Sweet Little Spy pt 7

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Sweet Little Spy part 7

Both me and Holly finished at about the same time. I used all the manners I could. Eating like a lady. Just like I am. However I ate just a little. My nerves where going nuts.
Getting up and heading for the door. Butterflys the size of a small jet worked in my stomach.

Stopping Holly gave me a hug. “It will be over soon, see ya back in our room.” She walked off with such grace.

It looks like I was the first one done as I was alone. Kind of feeling out of place as all the girls that passed were beyond beautiful wearing their school uniform. I could tell the ones in the higher phases. As their uniforms where cut differently and the skirts defiantly shorter than mine.

Just about a minute after I got there Ashlee showed up then Tara and finally Kandi.
I couldn't believe these where the boys I arrived with. Each one were hotties.

“Wow, Allison. You look great.” Tara commented.

“Thanks, “ I said. “So do you all. “
Everyone gave a smile, even Ashlee as she was the most problems when we arrived.

“Good Morning, Girls. I am Miss Silver.” A young gorgeous blonde showed up. “I am with the medical staff here.” She wore Maroon scrubs, that were very flattering. “Follow me please”

She lead us back through the main entrance area. Past what looked like a park. With trees and everything. It even seemed sunlit.

We descended a flight of stairs. To some double doors with the medical symbol on them.
Entering, This place was state of the art and then some. As soon as we got in the doors, we were each taken to a hospital room. It was like most rooms, but along with a bed it has an exam table and an xray machine. Different I though.

“Please remove all your cloths and put on this gown. The Dr will be in shortly.” The nurse told me. As she left.

I stripped down to my birthday suit. Placing my neatly folded cloths on what looked like a dresser. Putting on the hospital gown She didn't say opening to the front or rear, so I did front. Even though the gown read small it reached down to my knees. For some reason my guts still churned.

It was sounding like I hadn't eaten in a month, my stomach rumbled that much. As if the churning and rumbling I started to get a a pain in my gut. It was just slight as of now. Looking around the room I spotted the bathroom in case I needed to make a mad dash for it. With this much going on in my gut the Hershey squirts may not be far behind.

Just as there was a knock on the door and a young lady came in wearing a white lab coat. “Allison” She asked. I just nodded.

“Good Morning, I am Dr Sinclair. I will be monitoring your progress while you are here.”

The pain started growing. I moaned in agony.

“Having some pain in your stomach”

“Yeah a lot right now” I gasped out.

“OH, Good” was all she said.
I gave her the 'what in the hell is going on with me' stare.

“Allison, this is normal in this part of the program.” She began. “In short everything between your navel and the bottom of your bottom is getting reworked inside. All your boy parts inside are changing into girl parts. Along with your outside parts as well. You may have noticed that your adams apple has disappeared. That is the first thing to change along with your voice getting higher. More girly as they say.”

Letting out a long moan of pain, “That I noticed”

“It kind of starts there and works its way down. Did you notice that your skins is softer, your starting to develop some nice curves.”

I shook my head, “Not really” I stated in a pained voice.

The Dr continued, “If left alone your body hair would be less and softer. But later in the week you will be xenon flashed. Thus from your eyes to your toes you will never grow any hair. The only exception would be your pubic area.

Back to what is happening now. Your male only organs are changing to girl organs. You will no longer have a prostate. You will have ovaries, a uterus, and a vagina all fully functional. Your body down to the DNA is changing.”

“How?” I gasped out between shooting pain in my abdomen.

“This technology was developed actually for the war on terrorists. It was to be introduced into the water supply of an enemy village or area. Within a week all the males would be females. Unfortunately further testing shows that it doesn't work on males over the age of 19. So we developed this program.

Which I cannot speak of right now. You will find that your wounds heal faster, you are athletic abilities are enhanced along with your mental ones too. Basically You are changing in to a faster, stronger, and smarter female.”

Then for next 22 hours. I went through some of the most pain of my young life.
I must have shit 50 times, all of it runny. The Dr was there the whole time monitoring my progress and health. She made sure I drank enough to stay hydrated. I however was able to watch 3 movies. After the 22 hours I was beat, my asshole was sore from all the shitting. But the pain was subsiding fairly quickly.

“OH, God, I think I am finally done shitting my brains out” I said in an almost normal feminine voice.

“How do you feel, Allison?” Dr Sinclair asked.

“Well other than being run over by a Mack truck and my butt hurting. OK”

“I think you are over the procedure, Hop up on the exam table and let me check you”
As I slowly rose from my chair. I felt refreshed almost reborn, still tired as hell though. Hopping up on the exam table.

Dr Sinclair checked everything, my breathing, my reflexes.

“OK for the final check, lie back, feet in the stirrups, please”
Placing my feet, I think I knew what was coming. Folding my gown up above my knees. The Dr Looked at my crotch.

“Isn't that just the cutest little pussy I have ever seen.” The Dr Commented.
The Dr felt around my lips, I shivered when she found my clit.

“Feels good, doesn't it” I just nodded.

“Just relax” she said as she using a small speculum, “Even your hymen is intact. Your still a virgin. Well everything is all good so far. Now let's check what we cannot see.”
Putting my legs down. She laid the exam table almost flat.

“Ultrasound time”

She pulled up a machine with a wand type thing attached. She squirted some jelly type stuff on my belly. She would move it around and then stop and take a screen shot. Then again. All the while giving an anatomy call out.

“Uterus, Both ovaries, all looking good. And no and no” Moving the wand around.
“No more prostate or any other thing a girl doesn't need.

