Jason's Story - Part 7

Jason's Story

by Kristine Roland

Chapters 24 - 25. The continuing story of Jason, a young boy that is coming to terms with his transgender nature, and his mostly supportive family.

Emily broke free of her mother’s hand and ran into the living room, seeing Jason she stopped in her tracks. “Jason! Oh… You look so pretty in that dress.”

Chapter 24

“Ok Kelly, let’s go get you ready for the evening.” Julie said. Julie and Jason headed into his room, and Jason retrieved his clothes.

“I had to do a quick change, back into boy clothes to come out and greet your Mom.” Jason told her sheepishly.

“Yeah, that outfit would have had my mother’s head spinning,” she laughed.

Jason went into the bathroom, got changed and came back into his bedroom.

“So Kelly, do you want me to teach you how to do what I did for you last week? I know it’s not perfect, but it is a start?”

“Yes. I would love to.”

“We are going to need a mirror. I know you don’t have one yet, and I could not sneak mine over here. Let me go ask your Mom if she has something we can use.”


Julie went and found Kristine. “Do you have a mirror that Kelly and I can borrow? I want to teach her how to do what I did for her last week.”

“I don’t have a portable mirror. I usually get ready in our bathroom, you saw it last week when we got the hair dryer.”

“Oh. Yes, I guess if I had a bathroom like that I wouldn’t be doing mine at my desk.”

“Well, the double vanity is nice. Particularly when you are married, I get my side, Richard has his. And since the shower and toilet have their own little room, it is very convenient in the morning.”

“I can imagine. I have to share a bathroom with my brother. Ewww.”

“I guess I am going to have to pick up a makeup mirror for Kelly. Tell you what; the guest room has a dresser with a large mirror. Take a couple of chairs in there to work.”

“Ok. Thanks, Mrs. Anderson.”

“No problem.”

Julie went and got Kelly, and they grabbed some chairs from the kitchen and brought them into the guest bedroom. Julie worked with Jason showing him what she had done last week. She made Jason do it himself, and they would clean it off and keep doing it until he got it right. Kristine came in to check on them after a while, and sat down on the edge of the bed and kibitzed. Kristine made a note of what Julie had used, so that she could pick Jason up his own supplies.

They were still sitting in the guest bedroom, mostly done but talking about various make up techniques and what was appropriate for what situations and generally just laughing and having a good time, when Richard came in looking for them.

“Hello ladies, I was wondering where you all were hiding.”

“Oh… Hi honey, I’m sorry we did not hear you come in.”

“Hi Dad.”

“Hello Mr. Anderson.”

Kristine got up and gave her husband a hug. “I had planned on making that roast for dinner tonight, but I did not get it in the oven. Kelly and I had some things to talk about and then Julie got here, and I’m afraid, we are going to have to save that for tomorrow night. Any objection to pizza?”

“No, that’s fine with me, Kris”


Julie and Jason both said they were fine with pizza. After confirming that everyone liked pepperoni, Kristine said, “I’ll go call in the order.”

Richard went to get changed into comfortable clothes. Jason and Julie put away Julie’s make up supplies, and brought the chairs back to the kitchen. They then went ahead and set the table for dinner. Kristine said that it would be nice to have some salad with the pizza, and asked if they would toss it.

They both agreed, and Jason and Julie worked together chopping the various ingredients. They soon had the salad together and on the table. It wasn’t too long before the doorbell rang and the pizzas were delivered. Jason made sure to stay out of site as his mother answered the door and paid for the pizza.

After dinner, they all went into the family room, and Kristine said, “I think we should let Julie pick tonight’s movie. Any objections?”

Richard and Jason both agreed. Jason showed Julie to the cabinet with the Anderson’s fairly extensive DVD collection. Julie looked through, and came across one that made her laugh. “I think it has to be this one.”

As she took the DVD out and showed it, Richard and Kristine both laughed, and Jason blushed. She was holding up Tootsie.

“Ok, Tootsie it is then.” Richard took the DVD and popped it into the machine.

