I'm sorry to say I'm probably 2 weeks away from having anything new up. A number of events in real life have drained my writing spoons, just when I was making some progress on several ideas.
I hope I will still have readers by the time I have something for them to read ...
You are not alone
Don't worry about not producing something. It happens to all of us. One have the muse is with us and the next, it is nowhere to be seen.
I've probably written less that 5,000 words of new work since the beginning of April. Mind you, I did write an 80,000 word story in Jan/Feb. Far too much else is going on to really concentrate on writing. Hopefully things are beginning to tail off now. I have some great ideas but not the will to get writing.
I think it's safe to say you
I think it's safe to say you'll still have readers. I know of one who is definitely looking forward to something of yours to read.
Praying for you.
(I am pretty sure I'm not the only one looking forward to more too)