Sleeping Beauties Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven – Heads or Tales

Penelope, Silvia and Bradley arrived at Ellen Wright’s house to find the scene of crime team and medical examiner in attendance. They put on the Tyvek over-boots, hair coverings and latex gloves and entered the house being careful to tread only on the matting laid down by the CSI techs.

Bob Tanner met them at the door to the bedroom.

“It’s more of the same but different if you know what I mean,” he said by way of introduction.

“Ellen Wright. Thirty eight year old divorcee, works as the head trauma nurse at Saint Barnaby’s Hospital,” he said, emphasising the part about her being a nurse.

“A medical professional; is he hunting amongst his own?” Silvia asked.

Bob shook his head indicating that he didn’t know.

“Also, he killed her dog.”

“He’s taking risks, really spiralling up,” Bradley said.

“I wonder if he was stupid enough to leave any DNA this time. Did you check her lips; did he kiss her like the others?” Penelope asked.

“Looks like bruising on her lips too, he really went at her. No other marks on her except of course we will find vaginal bruising during the autopsy. The bad news is that he has almost certainly used the same substance as he used before to destroy any DNA he left,” Bob sighed.

“There is semen in her vagina but given what we found at the other crime scenes I am not hopeful.”

“We’ll work the scene hard, hoping he slipped up.”

“What the fuck is with the nun’s getup?” he asked Bradley Wilson.

“Part fetishic fantasy, part fuck you, is my take. He’s dressed all of his victims in a fetishic theme, but it’s only been the headdress, not a full costume. His fascination is with the lingerie; the colours differ, but the style is consistent,” Bradley concluded.

“Ok, let’s divide up the crime scene and get to work,” Silvia said to Penelope and Bradley.


Michael Kendal had enjoyed the company of Ellen Wright, so much so that he spent the next day splicing together and editing the GoPro videos until he had it just how he wanted. He locked the door to his hotel room after pushing the do not disturb button and ringing reception to tell them that he wanted privacy for the next four hours.

He mounted the tablet, put on the makeup, the wig, the lingerie and the high heels, inserted the vibrating dildo and got comfortable on the bed. He put on the veil, flicked the switch on the vibrator and injected himself.

Michael came three times while he was paralysed. The head mounted GoPro was a great idea, he could see the wild terror in Ellen’s eyes and then the confusion and resignation when he made her orgasm; she was a good ride, worth the risk.

Driving home the following week after making some excellent sales, Michael was in a good mood. He was speculating about how he was going to fuck Felicity as soon as he got home but images of his oldest daughter Rebecca kept interrupting his thoughts.

Rebecca standing outside the church wearing that pretty red A-line skirt cut a few inches above her knees, her long legs shimmering in the weak winter sun, her breasts swelling the front of her blouse, her lips parted in a smile for her father. He was hard and needed to stop and use the stocking.

It was going to her birthday while he was at home and he had bought her a very expensive present, but she deserved it. She was a good girl.


Which could not be said for Penelope Bishop who was on her knees in her kitchen fellating Bradley Wilson. They were naked except for Penelope’s black hold-up stockings and red high heels. They had come into the kitchen for a drink and a snack having been in bed all morning. Penelope had dropped a cookie ‘accidentally on purposely’ and had gotten on her knees to pick it up and had taken Bradley into her mouth. Bradley had not complained.

Penelope used her tongue and her freshly-lipsticked lips on Bradley’s proud manhood. He wondered why she had stopped to fix her makeup and put on heels on the way to the kitchen and now he knew why.

She was a magnificent sight, her blonde hair had been highlighted and styled in a new long bob with a sleek centre part that gave her hairstyle a neat and symmetrical finish. It framed her pretty face and emphasised her high cheekbones and dark smoky eyes from which smouldered her emerald-green eyes which were looking up into his. Her ruby-red lipsticked lips slid up and down his shaft as her tongue flicked across his glans.

Their daily workouts and her diet were paying dividends. Penelope’s 34B breasts were firm and her creamy alabaster flesh was toned, her belly now almost flat. She was not skinny by any means, her figure was curvy, her buttocks full but tight and her long legs clad in those sexy diaphanous black nylons drove him wild. She had put on her red heels and Bradley almost came by just looking at her. Between her legs her long slender cock was erect and dribbling pre-seminal fluid.

“Stop!” Bradley gasped.

Penelope smiled up at him, having expelled his cock and was holding it firmly, her long red-painted fingernails contrasting with the sleek flesh of his member.

“Why?” Penelope grinned up at him.

“Because I’m going to come,” Bradley smiled down at her.

“Good. I want my snack,” Penelope guided his penis back into her mouth and began to slaver at it.

Bradley groaned and looked down at the magnificent creature fellating him. She was smiling up at him with those beautiful eyes. She cupped his scrotum and gently squeezed and stroked it while she used her mouth expertly on his hard cock.

“Oh god! Now I am going to come,” Bradley groaned.

Penelope felt Bradley’s cock begin to convulse in her mouth and she quickly expelled it and squeezed it whilst she looked up at Bradley lovingly as his scalding semen sprayed across her face. Spritzes of Bradley’s cum caught in her platinum blonde hair, a rivulet spattered on her cheek and bridged her eyes, another shot across her nose and the final runnels of Bradley's spend smeared her red-lipsticked lips.

