Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 11

Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 11
To ride a dragon back or Dragon 101.
Watatsumi’s compound, Temple of Eternal Balance, Ten Temples of Truth

Chiyoko woke the next morning to a steady rumble coming from outside. After pulling on her robes she stepped outside. At first, she couldn’t find the source of the rumble. That was until she looked up at the six massive majestic dragons. They appeared to be asleep but for some reason she knew that they were awake. Looking around the courtyard she spotted Miles sitting outside of his room. He was eating what looked like a bowl of porridge.

Stepping over to him Chiyoko greeted the knight with a bow and a smile. “Good morning Sir Miles. I hope that you slept well?”

“Good morning Lady Chiyoko. I slept some. I’m afraid that I’m not used to the noise of this world.” Miles answered with a blush.

For the first time since she had arrived in this world, Chiyoko actually noticed the noise of the surrounding city. “You’ll have to forgive me, Sir Miles. The world which I come from is far more noisier than this one. I find this world to be very quiet.”

“Then the world you come from must truly be a noisy place. One so loud that you can barely think.” Miles said in astonishment.

Chiyoko just chuckled. “In many ways Sir Miles. In my home world we have vast tracks of land that are meant only for wildlife. The people of my world often go to these places just to get away from the noise of the cities.”

“Then your world must be one of wonder and danger.” Miles told Chiyoko.

“It is, Sir Miles, it is.” Chiyoko looked up at the sky. “I’ve only been here a short time. Yet I find myself missing it already.”

“Do you regret making the Crossing, Lady Chiyoko?” Miles asked softly.

“Yes, and no, Sir Miles. There are times that I don’t understand the rules of this world. I know that I’m here for some grand reason. As much as I wish to go home, I know that I cannot. This is now my home.” Chiyoko sighed. “There is great evil in this world Sir Miles. The Five Dragon Kings have returned. We are all that stand in their way.”

Miles stood up slowly so as not to spill his breakfast. “Then, if we are all that stands between the darkness and the rest of civilization, it is time to train you and your sisters in the ways of dragons.”

With that he walked back into his room. “Wake your sisters and break your fast, Lady Chiyoko. Today you begin your training in a much wider world.”

Chiyoko took Miles’ warning to heart. She quickly woke the others, ordering them all to eat lightly. Chiyoko set the example as she told them what Miles had told her earlier. All seven young women ate quickly and then returned to their rooms to change out of their robes, grab their Sourusureiyāzu and change into their armor. As one, the five Dragon Samurai strode into the courtyard. The rumbling that had woken Chiyoko had slowly grown in intensity while they had eaten. Now it was closer to a growl.

“Um… does anyone know where the rumbling is coming from?” Yoshie asked.

“That my Ladies, is the dragons’ stomachs. They are hungry. From the sounds of their rumbling I would say very hungry.” Miles answered as he stepped into the courtyard wearing tights, knee-high boots, and tunic. “We’ll need to fashion saddles for each of your mounts first.”

Chiyoko looked up at the massive dragons and smiled. Think of an old Calvary song her father used to sing for her. Raising her arms, she called out. “To saddle and horse my boys. Grab your rifle and ride to the sound of the guns. To saddle and horse away!”

When she finished a mist slowly surrounded the base of the dragons’ necks. After a few minutes, the mist condensed down into six colored saddles. The sudden appearance of saddles around the base of their necks brought the dragons fully awake. At first, they looked at each other’s necks before looking down at the eight people standing in the courtyard.

The first one to speak was Ivadad, the massive black dragon. “Thank you, Mistress Chiyoko. This is the finest saddle that I have ever worn. The leather is quite comfortable. The blanket is a new feeling though.”

Chiyoko blushed. “Well, whenever I think about saddles, I think about horses. All the horses I’ve ever seen have a western style saddle. Those saddles always have a saddle blanket under them.”

“Please Mistress Chiyoko, tell me that you just didn’t compare us to those worthless meals on four legs?” Ivadad roared in shock.

“Oh no, Lord Ivadad, I never meant to insult. It’s just that in my home world you and your brethren are things of legends.” Chiyoko explained then smiled. “In my world dragons are creatures meant to scare little children into good behavior. I lost count of how many times my mother threatened to have Joccove the Terrible come and eat me.”

“How barbaric! Dragons eating children.” The red dragon Dykacrat huffed. “How could anyone believe that we would eat children? They’ve yet to ripen and taste terrible. Now, a nice young virgin is another story.”

At the looks of shock and real fear on the faces of the seven teenage women Qersiss thumped the red dragon with her tail. “Oh, stop it you great galoot. You’re scaring the poor girls.”

“Ow! Damn it! Qersiss there is no need to get violent.” Dykacrat chuckled. “I was only having a little fun with the maidens.”

“Will you behave yourself for once, Dykacrat?” The brown dragon, Brikat grumbled. “I would like to fill my belly sometime today.”

“Tell me Miles, is there a suitable food source nearby?” Qersiss asked of Miles before licking her lips.

“I’m sorry to say that I don’t know Qersiss.” Miles answered before turning to Chiyoko and the others. “Um… my Ladies, this is a touchy subject with most dragons. You wouldn’t happen to know of a large herd of cattle or sheep nearby?” Miles dropped his voice as low as possible before saying. “No pigs.”

Kasumi stood there for a moment then giggled. “We can use my grandfather’s northern beef herd. He may not like it, but after all the crap he put me through.” The snarl that filled Kasumi’s voice was not one of endearment for her grandfather. “He can spare forty or fifty head of cattle from the herd. From what I understand it’s way over due for a good culling.”

