After breakfast, then went back to Mia's place. Tot was home but in her room. They made love a couple of times then lay there, spooning until both of them fell asleep.

The week marched inexoribly towards Saturday. Saturday and the dinner date with Dad and Lydia. Mia found herself wishing that somehow, she would be able to get out of it but knew that she couldn't do it with a clear consciounce.
The rest of the week followed a similar pattern. Work. Hang with Tot. Hang with Robin. Sex. Sleep. Start over again. Mia was really enjoying it, but knew that eventually, she was going to have to get a full night's sleep. She knew that Saturday night would be that night. That was “Dinner at Dad's” night, and she was not looking forward to it one bit.
It wasn't tha Mia didn't want to see her Dad, she did. It was simply that she was not interested in spending any time with Lydia. She didn't like her, and was fairly sure the feeling was reciprocal. Mia had not spent much time thinking about the dinner, trying to keep it as far from the front of her mind as possible throughout the week. Mia did tell her mother about the dinner, and Andrea didn't seem too pleased about it, but didn't try to stop Mia from going.
Mia went up to the Tattoo shop early Friday night. Tot was going on a date and wasn't around, so Mia had nothing better to do. It was a rare, completely dead friday at the tattoo shop. There was a big concert going on over by the university, so a lot of the crowd that would constitute their main demographic was notably absent. Mia and Robin sat on the porch talking to Pete for a while, and before Mia knew it, she was laying face down on the table in Robin's studio with a tattoo gun buzzing away on her back.
She had shown Robin a picture she' picked out for a back piece earlier in the week. He had asked her if he could take it home with him, and of course she'd said yes. He'd transferred the piece to a large piece of paper and really cleaned it up. After he'd shown it to her, she had practically jumped for joy. The dragons he'd drawn were far nicer than the ones she'd sketched the yeat before in her “wish book”. The piece was fairly traditional Japanese styled, with lots of waves and flowers surrounding two intertwined dragons. It was beautiful.
Robin told her that it would take several sessions to complete and that if she wanted, he could get the outline done for her tonight. Of course, she'd agreed and was now under the needle. It took 5 hours to get the outline done. Mia had to take several cigarette breaks throughout the process, just to get her mind off the pain. It hurt. A lot. Finally, it was finished.
Mia walked over and looked at it in the mirror. She grinned ear to ear, then walked over and fell into Robin's embrace, kissing him and holding him tight.
“Thank you, Robin.” she whispered. “It's awesome.”
“I think it came out pretty great. It's going to look incredible once we get the color done.” He said, tuning her around.
Robin went over the care with her, then ensured her that he would help her take care of it.
“How much do I owe you?” Mia asked, getting out her purse.
“Nothing. Its a portfolio piece. I just want to get a picture when it's done and hang it in the shop.” Robin said, straightening up his station.
“Deal.” Mia said, then leaned in and whispered. “I'll pay you for it later.” she purred.
Robin grinned at her. “Deal.” He looked at his watch. “ We close in 15 minutes, wanna go to my place?”
Mia nodded. Pete walked in and looked at Mia's new back piece.
“Good work Robin. I like it. Great lines.” Pete said, then he ran his fingers over the lines on her back. “Not too deep.” he looked closely. “This line is a little deep here...” he said, then looked at Mia's face. “That one hurt real bad didn't it?”
Mia blushed, then nodded. “Yeah, I yelped a little.”
“Its cool. It looks good, that line's just a little strong. Robin, you had too much tilt on the gun when you were going down here.” he said pointing. “If you do that, it will dig a little furrow.”
Pete patted him on the shoulder. “But other than that, fucking flawless.”
Robin smiled. “Thanks Pete.”
“As soon as you have the color on this I think you'll be ready to take on as a full time artist. We'll find someone else to poke holes in college kids.” Pete said.
Robin's smile widened. “Really?”
“Yep.” He Pete said. “You've earned it. Now...I'm heading over to Sally's. See ya'll there after you close up.” he clapped Robin on the shoulder and let himself out, locking the door behind him.
Mia didn't say a word. She sat up on the table, her breasts bared. She'd been laying on her belly on a towel the whole time. She walked over to him while he was putting away his stuff and touched him on the arm. He turned and smiled at her. She didn't say a word, she just knelt there in front of him and unbuckled his belt.
“Cmon, Mia...You don't have to do that.” he said. He pants were unzipped now and Mia was pulling his cock out of his boxer briefs. She looked up at him and licked the tip of his now hardening member. She took it in her mouth and gave him a very enthusiastic blow job.
Afterwards, they had sex with Mia bent over the table. It was loud, messy, athletic sex. They were both exhausted when they finished.
“That, Mia...” Robin said, “Was the best tip I've ever gotten at work.”
“I should hope so.” Mia said.
She gave him a kiss then headed home, since she had to work early in the morning.

Saturday at work, right around quitting time, Mia knocked on the door to the office.
“Come in.” Andrea said.
Mia poked her head inside. “Hey Mom.” she said, smiling.
“Come in.” Andrea said, gesturing her to come in and sit. “Good week huh?”
Mia shrugged. “It was OK. I did some good business..made some good tips. So so week.”
Andrea leaned back in her chair. “Well...It was a good week for the shop. I got some compliments on your work, By the way. Thought you might like to hear it.”
Mia beamed. “Thanks mom. I do my best.”
“I know...So....” Andrea said gravely. “Tonite is the dinner with Dad.”
Mia sighed and nodded. “It is.”
Andrea smirked. “So...You had to go and get another tattoo done before the dinner.” Andrea said.
Mia grinned. “Hey...Robin needs practice. I'm getting hundreds of dollars in work done for free...Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, now he's going to be a full time artist...don't think he'll be able to do mine free anymore.”
Andrea laughed. “I know...I know. Paul just won't like it, that's all. He used to be so wild, now he's all stuffy. I dunno.' Andrea said shrugging.
Mia shrugged back at her. “Don't know mom....I dunno.”
“Are you sure you want to get that many tattoos...I mean, they'll be hard to cover up when you get older....” Andrea said.
“Don't care. I like them. I hope I never have to cover them up.” Mia said. “I'lll burn that bridge when I get to it.” She grinned.
“I know...People are much more accepting of that kind of thing these days anyway. Hell...I like it, thinking of getting one myself you know.”
“I know...I told Pete. He told me, to tell you to come see him. You'll get the friend of the owner price.” She said, grinning.
“Cool. I'll have to do that.” Andrea said, glancing at the clock on her monitor. “You better scoot if you are going to get home and get ready in time to make it to your Dad's.”
Mia looked at her watch and sighed. “Sure you don't need to keep me after work or something?”
Andrea laughed. “Nope. Get moving.”

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