Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 16

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 16
The Crypt of the First Empress, or Where’s Indy when you need him?
Watatsumi’s compound, Temple of Eternal Balance, Ten Temples of Truth

Chiyoko and her sisters woke to find that Miles and Qersiss had returned late in the night. Satomi and Satoko had greeted them all before showing Setsu and Ren to their rooms. As the five young women ate their breakfast Miles was the first to join them.

“Did you have any problems with retrieving the Empress Miles?” Chiyoko asked the knight as he filled his bowl.

“Yes and no, Lady Chiyoko.” Miles started then corrected himself at Chiyoko’s stern look. “I mean Chiyoko. There was a full company if not more of Empyreal Cavalry searching for the Empress and her mother when we arrived.”

“Did you or Qersiss have any problems with the modern rifles and machineguns? Qersiss wasn’t hurt, was she?” Yoshi asked.

“Rifles and machineguns? Are those long metal tubes that fire metal pellets at great speed and distances?” Miles asked describing the weapons used against him and Qersiss during their rescue of the Empress. All five girls nodded their head yes. “While those weapons would be very deadly against humans. They lack the power to harm a majestic dragon’s hide. Even the few missiles that reached me could not breach my armor.”

“What of the rockets and heavy artillery? Do they pose a threat?” Kasumi asked quickly thinking of the cannons and rocket batteries that surrounded her grandfather’s castle. She knew the damage those weapons could do.

“There were no such weapons at Mount Sunōmaunten that I saw. If there were, they were not used during the battle for some reason.” Miles got a thoughtful look on his face. “Though we were flying rather fast, and in an erratic pattern. There was one weapon that I attacked with my lance that exploded. They were long as three clothyard shafts, shape like arrows, and thick as my arm. Could these have been your rockets?”

“Yup, sure sounds like rockets. Did they just burn, or did they explode?” Akane asked with more knowledge on the subject than she wanted to admit.

“With great thunderous roars, and flashes of bright light. Thank the Lady Tiamat, Qersiss and I were high and far enough away to be unharmed by the explosion. Those rockets left a massive hole in the ground.” Miles answered honestly. “I fear that if our foes can target the dragons with those weapons, they may actually harm or even possibly kill them.”

“Miles, during your flight back were the Empress or her mother affected by the cold and winds of the higher altitudes?” Chikako asked him.

“The cold was not a problem Mistress. My mother, and I are used to the much colder winds and air of our home.” It wasn’t Miles who answered Chikako’s question but a teenage girl who entered the main room. “Please pardon my interruption Master and Mistresses. I could not help but to overhear your conversation. I was walking past here on my way to the kitchen.”

Chiyoko held up her hand to forestall the girl’s apology. “Please join us your Majesty. Break your fast.”

“Um… thank you, Mistress.” Ren fought to keep the blush from her face at being call Majesty. She was still having a hard time coming to grips with the idea that she was even related to the old Emperor. Let alone his heir. As she sat down next to the nearest of the five identical sisters her mind was racing with questions. Was she really sitting down to eat breakfast with the legendary Dragon Samurai?

Satomi handed her a full bowl and chopsticks. “Eat your fill Majesty. We have plenty. Enough for all. Your mother shall join us soon. My sister has gone to fetch her.”

“We are here sister.” Satoko said as she escorted Setsu into the room. “Please take a seat next to your daughter Mistress Setsu or would you prefer for us to use Captain.”

“Now that the cat is out of the preverbal bag. Captain Suda will do fine for formal situations. The rest of the time just Setsu, Mistress Satoko.” Setsu answered as she took a seat next to Ren. “I thought I heard Ren talking about the weather of our old.”

“Yes, we were discussing how you faired during your flight from your old home, Mistress Setsu.” Katsumi said smiling.

“I understand now.” Ren said before she started to giggle. “You thought that our heavy winter clothing wouldn’t provide enough warmth at altitude. Mama, I think we need to tell them the truth.”

“I believe you’re right dear.” Setsu looked around the table at the gathered might of what would become her daughter’s new Empyreal cabinet. “The reason the cold does not affect us is because of our snow armor.”

“Excuse me, Captain. What is snow armor?” Chiyoko asked for her sisters.

“Something that can only be found in Sunōmaunten village, deep in the heart of Nagano Prefecture. There is a mountain cave that is home to a certain creature of legend, the Xanadu Leopards of Kageyama dōkutsu. Their hides are some of the best for making a lightweight armor that provides protection against the elements. It’ll keep a person warm in freezing temperatures of winter, cool in the blazing heat of summer. The hide also makes excellent soft sole boots and work gloves.” Setsu explained to the gathered warriors.

“The tanners of Sunōmaunten village use flint knives, and volcanic glass tools to work the hides. It takes seven to eight weeks to make just one suit of Snow armor. Not to mention four to six Leopard hides. Depending on the size of person it is being made for. You really don’t want to know what it takes to capture or kill a Xanadu Leopard.” Ren explained for everyone. “That is before it gets turned over to the village weavers to line it with the silk of the Marten-Caterpillar. That is another three to four weeks of work.”

“I take it that snow armor is expensive?” Akane asked with a touch of snark. Only to get punched in the arm by Yoshi.

“Very, expensive, Mistress. I was only able to secure a set for each of us because of our work as mountain guides.” Setsu said with a smile. “In the opinion of the village elders our services were worth the price of our snow armor. The funny thing is no one outside of Sunōmaunten village knows about snow armor. With one exception, the eight of you here.”

“May we see you both in just your snow armor, and boots Captain?” Akane asked of Setsu. “Say in the courtyard?”

“If you can wait until after breakfast. We’ll be happy to show you.” Ren said before her mother interrupted this delicious breakfast. Chiyoko, her sisters, and Miles laughed as Satomi pushed a plate of backed fish over to her. The answer to Ren’s request was clear.

An hour later the six Dragon Knights and two miko gathered in the central courtyard to wait for Ren and Setsu. The two former mountain guides walked out of their rooms in nothing more than their boots, gloves, and snow armor. From the neck down they were covered in one of the finest leathers that money could buy. Chiyoko had told her sisters and Miles of her suspicions concerning the snow armor while they wait for Ren and Setsu.

Chiyoko noticed that the leather suits, gloves, and boots resembled the high-tech ski suits from her home world. Like the ones worn by Olympic downhill skiers during the winter games. While the suits would provide protection against the elements, they would be worthless in a fight. She turned to her sisters. “Outside of protecting them from the elements. Those suits are basically little more than leather body suits.”

“I hate having to agree with you Mistress Chiyoko.” Setsu said with a sigh. “But you’re right. The only time that we actually wear our snow armor like this is for climbing the ice face, and higher reaches of the mountains. They provide little to no protection against weapons.”

“I think we can fix that little problem.” Yoshi giggled as she headed for her point on the Witch’s Matrix. “Can’t we sisters?”

Akane, Kasumi, and Chikako were moving towards their points when Chiyoko stopped them. “Hold on for a second sisters. We need to go about their armor in a different fashion. I know what you are thinking but remember that Miles already had a metal-based armor to start.”

“I don’t understand. Why would that make any difference in changing Ren and Setsu’s snow armor?” Yoshi asked.

“What is the greatest taboo for all alchemy?” Chiyoko asked her bluntly.

“By the Goddess, how could I forget about the Law of Equivalent Exchange.” Yoshi groaned. “Of all matter there are only three things Alchemists are forbidden from transmuting are humans, animals, and gold. That includes the transmuting of animal flesh. We can’t transmute their snow armor without paying a price equal to the cost of all that work. Even with the power of the Witch’s Matrix the price of transmuting their snow armor is too high.”

“What about you Chiyoko? Couldn’t you transmute their snow armor? After all you’re not an alchemist.” Akane pointed out.

“I may be a Sorceress but even I have to abide by those restrictions Akane.” I corrected her. “I doubt there is a source of power outside of the Athenian Philosophers Stone. Even then I have my doubts.”

“Excuse me, Mistresses.” Ren said from where she stood next her mother. “But you talking as if alchemy and magic are nothing more than toys.”

“Our riders only speak truth Child of the Dragon Empress.” The massive black majestic dragon Ivadad Lord of the Black rumbled. “The grand mystical arts of alchemy and magic are but playthings in their hands.”

“Majesty, Captain, please wait here. Akane, Chikako, Katsumi, Yoshi, take your places over your elements. Time to forge two suites of armor for our Empress and her most trusted Commander.” Chiyoko ordered her sisters.

“Will you be joining us Chiyoko?” Akane asked.

“Not this time sister. I fear that if I were to add my mystical power to the forging of their armor. That there will be a backlash.” I told them.

“The price of magic is your own power.” Kasumi said before the others could figure out what Chiyoko was saying. She also pointed to the one price Chiyoko wasn’t saying. “It will also take a part of your soul.”

“Wait! How could us forging two sets of armor take a part of Chiyoko’s soul?” Akane demanded of Kasumi.

“We achieve Equivalent Exchange through the use of the sand and other nonorganic compounds within the courtyard. We don’t have to give of ourselves to reach Equivalent Exchange like Chiyoko does for transmuting something. It literally costs her part of her soul and a shit ton of magic each time she performs a transmutation spell.” Kasumi explained for her three alchemist sisters. “When she transmuted Miles armor. We provided the alchemic power she just directed and shaped that power. Something that she cannot do now.”

“Not without burning out her magical core.” Satomi told them all with a sad smile. “When she directed the transmutation spell for Miles’ armor came close to burning out her core.”

“What of her other spell casting?” Ivadad asked from his perch.

“Worry not Lord Ivadad, your rider well be fine. She just needs more time to recover from overexerting herself yesterday.” Satoko said as she gave Chiyoko a very disappointed look. A look that only a teacher of long standing could give to a student that had pushed themselves too far. “Something she will not do again without a damned good reason.”

“Yes ma’am, sempai.” Chiyoko had the good graces to look ashamed and blushed at Satoko’s rebuke of her rash behavior yesterday.

“GOOD!” Satoko grunted then turned to her other four students. “Okay girls. Time to forge two sets of mystical armor. Get to it.”

With that Akane, Yoshi, Chikako, and Kasumi finished moving into position around the Witch’s Matrix. As one they clapped their hands and called forth the power of the Matrix. Ren, and Setsu stared in wonder at the massive power these four young women would call forth out of nowhere. The alchemic and mystical circle that resided in the central courtyard was charged with the individual elements of Akane and Chikako until it glowed a blueish-white. Within the center of the matrix two columns of sand and rock rose into the air. As the rock and sand clashed in a swirling blaze of heat and light two humanoid forms slowly took shape starting with the feet.

Even standing outside of the matrix Chiyoko could feel the power calling to her. She could feel the shape that the armor suites would take. As much as she wanted to influence the outcome Chiyoko knew that she had to withhold her power. She had come far too close to burning out her core yesterday.

Miles watched both Chiyoko and the center of the matrix with equal care. When he had last seen this mystic symbol use. He was the focus of the girls’ power. He should say his armor was the focus of their power. Now, he could only stare in wonder at the mastery these four girls were showing. He was a warrior, one of the feared Knights of the White Rose Dragon Order. Masters of aerial warfare from the backs of dragons and the mysterious ways of Dragon kind. He knew of alchemy and magic but was not a practitioner.

While his sword, lance, shield, and armor were enchanted by some of the greatest mages and alchemists of his home world. He had no idea of how those individuals had accomplished these workings. To him alchemy and magic were the area of mystics, sagas, and occultists; studies for those far better suited for the halls and ivory towers of academia. His attention was drawn to the one person that frightened him more than these four alchemists. He could tell that Chiyoko was having to physically hold herself back from helping her sisters forge the Empress’s and Captain’s armor.

As their armor slowly formed from the whirling masses of sand, rock, heat, and light, Ren noticed that there were two different colors and styles. One would draw the attention of everyone on a battlefield simply because of the color. Most people wouldn’t dare to wear golden armor. The other was in the livery uniform colors of the Royal Palace Guards. No one could mistake their purple, black, and red. There were other differences as well.

The golden armor was made in the fashion known as Dragon Scale. It appeared to be made from what would look like finely worked individual overlapping interconnected scales. Ren could tell that each piece of armor was part of the next. Providing a continuous protective shell that was also light weight. A shell that was highly flexible. Even the helm while decorative would provide both protection and visibility. The helm was also the most distinctive part of the armor. Its shape was that of a dragon’s head with its mouth open roaring.

The purple, red, and black armor was made from interlocked solid plates. The joints were overlapping plates allowing for freedom of movement. This armor was nowhere near as decorative as the golden armor, but there was still an artistic style to the plates. Even the plain looking helmet had a sense of style that was not native to Sebun'airando. No, the Palace Guards Armor would have been at home in the lands of Aryanna. As the last of the alchemic power faded away the two suits of armor radiated with a heat as if they were just pulled from the fires of Hell. This was quickly taken of by Kasumi and Yoshi as they called down their individual elements to cool the supernatural metal.

When her sisters were done Akane turned to Chiyoko. “It is your turn sister. Bless these suits of armor with your power.”

Chiyoko didn’t even think twice as she stepped up to her position at the matrix. Calling for her staff Chiyoko slammed its butt end into the ground charging the matrix. This time the power rushed to her call, summoned solely by her will. Twin blots of power slammed into the two suits of armor. She did not need words to shape the summoning spell that she bestowed upon the armor. It was done by thought alone. When the light passed Chiyoko turned to Ren and her mouther. “Call for your armor Empress.”

“Um… what do you mean Mistress?” Ren asked in confusion.

“The golden armor awaits its Mistress’s command, your Majesty. That is, you.” Miles quickly explained for the young woman.

“I still don’t understand Sir Miles. How do I command an inanimate object?”

“First you give it a name. That name is power. The suit will only obey your command from now. Be quick Empress. The armor will not wait for long.” Miles explained for the still bewildered teen.

Seeing no way out of the situation but not wanting to fail these five powerful women Ren closed her eyes and let her mind wander. Then with a deep breath opened her eyes calling out. “COME IMMORTAL CRUSADER!”

The golden armor flickered then vanished. Only to reappear on the body of Ren with a blinding flash. The young woman flexed her hands and arms finding that the armor moved as if a part of her snow armor. Reaching up Ren grabbed the helm and pulled it easy from her head. She found that while the helm had come away cleanly from her head and face. Her head was still covered by a lightweight protective chainmail armor that left her face clear.

Chiyoko just looked over at Setsu with an expectant look on her face. “Well! Your armor won’t wait all night Captain.”

“CLOAK ME SHADOWS OF JUSTICE!” Setsu called out. Just as what happened with her daughter’s armor. Her armor vanished and appeared upon her body. Unlike Ren though her armor held a sword at her left hip. She also held a three-by-four chevron shell in her left hand. Drawing the sword Setsu realized that this sword was far superior to any she had ever held before.

Thanks to her time with the Empyreal Scouts Setsu was no stranger to mystical weapons and armor. She had seen more than one type of enchanted armor among the ranks. Mostly among the officers of noble birth. She had seen how those officers would call for their armor by name. She even knew how some of that armor was made by the Court Mages. What she had seen here today made those mages appear to be little more than charlatans, sleight of hand artists, and con artists. These five teenage girls had found the secrets of the Witch’s Matrix. They had done in just minutes what the Court Mages took days to do.

Once the two newcomers were armored the others called for their own armor. The five sisters let their staffs return to the pocket dimensions where they kept them. Chiyoko gave Ren and Setsu a knowing smile. “Majesty, Captain, time has come for you to claim your birthright.”

“Where are we going, Mistress Sorceress?” Setsu asked with a little worry.

