The Prophet Revised Chapter 6

The Prophet
by Jasmine Monica

Chapter 6
Edwyn has some serious questions for his mother about live, her religion and her devotion to him
and he makes a big mistake

Richard had spent a few hours that he could spare to spend some time with his son Edwyn this day. It was a few precious hours he could spare from the affairs of state that demand almost every waking minute he had.

Richard sword fought with his son and wrestled. He was amazed at the skills and strength of his seven-month-old boy. He watched him climb a wall almost totally on his own and sprint across the field with the soldiers. He picked up a sword, and they fought around and played with some of the other nobles boys. The only real issue Richard had was that his son insisted on wearing his sister's midnight blue gown and a boy tied In his hair. But Edwyn was only six months old, so it wasn't a big issue for the time. He would put a stop to all of this soon enough. Edwyn would become the greatest warrior for Mars that the world had ever seen, Richard thought with pride. Richard would see to it when the time came to begin his son's formal training. He would stop the dress-wearing and playing with his sister all of the time.

Ann couldn't have been prouder of her boy if she tried to be. There were times she felt overwhelmed, and she had got used to that feeling within the first week of her son's life, and that feeling never faded. It seemed when she got used to something, another world changing thing happened. She was certain that Edwyn was meant to change the world.

At the moment, Edwyn was in his sister's room wearing a flowing pink gown with a boy, and one of her pink tiaras on his head and they seemed to be talking some. Victoria had learned to speak a few years ago, and they were discussing horses and nature. Edwyn had learned to put some phrases together.

Ann had been in the other room dusting off the table when suddenly Victoria yelled loudly, “Moom, something is wrong, Edwyn is being weird, Moom.” Ann went to see what the issue was.

He was only eight months old at this time, and he was talking to Victoria, but his word sounded wrong. Actually, it was nearly incomprehensible gibberish, and Victoria was losing her patience and yelled, “Edwyn talk right. What are you saying!”

He repeated the phrase a few more times when it finally dawned on her. It was another impossible thing. She knelt down to Edwyn's level and looked at him, “Speak our language Edwyn, We know you love Victoria. I love her too. She doesn't know that language yet, but we will teach her when the time comes.”

“He is telling you he loves you, Victoria, in the language of the Goddess,” Ann said firmly. “You will be learning that language when the time comes.”

Then Victoria asked, annoyed, “Is Edwyn special, like those other weird kids.”

Ann said, “Edwyn is very special but not in the insulting way you are suggesting Victoria. He's faster and stronger than any kid years older than he is, he knows the language of the Goddess some time. None of know how these things are happening. There must be a reason, all we can do now is love him as much as he loves us.”

Edwyn said to Victoria, “I love you.” The two siblings hugged tightly. Then he turned toward Ann, and he said almost sadly, “I am a boy.”

“Yes, Edwyn.” Ann agreed, “why does that make you sad.”

“Withes are girls.” Replied Edwyn. “For the Goddess. But not a girl. Does she love me the same? Do you love me?”

Ann saw the conflict in him. “Edwyn, the Goddess loves boys and girls the same. She gives us different roles, but we are the same. And I love you both the same. You are just different.”

He seemed to go through all of that in his head then he turned to Victoria and smiled sweetly. “You will be the best witch in the world, Viki.”

Victoria was almost upset, but no one had even begun telling her about the religion, the Goddess, and witches except some of the bad stuff her father said. “I won't be a witch!” She yelled and almost cried. Edwyn looked very upset at his sisters change, and he wondered what he said that set her off.

Ann pulled Victoria into her arms. “Edwyn said nothing wrong, Viki. Witches aren't bad, and there's nothing wrong with them. We will make you the best witch.”

“I want to be a witch,” Edwyn said sadly. “But I'm a boy.” Edwyn said, very sadly.

“You don't have to be a witch Edwyn, you can be a man and still be good.”

Edwyn looked very confused. Ann saw that what she said did little to resolve the conflict within the boy's mind.

Edwyn kept talking about how he wanted to be a witch and thought he needed to be. And that being a boy made him very sad. Over a month later, Ann figured she had to resolve this conflict once and for all within her son. She invited her friend Celestia to help her resolve this issue within her son.

Both women were sitting in the drawing-room one morning after Richard took off.

Celestia had been appraised of the conflict within Edwyn, and she saw Edwyn using the language when he had trouble finding the proper word to use. That issue had largely been resolved.

Celestia shook her head after remembering the encounter she had with another boy witch. But that one had a very unpleasant history with her. She hoped that Edwyn wouldn't hate her, but she figured he would. Sarin told her that Edwyn had a connection with his memories and knew what she did. She figured this was not going to be pleasant.

Ann sat Edwyn down and asked him, “Edwyn, why do you want to be a witch?”

Ann saw Edwyn's mind racing, and then Edwyn replied, “I want you to love me.”

“I do love you, whether you are a witch or not.” Ann tried to assure the boy.

“But I am a boy, so how can you love me?” Edwyn whimpered sadly.

“Because You are my son, and I love you, Edwyn. Why would you think I wouldn't love you because you are a boy?” Ann asked her son.

“The Goddess wants girls to be strong. Not boys. I am a boy, but I want you to love me.” Edwyn said to her.

“The Goddess wants girls to control their lives,” Ann explained, looking down at her troubled son. “But that doesn't mean she doesn't love you, and it doesn't mean I don't love you, Edwyn.”

Celestia spoke up, “It's about equality, boys are in control and treat us mean, Edwyn. But we don't hate you.”

He gave her a withering glare. That glare told her all she needed to know. They have never met before, but this boy hated her with a seething passion. That look in the boy's eye told her that Edwyn knew all about her and had Sarin's visions. The question was did he understand any of what he was seeing. Edwyn asked the big question. “Do you wish I was a girl?”

“No, of course not,” Ann said to Edwyn.

“Would you love me more if I was a girl?” Edwyn said with an accusing tone in his tiny voice.

“No, of course not, Edwyn, why would you think such a thing,” Ann Answered, sternly.

Then he asked Celestia, “Do you wish I was a girl?”

Celestia shook her head.

Edwyn looked like he didn't believe it for a second.

“Mommy, do you want to make me into a girl?” Edwyn asked.

“No, and I don't know how we could make you a girl.” Ann said. “Edwyn, we love you if you are a boy or a girl. I love you all the same.”

Edwyn nearly cried. “I want you all to love me, but I think you don't. I see when I'm older, that you turn me into a girl, and you are very mean to me.” He whimpered and tears rolled down his face. Edwyn looked at Celestia. He turned to Ann, “you love me much more when I am a girl.”

Both women were bewildered. “Edwyn, where is this coming from?” Ann demanded. Celestia knew exactly where this was coming from. Only Edwyn had mistaken the visions he was seeing as Celestia doing this to him instead of Sarin. Of course, he never met Sarin in his life, and these visions were confusing to such a small boy. So how could he know this was another boy that She did these things to? He thought this was Celestia turning him. And how could she explain what he was really seeing?

“I see that you didn't love me as a boy, you had to turn me into a girl to love me. Why don't you love me because I am a boy?”

Ann said firmly, “Edwyn, we will never turn you into a girl. We love you as a boy. I don't know what is making you think these things, but they are bad. Understand I love you as a boy, Edwyn.”

Edwyn looked at Celestia waiting, and she said the same thing.

Edwyn was not convinced. “I see you both turning me into a girl when I am older. I see it happening later. You loved me more as a girl. Celestia is bad. She is very mean to me. You both wanted to make me a girl.”

“Edwyn is having visions of the future, Ann,” Celestia said, looking at her. Then Celestia lowered her head into Ann and said quietly. “He is seeing visions of another boy's future. This is a boy I just met and he is the one that I changed in his future. Some how, these two boys' minds have become linked, and Edwyn is seeing into this boy's future, and his past. Edwyn thinks I will do these things to him. I won't, and I won't turn Sarin either.”

“Why would I do something like that,” Then she turned down to Edwyn, “I won't ever do it to you. I love you so much, Edwyn.”

“I will make you love me as a boy, I don't want to be a girl, mommy. That would be so bad.”

“I won't ever do that,” Ann said, kissing his head.

“I will make sure you don't,” Edwyn said sweetly. “I will make you love me so much you would never want to hurt me.” And he held his mother so tightly. He turned to glare at Celestia.