Julie sat next to Jason on the couch, took his hand and whispered, “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine. If I couldn’t laugh about it, I don’t know what I would do. Besides it could have been Mrs. Doubtfire, at least Dustin Hoffman looks pretty decent as a woman.” Jason assured her.

Julie laughed and said, “Especially in that red dress on the cover. I’ve never actually seen this movie, but I’ve heard about it. Mom had a crush on Dustin Hoffman. We were watching this weird movie, Stranger than Fiction, and Mom was drooling over him. Dad was teasing her about him in Tootsie.”

With that they settled down and watched the movie.

When the movie was over, Jason had to get changed again, and clean the makeup off his face. Kristine and Julie made sure that he did not miss anything, and they brought Julie home. Jason again walked her to the door, said goodnight, and waited for her to go inside.

Later that night Richard and Kristine were in their room getting ready for bed.

“Well, what do you think? Are we doing the right thing here?”

“Yes, I think we are. I had never really seen it before, but there really is a girl inside of Jason, dying to get out. It is not just the clothes. Sitting in there with Julie and him, it was just like when I was a girl hanging out with my friends. If we try to stifle that, what will it do to him?”

“I don’t know hon. I don’t want to lose my son.”

“Richard, Jason will always be your son, no matter what happens, even if he ultimately becomes your daughter. You know he is still going to enjoy ball games, and hockey and the other things that you two have shared. And I know we were worried about him finding someone to spend his life with, but maybe that is not as impossible as we thought. Look at Julie. She is really wonderful. I know they are only fourteen. But it just shows that there are girls out there that won’t spurn him. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

“I know that, Kris. I will handle it, you know that.”

“I do, because you are a great father. We have a bigger and more immediate problem to deal with.”

“Oh… What is going on?”

Kristine filled him in on what had been going on with Jason and Brad.

“Well, I guess he knows how to be a man.”


“I’m not saying that as a knock. I’m actually proud of him for standing up to this kid. He is going to need that strength if he is going to face the world, especially if he ever comes out as Kelly.”

“Rich, he has to find ways to deal with things without having to fight.”

“I know, Kris that is not what I’m saying. He hasn’t fought. He has just shown this kid his inner strength, and has the guy thinking about whether it is worth it or not. Now he needs something to help diffuse the situation. This kid isn’t likely to back down. I do think it is time we had a chat with the principal on Monday, although Jason is right, they can’t be everywhere and it is likely to make the kid more determined, I think it has to go on the record that we know about the situation and we will press charges if this kid lays a hand on Jason. I suggest we go there on our way to work.”


Chapter 25

Jason got up in the morning, and got ready for baseball practice. His mother dropped him at the field, and told him she would be back in time to pick him up. Jason kept his mind on the drills. When it was his turn for batting practice, he found he was able to focus on the ball better than he had the year before. He was taller, and he could reach the balls on the outside of the plate better than before and he was stronger, so he was hitting the ball harder.

Coach Osborn was impressed with the improvement in Jason’s hitting, and told him “You are going to surprise some people this year Jason. Your bat speed has definitely improved, and your reach. If you can get some time in a batting cage, you are going to be a pretty good hitter.”

“Thanks Coach! I’ll talk to my dad about it.”

Kristine picked up Jason after practice. They went back to the house and Jason grabbed his new bathrobe and took a shower. When he was finished, on his way into his room his mother told him, “Kelly, we have to run to the mall, so please hurry and get dressed.”

Jason was a little disappointed because he was going to have to dress in his boys’s clothes. When he was ready he asked his mother, “What are we going to the mall for Mom?”

“A couple more outfits for Kelly, and a new dress for tonight.”

“Oh! Why?”

“Because you really need a couple of more things for the evenings, and I want you to really look nice tonight for Sally and Emily. Of course if you don’t want to….”

“No… I want to, just wasn’t expecting it. Thanks Mom!”

“We are going to go to the mall in Springfield though, so we have to get moving.”

“Not taking chances. Look at how well the last one worked out.” Jason said.

“No, not taking any more chances. We won’t get that lucky next time.”

“I know Mom. I’m just kidding.”

They made the hour drive to the mall in Springfield. They headed into the mall and headed to the juniors section and started in the dress section.