“Please Lady Setsu it’s just Chiyoko.” Chiyoko said trying to calm the worried woman. “As for where we are going. The answer is simple. To the tomb of the original Dragon Empress, Mount Kage no senshi.”

Ren gasped and turned to look towards the second tallest mountain in all of Sebun'airando. “Mistress Chiyoko there is nothing there but death.”

“Not so young Empress.” Ygi rumbled from his position on the weyr. “Tell her the truth my bother. Of us all you were there when the original Dragon Empress Yuki Otani and her six Dragon Samurai were laid to rest.”

“It is a sad duty indeed to be the only witness still alive to that momentous event.” Dykacrat rumbled as he looked towards the resting place of his first rider. “Hear my words and guard them as truth young Empress. Empress Yuki Otani lays in eternal slumber, guarded by her Samurai, close to the top of Mount Kage no senshi. They and their power wait for the time when all must be lost or won in the everlasting war against evil.”

“Dykacrat, were you really there?” Akane asked of her dragon partner.

“Aye, lass I was. Her funeral was presided over by four of the greatest holy men of the day. My first rider, Vitigis the Red, was the only one of Dragon Knights to preside over her funeral. Then again, he was the last. It was her desire to be laid to rest in the tomb that she had built just for her and her Dragon Knights.” Dykacrat sighed. “Four days later I escorted my rider’s body to the entrance of their tomb. I watched as the magus himself Tamemochi Momonoi sealed the entrance to the tomb with stone and spell.”

Dykacrat stretched himself mightily then dropped into the courtyard. “Time to fly Mistress Akane. Time to face the Dragon Knights in their den.”

Akane could feel that visiting the tomb upset her dragon partner. With an ease she had come to accept as being one of the Dragon Samurai. Akane threw off her robes summoning her armor and Sourusureiyāzu as she mounted the massive red majestic dragon’s back. Even before she was fully seated in the saddle Dykacrat leaped into the air with a powerful down stroke of his wings.

Chiyoko turned to the others. “Looks like we need to get a move on. I think Dykacrat wants to get this visit over with in a hurry.”

“Agreed.” Miles said and looked up at Qersiss calling out. “Lady Qersiss, I have need of your services.”

Qersiss just dropped into the courtyard. She gave all of the gathered riders a thoughtful look. “Miles, I believe that the Empress should ride with Deghia and Lady Yoshi. While the Captain should ride with the Lady Chikako and Brikat. My younger brothers, are a much steadier mount than the rest of us.”

“I agree with my sister, Sir Miles. We shall do as she suggests.” Ivadad ordered from his perch on the weyr. “Mount quickly, for Dykacrat will not wait on us for long.”

Miles didn’t argue and leaped to his saddle on Qersiss’ back. With him mounted the white dragon leaped for the sky. Chiyoko turned to Yoshi and Chikako. “Call for your partners, sisters. Time is short.”

Yoshi and Chikako did as ordered, and the two dragons landed in the courtyard one at a time. Yoshi mounted first then pulled Ren up behind her. With a flick of her heels to Deghia’s sides the dragon leaped for the skies. Chikako and Brikat were next. The two were just as quick in mounting and taking flight with their passenger Setsu. With the others out of the way Ygi, dropped into the courtyard for his rider Kasumi. With the last of her sisters and their dragons now flying towards Mount Kage no senshi Chiyoko turned to Satomi and Satoko. “While we’re gone please look into something for me kohai. Last night I couldn’t sleep. I slipped into the Temple’s main library. I found a reference to something called the Golden Dragon Throne in the recordings for the Shrine of Judgement. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the Empyreal family line.”

“We will take care of it. You better hurry your sisters and Miles have a head start of some distance already.” Satomi told Chiyoko said as she looked towards the distant fading figures. “And it is growing.”

Ivadad just chuckled as he dropped into the courtyard next Chiyoko. “My brothers and sister may have a head start, but it will make no difference. They cannot outrun me on their best of days. Come Lady Chiyoko. Time to show my siblings that I am still the Alpha dragon.”

Chiyoko didn’t even think twice as she sprang to Ivadad’s saddle thanks in part to his offered foreleg. Even as Chiyoko seated herself Ivadad leaped into the air. The sudden takeoff of the largest majestic dragon surprised Chiyoko. Not enough to unseat her just enough to gain a squeal of delight from the teenage girl. Soon the two were nipping at the heels of the other dragons. It wasn’t long before they were far in the lead of the others.

The north face of Mount Kage no senshi, 3 hours later.

Ivadad and Chiyoko slowly circled the small level clearing below the peak of Kage no senshi. “Is there really a tomb down there Ivadad?”

“There is indeed Chiyoko. Behind that boulder lies the Frist Dragon Empress and her Dragon Knights.” Ivadad answer Chiyoko with pride. “I was here when the Order of the Azure Sand first carved out the tombs for the Knights.”

“Are you going to able to land in such a small area?” Chiyoko asked looking down at that clearing that could only be ten-foot across at most. The sheer cliff-face that surrounded the clearing dropped for a good thousand feet.

Ivadad chuckled before answering. “Use your sight Chiyoko. The clearing is more than large enough to hold myself and all my siblings.”

Chiyoko did as Ivadad instructed. What she saw was a clearing a hundred feet across and no cliff. “An illusion. One meant to protect the tomb.”

