Like for Like. Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

On the way back to Hereford we discussed the situation and decided that the four TG girls we did have needed to be tested to see if they had been subjected to extra training. The problem would be that we didn’t know their individual code phrases.

It was lunch time when we arrived so we joined Wendy at the firing range where the instructors told us that she was good and would be ready for long gun training. We all had lunch and brought her up to date on the findings in Kent. I was then going to see just how good I had been trained. They had the results of my previous training to check against and I was not sure if I would be as good as I was then. My first go at a 25, 50 and 75 metre targets were all spectacular with each two shots from a standing position getting into the inner rings. They then set up the range without me looking on and gave me a 9mm with a full load and told me to wait until I was given the go order and to consider it as a live situation.

When I was given the order I spun around, bringing the gun up and saw that there were five man sized silhouettes at different distances and proceeded to empty my gun. There were gasps from the onlookers when the gunfire echoes faded as I had put two shots in each of the target heads in under six seconds. I ejected the clip, jacked the slide back and put the gun on the shelf. Taking my safety glasses and ear muffs off I said “That was fun”.

The Major told us to take a break while he made a couple of phone calls. I predicted that one would be to the chief to get the four TG girls to join us to see if they absorbed the training. Later in the day Wendy and I were taken to the rifle range on the army camp and I proceeded to put shots into the inner rings at longer and longer distances, ending up with a Barrett M99 snipers rifle and getting three in the inners at a thousand metres and more. The Armourer commented that I had been given the ability to breathe properly for a sniper as well as being able to gauge wind speed and direction. Wendy had run out of contention at around the four hundred metre mark.

We had a meal in the mess with some of the regiment who were at home for a while and then went back to the house for a sleep. The next morning we were joined by the chief and the four TG girls from their safe house. They were excited to be out and about after some weeks tucked away and even more so when they saw who they were having breakfast with. They all knew of the Sporty Twins and it helped break the ice. After we had eaten we took them into the lounge room and sat them down for a question and answer session.

I first asked them all how they had come to be in the position they were in now. The first to answer was Wanda, a good looking brunette and every inch a girl. She said that she had always thought of herself as a girl while she was growing up and that being the only child of a single mother she had been able to test out her feminine side, going out dressed to Gay clubs and TG dance clubs. She had been approached by another girl and asked if she would like to be transitioned for free. She would only have to work for her benefactor for five years and would be given training to allow her to work in a female oriented job. This was what she was doing when arrested.

The second to tell her story was Mallory, a similarly feminine redhead, whose own story was more of being forced to live as a boy by her father. She said that he had given her an air-rifle to try to get her to grow up more manly and was beaten for propping it in the corner of her bedroom with a plastic flower in the barrel. She was also spoken to at a TG dance club. The third was Jean, a bit of a tomboy-looking brown-haired beauty with a definite female weightlifters body. She said that she had been spoken to at a café where she had been having a coffee after a weight-lifting session and that the rest was similar to the others. The last was Valerie, a stunning blonde, who said that she had been on the game and had been approached by a man at her usual spot and offered good money and the chance to be a real woman, which she agreed to on the spot. None of these girls had been able to go and get their old belongings when they left.

I asked them about the operation, where it was done and what happened afterwards. They all had the one story here. They had all been taken to a doctors’ surgery where they had stripped, laid on a gurney and had been injected, not coming around until some weeks after that. They all reported that the scars were all fully healed and that they were able to immediately act like a normal girl and that there had been a small wardrobe of clothes for them to start with. They had all woken up at the same place, the house where they had been living when arrested. They all said that they had been dilated while sleeping and that one of the minders had made love to them within a week of waking. I remembered my own experience and realised that it was all part of being assured that we were women now.

I then asked them if they had any skills now that they knew they didn’t have before. They all said that they were better at typing, all of them being computer literate before, and Valerie said that she had noticed that she was far more aware of her surroundings now, which had all of the others nodding in agreement. I could see the Major looking very serious now; it was looking like the brainwasher was building a small army of assassins. I asked them if any of them had any experience with guns and it was only Mallory who nodded as she had the air-gun which she had never used. I then reached into my bag and brought out four pistols which I placed on the coffee table in front of them.

“Right” I said “these are standard issue 9mm pistols. They are semi-automatic and can empty the magazine in about eight seconds. They have nothing in the magazine or breech. Now, I want each of you to pick up a gun.” They all looked a bit strangely at me but did so, all picking up a gun as if they had been bred as soldiers. I asked them to close their eyes and field strip the weapon. In twenty seconds there were four piles of pistol parts on the coffee table. The chief was totally amazed at this as he had not yet been brought up to date with my own skills. I then asked them to open their eyes and reassemble the pistols, which was completed in less than thirty seconds, pretty good for a beginner.

It was now time for show and tell. I took the guns back and gave them to the Major. “Girls” I said, seriously “I have to tell you, in confidence, that I also had the operation you had and was known to have been subjected to brainwashing. I was also given the skills to work as a PA in an office as well as the ability to shoot very well. We will take you now to a pistol range where we will see just how well you can shoot”. I held my hand up “I know you think you have never shot before, but, believe me, I think you are going to be surprised at what you can do.”

We all got into an army truck the Major had called up and went to the pistol range. Wanda was first and I pointed to the Armourer standing behind her with a pistol in his hand. “This man has a loaded weapon in his hand. When we give you a gun and ammunition he has been ordered to shoot you if you swing your gun around and try to point it in any direction other than down the range. Your brainwashing has made you an assassin and we do not know if you have been given any orders yet, so we are making sure. Nothing personal about it and I would be sorry to have any of you shot as you all seem like nice girls.”

The Major put three man targets out at 50, 75 and 100 metres and I gave Wanda a pistol and magazine, stepping back quickly. She faced the range and loaded the gun, cocking it and bringing it up to put three shots in each target, all inside the rings. She then ejected the clip, jacked the last round out and put the gun down. I asked her why she didn’t fire the tenth round and she said that she deliberately left it for some reason. She was staggered when she saw the results of her shooting, as were all the other girls when they had fired their own guns. We all got back into the truck and, with the covers down so the girls could not see where we were going, we went to the rifle range. Here they all were easily able to match my results from yesterday.

The Major then said that he had set up a final test where the six of us would be finally set an interesting task. We went, again in the covered truck, to a place where they had a complete village built. The Major explained that this was where they trained troops going to Afghanistan. We were to start at one end of the village and were considered winners if we left at the other end. In between there were pop-up targets that only dropped again if they were hit in the inner ring. Every two seconds they were upright was considered enough time for one of us to be shot.

We were given a belt with webbing, carrying three extra magazines for the assault rifles we were also issued with, as well as a 9mm in a holster and four extra magazines for this. The Armourer said that we had so much ammunition because there were over fifty targets that are usually activated and allowances had been made for misses. He then told us that everything that happened in the village was recorded so that it could be played back later to tell us where we went wrong. He said that he would tell us over a loudspeaker if one of us had to leave.

We were offered a set of fatigues each but all elected to go in with our dresses on as fatigues would not feel right. Only Wendy was tempted but resisted the chance to be back in trousers. Again, it was only Wendy that started with the assault rifle in her hands; the rest of us had slung it on our backs and only held the pistol. We worked our way down the village street, shooting at targets as they popped up. In a couple of cases there was another target behind the first when it dropped again and several times there were simultaneous targets on either side of the street.

We finally made our way to the other end where we found that Wendy had gone through two and a half magazines for her rifle while each of the rest of us had shot two magazines of our pistols. We divested ourselves of the rifles, pistols and webbing belt, giving them to the Armourer who had a very strange look on his face as he took them from us, looking rather better when he made sure he had everything. If I had been asked, I would have said that he looked a bit fearful.

Marianne G 2020

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Looks like

Monique S's picture

these are some seriously dangerous girls. I wonder if they are going to find their trigger phrases and expect the left over round to be for the girl herself to eliminate any chance of capture.

Very intriguing!

Monique S

Quite a Bit More to Learn

I'm guessing the remaining bullet was to use on herself if required. Thanks for sharing.

My thoughts exactly........

D. Eden's picture

The last round is to be put into their own heads if they are activated. No loose ends left to be tied up.

The perfect assassins - a killing machine that disposes of itself after being used.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

They broke up more than sex ring

Jamie Lee's picture

Wow, those gals are more than pretty faces with office skills. Had any one of them been turned lose, someone would have died. And they may not have remembered killing the person. Neither might they have lived to be questioned, if their brainwashing was to kill themselves afterwards.

Others have feelings too.