Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 10

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 10
The return of the Majestic Dragons and where the hell did, he come from?

Watatsumi’s compound, Temple of Eternal Balance, Ten Temples of Truth

All seven of the young women ran outside. Chiyoko stopped dead in her tracks causing her four sisters to run into her back. “HOLY SHIT!”

“Wha… wha… what are those?” Akane asked haltingly.

“Wa… Wa… What did you do Chiyoko?!” Chikako demanded from behind Akane.

“BY THE GODDESS! THEY’RE HUGE!” Kasumi screamed.

“WE’RE SUPPOSED TO RIDE THOSE?” Yoshi asked in shock.

“Ah yes. Finally, all of my children have returned to this world.” All seven turned to face the Dragon Goddess Tiamat. Chiyoko was the first to grasp what she was saying and did a fast count of the majestic dragons. “Yes, young samurai. All six have returned.”

“Oh boy. Guys I think we might have a small problem.” Chiyoko told her sisters. “We’re short one samurai.”

“No child. You’re short one knight.” Tiamat corrected her. “It was not samurai that I brought to this world, but Knights from the Dragon Orders.”

There was a massive roar followed by a blast of fire that split the heavy overhanging clouds. “Who dares to call the Dragon Knights from their slumber? Show yourself human scum or I’ll burn this temple to the ground.”

“You will do no such thing Dykacrat.” Tiamat called out sternly.

“Mother, you’re here?” The massive red dragon asked in surprise. “Why did you call us forth? There is no war here.”

“I was not the one to call you forth, my son.” Tiamat chuckled. “It was this young lady here. The greatest of the Voids. The only one to traverse the Vail under her own power.”

“Where is her brother?” The white dragon asked of them. “Where is my rider?”

“Calm yourself Qersiss.” Tiamat told the second largest dragon there with soft chuckle. “Your rider will be here shortly.”

“Hold up here, lady Tiamat. I thought there was only supposed to be five Dragon Samurai.” Chiyoko questioned. “Isn’t bringing in a sixth person like breaking the agreement between Choe-long and the other dragons?”

“THAT was their agreement. Not MINE. The Dragon Knights have been and always will be MINE.” Tiamat snarled. “That nephew of mine has been getting too big for his britches for a long time now. Time for him to remember his place.”

Tiamat held out her hand just over shoulder height then drew her index finger downward. Drawing a line that opened a portal in the Vale of Time and Space. They all watched as the Dragon Goddess reached through the portal, and with a simple tug, a young man in full armor appeared. “Time for you to take your place beside your sisters as a Knight of the White Rose Dragons, Miles.”

The young man looked around then saw Tiamat and dropped to one knee. “What is your command my Lady Tiamat?”

“Who the hell is this guy?” Kasumi demanded of Chiyoko.

“Damned if I know.” Chiyoko said as she looked from the young knight to the massive white dragon sitting outside of the compound. “But I got a feeling that him and the big girl are supposed to be here to help us.”

“Rise and greet your sisters in arms Miles of the White Rose Dragons.” Tiamat ordered the young man.

As he stood up and looked at the five identical young women. He did a double take then fell on his ass. “The legend speaks true. The Five Maidens.”

He turned and looked at Tiamat with awe filled eyes. “Have I truly been chosen to be the finale defender?” He asked in both hope and fear.

“Yes, you have. I suggest that you introduce yourself.” Tiamat said with a chuckle. “Before they decided to beat the crap out of you for just appearing inside of their home. From what I understand they can be quite forceful.”

“Forceful she says.” Otohime said with a chuckle. “That dear sister is a nice understatement. I would say more like downright nasty.”

“Lady Otohime, we’re not all that bad.” Yoshie huffed as she looked over at Chiyoko. “Chiyoko is the only one that thinks a hammer is the best way to get someone’s attention.”

“Yeah. I’m not that bad.” Chiyoko pouted.

“We know, sis. You just lack shall we say certain graces.” Akane told her as she hugged Chiyoko kindly.

The other girls wrapped Chiyoko in a hug as well. Their tender moment was interrupted by a heavy chuckle that sounded more like an earthquake. All ten people inside the compound looked up at the biggest majestic dragon of them all. Chiyoko gulped as the black dragon lower his head until his snout was just a few feet away from her face. Chiyoko could tell that this massive beast could bight her head off with a snap of his jaws.

His breath was warm and moist as it crested her face. “This one is truly worthy to be my rider. She lacks all sense of respect for those of power and is truly fearless. By the Gods of Battle where have you been woman?”

Chiyoko didn’t even think twice as she smacked the dragon across the snout. “DON’T CALL ME WOMAN LIKE THAT YOU GREAT SCALY OAF!”

“Such fire! She is a warrior in more ways than one! IF the other four have half the fire as she, then we’ll need to step up our game bothers.” Looking over at the white dragon he chuckled. “As for you dear sister. I can tell that you and your rider will have to push yourselves to match them.”

“For once brother dear I believe you’re right.” The white dragon said as she lowered her head to within feet of Miles’ face. “What say you rider?”

“I don’t know about the Maidens, but I don’t back down from challenges. I am a Knight of the White Rose Dragon Order. Sworn defenders of the Goddess Tiamat. Rightful riders of the Snow Dragons. Raised in the ways of Dragon kind. Trained from childhood in the ways of the sword, shield, and lance.” The more Miles spoke to Qersiss the straighter he stood.

“That is the fire of my knights. I am Qersiss the Bunny Slayer rider. What is your name?” Qersiss asked him.

“I’m known as Miles the Fair.” He said as he pulled off his helmet. All five girls were forced to hold their breath at the stunningly beautiful man that stood before them. His skin was pale, his eyes were ice blue, and his hair fell to the nape of his neck was almost pure white.

“Holy shit! He’s almost an albino.” Chiyoko whispered to the others.

Seeing the looks on the faces of the five sisters Miles just sighed. “I see that my appearance has it’s normal effect on the populace. It has caused more than a few problems over the years. At least they didn’t swoon and fall at my feet trying to bed me.”

“Damn he’s about full of himself. I say we just throw his happy ass in the fish pond and be done with him.” Yoshi told the others.

“I’m with Yoshi on this one sis.” Chikako said as she cocked her hips and placed her left hand on her hip. “We don’t need no sinking man.”

“Same here. Why do we need him anyway?” Akane asked with her head cocked.

“I got to say sis. I’m with the others on this.” Kasumi said with a cocky grin. “I also like Yoshi’s idea of the pond. I doubt that he can swim in all that iron.”

The deep rumbling chuckle that came from the white dragon drew everyone’s attention. “It seems to me Miles that you’ll have to prove yourself to your sisters in arms. Are you ready my rider?”

“More than ready.” Miles smirked as he stood up straight replacing his helmet and holding out his hands. “To me Snaggletooth.”

A giant Claymore sword appeared out of thin air. Miles looked at the four young ladies before him. “Shall we dance maidens?”

“This one is all yours Chikako.” Chiyoko said as she stepped back. “And Chikako. No alchemy. Keep it fair.”

Chikako pouted as she let her robes fall away and her armor form about her body. “Aaaahhhh! You’re no fun.” Holding out her own hands, Chikako called out for her Sourusureiyāzu. A massive black bastard sword appeared in Chikako’s hands. “Vengefully dance Worm blade.”

Miles smiled at the black bastard sword in Chikako’s hands. “Such a massive weapon for one so small. Though I do have to admit that I have dreamed of facing the Soul Eater of legend.”

That was the only preamble between the two combatants. They clashed in fury of slashes and blocks that would do credit to any God of Battle. For every strike that Chikako tried Miles had a block. Only Chiyoko could tell that Miles was holding back. It wasn’t until Miles locked Chikako’s sword in a downward swipe that the fight was called by Yoshi.

“Hold!” Yoshi called out. Chikako backed away. Miles just stood up straight. “Well done, Sir Miles. You held off our sister admirably.”

“She did well for a beginner. Her form is adequate, but she lacks any true understanding of the Bastard sword. I can tell that she is more comfortable is a single edge blade. One with a slight curve.” Miles told Yoshi. “If I were to hazard a guess. I would say that she was never trained in a dual edge bladed weapon of such size.”

“Sir Miles, none of the Dragon Samurai have been truly trained in the use of their Sourusureiyāzu.” Tiamat told the young knight kindly. “It shall fall to you to be their teacher in the Arts of the Blade, Shield, and Lance.”

Yoshie, Chikako, Akane, and Kasumi all started to object but Chiyoko held up her hand forestalling them. “The Lady Tiamat is right. None of us really know how to use our Sourusureiyāzu. Sure, we can all call them and use their power. But none of us truly know how to use them in a fight.”

Chiyoko looked Miles dead in the eyes. “You were holding back, Sir Miles. Please don’t try to lie. One of us will know the moment that you do.”

“Yes, I was holding back. I wanted to judge the skill of your sister. With that being said, which of you shall be next?” Miles asked with a smirk.

Akane didn’t even think twice and dropped her robes calling for her armor and Sourusureiyāzu. The twin katana’s flashed into existence. “Hell’s Fire Reduce them to Ash! Ice Wind Bring your frozen embrace!”

Miles just smiled and held his sword in one hand. “Come Hadrian’s Wall.”

A massive two-by-four foot curved shield appeared on Miles’ left arm. “Well fair maiden. Shall we?”

