The tens of thousands involved in making a movie

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The actors, actresses on the big screen are a very small part of the people necessary in making a movie.
Let's not forget the setting (stage and props) very well runs into millions
The equipment, not only the cameras, the booms, lifts, the cranes, mobile homes, trucks, campers, etc.
Food, oh yes, the staff, actors, extras, and kitchen personnel need food and refreshments
Someone said every movie, especially the major movies are a city unto themselves. I think they are more a blend of corporate business, industry, and the working class.
Anyone want to abandon writing and go into movie making? Making a cam shot of your beautiful cousin waltzing across the back yard by the fish pond is great but not exactly Big Screen Blowout. And yes, I had my eyes on every beautiful girl in this script examining what each has, to make them stand out above the crowd. Takes me back to school and college, the beautiful girls, their pretty dresses, their parties while I'm nursing a newborn calf back to health or sitting on a JD dreaming of dresses and parties. Still wouldn't trade. I got the best deal after all. I'm exactly where I was supposed to be in this life cycle.
Hugs boys and girls
Always so much undercurrent in every life most never stop to examine until something goes terribly wrong. Then they wonder what happened?

PS: I've wanted to post this for awhile but didn't want to spam the blogs. Thus a side note. Several years back I was handed antibacterial soap and told to bath with it before an operation. Afterwards I realized it did a lot more than the nurse who gave it to me realized. It kept BO in check for days. I didn't have any perfume so I didn't smell pretty but I sure didn't stink. Lightning can strike at times. Realizing it was the perfect answer to BO rather than masking with deodorant, colones, and perfumes I started using it under my arms when I bathed. Ladies, men, BO is caused not by sweat alone. It needs bacteria to stink. Unless one is eating lots of garlic and other herbs with strong chemicals in them, they won't smell other than the pheromones women and men naturally put out.
When we don't stink, we smell naturally nice, attractive, and yes even seductive to both sexes. Perfumes can be both good and bad to the other person depending on their own body chemistry and their experience with smells. Natural pheromones are always best with the lightest hint of one's perfume of choice. Too many deodorants poison the body along with failing to mask the BO of bacteria and sweat doing what they do best, stink. If what I'm suggesting doesn't work for you then go back to the deodorants and colones or perfume. It is what works for me over the years. Don't bath in antibacterial soap. Our bodies work in harmony with most of the bacteria we carry. Believe, don't believe, some of that is there to protect us against viruses and harmful bacteria. It's a symbiotic balance and natural shield.



I would just as soon move to Oklahoma than give up my perfume. I agree with everything else you said but have to draw the line.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Honey, a "LITTLE" perfume only

BarbieLee's picture

You think I forgot that business meeting at the Sears Tower in Chicago? It was a shareholder's meeting for Perscriver LLC. The company who had an inside track on mfg Hover Attack Vehicles for the Green Beret and Navy Seals. I most certainly haven't forgot! A business meeting for Christ sake and you wore that skimpy little lavender cocktail dress. Nice move by the way. the meeting went to hell when the men couldn't keep their minds or their attention on the stock offerings. You picked up those stock options for half of what it should have cost you.
My choo jumped the track again, let's back up to the perfume you bathed in before the meeting. I couldn't decide if it was lilac or honeysuckle it was so overpowering in that room. I bet every single one of those married men caught hell when they got home. All of us stank after being saturated by YOUR perfume in that meeting. Everyone smelled like we had spent the evening in a Cat House!
I'm questioning who taught you about perfume? Did you learn all you now know in a bordello?: A touch of perfume sweety and if you wish, a dab behind the right ear with your fingertip is more than enough.
hugs kid

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

this has been my job for over

shadowsblade's picture

this has been my job for over 30 years now. Started at age 16 in high school and been in ever since as Crew of some type or another.

Even my high school was in movies...first few minutes of Transformers is my school and that was only one of MANY films shot there and 1000's shot in or around Pasadena CA

Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective