Every morning I listen to the Bob And Tom Show on Iheart radio. For the past couple of weeks they've also been streaming the show on you tube with a chat option and I've become a regular in the chat. Many of the folks in the chat even remembered to wish me a happy Birthday.
The show is nationally syndicated and heard in many countries besides the U.S. and on The Armed Forces Network. So, in chat this morning on you tube, I mentioned that I was an author and had two books for sale. I asked for permission to name them and where they are and was granted permission to do so...so I did!
The show admins asked me what they were about so I told them and also told them I was trans. It didn't seem to matter to the show or to the people in the chat, many of whom said they'd check my books out! I tried to mention other writers names but the show said nope. I DID mention that there are a LOT of very talented authors in the genre.
I doubt that this'll result in increased sales of my books, but who knows? I'm still in there pitching for all I'm worth folks. If I get an okay from the Show I'll mention as many other writers in our genre by their pen names as they'll let me.
I'm always mentioning Tanya Allen's sci-fi books when I review Laer Carroll on Amazon. I find there is some great fiction on BCTS, and other sites that is underappreciated. For example, Somewhere Else Entirely, to me, ranks with the best in the genre, though at 5000 pages, is too long for some.
Yeah, that's a great story.
Thank you for commenting. Have a great day and stay safe!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
I love a success story! Can you track sales and let us know if there was an increase in sales as a result?
Regards, Dee
I guess you'd have to ask Erin about that.
All the revenue from my writing goes to Top Shelf and Erin keeps track of that I think.
Thanks for commenting. Have a great day and stay safe!
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
So...according to Erin
no appreciable increase as yet. She said that it sometimes takes a day or two to see any real difference in sales.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.