Edwyn's little mind was in turmoil at the moment. He kept seeing these horrific visions of these women, turning him into a girl sometime in the distant future. He saw them treating him very cruelly, and no one really loved him. The only one that showed him any compassion during that was Ann, but even her kindness and love only went so far then. It didn't mean she didn't agree with it. He also saw a girl that he could only assume was Victoria treating him very cruelly. Except she was much larger, and so strong, and she also had some scar on her eye. This girl wore a crown. He could only guess this was Victoria

These visions were very clear in his mind. Edwyn knew they were visions of the future. He was much bigger than he was now. Why would they all turn on him so bad? All Edwyn could figure was that he must have done something horrible to hurt them all. Anyway, Edwyn knew it wasn't nice to blame them for things they didn't do yet, and they couldn't answer for things that would happen later. There was no way to resolve her questions. Ann asked him. All Edwyn could do was make sure they kept loving him, and if he had to wear dresses and be pretty for them, then he would keep doing that. He hoped they wouldn't change him into a girl later. Then there was the question of the Goddess. She loved him, so why would she do this to him? She was his actual mother

There were so many questions and no answers, it bewildered Edwyn, and he was only nine months old. He needed to learn more

What had happened to stop his mother and sister from loving him?

Two months later, Edwyn was over eleven months old now Ann's mind was still in a torrent of conflict when she awoke to see her young son sitting at the table in her room, holding one of her very old books of witchcraft. She got up and took the book from him. Ann said very sternly, “Edwyn, I told you not to touch my books. You aren't to touch them without my permission, do you understand?”

Edwyn began sniffling, knowing he had done wrong. He said, holding back tears, “I am very sorry, Mother. Please. I just want to look at them.”

She put the book out for him. “Let's look at it together. What were you looking at.”

Edwyn opened it to one of the main chapters and pointed.

There were no pictures there. Ann asked, “Edwyn, what are you looking at?”

He pointed to the words. “I am trying to understand it. I can't!” Edwyn said, frustrated. “I want to learn more, can you help me read?” Edwyn pleaded.

This was amazing. An eleven-month-old asking his mother to teach him to read. He had about mastered the language and could hold his own in most adult conversations the way Victoria only wished she could at three. Now he was wanting her to teach him to read her books. Ann laughed, “Son, I think these are too advanced for you. Let's find something simpler to learn to read first. We will work up.”

Ann found one of Victoria's beginner reading books that she was studying in school, and they began working with the letters and sounds. Edwyn picked it up rather quickly, and by the end of the lesson, he was able to sound out some of the basic words. They worked on the letters for a few more hours. Ann was going to find an experienced tutor to help teach Edwyn to read. Wouldnt she be shocked she was being hired to teach an eleven-month-old infant to read. Ann burst out laughing

This was going to be fun.

So Ann spent the next few days sending out inquiries for private reading tutors and found one of the best. The woman traveled to the city and met Ann. They went to the palace and sat down. Ann was holding Edwyn when the woman introduced herself. She never imagined she was being hired to teach that tiny boy that Ann was holding.

“Lady Cynthia, I am Queen Ann, and we met. Can you tell me a little bit about your experience.”

Cynthia went over her experience as a teacher and all of her students she had from teaching the various lords children to other monarchs kids. She had experience teaching all ages. “So you want to hire me to teach your kid. I can't imagine I am to teach the one you are holding. I can only assume you want me to help Victoria. What is she having trouble with.”

This was going to be funny, Ann said silently to herself. “She is perfect for her age range. No, I want you to teach Edwyn how to read.”

Cynthia looked insulted. “This is no joke, Ann. Be serious, he's nine months old.”

Ann put a children's reading book on the table and had Edwyn start slowly sounding the words and letters out. He spoke rather fluently for someone in their teens.

Cynthia seriously questioned her sanity, seeing an eleven-month-old began reading. Some of the words were correct, and he was struggling. If he was this advanced, then perhaps it was doable. Cynthia threw up her hands in defeat. “Okay then,” She said exasperated, “I’m being hired to teach an eleven-month-old infant to read.”

Ann laughed. “I taught him to walk at two months. So when can we get started?”

“As soon as I am ready. Let me get my stuff in one of the rooms, and we can get started.”

Cynthia took over one of the guest rooms in the palace, and Edwyn walked in. They got started. Cynthia was stunned at the progress Edwyn made with her. He was able to read full pages by the end of the lesson. Edwyn still made some errors, but the errors were less as time passed.

Cynthia sat there with Ann a week later, discussing the lessons. Annette said, “I don’t understand any of this. I can't imagine how you feel. But, my problem is that with Edwyn’s very rapid progress, we will pass these children's books within the month.”