“Kasumi, don’t you think that you should ask your grandfather first?” Yoshi asked. “I mean he might be holding onto that herd for the Shogun.”

“Screw him, and the rest of his retainers.” Kasumi grunted.

“Yoshi, Kasumi’s grandfather is the current Shogun for this district.” Akane explained as Kasumi just glowered.

“Wow. I didn’t see that coming. I thought she was like us. You know. An everyday peasant.” Chikako whispered.

“If you grew up the way I did Chikako. You wouldn’t have any illusions as to your place in the Shogunate.” Kasumi snarled. “I was nothing more than a weapon for my grandfather to use as he saw fit, then ignore or discard when I was no longer useful. I spent my days chained to the foot of his throne and my nights locked in a three by six room on a threadbare futon.”

Chiyoko could tell, that this was one time Kasumi wished she could lie. Only Chiyoko knew the full extent of Kasumi’s treatment at the hands of her grandfather. Chiyoko quickly decided to get the others back on topic and away from Kasumi’s past. “Sir Miles, now that our friends have their saddles. How do we mount them?”

“Rule one. Always approach your dragon from the left. Just as with mounting a horse always mount your dragon from the left.” Miles explained. As he led the five teenage sisters up the stairs to the weyrs.

“Miles if you compare us to a horse one more time.” Qersiss warned.

“Peace, Qersiss. Peace.” Ivadad ordered his sister. “Your knight is just using an example that our samurai will understand.”

“But to compare us to those four-legged afternoon snacks is just.” Qersiss grumbled while turning her head away from her brothers. “Embarrassing.”

Chiyoko smiled and rumbled the White dragon’s belly. “Please forgive the slight to your dignity great Qersiss. In this world such magnificent beings as yourselves are a rarity. In my own world, dragons are beasts of legends.”

“What truly benighted worlds. To have lost the magic that supports us.” Dykacrat rumbled as he stretched his neck to see Miles. “Continue Knight.”

“Thank you, great Dykacrat.” Miles said with a bow as he placed his right foot on the left foreleg that was presented by Qersiss. “My Ladies, as you can see. Even when a dragon is laying down the saddle is still several feet above your head. Even if our friends were adolescences, they would be three times the size of a horse. As you can see by their size, our friends are all what we call Great Wyrms.”

Ivadad roared. Dykacrat belched fire. Brikat release a frozen blast. Ygi’s scream shattered windows. Deghia rained down a torrent of water. Qersiss’ snapped jaws at Miles before grunting. “WE are not that OLD my rider!”

“Miles I think you just screwed up.” Yoshi giggled. Yoshi turned and bowed to Qersiss. “Lady Qersiss please forgive the lug head. Just so we know. How old are you?”

“We are barely into our fourth millennium, Lady Yoshi. Well short of being Wyrms let alone the Great Wyrm age bracket. Why we’re barely even considered as Elders.” Deghia explained for his rider.

The massive yellow dragon Ygi saw the confusion on the faces of the samurai first. “Yes, Ladies. We are truly over four thousand years old. By our own people’s standards, we’re barely out of what you would consider middle age.”

“WAIT! Are you saying that you’re not even senior citizens yet?” Chikako asked for all in shock.

“Bah! Middle age! Such nonsense. Only those who have yet to reach their eighth century pay attention to the passage of time.” Brikat snorted.

“Um… please don’t take this the wrong way, but how old do dragons actually get?” Chikako asked of the majestic dragons.

“Well, barring any unforeseen accidents, illness, or those despicable Hunters. We can actually reach nine to ten thousand years before dying of old age.” Dykacrat explained for Chikako and the others.

“Wait! The oldest dragon I know of is Rindrys, The White One. He was three-thousand years old when he died of old age.” Miles gawked.

“AH! I see the confusion. The Invisible Sanctuary is your home world. It’s a shame that the dragons of your home have such short lifespans these days.” Qersiss sighed as she thought about the world which Miles came from. “Welcome to The Slumbering Empire, Miles.”

“Wait! What?” All five of the Dragon Samurai asked at the same time.

“Chiyoko, you know that there is more than just the one universe. You, yourself has crossed the Void. The sheer number of worlds would force you to run into the night screaming with madness.” Ivadad told them all.

“It would help if we had a better understanding of the ages for majestic dragons in this universe.” Kasumi said as she looked to Ygi.

“Let me think. A Hatchling up to five years. The Very Young are between six to fifteen years. The Young of this world are between sixteen to fifty. Juveniles up to a hundred. Young Adults are between one to two hundred. The dragons of this world reach their maturity and become Adults at two hundred. A Mature Adult is usually between two hundred and five hundred. The Old are between six to eight hundred years. The Very Old until they reach a thousand. After that the dragons of this world are considered Ancient or Venerable until they reach their third millennium. Now, because we are in this age group, we are Elders. Those are dragons between three thousand to five thousand years. The Wyrms of this world are between five to eight thousand years old. Only dragons that are older than eight thousand years are considered to be Great Wyrms.” Ygi explained with a toothy grin. The massive yellow dragon then chuckled. “They are not to be trifled with.”

“You know for someone called Ygi the Voiceless. You sure do talk a lot.” Yoshi wise cracked.

The yellow dragon just chuckled at Yoshi’s off-handed compliment. “Of all the names that I have been gifted with, that is the one I wish never stuck. I much prefer Ygi, the Teacher.”

“Don’t complain brother. At least the humans don’t call you a Tyrant.” Dykacrat complained out right.

