Its been a while since I've given an update on what stories I'm working on, so here goes:
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Dot:set in Amethyst's Hyperverse, its the story of a young man with gender issues, who is turned into a girly girl.
Rose the Bunny:Is it weird that I'm writing a Christmas story in May? This one is thanks to Rosy Redd, so when it comes out, blame her. :P
The secret of Myth:Its possible everybody gave up on this story, cause I had nothing for a long time. But its not dead yet ...
E-Girl: the superiors:Finally, I'm going to give the origin of Commander Ares, as well as the villains of the E-girl universe.
Brace for it:originally conceived as a celebration of my 10th anniversary here, I hope to have this done before my 12th anniversary.
The Lancer:the last story idea I got from Kylie, before she left us. I'd really like to finish this one, in her memory.
Karaoke night: what if you went to a bar and sang Karaoke, and became a completely new person as a result? We'll find out together.
The adventures of Over-powered Girl: Originally conceived as my entry in the bad fan-fic tropes contest, it's morphed into something else entirely ...
Well, that's the list for now. As they used to say, stay tuned ...
I blame myself.
well, I do...
I was gonna call it "It's Rosey Redd's fault"
but I wont be that mean ...
My Own List
This is very much a partial list, for a couple of reasons. (For one, I don't want to spoil any surprises in some of my stories.) It's more of a list of stories I'm stalled on. Most of the titles are working titles.
-- Daphne Xu
sounds like you'll be busy for a while
have fun writing !
Flatulent Fanny?
If Flatulent Fanny never got off the ground
maybe she needs to eat more beans...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Flatulence is always a hoot
.. at least in my book.
I think authors might consider the dangers inherent in uncontrolled toots. For instance, imagine our hero(ine) hiding from the bad guys, only to have her position compromised by a loud honk.
Seriously, though -- one should never give up on a story idea, no matter how ridiculous, partial, or impossible-seeming. I have file after file in my google drive, to which I add notes as they occur to me. I also have a file for ideas so brief that they don't yet merit a file of their own. Sometimes when I don't feel like working on my current project, I futz around in my under-developed notes. It's just as productive and much more fun.
- io
Idea Files
I have 20-odd files of random ideas now, although I've repeated myself quite a bit. I don't give up or discard story ideas, because I might want to reuse them later.
"Flatulent Fanny" -- she needs to expel gas out her tail end to propel herself forward. (Momentum conservation, of course.) Granted, it's way more efficient at driving others away.
-- Daphne Xu
A Long-Lost Idea
When you announced "The Secret of Myth", I had the idea for a parody title, "The Myth of Secret". But I couldn't think of anything to hang on it, so I lost it.
Just now, though, I thought of classifying scientific research. (Its futility -- its evil will go along-side, though.)
Okay, my memory has betrayed me once again. It was this post: Some facts about M.Y.T.H. And my parody title was "Some Myths About F.A.C.T." I found a file with (essentially) that title in my stories-writing directory, with a few ideas jotted down.
So I never lost "The Myth of Secret", because I never had it to begin with. I only thought of it just now.
Oh, and I see that "Rose the Bunny" has recently been posted.
-- Daphne Xu
Recently Posted
I just noticed that your recently-posted "Karaoke Night" was on this list.
-- Daphne Xu