She smiled up at Bradley with a mixture of lust and devotion, his orgasm intensified as he watched his semen spatter over Penelope’s pretty face, Penelope squeezed very last drop of his issue into her mouth and then sucked him dry.

“Sometimes I like playing the whore,” she grinned up at him.

“But only with me,” Bradley smiled down at her cum-spattered face.

“Only with you,” she sighed.

Bradley helped Penelope to her feet and dabbed at her face with tissues, removing the worst of the offending substance caked to her face.

“I’m going to wash by face and fix my makeup. Fix me a snack and a drink will you?” Penelope was about to walk away when Bradley gripped her upper arm and pulled her back.

“You’re not going anywhere Penelope!” he growled.

Bradley put his hands around her waist and hefted her up onto the kitchen bench.

“Why Mister Wilson whatever are you doing?” she sounded like a naughty schoolgirl.

Bradley lowered his face to her groin and took her cock into his mouth.

“Mister Wilson that is very naughty… Oh my god!” Penelope’s penis began to pulsate.


Michael Kendal observed his oldest daughter with a critical eye as she stood in the hallway having returned home at the stroke of midnight. It was her eighteenth birthday and she was allowed a few privileges now that she was an adult.

Rebecca was wearing full makeup: red lipstick, dark eyeshadow and black eyeliner and mascara. She looked mature and he had to admit it, sexy.

She was wearing a short skirt, not quite a mini but it showed a lot of leg; and what legs she had: long, well-defined and sheathed in sheer flesh-toned pantyhose. Her blouse was tighter than she would normally be allowed to wear it and her pert breasts pushed at the bodice. The pièce de résistance were the Christian Louboutin high heels she had begged for and been given by her father as her birthday present.

Felicity had told her daughter that she would only be allowed to wear the heels and dress this way on rare and very special occasions.

Rebecca had just returned from a night out with her friends, coming in right on the midnight curfew. They’d had a family dinner first at an expensive restaurant and then Michael had given her two hundred dollars and told her to enjoy herself with her friends but to heed the curfew.

Felicity was very tired after the dinner and wanted nothing more than to go to bed. Michael had offered to wait up for their daughter and Felicity gratefully retired, unaware that Michael had slipped a little something into her drink that would knock her out for the evening.

“Oh daddy, thank you so much!” Rebecca rushed up to her father and hugged him.

He held her close, smelling her perfume.

“You deserve it honey; you’ve been a good girl,” Michael hugged her to him, feeling the swell her breasts press against him.

“The shoes are wonderful, everyone was jealous,” her eyes sparkled.

Rebecca went to kiss him on the cheek but he turned and put his mouth on hers. She wasn’t too concerned; her father often kissed his daughters on the mouth.

“Now for the serious part. You are a grown woman now and I’m sure that your mother has had that talk with you and with the internet and everything out there I’m sure you already know all about the ways of the world.”

“As you are aware, there are men out there who desire you; who want you, who want to do things to you because you are a beautiful woman,” Michael was holding her hand while he addressed her.

“Do you really think I’m beautiful daddy?” his daughter looked at him with love in her eyes.

Michael was so controlling and such a powerful force and influence in the lives of his wife and his daughters that they loved him unconditionally and lived to please him. Making him happy was part of their core being.

“Because this is a special night I’m going to take you to my workshop and show you something,” Michael said with grave formality.

Felicity and the girls were not allowed in their father’s workshop and he kept it locked when he was away.

He led Rebecca into the workshop, locking the door behind him. Rebecca was surprised to find that the ‘workshop’ was really more of a study, a den; a man-cave would better describe it. There was a workbench with an array of chemicals, test-tubes and beakers. There was some shelving with tools and other pharmaceutical paraphernalia on them but most of the room was expensively furnished and carpeted. Michael had adjusted the lighting and turned off the ceiling lights and switched on two standard lamps that effused a soft glow.

Michael led Rebecca to a large overstuffed recliner with a side table beside it, across the room from a large flat-screen TV.

“Sit,” he gestured at the recliner.

Rebecca sat and her skirt slid up her thighs to the top of her legs. Rebecca made no effort to tug it down; she was only with her father after all.

Michael went to the wet bar and made two drinks and came back to the recliner.

“Here, have your first ever drink on this special day. Do not tell your mother or your sister,” he smiled at her duplicitously as he gave Rebecca the drink.

“Wow, thanks dad!” Rebecca smiled up at her father.

She took a sip of the sweet wine and was surprised to find it quite palatable.

“Let me sit,” Michael said; his voice thick.

“But where will I sit?” Rebecca was confused but she stood up.

Michael patted his thigh and grinned at her.

“Come and sit in your daddy’s lap like you used to.”

Rebecca put down her drink and climbed into her father’s lap. Once again her skirt rode up and Michael was aware that his daughter’s nylon-pantied buttocks were pushing into his crotch.

Rebecca reached for her drink and Michael's hand rested lightly on her thigh. She snuggled up to her father, wriggling her buttocks as she did. She could feel his hard muscles under his clothes and smell his aftershave and his raw maleness. Rebecca was almost certain that she could feel an erection pushing into her buttocks through his pants.

“So you really liked your birthday present?” Michael began to lazily circle his fingers on her silken thigh.

“I love them daddy,” she turned so he could see her face and she smiled at him.

“So you were saying that there are men who want to do things to me daddy; what things?” she gave him a knowing smile.

“I think you know,” his hand slid under her skirt.

“But I promised you that I wouldn’t do anything like that daddy. I’m a daddy’s girl, I belong to you,” she closed her eyes in expectation.

Michael closed his lips over his daughter’s mouth and his fingers found her cleft through her flimsy nylon panties.

She was moist.

Felicity woke up around four am. She was groggy and incredibly thirsty. She was going down to the kitchen to get a drink when she encountered Rebecca on the staircase coming up. They stopped on the landing and stared at each other.

Rebecca’s makeup was a mess, her lipstick smeared. Her blouse was misbuttoned, her nylons full of runners and her hair tussled. She was carrying the heels, which had cost Michael upward of a thousand dollars, by the ankle-straps and she reeked of Christian Dior’s Poison. Felicity slapped her daughter across the face. Rebecca just smiled insolently and continued up the stairs to her bedroom.

When Felicity got to the ground floor she could see light under the door of her husband’s workshop. She wiped a tear from her eye.


Gary Rasmussen held court in syndicate room two.

“We’re getting nowhere with this case and we are under pressure from the Governor,” Gary said bitterly.

“That’s not fair Gary. We are doing the best with what we have. We have started interviewing everyone who attended the seminar at Kent Pharmaceuticals where we know Ellen Wright spoke to several men at the post-seminar mixer and we are hoping to pick up a lead,” Silvia replied.

“Yeah, but she could just have easily been targeted before or after the seminar. Christ, the guy might just drive around looking for attractive mature women and stalk them. We don’t really know how he selects his victims and he leaves very little evidence for us to use,” Gary raked his fingers through his hair.

“The hotline has slowed down and every lead we followed from the tip line has produced zip.”

“Even the animal semen leads us nowhere; anyone can purchase it.”

“Does anyone have any ideas?” Gary paced up and down the room.

“A serial killer keeps killing until one of four things happen: he is caught, he dies, he kills himself or he burns out. Our guy might even move interstate. We know he’s spiralling up and he’s smart so he’ll know that too,” Bradley Wilson said.

“There is one option we have left but it’s dangerous. We bait him. We use the media again. We tell the media specific lies to anger him, to get him to refute the lies either by contacting the media or contacting law enforcement.”

“And it’s dangerous because…” Gary asked.

“It could backfire. He could go on a murderous rampage, kill his family, commit suicide,” Bradley espoused.

“I like the idea of him committing suicide,” Gary sighed.

“But the murders go unsolved unless he leaves a confession,” Silvia chimed in.

“It gets worse I’m afraid. Bradley; the Feebs want you back. They say, and probably rightly so, that you have done all the profiling there is to be done on this case. The San Antonio field office is snowed under with Federal cases so they claim, so you need to wrap up what you have and hand it over to Silvia and Penelope,” Gary said reluctantly.

The look exchanged between Bradley and Penelope was not lost on Silvia and Gary.

“Jesus you two have the worst kept secret in Balwyn. Why don’t you just come out publicly,” Silvia said.

Bradley walked over and kissed Penelope chastely.

“I love Penelope and she loves me. Going back to San Antonio is not going to change that,” Bradley took Penelope’s hand in his.

“You two take the rest of the day. We hold off on the baiting thing until we get the results from the Ellen Wright crime scene and if there’s nothing there we will consider it,” Gary bowed his head and left the room.

“Get the fuck out of here you two. I’ll see you tomorrow Penelope,” Silvia sat down and began to sift through case files.

Penelope helped Bradley pack up his things and they made to leave.

“Get over here you hunk. You ain’t leaving with my second best girl without saying goodbye,” Silvia actually had tears in her eyes when Bradley gave her a hug.

As they got to the door Silvia called out.

“Hey Penny; this one’s a keeper so don’t fuck it up. One word of advice; men have two emotions, hungry and horny. If you see him without an erection, make him a sandwich,” Silvia laughed heartily at her own joke.

Penelope and Bradley spent the rest of the day in bed and when it was time for him to leave Penelope was determined that she wouldn’t cry but she did. She clung to him until he had to prise her free.

“I love you. I’ll call you every day and every weekend I’m coming here to Balwyn so don’t rent out my parking space,” Bradley joked.

“When this case is over I’m taking some time off, I’m owed a shitload of long service,” Penelope said.

“Good. We’ll talk about travel plans,” Bradley opened the door to his car.

Penelope just nodded. She was afraid that if she tried to speak she would break down.

Bradley drove to San Antonio one handed, twirling the engagement ring he had recently purchased in his coat pocket with his free hand.


There were quite a few changes in the Kendal household and Felicity did not like them one bit.

Rebecca still presented herself to the world as a demure, virtuous, studious and contrite young woman but in the confines of the Kendal house she had a totally contradictory persona.

The first time she came out of her room wearing a miniskirt, nylons, heels and full makeup Felicity flew into a rage but Michael interjected.

“Rebecca is a woman now. I have allowed her certain freedoms which you are not to counter,” Michael said.