“It’s better than being called the Bunny or Rabbit Slayer.” Qersiss grumbled.

“I agree dear sister. Remember the two centuries where the humans dared to call me Deghia the Foamy?” Deghia rumbled.

“No worse than Dykacrat the Grumpy.” The red dragon grouched.

“At least you were never called Brikat the Sleepy.” The brown dragon grunted.

“Oh, give me a break all of you. At least none of you got named Ivadad the Cute and Cuddly.” The massive bitched much to the amusement of the five teenager girls. Only Chiyoko had the good graces to hide her mirth.

“May I return to the lesson at hand Lady and Lords?” Miles asked with a bow.

“Of course, Miles. Please mount at your leisure.” Qersiss told her rider with a nod of her regal head. Then as if to help the young knight with his lesson she presented her left foreleg. “Please note, Ladies that a true majestic dragon will provide a leg up for their partner.”

“No need to get snippy Qersiss.” Ivadad snorted at his sister.

“Ivadad stop bothering the knight. I want to eat sometime today.” Deghia snapped at the black dragon.

“Thank you, Lord Deghia.” Miles said as he turned back to his lesson. “Once your partner has granted permission for you to mount, my Ladies. Place your foot lightly upon the ankle joint. Like so.”

Miles put actions to words. Once he was standing level on Qersiss lower left leg he placed his left into the stirrup while grabbing hold of the saddle’s seat with both hands. “Once you’re ready to mount. Grab a hold of the saddle by the pommel and cantle with both hands.”

Once he was sure that the girls were watching closely. Miles pushed up with his left leg, while swing his right leg over Qersiss neck. He dropped into the seat of the saddle with a practiced ease. Once seated Miles slipped his right foot into the stirrup on that side. After adjusting the stirrup leather to the correct length for his legs. Miles looked down at the five women. “My Ladies, do you think that you can mount your dragons on your own. Or will you need my help?”

The challenge was accepted for what it was. Ten minutes later all five girls were mounted and ready to ride. Or so they believed. Miles leaned down and whispered to Qersiss. “Shall we take to the air, Lady Qersiss?”

“Indeed.” Qersiss chuckled. With a massive push off the weyr’s edge Qersiss spread her wings. Then with one downward sweep of her wings. The white dragon was flying out over the Temple walls.

Ivadad was right behind her. Only he waited until the last possible moment for the downstroke of his wings. The massive black dragon scared the piss out of poor Chiyoko to the point that she screamed. As each of the male dragons took flight to chase after their younger sister. The screams of the teenage girls filled the air. At first in fright and then slowly in delight.

As the flight of dragons flew over the city people could only stand and stare in wonder. The legends of the Dragon Samurai and their magnificent mounts were very much a part of the culture. To see those beasts once again flying overhead was to many a sign of foreboding. To the people of this nation the Dragon Samurai only meant one thing. The end of days was near.

As the six dragons passed over the outer limits of the city Kasumi and Ygi took the lead. Once they were over the far northern valley Ygi spotted the herd of beef cattle. She waved her left arm and pointed towards the herd. Leaning forward so Ygi could hear her. “Remember, my Lord. Only the weak or old. I don’t want to anger my grandfather too much.”

“Don’t worry, my Lady. I make sure that my siblings know as well.” The rumble that was the dragon’s laughter between her legs felt both warm and comforting. “Though I can tell you wouldn’t mind if a few of the prize bulls became breakfast for some reason.”

“You see those nine bulls in the holding pen in the box canyon? If a few of those were to breakout and get mixed in with the rest of the herd. We could honestly say that it was an accident when you had them for your breakfast.” Kasumi giggled as the idea tickled her funny bone.

As if summoned by her thoughts as massive wind swept down through the box canyon knocking over the fencing of the holding pen. The wind was so great that the prized breeding bulls bolted from the canyon. In mere moments they had mixed in with the rest of the herd. Each majestic dragon singled out one of the prized bulls. With unimaginable grace and terrifying speed, the majestic creatures swooped down on their pray. Before the cows could even bleat or bellow, they were dead. They’re hearts pierced by the talons of the dragons’ claws as they flew for the upper ridges. They dragons politely dropped their riders off at the same boulder outcropping. Before flying off to eat their individual cow.

“Miles, how long do you think our friends will feast?” Chikako asked.

“From the rumbling of their bellies. I would say that each will east three maybe four cows before they’ve had their fill.” Miles answered as he took a seat on the edge of the boulders. Looking out across the valley Miles pulled a piece of tall grass from between the rocks. Sticking the stem end between his teeth Miles began to chew. “This is a good time for another lesson in the care of dragons. Please take a seat.”

As the five girls gathered round the young knight he pointed towards the herd. “Out there is a massive amount of food. If we let them our friends will gorge themselves to the point of being unable to fly. It is our duty to them to not let this happen. You see the older a dragon becomes the less often they need to feed. The three to four cows they will devour today will hold them for a month. A meal like today’s is a rarity for dragons of their age. I can only guess it is because of their long slumber.”

“Miles, I know that this is going to sound ignorant.” Kasumi began. “But do dragons grow while they sleep?”

“That is not an ignorant question, Lady Kasumi.” Miles began only to have Chiyoko stop him. “Yes, Lady Chiyoko.”

“Miles let’s drop all of this Lady, Madam, or Mistress crap. Just call us by our names. We don’t need honorifics. We’re plane people.” Chiyoko explained with a small smile.

“But… but… that would be inappropriate!” Miles exclaimed.

“No Miles. Chiyoko is telling you the truth. None of us need or want titles.” Akane explained with her own smile. “We all came by our power through our patron God or Goddess Dragons. The titles are meaningless to us.”

“I see. If that is your wish.” Miles said with a shallow bow from the waist. “Kasumi, you asked if dragons grow in their sleep. That is a hard question to answer. You see when a dragon is young, between Hatching and Adult, they grow at a rate unlike all other creatures. That includes humans.”

Miles picked up a small pebble and tossed it over the edge. “During those years, a dragon grows half a foot per month. Once they pass their two-hundred year mark. Their growth slows to about three inches per year.”

Miles stopped speaking as Deghia dropped down among the herd for another cow. This time he snatched a heifer from the herd. His strike was so quick he was gone before the herd could scatter. “Good, quick, and clean. He did not run the herd to find his next cow.”

“You make sound like that is a good thing. Wouldn’t be better for the herd to scatter? I mean that way he would have a better choice of cow.” Yoshi asked Miles as she watched her return to the ridgeline.

“No. If they scatter the herd the cows’ meat will be flooded with stress. Making the meat taste foul. If the meat is foul it will make them sick.” Miles explained. About that time Ygi descended on his next cow. “Good he’s going after a heifer this time.”

“So, not only do we have to watch how much they eat but what they eat?” Chikako asked of Miles.

“That is only one of our duties Chikako.” By this time, all six dragons were on their second cow. “A good number of our duties revolve around their care.”

“Miles I have a question. I noticed that each dragon has a different breath weapon. Can you explain them for us?” Chiyoko asked politely.

“Each dragon has two breath weapons, Chiyoko. The first of which is the normal fiery breath that all dragons have. Then there is their secondary breath weapon. Weapons that are unique to each color.” Miles smiled as he pointed towards Qersiss. “A white dragon’s secondary weapon is one of ice.”

He reached into tunic and pulled out a pen and pad. “I have to say I find the parchment of this world of a much greater quality than I’m used to. The way that it is bound makes writing out notes so easy.”

“Miles that is a notepad.” Akane told him with a blush. “They’re a common item in this world. We kind of use them in school.”

“This is a truly wonderous world.” Miles breathed. Miles quickly wrote down the deferent breath weapons for each dragon using five pages off the pad. He hand one page to each girl. Explaining as he went.

“Chikako, as Brikat, The Powerful is your dragon partner, and a Brown. He has a secondary breath weapon that turns all within its radius to crystal.” As he handed the paper to Chikako with a small grin. “It is said that the crystal formed by the breath of a Brown dragon is priceless to magic users.”

Tearing off the next page he handed it to Akane. “Dykacrat, The Tyrant is no ordinary Red dragon, Akane. You see most Red dragons only have the one breath weapon of fire. Because of Dykacrat’s age, he can breathe a cloud of flammable gas. He can cover an area three times what his normal cone of fire could reach. Once it has spread out a simple spark and all is reduced to ash.”

“Kasumi, of the six dragons, Ygi the Voiceless is one of the most fierce. You see a yellow dragon’s second breath weapon is a poisonous gas.” As Miles handed the paper to Kasumi, he warned her. “This weapon is one that must only be used as a weapon of last resort.”

“What is the color of the gas Miles?” Chiyoko asked politely.

“It is a yellow-brown in color and smells like mustard, or rotten garlic, Chiyoko. Why do you ask?” Miles asked while he cocked his head to the side.

“Kasumi, whatever happens you make sure that Ygi doesn’t cut lose with that weapon unless we have no other choice.” Chiyoko shivered at the thought of a creature such as Ygi having control of a Weapon of Mass Destruction. In her home world weapons of the Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear nature have been banded for the last century. The most feared were the Chemical weapons. One of the greatest is Mustard Gas.

“Chiyoko what has you so worried about Ygi’s secondary breath weapon?” Kasumi asked in confusion.

“In my home world, Ygi’s secondary breath weapon is considered a weapon of such terror that it would be called a Weapon of Mass Destruction. My people actually produced such weapons for war.” Chiyoko turned to look out over the valley. “The death tolls from those weapons were greater than any other single weapon in history.”

“A truly frightening thought.” Miles crocked. He tore off another page and handed it Yoshi. “Yoshi, Deghia, the Champion is a contradiction in many ways. You see his secondary weapon is a blast of boiling water. One so hot that it will strip the flesh from all humans, and animals alike.”

He looked towards Ivadad with a strange look. “Chiyoko of all the majestic dragons. The Black dragon is the most powerful of them, with three breath weapons. Fire is their major weapon as is normal with dragons. It is the other two weapons that you must worry about.”

“WHAT OTHER TWO WEAPONS?” Chiyoko asked in shock.

“The black majestic dragon is, as I said, the most powerful. They are also the rarest of them all. When they become angered, they tend to unleash bolts of pure energy. Ones so powerful that they’ll melt the metal of armor suits. This is their second preferred form of attack. The madder they become the stronger the bolts of electricity. If startled from a deep slumber though. The black dragon will use their acid breath. One that is so corrosive that not even glass can withstand its power. Thousands of warriors have perished at its mere touch.” Miles took a deep breath continuing. “Their greatest weapon though is one of truly terrible power. And can only be used by the black dragons. It is not a breath weapon. It is their roar. One that can magically bring other majestic dragons to their aid. Not just any majestic dragon. Majestic Black Dragon Warriors.”

“Excuse me, Miles, but what is the difference between regular majestic dragons and these dragon warriors?” Chiyoko asked of the young man.

“The difference is night and day. While most are a peaceful race of beings. Always in search of knowledge.” Miles answered quietly. “The warrior class of the Black majestic dragons is an altogether different matter. They are to be feared above all. They will battle until their very blood soaks the grown and turns the rivers black.”

Miles clenched his right hand in anger and fear. “The Warriors of the Black Dragons have been known to turn the very ground to poison with their blood.”

All five girls could tell that this was a personal and touchy subject for the young knight. Chiyoko cleared her throat. “So, is the blood of all majestic dragons as toxic?”

“No. Only the blood of Warrior Blacks is such a threat.” Miles answered coldly. “In my home world Black Dragons of the Warrior class are both prized and feared for their unmatched strength.”

Miles pointed to where Ivadad was finishing off his third cow. “Ivadad Lord of the Black, is a rarity amongst black dragons. He is both a scholar and a warrior. He could possibly be considered as this world’s first philosophical warrior of peace.”

“Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?” Chiyoko asked in confusion.

“Not really, Chiyoko. In times past, we the Celestial Dragons were considered warriors first.” The voice of Toyotama, the True Neutral Goddess, drew their attention to where she stood with Wolong. “We all battled alongside humans against the forces of Eternal Night. It was through those battles that we learned first of mercy, and then only after a time, our place in this Universe.”

“We began to learn. With the knowledge we gained came insight. Insight brought wisdom. It was that wisdom that forced us to consider our own philosophy of the world around us.” Wolong explained to them all.

“Then Ivadad is more than just a dragon?” Chiyoko asked of the two Dragon Gods. She turned to looked towards where her dragon partner once more feasted on a cow. “Is that his third or fourth?”

“Only his third. Though I am a little surprised.” Miles scratched his chin. “For one of such massive size and age. He is a tidy eater.”

Ivadad must have heard Miles. Even over the half mile that separated them. “One must always remember one’s manners when dining in the company of maidens Knight of the White Rose. Surely your mentors taught you such etiquette.”

“Um… well yes, Lord Ivadad.” Miles answered then blushed. Whispering so that only Chiyoko and the other could hear. “I forgot about their hearing.”

“I heard that, Miles. For a Knight of the White Rose Dragons to forget how well we can hear is unforgivable.” Qersiss rumbled.

“Miles, can they really hear us from all the way over there?” Yoshi asked.

Miles sighed. “As surely as the sun rises in the east. A majestic dragon’s senses are a thousand times that of any living creature. To them an eagle is nearsighted, and a hunting dog’s nose is nothing more than an ornament.”

“Wow. Talk about nothing missing their attention.” Akane chuckled.

“They do have one weakness. Their heavily scaled hides makes it hard for them to feel things. Their sense of touch is greatly reduced. Except for one time. When they molt and shed their old skins.” Miles looked up as Qersiss passed overhead. “If I had to guess they will next shed their skins in ten years. When that time comes, we must find them acceptable weyrs hidden from human sight. Our friends will become rather cranky.”

“Cranky he says.” Ivadad chuckles as he lifts his head from his current cow and belches. Placing his right forepaw over his mouth. “Excuse me. It has been a while since my last meal.”

It took a few seconds before the girls and Miles started to at first chuckle then laugh at the well-mannered dragon. Chiyoko smiled and waved. “You’re forgiven Ivadad. We understand how something like that can happen. Enjoy your meal. Will you be needing another cow?”

“Thank you, but no. Three is more than enough to slake my hunger.” Ivadad answered politely before turning to his siblings. “There is no need to gorge ourselves to the point of gluttony.”

“Party pooper.” Ygi grumbled. The rest just gave the black dragon a dirty glare but said nothing. They all knew that Ivadad as the oldest and most powerful had given them an order.

Miles looked over at Chiyoko. “Ivadad, Lord of the Black is the oldest. The others will always follow his orders. Even ones given as suggestions.”

“I thought that Qersiss the Bunny Slayer would be the one in charge as the only female.” Chiyoko countered.

“That would normally be the case Chiyoko.” Miles said nodding his head. “But not this time. Do you see the ridge of scales that surround Ivadad’s forehead? Those mark him as a warrior.”

“What does that have with him being the one in charge?” Yoshie asked.

“Of the ten breeds of majestic dragons. Only the Black Dragons have the two classes of warrior and scholar separately.” Miles explained as he stood up slowly and dusting off his seat. “Remember how I warned that his greatest weapon was his ability to call Majestic Black Dragon Warriors?”

The five teenage girls nodded their heads. “The Black Dragon Warriors are the Spartans of the majestic dragons. As destructive as a regular majestic dragon can be the Warriors of the Black Dragons are ten times as destructive.”

“Wait! Ten times? That is impossible!” Yoshi exclaimed.

“It is the truth, Yoshi. A single Warrior of the Black Dragons destroyed ancient and powerful Constantinople in one night.” Miles said as he turned to face her. “A city in my home world that had stood against the might of the Persian Empire for three centuries. Not even the great city’s formidable defenses withstood the rage of Elmer, Hunter of Bunnies.”

“Are you say that just one dragon destroyed a city the size of Constantinople in one night?” Chiyoko asked in shock.

“Elmer, Hunter of Bunnies, leveled all of that once great and powerful city in less time that it takes to walk from Lockheed to Canterbury.” All four girls looked at Miles with confusion. “They are two cities in my home world. There is less than twenty leagues between the two.”

Chiyoko quickly did the math in her head and didn’t like the result. In a voice barely above a whisper Chiyoko looked out at the six dragons. “One dragon destroyed all of Constantinople in under seven hours. By the gods and goddesses what have I unleashed on this world.”

“A force of Nature the likes of which has not been seen in centuries. One that will bring the Dragon Kings to their knees.” Toyotama’s voice was filled with warmth and understanding as she pulled the teenager into a hug. “Before you say it that power is yours and yours alone to command. Just as it was your natural ability that powered that ancient curse.”

“I kind of figure that one out my Lady.” Chiyoko giggled.

“Chiyoko, you are a precious gem that needs only to be polished. My sister may be the more poetic of us, but she always speaks the truth.” Wolong told her as he took her into his arms from Toyotama. “Now that your friends have fed and fed well. Time for you all to return to your odyssey.”

Miles waved for Qersiss to fly down so he could mount up. As the white dragon approached Miles turned to the girls. “Let your dragons land before mounting. Do not try what I am about to do.”

As Qersiss passed close the edge of the cliff Miles leaped into thin air. The dragon seeing this dropped low under him. Miles landed astride the dragons neck neatly in the saddle. All three girls could tell that this was a skill born of long hours in the saddle and from years of being around dragons. This was definitely not something for beginning riders.

One at time the five male dragons landed on the rock outcropping. Each girl quickly mounted their respected dragon. Instead of leaping into the air as they did back at the temple. The dragons dropped over the edge while spreading their massive wings before taking that first powerful down stroke for flight. Soon all six dragons were winging their way back over the mountains towards the Temple and their weyrs. The two Dragon Gods stood silently atop the rocky outcropping watching the six pairs.

“Tell me Toyotama. Do you think that they’ll have time to learn all they need to know before the Dragon Kings rise?” Wolong asked of his sister.

Toyotama sighed as she watched the dragons disappear into the distance. “My foresight fails me brother. Only time will tell.”

“Then let us pray they make it in time.” Wolong sighed as the two returned to the heavenly home.

Toyoko Power and Water

Of the five men gathering, only two had ever met before. The only sign that they were even connected was the canes they each carried. Gōkin, the Dragon King of the Southern Sea, bowed to his guests in greeting. “Welcome gentlemen, to our first ever meeting.”

“One does not ignore a summons from the President of Toyoko Power and Water lightly, Lord Gōkin.” Gōkō, Dragon King of the Eastern, snarked.

“I must agree with the Southern Sea King, brothers. Why have you summoned us here of all places, Gōkin?” Gōjin, Dragon King of the Western Sea, demanded.
“Peace brothers. Allow the Gōkō to explain his actions. I am sure he has his reasons.” Gōjun, Dragon King of the Northern Sea, requested of them all.

“NO. I will have answers now, Gōjun.” Gōkinjun, Dragon King of the Skies and the newest member of the group. At the looks of pity from the other four Dragon Kings, Kaii Shiba just grunted. “I may be the youngest of our number brothers, but I also know that I am the most powerful.”

Gōkin looked at the youngest member of their group with his Magical Sight. The power radiating off the young man was like looking at the sun. While all the Dragon Kings radiated power at unseemly levels Kaii’s stood out among them all. Comparing him to the others would be like comparing the sun to one of Professor Plum’s new Super novias.

“Gōkinjun has the right to demand answers, brother. Which I shall come to shortly. First, will each of you present your badge of office?” Gōkin asked politely as he held up his cane. The other four Dragon Kings could clearly see the ornamental handle and the dragon’s head there. As one each Dragon King held up his cane showing the handles. “Thank you, brothers. Now, as for Gōkinjun’s question to why we have gathered. The answer is simple. The Dragon Samurai have returned. That means the Dragon Princess will soon return.”

“Tell us something we do not know brother. The prophecies have long told us all of their returns.” Gōkō grunted. “I have used my contacts in every city within the Empire to hunt for the Dragon Princess. All to no avail.”

“Please brothers, peace. There is no need for us to argue. With the exception of Gōkinjun who has yet to build a spy network of adequate size. We have all used our resources to hunt for the bitch.” Gōjin said once again trying for calm among his brothers.

“Thank you, Gōjin. And your request for peace is not lost on us.” Gōkin once again asserting his authority. “These are troubling times for all of us, but I do have good news on the most important question before us.”

Gōkin paused for dramatic effect. Looking each of the Dragon Kings in the eyes. “My spies within the Ministry of Defense tell me that the Imperial Guards have found the Prefecture in which the bitch is hiding.”

Gōjun was the first to say anything once the shock wore off. “HOW?”

“Who cares about how Gōjun. The question is where?” Gōkinjun corrected.

“After all this time the bitch is within our grasp. Where has she been hidden brother?” Gōjin asked with more greed than the others. His dreams of truly controlling the National Economy were within his grasp at last.

“Yes. Where is she? I want to be the first at her oyster.” Gōkō snarled as he rubbed his hand together in glee. His dream of deflowering a potential Empyreal heir was close to coming true. “Her pearl will be mine at last.”

“Hold, brothers. All of our dreams shall be fulfilled, but first we must secure the Dragon Princess.” Gōkin started to tell his fellow Dragon Kings only to be interrupted by his aide barging in.

Gōkin withheld his rebuke as the man rushed to tell him of his urgency. “SIR! Important news from our spies at the Temple of Eternal Balance!”

“What has gone wrong Yumoto?” Gōkin asked with all the patience of a Saint.

“Dragons, sir.” Yumoto breathed out. “Majestic Dragons.”

The young man’s last two words brought panicked expressions to the faces of the five men gathered in the office of his boss. “Are the reports accurate Yumoto? Be careful of your answer, boy.”

“The Temple Elder Hue himself confirmed the reports, sir.” Yumoto answered with a deep bow. “They have all taken up residency over the Watatsumi’s compound. The Temple Elders have splintered over the dragons, sir.”

“How many of these Majestic Dragons now reside in the compound?” Gōkin asked.

“Six, sir.” Yumoto answered honestly from his bow.

“Wait! DID you say six?” Gōkinjun asked in shock.

“Yes, sir. There are six Majestic Dragons now living over the compound.” Yumoto answered as he stood straight. Now knowing that he would not be fired for barging into the room. “The Elder Hue says that there is a black, white, red, yellow, brown, and blue dragon.”

“No. The Elder has to be wrong.” Gōkinjun said turning to face the others. “The teachings all say there will only be five. They also give the colors. Nowhere in the teachings do they speak of a white dragon.”

“Yumoto, are you sure of the report that there are six dragons? That there truly is a white dragon among their number?” Gōkin demanded fearing his aide’s answer more than anything else in the world just then.

“I had all the reports verified, sir. Even the reports of a massive structure being formed over the Watatsumi compound.” Yumoto answered quickly.

“By the Gods they’ve come into their powers.” Gōjun blurted out. “A roost for their pet dragons out of nothingness. They are more powerful than the Dragon Gods warned us. Gōkō can that fool we placed in the Ministry of the Military do anything for us?”

“I doubt it.” Gōkō sighed as he looked down at his hands atop his cane’s handle. “Hibeki is many things, but he is not confrontational.”

“He isn’t the only one.” Gōjun grunted. “I don’t know about the four of you, but I have no desire to face down one, let alone six, angered Majestic Dragons. Have none of you read the teachings concerning those beasts?”

Of them all only Kaii knew what Gōjun was talking about and recited the appropriate passages from memory. “Wings as powerful as hurricanes. Talons sharper and hard then the finest katana. Breath like fire hotter than the flames of hell. Hides stronger the granite of Gunma. Battle hardened to the ways of man and dragon alike. None can stand before their rage.”

“All that maybe true brother, but there was never a mention of a sixth such dragon.” Gōkō corrected the youngest member of their brotherhood. “Especially not one of the Frost Dragons from the far north.”

“That is where you’re wrong bother. There is an obscure passage within the teachings of Watatsumi.” Kaii told the older Dragon King with a small smile. “I can thank my mother for all of her teachings. One so obscure that most Scribes and Scholars relegate the passage to the ramblings of a madman. It speaks directly to the White Majestic Dragon.”

“Well, don’t sit there, Gōkinjun. What is this passage?” Gōjun demanded.

“Should the Frost Dragon of the North join her brothers in battle. Fear for the end of days. For she is the Herald of destruction for the last of the Dragon Kings and the return of the one true Empress.” Kaii answered from memory. He looked down at his left hand and the ring sitting there on his ring finger. “My father felt that my mother’s teachings were a waste of time. It is a good thing that my mother now runs our company. It seems that the time she spent at her mother’s side, and at the Temple, will be of great impact now. More than at any other time in her life.”

“How so?” Gōkō asked quickly.

“If you want to understand the mind of a samurai one must first understand the code of Bushido that they fallow.” At the looks of confusion on the other Dragon Kings, Kaii sighed. “These new Dragon Samurai are still bound by the code of Bushido. A code of honor so outdated that it no longer holds sway in this time. A code they we can exploit.”

The snarl in Kaii’s voice left no doubt in the minds of the others. Gōkin maybe the one in charge, but the true power resides in the Gōkinjun. It would be this young man that would bring down the Dragon Samurai and their dragons. For first time the four older Dragon Kings truly felt fear. Not for the Dragon Samurai, but for one of their own.

Sunōmaunten, Nagano Prefecture

Sunōmaunten basecamp three high on the side of the mountain Suda Setsu watched over her adopted daughter. The teenager had slowly been working her way towards the stag, for the last twenty minutes. Setsu knew that the deer would soon augment their foodstuffs for the next several months. She and Ren had already decided to stay at the basecamp until the reports coming out of the village of Sunōmaunten gave the all-clear. For the last few days, several military units had arrived in the small village. Each one larger than the last and all were commanded by a viceroy.

At first Setsu wasn’t too worried over their arrival. But with each new unit the threat to Ren grew. Turning to the map of the mountain she began to plan their next ascent. To the next watchtower and basecamp. “I need to buy us time. The question is which basecamp and watchtower.”

Walking over to the telegraph station Setsu slowly tapped out a message for Tabito. If anyone knew which watchtowers were stocked it would be him. Tabito was the senior Forester for the region. It was his job to ensure that each watchtower was well stocked. Then there was the fact that of all the people in the village, Tabito was the most trustworthy. He alone has known of Setsu’s and Ren’s secrets from the day they first arrived in the village.

Ren’s voice drew Setsu’s attention to the here and now. “Mom! Did you see where that stag fell?”

Setsu grabbed a pair of spyglasses and looked to where she had last seen the deer in question. Following the trail of trampled brush, she found the buck twenty-five yards further into the heavy woods. “Head east for twenty-five yards Ren. He dropped just pass the thorn apples.”

“Thanks mom.” Ren quickly headed into the woods to where Setsu had directed her. Setsu kept an eye on her as she worked her way over to the deer. The sounds of the telegraph drew her attention just as Ren found the downed buck. Quickly stepping over the station Setsu began to translate the dots and dashes of the incoming message. She did not like what she was soon reading.