Ann smiled, “Then we move on. He wanted to read this.” Ann put one of her large books on the table. “Edwyn was trying to read this.”

“He will probably get there within two months at this pace. Maybe three.”

Then Cynthia got to another serious question. “Does the fact that he wears that dress bother you, Ann?”

“It does a little,” Ann Cynthia. “He misses his sister now that she has started school. He loves wearing her dresses. They will have so much fun when she comes back this afternoon. They used to play all day long.”

“His father won't accept him wearing dresses much long,” Cynthia warned.

“I know, And Edwyn will be so upset. I think he will be okay.

Victoria came home a few hours after that discussion, and Edwy ran into her arms and gave her a big hug.

Edwyn and Victoria were prepared to play in the playroom some more, but first, He patiently let Victoria fix his pink hair bow, and Edwyn helped her with her bow in her hair. Then they began running around and playing the pillows in the room. Edwy was having fun leaping into the pile of pillows, and Victoria followed.

Edwyn and Victoria soon wore themselves out, and they were cuddled with each other. Edwyn sighed and said silently, “Why couldn't I have been a girl so they wouldn't stop loving me.”

Edwyn was confident that his family would stop loving him when he got older. He saw it all.

Edwyn was finally able to begin reading Ann's full-sized books around four months later, and he quickly began devouring them as fast as he could. He woke up in the morning and hit her full volumes of the history of their nation, the history of witchcraft and the Goddess, he even read about magic. Much of it was very interesting, and some of it was sad. He kept playing with his sister every afternoon when she came home, and he read at a furious pace. Ann began to wonder how he would do in his formal education.

One of Edwyn's big questions had been answered about a month ago. Edwyn took several more months to devour the rest of her library she had.

Edwyn was now almost two years old. His sister Victoria had already begun school. He walked in on his mother sitting at the dining table, and he looked up. Ann thought that Edwyn was about the size of a four to five-year-old now. “I know why you will have to turn me into a girl now, and I know why you will start hating me?” Edwyn said. “But, you never need to because I won't do anything against you all.”

“Edwyn I hoped that we would resolve this issue, I will never hate you. I will never turn you into a girl. Please, understand that.” Ann said, frustrated now.

“You are a witch,” Edwyn said. “You are devoted to the Goddess. So am I, but there's still that fact. There's also the fact that I am also the heir and a descendant of the first king that struck down the Goddess seven hundred years ago. He waged a war that almost exterminated your people and burnt all of the temples. Me being male will become a big problem for you all in the future, and you will want to turn me.” Edwyn said seriously. He had a distraught look in his eyes. “I would never turn on you people. I am as devoted to it all as you are. I will be devoted to my sister, victoria. I hope you understand that.”

Ann still couldn't quite grasp how her two-year-old son talked like an adult now. He fully understood these complicated subjects and devoured her library. “That was wasn't your doing, and we will never blame you for it. And we won't hate you for being that man's descendant. So is Victoria.”

“But she is a girl and will be a great witch. I will be a man.” Edwyn pointed out. “I will be a good man and a man that's devoted to the Goddess. I will defend your people and liberate your religion. Or Victoria will, and I will be behind her when she does.”

“I know you will, Edwyn.” Ann held her boy. Then he looked up.

Edwyn asked, “If I was a normal boy, who didn't know this stuff, and I was educated by the priests of Mars and believed all of their teachings about killing witches and male rule. You would feel less hesitation in hating me and wanting to turn me into a girl, wouldn't you?”

that was a difficult question, but Ann said, “Of course not, Edwyn.”

“I'm not so sure then,” Edwyn replied. “Luckily for us, that's not the case now.”

Then Edwyn added acidly, “I still think if that was the case that you could have still worked with me to teach me what I needed to know, so you wouldn't have had to destroy the boy.”

“Edwyn, That isn't the case now. I wish I knew what your visions keep showing you, but I can only assume that we made a huge mistake if we did that.”

Edwyn had been a perfect child for the past two years. He had endured his sister going to school and staying alone with his mother and her friends. He learned to satisfy himself and hitting his mother's books. He went outside and learned more.

But some times every child makes a horrible mistake and Edwyn was no exception. He was about to make the biggest mistake he had made up to this time. It would be unforgivable and have consequences he never imagined. His error would be inexcusable even if he had the best intentions.

He was alone with his almost-four-year-old sister Victoria. He knew what she was capable of, and he wanted to help her so much. They had been talking and playing around for a half of an hour when suddenly Edwyn had an idea.

