Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 12

Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 12
Charge of the dragons or is this chick really a princess?
Watatsumi’s compound, Temple of Eternal Balance, Ten Temples of Truth

“Tell me sister. Do you see our charges reaching their full potential in time for the upcoming battles?” Satomi Haramato asked of her sister as the two looked up at the empty weyr.

“To tell the truth Satomi. I truly do not know.” Satoko sighed as she too scanned the skies for the returning dragons. “Though for some unfathomable reason I feel that Lady Chiyoko will be more than able to meet the challenge. She has an indomitable will of iron behind those young eyes of hers.”

“More like your typical American teenager’s distrust of authority.” Satomi snorted. “I still remember the first time I met her back in our home world.”

“I take it that the young man had an air about him?” Satoko asked as she thought back to the first time, he met Chiyoko in their home world. “Now, that you mention it, young Tony did have an air of defiance about him. He was most definitely not one of your normal street kids who got lucky.”

“Satoko your never read Tony’s file, did you?” Satomi grunted. “If we had not been dragged here Tony could have gone on to become one of the greatest archaeologists of our times. His ability with languages was just one of his many talents. You should have read his anthropological paper on the Siege of Yorktown. It was quite a refreshing look at the battle itself and the impact it had on early American history.”

“Oh, I did read the boy’s academic file. My question for you is did you read his disciplinary record?” Satoko asked slyly. “Tony Watanabe was a fighter. He was suspended four times over the last few years. The last time he put three of his fellow students in the emergency room with broken bones.”

“WHAT?!” Satomi exclaimed. “You lie! That’s not possible!”

“Very true and very possible. Tony Watanabe had earned Black Belts in three deferent martial arts.” Satoko chuckled at her shocked sister. “Not surprising when you consider the neighborhood, he grew up in.”

“I see. Exactly what neighborhood did he grow up in?” Satomi asked warily.

Satoko’s answer couldn’t have been a greater shock to Satomi than if she had slapped her with a blue fin tuna. Not because of the ethnic background of the neighborhood but the reputation for the gangs there. “Little Belfast.”

“Damn! It’s a miracle the kid was able to get out of there without a police record. Let alone be the winner of the Carson Ward.” Satomi was still having problems grasping the true efforts to which Tony had gone to. Just so he could escape his old neighborhood. “Do you think that Lady Chiyoko will bring the same conviction to her newest challenge?”

“As I said earlier. Lady Chiyoko has an indomitable will of iron hidden behind those young eyes. When the Dragon Kings finally show their hand. She will be at the head of the charge.” Satoko ground out as she clutched her fist. “And damned be the first to cry hold.”

The snap of massive leather wings overhead drew the attention of the two miko. The first to appear over the edge of the weyr was the white dragon. She was quickly followed by the black, then red, blue, yellow, with the brown dragon appearing last. As they circled overhead Satoko had a vision of those massive beasts attacking defenseless men on the ground. As a student of history Satoko had here before her eyes the true meaning behind ‘Death from above.’ The sheer power held by those six dragons surpassed the fighter and bomber aircraft of her home world.

“Satomi whatever happens over the next few months remember what I am about to tell you.” Raising her left hand Satoko pointed at the dragons and their riders. “WE must be the GUIDING INFLUENCE in those girls’ lives.”

“What is it you fear Satoko?” Satomi whispered.

“Think of the sheer power those five girls command?” Satoko asked Satomi bluntly. “Let me break things down for you sister. First, we have four of the most powerful alchemists in this world’s history for starters. All of whom have already mastered the basics of their art. Something that takes years of study to understand. Next there is our wildcard. Our lovely Mistress Chiyoko. A mage of such power that even the Dragon Gods and Goddesses give her a wide birth. One that by her own power drew us across the dimensional Voids of both Time and Space to this world. Someone who has ready shown just how powerful she is by reaching out across this world to find all six of these legendary majestic dragons. Not to mention how many times she has called forth the Celestial Dragoon Gods of this world. Chiyoko has done all that with nothing more than a song or poem that she remembered from her youth. Now, these five girls command six of the most powerful creatures that this world holds. Just one of which can destroy an enter city in under a single day. Do you see what I’m getting at, Satomi?”

It took Satomi a few seconds to realize what Satoko was telling her. In a voice barely above a whisper. “By the Gods. All that power and almost no guidance. They’re children with the arming codes to atomic bombs.”

“It is worse than that sister.” Satoko stated bluntly.

“How so?” Satomi asked not wanting to know the answer.

“Ever heard of the ‘Doomsday Bombs’?” Was all Satoko asked. Satomi just blanched at the thought of that much power in the hands of teenagers. “Now you understand why I said that we need to be the GUIDING INFLUENCE for them.”

“Agreed. Let’s gather their robes for when they descend into the courtyard.” Satomi told her sister and headed for the girls’ rooms. Satoko just sighed and quickly joined her sister miko in the task of gathering up five sets robes for the returning girls.

When they returned to the courtyard. Satomi headed for one stairwell with two sets of robes while Satoko took the other. There they met the girls as they came down the steps from the overhead weyr. Each girl put on the offered robe before stepping foot into the central courtyard. Chiyoko, like the others, was extremely happy to have the robes as their armor once more disappeared upon entering the compound proper. Miles at first didn’t understand why the young women needed the robes. When he saw their masks and armor vanish under the robes he understood. Miles showed an uncommon amount of common sense for a young man in his early twenties by saying nothing.

The moment his feet hit the ground inside of the courtyard though Miles got the shock of his young life. The boots, leggings, and tunic that he was wearing crumbled to dust. Leaving the shocked young man naked as the day he was born. “BY THE GODS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY CLOTHES?”

Chiyoko and the others all snapped around to face away from the very embarrassed Knight. Chiyoko coughed to clear her throat as the looks that she was getting from her sisters. “Um… I think I can explain that to Miles.”

“While you do that can somebody please get me something to COVER MY NAKED ASS WITH?!” Miles screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Be right back.” Satoko said as she ran off to find Miles a set of robes.

“Looks like I might as well explain what happened, Miles.” Chiyoko sighed as she faced the inner courtyard. “You see there is this little problem of a curse placed on our compound.”

“YOU CALL THIS A LITTLE PROBLEM?” Miles yelled again.

“Miles will you please calm down?” Chiyoko almost pegged.

“Yes, please, Miles. All this yelling in upsetting my digestion.” Qersiss rumbled from her spot on the weyr. “Besides, I don’t understand why you’re so upset. You definitely have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“That is besides the point Lady Qersiss. A Knight of the White Rose is an example of masculinity for all men.” Miles grumbled. “That still doesn’t explain why I’ve suddenly been divested of my CLOTHING?”

“That would be the curse placed upon all those who dwell within these walls, young Knight.” Ivadad grunted as he scrubbed his belly against the stone weyr. “I believe that the Kyamo no Sa was about to explain.”

“Well, it is kind of like this, Miles.” Chiyoko started only to sigh as she heard him grunt under his breath. “Alright I’ll hurry up. It seems that all Dragon Samurai must bear all before their Gods within these walls.” Chiyoko turned to Satoko grinning. “By the way senpai. Have you been able to get a more accurate translation of those passages in the Teachings of Watatsumi?”

“Now that I’ve had time to actually sit down and study them, k?hai. It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally gotten those six verses translated and correctly this time.” Satoko grinned. Before she could go into detail though Satomi returned with a set of robes for Miles.

Averting her eyes Satomi held out the robes to Miles. “Please put this on, Sir Miles? We don’t need you catching cold.”

“Thank you, Mistress Satomi.” Miles blushed as he quickly dressed in the offered robes. “It was getting rather drafty for some reason.”

All seven women giggled at Miles’ description of being naked in the center of the courtyard. He just gave their backs a dirty look and tied the sash tightly around his waist. “Okay you can turn around now.”

“Now that you’re suitably clothed, Sir Miles.” Satoko chuckled as the Knight gave her another dirty look. “I’m sorry about what happened Sir Miles. In all honesty. I never thought that you would be affected by the curse of the Dragon Samurais. After all you’re a European Chevalier not a Samurai.”

“Um… wouldn’t that have changed when Lady Tiamat brought him here, senpai?” Yoshi asked of Satoko showing the miko all the respect of student to teacher.

“Not necessarily kohai. Remember that even here in your own universe there has always been a great divide between the two ideologies.” Looking over at Chiyoko, Satoko grinned. “Just as there is in our universe Chiyoko.”

“Understood senpai.” Chiyoko cringed as she answered the old Professor. Chiyoko knew when her old teachers were trying to drive a point home. Then Chiyoko had a thought. “That one passage that talked about the sixth Dragon Samurai. I thought it talked about the Shogun for the Dragon Kings. Did I miss the translation somehow, senpai?”

“Yes and no, kohai. If you had the time, I believe that you could have figured out the part that was missing from the temple’s copy and the original copy that is in our possession.” Satoko explained with a smile. “One of things that you would have learned, over time as a researcher under Satomi back in our home world, is never to trust the ‘official’ translations of any religiously held document.”

“Why? Wouldn’t Temple Elders want a correct translation of their most cherished texts senpai?” Akane asked in bewilderment.

“Not if it goes against what they are teaching within their temple walls Akane.” Chiyoko sighed. “My father used to say never discuss politics, religion, or sports teams unless you’re ready for a fight.”

“Wise words for a mortal.” Dykacrat mumbled.

Satoko and Satomi both chuckled. Satomi placed her hand on Akane’s shoulder. “Listen to your sister in this matter Akane. Her father was a truly wise man. At least for our world.”

“As I was saying the original copy talks about the sixth Samurai not as a Shogun for the Dragon Kings, but as the Shogun that will train the Dragon Samurai. I have been forced to believe that the whole section concerning this compound and the Dragon Samurai was mistranslated.” Satoko sighed. “It is my belief that this was done on purpose.”

“But by who? Who gains from deceiving us?” Kasumi pleaded. “Surely the Temple Elders would not side with the Dragon Kings.”

“I won’t put it past them. They’re human after all.” Chiyoko grunted. “Not Saints by a long shot.”

“I believe that the deception goes back much further than just the current Elders kohai. In fact, if I had to guess I would say that the deception goes back at least two hundred years.” Satoko sighed heavily. “Back to the last time the texts were translated for the general public.”

“Would about one-fifty be a better estimation senpai?” Chiyoko asked.

“What your evidence for your hypothesis kohai?” Satomi quickly demanded of her student and one-time intern.

“Three facts support my hypothesis, senpai.” Chiyoko said with a bow. “First the timing of the last translation coincides with the death of the Temple Elders at that time. One of the things the former Temple Elders did was order a new translation of the Watatsumi Texts. They placed Brother Hue at the time in charge of that translation. It would have been nothing for him to make the needed changes to mislead us.”

“You have a valid point there, kohai. Next.” Satoko smiled.

“Second there is the fact that at every turn Temple Elder Hue has gone out of his way to put up roadblocks. Even from the first day that man has done his level best to make our lives miserable.” Chiyoko snarked.

“We concede the point. On to your last verifiable fact please.” Satomi grinned. “By the way I can’t wait to hear this one.”

“This last one is hard to prove but it is there for all to see. One-hundred-and-fifty years ago the Greatest Empire for this world emerged. The Elizabethan English Empire. They made massive inroads into the Temple cultures of this country. Going out of their way to ensure that only people who would accept their way of doing things came to power.” Chiyoko explained then smiled. “People like Elder Hue.”

“You’re close on that last one kohai, but you picked the wrong influencing factors. It was not the Elizabethans, but the first Dragon King to emerge.” Satoko grinned at Chiyoko’s look of confusion. “Remember these are men of power. It is nothing for them to have gained the power of Longevity.”

“Excuse me ladies but what does all that have to do with me ending up naked as the day I was born?” Miles grunted.

“I’m coming to that Miles. Please understand that this is all conjecture. We’re trying to unravel a mystery and curse both at the same time.” Chiyoko explained to the exasperated Knight. “It also may hold the key to us breaking that very curse. Which seems to have befallen you just now.”

“Just what is this curse you’ve been talking about?” Miles demanded.

“It has taken me some considerable time to translate the texts correctly, Miles. Despite Chiyoko’s formidable skills at translation of ancient texts even she would have had a hard time correctly translating the six lines concerning this compound and the Dragon Knights.” Satoko grinned at the shocked looks on the faces of the five girls. “That’s correct ladies the texts say Knights, not samurai.”

“Wait, senpai. I thought that the texts were about samurai. The texts said so.” Chiyoko complained. “There is no way I could have messed up that bad.”

“I’m afraid so, Chiyoko. When you started the translation you naturally used the Azuchi–Momoyama period for your point of reference.” Satoko smiled as Chiyoko gave her, her own look of exasperation. “The historical period that you should have used is further back. The Asuka period. When the Watatsumi texts were first written.”

“Oh man.” Chiyoko whined. “How could I have made such a mistake? Our copy is one of the original editions. If not the original edition.”

“Correct, kohai. You must remember that while languages basically stay the same. They do change over a period of time. Especially the written syntax. Remember this lesson for the future.” Satoko chided Chiyoko kindly.

Turning back to Miles. “Now, that I’ve explained my pupil’s mistake Sir Miles I’ll get back on topic. There is also more to the actual verses concerning this compound and the Dragon Knights. The correct translation is as follows.”

Satoko took a deep breath and recalled the six lines of texts. “The Knights of the Dragons shall step before the Dragon God Watatsumi with their souls bared. Nothing shall stand between them and the Great Dragon God that protects these walls. Their armor shall flow about them as if made from the very elements unique in their own ways. Four Knights shall come from this world bound by the teachings of science. The fifth Knight shall cross the Void under their own power. The last Knight shall come among their number as a blooded warrior and teacher. He shall be a true master of warfare and the Dragon arts from another world. Naked and bare of face they shall stand before each other holding nothing back.”

“So, it is not so much a curse but maybe a blessing?” Yoshi asked in bewilderment. “But how could that happen?”

“Remember for who this compound was built kohai.” Satomi suggested.

“The Dragon God Watatsumi. He may have given a concession to his nieces and nephews. That doesn’t mean he gave them what they wanted exactly.” Satomi snickered. “Remember that the Gods are fickle beings.”

“Fickle she says.” Miles snorted. Then laughed at the looks he was getting from his female companions. “The ways of the Gods are as fluid as the Lion's Tail River and just as unpredictable.”

Unlike the others who were laughing, Chiyoko had a thoughtful look on her face. “Senpai that one line about our armor. How sure of that translation are you? I don’t mean to throw shade on your work. I just need to understand that line better. I have a feeling that it holds the key to the riddle of our armor appearing and disappearing on us.”

“As sure as the sun rising in the East, kohai. Why?” Satoko asked.

Chiyoko summoned her armor and smiled. “It all makes perfect sense now. Miles would you please try to summon your armor?”

Miles shrugged his shoulders and did as she asked. When nothing happened Miles just shook his head. “Sorry, nothing.”

“It’s as I thought. There’s something we need to take care of sisters. Fetch your Grimoires and go to the center of the courtyard. Once there I need an alchemic circle with all four elements overlaying each other drawn out.” Chiyoko smiled and looked at Miles. “Miles would you please go dress in your full armor on for me. Include your helm and shield.”

Akane, Yoshi, Chikako, and Kasumi just shrugged their shoulders and did as Chiyoko asked of them. Seeing no reason to argue with Chiyoko, Miles did the same. While the others were going about their tasks Chiyoko went to her room and returned with her Book of the Void. Satomi and Satoko both gave her a curious look. Chiyoko quickly explained. “There is one spell in here that I found on the first night. It concerns our armor.”

“How do you figure that?” Satoko asked her.

“The date that it was first written, it’s placement inside the book.” Chiyoko answered smiling. Opening the book, she pointed to a drawing of an alchemic transmutation circle. “Then there’s this.”

It took Satomi all off two seconds to realize what she was looking at. “By the Goddess Toyotama herself. That is the Witch's matrix.”

“The what?” Chiyoko and Satoko said at the same time.

“Something that I spend more than five years searching for with nothing to show for all that hard work. I dug through every manuscript, ancient text, obscure pictograph, you name it. I searched the halls of every university, the catacombs of the great cathedrals in Europe, went over every inch of the ruins in Greece, Rome, Turkey, and Egypt. Always coming up empty.” Satomi sighed before grinning. “I finally gave up two years ago. Though all that research led me to the findings I did make. Including my last one.”

“Okay Doc, but that still doesn’t tell what the Witch’s matrix is.” Chiyoko grumbled. “So, spill already.”

“According to legend, the Witch’s matrix holds the secret to the most powerful of all magics. All I ever found were bits and pieces. I never found a complete diagram of the matrix.” Satomi pointed to the diagram in Chiyoko’s book of the void. “Even this one is incomplete. It is missing the final element. If I were to guess I would say that the Void is missing.”

“The Void is missing? But shouldn’t this Book show the completed matrix?” Chiyoko asked as she held the book open to the spell.

“Chiyoko what is the first spell in that book?” Satoko asked kindly.

“The True Vision spell.” Chiyoko answered without thinking then groaning as she face-palmed. Chiyoko quickly waved her hand over the page while reciting. “By the light of day. By the light of stars. Under the light of the full moon I call forth your secrets.”

As purplish glow covered the page for a few seconds that blinded the three women. When it finally faded away a new alchemic circle had written itself over the other four on the page. This circle was one that Chiyoko recognized instantly. It was the circle for the Void element. This one additional alchemic circle completed the Witch’s matrix. Chiyoko could tell that the power of this circle was fifty times what she and her sisters had ever drawn or called on before. The sheer power it represented scared her more than the thought that she was actually contemplating using it.

“I could change the very fabric of this world.” Chiyoko whispered.

“That is the true power of the Witch’s matrix, kohai.” Satomi whispered as she wrapped the teenager in her arms from behind. “Now do you see why I spent so much of my life searching for this. It would have even worked in our own world. With this much power I could have returned magic to our own world. Not the illusionary bullshit of stage magicians but real honest magic. Such as in Merlin and Morgana, the legendary Wu-shamans of China, or even the famous Abe no Seimei of Japanese legend.”

“You had some really big aspirations senpai. Though I doubt it would have worked. You would’ve needed something like one of the Scared Blades, or one of the Lost Grimoires from legend to power the matrix.” Chiyoko told her.

“Why do you think I hunted for all those lost temples and shrines kohai? I knew exactly what I would have needed to power the matrix in our world.” Satomi sighed as she stepped back. “All I ever needed was the final part of the matrix. Which, no matter how hard I tried, eluded me.”

Chiyoko looked to where Akane, Yoshi, Chikako, and Kasumi all knelt drawing in the sand of the exercise area. “They’re all most done. I think I better go help them finish. We’ll need the final pieces if this is going to work.”

Satomi and Satoko stood back watching as the five teenagers drew out the massive alchemic circle and the delicate interlocking designs. The two miko saw the way the five girls were concentrating on their work. Satomi sighed as she watched as her greatest desire was laid out before her. Hearing the sigh Satoko asked her sister bluntly. “How long was your search sister?”

“It was more than just my search sister. My family have been searching for the final pieces of the Witch’s matrix for centuries.” Satomi answered honestly. “I think that of us all, I came the closest.”

“How so?” Satoko asked her with genuine curiosity.

“As I said earlier it was my search for the matrix that led me to the lost Temple of Toyotama-hime the Luxuriant-Jewel-Princess just north of Mount Fuji. I had hunted for that temple for the better part of two years. When I finally found it, the temple and that cave, I was sure that I had found the last key to the mystery of the Witch’s matrix.” Satomi breathed out heavily. “I was so close, Satoko. I was so sure that I finally had my family’s centuries long dream in my hands. Only after all that work the final pieces were still missing. Then Tony Watanabe walked through our doors.”

“And the whole world changed in just two hours.” Satoko chuckled. The two miko turned as the sounds of plate armor could be heard coming from Miles’ room. “Our Chevalier is ready. Damn that boy is fast.”

“Satoko correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the armor that Miles is wearing more in line with armor from the Holy Roman Empire during the early fifteenth century?” Satomi asked bluntly. “To be exact I would say it is more in lines with early white armor. Look at the joints.”

Satoko did exactly that and nodded her head. “Yes, you’re right that is white armor. You can see the craftsmanship in the individual pieces. Though not nearly as flashy as the Holy Roman Empire style of white armor. If I had to place a value on that armor. I would put it somewhere around ten to fifteen thousand in today’s market. In a medieval society two to three years income.”

“So, either he comes from a wealthy family, or his order is something along the lines of the Templar Knights.” Satomi surmised. “Which one do you think it is Satoko. Family or Order?”

“Order, sister. Remember how he introduced himself?” Satoko asked of Satomi who just nodded. “I would hazard to say that the White Rose Knights is a full military order with their own blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, and armorers.”

“Less Holy Crusaders, more Defenders of the Homefront. That would make sense. Especially with that style of armor.” Satomi grunted. “I wonder what Chiyoko and the others are going to do to his armor?”

“If I had had to guess. I would say they plan to imbue it with magic similar to their own. See how they have each moved to one elemental point of the compass? Akane for Fire. Chikako has taken up her place for Earth. Kasumi as Wind. With Yoshi standing ready as Water. Only Chiyoko has yet to take her place in the position as the Void. Once that happens, we shall witness something beautiful.” Satoko whispered for only Satomi to hear.

Before Satomi could ask what, her sister meant Chiyoko had moved into position as the Void. She had placed Miles in the center of the massive alchemic circle. “Ready Miles?”

“Ready to face come what may, Lady Chiyoko.” Miles called back.

“Then here we go. Sisters charge the matrix.” Yoshi, Akane, Chikako, and Kasumi slap their hands together then dropped to the ground. The alchemic transmutation circle flared to life in a brilliant blue light. Chiyoko arise her arms above her head and began to chant.

“Spirits of Time and Space. I call upon thy. Hear my plea as I stand bare before you.” Chiyoko throw her robes off as she was hit by a massive power rush in the shape of pure white column of light. It took all of Chiyoko’s considerable self-control to keep chanting and not scream as the power flooded her body. “Wind bring your sweet healing and cooling caress. Fire I call upon you for your forge to mold and harden. Water I need thy purity to wash clean. Earth once more bring your strengths.”

With every element Chiyoko called another pulse of power slammed into her. Power that she channeled into the matrix. The sheer amount of power flowing through her and into the matrix was staggering. Satomi and Satoko could not believe the power that was on display by these five teenage girls. Chiyoko may have been the one who was controlling that power, but it was her sisters that were providing that power. Like Chiyoko they too were now naked. Not expecting the sheer amount of power that they were calling upon that power had blown their robes to shreds.

With each pulse of power their individual full-body tattoos responded by glowing brighter and brighter. To the casual observer their bodies appeared to be on fire. Though the only witnesses to this unparalleled display of power were two simple mikos and the European Knight that was the focus of all that power. The reactions for the two miko were vastly different.

Satoko looked on with the detachment of a true academic. To her this was unequivocally proof that magic no matter the form was not to be taken lightly. In the wrong hands magic was in her opinion deadlier than any weapon of mass destruction. The idea of real magic being unleashed in her home world was not something that she wanted to even contemplate.

Satomi looked on with fear filled eyes. Unlike her sister miko she knew that the power being displayed was more than just proof of magic. It was proof that if she could have returned magic to her home world. Something that she was just now realizing wasn’t such a good idea. This type of power unleashed in her home world would have had untold consequences. Consequences far greater than the Cold War and both World Wars.

For Miles, the experience totally unlike anything his life as a Dragon Knight had prepared him for, the light was blinding. He could only see shadows at first. When the light started to pulse, he felt his armor shifting about his limbs then body. With each pulse he felt his armor pull in tighter to his body. He could hear Chiyoko chanting over the roaring power that surrounded him. Miles knew that he stood in the eye of the storm and feared moving.

Chiyoko saw none of the fear in the three witnesses. It was taking everything she had to control the power she had called upon. With both arms raised she continued to call out in a voice that barely cracked for the last element to join the flow of power. “From the vastness of the Eternal Void. I call upon the True Gods of the Void Toyotama and Wolong. Bring forth your duality and blessings upon this endeavor. Guide our hands as we forge anew this Knightly armor. Give it freedom of life. Let it dance to its owner’s wishes.”

The last and final pulse of power slammed into Chiyoko with such force that she had to fight just to stand. With one final breath Chiyoko screamed out the final lines of the spell. “Toyotama! Wolong! Bind this armor to this Knight. Let him face his enemies as our equal!”

There was once last surge of power that flowed through the five girls and into the matrix. Miles felt the power slam home against his armor for one last time. There was another brilliant flash of light and the two Dragon Gods of True Neutrality were standing before him. While time came to a standstill the two Gods reached out and touched one shoulder a piece. The finely crafted metal of his armor seemed to just flow after their touch. The two Dragon Gods were smiling at the young knight that stood before them defiantly. Before they faded away Toyotama turned to look where Chiyoko stood directing the maelstrom of magic.

“It seems that our Kyamo no Sa has come into her full power sooner than expected, brother.” Toyotama grinned.

“Indeed, she has sister. Should we say hello before returning to the Void?” Wolong asked with a smirk. “We have all the ‘Time’ in the world after all.”

After a few seconds of thought Toyotama shook her head. “No brother. We have done as she asked. Besides, this is one time where We must remain within the confines of the summoning circle.”

“Then it’s time for us to depart, sister.” With a flash of light that only Miles saw the two Dragon Gods vanished. With them the maelstrom of power subsided into nothingness. With nothing left to control the five teenage girls all fell to their knees panting. Each girl struggled for breath. They were all covered in a thin coating of sweat and nothing else.

The only witness to the events had been forced to stand silently as his armor continued to reform itself around his body. More exactly to his body. As his armor flowed to conform to his body. When he was finally able to move, he noticed several changes to his armor at once.

The first of which was the joints and seems. More like the lack of them. Unlike before where his armor was constructed along the lines of white armor of his home world it now resembled the armor of the girls. He also noticed that like them he could move with a freedom he never had before. It was as if his armor was alive surrounding him in a loving embrace. Setting down his shield Miles reached up to see if he could remove his helm. To his surprise the helm came away easily and in one piece. Miles took one look at the visor and almost dropped it. Like the rest of his armor there were no gaps, yet he had been able to see clearly while wearing it. It was as if there was nothing between his eyes and the rest of the world.

The groan from Yoshi drew Miles attention away from his armor to the girls. Not knowing who to go to first Miles just turned to the two mikos. “Mistresses quickly. Robes, water, towels. We must see to them.”

Satoko and Satomi were brought out of their fear induced frozen stance by Miles’ order. As one, they headed off to carry out his order. They knew that Chiyoko would need the most care. Unlike Miles they knew that staggering amount of power that the girl had been controlling. While they were gone Miles went to each girl and carried her to the engawa that surrounded the inner courtyard. Only Chiyoko tried to put up any resistance to Miles carrying her from her position at the head of the Matrix.

Satoko was the first to return. “Miles we need to get them to the main room.”

“Yes, Mistress Satoko.” Miles looked into her eyes. “Mistress, what is wrong with them?”

“If I were to guess Sir Miles.” Satoko answered as she checked over the five girls. “I would say a simple case of magical overload.”

“Magical overload?!” Miles said in shock. “I thought that was impossible!”

“Normally that would be the case Sir Miles.” Satomi said as she walked up with five glasses of water. “But the sheer power they just called upon was beyond anything that should have been possible. For any human.”

Miles just chuckled at hearing this. “Mistress Satomi I have already come to understand that the words ‘normal’, ‘impossible’, and ‘improbable’ do not apply to these young ladies.”

The two miko stared at the young knight for all of three seconds before the laughter overtook them. It was their laughter that brought a groggy reply from Chiyoko. “Oh, bite me already. We’re not that bad.”

“What she said times two.” Akane grunted.

“Times three.” Grumbled Kasumi.

“May a thousand sand flees invest your armpits.” Yoshi huffed as swayed to a sitting position.

“I say they suffer a thousand nights under a leaky tin cup.” Chikako grunted. “Oh hell. Does anybody else’s head feel like it is barely hanging on?”

“Not so loud, but yeah that’s the way my head feels.” Chiyoko murmured. “Along with the rest of my body.”

“Not surprised that you feel that way Chiyoko. You were the focus for all that power. You must have felt like you were being hammered by the Gods.” Akane murmured as she pulled Chiyoko into a hug. Only to let her go as Chiyoko whimpered. “By the Gods you’re burning with fever. Quickly Miles get her to the bath. We need to bring down her temperature.”

Satoko didn’t even wait for Miles to pick Chiyoko. She ran to the bath and began to run cool water into the tub. Miles also reacted in the same manner by gently lifting Chiyoko in his arms. He carried all five girls to the bath and placed them into the individual tubs of cool water. Once all five were taken care of Miles stepped outside to stand watch. For some reason, his battle awareness was on high alert. He had learned at an early age to trust his feelings in these matters. Recovering his helm, and shield, with a snarl summoning his sword Miles strode to the front entrance.

As he walked through the courtyard, he looked up at the six dragons. He didn’t even think twice as he used a secret known only to a Dragon Knight. “By the Pact of Lady Tiamat! AWAKEN!”

The six slumbering dragons snapped awaken and roared as one. Ivadad, Lord of The Black looked down at Miles. “Where is the enemy, Knight? Why do you waken us by the sacred Pact of our mother?”

“Your riders lay in a state that leaves them helpless, Lord Ivadad. Would you leave them to face their enemies in such a helpless state?” Miles challenged the massive black dragon’s honor.

In response to the challenge Ivadad roared and leaped into the skies. “LET THEM COME! THEY SHALL FACE MY FLAME, LIGHTNING, AND ACIDE!”

The other four male dragons were hot on Ivadad’s tail. Each one swearing untold violence against any who would dare attack their riders. Only Qersiss remained at her weyr. She looked down at Miles. “Well played Miles. You angered my brothers without having to push them to action. Are their riders truly in danger? This is after all supposed to be a secured compound.”

“There are traitors among the Temple Elders, Qersiss. The Lady Chiyoko and Mistress Satoko believe that I did not overhear their conversation before the ceremony that blessed me with this new armor. Not that I needed to in the first place. My Page Master used to beat the legends into our heads from the time we stepped foot into his domain. I knew the moment that Lady Tiamat drew me to this world my life’s mission.” Miles told her as he opened the gate and stepped into the Temple’s compound proper.

“So, little brother you would bring bloodshed to a Holy place?” Qersiss asked of her rider as he took up a defensive stance.

Miles’ answer was to draw his claymore from the scabbard at his hip. With each inch of exposed blade there was a deadly hissing sound. A hiss that hadn’t been there before. Another change that Miles noticed about his claymore was the weight was different. It was lighter by half. When the tip cleared the scabbard the whole of the blade blazed with an icy blue flame.

Not turning to look over his shoulder Miles only snarled. “I would do more than bring bloodshed to a holy place. I would burn this place to the ground.” Looking down at the sword in his hand and the mystical armor that he wore. Miles continued to snarl. “I have more than a few reasons to repay their kindness with violence upon those who would betray them.”

Qersiss’s answer to her rider’s claim was to drop down off her weyr into the courtyard. She moved until her head and neck hovered over the gate wall. “Then let them come Miles. They shall face more than just your steel. They shall find in my icy breath their deaths.”

The fact that all six majestic dragons were ready to use their secondary breath weapons would have horrified the five teenage girls. For Miles, their response was nothing more than what he would have expected. It didn’t take long for the Temple Elders to gather before him at the gate to the inner sanctuary. Elder Hue was in the lead. Miles just smiled inside his helm.

“What is the meaning of this display, knight?” Elder Hue demanded of Miles as he pointed upwards towards the flying dragons. “Return those pets to their perches. This is a place of peace.”

“A dragon does as a dragon pleases Elder Hue. We are not pets. We are free beings.” Qersiss rumbled as she lowered her snout to within inches of his face. “Never make that mistake again.”

“I am the Grand Elder of this Temple. I will not have some lowly creature talk to me in such a manner.” Hue huffed before turning to Miles. “Control your beast, knight or I shall have you removed.”

Qersiss answered for Miles. “LOWLY CREATURE! I’LL BURN YOU TO ASH!”

Miles knew that Qersiss was going to carry out the threat the second he heard her breath in. “HOLD QERSISS! I need to talk with this man yet.”

Qersiss let the breath she was holding out in a massive blech of flame straight up into the air. This one display forced the gathered monks to stagger back. Even Elder Hue turned white as the blood drained from his face. The idea of facing just one of these massive beings of war terrorized him. With five of them overhead and one standing directly before him Hue had a sudden moment of clarity. He would talk with the foreign knight.

Squaring up his shoulders Hue ground out through clenched teeth. “Let us hold this conversation away from prying eyes.”

“No. Your fellow Elders shall hear all.” Miles countered looking over at the other three Temple Elders. “Hue has betrayed your teachings and sided with the Dragon Kings. The proof of his transgressions is in the last translation for the Teachings of Watatsumi. Look there, and if you doubt me return. The Sister Satoko has a copy of the original Watatsumi texts.”

As one the other three Elders walked away leaving Hue to the tender mercies of Miles and the dragons. “Don’t run monk. Qersiss is already in a foul mood. If she has to chase you down. You will not like the way she treats you.”

Hue blanched even harder at the thought of what the massive white dragon could do to him. Miles smiled at the monk behind his visor. “Inside monk.”

Once they were behind the gate Miles’ armor vanished the way the girls’ armor did. Only he quickly summoned his armor back to him. “Start talking monk. Or you become Qersiss’s next meal.”

Hue looked up at the dragon that stared downed at him licking her chops. There was something about that sight that loosen his tongue. Hue may have been afraid of the Dragon Kings, but they were nowhere near as frightening as the thought of being a dragon’s next meal. “Yes, I changed those passages as the way that Dragon King G?k? ordered. That is all.”

Qersiss looked down at him and rumbled. “Do not lie, monk. It has been three-thousand years since I last snacked upon a holy man. You’ll be nice and crunchy. With a little spicy tomato sauce tasty as well.”

“I think you could use a good tabasco sauce Lady Qersiss.” Chiyoko’s voice drew Miles’ and Hue’s attention to where she now stood just outside the bath. Like Miles Chiyoko had summoned her armor. “It would take me but a moment. Would you like to try some?”

“What is this tabasco sauce? It sounds interesting. Is it spicy by chance?” Qersiss asked with a chuckle.

“Oh no you don’t sister. If anyone gets to try a new spice it is my turn.” Ivadad called out as he circled overhead. “Especially one given to us by my rider. So, no hugging little sister.”

The casual conversation between the two dragons and the Kyamo no Sa about using a spice on him, unsettled Hue. The man became so unsettle that he blurted out something he shouldn’t have. “The Dragon Princess has been found in the Nagano Prefecture within the Sun?maunten region. I swear by the Goddess Toyotama. Just go to the Nagano Prefecture. You’ll see five Empyreal Cavalry units all within five miles of Sun?maunten.”

Miles didn’t even think twice as he mounted Qersiss. “Chiyoko I leave the handling of this traitor to you and your sisters. I fly for Sun?maunten, and the Nagano Prefecture. I shall return with the Dragon Princess.”

“Be careful Miles. The Empyreal Cavalry are elite military units. They’ll be armed with the newest weapons.” Kasumi warned him.

Qersiss just chuckled as she took wing. “Newer doesn’t always make it better. There is nothing like Dragon’s Fire to change a mortal’s mind and attitude.”

Once the two were aloft Ivadad landed in the courtyard. He gave Hue an evil look. You could almost see a grin cress his jaw line. “Do not make me chase you down monk. Unlike my sister I do not play with my food.”

As one all five of the Dragon Samurai walked across the courtyard towards Hue. As they passed over the Witch’s matrix a staff appeared next to each girl who instinctively grabbed them. The sight of those five individual staffs sent a shiver down Hue’s spine. The more that happened around these five girls the more he feared that the legends were coming true. He could see all of his carefully crafted hard work coming apart before his very eyes.

“Now, Elder Hue let’s have ourselves a little talk about the Dragon Kings.” Chiyoko snarled as she came to stop two feet from him.


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