Like for Like. Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The chief and the Major had a confab and it was decided that Wendy and I could ride with a police driver to do the pick-up. The armed response boys would find a spot near the house before we get there so they could clear the house afterwards.

We were given another pistol each, as well as a couple of Tasers and our driver was told how to act when we got to the Windsor destination. We also had a couple of the armed lads with radios. The Major took the location of the Kent premises and told the chief that he would put a team around it before we got there. We left the scene and I hugged Wendy, telling her that she had done well, so far. She was still a bit shaky and we spent the time travelling to bolster our nerves. While we were on our way we heard that the search team in the woods had discovered bodies in the mine shafts. Luckily we didn’t join them.

When we arrived at the house our driver pulled up outside and beeped the horn. They were obviously waiting for us as the front door was opened and two guys came out carrying a stretcher with someone on it. Wendy pushed both of the doors open and I jumped out with a Taser in each hand. The guys didn’t even have time to react before I zapped them. As they dropped I dropped the Tasers and took the pistol Wendy gave me and we rushed into the house.

I could hear the armed boys pulling up outside as we entered. There was a goon in the hallway trying to pull his gun from his waistband. It looks good but it does slow one down in a tight situation. One of our companions took him out before he could get it free and we carried on into the house. I didn’t find anyone else on the ground floor and left the upper floors to the tactical boys. When they came down they had one of the detectives from the yard who looked scared. I told the inspector to take particular care of this one as he was one of ours who had gone over to the dark side.

When I got back to the front door Wendy was organising the help for the lad on the stretcher. Our back-up ambulance had arrived and she was telling the paramedics what the kid may have been subjected to and they made notes before taking him away. Another had turned up for the guy we had shot. The chief arrived now and told us that things were looking good for the Kent premises.

Before we left, I looked at as many of the ambulance GPS locations as I could and we listed about six that seemed likely houses. The chief got on to his radio and organised simultaneous raids as we raided the Kent place. Wendy and I got back in the ambulance with our two armed friends and we headed for Kent, now sporting a pair of assault rifles ourselves. As we drove, the radio was alive with chatter, letting us know that teams were getting into place at all of the locations. The Major came on to tell us that the house in Kent was a big place with new outbuildings. He had already got some of his men close to the doors and would be ready when we arrived. He told us that there was an armed guard at the gate who was wearing body armour. There were armed guards at the back, by the outbuildings.

I opened the hatch between us and our driver and asked him to pull over and let one of us into the passenger side. Wendy said “You are not having all the fun” and took a Taser with her when she left me in the back. I looked out of the back window as we pulled away again as there was a convoy of cars behind us, filled with coppers armed to the teeth. Wendy got the driver to have his window right down when we arrived and to make sure he was very slow as he went past the guard. It worked well as the gate was opened for us and she rose up from her crouched position just as the guard realised that he didn’t recognise our driver. The Taser barbs in his neck put him down before he could react. We carried on and the convoy followed us to the building. I heard the chief call ‘Go’ on the radio as we pulled up to the front doors. We piled out of the back and joined Wendy as we got to the door, which was swinging open. There was a goon there and I hit him in the head with the rifle stock as we went through. I could hear the SAS and our tactical guys behind me and thought I heard some gunfire from around the back.

We went through the house like a whirlwind and went faster when I saw a sign pointing to the operating theatre. I burst in as the surgeon was about to make the first slice on a lads genitals. She had not heard the commotion because of the music she was playing while she worked. She had fury in her eyes as she turned towards me, bringing the scalpel up and snarling “You!!” So I shot her from the hip with the bullet going up through her body and ending in the ceiling. I swung the rifle towards the assistants and said “there is a round in this for each of you if you do not do what I say. Bring that lad around as easy as you can and the rest of you on the floor with your hands on your heads.” Actually, one of the nurses had already slumped to the floor in a dead faint. Wendy and I kept the peace here while the team went through the whole place. The chief came in and said ‘You didn’t have to kill her” I told him that she had a knife in her hand and that the last time she had done that near me I had lost my balls. The tactical guys with us nodded with a grimace.