“Aye, lass. Just the first of many protections for the tomb.” Ivadad said as he lowered down to land in open air. No sooner had his feet and front claws had touched the ground than the illusion vanished.

One at a time the other dragons landed. As their passengers and riders gathered around the boulder Chiyoko felt the magic hidden deep within the mountain. There was a small touch of alchemy here, but nothing compared to the magic that guarded the tomb.

“The smell of quick silver is stronger than I remember. Use great care Akane. I fear the traps of old still hold death for the unexpecting.” Dykacrat warned them all. “I know that the crazed inventor, soothsayer, and mystic Xiang Zhenya of the Dragon Empire designed most of them.”

“He was not the only one brother. The royal architect of war, Wang Feng did work on the tomb as well.” Ygi corrected Dykacrat. “The man was a master of traps and weapons of war.”

“Do not forget about Pang Min-Soo the master of beasts great and small. The man also worked on the tomb.” Deghia said as he looked over the boulder. “His scent is still heavy on the boulder and the surrounding area.”

“There was more than just one individual master inventor who worked on the tomb I would wager. One for each of the original Knights.” Chiyoko surmised.

A deep rumbled sounded from Qersiss drawing the attention of all. “You may have the right of things, Lady Chiyoko.”

“How do you figure that my Lady Qersiss?” Ren asked.

“It is my belief young Empress. That your ancestor brought in a different architect to design a separate chamber for each of her Knights.” Qersiss chuckled just before she sniffed the air. “The scents of Smoke wings, Onyx Cave Vipers, and Boulder Rats hangs thick in this mountain air.”

“GREAT! JUST FUCKING GREAT!” Chiyoko screamed at the top of her lungs. “Where is Indy when I need him?!” At the very confused looks on her sisters’ faces Chiyoko just groaned. “Man, I got to quit using references from home.”

“Um… Chiyoko who is this Indy person?” Akane asked.

“Just a famous archaeologist from my home world.” Chiyoko smirked. “Though more than a few of his colleges would call him nothing but a tomb raider.”

“Oh, he’s a Legend Hunter. Yes, we could definitely use a Legend Hunter.” Kasumi said as she looked the boulder over carefully. “If Lady Qersiss is right. Then we will be facing three of the nastiest cave dwelling creatures in the world.”

“Why do I suddenly have the feeling that I just stepped into a real-life game of Dungeons and Dragons?” Chiyoko said as she looked up at the sky.

“Chiyoko why are you looking up at the sky?” Yoshi asked.

“Um… no reason really.” Chiyoko said as she turned to Ivadad. “You’ll let me know if a massive multisided dice comes falling out the sky old man.”

Ivadad just chuckled. “I can assure you that the Gods and Goddesses don’t play with Fate’s dice, Chiyoko.”

“From your lips to their ears old man.” Chiyoko mumbled. Turning to face the boulder she asked the most important question. “Anybody know how we’re going to get inside?”

“To the left side of the boulder is a small niche. Within that niche is a lever. Pull the lever and the boulder will slide out of the way.” Dykacrat instructed without emotion. “Be careful to stand back once the boulder starts to move. It weighs more than thirty tons.”

Akane gave her dragon partner a small nod and followed his instructions. At first nothing happened. The boulder just sat there. Then the sounds of heavy metallic gears could be heard grinding away. Finally, the massive stone started to slide out of the way. Grinding at the stone surface of the mountainside. As more and more of the cave entrance was exposed Akane spotted a weapon of terror straight out of history. “DOWN!”

As one the dragons leapt for the skies as the eight humans dropped to the ground. The sound of a hundred rocket propelled arrows filled the air. As the last arrow passed overhead Chiyoko looked up at the cave entrance to see a 100 tube hwacha. Slowly pushing herself off the ground Chiyoko sighed. “If that is the welcoming committee. I really don’t want to see the actual booby traps. You said one of the designers came from the Dragon Empire?”

“More than just one, my rider.” Ivadad rumbled as he landed again. “I fear that will be just the start of your adventure.”

Chiyoko looked up at the sky once more. “Okay where is the twenty-sided die? I need to make a luck roll.”

At the looks of confusion Chiyoko just shook her head in frustration. “Let’s get going people. I fear that we may be losing daylight. I don’t want to be stuck in there after sundown.”

Miles didn’t even think twice as he summoned his broadsword and shell. “Wait here while I deal that infernal device.”

Chiyoko just smiled as their heavy hitter walked straight into the path of the hwacha. With his shell held to deflect incoming arrows Miles advanced on the hwacha with the sight of a true warrior. Once he worked his way around to the back of the killing machine Miles spotted the disarming mechanism. Not bothering with subtlety Miles dropped his sword down across the top of the hwacha. Crushing the war machine in one blow rendering it useless.

“Clear to enter.” Miles called back to the others.

“Can you tell how far back does the entrance tunnel go?” Kasumi called.

“I can only see a few more feet down the tunnel, Kasumi. Though what I can see of the tunnel there are torches every ten feet or so.” Miles called back to them. “I’ll try to light one.”

“NO DON’T!” Yoshie screamed out. “It may be a trap.”

Chiyoko lead the others inside with Ren and Setsu in the middle of the group. Once inside the tomb’s entrance tunnel Setsu moved to stand beside Miles. The meaning was clear. She would provide backup for the Knight. Chiyoko looked as far down the tunnel as she could before spitting on the floor.