Rebecca flirted openly with her father sometimes even sitting in his lap when they watched TV. Michael regularly took his eldest daughter to his workroom and locked the door and Felicity knew what they were doing in there.

Bizarrely, she became competitive with her own daughter. Felicity too presented herself as the demure housewife outside of the house but when she was home she started to wear the fetish lingerie around the house, short skirts, heels and heavy makeup.

Michael knew that the changes in his household were dangerous should anyone from outside the family suspect what was going on; but that was unlikely. He still ruled the house with an iron fist and the three women in his life were devoted to him.

Michael was aware of the many cases where families lived in incestuous relationships inside their family home whilst presenting to the outside world as upright respectful citizens. This new twist was very appealing to him. He could have sex with his daughter whenever the urge took him. Felicity was not particularly happy with the arrangement, but she condoned it. She too was his virtual sex slave and often begged him to administer his incapacitating agent to her and use her. He witnessed her multiple orgasms as she lay there unable to move and afterwards she described to him the feelings of incredible pleasure and gratification she felt being at his total mercy while he defiled her.

Michael was pragmatic and intelligent. He knew that if he kept hunting women in Balwyn he would likely slip up and get caught. The police had already interviewed him as part of their investigation into the rape and murder of Ellen Wright, but he was not a suspect. They just asked him if he’d seen anyone behaving suspiciously at the seminar they had both attended.

He had received several offers of employment from other pharmaceutical companies and he was now seriously considering them. He had narrowed them down to one company in California and another in Minnesota. Of course he felt no need to involve his family in his deliberations, he would decide where they lived and they would obey him and comply with his wishes.

Michael decided he would make one last trip to Balwyn to tender his resignation personally to the management of Kent Pharmaceuticals and take one more victim. Then it would be time to move on to greener pastures.


The long distance relation between Penelope and Bradley was working but it was frustrating to say the least. After only three weeks Penelope found that she missed Bradley so much that her compunction to drink to ease the solitude and heartache was becoming compelling. To make matters worse she and Silvia were making very little progress in the Sleeping Beauty Killer case.

She knew what she was about to do would likely get her fired but she didn’t care. She wanted the case closed so that she and Bradley could have a life together.

She called Meadow Dupree at Fox News and requested an interview.

“I have here in the studio Lieutenant Penelope Bishop, a homicide detective with the Balwyn police department,” Meadow made the introduction to the camera.

“Penelope Bishop was the police officer who stunned the city of Balwyn nearly fifteen years ago when she exposed levels of corruption in the Balwyn PD that extended to the very top including the Chief of Police and the Mayor. She shot the Chief of Police in a shootout at a meth lab. Isn’t that so Penelope?” Meadow gave a beatific grin to the camera.

“Yes that’s true Meadow but I’m here to talk about current events, not the past,” Penelope wanted to get the interview on track.

“You were also the first transgender policewoman in Balwyn, isn’t that right?” Meadow’s smile did not falter as she twisted the knife a little.

“Yes that’s true, but again, not why I’m here,” Penelope was getting frustrated.

“So then Penelope; why have you come forward to give this interview today?” Meadow began.

“Because we have a serial killer on the loose and I hope that by giving this interview someone in your audience might hear me say something that causes them to realise that they have information which can help catch this man,” Penelope said.

“I interviewed Agent Bradley Wilson from the FBI a while ago who told me everything that the PD was prepared to release regarding the Sleeping Beauty Killer, or so he told me,” Meadow leaned into Penelope, encouraging her.

“Well I am prepared to release more compelling evidence that until now has been withheld and might just ring a bell with one of your viewers,” Penelope wanted to get to the point.

“Well let’s hear it,” Meadow spread her hands in a gesture of grandiosity.

“Ok. Well first off we know that the perpetrator is impotent. He is incapable of sustaining an erection or ejaculating; prostitutes we have interviewed, who we suspect the killer used for convenience before his compunction to kill became overwhelming, report that he has a micro-penis. We think this is what makes him angry, what drives him.”

“Our profiling also suggests that he is a crossdresser, in other words he likes to dress like a woman and that is the only way he can gain sexual satisfaction.”

“Interesting,” Meadow encouraged Penelope to continue.

“We suspect we are looking for an impotent mommy’s boy with a tiny penis, someone who has an Oedipus complex and can only satisfy himself by dressing up like his mother with whom he had a love–hate relationship. He’s weak willed. Presents to the world as a confident masculine male but is really a sissy boy who hates his mother and hates all women,” Penelope stopped to take a sip of water.

Her hands were trembling a little. She had crossed the line and was likely going to be suspended or more probably fired.

“And that’s why he kills them?” Meadow interjected.

“Exactly… and the retro lingerie that he makes the victims wear is reflective of the underwear his mother wore?” Meadow asked.

“Are you implying that he had an incestuous relationship with his mother?” Meadow could hardly contain herself; she had the scoop of a lifetime.

“How do you think it went?” Penelope asked.

“Oh it went fine, you looked great and I always look good,” Meadow smirked.

They were sitting in Meadow Dupree’s dressing room after the interview.

“Oh! That reminds me; I have something for you,” Meadow arose and foraged around in the dressing table drawer.

