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By Jasmine Monica
Part 1
This is a cute little story that I wrote and posted today. I haven't felt well in the past few days and I have been too tired to work on my long epic story I have been writing but I hope to get back to it soon
This story is about a innocent teenage boy shopping with his sister in a girls clothing store, as her sister when they run into his girlfriend. How will she react
“Don't you recognize them, Liz?” Asked Angie excitedly.
Liz looked the girls going into another clothing store and she said foggy, “That one girl is Christine. I have never seen that other girl. Have you Angie?”
The two girls walked in and began looking at skirts. “I have not. But haven't you seen her face. She looks so familiar but I cant figure it out. I know I have seen her before. That face, look at her.”
Angie and her friend Liz walked into the clothing store still watching Christine and the other mysterious girl walking around and picking out skirts and tops. They even went into the dressing rooms to try some of the stuff on.
There was something right at the edge of Angies mind that kept bugging her. She could not ignore this feeling that she knew this other girl. Angie was unable to let it go and she had been dragging her friend Liz across the store following the two other girls for the better part of an hour.
Angie kept her distance and was sure they had not been noticed. Now they were in a clothing store watching Christine and her friend try on evening gowns and the other girl seemed so happy.
This other mysterious girls face was made up great. Her hair appeared to be curled and styled. She obviously spent time in rollers and an iron. This girl wore a tight fitting miniskirt and heels and she walked effortlessly. This girl had on a flirty pink tank top and her looked well endowed in her bra. This girl was more endowed than Christine was. Angie had not seen this girl around school, she didn't remember her anywhere but she swore she knew this girl. It was right there but she couldnt figure it out.
The girl looked over at Christine and leaped in happyness and bubbled, “I love this gown Christine, Can we get it please.”
Angie heard the voice and got a good look at the girls eyes and her face and it suddenly dawned on her like an icy wave slamming into her. She whispered to liz, “Oh my god, I do know her. I know who she is and you wont believe it. I don't believe it, but I know her.”
“Who is she,” Liz demanded. “I still don't know.”
Christine had walked away to meet someone and the other girl was standing there alone. Angie said, “Lets to say hi to her.”
Angie walked toward the girl and she almost giggled when the girl looked at her. Then she saw the look of complete paralyzing panic written on the poor girls face. Her eyes widden in terror. She wanted to run away but she was frozen in place. Angie whispered in Liz’s ear. “You may recognize her too, but don't let her know. No matter what, play it like we don't know. I want to see if she gets it or not. I doubt she will figure out that we know.”
Angie walked over to the girl and said, “Hi there, its a nice day to go shopping. That’s a sexy skirt you have on. I haven't seen you around, can I ask your name?”
The scared girl muttered, “I am Britney. And what is your name,” She asked.
Liz’s eyes widden in recognition. Angie saw and gave her a look to stay silent.
“I am Angie. I go to school with Christine but where did she go, I wanted to see her,” Angie said looking into the girls eyes. “So where is your family Britney and where do you go to school?”
The poor girl stuttered. “Christine is my friend. I just came to this area and I havent went to school yet.” The girl was desperatly trying to find the answer.
An older woman and Christine arrived and stood in front of Britney. The woman glared down at Christine. “What are you two doing here?”
Angie gave the older woman a sly smile. “I wanted to talk to my friends, and um, you know, Britney.” Angie could barely keep from laughing.
The woman got tired of this game and tightly pulled Angie away and around the corner. Then she nearly snaraled. “How dare you. I thought you were our friend Angie and you stand there mocking her and terrifying poor Brian. I thought you were his girlfriend and you tease him like this?”
“Yeah,” Angie said innocently. “I know they are your children but what is Brian doing out like this, and I must complement you that he looks very pretty. I hardly recognized him as a boy, but whats going on?”
“He likes to go out with Christine as sisters and hang out, and shop.” Their mother Megan said. “He really enjoys it and Christine sort up pushes him to do it. She really loves it. So now I guess the question is, how will you deal with this information Angie? Can you accept a boyfriend that likes to hang out with girls, as another girl and do girl things, we are headed toward Victorias Secret Next. So I need an answer? Can you handle this, or will you just be an insulting cunt!”
Angie smiled, “I can handle it or I wouldn't have even played it off like I did accepting Britney.” She snickered again. “I would have name called and demanded answers. I can fully accept Britney and I want to see more of her. Is it okay if I stay with her and help her shop?”
“Fine,” Megan said then warned. “But Just dont be insulting. Brian is having fun with his sister. You can tag along if you lose the attitude Angie”
“Sure,” Angie quipped. “Shopping with my crossdressed boyfriend will be fun. Especially if he doesn't know that I know its him.”
The group finished there and Megan got the beautiful gown for her son Britney. Angie held the gown for the frightened boy and told him, “That gown will look so beautiful on you Britney. I cant wait to see you wear it more.” And she held Britneys hand as they turned into the large Victorias Secret store. She was wondering how Britney would handle that. She held his hand and Christine was on the other side.
But Britney didnt appear to be frightened at all to walk into such a haven of feminine lace. He simply walked in as if he belonged there holding his sisters hand. Then he dove into a table of panties.
Angie stood back and watched as he tackled the table and picking out various styles of panties that he preferred. She smiled to herself thinking he must have done this before.
