Forever the Dragon Princess -chp 8

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Forever the Dragon Princess

The year is 2024. And one of the greatest archaeology finds of all time is on display at the Smithsonian. No one ever expected to find something buried deep within the caves below Mount Fuji, Japan. Especially not a seven foot tall, fifteen foot wide, two foot thick, one-thousand pound, hand carved red lacquered, ebony wood, bejeweled sculpture of the dragon Toyotama-hime that is over 2000 years old. For 16yr old Tony Watanabe this statue held more than just your normal fascination. It held his destiny.

Chapter 8
Office of Foreign Trade

Minister Aikuchi placed his hand on the treaty documents on the table before him as he looked up at the Liberion. “Are the weapons to your satisfaction?”

Jack Marley knew the deal was hanging on this proposal and nodded his head. “When can we take delivery, Minister?”

“Lord Hirano has assured me that the heavy cannon, and mobile field guns will be on the first ship leaving. Once the treaty has been signed.” Aikuchi confirmed with a smile. As he took the offered bribe.

“Please be so kind to relay my country’s thanks, Minister.” Marley told him as he signed the trade treaty. In ten days the five 25in super heavy cannons and one-hundred track driven 105mm field guns would be arriving in the San Francisco harbor. The first shipment of five. Liberion may not be allowed to manufacture these types of weapons forced on them by the 1865 Peace Accords but that didn’t mean they couldn’t own them. The trade treaty was simple. Raw metal for weapons.

“Of course, Mister Marley. I wish you a pleasant journey home.” Aikcuhi told him with a friendly smile. “You are due to transfer back to your homeland after, today aren’t you?”

“Thank you, Sir. Yes, I am to take over as the new Foreign Trades Office Minister from Doctor Nixon. He will be greatly missed.” Marley informed the Minister for some unknown reason. “I’ll be taking the seventeen-thirty zeppelin from Edo to Collins.”

“That’s quite a long flight. What is it? Four, five days?” Aikcuhi asked.

“It’s actually down to just three days with the new engines. I’m told that it has something to with the greater power output. Something about how the multiple offset pistons create more power.” Marley chuckled. “I must admit that I looked forward to taking a tour of the engine rooms. It’ll give me a chance to scratch my inner engineer.”

“That’s right I heard you studied engineering in your country’s Southern Institute of Engineering.” Aikcuhi chuckled. “I too, am a graduate of SIE.”

“As much as I would enjoy spending time reminiscing about our old school with you sir. I really must be going. I still have to finish packing for the trip home.” Marley stood up and bowed to the elder statesman. “I hope to see you again sir.”

“I as well, sir. I wish your crossing to be a pleasant one.” Aikuchi told the Liberion as he returned the bow with equal depth. Once he was alone Aikuchi pulled on the hidden lever in his bookshelf. “You can come in now, Lord Gōkō. The round eye has left us.”

The man that entered the room was extremely well dressed in a Western style business suite. Everything about the man screamed wealth. From the cut of his shirt and suit, the highly polished shoes, to the ornate cane he carried. “Has the arrangements be made?”

“Everything is in order, my Lord. You should receive your payment later this afternoon. It’ll be hand delivered by courier.” Aikuchi told the immaculately dressed gentleman. “You can deal with him as you wish.”

“The courier is not one of your regulars?” Gōkō asked politely.

“The boy is your typical street urchin. Has no family, no name, no one will wonder what happened to him.” Aikuchi answered causally.

“I see. No matter. Just understand that if he should fail to deliver it will be you that pays the price, Aikuchi.” The power that radiated off Gōkō at those words made Aikuchi wonder if he was dealing with a demon. “My brothers are not as forgiving as I am. They have no tolerance for failure.”

“Yes, my Lord. About the other matter. What would you like done about these so-called Dragon Samurai? At present there are only three. I can easily arrange for their arrests and executions.” Aikuchi told the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea. “It’ll be perfectly legal. After all they are parading around acting like religious leaders. It would take nothing to brand them as leaders of a dangerous and disruptive Cult.”

“You will do nothing, Aikuchi. Not until they have lured the Dragon Princess out of hiding. You are to do nothing until then. Understood?” Gōkō snarled.

“Understood, my Lord. May I ask a question about the Dragon Princess?” Aikuchi asked with more than a little trepidation.

“All you need to know is that WE; the Dragon Kings, must control her. No one else.” Gōkō told the man. “What have your spies found?”

“Nothing so far, my Lord. I have them scouring every Temple, Shrine, and Holy site in the country. I hired a full score of Legend Hunters in the hopes of finding one clue as to this Dragon Princess’s whereabouts.” Aikuchi answered as he bowed to the Dragon King. “Even the Scribes I have going over the ancient texts have found nothing on this Dragon Princess.”

“The Scribes are worthless Aikuchi. They lack the needed texts for finding the Princess. You’re wasting time with them.” Gōkō told the man. “As for your spies have them search away from the Temples, Shrines, and other Holy sites. The Princess will not be found in those places. Send them into markets of the outer smaller villages, and towns.”

“It would help if they had some kind of sign to look for, my Lord.” Aikuchi almost begged.

“The child will bare the mark of the Dragon Gods upon the left shoulder. A birthmark in the shape of a claw. Use the local viceroy’s and army commands. A simple search of all girls between fifteen to nineteen should do the trick. All the girls have to do is bare their left shoulder.” Gōkō ordered.

“Sire, I don’t have that kind of influence over Ministry of Justice. Only Minister Yokota can give that type of order.” Aikuchi told the Dragon King as he bowed as deeply as he could from the hips. “Him or Minister Hibeki of the Ministry of the Military.”

“Arrange a meeting with the two men, Aikuchi. Two days from now.” Gōkō ordered coldly. “Do not fail.”

Aikuchi could only answer to the disappearing back of the Dragon King as he walked back through the hidden door. “At once my Lord.”

Ishiyama Iron Works

Haru Ishiyama youngest son of Ryuk Ishiyama looked out across the foundry floor and sighed. He knew that he should be the one working in the main office floor. Not down here working with these lowly commoners as a shift manager. He knew that he was meant for greater things than working for his weakling brother, Jun. Who cares if he is the oldest. The man had no vision.

“If only father would open his eyes. We would own the railroads. Not just making new track for them.” Haru snarled as he pounded his fist of the walkway rail. “Damn them! I know that with Jun running things the company will fail. Well the old fool listen to me. No.”

“I could make all your dreams come true, Mortal.” The voice had a regal quality to it that commanded respect. It was also one that Haru had never heard before. As he turned to face the voice, he was shocked to see a beautiful woman dressed in long flowing robes. The roar of the foundry floor fell silent as she next spoke. “Wealth, power, women, whatever your heart desires, mortal. Does this sound appealing?”

Haru knew that he was facing an immortal being. One of immense power. His earlier years of training at his mother’s knee kicked in. Bowing deeply from the waist. “You honor me great one. Please forgive my ignorance. May I have the pleasure of knowing to whom I am addressing?”

“Very good, mortal. You’re not all ignorant as I was led to believe. I am Princess Chieko, the Dragon Goddess of all that is Lawfully of Evil. I have need of someone like you.” Chieko answered with a cruel smile.

“What is the price for having my desires fulfilled, Princess?” Haru knew that there was always a price when dealing with the Gods or Goddesses. His mother made sure that at least his teachings covered all manner of supernatural beings and their dealings.

“That when the time comes. You rule through might and cruelty. That you put an end to this foolish ideal of those in power answer to those they rule. That is the price. To receive my gifts all you have to do is swear to serve me as one of my two Dragon Kings. Do you agree?” Princess Chieko knew Haru’s most basic nature and appealed to it.

Haru didn’t even think twice. “Agreed. I swear here and now to all that you ask. For the power to right that which is so wrong with today’s society, I would do anything. Why should weaklings like my brother inherit everything just because he is the oldest. Only the truly strong should command.”

The more he spoke the more Chieko grinned as she thought. ‘Yes, this fool is ripe for the picking. Choe-long was correct in sending me to this one. I just need for him to swear his loyalty now. He is already ours.’

Haru dropped to one knee before the Goddess and took her right placing a kiss upon the ring on her ring finger. “By all that is Unholy. I swear all that is mine to your service. My blood, my soul, and my issue are yours to command my Princess. Until the ends of time.”

“DONE!” Chieko cried out in ecstasy. She could not believe the foolish human had given over to her his descendants until the end of time. It was a far greater bargain than she could have hoped for. Then again as she unleashed her power into the man, she saw the true depths of the man’s greed. “Oh, you shall make an excellent Dragon King of the Western Seas. I name you Gōjin.”

As the power of the Dragon Goddess filled his body Haru knew that he would be forever changed. He also knew that he only lived at the sufferance of his Goddess. When the burning finally subsided, he felt the greed inside him grow. Before there was limits to what he would do to gain what he thought was his by right. Those limits were no longer there. Not that he now had the power to take what and who he wanted. And he would use that power without mercy. Three days after the visit by Princess Chieko Haru walked through the door of his father’s old office. The sole owner of Ishiyama Iron Works.

His father, and three older brothers lay cooling on the mortician’s slabs. The was no doubt of when they died or how. It was the why that the Watch were trying to investigate. No one could understand why the steam trolly they had taken home from the foundry two days earlier exploded. For Haru it was just the proof he needed to prove to the shareholders that he was truly the one destined to run the company instead of his brothers.

Toyota Power and Water

Rin Toyota knew that he would have to clear the rest of his afternoon schedule if he wanted to take care of his real business. “Yumoto! Get in here!”

The twenty-three years old assistant stepped in, closed the door and bowed. “You have need of me sir?”

“Clear my afternoon, Yumoto. I know that I’m supposed to meet with that fool Kakashi from the Ministry of the Interior. Push him back to tomorrow morning. I don’t care what you tell him just get it done.” Toyota ordered then wave the assistant back out of the office. Once he was alone Toyota grabbed the ornate cane that sat next to his desk. “Time to get rid of that fool Kakashi. He has become too interested in my business.”

Stepping through the hidden door to the secret passageways beneath the city Rin stepped through with purpose. His destination was on the far side of the city. No that it would matter. Once he was far enough down the dark passage Rin stopped. Taking hold of his cane he gave it a sharp twist, before striking it on the ground. A portal opened before him one that he walked through quickly. On the other side of the portal lay his final destination.

Minister Kakashi looked up in surprise and disbelief at the magical portal that opened in the middle of his private bed chamber. The sword blade flashed in the midmorning sunlight before it removed his left hand between the elbow and wrist. Kakashi screamed in pain as he fell out of bed onto the floor. The scream woke his bed companion from her drug induced slumber. Her brain never had the chance to process what her eyes were telling her. The thin straight sword blade sliced through her neck as if it was made of butter.

“Time to pay for your betrayal Kakashi. Did you really believe that I would not find out about this? Bedding my prize concubine?” Toyota snarled as he stood over the mortally maimed man. Using the tip of the cane sword Toyota raised Kakashi’s face to look him in the eyes. “I should take your life for this insult swine.”

“Please Lord Gōkin, I beg of you. Spare me. I swear that I did not know she was your property.” Kakashi pleaded with the Dragon King of the Southern Seas as he looked into those cold dead eyes.

“You have to be blind to not see the irezumi that marks her as mine!” Gōkin screamed as he raised his sword. “Give me one reason to spare your life!”

“I know how to stop the Dragon Samurai.” Kakashi whimpered.

“How can a fool like you know how to stop the Dragon Samurai?” Gōkin snarled as he lowered the sword. “What do you know?”

“All five have been found, my Lord. My spies at the Grand Temple of Balance for Toyotama and Wolong have sent word that the Dragon Samurai have returned. I even have a map of their private compound thanks to my spies.” Kakashi rambled. Not realizing that he had just signed for his own execution.

“Where is this map, swine?” Gōkin asked with a cruel smile. “It may just be enough for me to spare your life.”

“In the top righthand drawer of my home office desk. Just down the hallway.” Kakashi answered quickly. Hoping that he would be spared. He knew that if he could just get the Dragon King to leave. He could get help before he bled out. Pulling the key to his desk from the robe hanging over the end of the bed. “Here my Lord. The key to my office and desk.”

Taking the key Gōkin looked at it, and then down at Kakashi. With a fleck of his forearm Gōkin sliced the man’s throat. As Kakashi stared up at him in horror Gōkin just chucked. “I only said it might be enough to spare your life. Not that it would be. Your usefulness has past Kakashi. Do give my greetings to Prince Ayumu as you pass through the gates on your way to Hell’s Pit.”

Grabbing the corner of a bedsheet Toyota wiped the blood from his cane sword before returning it to its sheath. Once the sword was returned to its guise as a walking cane Toyota headed for Kakashi’s home office. “That is how the law should be enforced. Swift and without mercy. You steal from a man you forfeit your life. Simple. One sentence for all crimes.”

It didn’t take Toyota long to find what he was looking for in Kakashi’s desk. As he looked over the map for the Dragon Samurais’ personal compound he came to a realization. “Worthless. Absolutely worthless. I killed that man too swiftly. I should have taken days to kill the fool.”

Crumpling the map into a ball Toyota tossed it into the waste basket. Picking up the ornamental oil lamp Toyota dumped the contents in the waste basket and across the floor. Tossing the lamp onto the desk the Dragon King struck a match and dropped it on the floor. As the oil flared to life Toyota once again opened a portal into the underground passageways.

As the fire blazed into an uncontrollable inferno Toyota was walking into his favorite local teahouse. The geishas there greeted him as the man of wealth and power that he was. Off in the far distance the sounds of alarms being raised were muffled by the wails and sounds of laughter in the teahouse. No one there would ever know that the perpetrator of the horrendous crime sat among them drinking beer and laughing with the pretty geishas.

Ministry of Labor.

Minister Mishi Togo glared at the man across from his desk. Everything about him made Mishi wish for the days when there were no unions. “Lord Gōjun, to what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

“The Gifu prefecture coal mines. Why have you closed them down?” Gōjin asked as he place both hands on top of the ornate cane.

“This office didn’t close those mines. The workers did when they went on strike. This office does not bow to union thugs. They walk away from government jobs. They lose those jobs. That simple. Next question.” Mishi Togo hated dealing with the Business Representative for the Worker Unions. As far as he was concerned the man was a yakuza thug.

“The men are entitled to a fair wage for their hard work, Minister Togo. What the government is paying those men is barely a subsistence level wage.” Gōjin went in for what he felt was the kill. “A slaves wage, sir.”

“They are provided with housing, food, clothes, everything needed to live. What more do they need? Now, get out of my office. Go back to those ungrateful slugs you represent and tell them they have until midnight tomorrow to return to work. At one minute after midnight, I send in the armed troops. I will not have this nation held hostage by men that are little better than criminals.” Togo fumed as he glared at the Dragon King of the Northern Seas.

Gōjin sighed as he pushed himself to his feet with his cane. “Let us end this posturing, shall we? What do you really want Minister Togo?”

“You already know what I want. Those workers back in the mines. End this strike now. Before I do.” Togo told Gōjin.

“I ask you what you wanted Togo. Not what the country wants or needs. Money, gold, women, more power, what? What is your desire?” Gōjin asked in a honey sweet tone hoping to appeal to the Minister’s baser desires.

“You don’t have the power to give me what I want.” Togo chuckled. Looking up at Gōjin decided to play along with the man. “Fine. I tell you what I want. It’s really simple. I want to be the Prime minister.”

Togo knew that he had the man now. The Prime minister was appointed for life. Unlike the rest of the Ministry Cabinet positions which were elected positions every ten years. It would take an act of divine intervention for Togo to take up the position of Prime minister. Not with the Ministers of Finance, Military, and Security between him and the Prime Minister’s seat.

“If you agree to half the union’s terms, I’ll have them back in the mines before the next shift whistle. Three days from now when you become the Prime Minister you agree to the other half. You can even pick the terms you will approve today. Deal?” Gōjin told him with a faint smile.

Togo thought about the offer. “Agreed. Let me see their demands.”

Gōjin handed over a list. “Remember half. Or no deal.”

“I remember. So long as you stick to your half the deal, I’ll stick to mine.” Togo answered as he put his stamp next to the terms he would agree to, then sign the bottom. “I’ll agree to the rest when my arse warms the Prime Minister’s office chair. Not one minute before.”

“Agreed, Prime Minister.” Gōjin tipped his hat and turned to leave. “The miners will be back in the pits before I leave the building.”

Togo doubted that Gōjin would deliver on his promise but didn’t care. It got the man out of his office and out of his hair. He knew that his little agreement wouldn’t last the day. The miners would strike, and he would send in the army. The striking miners would be either killed or arrested. There was always more were they came from. The orphanages were full of unwanted sons. It doesn’t take intelligence to swing a pike or shovel.

The knock at Togo’s door drew his attention. “Come.”

His assistant didn’t waste any words. “Sir, the miners in Gifu. They’ve gone back to work. All of them, sir.”

“Uh… it seems that Mister Yuma can work wonders.” Togo said as he looked up from the papers in front of him. “Call the Colonel order him to stand down.”

“Yes sir.” As his assistant ran out of his office to carry out his orders. Togo sat back wondering. Would he really be the Prime Minister in three days.

Niigata, Niigata Prefecture

Kaii Shiba looked at his father with disgust. The old man was once again ignoring his advice. Hoarsely he whispered to his mother. “Mother why is he allowing the government to order him around like this.”

“Come with me.” His mother ordered as she led the boy into their garden. Once there, she faced him letting her anger show. “And just what would you have us do? If the Emperor wished it, the government could take everything you father’s has built over the last twenty years.”

“Mother I understand that. I agree that everyone should have free access to the telegraph is good thing. But to give them free access to the new telephone service too. This is too much.” Kaii complained.

“I know Kaii, but what can we do? It is not like we have the power to defy the Minister Commerce and his cronies.” His mother sighed.

“And what would you do if you had that power, Lady Shiba?” Said a voice out of the thin air. Both mother and son spun on their heels to face the direction from which the voice had come. There before their disbelieving eyes materialized a man of unearthly beauty.

Both mother and son quickly fell to their knees. But it was Lady Shiba who would address their unexcepted guest. “Lord Atsushi, you grace our home with your presence. Please, how may we serve the Righteous Lord of Law?”

“Merely answer my question, Lady Shiba. What would you do if you were the ones with that power?” the Dragon God of Lawful Good asked.

“I would set right that which has been so wrongfully set in place. No longer would these greedy politicians stand in the way of honest hardworking men.” Kaii spoke up before his mother had the chance. “They would be made to answer to men such as my father. Men who have worked hard to bring this nation into the modern world and times.”

Prince Atsushi grabbed the young man by the shoulder and poured power into him. For Kaii it felt as if he was being dipped in liquid fire as a golden light enveloped his body. The pain was so great he could barely breath. His mother Shiba looked upon the Dragon God and her son with equal amounts of fear and wonder. Fear for what was happening to her son as he changed before her very eyes. Wonder at the power the Dragon God was bestowing.

When he was done changing the young man Atsushi let him drop to his knees once more. Looking down at Kaii, Atsushi chuckled. “Your wish has been granted Kaii Shiba. Raise corrector of Injustice. Bring these greed filled men of inherited power to their knees.”

Kaii staggered to his feet and took a deep breath. Bowing to the Dragon Prince. “As you command Lord Atsushi. I will tear down these false servants of the people. I will put in place a new system of government. One where those in power answer to the people.”

Atsushi smiled at hearing this boasting. He knew that he had chosen the correct mortal to be their final Dragon. He just had one last task to perform. Reaching up into the nearest cheery tree, Atsushi snapped off a three-inch thick branch that was three-feet long. Holding the branch in the middle. He drew hands towards the ends straightening and smoothing out the wood. Once the wood had been shaped Atsushi placed his hands together eight inches from one end. Twisting his hands first before pulling them apart. The twenty-six inches of finely forged, one-inch wide steel appeared out of nowhere. Lady Shiba could tell that this blade was deadly as it was beautiful.

Atsushi smiled as he returned the cane sword to its sheath. “The finest I have forged in centuries. Befitting of the new Gōkinjun our Dragon King of the Skies. This is your sign of office among your brethren Gōkinjun. Only you can draw the blade. It will also channel your power. Never let it out of your sight. Because it now holds your very soul, mortal.”

With that final warning the Dragon Prince vanished from the garden. Kaii looked down at his still kneeling mother. “Rise mother.”

“Thank you, my Lord Gōkinjun. You do me a great honor.” Lady Shiba said as she slowly rose to her feet, but still keeping her eyes down cast. She was not about to anger one of the Dragon Kings. Even if he was her son.

“Tell me mother. Do you believe that you can run our family’s company better than my father?” Kaii asked sweetly.

Lady Shiba’s head snapped up. “You know that the laws only allow for a woman to hold such a position if there are no male heirs.”

“Yes, mother I know. Though you can act in my stead if I am otherwise occupied. So long as I issue you a recorded power of authority.” Kaii chuckled. “As for those jackals the Minister of Commerce and his cronies. Leave them to me. Their little power play ends in that room.”

No one would ever find the four men from the Ministry of Commerce. All anyone would ever know is they left the Shiba home a little after sunset in a hired cab. They and the cab would disappear that night the legend of the Demon Coach was born. As for Lord Shiba, he would die in his sleep that same night. They say that the Lady Shiba’s wails of pain and the loss of her husband was what brought forth the Demon Coach to wage vengeance on the old Minister and his cronies. Such was the uproar over the disappearance of the Minister and his cronies the Emperor returned all of the telegraph and telephone systems to the Shiba family. With one stipulation.

That the Lady Shiba be the one to administer the company. Lady Shiba humbly accepted her new station in life. The board of directors were the first to go in her wide-ranging changes she put in place during the first twenty-fours. Within one month the once failing company was once again showing a profit and operating in the black.

No one knew of what happened to her son Kaii. Some say he left for university. Others claim that he sacrificed himself to the demon that brought about Lady Shiba’s vengeance on the late Minister. All anyone knew was the Lady Shiba was seen in the company of a tall, extremely handsome young man with white within white eyes, pale skin, and white hair from that night forward.

Sunōmaunten, Nagano Prefecture

The sounds of teenage laughter filled the cold mountain air. In all of Nagano Prefecture only Sunōmaunten was covered in snow for 9 months of the year. The small village sat near the midway point of the third tallest mountain in the nation. Their number one form of income was the tourist trade. People would come from all over Sebun'airando to climb the ice paths, or sled down the fresh snow packed slops. You could tell the locals from the tourists by the color of their skin and hair.

It was not often you saw a pale skinned and light haired oriental in Sebun'airando. In fact, you won’t find them outside of Sunōmaunten and the surrounding subprefecture. The people of Sunōmaunten were often called Yuki no hito or Snow people. A more derogatory name for them was Yuki no akuma or snow demons. So, the one teenage girl with yellowish skin, straight black hair, broad prominent cheek-bones, and more or less obliquely set eyes with a slender built, oval-faced of the aristocracy, stood out.

No one knew where the girl or her mother came from. Just that they had arrived in the middle of the Winter Solstice twelve years ago. The mother and daughter were at first considered an ill omen but over time the pair were considered the village’s good luck charm. In the twelve years they had lived in Sunōmaunten not once had the mountain passes been closed to avalanche. Even at the height of winter the passes continued to stay open. For twelve years the small mountain village of Sunōmaunten, had not suffered one avalanche or winter related disaster.

Suda Setsu and her daughter Ren were also two of the finest mountain guides in the area. The mother, daughter team were known for leading the most successful day excursion on the glaciers of Mount Hotakadake in the heart of the Nagano Prefecture. No one knew where the two learned their skills as guides. Whenever tourists would get lost on the mountain trails around the lower half of the mountain. They were the ones to usually find the lost tourists. If someone want to climb to the summit of Mount Hotakadake. They were the ones to take them to the top and back down safely. At just short of two miles high, you needed an experienced guide to make the journey.

No one in the village knew why the mother and daughter came among them. Few outsiders wished to settle in this inhospitable area of their country. Nor did they really care. They never bothered anyone and were a true treasure for the village. The only thing the pair ever asked was to be notified if Empyreal soldiers ever came to town. To most of the villagers this meant that the mother and daughter were part of the Nobility in some way and were in hiding. This rumor was fueled by their aristocratic good looks. Not that any of the villagers cared. To the villagers of Sunōmaunten they were just Setsu and Ren. Mountain guides to the tourists.

“Yeah Ren, got group of free climbers that want to climb the Reitō hachidori.” The ski-lift operator Kiyota Kiyomasu, called out to the young woman. “You want to take them up?”

“How much time do they have on ice walls, Kiyomasu?” Ren called back.

“We got enough. Probably more than you little girl. Do you want the job or not?” One of the group members called back arrogantly.

“Send them back down the mountain Kiyomasu. I’ll pass the word to the rest of the guides.” Ren turned and started to walk away.

The loud mouth grabbed her by her upper left arm and spun her around. As he was rearing back his arm to smack Ren, he snarled. “Who do you think you are to give us orders little girl? I’ll teach you to respect your betters.”

The sound of Liberian shotgun slide working stopped the man in his tracks. Just as Kiyomasu’s words dropped the already frozen temperature. “I won’t do that if I was you friend. We got three simple rules around here. If Ren won’t take a group up the ice walls and glaciers, then nobody takes them up. Now, pick up your shit and get off our mountain.”

“Do you know who you’re threatening peasant?” The man snarled.

“Nope. Don’t really care either. See, Ren there is the second-best mountain guide in these here parts. Only her mother is better. Now get going.” Kiyomasu order the man and his group of climbers.

“You said there were two rules. What’s the other two?” The man said as he picked up his backpack.

“You try to climb the ice walls or glaciers on your own. We don’t come looking for your ass. Last, only Ren and her mother can approve of who climbs their ice walls and glaciers. No approval, no climb.” Kiyomasu grunted.

“We’ll be back, peasant. Only next time it will be with the Empyreal guard.” The load mouth snarled. “No one talks to the son of a Shogun this way.”

“Buddy boy, you go right ahead and bring the Empyreal guard up here. You’ll find that they need us more than they need you.” Kiyomasu snarled. “Now, I suggest you be going before I have the Watch escort you off the mountain.”

“Bloody damned amateurs.” The eight-person group walked out of town Ren sighed. “Take five weeks of lessons in their local rock-climbing school and they think they can handle the Frozen Hummingbird. Fools.”

“I figured as much, Ren.” Kiyomasu said with a chuckle. “I would have sent them packing to begin with, but you know what Nishiyama Kingo, ordered.”

“Yah, yah, I know. I just wish Kingo didn’t stick me and mom with having to be the ones to turn them back.” Ren bitched. “Just six months, three, weeks, and four days. Then I’m out of here.”

“That’s right. You got accepted into the Mountain Horse Patrol. Do you know where you’ll be stationed.” Henmi Yoshii said as she joined the conversation.

“No. I won’t find out until after Basic training, and Mounted training.” Ren explained with a smile for her friend. She was about to say more when a Sergeant for the Watch ran up to them.

“Ren. Is your mother in town today?”

“No, sir. Why?” Ren questioned with a note of worry.

“Get out of town. There’s a troop of Empyreal Cavalry coming up the pass from Chiba.” The Sergeant dropped his voice to a whisper. “They have a viceroy with them. Ren they’re look for a girl by your description.”

“Ren grab your mother and your packs. Head for basecamp three. It’s empty this time of year but Tabito just restocked the supply shed. There’s enough dry foods up there to last for four months.” Kiyomasu told her. “Don’t come down until we send someone up for you and your mother.”

Ren didn’t think twice. An hour later Ren and her mother were taking the back trails up the mountain to basecamp three. What would normally be a three-hour climb using the regular trails with a group of climbers. Only took an hour and half for the two best mountain guides in Sunōmaunten.

All five of the lower basecamps had a fire watchtower. Instead of setting up their tent at the base of the watchtower Setsu decided to take refuge in the towers cab, seventy-five feet in the air. It was the perfect advantage point for viewing all approaches to Sunōmaunten. The cabin was twenty-by-twenty, with a five-foot walk-around deck. It has eight telescopes. One in each of the four corners, with one on the rail at the halfway points. These telescopes are powerful enough to see clear down to the valley floor, perfect for spotting large troop movements.

The cabin’s central fire pit was fitted with smoke gathering hood and a smoke defusing chimney. With the exception of the six-by-six area in the center of the cabin for the fire pit, the whole floor was covered in tatami mates. There was an area for bathing off to one side, and a closet style restroom. Off in one corner was a stack of futons. On the downhill side was a chabudai with three zabuton. The supply shed was the same size as the main cabin twenty-five feet above. The supply shed could only be accessed from the main cabin by a secondary enclosed stairwell. Water was collected in a two-hundred gallon cistern at the bottom of the tower. The water was brought up to the cabin by two bicycle operated pumps. A fifty gallon tank held water to be heated by the central fire place.

As Ren took off her boots and heavy coat, she turned to her mother. “How long do you think they’ll be here this time mother?”

Setsu sighed as she set her boots off to the side. “I don’t know, Ren. These patrols are getting more and more frequent. This is the second one in less than a month. Either the Emperor knows we’re here, or one of the Dragon Kings is putting pressure on someone in the Ministries. Either way we’re in deep.” Ren sighed. “Mom why in the Nine Hells does the Emperor want us dead? I mean I’m a nobody. I’m no threat to him.”

“Let me fix some tea, dear. It is time that I explained a few things.” Setsu sighed as she put some kindling into the pit. “There should be some seasoned wood out on the deck. Fetch us a few armloads.”

Ren did as her mother ordered as she watched her drop a Lucifer into the kindling stack. When Ren returned, she had six pieces of spilt wood and the kindling was going strong. She quickly fed the wood two at time to the growing fire. While Ren was getting the fire built. Setsu worked the kitchen pump to bring up the water for tea. Ren went out to the wood pile two more times. She stacked the wood in the indoor rack until it was full.

Once the fire was up and the kettle was hung over the flames, Setsu sat back. Patting the floor next to her Setsu waved for Ren to join her. “It’s time for you to know why the Emperor fears you Ren. There is a legend that tells of how a female child of the Royal house shall rise to take the Celestial Throne forever from the male line.”

“What does that have to do with me? Neither of us are royalty.” Ren smirked.

“I’m not, but you are, Ren.” Setsu countered as she reached over and tap Ren on the left shoulder where her birthmark sat. “That is all the proof you will ever need. You bare the mark of the Celestial Dragon.”

“Were you one of the Royal Concubines?” Ren asked of her mother. “No if that was the case, I would have been raised in the palace instead of out here.”

“I was a member of the Empyreal Scouts and Guides. That is why for the first seven years of your life you were raised in the Royal Guards barracks. You are the product of an illicit love affair but the child of my heart.” Setsu sighed as she swung the tea kettle away from the flames. “Your father was the Captain of the Guard, your mother the favored concubine of the old Emperor.”

“Wait! You’re not my mother?” Ren asked in shook.

“I may not have given birth to you Ren, but I have raised you as my own. You know this. Before you ask, I’ll tell you. Your birth mother was put to the sword shortly after your birth along with your father. The only reason you were spared the sword the old Emperor felt that you were innocent of your parents’ crimes. He decreed that you were to be raised by the lowest of his Scouts. That was me. For the next seven years you were safe, so long as the old Emperor was alive.” Setsu took a deep breath. “When his son our current Emperor came to power twelve years ago. You were no longer safe.”

“So, you ran with the illegitimate child of a dead Emperor and a concubine. Someone with no legal claim to the Celestial Throne.” Ren still couldn’t figure out why she was a threat to the current Emperor.

“You have a greater clam to the throne than our Emperor does. You may be younger, but you are the child of the First Concubine. He is the child of the fourth concubine. Not the Empress. A woman that I greatly respected but was barren as the Great Desert of the Chin Kingdom. The line of succession runs through you Ren. You’re the First Princess of the Dragon.” Setsu explained. “You are the Dragon Princess. The rightful heir of the Celestial Throne. The true Dragon Empress. You’ll always be a threat to the Emperor.”

“What do we do? I don’t want the throne, and from the looks of the way things are going he won’t let me live.” Ren sighed.

“We can only hope that the legend is true, Ren.” Setsu told her daughter as she fixed them a cup of tea.

“What is this legend, mother?” Ren asked her.

“According to the ancient Teachings of the Dragon God King Watatsumi. Five mystical Samurai will return in the service of the twin Dragon Gods of Balance, Toyotama, and Wolong.” Setsu retrieved a rolled up manuscript form her backpack. “This is from those texts. On the wings of Dragons, guided and protected by the Doragonsamurai the Dragon Princess shall return. She shall end the Great War. She shall bring peace out of war and chaos. I have spent the last twelve years trying to puzzle out the meaning behind this passage and one more. The Five Dragon Samurais dancing can bring down the Five Dragon Kings. Restoring the Balance Eternal.”

“So, we wait here for the Dragon Samurai to find us. Is that the plan mother?” Ren asked Setsu. “Just how long do we wait?”

“For as long as it takes, Ren. For as long as it takes.” Setsu told her honestly. “Remember, we have food and water for four months. We can also live off the land. We will not starve. We have friends in the village. Friends that will let us know when the Dragon Samurai arrive. Until then we sit tight. Your time will come. When it does, then you can decide on if you want to sit upon the throne. Think of this as you would ascend the Glacier Face. One step at a time. Each step planned. Every route scouted down to the last inch. No chances taken. No improvising.”

“Very well, mother. I will wait. I will plan. I will not take one step without having scouted the route.” The teen snarled. “I will wait as you ask mother. When the times comes, I will lead our nation out of chaos and put an end to these so-called Dragon Kings.”

“Then it is time to prepare you for the coming of the Darkness, daughter.”


PS comments are welcome. they feed the muse.

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loved the chapter

loved the chapter
all kinds of backstabbing going on in this universes politics, trying to prove the axiom absolute power corrupts absolutely

An unexpected departure......

D. Eden's picture

This filled in the story a lot more, but it was wholly unexpected. I am truly looking forward to seeing how the Dragon Princess meets the five Samurai.

And of course, somehow I think they will need to rescue her from the Empyreal Calvary.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Thanks for the chapter.

WillowD's picture

I always love it when I see a new Wolf Jess 7 chapter published.

Looks like the young Samuri

Wendy Jean's picture

have a long list of celestial beings they are about to piss off or kill.

Choe-Long part of the power is law?

Jamie Lee's picture

Yeah, those whose heart are filled with greed are turned quicker than trying to turn those whose hearts are filled with love.

So, it would appear Choe-Long is on the side of the Dragon Kings, with their belief that power is law. If absolutes are the rule of law, that has a tendency of stagnating those who would kill all who would dare stand in their way.

It stagnates their thinking and that transfers to how they would fight. Those easily dragooned into the Dragon Kings only have greed on their side. They believe their way is the only way and when they meet the Dragon Samurai, they will fight with greed and single mindedness.

They won't be able to defeat the Dragon Samurai because the Dragon Samuria will fight with an open mind that looks beyond that which they know. They will think outside the box, and fight with the thought of freeing everyone from their forms of enslavement.

The Dragon Samurai will know they've been in a fight, but where the Dragon Kings will fight separately, the Dragon Samurai will fight together to defeat the Dragon Kings.

In truth, it will be the individual huge egos of the Dragon Kings that will cause their defeat, as long as the Dragon Samurai can last long enough for it to happen.

Others have feelings too.