Here is a topic key to many of us. Please take time to read it and share with others. Most importantly help get out the vote this election. Our vote is very important. This article appeared in today's LA Times, September 7, 2020
In six years, the hotline has answered more than 65,000 calls, with operators available 24/7.
Trans Lifeline was founded in 2014 by San Francisco software engineers Nina Chaubal and her partner, Greta Martela. Trans Lifeline says it is still the only hotline in the country staffed entirely by transgender operators. The 70 volunteer operators undergo 36 hours of online training.
The organization has grown consistently, with the first big jump in donations and calls coming just after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. “People were terrified,” said Elena Rose Vera, executive director of Trans Lifeline.
The Trump administration had just finalized a rule that would reduce protections for transgender patients from discrimination by doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies.
Stay ever vigilant!
The past few weeks have seen
a dramatic rise in dis-information political ads about about transgender. The Justice Department, in spite of recent rulings by the Supreme Court and lower Federal courts, continues to file suits and appeals specifically designed to deny transgender folks equal access and protection. That is also part of a larger effort to remove protections and safeguards for the LGBTQ community at large. Thanks for posting this!
Love, Andrea Lena