Akane last a little longer against Miles than Chikako did but the result was the same. She ended up disarmed and staring down the pointy end of his sword. “You have some skill, but you need work. When using two swords you must attack with one and defend with the other. Especially when using two long swords. Like those beautiful twins.”

“Do you intend to test all of your fellow riders, Sir Miles?” The white dragon Qersiss asked of her rider.

“I must know what we have to work with, Lady Qersiss. I fear for more than just their safety, but yours and the other dragons as well.” Miles answered honestly. “Their only weapons are their Sourusureiyāzu and their magic.”

“WHAT?!” Roared the red dragon. “They have no lances! Can they even ride?”

“That has yet to be seen Lord Dykacrat.” Miles answered with a bow then looked over at the massive blue dragon. “I know that according to legend Lord Deghia, your rider has always been known for your Lance.”

“This is true Sir Miles. Though I doubt that my current rider would know the first thing about using a lance.” The blue dragon dropped his head over the wall into the courtyard and sniffed Yoshi. “From her smell I believe that she has only ever used a harpoon.”

Yoshi squared her shoulders and defiantly looked into the eyes of the massive dragon. “That’s the only way to end the fight with a blue fin.”

The massive dragon head pulled back a little as he chuckled. “She’ll do.”

The brown dragon looked to the yellow dragon. “Tell me, Ygi do you find your rider suitable as well?”

“I don’t know Brikat. I have yet to see what she can do. Though I doubt that there will be much difference between her and the others. They all lack the same training.” The yellow dragon lowered his head down so he could look Kasumi in the eyes. “But I must say that this one has fire in her belly.”

“I won’t deny that I lack the skills needed to truly use my Sourusureiyāzu in combat. I know that none of us really know how to use them to their full potential.” Kasumi admitted to the massive yellow dragon.

Once again, a majestic dragon just chuckled and drew its head back. “Fire and passion runs deeply in this samurai, brothers and sister. This one has passion to spare. And a true believer in the truth.”

“Well, I sort of can’t help but be a believer in the truth as I cannot lie or be lied to.” Kasumi admitted honestly as always.

“The Maiden of Truth.” Miles whispered then as he looked to the others one at a time, he gave with all the titles of his home world. Starting with Yoshi he began to name them. “The Maiden of Purity.” For Akane he whispered. “The Maiden of Unrelenting Light.” Looking at Chikako. “The Maiden of Liberty.” When he got to Chiyoko he bowed as deeply as his armor would allow. “The Dark Maiden of the Void and my counterpart.”

All five girls ignored the titles that Miles gifted them. Especially Chiyoko. Instead they continued to square off against Miles. Each one testing their skills with the blade against the young man.

Over the next half hour Miles faced off against Yoshi and Akane. Both young women did their best, but Miles easily defended himself. When it was Chiyoko’s turn, Miles found that he had to up his game. The two spared almost as equals. Though the other four girls could tell that Miles was still holding back. That was until Chiyoko lost her temper and snarled.

Chiyoko used an overhand slash with her katana and a side thrust with her wakizashi. The sudden attack forced Miles onto the defense. With barely enough time to raise his shield to block the katana he had to use his long sword to block the wakizashi. These two actions left him wide open. Chiyoko’s kick to the midsection staggered the young man backward. She followed this up with a double downward slash by both weapons. Which Miles barely managed to block the dual attack with his shield. Miles knew that he would have to fight back. And soon. The easiest way was with a side slash with his sword to Chiyoko’s middle. An attack that forced Chiyoko on the defense.

As the two combatants backed away from each other Yoshi called out. “Hold!”

Akane, Chikako, and Kasumi stood there clapping. Chiyoko smiled and returned her Sourusureiyāzu to their holding stand. Miles just held out his arms and return his shield and sword to the either from where he had called them. Miles removed his helmet and bowed to Chiyoko. “Well done, Maiden.”

“Thank you, Sir Miles. Though I doubt that my skills are a true match to your own. I know that I got lucky and caught you off guard with the double attack. May I know why?” Chiyoko asked him politely.

Miles chuckled. “To be honest. I have never had someone switch between kenjutsu, long sword, short sword, saber, rapier and dagger with such ease. Five incredibly unique styles, yet you were able to mix them all. May I know who your Blade Master is, Maiden?”

“Master Robert Kimbell. The gentleman is a retired military man and historian. He has quite literally studied just about every style of sword technique known to man.” Chiyoko chuckled then smiled. “He would find your skills a true challenge. He mastered the broadsword.”

“It must be a fascinating world that you come from for one man to be able to master so many different sword styles.” Miles said with an answering smile.

“You could say that.” Chiyoko answered with a chuckle.

Miles just smiled and looked at the five teenage maidens. “If you could each give me an example of your magical abilities, please?”

Yoshie was the first to show off. She clapped her hands together and called forth a fresh water spring. It bubbled up out of the ground to water the plants that surround the compound. Akane was up next. She called forth a small fire that burned away the leaves that cloaked the ground surrounding the outer wall. Chikako formed an earthen pillar topped with a shallow bowl that Yoshie quickly filled with water for a birdbath. Kasumi smiled and commanded a gentle breeze to sweep the leaves from the courtyard. Miles stood back in amazement at the skill showed by these four young women.

“I must say, Ladies. I have never seen such fine control over power.” He turned and looked to Chiyoko. “And what of you Maiden of the Void?”

Chiyoko smiled and cleared her throat. With a smile she thought about one of her favorite poems by Lisa King before singing out.

“The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
O, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I send you a cream-white rosebud
With a flush on its petal tips;
For the love that is purest and sweetest
Has a kiss of desire on the lips.”

Miles fell backwards as a dove appeared out of nowhere to land in front of him. The dove held a white rose in its beak. What startled Miles wasn’t the dove presa but the sheer size of the bird. One doesn’t expect to see a white dove the size of a Great Dane. “By the Gods!”

“Oops. Sorry about that. I put a little too much humph into that one.” Chiyoko giggled as she waved her hand making the dove vanish back to where it came from. “Next time I’ll hold back on the power a lot more.”

“If that was you holding back fair Maiden. I don’t want to see you cut lose.” Miles chuckled. “For some reason I find the idea of you becoming enraged and working magic a terrifying thought.”

“Sir Miles take a piece of free advice. When Chiyoko starts grinning find the nearest exit. If she’s giving you a faint smile run for the hills.” Akane wise cracked. “Our sister has a very short temper. Not to mention major self-control issues in the anger management department.”

“HAY! I told you that I’m not that bad.” Chiyoko bitched.

“Yes, we know dear one.” Otohime said as she placated Chiyoko. “You just tend to be a little more direct than my brothers and sisters care to accept.”

“No sister. I find her attitude refreshing. None of that sickening bowing and scarping. You know the shit that we normally get from humans.” Tiamat said with a smile.

“You would. You never were one for formality, sister.” Otohime grunted before laughing out right. “Though I do have to agree with you about the current Kyamo no Sa. She brings a refreshing attitude to the position.”

“Oh, give me a break already.” Chiyoko sighed.

The other girls wrapped Chiyoko in a group hug. They all knew that of the five of them she was the one most out of touch with their world. They knew that Chiyoko fought with herself over more than just her anger.

“Forgive me, Lady Chiyoko. I overstepped my bounds.” Miles said as he bowed to her. Taking Chiyoko by the left hand he kissed the back of her knuckles. “I promise to never do so again.”

“Forget about it, Sir Miles. I know that I have a quicksilver temper.” Chiyoko sighed and then giggled. “It sometimes gets the better of me. Especially when I’m working magic.”

“Magic is a powerful tool, my Lady. One that unlike alchemy is more affected by emotion. The stronger your emotions the more powerful the magical pull. The stronger the pull the harder it is to control.” Miles explained. “Unlike myself, one who does not have such a powerful tool at my disposal.”

“Wait. You’re the other half of the Void, but you cannot work magic. How does that work?” Yoshie asked for the others.

“There are two halves to the Void. Just as there are males and females. The male half of the Void is more martial in nature. The female half is spiritual in nature, therefor more in tuned to the magic of the Void. The more in tuned an individual is to their feminine half the stronger their connection to the magic of the Void.” Miles explained not seeing Chiyoko’s growing blush.

“Relax, sis. He doesn’t notice and we won’t tell.” Kasumi whispered to her.

“Thank you for that explanation Sir Miles.” Chikako said quickly to cover up for Chiyoko’s sudden lack of conversation skill.

“You’re quite welcome Mistress. Though I must admit that I am a little surprised at your lack of knowledge concerning the Void verses your amazing skills. Not even the Master Mages and Alchemists of my home can compare to the five of you.” Miles couldn’t keep his amazement out of his voice. “May I know where you came by your knowledge?”

“Their knowledge and skill for the mystic arts are a gift from their various patron Gods, Sir Knight.” Tiamat explained for Miles. “These five Samurai are unique among their number. In more ways than one.”

“I see, Lady Tiamat. I shall endeavor to expand their skills in the ways of the Blade, Shield, and Lance. You have my word of honor.” Miles told the Dragon Goddess as he bowed deeply to her.

Tiamat turned to Otohime. “It is time for us to go sister. The Knights have the situation well in hand.”

“I believe that you’re right sister.” Otohime said with a smile. “Though I believe that we have one last task to perform here.”

“Oh, what would that be?” Tiamat asked in confusion.