“Here they are,” Meadow held up a pair of Wolford sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose.

There was a runner in one leg and a small hole in the crotch.

“Give these to your boyfriend will you?”

“He might as well have them, he paid for them,” Meadow tossed the garment at Penelope.

As a reflex action, Penelope caught them.

Penelope looked at the pantyhose confused; she looked up from the garment to Meadow and frowned.

“I believe the joke going around Police Plaza at the time was that he accidentally fucked me,” Meadow smiled.

“Well it was no accident; he seemed quite determined and quite aware of what he was doing.”

“As it turns out he’s quite adept at fucking; but you’d know that. Don’t feel bad; if I want someone to fuck me they generally do.”

Penelope was stunned and confused.

She got up off the couch and made her way to the door; she absentmindedly balled up the pantyhose and shoved them in her coat pocket.

As Penelope opened the door Meadow called out to her.

“Feel free to suck a few cocks on your way to the car park, you tranny whore.”

Meadow felt she had finally reaped her revenge on Bradley Wilson.


Michael Kendal was livid. He had seen the interview with Penelope Bishop on TV and it took all of his control not to throw something at the television set. He wanted to rant and rave, to strangle Penelope Bishop and Meadow Dupree. He knew that the police had released the web of lies to enrage him; to make him do something stupid out of anger that would get him caught, but he controlled his temper and took some time to think.

He really wanted to fuck his sleeping beauties while he was naked and unsheathed; to fully enjoy them. When he was planning his first killings he was tempted to fuck his victims bareback and use his patented oxygen-producing detergent; but he could not be certain it would destroy all of his DNA or he might inadvertently drip semen on the sheets. It was just too dangerous.

If he could get a victim somewhere where he had control of the scene, he would be able to do so, to fuck her while he was naked, press his flesh against hers, kiss her, lick her, fuck her and come in her. The problem was disposing of the body.

Michael decided his last victim in Balwyn would suffer such a fate. He had the perfect place in his workroom at home. He would be able to take his time and clean the place thoroughly before the removalists came next week. His family had whined a little at first; but when he told them the adventures that awaited them in California they had changed their tune. He had placated Rebecca by telling her that she could leave school and get a job, provided it was a job he approved of. This had gone some way to appease Felicity. Because Michael’s new job did not involve travelling he would be home every night and she and he could play their special game. A game he daren’t play with anyone else.


“What the fuck were you thinking?” Penelope sat in the Chief of Detectives office with Silvia sitting beside her.

“Did you know about this? Did you put her up to this?” Gary Rasmussen turned on Silvia.

“She knew nothing about this. It was all my idea,” Penelope interjected

“Well I have no choice Penelope. The Chief of Police wants your ass. You are herewith suspended, hand me your weapon and your shield,” Gary held out his hand.

Penelope stood and handed Gary her Glock and her gold shield.

“Look. Take some time. Go to San Antonio and see Bradley. I’ll call you when the heat dies down ok?” Gary opened the door for the two women.

Outside the office Silvia gave Penelope a hug.

“You crazy tranny bitch, go and see Bradley, hopefully he will fuck some sense into you,” Silvia smiled wanly

“You loopy lezzie, go and buy yourself a dress or skirt and get out of those boring pantsuits for once,” Penelope smiled back at her partner.

“There are guys in the Plaza who are taking bets that you don’t even have an ass or legs and that’s why you always wear pantsuits,” Penelope turned and started walking away.

“My ass and my legs are bodacious but none of those creepy cops are ever going to see them,” Silvia called after her.

Whilst driving home Penelope decided that she would drive to San Antonio first thing in the morning and her mind was elsewhere when she got out of her car. She never heard the man come up behind her; all she sensed was a sickly chemical smell before she blacked out.

She awoke on the back seat of Michael Kendal’s car and realised two things immediately. She was lying under a blanket or some other covering and also that she was paralysed. She could move her eyes and see, she could feel the coarse blanket on her face, but she couldn’t move a millimetre.

It was a long drive to Michael Kendal’s house but he was in no rush. The last thing he needed now was a traffic stop. He pulled over once and gave Penelope a drink using an intubated bottle and checked her vitals and then injected her again to keep her incapacitated. He was tempted to start fucking her now but he knew it would be a rash move and besides, the drive gave him time to savour all the things he was going to do to her.

He did lift up her skirt and stare at her panties and nylon-sheathed thighs while he masturbated into the stocking. He wondered why she didn’t have a bulge in her panties. He had never been with transgender woman but he was looking forward to it. It would be something different.

Penelope had never felt so afraid and so alone, not even when she had been made to drive into the desert at gunpoint all those years ago. She took glib satisfaction that their profile of the killer was correct; he was tall and handsome. Penelope felt disgusted when he masturbated in front of her but not as disgusted as she’d felt later when he had pulled down her underwear and put her penis into a medical urine bottle and allowed her to pee.

“We don’t want you all messy when we get you home do we Penny?”

“Can I call you Penny? I think I can. Oh my, we are going to have so much fun!” he smirked before pulling the blanket back over her.

The look of abject terror in Penelope’s eyes made him hard. But she would keep.


“Daddy says that you can become one of his special girls when you turn sixteen, just like me; that’s not even two years away,” Rebecca whispered to her younger sister.

