for those who follow my adventures!
Well its just over 2 weeks since my altercation with a bit of defective road, 2 weeks in which I've been constantly frustrated by my injuries preventing me riding a bike, yes I want to recover well but it wasn't my legs that were the problem! Nope, I've been putting off trying to ride by my damaged shoulder and hand but there comes a point where further delay is just that, the trauma areas might have attached pain/discomfort for another couple of weeks, waiting it out to be pain free may actually be detrimental to recovery.
So today, I took the bit between my teeth (metaphorically, I'm not into pony play!) and set out to see where I am on the recovery to ride scale. My ambition was low, use the Bristol/Bath bike trail and head for Bath, all of 12 miles away, if I get there great, if I don't, well i'll at least have a fairly level route to use for the return. After a slightly jittery start, some apprehension but I've also changed some bike parts, I was soon riding with increased confidence, the shoulder being less issue than the hand, I made good headway and reached the centre of Bath in @ 45 minutes.

After a few minutes rest I set off for the return journey, rather than follow the bike path I thought I'd test how I coped on some more rolling terrain so took the almost parallel A road back towards Brizz. The first few bits of climbing went well which influenced me to try a slightly more circuitous route, after all I could always bale back to the bike path. Result? well the generally uphill route presented no more problem than a 2 week layoff would generally do, of course I was favouring the hurt bits but I was quite comfortable and not in any more pain afterwards than before.
So, 57km, @ 34 miles with a healthy 400+m of climbing rolled out just at shy of 24kph which I consider to be a huge win. Oh it might take me a week or two to get fully back to pre-crash distances/fitness but I'm confident that I can manage further and maybe a bit hillier than today next time I go for a Womble.
The biggest question now is do I let the hair 'pastel out' or re dye it to something more intense?
bye for now from a happy Maddy
Well done but
Small steps. Remember Small Steps.
No 100+ mile rides yet ok!
I'm taking part in the Distinguished Gentlemans Ride (Motorcycle) at the weekend this is in aid of Prostate Cancer Research.
to hear your on the mend, and back on the bike Maddy. Years ago I took a tumble off my 10 speed. I tried to ride over a pot hole and failed. The bike stopped, and I didn't, luckly the only injury I sustained was a sprained left elbow. Looking forward for to the next chapter of Avoidance. :-)