Information control

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Not the place for this nonsense but in the interest of knowledge. However since so many think Amazon is The Great Satan, let's look at others.
Twitter banned me for quoting directly from the Quran. But being nice people they would reinstate me if I send them a truck load of personal information. Never happen. So let's forge ahead about the other tricks Twitter does most people don't realize. They sandbox twitter users. Calling it a developers app. That person they boxed can't be found by others not already linked to person posting. In other words, they can still post but become invisible to others.

Sandboxed happened to me and a lot of my friends before I was banned. Looking for it on Google or most of the search engines is useless. I'll tell you why in a little bit. Another trick twitter uses is shadow banning. This was so obvious when they did it to Trump and many high profile people. Twitter quickly backtracked, apologized, and said it was a computer algorithm mistake. Pushed back behind the curtain, they never stopped doing it to the lesser people. This one is easier to find for some reason. Try shadow ban twitter on Bing. For all you liberals, you'll probably never run into either of these. However control of data flow of any kind is subversive. It is why books can't be banned in the U.S. We saw what happened when all the knowledge of the world was burned during the Roman days. What happened when Hitler banned books. What is going on in China today. Masses who have no learning are easier to control as they are spoon fed the brain wash from the news, gov.

On to Google, Youtube, and the others. They are controlling what can be researched, or seen, or swapped between groups. Too many of my friends have lost their pages on Youtube, Facebook their web site no longer listed on Google. Never notified everything was being deleted, years of posting and hard work gone. The outstanding ban is anything mentioning guns or gun sales. Wells Fargo and many other banks have cut credit and lending to gun dealers and mfg. The other is homeopathic remedies, or cures.For all you people who have friends fighting cancer or other diseases modern medicine has no answer for, try searching for the homeopathic answer to that problem. Such as "" if it hasn't been pulled by the gov. Yes they do that too. There are others out there. Do NOT take each one as legit.

On a personal level about modern medicine, I had a very dear friend who developed a cancer in her right breast. Early autopsies revealed nothing and she had several of them along with mammograms. She knew something was wrong. The doctors and labs were missing it. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is a death sentence. When a puss sore developed on the surface the blind medical profession finally realized the same thing she already knew. Something was not right. Cut-slash, burn, poison is the medical profession answers to cancer. I couldn't convince her otherwise. What really put the icing on the cake was when they were going to pump Gemzar into her. I told the doctor when she died, he could rest she wasn't going to sue his ass off but I sure was. Gemzar is their last cure for cancer. It cuts off the tellurides off all cells, normal and cancer alike. Thirty to sixty days after treatment the patient is dead. Their bodies can no longer replace dying cells. There was no way I was going to allow her to die that way even when she was willing to take the treatment. Her doc had a change of heart after I handed him the data only found in England about exactly what that chemical does. Maybe it was the promise of facing me afterward? I loved her with all my heart and soul. There isn't a day that goes by I don't shed some more tears. I believe with all my heart she didn't have to die but she believed in doctors.

Joe @$#^$& was a local radio announcer-disk jockey diagnosed with terminal cancer. His docs told him his only hope was chemo and radiation. His response is still priceless. He told them to go to Hell. If he died it wasn't going to be because of their quackery. I'm still not sure of his idea of a cancer cure but he made it. He came home and started drinking a quart of carrot juice everyday. More than I could handle I'm sure. I'm not recommending it as a cancer cure. Nine months later he went in for a checkup. Cancer couldn't be found. They claimed it was misdiagnoses the first time. This too is personal with me as I was in the health food store several times when his carrots were being juiced and was told by *&^%$ what it was for and who was drinking it.

I believe there are cures out there. I have a cabinet full of them I'd reach for and it isn't carrot juice. I'm not here to dissuade anyone from using the established medical profession .When told one's life is coming to an end, any life raft is quickly grabbed. One last thought though. Trillions have been spent by them on cancer cures and their success leaves a lot more questions than answers.

Back on track about the Big Companies and why I started this blog in the first place.
"Just INFURIATING: Fact-filled thread takes apart Google’s claim their algorithms are ‘autonomous and objective’ and WOW"

Piper, Erin, ladies, my sincere apology for this "rant" on your most beautiful story site which is for authors and readers and certainly not this. You are most welcome to delete although you certainly don't need my permission. Not my site.

For all the readers who I may have offended, no apology. I was born and raised all country working for virtually everything I ever had. That includes growing up as I spent every working hour feeding livestock, milking, sitting on a tractor, driving trucks, cats, chopping cotton, washing, cooking, among many other things, when I wasn't in school. At the time I envied the girls who got to go to parties, had pretty dresses. It took time and age for me to realize I was blessed more than any of them. I wouldn't change a thing if I could. I was loved by parents, family, friends, had a bed at night, and a meal, even if some of those meals consisted of cornbread in a glass of milk. Too many of the country kids didn't know a day they weren't hungry.

To all the amazing people I have met on this site. My heart and soul has been refreshed. Thank you for being you and accepting nothing less.

Hugs people, life is a gift. Don't waste it.


Cancer Cure

I read the part about the disk jockey, there is a cure for Cancer but pharmaceutical companies make too much money stuffing pills at us .The doctors are quacks and also make money on chemo which kill all cells including the good ones.

Very short reply. ;-)

1. Have you ever been in China? Hong-Kong? Taiwan? Yes, there are places that are not shown to foreigners in China, but in Hong-Kong... Do you know what is required of Hong-Kong resident to leave HK and go anywhere in the world? HK resident needs to come up to turnstile-like machine like you see now on many London Underground and Moscow Metro stations, hold their citizen ID card to proximity reader, like Oyster card in London or Troyka in Moscow... Walk out of "oppressive China". And in HK airport there are something like 100 of this machines to let people through. (And yes, in Beijing airport you need to go through passport control booth even if you have a connection to another international flight.)

2. Medicine... Always ask for alternative opinion (or what is the term?). If you are given some diagnosis other than "common cold, drink warm drinks, take 200 mg ibuprofen 4 times a day" - check with other professionals. It is not that expensive to even fly to other country. If you are not in the US - there is a very advanced medicine on Cuba and quite a nice way to spend vacation if everything turns out to be OK. If you were given diagnosis of "nothing to worry about" but symptoms persist for more than a week without obvious improvement - seek another opinion.
My friend's mother was diagnosed with the "big C". Friend organized a visit to another clinic. Where she was told something to the effect of "Why are you wasting our time? You have *** (something minor easily cured by over the counter drug). Take the course of this and use this ointment for a week. (grand total of $8 including taxes)". It happened almost 10 years ago. Said mother still kicking and will probably nag my friend to death :-)
Another case from another "era" some 30 years ago one guy was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given strong painkillers "to ease the suffering". 5 years later he had an episode while in another city. Was taken to hospital. Operated. Had big chunks of internal organs removed. He had some minor ailment close to become fatal. Then he had to go through rehab to kick painkiller habit. If he was diagnosed properly from the start he could have being cured by couple of months of dieting and a course of the over the counter medicine (that is routinely used by people after overeating or in cases of minor "heartburn").
So... This could be some of the frequent reasons for miraculous C cures by carrot juice or homeopathy.
And there is an old anecdote... When young doctor comes to his father, old doctor, and says: "Father! I cured Mr Jones kidneys! You spent 35 years and was not able to! And I cured his kidneys in just a month!"
And father replies: "You cured Mr Jones kidneys? Those kidneys that paid for my wedding, paid for this house, paid for your tuition in the best private school, paid for your tuition in the medical school and for you postgrad education? And you cured those kidneys?!"
So every time you deal with medical professionals you have to keep in mind that you are their meal ticket.
Another thing - to the new doctor - relay your symptoms, pains and feelings. Never relay what other doctors said before hearing their diagnosis.
(just to keep a not very depressive mood: Veterinarian comes to the doctor with some illness. Doctor asks: "So what ails you? Any pains?" And veterinarian grumps: "It is cheating! Anybody can diagnose illness in this way!")

Couple of words on homeopathy. I heard many stories where homeopathy worked. Including about experiments on the lab rodents. But it never worked for me. And I would not recommend it to anyone for anything serious. On the other hand there is an industry of bio-active something that is now multi billion industry. And no sample of bio-active something ever had traces of advertised active ingredient but many samples contained only common grasses found in the typical US backyard. In the same way I heard stories where remedies advertised as "homeopathic" contained paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin or other known to be quite effective ingredients. Up to and including controlled and banned substances that can get you a nice jail time for possession.

"Health food" or "organic food"... Don't get me started. (Especially "organic"... Is it as opposed to the "mineral"? I know of only two food items that could be considered "mineral" - water and salt.)
Just one fact: soy bean anything makes any supermarket food poisonous and very bad for you. But in "health food" store soy bean anything is good for you... and at least twice more expensive.

About "shadow ban" thing... There are officially more than billion of live active internet users. For any single possible "rare" interest there will be millions of users with the same interest. CD/TG people by some data constitute up to 5% of the human population. Just imagine having to keep track of 50 million friends. So major social networks and search engines have to somehow whittle down the numbers so that you don't have to actively interact with more than 1500 real people (which is about a limit of people you have a chance to remember a name of. And there is a storage space for something like 5000 faces in our brain).
Even mobile games have to do it and group people by their in game time, money spent, skill levels. As if you best score on something is 1000 but you have in your "clan" someone with the score of 2 million... You will lose interest and stop bringing money in. If you have score of 2 million and is grouped with people who have scores of 10-20K... You also will lose interest and stop bringing in your spare millions.
But... That whittling down and grouping by levels of anything that started as a way to keep the interest and the sanity of average internet user carries a great power. And great power will be abused sooner than later.
On the other hand I was shocked when I created throw-away account on one of the "social networks" from new "clean" device using e-mail account created for the purpose on another "clean device"... (AFAIK it is not possible anymore)... And out of first 20 that were offered as people to add as friends... There were at least 4 people I knew offline... Out of hundreds of millions of users... Some coincidence...

PS: Never wear tin-foil hat! It was tested by several independent groups and proven that wearing tin-foil hat increases levels of all radiations inside... ;-)
PPS: "Discrete following of the subject shown that subject has acute persecution mania and delusion of being followed".
PPPS: Having been diagnosed with paranoia does not mean that They are not out to get ya! (Ernest Hemingway was diagnosed with paranoia. But recently unclassified documents show that by the time of the diagnosis he was followed and watched by almost all of the major intelligence and counter intelligence agencies of the world.)

Ever see melanoma up close magnafied?

BarbieLee's picture

melanoma looks like thousands of little glass domes under magnification. Very pretty actually. It looked like a mole about pin head size. A month later it had grown to the size of a pencil eraser. Two months it was the size of a nickle. Very aggressive and frightening how rapidly it can grow. Sure as hell lost it's fascination as pretty.

I quit here and warn everyone homeopathy is NOT to be taken lightly. Many times the cure can kill just as quickly as the problem one is treating. This is one time I strongly suggest medical doctors for the treatment. This person in question didn't. Dear FDA, I categorically deny I had anything to do with the trial and error situation. That was eight years ago. She's well and healthy. Over fifty years of learning homeopathy and know absolutely nothing. One thing I do know is everyone's body chemistry is different no matter what med science claims. We are also killing ourselves eating processed foods as they have no nutritional value any more. One can get more by eating the grass in their yard. Ask why people are getting sick, dying at such an early age while we stop at the Get and Go for another taco or cheese burger, or open a can of green picked anything. Apples, plums, I dare anyone to remember when they bit into a juicy apple or plum that was so sweet it was a bite of heaven. Everything is green picked for shipping, packaging.

If one does the research on cancer cells they will learn cancer cells are not oxygen breathing like other cells. They are very ancient cells and immortal. They don't grow old and die. They use glucose and sucrose for their diet. Give that one some thought and the light might come on why they survive no matter what science hits them with. The way to treat cancer is to starve it to death. Maybe that is why Joe's carrot juice cure worked???? It will be a cold day in hell before I go to any doctor if I'm ever diagnosed with cancer or any other fatal disease. Keep in mind, a lot of people have died trying to ignore their doctor or find their own cure. People, please, if problems develop see your MD. I can't advise you. The FDA would have me tried, convicted, and in prison before the day was up.

It's your life, make the right decisions.
Life becomes really clear when looking at the end. It doesn't always have to be the end though.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Maybe that is why Joe's carrot juice cure worked?

No. Officially carrot juice is around 4% of sugar. Close to the most of the foods apart from alcohol, sugar cakes, candy and fruit juices. Still... 4% looks unbelievably low as all versions of carrot and carrot juice I tasted in my life were sweet. Typically I will not be able to feel 4% sugar as sweet. I am much more used to grouping with "sweet" foods with 60% of sugar or more. After some extensive training I can feel if there is more than 12% of sugar in wine. Still... It not about being sweet. It is more about different balance in sweet-salty-peppery-sour. Less than 10% of sugar? I can't feel it there... But freshly picked carrots are quite sweet to my taste.

My reasoning is about a bit different thing. I had seen around in the people I know or the people who are related to people I know many cases of misdiagnoses both ways. Cases of cancer that were diagnosed as something benign. But more often cases of cancer diagnosis where it was some benign tumor, or ulcer, or just some random pain you experience when you are 50+...
As of people dying... One of my friends was killed when we were 16. Just a random meeting with some local bullies... One guy I worked with suddenly died just that summer. About my age. No apparent reason. No off-time due to any illness. Just had not shown for work one day. Because he died that night...

A real short reply

I stopped using Facebook and Twitter after the Cambridge Analytica revelations. Guess what? Life still goes on.

My life has twice been saved by modern medicine from two very different cancers which, looking at the stats, would almost certainly have killed me if I’d had them 10-15 years previously.

Short messages are much more effective than long ones.