Is there a list of color codes that can be used on this site? I have need to use two different colors but when I try using the html codes for color they won't change and I noticed that an abbreviated version is used here. I can't find anything to help me figure that out. Also what font is the default for stories as I am thinking of using it instead of what I do when I write.
Several sites
feature charts with numbers you can insert into your byline code. This is just one of many links.
Love, Andrea Lena
HTML color codes
I normally use this site to pick the color codes and saves ones I use frequently in a word doc.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Hopefully this will help.
Hopefully this will help.
The site has a very good FAQ section for new authors. Look for FAQ in the top menu bar
Non sum qualis eram
Georgia and Verdana are the default fonts on BC.
All the color codes work but they have to be formatted as "#RRGGBB" to work on all browsers.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Default fonts
I submit my posts in html and remove all references to typefaces[1], leaving only some size indicators in the headings.
That ensures that I get the default fonts :)
[1] There are rare occasions where I needed a font change; I just set the typeface for that paragraph as 'Sans Serif'. The default, I believe, is 'Serif'.
Thank you
My thanks to all of you I now see where I was going wrong.
HTMLawed Filtering...
We may be filtering your CSS if you use inline CSS for your colors. I will look into what is in our filter list.