“Is it really nice? What he does to you; is it really nice?” Chastity Kendal asked.

“I thought it was going to hurt, but it didn’t, it felt wonderful. Daddy makes you feel special while he’s doing it to you and it feels so sexy wearing the naughty lingerie. He even has toys that he uses on me that make me just want to explode with pleasure,” Rebecca explained.

“But the best thing, and he’s only just started doing this with me, is when he gets his syringe out and…” Rebecca didn’t get to finish her sentence before her mother ripped off the blanket that her daughters were snuggled under.

“Show me! Show me!” Felicity viciously twisted her daughter’s arm and there they were.

Three little puncture wounds in the crook of her elbow.

“And he told you he was going to start on Chastity when she turns sixteen?” Felicity hissed.

Rebecca folded her arms and looked at her mother contemptuously.

“You’re getting old mother. Daddy needs young and vibrant women in his life,” she said arrogantly.

Felicity, Rebecca and Chastity were staying a hotel on the outskirts of LA. At Michael's insistence they had made the five hour drive to LA to look at the new home he had rented and to check out schools for Chastity while Michael made his last trip to Balwyn to tender his resignation.

Felicity flew into a rage when she realised that her husband was using his oldest daughter as one of his sleeping beauties. That was Felicity’s privilege! To make matters worse he was already planning to fuck their youngest daughter.

“Get packed and get in the car! We’re going home! We’re going home now!” she screamed at her daughters.


Michael Kendal drove his car into the two car garage and unlocked the outside entrance to his workshop. He carried Penelope Bishop inside and lay her down on a daybed in the corner. He stripped her naked and was amazed by her. She was a beautiful woman with outstanding attributes but she had a penis and a scrotum between her legs instead of a vagina.

“This is going to be different Penny. I’m going to enjoy sampling something new but you really shouldn’t have said all those nasty things you said about me to that bitch reporter on Fox News,” Michael dragged his rape kit from under the workbench.

He lay out the pink lingerie that he had purchased for his next victim to wear, he bought out his makeup kit and the red high heels, and then he prepared another syringe loaded the neuromuscular blocker and a tube of lubricant.

“I’m not going to need my bodysuit or those nasty condoms; I’m going to feel everything I do to you and so are you,” he clapped his hands together like an excited schoolboy.

Penelope could follow him with her eyes but that was all she could do. She wanted to scream, to strike out at him, but she couldn’t move.

Michael went through her purse and clothing. He had switched off and ditched Penelope’s mobile phone as soon as he had abducted her and there was nothing that really interested him in her purse. But when he found the Wolford sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose in her jacket pocket he got excited.

“Wow! These feel so soft and slinky and they even have a little hole torn in the crotch. I think these will come in handy, very handy indeed,” he grinned.

“Let’s get you prepared shall we?” Michael sat beside her on the daybed and began to apply the makeup.

Then he pulled her down so that she was lying on the bed and put on the garter belt, the stockings, the bra and the panties. Penelope felt like a puppet being tossed around on the bed while he dressed her. He slipped her feet into the high heels and spread her legs and put her hands by her side.

Penelope had seen enough of his victims to know what would be coming next.

Michael stripped naked, his erection standing rampant. He sat down and pulled on the pantyhose.

“Wow they really do feel good,” he giggled as he smoothed them along his legs.

“And now for the final touch,” Michael took the small bottle of Poison from his makeup kit and sprayed the cloying perfume liberally all over Penelope’s body.

Penelope knew from Michael Kendal’s profile that he received ultimate satisfaction from exercising control and inflicting terror on his victims. She knew that there was nothing she could do to stop him doing what he was going to do to her but she would try her hardest not to allow the pain or fear to show in her eyes. She knew it would likely be impossible, especially if he began to inflict pain on her, but none of victims had shown signs of being injured. Penelope set her resolve and waited.

“Ok Penny; you are indeed a very beautiful woman even if you are different; or should I say unique. This is going to be special for us both,” Michael applied lubricant to his erection and a generous dab to her sphincter.

“Here we go,” Michael lifted her legs by the ankles and opened them wide.

He positioned his glans against her sphincter and Penelope felt it nestle there. She watched his face intently as he slid himself inside her. Michael was quite big but the lubrication was more than adequate. It was such a haunting feeling, being aware of Micheal gripping her ankles and his cock sliding into her but not being able to react.

Michael fucked her vigorously for about a minute before he climaxed, she could feel his cock convulse inside her and watched his face screw up with the intensity of his orgasm. The first ordeal was over but she knew he was far from finished.

“Wow! That was really nice. You are nice and tight down there. Let’s take a little rest shall we and next time let’s see if we can’t get you a little more involved,” he grinned evilly.

“With the others, I was almost certain I could see them orgasm, see it in their eyes, but with you there will be a physical response. I can hardly wait,” Michael sounded very excited as he fussed around on his workbench.


Felicity Kendal dropped the girls off at Rebecca’s best friend’s house, explaining to the friend’s mother that she need a little alone time with her husband.

The woman nodded knowingly. It is said that moving house is more stressful than divorce and the woman sympathised.

Rebecca complained about being left behind but she was mature enough not to air their family’s dirty laundry in public. She tried calling home but no one answered. Having established to herself that her father was likely still in Balwyn she relaxed and joined the other two girls who were watching Netflix.