Held up various panties and looked like he knew the style of each one from the bikini style to thongs to high waisted to low risers. He liked the high waisted briefs and the regular bikini styles. Britney said to his sister Christine, “I better go find some seamless panties for that evening gown. And can you suggest a bra to wear with it?”
Christine smiled, “Sure, lets go Britney. Angie, do you need anything here?”
Angie had chosen a pair for herself and followed Christine to another group and they found a few seamless pairs to put in the cart and then they went to the bras. This was so fun, Angie thought to herself. This was a side of her boyfriend she never knew about, but she wished that she knew. This could be fun if he was brave enough to face his girlfriend like this.
Angie watched Britney chose the bras he liked to wear. He chose some traditional bras and a pushup bra that gave him more cleavage.
Angie walked up to Britney and asked, “Shouldn't you try them on, and how about this camisole, it matches mine. Try it on and show us how it looks on you Britney. All girls need to some of them on.”
He looked frightened again as his eyes went big and he started shaking when Megan walked up and glared at Angie.
Britney calmed down and said, “No mom. She is right. I will go try this set on.” Then he ran into one of the dressing rooms.
Angie was wondering how he was going to hide his boyishness now. Or was he just going to stay in there and try them on.
Britney ran into the dressing room and she saw he was removing his skirt and top and then his undergarments and he put on one of the sexiest and laciest bra and panty sets and proudly walked out to show his mother and sister how he looked.
Angies mouth dropped. She still didn't see any ounce of boy in this display of femininity in front of her. There was no unmistakable bulge in his panties at all. They were totally flat like any girls. She knew crossdressers had ways to deal with that but she expected his chest to reveal his true sex. There were no breasts and falsies could be detected easily, so she thought. His chest look like any natural teenage girl with breasts. Angie looked hard into his chest to detect any sign of false breasts, stuffing or inserts. But his chest looked like they sported two natural large A to B cup breasts. From his neckline to the cups appeared to be soft squeezable flesh sloapup down itno two soft mounds held inside of his bra cups. How was this possible
Angie had seen him shirtless and there was no breasts. He went back to try on his camisole. Megan appeared beside her and whispered into her ear, “Good try bitch.” She sounded very unhappy. “Its called contouring. And he knows how to squeeze what little flesh he has on his chest just the right way to look like there is more than there really is. And we got him very realistic looking breastforms. So they look like natural breasts.
Britney walked out again wearing the sexiest camisole that pressed. Angie liked how his hips moved when he walked out sporting the pink lacy camisole. He twirled around and walked back in to dress in his regular clothes.
Megan went to the cashier and paid for it all. Just then, Britney told his mom that he was going back to get some last second purchases. Megan said she would wait and he said no, he wanted to get this himself and ran back in.
So Angie waited with Lis, Christine and Megan while Britney went back into Victorias Secret to get some last second items he wanted.
He went to the Cashier again and payed for a new bra and panty set and very lovely Camisole. Britney paid for it and walked out to meet Angie.
The shopping trip was about done now and Britney handed Angie the last second Items. “Here, I got these for you, Angie. I had a feeling you would love them.”
She held out the Camisole and it was just the one she wanted. She told brian that it was so pretty, but that was weeks ago and the bra and panty set was also just the ones she had wanted .Angie started feeling angry and she glared at Britney and said, “You asshole. You knew all along didn’t you?”
“Duh,” Britney giggled. “Like I didnt know my girlfriend knew it was me when she wanted to come shop with me. And then asking me to model that lingerie for you all. How could I not know that you knew then.”
Then Britney wrapped his arms around Angie tightly embracing her. “I am glad you can accept this. I was so afraid that you wouldnt and you scared me so much. But now we can enjoy this side to me so much more now. We can shop like girlfriends.”
“I love you, Britney,” Angie said. “Even if she is a bitch. Now lets go back and you can show me how you look in that.”
Britney said, “Wait, there is something that I need to show you first.”
Britney led Angie around the corner to a very high end bridal shop and they walked in. They rounded the corner to show Angie the display and some large display posters. Angie stopped and her mouth dropped. “Oh my God, Brian is that you modeling that bridal gown?”
“Yes, I did a shoot for them last weekend.” Britney admitted, blushing in front of his girlfriend. “They said I would be perfect and it has increased sales here. They want me to do another in a few weeks.”
the Manager Ashely walked up and nodded at Britney, “Hello Britney, are you ready for tomorrow morning?”
Angie looked up, “Whats going on then?”
“Oh,” Britney said as if it was nothing. “They also wanted me to work here. I know so much about the gowns now and I have a knack for selling girls just the right gowns that the new brides love me. I just don't know what it is.”
So her boyfriend was also a sales girl at a bridal store and her name was Britney.
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I would like to
Follow this with angles relationship with brian as he has a job as a bridal consultant working as a young woman and how Angie deals with that
But does anyone like this so far
Hi Jasmine
I enjoyed this story very much!
Just one thing; no offense, you might try harder on your proofreading.
> All girls need to some of them on < As is it does't make sense. I think you need to add a word, possibly 'try'.
Hope to read more of your interesting stories. Hugs
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Please continue, I find myself wondering if the girlfriend can handle this. Will she get jealous or run afoul of a very protective mother. Britney seems to be gaining in confidence in the new situation as well. I am curious as to what happy next.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
I love this
I love this. I hope your muse brings you back here soon.
Your friend
I love this
I love this. I hope your muse brings you back here soon.
Your friend