“Enough of this shit! I’m not walking into a damned trap because I can’t see the fucking warning signs.” Summoning her staff Chiyoko called out the name of her favorite DJ from back home. “Lux Noctis!”

The tunnel was filled with a warm and steady glow bright enough to see by. Yoshi just gave Chiyoko a sideways glance before making a snarky comment. “Always got to be the showoff!”

“Such raw power in the hands of girls no older than myself.” Ren whispered to herself. After all she had seen so far this day. She was starting to feel inadequate to the task placed before her as Empress. “How can I hope to even compare to even the weakest of their number?”

“Don’t try to compare yourself to us Empress. I too once knew the feeling of being unworthy. My grandfather kept me in chains and bound to his throne until my sister Chiyoko freed me.” The arm that draped her shoulders caught the young Empress off guard. As did the words that were whispered in her ear. Ren tried to look into the eyes of Kasumi to see if she was telling the truth but was blocked by her mask. “I’m only speaking the truth Empress.”

“Why did Mistress Chiyoko free you? Surely it had to be for more than just your ties to the Dragon Samurais.” Ren asked.

“I did it because I can’t stand to see anyone treated like property.” Chiyoko snarled from her place behind Setsu. “And I’ll fight to my dying breath to put an end to such barbaric practices. Even if I have to destroy every slave market, auction house, within the Empire to end the practice. I will make the streets run red with blood as I lay waste to those who would enslave others for profit of any type.”

“If I truly am the rightful ruler of this nation. I give you my promise here and now to outlaw slavery within our boarders.” Ren said as she felt the fire behind Chiyoko’s promise. Ren could tell by the way that Chiyoko turned back towards the tunnel that it would only be her actions and not her words that would convince this hard woman. Looking over at Kasumi. “Your sister is an uncompromising young woman Mistress Kasumi.”

“The world in which she grew up is a hard, cold, and unforgiving place. She has spoken at great length in how we would not survive one day her world. From all that I and my sisters have been able to gather. Chiyoko’s world is one of constant war. A world that turns out warriors the way our world produces scholars. I believe that if she were to have her powers here in her home world that she would be used by her government. They would force her to fight the other nations.” Kasumi explained for Ren. “All I know is that she has been uncompromising woman for as long as I’ve known her.”

“If our world is one of peace compared to hers, then I fear what she would do if pushed into a corner.” Ren said with a shiver.

“Then do all in your power to make sure she never unleashes her anger towards you, Empress. I fear that with all our combined powers we could not stop our sister.” At Ren’s look of confusion Kasumi explained. “Unlike us our sister Chiyoko’s power is fueled by emotions. The madder she becomes. The greater her power. Like all women her emotions have no limits. Therefor neither does her power. I fear that if Chiyoko were to ever lose herself to her anger it would take the Dragon Gods themselves to stop her.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a thunderous crash. This was followed by the sounds of stone on stone. As if a massive mill stone was rolling towards them. Ren and Kasumi looked towards the front of their little party. The sound was cut off by Chiyoko snarling at the top of her lungs. “I’M GOING TO SUE THE WRITERS FOR RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARCH FOR COPY RIGHT INFRINGEMENT!”

Chiyoko slammed her staff into the floor of the tunnel singing. “For those about to rock! We salute You!”

The sounds of heavy cannon firing roared within the tunnel. The massive round boulder shattered. Miles and Setsu barely had time to raise their shields for protection as they all staggered under the shockwave. Akane was the first to say anything, and it was not polite.

“Son of a bitch! Gods be damned! Warn us the next time you go whipping out the cannons like that you airhead!” Akane screamed over the ringing in her ears. She wasn’t the only one whose ears were ringing.

“What did you say?!” Chiyoko yelled back. “I can’t hear you! I must have over did it a little. Sorry!”

“’Overdid it a little’ She says. ‘She is sorry’ she says. If that was her holding back. What would she have done if she really cut lose?” Setsu grumbled just loud enough for Miles to hear but not the others.

“I don’t think we want to find out.” Miles answered.

“If we keep running into traps like this sooner or later one of us will end up dead.” Yoshi grumbled. “Time for the alchemists of today to end the reign of the alchemists of old, sisters.”

Akane, Kasumi, and Chikako just nodded their heads in agreement. The four teenagers stood straight, called on their combined alchemic power, and slammed their summoned staffs into the floor of the tunnel. Four rings of power raced down the length of the tunnel. Each ring a separate color. Each color represented the element of the user. Red for fire, blue for water, white for air, and yellow for earth. As the rings of power raced down the tunnel, they left glairing batches of power in their passing.

Miles looked over his shoulder at the four teenage alchemists. “I take that I shouldn’t step on or touch those patches of glowing light?”

“Miles you have a real knack for stating the obvious.” Chiyoko snarked then smiled behind her mask. “Though I believe there is more to the light show. How about you four? What is with the glowing patches?”

“I don’t know about the others, but I locked down any triggering mechanism related to air-based traps.” Answered a smiling Kasumi. “I’m pretty sure that Akane, Yoshi, and Chikako did the same for their elements.” The other three just nodded their heads smiling. “So long as we don’t touch those glowing patches, we won’t trigger the traps.”

“Looks like we have a clear path to the first Empress.” Miles grunted. “Well done my Ladies. Well done indeed.”