“Damn. Three more mounted units. All from the Empyreal Cavalry. Not that those horses will do them any good up here.” Setsu chuckled. “Once they reach the lower camps they’ll have to dismount. Once on foot those pampered horsemen will be on equal footing as us.”

As she read the rest message Setsu started to grin. “So, the Dragon Samurai have started to move. Good. They’ll be here soon. From the looks of things, the best place for us to wait for them will be at the number four upper basecamp.” Setsu nodded her head. “Eight hours under ideal conditions. Ten under poor. Either way we need to be moving come first light.”

Setsu turned towards the stairs. “I better go give Ren a hand with that buck. We’ll need that meat now more than ever.”

As Setsu walked down the stairs and out into the woods, she thought about the upcoming climb. She knew that they had all the needed tools and supplies to make the climb at the basecamp. It was the timing that concerned her more than anything else. With this many Empyreal Military units in Sunōmaunten now, there was no way that is was coincidence. The Dragon Kings had somehow found them. That or someone in the village had betrayed their trusts. Someone very close to her and Ren. The question of ‘who’, was the problem. She had been so careful to hide their ties to the Empyreal Throne, especially Ren’s.

“I’ve been so damn careful. Who could have betrayed us?” Setsu asked of the thin air. Only to have the answer appear before her ten yards from where Ren was hidden by the brush. “Hello Kingo.”

“Where is the bastard Princess, Setsu?” Kingo snarled.

“She is no longer here Kingo. I’m all that you get.” Setsu smiled coldly. Knowing full well that Ren had the man in the sights of her bow. “When did you decide to sell us out?”

“The day that you left. It’s taken me every day since then to track down where you had gone. I should have figured that you would hide out up here.” Kingo snarled as he pulled a revolver from his heavy jacket. Cocking the hammer back. “The price on your heads will allow me to finally leave this backwater village and nation once and for all. Now tell me Ren has gone.”

The arrow the appeared in the middle of his chest brought the man up short. Even as he stared down at the leaf like broadhead of the arrow. His life’s blood pumped outward staining his jacket. Setsu just walked up to the man drawing her knife. Once she was standing less than one foot from him Setsu grabbed the pistol from his hand. With a sureness born of years in the Empyreal Guard Setsu slit the man’s throat.

“I hope that the silver you were paid buys you a warm place in hell, Kingo.” Looking over at where Ren had taken her shot from. “Well done, Ren. We’ll hide his worthless carcass in the ravine. The local wildlife will take care of the disposal for us.”

Ren said nothing as she helped the woman she had known only as mother drag the body of the former Village Headman to the ravine. There they rolled the body over the edge. During the whole time Ren never said one word. She could only think about one thing. She had ended the life of another human. The idea still hadn’t sunk in yet. She knew that Setsu could, and had, killed in the past. Her mother had even taught her how to use a bow and arrow. Not to mention a pistol, rifle, and knife.

Yet today was the first time Ren had used her skills to end the life of another human. What was even more terrifying was the way that Setsu so easily slit the throat of Kingo. Her mother had shown absolutely no remorse in ending the life of the Headman. Ren realized that Setsu would only have killed in such a manner for one reason. They had been betrayed by Kingo. “Mother, do you think that Kingo told anyone else where we are?”

“In all likelihood yes. We need to move, Ren.” Setsu told her daughter as she grabbed one of the hind legs to the deer. “First though. We need to clean and butcher this buck. Then tomorrow morning, unless it is snowing again, at first light we’ll head for upper basecamp four.”

“We’ll be safe there, mother?” Ren asked with a little fear.

“The Dragon Samurai have begun to move, Ren. They’ll be here shortly.” Setsu looked up the mountain towards where the number four upper basecamp sat. “Of all the upper basecamps. The number four has the best natural defensive position of all the basecamps. It also has the only armory.”

“Why does a basecamp have an armory?” Ren asked in shock.

“That one basecamp overlooks the Hummingbird Pass.” Setsu chuckled. “It also has the only heavy cannon anywhere on this mountain. From there we can rain down one-twenty-five cannon shells with precision on every approach to that basecamp. We could hold off a whole division of light to heavy infantry for as long as we have shells for the cannon.”

“Do you think that we’ll need it mother?” Ren asked coldly.

“Let us pray that we don’t Ren.”

“Why mother?” The teen girl asked.

“Because if we have to use the cannon. Then all I’ve worked for has been for nothing. If that should happen the Dragon Kings will have you and I’ll be dead on the mountainside.” Setsu answered harshly.

“Then we need to get a move on mother.” Ren grunted as she helped to pull the deer towards the watchtower. “Because if Kingo talked. Then the military will be here shortly. Once they’ve forced someone to be their guide.”

This time Setsu chuckled. “Ren think about something. How many guides can make the trip up the mountainside at this time of year?”

It took Ren a few seconds to figure out what her mother was getting at. “Only three guides in all of the village can make the trek up the mountain at this time of year. You, me, and the late Kingo. Those military units are stuck.”

“At least until the thaw. That gives us four to five weeks.” Setsu chuckled. “The only problem is they can reach the lower basecamps without a guide. But it will take them at least ten days to search them all. This basecamp is the furthest one out. That gives us time. Time that we’ll use to make our escape to the upper basecamp.”

“Then I hope that the Dragon Samurai get here soon.” Ren said as she and Setsu pulled the deer under the watchtower. “Because I have no desire to fight an entire army.”


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