A bit of a question for you all

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Something i have recently come to realize.

I dont know how it is for any of you but for me i have always been this way.

ill try to explain.

For me lifting something 40 - 60 pounds one handed is easy, a little hard on the hand when it digs in but it does not strain me at all.

With gloves on lifting a soaking wet green chunk of tree about 100 or so pounds doesnt bother me in the least.

Even lifting something around 300-400 pounds does not strain my muscles, ackward for sure but its not what I would call heavy or near the limit of what I can lift.

50kg 110 pound bags of concrete one it each hand, again was ackward but not a strain.

I have been on estrogen for years.

Yet I notice that a number of people seem to have problems with light stuff of say 20-30 pounds.

Thing is I have not really found a limit to what I can lift before it becomes a strain on my body. Yes I have even lifted and moved a washing machine into my car trunk by myself ( the older heavy ones with eh concrete in bottom as ballast.

Is there something I am missing?

A few years ago an ash tree was cut down on my property but I got to keep a ten foot chunk of this sixty year old tree. It was about sixteen inches wide at the smallest part and 24 at bottom. I moved this with a strap over my shoulder dragging it into my yard proper. This was the closest I came to straining and getting close to my limit. I can't tell you how much that weighed. It slid on grass easy but the cement it came to a dead stop and had to use a dolly to move it further.

So what I am asking is...

What is like for you people? Is something light like 20-30 pounds heavy?

I keep reading about people having to strain to lift stuff that makes no sense, at least to me. Or how "hormones" have really affected how much they can lift. I mean sure I noticed that I can't quite lift some stuff as easy as before but its not like its a strain to lift it either.

Anyways just wanted some input so i have a better idea of what is "normal" for most people to life and carry.


you are fine

Teresa L.'s picture

it is likely the fact that since you do heavy lifting all the time, it has kept your musculature intact. most people dont, so it tends to atrophy without the T. if your levels are good, then thats all it likely is. remember women athletes can be quite strong as well as men. mens frames can usually handle larger muscle buildup, and the extra weight lifted is all

Teresa L.

with age

comes weakness. When I was 20s-30s, I had little problem with 50 pound bags of soil. Now, at 77, I can barely lift 10 pound weights.* My musculature is good: I look more muscular than 50 years ago. But weaker legs and weak joints take a toll. One caution for you youngsters: about 20 years ago, I got rambunctious and lifted cinder blocks one handed, by the middle part. Bad move and I suffered nerve damage in my elbows and wrists.

*I can lift 10 pounds for my exercise class, but curls and lifts, one handed, are about 7 pounds max.