Felicity hopped into the family ‘people mover’ and sped off.


Michael ignored the sound of the phone ringing inside the house. He had more important things to attend to and besides he wasn’t supposed to be home yet. Let the answering machine get it.

“Here we go, let’s try this,” Michael took a handful of lubricant and began to stroke Penelope’s cock.

He was lying beside her and had turned her head to could kiss her and rub his pantyhose-clad thigh on her stocking-sheathed legs, she could feel his hard cock pressing on her thigh.

Michael’s tongue slipped into her mouth and it was the strangest feeling, she could not reciprocate but she could feel it exploring her mouth. His sustained presence rubbing against her, kissing her and stroking her penis began to have the desired effect. Despite her reluctance there was nothing she could do to stop herself from becoming aroused.

“You like it don’t you, you little whore,” he whispered in her ear and then nibbled on her earlobe.

He squeezed and caressed her hard cock and shards of pleasure raged through Penelope’s body despite being incapacitated. He kissed her again, using his lips and his tongue on her, whilst rubbing his nylon-clad thigh on her body.

“I think you’re ready sweetheart,” he turned her face upright and kissed her again and then opened her legs, lifting them so he could climb in between.

Michael slid into Penelope whilst continuing to stroke her hard cock. Beads of precum leaked from her glans and he rubbed the viscous fluid into her phallus. He stared into Penelope’s icy green eyes and he could see the pleasure she was trying to hide.

“You like it don’t you? You’re no different to all the other whores. You’re no different to my mother,” he sniggered.

And Penelope didn’t like it but there was no denying that she found the experience extremely pleasurable. Having the hard-bodied handsome man between her thighs, pushing his cock deep inside her, his glans pressing on her prostate while he stroked and squeezed her cock was producing the effect Michael desired. Penelope could not prevent her body’s reactions to his ministrations.

Michael kissed her passionately and pressed himself hard against her, she could feel his penis swelling inside her and, god help her, she could feel her own orgasm approaching. Michael could sense that she was close to coming and lifted his body away from hers a little; he didn’t particularly want her cum to get on him.

She came when he did too, holding her tight, fucking her hard, kissing her and stroking her hard cock as it sprayed jewels of semen which pooled on her belly. Michele’s hot semen flooded her back passage intensifying her orgasm.

Tears ran down Penelope’s face, she hated herself for letting this man do what he was doing to her, even as one of the most intense orgasm’s of her life wracked her body, she felt shame and disgust.

Michael rutted against Penelope, expending the last of his seed and then he climbed off her.

“Well that was lovely. I know you enjoyed it just as much as I did. We will need to clean you up a little and fix your makeup before we go again,” he looked into her eyes, grinning.

Penelope felt waves of resignation, disgust and dread. She knew that he was far from finished with her; he would ravage her for another few hours before he finally killed her. She almost looked forward to the needle sliding into her arm for the final time, delivering the hotshot and ending her ordeal. Penelope realised that the other women must have felt the same way.

Michael once more fiddled on the workbench and then he approached her with a tube of lipstick.

“Let’s get you fixed up shall we?” he smiled when suddenly a dark cloud crossed his face.

Penelope heard footsteps approaching from inside the house, the click-clack of high heels on tiles, and then someone knocking on the door that connected the house to the workshop.

“What the fuck now?” Michael went to the door and opened it.

Felicity Kendal stood there, still dressed in her travelling clothes.

“How could you?” she cried.

“How could I what?” Michael held the door half open, Felicity could not see inside the room.

“I condoned what you are doing with Rebecca; I will even let you have Chastity if you want her. But you can’t share our special most scared thing that we have between us with them. It’s ours! Every other woman who experiences that magnificent adventure dies, I can live with that. But you can’t share it with our daughters!” she cried.

“You stupid woman! I can do what I like and with who I like. You should see yourself as being privileged to even be in my presence. Now go and tend to my daughters and wait until I summon you. Can’t you see I’m busy,” Michael snarled.

He turned his back on his wife and she drew the snub-nose thirty eight that she had been clenching tightly out of sight in her purse.

The first shot exited through his right eye and the second stopped his heart.

Felicity walked into the room and stared at Penelope lying paralysed on the daybed. She could see what had been happening and she was astonished and disgusted when she saw Penelope’s genitals.

“How could he do that with a thing like you,” she hissed and raised the gun and levelled it at Penelope’s face.

She saw the fear and abject terror in Penelope’s eyes as she stared down the barrel of the gun.

Felicity sobbed briefly and then turned the gun on herself and blew out her own brains.

Penelope lay there helpless and inert, screaming on the inside. The room reeked of cordite, blood, semen and Poison perfume.


Bradley Wilson came into the bedroom and handed Penelope a steaming cup of coffee.

“How are you today honey?” he asked, stroking her hair.

“I’m fine. I wish people would stop fussing over me,” Penelope replied.

Penelope had endured two hours on the daybed inside the Kendal house until she had been discovered. The horror of lying there unable to move with two corpses nearby was indescribable. Knowing she had been raped but forced to orgasm during the ordeal made her feel like her body had betrayed her.