“Your children need weyrs.” Otohime pointed overhead towards the six hovering majestic dragons. “I doubt that the monks of this temple will appreciate them using their roofs as a place to perch.”

“We would greatly appreciate them not landing on the roofs of our temple, Mistress Otohime.” The man’s voice came from the gate to the temple grounds. Everyone turned as one to face the Temple Elder. He bowed to them all. “The other brothers and sisters fear coming closer, Kyamo no Sa.”

“Elder Tashiro, please forgive the interruption of your routine.” Chiyoko said quickly with a deep and respectful bow. “We shall see to the correction immediately. If you’ll give us but a few moments?”

Tashiro just smiled bowed and left the compound. Not before getting one more parting shot. “Please be about your business Kyamo no Sa. You and the other Dragon Samurai have already upset the natural balance and harmony of the temple enough for one day.”

“One of these days I’m going to put my boot up that man’s ass.” Satomi snarled as she popped her knuckles.

“Not before I rip his head off and shit down his neck, sister.” Satoko grounded out between clenched teeth. “That man is a bigger pain in the ass than Director Hines back home.”

“Chiyoko, do you know why the miko have such hatred for the temple elder?” Chikako asked of her new sister.

“Let’s just say that Elder Tashiro reminds them of someone that they would happily gut if ever given the chance. That and Elder Tashiro’s attitude towards women really pisses off Satomi and Satoko.” Chiyoko explained with a barely hidden chuckle. “Not that I blame them. I can’t stand the man myself. I really hate chauvinistic pigs.”

“Lady Chiyoko, you do a disservice Elder Tashiro.” Miles said then grinned as the seven young women turned on him. “You give him too much credit and insult pigs everywhere.”

When the five samurai and two mako heard this, they started to first giggle then finally bust out laughing. Miles’ simple comment had earned his way into their confidence. “Might I suggest we be about our business ladies? The dragons cannot hold a hover for an extended period.”

“Sir Miles, just how large does a roost need to be for a majestic dragon?” Yoshi asked him.

“My Lady Yoshi! Dragons do not roost!” Miles exclaimed in shock and disbelief over the lack of respect for the dragons. “You must understand that dragons are noble and proud creatures of war.” Miles sniffed as if he was smelling something rotten in the air. “They are dignified creatures. Not some barnyard fowl fit only for eating or eggs.”

“Then what do they use for sleeping on?” Akane asked politely. She could tell that this was a touchy subject for the knight.

“A majestic dragon always rests on a ledge or some other high point. They do not ‘roost’. They use a weyr.” Miles said as he put on an air of superiority. One that the teenage girls could tell was totally fake. “We need six proper weyrs for our companions, Ladies. Do you believe that you can perform the task? Or should we allow the Lady Tiamat the honors?”

Otohime and Tiamat chuckled at the none too subtle challenge made by Miles. One that all five of the Dragon Samurai rose to with gusto. After gathering in a quick huddle around Chiyoko she was appointed to be their spokesperson. Chiyoko turned around and gave Miles hard look. “Okay, Miles. Challenge accepted. How large does a proper weyr need to be for our friends circling overhead? What type material should they be made of? I want the ideal weyrs for them and only you know what that is.”

“A proper weyr should be a third larger than the dragon using it at the minimum. No closer to the ground than five dragon lengths. With at least two wingspans between each weyr’s edge. If they’re not joined. The weyrs themselves should be a shallow bowl shaped circle. Just deep enough to allow a dragon to lay comfortably with a light covering of fine sand.” Miles told the five very pissed off sisters. He never let his air of superiority slip as he described the perfect dragon’s weyr.

“Okay sisters. Let’s do this. Chikako, you have the South. Yoshi the North. Akane the East. Kasumi the West. I have the Center. Channel all of your alchemy towards me. I’ll form the power and shape our intent. Remember this is an all or nothing situation. So, don’t hold back.” Chiyoko ordered as she moved to the center of the courtyard.

Yoshie, Akane, Chikako, and Kasumi looked at her as if she had lost her mind but followed her directions. Once all four alchemist were in place Chiyoko readied herself for a massive surge of power. Not just any power but alchemic power. Something that she normally didn’t work with as it was outside of her normal purview of magic. As she readied herself Chiyoko realized that she had no idea of what spell to use for shaping that alchemic power.

“Ah shit! Fuck it! Looks like I’m winging this one.” She whispered to herself. Looking over at her new sisters Chiyoko took a deep breath then called out. “DO IT!”

As one the four most powerful Alchemists in this world clapped their hands and formed an alchemic circle in the sands of the courtyard. They concentrated all their power to one point. The very center where Chiyoko now stood. The power the four teenage girls raised in that one moment staggered Miles backs and drew the undivided attention of the two Dragon Goddesses.