After a couple of hours we were gathered in the main dining room for a de-briefing. The chief said that the surgeon had been a well-respected one in the battle injury field and most of our captives were her team. He said that initial questioning found that they were all in it for the experience but mainly for the money. They had found two other lads in side rooms that had been pre-prepped for their own operations and all were being looked after before they were returned to their families. This meant the one we were to pick up had been number four.

The boss of the SOCO team came in and reported that they had found a computer in the office that looked like it had a full description of everyone who had been worked on here as well as the results of all the criminal activities. The chief got a phone call to tell him that the other six raids had done well, resulting in the arrest of a number of gang members as well as the recovery of ten girls who were demanding to know why they were being arrested. The Major had a big grin on his face when he got back to us and he told us that the house and outbuildings had been classified as top secret and that he had a fun time ahead for the next few years.

The tactical inspector took yet another gun from me and I also surrendered my pistol, as did Wendy. The chief took us home in his car and, on the way, told us that we had cracked a big one and everyone will be very happy about the result. He looked at me and added “Especially as we do not have to have a trial with the surgeon; that would have been a real bun fight in the papers.”

When we got to the flat we let ourselves in and undressed. I said, “I love you, whether you are Gwen or Wendy.” She said “I love you too, Beth, and the new me would have been able to love Ethan as well.” At that we cracked up and fell into bed to release the tensions of the day. The next day we had a scheduled photo shoot and were well dressed and looking like a million dollars as we went to the location, having a good day in front of a camera.

Eventually all the hullabaloo died down and we had a meeting with the chief. Our part in the action had been kept secret and he handed us both official letters that showed that a committee had decided that all of the kills we had made had been rightful. He then gave us an invitation card each to a presentation of medals the next day in Whitehall. After that he gave us both a packet which had the proper certificates and other paperwork in each of our new names. He explained that strings had been pulled and that we were now officially Bethany and Wendy and I was also the owner of the five flats on our floor. The gang had put my name on the paperwork so that I could be set up as a fall guy if things went bad for them. The last thing he gave us was our promotion papers. We were both now Detective Inspectors (Acting). He said that this would give us a better pension when we resign but not to do so until after the medal presentation.

The next day we dressed carefully in modest skirts, hose and jackets and made our way to the address in Whitehall. It was not a big affair as we were still technically under cover but the records would show that DS Gwen Leeds and DS Bethany David were recipients of the Police Medal for Bravery. A high level politician pinned them on our lapels and shook our hands. At the cocktail party afterwards we had some interesting conversation with the politician who praised us for, not only our bravery, but also for our beauty and poise. He told us that his daughters were fans of ours and he was sad that he wasn’t able to tell them about meeting us. I promised to send him invitations to our next big fashion show that he could pretend came about through his office.

On our way home I turned to Wendy as we sat in the taxi and said “Well, it looks like all we have to do is resign, now.” She said that it would be a wrench but she didn’t think that her career could get any more exciting than the last case. We held hands quietly until we got home. As we went into the flat I said that as we were now landlords we had better get some tenants in to add to the income and she said that we would need that when the modelling was over. I held her close and told her not to worry as we had a lot of modelling to come, in the years ahead, together.

Marianne G 2020.

This was the original end to the story but I started thinking about it and decided that there was more to say, so it continues for a few more chapters.

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I’m glad to see.......

D. Eden's picture

That Wendy and Beth appear to be ending up together. Just once it is nice to see a couple end up together, and not be a part of some twisted open arrangement.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Plenty of Action in this Series

Thanks for sharing. I thought this would likely be the last posting of this one. I'm glad you've found a bit more to share regarding these characters.

Doctor got doctored

Jamie Lee's picture

Those three scum bags helped solve cases of others who were missing. It's always the cocky ones who end up causing the downfall of the entire operation. None of those vehicles should have had a GPS in them, it became the Achellies heel of the organization.

That doctor getting killed was fitting, she had no regard for others, so why regard her life important. She made her bed and reaped the rewards.

Wendy and Beth should be together, they are after all partners. Gwen was going through the motions of living until she had to be Wendy with Beth. It was only then that she really started to live and be happy.

Why were the building classified after the raid? Did they find machinery of some kind, used to brainwash their victims? Or was it something altogether different?

And might something come up which puts Wendy and Beth again undercover? It might be good to hang on to the girls, they make a great undercover team. And modeling is a good cover.

Others have feelings too.