Getting to be a habit!

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Posting late that is.

I blame a) changing the clocks, b) the weather and c) memory like a thing with holes in? and not necessarily in that order!

They are kind of connected so for example, today I woke up well into daylight so I didn't leave for my ride quite as early as I might've which meant I got back later etc, etc. But of course I wouldn't of been out riding today if yesterdays weather had been different.

So what have I been up to? Well Thursday, my mums birthday and All Hallow's Eve I did a short ride out to see the Stone Circles at Stanton Drew a few miles to the south of here. It was a damp, miserable day but enjoyable nonetheless. Today has been a bit more adventuresome, a trip across into Wales (just) to visit Chepstow Castle and then Tintern Abbey before returning via the edge of the Forest of Dean back to the Severn / Wye bridges. It looks like i'll be making a few trips across in the next few weeks, there's quite a lot to see within day ride range - but I do need to get up earlier!

That's bike rides, I've survived Halloween again, no zombies, witches or ghouls in these parts! And of course we are into a third night of free firework displays to celebrate the failure of a man of York to blow up Parliament, only the British would celebrate such a failure for nigh on 400 years!

Then of course yesterday was spent working on getting the 3rd edition of the first Gaby book ready for publication - not made any easier by only having a quirky laptop to work on. Its part of a much bigger project to re-edit and publish all my published scribbles, its a big job but one that I think is worth doing.


Back to today then, yes there is a new Gaby chapter, Extra, Extra asks as many questions as it gives answers - I hope you enjoy it.


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