As the massive alchemic power slammed into Chiyoko she had a vision. In her mind’s eye she could clearly see the weyrs. With this vision came undeniable intent. It would be that intent she would use to forge the magic that would create the weyrs for their dragons. That same vision that would drag the spell from her memory in the form of a long forgotten song.

Throwing her arms wide Chiyoko began to sing. With the first verse the alchemic circle change into one of ancient archaic might. One so powerful that it had not been seen in over four centuries. The song though was another matter entirely. It was straight out Chiyoko’s childhood. An old Naval shanty that her father would sign, Midnight Angel.

On the wings of a Midnight Angel
I did see my destiny
Burning down the skies fueled in righteous
Anger did she cut through the night

Burn baby burn it down
Midnight Angel coming for me
Midnight Angel coming in hot
Midnight Angel targets in her sights
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide

My Midnight Angel knows where to find me
Hard on the deck
The bow is bucking
Captain is screaming
The Chief knows we’re done
The Midnight Angels have come for us all

The sea bleeds with the souls of the dead
The yeoman calls for the trap
Midnight Angel on hot approach
Everyone knows this it
Midnight Angel had run out of luck

Burn baby burn it down
Midnight Angel coming for me
Midnight Angel coming in hot
Midnight Angel targets in her sights
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide

Down on the trap and hot ready to rock
Midnight Angel has met her match
Blaze through the night skies
Just one last time she screams

One last time the Midnight Angel rockets
Off the deck heading for the skies
Burn it down my Midnight Angel
Burn it down my love

Burn baby burn it down
Midnight Angel coming for me
Midnight Angel coming in hot
Midnight Angel targets in her sights
Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Only one place to go
To hell and back
In the Devil’s coin we’ll pay
When hell is only six feet deep

Chiyoko had no sooner finished the first verse of the song than six massive pillars exploded from the ground. Three on each the Eastern and Western sides of their compound. As they rose to tower over the compound the tops began to spread outward. Miles was stunned by the display of raw power from these five young ladies. He was even more amazed by the creativity of the five. There was one pillar for each element. With one exception, the Void.

There was a granite pillar for Earth. A red marble pillar for fire. A blue crystal for water. For air, the pillar was of the clearest glass. Only the Void had two pillars. One made of white ash wood, the other the darkest of ebony woods. These two pillars sat directly across from each other. As the pillars reached their final height their tops met and joined into a solid plate spanning three pillars on each side.

At each end of the plates a flight of stairs reached down to the central courtyard. One flight of stairs in each corner. The last change was to the actual make-up of the plate. It changed into solid rock. This one change impressed Miles more than anything else. The combining of the different materials into one was not something most Alchemists let alone Mages would try. Just because of the complexity of the task.

When Chiyoko finished singing and the spell had run its course she dropped to her hands and knees. Sweat dripped from her forehead and ran down her neck. Her breathing was coming in deep ragged gulps. For the first time since she had started using magic, Chiyoko fought to remain awake. It felt as if every fiber of her every being had been forcibly pulled apart and slammed back together in under thirty seconds.

She was not the only one to feel the effects of the massive amount of power that had been used. Yoshi lay on her side gulping air. Kasumi knelt off in the Northwestern corner puking up her guts. Akane lay on her back trying to remember where she was. Poor Chikako, who was the newest to her power, lay on her side out cold. Even Satomi and Satoko were affected by the display. They may not have been involved in the casting of the spell, but the sheer backlash caused them to sway as they fought to stay on their feet.

“By the GODS of Battle.” Miles whispered. He looked over at the two miko. “Mistress Satomi and Satoko will you please remind me to never piss off your charges. For some reason I doubt that I would survive the encounter.”

“Sir Miles, you have yet to see the five of them truly exercise their full power. Once they have learned to integrate their different powers with another, I fear that only the Gods will be able to truly challenge them.” Satomi whispered to the young man.

The first dragon to land on the new weyr was the massive black dragon. He looked down at Chiyoko and greeted her properly. “I am Ivadad of the Black Mistress. Your power is unlike any I have seen before. I’m truly impressed.”

Swaying to her feet Chiyoko looked up at the massive dragon. “Hi ya, buddy, Just, call me Chiyoko. You can drop all those courtly manners and crap. Where I come from all they’ll get is a punch in the chops and a bloody nose for your troubles. Honest words and friendship is good enough for me.”

“Then we shall be more than just friends, Chiyoko. For you are my rider.” Ivadad chuckled as he laid his head down on the edge of the weyr.

The next to land was the white dragon Qersiss. “She is truly a match for you brother. She has the same prickly attitude.”

“Oh, hush Bunny Slayer. Your riders have always been a fit for you.” Ivadad rumbled as he rubbed his belly on the sandy stone. “Ah this feels so good.”

Qersiss followed Ivadad’s example and sighed. “Oh yes. Warm sand on a hot rock. So much nicer than a damp cave floor. I could become spoiled by all this soft living. The only thing missing is a cover against rain and snow.”

As the red dragon settle onto his weyr he chuckled. “Qersiss don’t be stupid. If our new weyrs were covered, we would have problems with landing and taking off. Though I do agree with you. These are much nicer than a cold rock floor of a damp cave in the mountains.”

“Move over some Dykacrat. No need to take up more room than you need.” Qersiss told the massive red dragon.

The first three continued to rub their bellies against the warm sand covered weyrs as the yellow dragon was next to land. Dykacrat looked over at him across the open courtyard. “So, Ygi. What do you think?”

“I will hold my judgement until after I have talked with my rider in private.” He said as he looked down Kasumi. “Though I do want to thank you Lady Kasumi. I am Ygi the Voiceless.”

“That means is keeps his opinion to himself most of the time, Lady Kasumi.” Dykacrat chuckled only to get a dirty look from the other dragon. “You know that I only speak the truth brother.”

“This is true, but then again. That is all we can speak. Thankfully, my rider knows the value of honest words between beings.” Ygi sighed as he rubbed his belly against the hot rock and warm sands. “Oh, it has been far too long. Much better than a peat bog somewhere.”

When the blue dragon settled in next to Ygi he too sighed in contentment. “Ah, when was the last time we had such luxury brothers?”

“Not for at least three millennium Brikat. So, tell me where have you been sleeping for all this time?” Ygi asked the brown dragon.

“A small cave long the seashore far to the south. Truly an unwanted and undignified experience. If there ever was one.” As Brikat rubbed his belly into the sand and hot rock he let out a heavy sigh. “Please tell me that we don’t have to fly anywhere at this time?”

Chikako had finally woken back up and looked up at the brown dragon. “No Lord Brikat. We have nowhere to go at the present.”

“You may call me Brikat, Lady Chikako. It is good to see that you have slipped the bonds of the ama.” Brikat rumbled as he scrubbed the stone with his belly removing a layer of moss that had grown over time.

“At least none of you had to deal with layers of ice building up on your ridge scales year after year.” Grumbled the blue as he landed on the last open weyr. He quickly dropped to his belly and began to rub against the warm sands and hot rock. “Ah! To be warm after all these centuries.”

Yoshie finally looked up at the dragon that would be her mount. “Lord Deghia, it is a pleasure to meet you at last.”

“The pleasure is mine, Lady Yoshi. Though you can call me Deghia. Have you truly battled the blue fins?”

“I have battle more than a few of the big blues Deghia. And please call me Yoshi. I may not know how to use a lance, but I shall do my best to learn the ways of the lance.” Yoshi swore. “If it is anything like the harpoon it won’t take me long to master.”

“Yyyeeesss! I can tell you have the heart of the sea in you child.” Deghia hissed out as he closed his eyes. In moments he like the other majestic dragons was happily asleep in their new weyrs.

Miles chuckled and turned to the Dragon Samurai. “Welcome to your first lesson in Dragon kind, Maidens. When given the chance they will while away the day on any hard surface if it is warm enough.”

“Um… where did Lady Tiamat and Lady Otohime go to?” Akane asked.

“They returned to where they belong Akane.” Chiyoko said as she looked up at the evening sky. “Like all Gods and Goddesses, they have no place among us poor humans. They should only appear before us in times of great need.”

“I must say Lady Chiyoko that is a rather philosophical point of view for one so young.” Miles said sadly. “Too be so cynical at such a young age you must come from a truly harsh world.”

“It’s just Chiyoko, Miles. As for me being cynical let’s just say that in my home world we have a saying. ‘In God we trust. All others we run background checks.” Chiyoko snarked and looked over at the miko. “If you doubt me just talk with Sisters Satomi and Satoko. They can verify everything.”

With that Chiyoko turned and walked away. She may have been up and walking. But she was in no way ready to do anything else. “Let’s get some sleep sisters. We’ve all pushed it far too close to the edge today.”

Miles stood back watching as the five young women disappeared into their individual room. “Mistress Satomi, may I ask why Mistress Chiyoko is the way that she is? She doesn’t strike me as a callus person.”

“Mistress Chiyoko comes from a place where showing weakness in any form will get you killed.” Satomi sighed. “I will tell you now, Sir Miles. In our home world you and the other Dragon Samurai would not last the day.”

“Why do you doubt my martial skills for being enough in your home world, Mistress? Is it truly that dangerous?” Miles having problems believing that such a world could produce someone as noble as the Lady Chiyoko.

“Our home world is a savage and uncaring place, Sir Miles. I fear that the milk of human kindness has dried up a long time ago. Bands of thugs roam freely in the streets of our cities unchecked by the Watch. It takes the City Watches all their power to just keep the peace among the law-abiding citizens.” Satomi explained to the Middle Ages Knight.

“Truly a freighting place.” Miles shivered inside his armor. “If the Watch cannot keep these vandals in check. Who does?”

“No one. Everyone. Anyone with a gun. In our world justice is no longer found in the King’s Court, but at the end of a knife, sword, or gun.” Satoko said as she leaned down to pick up a twig off the ground. “Chiyoko is a product of our home world’s society. She may have a brilliant mind, but it has been honed not through scholarly pursuit. But through the harsh needs for survival in a world far crueler than here.”

“Sir Miles, take some advice. Leave questions about Mistress Chiyoko’s past in the past.” Satomi said. “Get some sleep. The last room on this side of the compound is yours. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. Goodnight.”

With that the two miko walked away heading for their room. Miles stood there wondering why if he should just take the nun’s advice. For one of the few times in his young life Miles decided to listen to his, often ignored, common sense gene. He turned and headed for his own room deciding to leave the past in the past. For some reason he felt that asking one too many questions would get him dead. Looking up at the new weyr the five young women made from nothing drove this point home.

“If that is just an example of what they can do as a group untrained. Then I have no desire to see what they can do once they’re trained.” Miles said into thin air and to no one.


PS sorry for the delay. With all the COVID-19 craziness going I have been left take care of the 4H club horses on my own. Now, that 'Social Distancing' bane has been lifted for this area the kids are back and taking care of their own horses. That means I can finally relax and just teach again. Along with return to my writing.

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tmf's picture

Thanks for this wonderful tale...
Thanks for taking care of those noble mount...

Sweet Hugs tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness


Who was it that said ask me for anything but time! When you have to tend to herds of horses with little or no assistance, time becomes immaterial and things like eating and sleeping take well-deserved precedence over writing! Glad to hear that you are alive and well and able to write! Teaching can be fun and can be very rewarding when you see the light-bulb moment in the eyes!

light-bulb moment

wolfjess7's picture

It's not the light-bulb moment that i look for in the eyes of the kids. For me it when the dream comes to life for a child. When they realize that the whole word is within their grasp. It's like the old saying goes. 'Never tell a child they cannot do something. Because they'll try just to prove you wrong.' I love watching the kids of the local 4H club putting the local riding schools in their place. (giggle)

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf

Thanks for the chapter I hope

Thanks for the chapter I hope I can remember all the characters and who does what.
What kind of riding are the kids doing? show jumping, hunting, dressage?

Glad to hear you were able to

Glad to hear you were able to get some time off hopefully it was longer than just time to entertain us.

Glad to see this back......

D. Eden's picture

And a new twist at that! I wonder how long it will be before the five samurai are trained properly, and if they will have enough time before they are challenged?

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


take all the time you need to come up with your stories I take great pleasure in reading what you have written and if i have to wait then so be it

would you consider keeping

Wendy Jean's picture

a cast of characters? My stroke really messed with my memory. Enjoying the story.


Our home world is a savage and uncaring place, Sir Miles. I fear that the milk of human kindness has dried up a long time ago. Bands of thugs roam freely in the streets of our cities unchecked by the Watch. It takes the City Watches all their power to just keep the peace among the law-abiding citizens.” Satomi explained to the Middle Ages Knight.

“Truly a freighting place.” Miles shivered inside his armor. “If the Watch cannot keep these vandals in check. Who does?”

“No one. Everyone. Anyone with a gun. In our world justice is no longer found in the King’s Court, but at the end of a knife, sword, or gun.

Was this a premonition of current events? Scary accurate Jessie! Loving Hugs, Talia

I don't know about a premonition

wolfjess7's picture

But when I first left my homeland behind the Iron Curtain. (1985) There was groups of people who believed that the only way to gain freedom was through violent protest. Those protests led to a Civil War that left more than 1/3 of the population dead or dying. The reasons for the war covered the spectrum. Racial purity. Nationalism. Independence. A whole list of other reasons that to this day I still cannot understand and I was one of the many UN Peacekeepers sent in to restore the peace. I fear that our nation will soon face such terrible acts within our own boarders.

May the peace and happiness of the Goddess keep and protect you
as always your humble outlaw
Jessie Wolf


Jamie Lee's picture

The girls may not be trained in combat but when they put their other skill together, they can really cook.

When the dragons settled on their weyr it was as though someone slipping into a hot springs after a day of hard work. But for those dragons it was a vast change from where they had waited.

Once the girls are trained, and able to incorporate everything together, those who come after them will wish they had gone swimming instead.

Two dragons were standing on a hill looking down into a valley. As they watched, they saw ten knights in full armor riding towards them. One dragon turned to the other and said, "Oh, great! Canned food again."

Others have feelings too.