Posting late that is.
I blame a) changing the clocks, b) the weather and c) memory like a thing with holes in? and not necessarily in that order!
They are kind of connected so for example, today I woke up well into daylight so I didn't leave for my ride quite as early as I might've which meant I got back later etc, etc. But of course I wouldn't of been out riding today if yesterdays weather had been different.
So what have I been up to? Well Thursday, my mums birthday and All Hallow's Eve I did a short ride out to see the Stone Circles at Stanton Drew a few miles to the south of here. It was a damp, miserable day but enjoyable nonetheless. Today has been a bit more adventuresome, a trip across into Wales (just) to visit Chepstow Castle and then Tintern Abbey before returning via the edge of the Forest of Dean back to the Severn / Wye bridges. It looks like i'll be making a few trips across in the next few weeks, there's quite a lot to see within day ride range - but I do need to get up earlier!
That's bike rides, I've survived Halloween again, no zombies, witches or ghouls in these parts! And of course we are into a third night of free firework displays to celebrate the failure of a man of York to blow up Parliament, only the British would celebrate such a failure for nigh on 400 years!
Then of course yesterday was spent working on getting the 3rd edition of the first Gaby book ready for publication - not made any easier by only having a quirky laptop to work on. Its part of a much bigger project to re-edit and publish all my published scribbles, its a big job but one that I think is worth doing.
Back to today then, yes there is a new Gaby chapter, Extra, Extra asks as many questions as it gives answers - I hope you enjoy it.
The third edition
Cool. Is it just mostly grammar and spelling fixes or are there bigger changes?
I do so love the Gaby books.
Mostly grammar and punctuation although there are a few additions/deletions that I hope improve flow and define speakers better.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Gunpowder Plot
I don't know why Guy Fawkes gets all of the notoriety. Robert Catesby was the leader of the plotters, and he was from Warwickshire. Fawkes was just the sap discovered guarding the 36 barrels of gunpowder.