“I have been studying a lot about the witches, and I read that every girl has a spark somewhere in her mind,” Edwyn told Victoria.

“A what?” Victoria said with a foggy look.

“A spark in her mind somewhere around the back. Some girls can physically feel its presence while most girls only feel it within her mind. I was wondering if you ever felt the spark yet?”

“No,” Victoria said. “I know its there, but I can't touch it yet. Mom and I talked about it, and I will soon learn.”

A mischievous smirk spread across his face. “It's called the ritual of feminine force. That's the ritual they do to unleash it.”

“Edwyn, why are you learning all of this?” Victoria asked, annoyed. “You are a boy, and you aren't supposed to know all of this about feminine ways. You aren't even supposed to care.”

“I do care. I want you to be a great witch, the greatest ever. Do you want to be powerful?”

“Yes,” Victoria replied. “But mom says I have to wait.”

“You shouldn't have to,” Edwyn said, smirking some more. “You have it there, and I think I can show you how. Let's do it, it is your right, Victoria. You are a girl, and this is your right.”

Then Victoria asked, “How can you help me?”

“I know the ritual, and I know the words. Do you want to do it?” Edwyn asked, hoping.

“Sure,” Victoria shrugged. She guessed he was just fooling her, or he thought he knew. She was curious, regardless.

So Edwyn slowly repeated the phrases to the ritual and led her through each one. They focused on some of the difficult parts working on the proper pronunciation and inflections of the words. They finally worked through it. Then Victoria asked what it meant.

They worked through the meaning. It was vital for Victoria to know what she was saying, it only worked if the one repeating the phrases was serious.

“It says, I am ferocious, I am powerful, I refuse to submit to men. I am a leader, I am a powerful female, and I will follow the will of the goddess. I am the will be the embodiment of feminine power I was meant to be.” Edwyn said. “Or something like that. Are you ready to do it, let's activate your spark and make you a true witch.”

They ran through the ritual a few times. Then Edwyn said, “You must be serious with it. Really reach into yourself, say those phrases with meaning, and grab your power.”

It started softly at first as Edwyn and her were dancing to the tune of the phrases. They were making a circle like pattern. The intensity of their chanting increased with each circle they made around each other, chanting, and dancing. Getting stronger and louder each time. Victoria was enjoying this so much. And she felt the spark within her growing. It was right there, begging her. It was an enormous reservoir of power, of light wanting and begging her. Then it came, and she became one with the power.

Her entire body erupted with the golden power coursing and running through her body. Her fingertips sparked, her hair blazed and poped with the power. It was beautiful, and Edwyn was so happy. They chanted and sung louder and louder.

Ann heard it all and became very alarmed. She listened to the phrases her children were singing and knew precisely what it was. She went running down the steps to see her children dancing and chanting the ritual of feminine power. This was totally unacceptable. Her daughter was glowing from the power. She yelled, “Stop.”

Her power had sparked on Edwyn and set the pink gown he was wearing on fire. Ann called out louder, “All of you stop this instant.”

The two children stopped, and Edwyn noticed his dress was on fire. Ann put it out, and then they knew she was furious.

“You aren't supposed to do this without an adult witch's supervision. You could have really been hurt. And its a mother's dream to see her daughter do the ritual. You cheated me out of that, Edwyn. We have these things in place for the girl's protection. You don't know all of this. There's a reason we have these rules in place. How dare you!” Ann scolded her son.

He looked distraught and began crying. “I am sorry, mother. I wanted to help Victoria so much. She deserves to be the greatest witch of all.”

Ann replied, “But you aren't a witch or a teacher. You can't guide her on her journey. That's the professors and the teachers at the school's job. You could have got her hurt. Now she knows this power, but she has no instructions on how to control it. We are supposed to prepare the girls with those instructions first. Edwyn, this was very irresponsible. We will discuss this later, now go to your room!” Ann yelled as Edwyn went wailing into his room.

Now it was vital to get Victoria into the school.

Something extraordinary was happening to Edwyn as he was singing with Victoria. She felt hers. He swore there was something within him to preparing itself. He was only two, but he felt something, and his hair was starting to spark like Victoria’s. He was a boy, so this shouldn't be possible. How did he have the feminine power? Perhaps Edwyn was just imagining, and his connection to his sister. That's all it was

Wasn’t it?

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