Like for Like. Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Back in London we were working hard and everything seemed going well. I had not been contacted by the gang so I thought that I may be free of them. A couple of weeks later the chief let us know that the Scottish project had been wound up after the target had been sent to a retreat in the hills.

All three girls were in custody, the man had been shocked at how he had been led and the Major was busy transporting another batch of mind-bending machines to his HQ. The staff at the retreat had all been taken into custody and interviews were progressing. All in all it was a successful break-through.

We made sure that we stayed alert and Wendy had noticed a couple of odd men looking at us. Having men look at us was not unusual but it was when they ducked out of sight when we looked directly at them. A couple of weeks later we heard that Julia, Tess and Toni were in a French prison being interrogated and that the financier was in hospital being treated for attempted suicide. The French police raided a clinic just outside Paris but were unable to arrest anyone because they had either bitten a suicide pill or had been killed in the gun battle that occurred. The Major was unhappy that the French Secret Police had snaffled his prize equipment before he could get to it.

We had taken to wearing jeans and boots during our home time and it made the cross over bags look more natural. Mine had a dangle off the strap which looked like a doll but was an alarm button, which I had to press once for ‘track me’ and twice for ‘help’. We both carried the guns all the time with a full load plus one in the chamber so were ready to defend ourselves to the end, if need be. It all came to a head as we were sitting at a table outside a local café and I looked up the road to see an ambulance held up in the traffic. “Look sharp, Wendy” I whispered “I think we are about to go for a ride.”

Just then a guy came out of the café with a topcoat draped over his shoulders. He looked like an extra from a mafia movie but it turned serious when he showed us the Uzi sub-machine gun he held under the folds of the coat. “Just stay calm, ladies, you are going for a ride in the nice ambulance that is coming down the road.” He growled. We kept our silence as the ambulance pulled up and a guy opened the back doors from inside before going back into the vehicle. Our gun toting chap told us to get in and take a seat on either side of the vehicle and to stay quiet. We could see the one who opened the doors had made himself comfortable near the front, with an assault rifle pointing at us. The Mafiosi kept well back as we got in and only climbed in himself when we were wearing our seatbelts. As he closed the doors we pulled away and headed for our ‘final’ destination.

This was confirmed when the chap with the rifle started gobbing off, saying “the boss wanted us to knock you out when we took you but we decided to have a bit of fun with you before we shoot you. You have cost the gang dearly and there are a few of my friends who are dead now because of you, bitch.” He snarled, looking at me. “I told the boss not to give you the treatment but just to put you in your car when it went into the quarry. But no, she wanted to ‘have a little fun’ with you.” They were so sure of themselves they didn’t think about searching our bags.

We headed North West out of the city and I rearranged myself in my seat, giving my fob a single push as I shifted the bag onto my lap. They stayed quieter now but were giving both of us some very close inspection, as if they were deciding which part to eat first. At last the ambulance pulled into a side lane and drove up to the edge of a wooded area. From where I sat I saw a sign proclaiming that there were open mines in the area and to keep out. We pulled up in a clearing and the driver got out and came around the back to open the doors. He said “Got a text, when we are finished here we need to go to the Windsor house to pick up a new one.”

The guy with the Uzi climbed out and moved back from the doors, the Uzi now in full view. He told us to unbuckle and get out, slowly, which we did. When we were moved away from the doors the one with the assault rifle also got out and told the driver to get back into his seat and keep the engine running. I thought that they were very careful but were far too cocky for their own good. Wendy and I were ordered to start walking along a track into the wood and not to make any moves to escape as we would be shot.

As we walked I heard the two of them behind us discussing what they were going to do before they threw us into a mine shaft. We got to a bend in the track which put us out of sight of the ambulance and I said quietly “give it a few seconds and have a look at your nice shiny watch, then cry out and let me put my arm over your shoulder”. This she did and when I put my arm over her shoulder she told me that the reflection in her polished watch face had shown that the guys were strolling along with their guns pointing down. While we were close she used her, now hidden, right hand to open both our bags and she took her gun out. I said “see that muddy bit in the track up ahead, when we get there we go either side and then use maximum force.

It worked like a dream, the goons were so taken in the idea that we were theirs; they stayed as they were when we separated. I put my right hand in my bag and, as we got away from each other I said “Two, One, Go!” and we spun around in unison and fired. Wendy put two into the body of the rifle carrier and I put two into the head of the machine gunner. They both dropped like stones. I picked up the rifle and checked that it was in working order and told Wendy to give me thirty seconds and the to limp out of the wood to head for the ambulance calling out for help.

I used my thirty seconds to sprint into the cover of the trees and find a position where I could see the front of the ambulance. On cue Wendy came out from the wood with a pronounced limp and crying for help. As expected, the driver pulled out a gun and got out of his cab to deal with her. I waited until he was well clear of the vehicle and I shot him in the head with a three shot burst. His head exploded like a pineapple at the range. I then pressed the call button twice.

While we were waiting we held each other close and I asked Wendy if she had used her gun before, to which she replied that she had not and would be happy never to do it again. After a few minutes the armed response team screamed up and tumbled out of their van, taking up defensive positions. I laid the rifle on the ground and we put our pistols down as well. The Inspector in charge came up to us and asked how he may be of help, to which I replied that there was a couple more bodies along the track and that I thought that the mine shafts in the wood could do with a looking at. He took possession of our pistols and the rifle for the incident report as we knew we would be interviewed later about shooting someone.

We sat on the back ledge of the ambulance while his team did their thing. They were quite excited at the Uzi as it would be a good one to keep. After about a half hour the chief joined us, with the Major not far behind. We told him what had happened and he went to look at the three bodies himself. The Major told me that my skills had not departed when I changed sex, an interesting fact that he had wondered about. When everyone was happy I told the chief about the pick-up that the driver had mentioned and wondered if we could take the trip ourselves. We had a look at the driving cab and found a very nice GPS unit. Working through recent trips we found the location of the Windsor house, as well as a location in Kent that seemed to be the origin and destination of a lot of trips.

Marianne G 2020

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Brittany and Wendy were underestimated by the thugs to their doom. Sounds like they are very close to a showdown with the boss. Thanks for sharing.

One of the big differences........

D. Eden's picture

Between the UK and the US, is that in the UK no one ever expects a victim to be armed - which obviously makes it much easier to hang on to a purse and surprise the perpetrators.

In the US, the odds are much greater that the victim is armed. It may not be a firearm, but mace or pepper spray are pretty common for women here.

Of course, if you let me keep my purse there is a nice little Colt .32 semiautomatic inside it. And if you catch me in the car, well, Mr. Colt made a real nice .45 caliber semiautomatic nominally known as an M1911.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Weak bitches, ha!

Jamie Lee's picture

Stupid criminals often think about women with their small head, and never give it a thought of maybe getting their butts kicked by the women they've taken.

A woman does need a firearm to be deadly, provided they've had proper training. A guy gets close enough, a nail file or mechanical pencil, or pen, can be deadly. The trick is to keep cool and wait for the right moment. Or create the right moment.

The girls did good, and three goons won't be making any more pickups or deliveries. Now if the girls just don't get raked over the coals for shooting those three scum bags.

Others have feelings too.

Head Shots

Make for fewer messy trials, but it also makes for no information from interrogation. Heads you lose but tails you also lose.

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin