One picture tells the story:

This is why Bob and I spent half the day Sunday tuning the server again. It actually looks now like we may survive November. We had 9500 visits and 33,000 page loads, too. So far, every day but one this month has set a new record. Friday wasn't a new record because Thursday was just ridiculous. Then Saturday broke the two day old record and Sunday broke Saturday -- even though we were down for almost two hours!!!!
Probably partially due
... to FM going down. A blessing and a curse all round I would say. I guess the increased bandwidth usage will affect your monthly costs?
If BC was a ship and the graph was the gallons per minute of water flooding ...
Cue the band!
...Nearer my God to thee ...
So much for a bad attempt at Titanic humor. Congrads Erin, Looks like sucess is it's own punishment or is that reward?
John snickering in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
10,000 daily visitors to BC
We passed 10,000 daily visitors to BC Monday, 10,085 to be exact. This is about 168% of October's average number of daily visits. We also passed 34,000 daily page downloads, 170% of October's average.
Hold on tight!
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It will be interesting
to see how many of the new visitors remain with us on a regular basis. As we offer better quality in the fiction and less porn. Depends on what they're looking for, I suppose.