They had to rule out a lot of them. Kristine said quietly to Jason, “Kelly, you need something that has sleeves and full front coverage. I don’t know how well a strapless bra would work for you, and you need something to hold up your breasts.” That ruled out a lot of the dresses that they came across, and they were getting discouraged when they found a dress that Kristine thought might just be perfect. “Kelly, this may be exactly what we are looking for.”

The dress she was holding was a ruched turtleneck, draped little black dress. It had puffy cap sleeves, and ruching throughout. It had a flyaway panel on the left hip.

“This would be your first LBD. But there is no way to be sure without trying it on for size. It looks like it is sized kind of small.”


“Little Black Dress. It would be overkill normally, but we are looking to make tonight special. I’ll dress up, too. Sally and Emily are already planning on dressing nicely, because I warned her.”

“How can I possibly try that on?”

“Come on.” She took the dress, and they headed over to the boys section. She grabbed several pairs of jeans, and said loudly, “Jason, come on I need you to try these jeans on.” She took him into the boys changing room. They found an empty stall, she handed the jeans and the dress in, “Ok, try on the jeans.”

Jason went into the room, put the jeans aside and got undressed, and put the dress on.

Kristine said, “Are you ready?”


Kristine made sure no one was around, and said, “Open the door, let me see.”

Jason opened the door, and Kristine went in with him. “Ooh… that looks great. Turn around.”

Jason turned around slowly.

“Ok, that works. Go ahead and get back in your regular clothes.” She opened the door a smidge, checked that no one was right outside, and then stepped back out.

Jason took off the dress put on his clothes and grabbed the jeans and folded the dress. He opened the door, his Mom quickly took the clothes, and they headed back to the juniors section, dropping the jeans back on the shelf as they passed.

They then looked for some other tops. They found several more cute tops and a couple of more capris in different colors.

They also stopped at the drug store in the mall and picked up the cosmetics that Julie had used, and a lighted makeup mirror.

“We are going to have to pick up a different pair of shoes for you, though. Here we go again.” They headed into another shoe store. Kristine grabbed some footies, and they looked for some shoes that would go with the LBD. They found a strappy pair of sandles, with a fairly low 2  ¼ inch heal. Black with rhinestones along the upper straps.

Jason tried them on, while Kristine kept a look out for others. He stood on them, it was clear that they fit, so he quickly changed back to his sneakers.

They stopped and grabbed a snack at the food court, and headed out to the car.

On the way home, they talked about their escapade in the changing room.

“I have never been so nervous in my life, Mom.” Jason admitted. “But it was exhilarating.”

“I know what you mean, and I said this morning, no more risks! But that dress really does look good on you, and it will work with a regular bra.”

When they got home, Jason got changed into one of her new tops and capri pants, and came out to help her Mom with getting dinner started. They were having the roast that they did not have the night before. Jason was asked to work on peeling potatoes. His Mom prepared the roast, and put it in the oven, then came and helped Jason finish with the potatoes. Jason ran the vacuum for his mom, and she went and worked on finishing the laundry, she had started that morning while Jason was at practice.

Jason’s father came home. While he did not always work on Saturdays, he had been putting in a little bit of time for the last couple of months on a big project.

“Kelly, it’s time to get ready, Sally and Emily will be here soon. Richard, get cleaned up, and we are having a formal dinner tonight, please.”

Richard said, “Oh, what is the occasion?”

“Sally and Emily will be meeting Kelly for the first time, so we are going to make it right.”

“Ok. Sounds like a reasonable excuse for a party to me.”

Jason went into his room, got out his new dress, and removed the tags. He put on a slip, and hose. Then he sat at his desk, and pulled the mirror out of its box. He put on his makeup, just as he had learned last night from Julie. It took him a couple of tries, but he finally got it as close as he could.

He put the cosmetics and the mirror into one of the drawers in his desk.

His mother knocked on the door. “Kelly, can I come in?”

“Sure, Mom.”

She came in and saw Jason in his slip just getting up from putting on his makeup. “Oh good you remembered that you needed to do that before you put the dress on. Now be very careful as you pull it on, so you don’t get makeup all over it.”