She had spent two days in hospital under observation, despite her protests, and during this time she was extensively interviewed. Penelope wanted to be back on the job, working the crime scene, closing the Sleeping Beauty case but Gary Rasmussen wouldn’t allow her near the Kendal house or to work the case any longer; she was now a material witness.

Silvia Bickle and Bradley Wilson had fawned over her, their pity obvious, and that made it worse. She didn’t want pity; she just wanted to get on with her life.

Penelope had shared all this with the Balwyn Police Department’s clinical phycologist during her post trauma counselling. She had also shared with the shrink her almost uncontrollable urge to drink. She wanted to drink to forget; to drink for oblivion.

The psych had told Penelope that she knew what almost every alcoholic knew; a drunk had to help them self, no one else could. She had given Penelope some literature about Alcoholics Anonymous and a copy of the Grapevine, which listed nearby AA meetings.

Penelope had discussed attending AA meetings with Bradley who was supportive.

“But I have to do it by myself,” she reiterated and Bradley agreed.

Penelope finished her coffee, showered and dressed and was ready to attend her first meeting. The afternoon open meeting was located in the basement of Saint Patrick’s church on Brindle Street.

Bradley stopped the car on the corner and kissed Penelope.

“Are you going to be ok?” he asked; concern in his voice.

“I honestly don’t know Brad. It’s like I’m living in a void. I can’t feel anything and I feel helpless,” Penelope sighed.

“You know I love you,” Bradley leaned in and gave her a kiss.

“That is the one thing I can definitely feel honey, and I love you too,” Penelope opened the door and stepped out on the street.

Bradley drove away, the engagement ring he had bought Penelope still in his pocket. He knew that now would be the absolute worst time to try to give it to her. He hoped with all his heart that she recovered soon so he could propose.

The day was cold but the sky was blue and the sun was shining; a prefect winter day. Penelope forced herself to smile. She set her resolve and was about to cross the street when a sudden commotion stopped her.

A door crash open across the street and a boisterous drunk came out of O’Malley’s Bar and Grill singing Danny Boy off key. The funk of draft beer wafted across the street and she wondered what liquor they served from the well. The neon beer lights in the windows and the drone of the jukebox seemed to beckon to her.

Penelope looked at the church and the small gathering of people hanging around the entrance to the basement, smoking cigarettes and talking animatedly.

Penelope took a quarter from her pocket and tossed it in the air, the sun caused it to glitter against the blue sky as it spun.

“Heads it’s Saint Pats; tails it’s O’Malley’s” she whispered to herself watching the coin spiral through the air.

The End

Author's Note: This story has drawn hardly any comments as the chapters have been posted; I'm hoping because, you, my readers were waiting until the end before commenting. I hope I didn't disappoint.

Once again I would like to thank my research team of Google, Wiki and Netflix and my avid readers who encourage me when I think I've let you down.

Any typos, syntax blunders, or errors in fact are attributable to me.

I hoped you liked my little ditty,


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Another good story Michele

The gritty realism in many of your stories, while sometimes hard to read, are one of their draws. While I like many of the stories here on BC sometimes I want a change from the sweetness and light. Thank you for your efforts, I appreciate your work an look forward to reading more.

>>> Kay

another great one!

Hi Michelle,

I was following this on another site and have just caught up on here, I don't know whether I am more scared of your heroines or your villains your writing is so descriptive and really stimulates the theatre of the mind, you should be writing a new series of "Criminal minds". keep em coming please.

Heidi xx


joannebarbarella's picture

You post appropriate warnings at the headings of your stories so it is up to the potential audience to decide whether or not to read them.
I do read them and I generally like your stories, although, as I have said before, they are a little too raunchy for me. However, your storylines are interesting and this one was no exception. I enjoyed it and I am sure I will enjoy your future postings. I do sometimes find it difficult to comment on individual chapters when the sex gets too heavy.

Into Darkness

Snarfles's picture

Another amazing story Michele!

Exemplifying just how dark both sides of justice can be... good guys or bad, life isn't a bed of roses.

One thing I would have wanted to see more of, was Felicity's dilema; how she must have struggled with her self worth, how she could possibly justify her daughters becoming involved, and how she slept at night knowing what was going on.... How she stayed her hand from calling the police....

Seeing how Bradley reacts when he learns 'his' pantyhose were what the killer was wearing...and how he got them....

Thinking a full length epilogue would be amazing!

Another great story

I expected that Penelope would become more involved with the killer than she wanted and also thought that Michael's big mistake was to involve his daughter, and that's how it turned out. Trying to guess where the story is going is part of the fun. I thought Felicity would notify the police but once again you sprung a new twist. Will there be another story involving Penelope? I do hope so.


Michele Nylons's picture

Theresa, you can find Penelope's debut in Cop Town Girl xxx Michele



Jill Jens's picture

Unfortunately Penelope has a fatalistic streak, best expressed by, “heads you win, tails I lose….so what the fuck, give me another.”

Love your writings. Currently carefully going through them one by one. Some for the second time. I have been away from this site for a while because the quality really took a hit when all of the best authors began publishing on Amazon. I have very little tolerance for grade school grammar and no plots, just ramblings.

Now I’m ready to read the sequel. I will then have this series completed, if slightly out of order.