“We only have to worry about the living guards now.” Chiyoko reminded them all of that grim reality. “I believe something was said about Smoke wings, Onyx Cave Vipers, and Boulder Rats. Whatever those are.”

“Smoke wings are the nasty cousin of vampire bats. They will feed on their own in times of famine. Onyx Cave Vipers are a snake whose bight is a hundred times stronger than any other viper in the nation. One bight is enough to kill a bull Lava Bear.” Setsu answered Chiyoko question before shivering. “The worse of the three are the Boulder Rats.”

“Why?” Akane asked.

“Boulder Rats stand eight hands high at the shoulder. Weigh anywhere between eight to nine stones. Their bight is strong enough to snap clean through a man’s armored leg. Their claws are sharp enough to cut through the heaviest plate armor known to man. As for their hides. Well they’re not call Boulder rats for nothing. Only the keenest and strongest of blades can cut through their hides. The only good thing about Boulder Rats is their packs never number more than five and they’re very susceptible to fire. At least the ones back home are, anyway.” Ren answered for her mouther.

“Then they’ll most likely have the same weakness around here. Unless they’re some kind of mutant freak of nature.” Chiyoko grunted. “Let’s go people. We still have to find the Empress’s burial chamber. I have a feeling that we’ll pass each of the original Dragon Knights as we go deeper into the tomb.”

Chiyoko’s words were as true as they were prophetic. The first chamber they passed held Dykacrat’s rider. The man’s blood red armor marked him as the rider of the massive red majestic dragon. The eerie part it appeared as if the man was ready to march out of the tomb and into battle. The next chamber held Ygi’s rider in much the same manner. He too was still in his yellow armor ready for war. Deghia’s rider was next in his blue armor. Brikat’s rider was next followed by Qersiss’s rider. He was the last knight that lay in state within their own chamber.

As the group entered the final chamber, they were brought up short by the knight standing guard over the golden coffin of the First Dragon Empress. Not because he was standing, but because he actually moved to block their entrance into the chamber. Miles and Setsu fanned out to take the knight from both sides. Chiyoko and her sisters drew their Sourusureiyāzus. Each taking up position to protect their young Empress. The knight just stood there with his massive double headed battle axe at the ready. He never took another step forward. The knight just stood there looking at Ren until she moved between Chiyoko and her sisters.

“By the falling stars and raising sun. What is the first duty of the Empress?” The voice was a light, feminine, alto. That of a young woman in her twenties.

Ren didn’t know where the knowledge came from, but she answered with all her heart. “The Crown’s first duty is to the common people.”

“How should the Empress rule?” The knight asked. Only this time the voice was that of a grown man. A deep rich baritone.

“With mercy and honor.” Ren answered as she removed her helm. “Her face bear to the world holding no guile within her eyes or heart.”

“To where does the Empress place her loyalty?” The knight asked in the voice of the young woman again.

“To her people. Going down through the court nobles, to the shoguns then their daimyō. From the daimyo the loyalty is extended to the samurai and the peasantry. The peasants are more than just the farmers. They are also craftsmen, and merchants. They are life’s blood of any nation.” Ren answered hoping that she was right.

Chiyoko sheathed her Sourusureiyāzu and signaled for the others to put away their swords. She understood what was going on the moment the knight asked the first question. This was a test of Ren’s qualifications to rule. She would either pass or die at the hands of this Black Knight. Then only the Goddess knew what would happen. For some reason, an ancient tale from her home world came to mind. Only here it would not be a thousand knights who would ride forth to restore order to the Empire. It would be the six original Dragon Knights and their Dragon partners.

Ren had moved to stand in the center of the Empress’s chamber. With each question answered she became bolder and surer of her destiny. This was what she was born to become, the next Dragon Empress. The Black Knight of Ivadad never once wavered in his questioning of the teenage girl who would be Empress. He never lowered the massive battle axe. The few questions that Ren answered incorrectly the knight would admonish her then give the correct answer. The questions and answers continued for close to an hour.

The knight finally lowered the battle axe and step aside signaling the end to the test. The knight then gave Ren an unusual order. “Kneel before the First Dragon Empress, young Empress to be.”

Ren stepped to within a few feet of the Royal coffin. As she kneeled before it the sounds of screeching reached the chamber. Chiyoko reacted first. “Guard the chamber people. We got company coming. We need to buy time for Ren to take her vows as the next Dragon Empress. Stay here Setsu. It is your duty to stand as witness for the people and your daughter.”

All six of the Dragon Knights rushed into the antechamber to take up positions against the oncoming horde of death. The first to arrive were the Onyx Cave Vipers. Each snake as long as a battle lance and twice as thick. Chikako was the first to act as she drew her Sourusureiyāzu. Even as the massive black bastard sword cleared its scabbard she yelled.

“Vengefully dance Worm blade!” The very stone of the chamber rippled as spikes sprang up out of the floor impaling the snakes. Of the fifteen Onyx Cave Vipers that entered the room, none escaped impalement.

Not to be out done by her counter elemental sister Yoshie pulled one of the twin katanas at her waist. The half dead snakes were already turning to ice crystals as she called out. “Freeze them Morning Frost.”

With the threat of the Onyx Cave Vipers handled the small group took a deep breath. They did not have long to rest as the Smoke wings were now rushing through the only door. Chiyoko and Kasumi acted as one. Each drawing their katanas with a side draw cut.

“Sever Shining Moon.” Chiyoko shouted as she called on the power of the blade that was a gift from the Dragon God Prince Wolong. The air in front of Chiyoko’s slash flashed bright and flew across the room slicing through the Smoke wings as if they were nothing.

“Rage against the shores Heavenly Typhoon!” Kasumi’s katana blazed with a pure white light that reached out to turn those Smoke wings that escaped Chiyoko’s attack to dust. The sheer brute force of the twin attacks shattered the stones of the far wall.

Chiyoko looked over at the others. “Everyone fall back behind Akane.”

No one argued with her. They knew that the last group of animals were the deadliest. The Boulder Rats were coming and Akane had the only weapon that would harm the beasts. Akane stepped forward slowly drawing her Sourusureiyāzu the katana known as Hell’s Fire. When the four massive rats burst through the doorway Akane called on the power of the katana. “Reduce them to Ash Hell’s Fire!”

With one slash the unrelenting fires of Hell took hold of the rats. The smell of brimstone filled the chamber as the rats screamed. Within seconds they were reduced to little more than ash on the floor. Akane sheathed her sword and wiped the ash settling on her armor. “I have really got to get better control over that attack.”

“Do you think we’re safe for now, Chiyoko?” Miles asked from behind her.

“Don’t know Miles. I just hope that the young Empress has completed her little ceremony. Because I don’t think we can withstand more than two or three attacks like that last one.” Chiyoko answered honestly.

“Oh, I think that you ladies have far more left in you than you realize.” Miles said with a chuckle. The girls maybe inexperienced in the ways of their swords but they sure as hell knew how to call upon their full power.

From the chamber behind them came a booming voice that echoed out the tunnel and across the valley outside. A voice that would be heard all across the Yamanashi Prefecture. “The Empress Yuki Otani is dead. All hail the Empress!”

Chiyoko looked over at her sisters and Miles. “Welp. The cast has gathered, and the beer is chilled. Looks like it’s time to start the party.”

“All we need now is for the Emperor and his dogs to show themselves.” Miles snorted. “Where do you believe they will gather, Chiyoko?”

“In the only place in all of Sebun'airando that will ensure his control of the nation.” Chiyoko snarled. “The valley where the Battle of Dragons first occurred all those long centuries ago. Only this time things will be different. This time when the Dragon Kings show themselves. We reduce them to ash. We let none of them escape, even if we have to scour the nation island by island. We will end the reign of the Dragon Kings. This I swear before the Goddess Toyotama herself.”

“And should we fail?” Ren asked as she and Setsu joined them. “What then?”

Chiyoko turned to face her new Empress. Dropping down to one knee Chiyoko looked her in the eye. “Then we shall die on the battlefield, Empress.”


PS: Sorry for the late posting. I've had a problem logging in. Problem is now fixed thanks to the staff here at BC.

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Sammi's picture

might be that Dr. H Jones is about somewhere in this world

though the young Jones probably didn't have a pet dog, with which to be nicknamed for.

Though the H in this world would be Hasumi

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx

Quick! Hide the Chocolate covered carrots!

wolfjess7's picture

Chiyoko hide the chocolate covered carrots! Yushi put up a wall of water! Chikako make a trench around the house, Kasumi bring your fire and fill the trench. Akane have the winds blow the sent of the carrots way. We got CABBITS in the wire people! MOVE! MOVE! defend the carrots.

Dr. Jones it is your job to set the traps.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf


Lux Noctis to the rescue! Shades of the very old "Wolley Segap to the rescue" on black and white TV commercials in the 1950s!

I enjoy waiting to see what

I enjoy waiting to see what song she will use for her next spell. If she unleashes crazy train lookout.
What little wait we had was well worth it. Great chapter to another one of your very enjoyable stories.

Enjoying the mix of Snowfall

Beoca's picture

Enjoying the mix of Snowfall and DDS references (among others).

Death before dishonor........

D. Eden's picture

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;
Or close the wall up with our English dead.”

Chiyoko has the heart of a true warrior.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Famous quotes

wolfjess7's picture

“In the year of our Lord thirteen fourteen, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom.”

I prefer to think of Chiyoko more as a warrior poet.:)

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Rollicking Good

chapter Jess! I like the way you do action. Can I have some more, please? ;-p

Dragon Princess

I thought maybe there was a touch of Stasheff there too. The different bindings almost make me think of Chalker. It's a great series I eagerly await the next chapter.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.

I tip my hat

wolfjess7's picture

I tip my hat to you Siteseer. Both Stasheff and Chalker are favorites of mine. I will admit that they were both influences for this story and universe. Along with White, Moore, and Houston. All 5 authors were great writers of fantasy fiction. But one of my favorite fantasy writers is William S Pennbrook. (1943-1975) n his short carrier as a writer (4yrs) he published 4 books in a series called The Elements of Life. there was to be 2 more but his untimely death in a skiing accident at the Vale Ski resort brought an end to the books. I have looked for his books in used book stores and amazon but said they have all gone out of print.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf


Jamie Lee's picture

Now that Ren has been declared the next Dragon Empress, hopefully they get out of the tomb as easily as they entered.

Those kings think they will surprise the teens at the valley, but the teens seem to know where the fight will take place. Wonder how long the kings will last against the combined power the teen weld?

Others have feelings too.