She helped him to pull it on safely. He put on his sandals, and had to struggle a bit for balance.

“Kelly, you look really nice. We really need to do something more about your hair, but it is simply going to have to do for tonight.”

“Thanks Mom.”

Kristine was wearing one of her little black dresses as well. It was a sheer-neck beaded dress. “Mom, you look really good too.”

“Thanks Kelly.”

They headed out to the living room, where Richard was waiting for them. Richard was turning on the lights, as it was a little dark in the living room with the drapes closed. He was wearing his black suit and a tie, when he turned and saw Jason, he said, “Oh my. Kelly, you look.. Really nice.” Jason could see the surprise in his eyes, and he wasn’t sure how he should take that. He decided it was a complement, and said, “So do you Dad.” Jason carefully walked into the living room, gave his father a hug.

He took his arm and walked him over to the recliner to sit. Jason, carefully sat making sure to keep his skirt from getting caught up.

“So, Kristine, how is this going to be done? Is Sally going to talk to Emily before they get here, I would think that would be better than having Emily just seeing Kelly without any warning?”

“Yes, Richard. Sally and Emily were going to discuss it today. Sally called just a little bit ago, and told me that she had sat down with Emily this afternoon to discuss it. She said that Emily asked a lot of questions, but that she had been very proud of her. They also talked about how some people might not approve of Jason, and Emily immediately brought up Tom and what he had said at Billy’s birthday. So they talked about how it was important that we only talk about Kelly with people that know her. Sally asked her if she wanted to meet Kelly, and Emily was quite sure that she did. Then Sally told her they were going to get all dressed up, like for a fancy party and come to our house and meet Kelly. Emily was quite happy; you know she loves to dress up.”

Richard chuckled, “Yes. Well good for her then. Kristine, since this is a party, would you care for a cocktail?”

“I believe that I would.”

“I’ll make a Shirley Temple for you Kelly.”

“Thanks Dad.”

A few minutes later the doorbell rang. Kristine went to answer the door, and let Sally and Emily in. Jason stood up, and waited for them to come into the living room from the front hallway. He could hear Emily saying, “Where is Kelly? Am I gonna meet her now?”

“Emily, please be patient. You will meet her in just a minute.” Aunt Sally said to her daughter.

“Kris, is Kelly ready for us?”

“Yes, she is right here in the living room. Emily, she has been really looking forward to meeting you.”

Sally and Emily followed Kristine into the living room. Sally had a bag that she brought in with her, with a box wrapped in pink paper with bright ribbons.

Emily broke free of her mother’s hand and ran into the living room, seeing Jason she stopped in her tracks. “Jason! Oh… You look so pretty in that dress.”

Sally said, “Emily, when Jason is dressed like that he would prefer it if you would remember to call him Kelly.”

“That’s ok Aunt Sally. That may take Emily a little getting used to, I have to think about it myself still. Emily, thank you. I feel pretty in this dress. I really like it, and I hope that you do too. You are very pretty in your dress tonight as well. And you too, Aunt Sally.”

“Thank you Kelly. I have a gift for you. Maybe you and your Mom and I can head into your room and you can open it. It’s not something you are going to want to open out here.” Sally looked over at Jason’s father.

“oh… Ok.”

“Emily, you wait here. Perhaps Uncle Richard can fix you a Shirley Temple like the one that Kelly is drinking, would you like that?”

“Yes, Mommy. Would you please Uncle Richard?”

“Of course, come with me, Emily.”

Emily went off with Jason’s father, and Sally, Kristine and Jason went to his bedroom.

Sally handed him his present.

Jason took it, and sat down at his desk. He carefully removed the bow, and the ribbon, and then peeled back the wrapping paper. There was a plain off white box, without any markings. He opened the lid, and he saw two forms that looked like his gel pads, but bigger.

Kristine said, “Sally, you shouldn’t have… Those are expensive.”

Sally said, “Kelly, your Mom mentioned that the pads she bought really were not the right size for a girl your age. I spoke to a friend of mine that has a shop that caters to a variety of people and he was able to give me a good deal on these. Kristine, I got them at his cost, it was not nearly as expensive as you think it was. I wanted to do this for my new niece. They should only be about a small B on you Jason, but they will seem huge to you I’m sure.”

Jason had to remove his dress in order to put them on, so he carefully pulled it back up over his head. He removed the gel pads, and put them in their box, and put in his new fuller forms. These fully filled the cups on his bra. They felt heavy, and he could feel an actual pull on the straps of his bra, that he had not really felt before. As he moved, he could feel them moving as well. They felt wonderful.

Jason put his dress back on, then he said, “Aunt Sally, Thank you so much!” He hugged her tight.

“You are welcome, Kelly. It is my pleasure.”

They headed back out into the living room. Richard’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw Kelly’s new features. Emily said, “Jason.. I mean Kelly you got Boobies!”

“Emily!” Sally said, “You know we don’t discuss other people like that.”

“I’m sorry Mom. I’m sorry Kelly.” Emily looked like she was going to cry over being scolded.

“It’s ok, Emily. It is a bit of a change.”

“I’ll say.” Richard said quietly. Jason looked at his father, but did not reply. His father mean time shook it off and said, “Sally here is your drink. Kelly you still have yours, and Kristine?” They all showed him their drinks. “Then, let us drink to Kelly. Welcome to our world, may you find peace and happiness, wherever life takes you.”

“Here, here.” Sally said in reply, and everyone but Jason raised their glasses to Jason, and drank.

Jason said, “Thank you, and may I say, To Family, the strength that makes it all possible.”

To that they all took a sip from their drinks. They sat in the living room and talked about things. Emily started to get antsy, so Jason took her into the family room and they set up the Playstation. He let her pick a game and then played along with her.

“Kelly, why do you want to be a girl?” Emily finally asked.

“I don’t know Emily. I just do sometimes, other times I’m happy enough being a boy. But it’s just something I need to try out, because there is this part of me that has always felt off.”

“It’s not because of what Tom said to you is it? Boys can play with dollies too.”

Jason smiled, “I know that Em. This has been coming a long time before that conversation. I’m doing this for me, not for Tom or anyone else.”

“Good. What about your girlfriend Julie? Does she like Kelly?”

“Yes she does. That is kind of what got us together. She found out about Kelly, and she decided she wanted to be my friend. Then she decided she liked me as more than just a friend and so she was happy to be Jason’s girlfriend.”

“Is Jason going away?”

“I don’t know, Emily. Not right now, and maybe never. But even if I were to become Kelly permanently, the part of me that is Jason, and that loved his little cousin and enjoyed playing games with her, is never going to go away.”

“Good. I could not like Kelly if she was going to hurt Jason, and so far I really like Kelly.”

“I like you too, Emily. In fact, I love you, just as much as Kelly as I do when I am Jason.” He reached over and they hugged.

“Mommy says I can’t tell anyone about you.”

“Well, it would be best if you didn’t. Some people don’t understand. Like Aunt Jessica and Tom. What do you think they would say?

“I think they would be mean, just like Tom was.”

“Yes, and they don’t really need to know, at least not for now.”


“Thanks Em. I love you.”

“You too, Kelly.”

Sally came in and said that it was time for dinner. She sent Emily off to wash her hands. “How you doing Kelly?”

“I’m pretty good. Thanks for everything Aunt Sally.”

“Nothing to thank me for, I haven’t done anything.”

“Yes you have. You have shown me love, and support, and I think that you have helped my parents as well.”

“Maybe a little, but they were already on the right track. Let’s go eat, I’m starving.”

They sat at the table, enjoying a nice meal of roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans some salad and cornbread. Then they headed back out to the living room, Emily was getting tired, so they put her in the recliner, with her portable DVD player and headphones.

The others spent the evening just enjoying each other’s company. Jason enjoyed just being there, nobody really treating him any differently based on how he was dressed. He just was himself.

When it was time, Sally gathered up Emily, gave them all kisses, and said goodnight.

Jason headed into his room, got ready for bed and quickly fell asleep. It had been a long but good day.

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