Two months ago, I estimated that we would have 10,000 stories and or chapters in the BCTS archives by April 15. It looks like that will happen on or before April 7th, probably in the afternoon of April 6th.
Since there are more than 200 stories still not moved over from BCC, BigCloset as a whole already has more than 10,000 stories. Still, we ought to have some sort of celebration. Ten thousand stories in a little more than ten years is an accomplishment. At this rate, we'll have 13,000 stories by April 1 next year!
Suggestions for what sort of celebration we can have for our First Myriad*?
*myriad - from a Greek word meaning ten thousand
Wow Erin
Aside from 10K stories, it won't be long until the hit counter ticks over the 10 million mark as well—with that number of visitors in less than five years. Both are laudable accomplishments.
I don't know about what sort of celebration(s) are appropriate or possible. However, for a wee while, I think you should have some sort of graphic/logo/commemoration thingy at the top of the homepage (or every page) marking the event.
Pleasantly Surprised
Bike Archive
Bike Resources
Ten Million Visitors by Mid-May
This is true. Considering that other incarnations of BigCloset have racked up about 1 million visitors, we're actually well over that mark. And we get more than 10,000 visitors per day, average about 11,000 for the last three or four months.
Maybe a banner that says 10x10x10?
Next year, before this time, we will likely hit 14 million on the counter at the bottom of the page. And will probably be averaging more than 12,000 visitors per day. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Just shows to go ya
If you offer a superior product people will buy it. This site is obviously just that. There have been rants about censorship on other sites which in my opinion were just sour grapes because Erin put out a firestorm. The complainers lost sight of the fact that this is a story site, not a Tweet where they could rant all they want. Thank you, Erin, job well done, Arecee