Blog About:
I don't know the exact title, but this story deals with a General who puts his son in a private school and he comes out as his daughter. It could have been a Military school? It could have been one of Nancy Cole's stories, and perhaps she reworked it?
At any rate, I have not found it and it is likely that I'm not getting the details right.
Could it be
There is another story I remember that has a picture at the top of the chapters with butterflies on that may fit, that I think the Father is a high ranking officer, but I can't remember the title or author
The General's Daughter by The Last Boy Scout
OMG!!! This is a lovely, mostly plausible, story that will have you near tears, and then laughing until you do shed tears. I don't know how I missed this when it was first published.
I still haven't remembered
I still haven't remembered the Title or the Author, mentioned earlier but the butterflies are over a road in the picture.
Nancy Cole has a story called The General and the Butterfly
Here is the link.
Here is the link to The General's Daughter by The Last Boy Scout. I've never heard of this story but I'm about to check it out.
awesome story
Although it was never finished :(
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Very Incomplete...
I see Nuuan got here first, while I was re-reading. Anyway:
The General's Daughter has a detailed, engaging and very well-written 40,000-word part one, followed by a 5000-word part two which was clearly intended to take us into another story arc -- except that it's now seven years later and it still hasn't been continued. C'est la vie, I guess.
And that's not the story that Gwen was looking for, which is very likely the Nancy Cole story, The General and the Butterfly, mentioned in previous comments. Trouble there is that only four chapters of it remain onsite (or anywhere else that I know of); it hadn't been finished but my recollection is that there were about ten when she posted it originally. (Which tallies with Gwen's comment that it may have been reworked.) Haven't been able to check the Wayback for it yet; for those so inclined, IIRC it was posted after September 2010 (since the original blog or intro referenced Lilith Langtree's Pixie D'Angelo, posted then) and this rewrite is from 2014. I've checked the H W Coyle publications on Amazon, and there's nothing resembling this being shown there.
The General and the Butterfly
This was a wonderfully well written and enjoyable story. I admit to being more than a little prejudiced since I spent the first 21 years of my life growing up as a military bratt and the next 24+ years as a military officer which included a tour as an aide to a Flag officer (General / Admiral). I loved this story so much I downloaded and saved it. I have the 10 chapters that Nancy completed. The last one was posted on 10 January 2013. It's a shame she never finished this story. If it is not a violation of any rules, MOU's, or anything illegal, I would be more than happy to share this story with Gwen.
Hugs, Sarah Ann