Setting me up, “Well Allison you are now 100% physically female. I will let the kitchen know you are ready for a meal. You need rest after the procedure. After you get some food into you. Get some sleep. If you need anything just ring for the nurse” The Dr said.

As I slid off the exam table and moved to the bed. I did feel tired but not that tired. I think I was more hungry than anything.

About 10 minutes later, a young man brought a tray of food. “Here you go,” he said.

“Thank you.” I said as he left. He seemed cute. It was soup, and a salad, meat loaf, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn and a roll. A large glass of milk and a water.

I polished of the meal off. Taking the last drink of milk. I pushed the tray away, next thing I know I am out for the count.

“Allison, Hey Allison, wake up “ I heard. It was Holly.

“What are you doing here” my eyes open slightly.

“Where should I be beside our room.”

Sitting up in my bed, “How did I get here?”

“You where brought back this afternoon. When I was in class”

“Was I dressed in my sleep set” I said noticing that I had on my light blue sleep set I wore last night or was it two or more nights ago.

“What day is it? “ I asked.

“Friday, 3 pm Why”

I was out for over 3 days”

“Yes, you where. I was out a little longer than you. Maybe because I am older, who knows. So how do you feel.?”

“Rested, a little strange. But all I all OK.”

I pulled my shorts out and took a look, I just had to. It was replaced all right. From what I could see the Dr was right it was a cute little cunt. Looking up Holly was looking at me.

“OH, Sorry, but I had to.” turning red.

“Everyone does it. It is a natural reaction. Oooooo, Check it out I made it to phase 4 I got my thongs” Holly said lifting the back of her shorter school uniform skirt to show her bare bottom. It was so cute. “So two more and I am out of here. “

“Have I missed anything”

“No, Not really, Just a great casserole last night”

Since Holly mentioned food I realized I was hungry, and had to go to the bathroom.
As I walked to the bathroom, it was like my first time. Once in the bathroom I pulled down my shorts and my basic white cotton panties. Sat down and peed. By instinct I wiped with toilet paper. It felt electric the first touch on my pussy. I slowly felt it up and down. Touching my clit sent shivers to my soul, it felt that good.

I had to force myself to stop. I however went to the mirror. Pulling off my top. I checked out my new body. Staring at my naked body, I was so cute. Small budding breasts, nice curves, and the cutest little hairless pussy. Their was not one clue that I was ever a boy. Was I ever a boy I thought. Not this cute little girl. Pulling on my panties, I changed into my school uniform for dinner.

A just above knee length skirt in green, red, and black plaid, my white cotton A cup bra, a white blouse, finished off with white calf high cable knit socks and black and white saddle shoes w/ 1 inch heel. I sat down at my dressing table. I began brushing my hair. Pinning my bangs back. I let my hair hang loose and flowey. I put on a little make up. I had the strange almost feeling that I don't use much make up. I just put on a little lip gloss. Looking in the mirror. A beautiful cute little girl looked back, Me.

I just noticed that my right ear was now pierced. I have had my left one done for years. But now I had matching diamonds in each ear.

“Wow, my ears are both pierced now.” I said.

“Yes, they do it when you are out during the procedure. You only needed one done. I had both ears done. By next week you will be able to change them out.”

“Next week, My left ear took almost 4 months to heal.”

“Remember what the Dr. said, you heal much faster since you had the procedure.”

“Yeah, the Dr did say that.”

“Hey, sounds like the dinner rush is starting.” Holly said as we heard a bunch of girls passing our door.

“let's eat”

We both joined the crowd. However this time I walked with a new confidence. I walked with pride, something I never did before, even when I was home. It was weird. Like it was a whole new person. Well I was and I wasn't.

Physically I was but mentally I was the same old. My thoughts stopped dead. I couldn't remember my boy name. My name was no.......... is Allison Meagan Wilson. Entering the dinning room we found a seat with my sister, Who gave me a hug.

“Allison, your back.” Lynn said. “God, Sis. You look great. Everything go alright.”

“Yeah, Everything came out or changed. Just like it should have.”
Sitting down. Mrs. Kearman stood. As normal the whole dinning room became silent.

All of my stories are purely fictional, the some places are real, some are not. The names and personnel used in all my stories, are also fictional. They may be based on people I knew but, Any resemblance to anyone living, dead, or un-dead are purely coincidental.

I write my stories as a fantasy. While based on this world. Things in my story could stretch reality. However I write my stories from my mind. I reserve all rights to my work. Any form of duplication without my permission is forbidden. Please enjoy reading them as I have in writing them.

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Wow too bad it wouldn't

Samantha Heart's picture

Work on me now sad really. Oh well.... i am enjoying this story. I can't wait for more

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Yep, leave to the Government to use drugs

Jamie Lee's picture

Gads, the Government sanctioned the use of drugs on who they perceived as an enemy. And now it's used on boys deemed unreachable by conventional means, even though no conventional means were ever tried.

Charles has been so brainwashed that Allison can't remember her boy name, and likely anything Charles used to do.

But how do they know that in ten or twenty years those transformed boys won't have melt downs if their old memories return because of some trigger?

Or because of some trigger, they eat a bullet. Or they start having dreams of their old lives that cause PTSD.

Others have feelings too.

Remind me of the movie Barely Lethal

Nawalia Rea's picture

with added Forced fem in the training process. like the movie children taken into government super soldier program (gov assassin program in Barely Lethal). somehow i found my self focus more in this side of the story instead on feminization part. for me that is just a side , a part of the whole story.not the main part.